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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  September 13, 2015 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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stay in business - we are in south africa where the future of the steal industry is in jeopardy. >> that's a rap.
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the awards are handed out at the film festival. we'll tell you who won the top prizes israeli police fought with palestinians at the aluxa ask -- alack sea mosque in jerusalem. they entered to arrest young palestinian stone throers. tear gas was fired, the confrontation hours before the start of the jewish new year. scott heidler has more from west jerusalem. >> reporter: in the early morning of al-aqsa mosque. clashes between palestinian youths that threw stones. tear gas and concussion grenades prop used. it glashes went on for a good amount of time. now we hear the compound has been cleared, and some glasses are going on throughout the city. this is something anticipated
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from both sides. the jewish new year begins on sunday. so it's a tense time. we are hearing that there were jewish activists waiting to go into the compound and that stoked a tense situation within the compound. now the police say they have control of the situation, there's minor clashes going on throughout the city, but right now we know that the compound, al-aqsa mosque has been cleared from those involved in this. obviously it's a tense time, and this holiday goes on for two days. tensions will be tight and security tight as well. >> mickey is a spokesman for israeli police, saying officers had no choice but to intervene. >> you can see in the footage that fireworks were fired from within side the al-aqsa mosque. which is considered to be a holy sight, was fired from within
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side at the police officers who were outside. our police officers, and that is the policy, to shut the front doors without entering in the al-aqsa mosque. but the police units control the area to make sure it's safe. and make sure it's within a closer area of the ball. there are hundreds praying on the other side. i'm talking about whether the area is necessary for the officers to intervene. the heightened security is a standard security measure due to the fact that we have the jewish festivals over the next couple of weeks and thousands were visiting the old city. this is not the first time there has been violence at the compound. it fell during jewel, and palestinians barricaded themselves in the mosque and threw stones at officers. in october violence erupted, they called for access to the
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site. they shot dead. there have been rallies, in major cities. in the pulls of refugees. in london tens of thousands marched to urge governments to do more. the protesters won borders to be open for syrians and others. there have been anti-immigration marches too. this was the scene in the polish capital. thousands gathered to protest against accepting refugees. the rally was organised by two far-right groups opposed to the government's plans to take in more refugees. >> i'm here, because i don't agree and we don't agree for europe and islamization of the poor. >> five syrian families granted asylum in uruguay want to go home, saying there's no future for them and they need to leave to find better jobs.
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we met them. >> they came from lebanon last year. five syrian families escaping war. the you're uruguayan government gave them asylum. now they want to leave. this woman's hugs bands died -- husband died. she said life here is not what they were expecting. >> translation: they promised us everywhere. there's no use to us here. everything is expensive. i work, it's not enough. >> 42 people from syria are here. they were given financial assistance now are for two years, a home and a promise of a better life. these people say live here is not what the government
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expected. >> even though the government gave the refugees a home. they have been spending time in the warehouse. they want to go from here to the air pompt >> reporter: the government provided them with i.d.s and travel document. not all recognise them and deny them entry. >> this woman was a farmer. this man was thankful for what he was given but is afraid of what will happen once the help ends i ask all the countries to give a living to my kids. >> reporter: the human rights secretary says uncertainty guess were expected. >> we believe that after two years people are ready to fly on their own. after that they get everything a uruguayan citizen gets.
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we can't give them more privileges than other people. it would generate a problem in their integration. all the while, they are ready to receive 74 refugees. what is happening with the families here, has raised concerns. another example, scpaeping conflicts is the beginning. obstacle the u.n. special envoy spent the past year meeting different sides in the conflaght. there is a general agreement that the general solution is the only way forward. the predes cess sore designed. they obtained a draft. calling for a ceasefire, negotiations will start.
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all sides have to agree not to use barrel bombs and weapons. the rage to reach a ceasefire. the government will be given a role. also it recommends a transitional phase leading to general elections under the u.n. supervision. the body was under the country. >> the arab foreign ministers are expected to submit a draft resolution. pushing for the dialogue. >> the government pulled out of the peace talks and said it won't negotiate with houthi rebels unless they withdrew from captured territory. the government is backed by the saudi-led forces. this latest hits a residential area. three died and four houses destroyed. u.n. says more than 2,000 yemenis have been killed since the coalition gee began in
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march. they deny targetting individual areas. >> i would like to reiterate that since the beginning of the operation in yemen, we had a list of objectives. we never had attacks in cities or targeted the infrastructure. i can assure you we are following the guidelines. our pilots are using technologies in order to avoid harming civilians. >> the saudry's king salman -- saudi's king salman promised to look at what caused a crane to collapse. the accident happened days before the hajj pilgrimage when millions from around the world visited the holy site. a car bomb killed two turkish police officers near a checkpoint in the south-east of a country. five police were injured in the blast. the bomb has been blamed on
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p.k.k. fighters and the turkish government lifted a 9-day curfew in the south-west of the city. it was needed as part of an operation to clear out kurdish fighters. people are terrified, unable to leave their homes and running out of food and water. gerald tan reports. >> stuck indoors for nine days, the people were allowed out. with the government curfew visited they were pability inspect what was left of the neighbourhoods. many could express only anger and grief. >> translation: armoured vehicles would stop in front of our house and fire randomly at us. we felt like prisoners. >> translation: all my children were awake. we ran to the backyard. they opened fire on us. >> we were terrified. we didn't have trist any, we were starving to death. what did we do to deserve this.
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>> this is a kurdish city with a population of more than 100,000. it was sealed off. a campaign was launched against fighters from the kurdistan workers party or p.k.k., fighting a surge after a ceasefire collapse said in july. including one killing 14 turkish police officers in a bomb blast in the country's east. speaking at the ruling a.k. party, the prime minister pledged to continue the fight against the p.k.k. >> we will give punishments to those that attempt to destroy the peace, trying to drag turkey into chaos. for hours in northern iraq and places we are gathering in turkey are being wiped out by the forces of the turkish republic and awn a. >> their concerns that civilians are paying too high a price in
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the occupations. the council in europe is demanding access for the observing. activists say people were deprived of food, power and medical care and subjected to disproportionate use of force. still to come on the show - refusing to be silenced. opposition parties in russia fight to be heard in regional elections. and a month after china's worst industrial disaster. the city is on edge. we'll explain why after the break.
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the beautiful flower i am!
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>> "inside story" takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the soundbites. we're giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is.
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you're watching al jazeera. >> let's take a recap of the headlines now. israeli police faulted palestinians at the compound in jerusalem. officers say they entered the courtyard to roast those throwing stones. tens of thousands demanded the government do more to help refugees, as part of an international day of action to show support of those fleeing from war torn countries. the envoy is due to submit a peace plan. he meant the cast year meeting different sides, saying there's generate agreement that the political solution is the only way forward. regional elections are taking place across russia, the government succeeded in barring
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all opposition candidates. they face physics add and political intimidation. peter sharp joined one of a few opposition candidates on the campaign trail. >> it's almost a clandestine affair. a handful of people shrewd gathered to meet the young opposition candidate. there's six of these meetings every day. body guards stand close. >> translation: the level of physical intimidation on opposition parties changed the face of election campaigns in vladimir putin's authoritarian russia. >> he should realise the methods used against the campaign. police dispersed the campaigners. they are physically detaining. bandits and criminals attacked volunteers and tried to disrupt meetings with the electorate. proof of that at the campaign hours. party organiser was struck down with a blow from behind at a morning rally.
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he's waiting for an ambulance the emergency services, the police, won't do anything. >> this regional election is taking place amid the worst economic crisis since vladimir putin came to power. the timing has the kremlin rattled. >> because of the difficult economic situation and no improvement, no economic improvement in site, of course, the kremlin is concerned under yisting election laws parties have to gather signatures to prove they can attract 3% of the electorate. the authorities managed to disbar all opposition parties by claiming their signatures were forged. under these conditions, it's little wonder that the infarctions, like these bears in the unit russia party are optimistic about the outcome of the vote. the party telling us that these are fair and fair elections. the opposition would differ. >> there's an almost
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overwhelming sense of confidence among the pro-kremlin candidates in this election that borders on complacency. many campaign, and some have not filled in the election manifestos. the arguments goes why bother. regional acting governors across the areas have been validated in endorsed by vladimir putin, and in an election like this, that is more than enough to secure victory on the day we knew this would not be a walk in the part. they let us cannot to get us in a trap. for us to lose the election and everyone to see it. we expected the comment and are doing everything possible to get support and to win. five hours after he was assaulted, an ambulance turns up to take the party organiser to hospital. later he was diagnosed with a brain injuredy foreign ministers from four
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european countries say progress has been made in ukraine peace talks. diplomats from germany, russia, france and ukraine met in berlin to prepare for a summit. the foreign minister said the meeting was less confrontational than previous ones and all sides are now close to agreement. >> we hope ukraine and russia will stablilize the ceasefire long term. we'd like to talk about withdrawing heavy weapons. but also about the question of better access. >> in the u.s., a wildfire forced 2,000 to leave their homes, the blaze in lake county north of san francisco, four fire-fighters suffering burns, trying to put out the flames. california has been experiencing a drought and hasn't had rainfall in months.
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15 people are still missing. 100,000 people have been affected. most in the south-east. the city among the hardest hit areas. wayne hay is there. >> official moved quickly to repair the break in the riverbank. they are concerned that the typhoon season is not over. they need to blueing the gap before the water level rises again. there had been a plan in place to fortify the banks along the river so they could withstand the rainfall that might occur. the plan came too late for this disaster. there's thousands of people in evacuation centers, areas like this. too devastated damaged for people to return to just yet. still a lot of water laying around, infrastructure has been destroyed in places like this. people can't come back to their
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homes and may not be able to return for some time. still a lot of water laying around. officials have been brought in to try to lower the water level as quickly as possible. >> it's been a month since the worst ever industrial accident. 173 people died when warehouses destroying the chemicals exploded. more than 200 people. they remain in hospital. >> the epicentre a month on. the explosions levelled part of the port, incinerating vehicles, buildings, shipping containers and people. smoke was again rising over the disaster zone on thursday afternoon, another unexplained explosion. nearby we found specialists testing the air quality. they left as soon as we started asking questions, saying they had no information about the
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latest explosion. despite the danger, those forced to eadvantage ute their homes took their possessions under the supervision of the place. those are unfit for use. we have to throw this away. >> throw these to the rubbish box. >> reporter: because it's been contaminated. >> yes, yes. >> the emotionsar raw. >> translation: i feel so sad. my mother is in hospital. if my fears could stop my problems, i would cry for a year. >> reporter: this area was a thriving zone. this was the exhibition center, a showcase for the worst industrial accident. no one knows for sure, of course how long the clean up would go on for. it could last for months if
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not years. the air has a sweet metallic taste. and people nearby don't know if the air outside the zone is safe to breathe right now. environmentals groups say this was a manmade disaster. the result of rapid economic development. i would say this - the negligence of the government to handle hazards - we have seen that there's a lot of loopholes and shortcomings of how it managed for now. >> the government moved swiftly on the issue of compensation. offering 400,000 to each of the families of more than 100 firefighters who perished. the majority of the families made homeless agreed compensation. but it's not clear what will happen to the homes they abandoned. no one believed it will ever be safe to return
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south africa's steel industry it in deep trouble. more than 30,000 people blame cheap steel imports from china. we have this report from johannesburg. >> reporter: this steel work are is spending the day off with his family. she's been a sheetmetal worker for 14 years. for now, there's no work. >> we are affected by imports. the numbers that are in the country. it's the one that is affecting us, because of the people that are used to a different part. because of this, you don't have order. >> he's been promised he'll be moved to another plant. he's worried. >> everyone at home is depending on me. when i look at the future of my kids, i don't see anything. if i lose my job, they suffer
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more. >> the steel sector in south africa employs 200,000 people. the industry is in big trouble. >> it is one of thousands of workers who could be laid off. the steel sector is struggling to survive in tough market conditions. >> with more than 70% of this community dependent on the industry, businesses and unions are scrambling to save jobs. >> with a devalued currency and low manufacturing cost, chinese steel is flooding the market, and affecting jobs. steele imports have gone up 20%. unions want governments to protect the industry by hiking tariffs and banning the exportation of scrap. >> we view it as a national cries si. for any person in south africa, who has a job, support five to six, but also if you allow this industry to be destroyed, it
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will take more than that to rebuild it. >> reporter: there may not be a clear cut solution. >> if you give protection apt the beginning of the pipeline everyone up the line will suffer from it. when you protect the economy you get price information and lower cost. there's a danger if we go too far that we'll run into the same constraints. so far, the response appears to be positive. with talks weeks from now. they face an anxious wait in india tens of thousands of people are taking a holy bath. for the pilgrims the bathing ritual is a way to cleanse themselves of sin. millions are expected to attend the festival this year in the
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western state a film about the relationship between the street kid and a middle aged man took the top prize at the venice film festival. it won the golden lion award. we look at movies that captivated audiences at the festival. [ clapping ] >> reporter: a surprise win for a first-time venezuela director with a film depicting a slow blossoming relationship between a middle age man and a street kid. it will catapault the director into a different league and live him a huge voice. >> we are having problems, but i'm positive. we are an amazing nation and we'll talk to each other more.
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we'll go through, i am sure about it. >> reporter: the critics say it's graceful. subtle, and because it's in spanish, the award will give it much-needed international exposure. >> it's enigmatic, controlled. i can see why they went or an assured film. it's strong in what it wants to say. however, i think that it's quite mysterious and a difficult film for people to embrace. that's a reason i'm glad it got the award. >> the prixe for the best director went to argentina's pablo, with "el clan", one of many films based on a true story, a famous kidnapping family, and a 1980s, reign of terror. it's dark, brooding, fantastic performances. but the biggest applause was for
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ghanaian, winning a best young actor, playing a 9-year-old child soldier in "beast of no nation", he portrayed an orphan child forced to kill for an african warlord, heart-breakingly well. bringing to life the life of thousands of children in uganda and liberia. >> contrasting with the glamour of the red carpet films engaging with issues concerned about. the screens exploded with images, war, conflict and a vast migration bringing hundreds of thousands to the shores of europe. film is a universal union. it should shine a spotlight on the suffering of millions the portuguese town of kashkay near lisbon has been lit up for the light festival. there's 26 people of art along
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the path of lights. 400,000 are expected to visit the exhibition. and a reminder you can keep up to date on the news on the website. that's all there for you, you can see the lead story, the situation in jerusalem, "the slaughter is being fueled by demand from asia... ...where rhino horn is status symbol and believed to even cure cancer."


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