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tv   Third Rail  Al Jazeera  September 12, 2015 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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..what a day th^ below..what a father and daughter alone with their thoughts. they came so far, herded from one place to the next. like the others, bedded down for the night. it's the uncertainty that hurts nearly as much as the bruises and sores. sometimes unhurtful. we will die in the sea. in the road, in the street. when you are without anything. >> if all goes well, in is is the day their painful odyssey will end, in germany. but if you are a refugee, this is the only way to board a train in budapest. it's the strongest who make the
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most headway. without help, the youngest are in danger of being crushed. the police have orders to let through enough people to fill a carriage of each train. this man and his daughter waited eight hours to get to this point. they make it. on the move again - destination germany. how is your dad now? >> he's tired. i just want to make him feel like i'm strong. and make him strong when he sees that i am happy. that i am happy. >> reporter: the last person to join the group was this young man, he was separated from friends in a detention center. he showed video of a camp and said he had no means of leaving
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this room. >> they didn't let us to speak, to make a call, to do anything. >> reporter: he is under 18, and classed as a child. he's grown up on this trip. >> it was cruel. and i feel - i miss my father and my mother. >> every one of these carriages is filled with accounts of tragedy. as the train hurdles through the countryside, the atmosphere is not necessarily one of joy and elation. there's a sombre realisation of the people and places left behind. but they are going to safety. >> ultimately they hope to settle in sweden. she wants to complete her university studies and return to her homeland as a medic.
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>> i'd come back to syria and make everything for people for children for syria, for free syria, of course. >> please look after the syrian people. >> how do you feel about leaving syria? are you sad? >> arriving in munich, he's composed again. germany is offering more of a welcome than anywhere else. this colossal mass movement and its suffering is shaking some of the complacency of western europe. at the same time it's polarizing opinion in some communities. they try to disguise doubts. >> everything will be what i want. >> reporter: always the opposite. abir was elated. now, the numbers are
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extraordinary. more than 40,000 refugees have gone along the platform in the past six days. they are expecting something like 40,000 again this weekend. but the closure of austrian services to hungary may affect that. 1,650 refugees arrived in munich seat morning. couple this with the political fighting. the pressure there, and this is a pictures that gets more dramatic by the day. the austrian chancellor accusing mr orban of irresponsibility saying that he had irpossible actions in describing all the refugees as migrants. all for over 3 billion to be sent to the neighbouring
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countries. including to bolster their humanitarian relations to stop the refugees coming to europe. >> andrew simmonds in buddha post. most are registering as refugees. even those are struggling to cope. turkey has the largest number, hosting close to 2 million. more than a million are in lebanon, many in cramped camps. jordan, iraq and egypt have refugees in the hundreds of thousands. jamal is in a refugee camp. how are they dealing with the influx? >> well, it's a good question. this is the second time i visited this place. i'm struggling to comprehend how
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people are coping for the months. over here, this is essentially a waste pipe, the drainage system they have. the state of hygiene in the camps, and how the kids here are raised essentially in these conditions. we can walk here maybe to one of what they call homes, but essentially you have several families in the places which are essentially pieces of wood that are tied together and the roof and walls are made of some sort of plastic material or any form of banners that they can get. for a second, if he think about how the situation in the winter, when it snows, temperatures get to zero degrees celsius, and the
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projection it gives them. to give a wider picture there's aerial foot oij. and how this falls in line with the quota or number of refugees that the european countries are taking. if britain say it will take 20,000 in this one place, there's 10,000 people in these places, if you see the aerial shots, you'll see that they are cramped together in tiny tents, that have no sanitation or water. >> they steal power from electricity. so if one country is willing to take 20,000, there's so many more. there's more than a million refugees that have been here. that number is only increasing incredible looking at the pictures, the extent. how many are there?
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how do the lebanese feel about the situation that keeps on getting worse. how much support is it for looking after the peep. it's mixed feelings here. there is humanitarian empathy that any decent mp feels towards those. those fleeing teeth and destruction. at the same time they are not the most developed country. electricity cuts off for up to 12 hours a day. they had their own crisis where the government is incapable of cleaning the streets. so the added burden of a million refugees. there's several hundred thousands calling lebanon home. it added a burden on to the states. it's causing a big problem. and that is what is causing a lot of lebanese to get impatient.
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to sum up, a lot here are saying if the world doesn't want to see people drawn at sea, the united nations told us it has only seen 30% of the money it needs to serve syrian refugees, and that is a real challenge here. >> some of the more prosperous counties in the middle east have been criticized for not doing enough for syrians fleeing the conflict. the u.n. says the six countries have barely taken in refugees since the conflict began. the gulf you gulf states say they are home to hundreds of thousands of syrians, they don't have refugee status. saudi arabia says it received more than 2 million syrians, and saudi arabia says it has provide $700 million in aid to the syrian people. and continues to help refugees
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stranded in camps in jordan and lebanon. jamal is a saudi writer and columnist and joins us live from jeddah. good to have you with us on the show. what is the reality here? how much is saudi arabia taking in? >> the reality is if saudi arabia arrested every syrian na arrived when the crisis began, there would be tens of thousands, up to a million. my calculation was 500. that's what i heard from sources. this is a serious number. sued is helping in the refugee camps, and they do not want to be refugees. the ones in saudi arabia. they are with fabulous, finding their way to work. our economy, our business
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infrastructure cannot absorb more refugees or syrians. >> the money is there to help refugees if needed. >> yes, of course. >> how do they make the journey to saudi arabia. how do they get there? >> most of them come on visiting visas, they have relatives. the relatives of life, and they often overstay. saudi arabia do not send them back. it allows them to stay even though they stay illegally in saudi arabia. it allows them to go to schools, hospitals, and a couple of days ago they issued a permit for syrians that overstayed in saudi arabia. they can work. when it comes to refugees in the
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country are certain refugees allowed to come, and others turned away at the border, possibly? >> no, they are allowed to come. but no refugees are coming to the shores of jeddah or across the water to saudi arabia. the same ones who are coming to you. the same status. if some come across the border or to the shore on this boat. they will receive them. they chose to go to europe. they are losing hope with the situation. >> this is a reality that they wanted here. that they may not get the residency status is there a feeling they should take more. >> with the syrian stay in the camp or a handgun. if they lose hope while he was
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thinking he'd go back to his home. now they are looking for a permanent solution. they want to go to europe to settle. you have syrians in damascus. because of the situation inside. it's a matter of hope. we need to solve the situation. >> how will that be solved. if, as you say so many are on your soil. what will be done to put a stop to it. >> it is to bring peace to syria. the help. there has to be an intervention to put an end to the regime and give the syrian a hope that they will construct a diverse government allowing everyone back in. >> thanks for your time.
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>> there are thousands of afghans among the refugees and migrants making their way across europe. getting away from daily violence and high unemployment. sometimes it includes paying thousands to smugglers, getting them out over land and by air. >> this is the first step on the road out of afghanistan, the passport office. numbers showing desperation brought on by security and a poorer economy. >> there's no security. there's suicide attacks and bombing. what kind of situation is it. >> there's nothing here. >> getting a passport is the beginning. it's getting a visa to travel that's a big challenge. the most desperate turning to men like this, a people smuggler who says business is booming. recent high-profile attacks in
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kabul, 60 afghans in august sent client gems rocketing. they were sending 10-15 people a month. now it's 10 times that. it is not cheap. >> people with money choose to go and spend 26,000. if they go by road, it's $9,000, a cheaper way. if they are willing to go all the way from kabul to germany, it costs $6,500 to $7,000. >> the mainland goes from the iranian border to turkey, turkey to bulgaria and depending where the smuggler's police contacts are, from romania, serbia and austria. the refugees make their own way. the smuggler doesn't offer a sea route. the land roof is not safe
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either. >> translation: recently young boys, 12-14, were shot and killed by police on the border between iran and turkey. >> they were not his giant. the people are so desperate. they don't care. they process a few months ago. now it can take a month or more. >> they are getting passports for the family, 13 in all. it's not just terrible security driving afghans out. >> booem don't have jobs. young want to leave. there's no work or job. everyone is getting passport. he says he's not sure how his family will travel. they plan to go to europe any way they can. >> let's take a look at the quota proposal put forward by
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the president jean-claude juncker. they have until next week to take in 160,000 asylum seekers under binding quotas. how many accepts depends on the wealth, population and unemployment. germany which hosts the largest number of refugees has backed the idea, as has sweden, taking in the highest number of refugees. the czech republic, sof abbingia, poland and romania oppose the kum pulsery system. as does hungary. under the plan. countries refusing to take in refugees could face penalties, and in frankfurt we have carl. the director of european affairs at pro-i.s.i.l. and independent human rights organizations. other than quotas, there's no
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unity, is there? >> there's no unity. it's a mess. the whole concept of europe is at stake at the moment, during the refugee crisis. they tried to ignore the crisis. now they are coming to germany, and what we need are safe and legal ways for refugees from outside europe. to europe that could award the routes, the boat roots and so mon. and a fair system in europe. we don't have the european refugee policy. >> ex-extraordinary. countries have no reception conditions in the south. they are camp structured countries like germany, at the moment 40,000 rev knees would
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arriving. you can imagine. they need moral. >> what do you think needs to be done to assimilate them. so they feel part of germany, and germans are comfortable about them being in the country? >> it's a challenge. it's like this. that europe will change in a short period in germany. this is the challenge to create a well structure. and to welcome them at the main station, but to create a welcome structure to create a social inclusion of this new arrived refugees, interaection. we'd have more than 200,000 outside the whole refugee
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population. we have to give them a chance from day on. to be part of the society. this is challenging, but amazing. >> the world is changing dramatically. you were talking about germany, sweden, countries that are doing so much. clamping down more and more. what should be done to countries like hungary. how can they change? >> not how can they change, that could be a long answer. what can be done to keep them in line? >> no, it's an historical mission. we need a coalition of the willing, countries that are ready to accept refugees like germany, like austria, france and others, and create more protection space. we have to bring hungary and other countries in line with
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war. we have to punish them. it's not acceptable to create new fences or to create a race system. >> i'll have to stop you there. we have run out of time the refugee crisis has been going on. it was the death of a syrian boy. we have more on the impact of that one picture which changed everything. images have a long-held ability to change our thinking. they are more confronting than words, more real. so was this image of 3-year-old syrian boy, which became the latest to prick the world's conscience. his death happened at the time of social media where images are shared, and this time the impact was greater. but should the mainstream media publish it. many didn't.
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some opted for an alternative image. but the reality was millions around the world had seen the image online. there was no ignoring it. by next morning, look at the newspaper front pages, these are from the u.k. there is absolutely no ignoring the boy or the refugees crisis as a whole. any longer. >> and the socially connected world. perhaps the most prominent of locations where people were invited to remember him. there was a sponsorship page linked to the website. it ha raised £53,000 or 80,000 for a charity which benefitted syrian children. the strength of such an image could be remembered. there were stark reminders, how
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there are countless others like this little boy not remembered in the same way. there'll be others the online world doesn't recognise. but in this case the photo will be remembered as the one that forced europe and the world into action you've been watching a news special from al jazeera on the refugee crisis which keeps on growing. you see the numbers on the streets of london, people that want the government to do more. you can keep up to date with all the news, by logging on to the website stay with us. "my nigeria" is next. i'm phil torrez, here to talk about innovations that are going to change lives.
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we're testing the intersection of hardware and humanity. rax is a neuroscientist. she has the invocation of bamboo and carbon. mar inkta davidson is a biologist specializing in ecologist and evolution. and i'm phil torrez. i'm an entomologist. but i'm over america for a very bad ride. how bad is our air? that's our team. now let's do some science. >> hi guys welcome back to another week of techknow where
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we're going to show you some pretty fun innovations in science. i'm here with marita and rachelle. hi, nasa seekers mission, this is a gc-8, loaded with millions of dollars of equipment measuring the air as we're flying through the gulf. it was a pretty incredible experience. let's take a look. ists 7:30 in the morning and -- it's 7:30 in the morning. and hangar 9 is buzzing with excitement. >> any last questions about what we're going to be doing today? save jet. >> from a distance our plane looks like any other.
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but close up you can see it's anything but. i'm minutes away from boarding this plain with nasa experimentalists. it is a nasa gc-8, trying to measure the pollution and the atmosphere. it's a three pronged attack. the signs of the tc 8, after the u 2 spy plane. the er 2 application is a sight to see. everything about it has the feeling of a flight to space. the men who fly the plane undergo special training and wear a pressurized flight soot. several weather probes collect the information and beam it back to earth. >> seated, door closed. >> the men and women are learning more about climate change and the role humans play in it. >> ready for taxi. >> airport bound.
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>> it's 9:00 a.m., everyone's seated and it's wheels up. on board, it's like a candy shop of technology inside this flying laboratory. they've got all the high tech tools from lasers to spectrometers and canisters and gases everything to measure the chemistry in the sky. the man at the center of it all, mission director walt kline. why is this mission so important? >> because if we don't do anything about it we're just going to continue on wrecking air. the job of the plain is to conduct the symphony of the science. making sure the scientists are getting what they need, when they want it, how they want it and making sure they get it safely.
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>> each station, take different readings. the is mission is called seachrs. >> are exposing only the colors of the radar to them. >> on the ground, dozens of scientists monitor the flights in mission control. they can track the flight path through radar. jasmine velapich. >> almost no other plane is capable of reaching high altitudes. we have remote sensors that allow us to look at the chem composition of the atmosphere, the outfloor of convective activity. we're also interested in looking at the effects of hurricanes. >> even higher up in space a fleet of formation satellites pass over where the planes fly.
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just took off an hour ago, the scientists went right to work. all sorts of instruments that are doing some really incredible science. wee have several missions for today. one of the few things we're doing is flying over the gulf of mexico, testing the confection of the clouds and the pollution. >> another thing that makes this different: the passengers are in charge. >> we'd like to go to the west of it. >> they tell the crew where they want to do and at what altitude. sometimes going over the same area several times. >> we can repeatedly fly over it manually and really, really get to know on a micro-level over a broader area of ground what's happening. >> we're flying right into clouds and storms. it's a bumpy ride with lots of turbulence. >> everyone grab their seats for
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the next few minutes. but there's little puffy clouds around it, it would be great to fly through those. >> the first person to catch our attention is principal investigator jack dibb and he means business. he runs back and fort on his station like a madman. >> it is a especially designed inlet where it's got a small hole that expands to come through the wall of the airplane. >> what are you collecting in there? >> we're collecting any particle that is bigger than about 5 microns. we are measuring the ions that are in those particles,. >> dibb doesn't like what he's finding. >> the results that you guys get does it make you concerned about the future of our climate? >> i'm not hugely optimistic. >> more from dibb's findings later and some of his answers
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may change your thinking. the seachrs mission flies three times a week and so does many of the experimentalists. the flight is not for everyone. the flight continues. >> gets bumpy. >> i even hit my head when i was trying to get back to my seat. >> there are things that are occurring in the air that you just can't see. we dropped like a rock and then you experience zero gs. >> you know what? people is iting down. >> two hours into the mission we're currently flying at just 300 feet over the gulf of mexico. at this height we can fly directly over ships and oil rigs to measure the emissions they put on the atmosphere. >> probably the most important
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part of this mission is dio laser. sayd is mail. this measures gases and gets immediate results. >> take a closer look. purple is the lowest intensity and then it gradual increase of -- gradually increases. red is the highest intensity. we are experiencing even more turbulence and i'm noticing these machines produce lots of heat and as you can see it's nearly 90° in the cabin. nickola blake's station is in the middle of the plane. she willship her samples back to the lab. >> what are we doing with the atmosphere? >> we are using it like a trash
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can. >> why are you so pessimistic. >> wow, it looks like you guys hit a ton of turbulence and got bounced around quite a built. >> yes, there was quite a bit of turbulence. where there are storm clouds which is why we -- what we are chasing, there is turbulence. we would hit them from 35 feet to 35,000 feet. >> was it worth hitting your head for? >> i would say it was, from what i remember. it's nice to see science with a little edge to us. what you guys saw us doing is targeting on the gulf and the second part of the mission it was about fracking. >> join the conversation by following us on twitter.
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>> ♪ >> welcome back guys. now, what we've seen so far was flying over the gulf getting a lot of really interesting storm cloud data but what's coming up next is we're targeting fracking and doing a little analysis to see what these guys are finding. take a look. >> pitch porpoise and roll for the ms maneuvers. >> okay, i'd like everybody in their seats right now. looks a little bumpy right here. >> we got five hours into today seachrs mission and about 5,000
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feet. >> next we're going to head over texas, measuring the methane levels over the fracking fields. >> he gets the measurement of what's over these fields. >> now we're over a fracking field in texas and right here you can see a really good spike of no 2. >> he looks at the production of ozone. >> why do we need to study fracking more? >> it's still unknown how much greenhouse gases and other gases are being emitted by the fracking fields. >> why is it important to understand the fracking emissions? >> they can contribute to then greenhouse gases, there are studies in the utah and colorado basins. because they are seeing ozone exceedences, we think because of the fracking fields. >> this is the video from the
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plane's nose cone when it flew over the sierra nevada fields last year. >> the for mald made levels were astronomical. >> you wouldn't want to breathe the air? >> not for very long. it is really bad, serious pollutant. >> jack dibb rmings collects samples during the seachrs mission. today was different. >> the filters were dark brown. they were easily coded, filthy, there is a lot of organic aerosols. black carbon on the surface is going to contribute to climate change warming. >> on the scale of 1 to 10, 1 being perfect air, 10 being horl horrible, how bad was it? >> the air quality on the rim fire was way higher than probably any urban pollution
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anywhere on the planet. >> is that a 3 or 4? >> on a scale of 1 is terrible it would be a minus 2 or 3. anybody breathing that air would probably have reduced life expectancy. a slew of carcinogens. >> the research on this mission will help us understand the atmosphere better and hopefully find ways to keep it cleaner. >> next we'll be testing the confection of the clouds. we'll be flying in a slow vor texas up to 40,000 feet in order to measure how those emissions vary at different heights. >> the results don't always come quickly. >> what are you finding in there? >> hydrocarbon, methane, ethane, benzene toluene. even if we stop make methane today, we would still have a lot
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of methane. >> contributing to making the temperatures hotter? >> yes, yes, changing the composition of the atmosphere as well. >> sayd ismail. >> historically is very high. the rate of change is unprecedented. >> why should we care about the levels of co2? >> we are seeing the indication of the forming of the melting of the polar ice caps is one indicator. and figures from now to compared to 20 years ago are slightly higher. >> jack dibb has some eye opening opinions. >> i don't have a rosy outlook on what the state of the world is going to be in 50 or 100 years. there's going to be some progress but i'm not terribly optimistic. >> why are you so pessimistic?
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>> countries like the u.s. we are potent emitters and not doing much to reduce them. >> dibb says things could get worst. >> these things you read while flying? >> you definitely see stuff coming from asia, coming halfway across from the u.s. or sometimes halfway across. >> back in the air, after about eight hours of one of the most harrowing flights i've ever been on. the er-2 landing is pretty exciting. >> we're in a chase car as the er 2 gets ready to touchdown. >> access to charlie, 1-7 right for recovery. heavy left wing. >> the chase car is in constant contact with the pilot helping him keep his balance
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. once the plane stops, the pilot gets out and it's back to the hangar to prep for the next flight. >> welcome back, man. >> thanks. >> it seemed to me that a lot of what the scientists were saying was projecting some pretty gloomy scenarios for the future. >> grim, even. >> yes. a lot of these guys weren't too optimistic and i think it's probably because they're the ones seeing these results. they're the ones coming up with these analysis he and saying we're not oon a very good path now. they're not seeing the regulations being formed or the policies changing to improve our scenario. >> maybe that's just the kind of message we need, though, if the situation is really that dire. >> yeah. you know they showed some areas that were improving. for instance, things like greenhouse gases. acid rain was much better than it was 20 years ago.
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there are good things out there but so much work to be done. really it's up to the united states to set a good examples. other countries are setting protocols, that they're not living up to. i think the way to counteract this is a green solution. now, michelle, you went to alabama to look at another solution. >> i was in greensboro, alabama, and people were down on their luck but trying to turn it around by using a weed growing in their backyard. >> every saturday night. >> i lived that character. >> go one on one with america's movers and shakers. >> we will be able to see change. >> gripping... inspiring... entertaining. no topic off limits. >> 'cause i'm like, "dad, there are hookers in this house".
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>> exclusive conversations you won't find anywhere else. >> these are very vivid, human stories. >> if you have an agenda with people, you sometimes don't see the truth. >> "talk to al jazeera". saturday, 6:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america. >> i've been asked to keep my voice down cause we are so close to the isil position >> who is in charge, and are they going to be held to accout? >> but know we're following the research team into the fire >> they're learning how to practice democracy... >> ...just seen tear gas being thrown... >> ...glad sombody care about us man... >> several human workers were kidnapped... >> this is what's left of the hospital >> is a crime that's under reported... >> what do you think... >> we're making history right now... >> al jazeera america ♪ ♪ >> hi guys, welcome back to
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techknow. i'm phil torrez. i'm here with marita and rachelle. you went to alabama. >> i did go to alabama, i got to see how the town is using bamboo to revitalize and pull itself up by its boot straps. >> let's check it out. >> deep in the heart of rural alabama. the once thriving town of greensboro is struggling for survival. a quarter of the population lives below the poverty line. work is scarce. the catfish capital is fighting to keep its head above water. >> what was the economy like when you got here? >> about 75% of all the shops in shut down. >> but there's one thing they have plenty of. >> we have a lot of bamboo. if you have a lot of bamboo you have got to have a product to make out of it. >> pam door a big city clothing designers chucked that to become
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a one woman stimulus plan for greensboro, running the hero foundation and she tapped into the town's unwanted resource to do it. bamboo bicycles aren't exactly a new idea. they've been around since the first one was introduced back in 1894. and now they're really gaining popularity in small bike shops a lot like this one. but none of them are like the ones you find here at hero bike shop and that's thanks to an industrial designer who took the time to get his hands dirty and develop a new innovative design. like walking through the woods. >> it is. >> university of kansas professor where lance rake knew he could turn the local nuisance
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into a groundbreaking set of wheels. >> why did we choose this one. >> because it's big enough. we want something with a big diameter, green, maybe three years old seems like the strongest so this is perfect. but it cuts pretty easily. bamboo is just a grass. >> it's some grass. >> it's tougher than my saw right now. >> could i try? >> you might have better luck than i am. there you go. >> it ate the saw! all right timber! >> you got it? >> yep. >> so where are we headed next with the bamboo? >> it's only about three blocks. >> and this is how the supply chain moves at hero bikes. >> all right? turning left. >> for three weeks, professor rake and a group of students tinkered with prototype bamboo
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frames finally coming up with a mash-up hybrid called the semester. >> which part makes this completely innovative? >> i think the most innovative part is actually being able to make a composite with having carbon fiber with the bamboo. >> so walk me through what we have here. >> we take our bamboo and split it. and the outside we plane flat and cut angles on the sides. each one of these slats has a bevel on the side. now, to get the carbon fiber in it, we're using a carbon fiber sleeve. and this is just a piece of bicycle inner tube that's inside. we can put all this together with epoxy resin. the epoxy will hold all of this together. if we inflate the inner tube now, it's going to expand the
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carbon fiber to blow out the bamboo and make a very, very strong tube. it's a very low-tech way to get at a high-tech solution. >> it's elegant in its simplicity. >> thank you. next we have to pay attention to the thicknesses. >> did you have to consider the skill level of the people you were working with? >> yes, in a couple of different ways. i'm going to have to utilize people who are not bike builders. this is not a factory so much as a studio. >> did you have experience in building bikes? >> not anything more than riding and tinkering. >> what were your job prospects? >> it was pretty rough. this job has a chance for me to earn a good living. >> pie lab, another hero employment project. >> i was on the welfare program, i have a job now can pay my bills and take care of my kids.
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>> so it sounds like it really changed your life. >> yes, it worked the best. >> of course you can't do a bike story without a ride. >> here it is. >> thank you! >> yes, it's awesome! i can't believe how smooth this bike is! this is really cool! >> so what did you think? >> well, if you are not careful i'm going to steal it when you are not looking. >> full scale production cranks up the end of the year. the semester bike is about $850 and each bike sold means another job for someone in greensboro. >> what we would like to do is use what's here to create a better future. >> how does that make you feel? >> the thought of coming back here and see the shop filled up with people making these bikes, how rewarding is that?
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>> wow, so after seeing that, i really want a bamboo bike, and i figure a lot of other people probably do, too. how is it selling? >> if i had figured out how to get one on the plane i probably would have biked here today. >> you could always bike from alabama all the way to california. >> but people love them. >> and bikes are becoming a lot more trendy in a lot of big cities as it's kind of a way around this economy and avoid gas prices by having a cool bike. >> and avoid emissions. >> how about other than bikes? >> they are looking into furniture with that same hexagonal structure. >> i'm going to buy a bike. >> i'm right there behind you. >> we'll be back here next week with more innovation from the field on techknow. follow our expert contributors on twitter, facebook, google
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plus and more. >> announcer: this is al jazeera. hello, welcome to the newshour, i'm jane dutton live from doha. in the next 60 minutes - marching in support of refugees - thousands rally in london calling on the government to do more for the thousands seeking a safe haven. a crane collapses killing more than 100 people. >> we are delighted to declare jeremy corbyn elected as leader of the


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