tv News Al Jazeera September 14, 2015 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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refugees as germany imposed border controls to stem the tide. ♪ ♪ hello there, you are watching al jazeera live from doha. also coming up on the program. under pressure, australian prime minister tony abbott is facing another leadership challenge by one of his senior ministers. the president of mexico condemns an egyptian attack on a tourist convoy that left two of its citizens dead. >> reporter: i am jennifer glasse in kabul.
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prisoners freed from a jail. ♪ ♪ even you feel interior ministers are meeting within hours to discuss how to deal with the refugees crisis. earlier, germany reinstated border controls after temporarily suspending trains to and from neighboring austria. it says refugees can't choose the states where they want asylum. paul brennan has this report. >> reporter: vienna station sunday afternoon. they didn't know it at the time, but these syrian refugees families were among the last to leave before rail services were suspended. there will be no more trains between germany and austria until the pressure of numbers can be reduced. at the other end of the line in munich, day after day authority have his welcomed the new arrivals with open arms and compassion. but the reception sent in other words bavaria are now at full
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capacity. >> we have since the 31st of august, we have 63,000 refugees who his arrive in munich. >> reporter: hours after the rail services were halted. germany's interior minister made an your honor scheduled announce think. trier bordethink, temporary borr controls. >> translator: this is necessary. we must mott be over strained the measures taken are also a signal to europe. germany is taking on its humanitarian responsibility of but the burden caused by the huge number of refugees must be distributed with solidarity across europe. >> reporter: proposals for manet mandatory quotas to share the refugees among all european union countries have failed to gain traction, some e.u. nations threatening to veto such a scream. france has offered to take 1,000 refugees from munich a gesture
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when the mayor of munich described as trivial in the circumstances. >> translator: i don't want to just park these people anywhere. we are still talking about human beings. i want to take care that in my city people don't are to sleep under bridges, that's why it's urgent to get sol dare tri from other states and i already told french tv it's a trivia number to take 1,000 people from france. that's a trivial number. it's not my deal t job to deal r european partners that's to up angela merkel. >> reporter: some accuse the syrians of all being economic migrants the reality is very difficult. >> translator: i didn't come to germany because i like germany says mohamed, i am sad to have to leave my country. my home he had's cousin agrees, no one is happy to leave their country. there is nothing i want more than to go back. and when syria is rebuilt i will return there.
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>> reporter: the e.u. president jean claude younger says the new border controls appear to be admissible. but he expressed the hope that the temporary measure would be short lived. entire i don't your ministers will hold an emergency meeting monday to discuss the next step. >> rob reynolds joins us live. nowhere arriving at that station behind you. why is germany now imposing border controlses when previous it said it would accept all syrian refugees? >> reporter: well, when that announcement was made about two weeks ago it was couched in language indicating that it was a temporary measure to allow as many syrians in as possible who were backed up in austria and hungary that, proved to be an
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overwhelming number. we had 13,000 coming in on saturday. there were numbers around that for more than a week now. i'll just show you behind us here, this is the central station in munich, and normally you would see lines of refugees moving through here, going to medical tents being checked out, being registered and then get on the ground buses to go to the temporary shelters that were set up. the buses are there, the medical tents are there, just no refugees, and there are no trains apparently on the -- at least outta rifles board in the station coming in from salzburg or from vienna, there are reports of massive traffic jams and tailbacks at the frontier between austria and germany. so it seems to be a very, very chaotic situation. , and of course, the really
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number one topic of discussion among germans here is what a few of ordinary german citizens had hart to say about it. >> translator: we already have taken the most refugees in europe. sure, if we have space we should take in more, but i would suggest you distribute refugees fairly within the e.u. not all should come to germany. >> translator: we need to change the causes in the countries of origin so they have conditions there to make a life worth living. germany can take in even more refugees, we have the capacity. >> translator: we have massive problems with migrants, people come here can't cope because the different cultures sooner or later there be a class of cultures. >> we know that 10s of thousands of refugees have already arrived. what will happen to those already in germany? six they have been taken to temporary shelters, we saw at a very large convention center
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sort of trade show complex just outside the town where beds and cots have been set up and lots of refugees were there, they want to move on. many have friends, family, aura cane tas in other parts of germany or indeed in other parts of europe. we met a woman from sudan, for example, with her whole family saying i am trying to find my way to paris. a man from senegal who was on his way to spain. so the refugees want to go where they have a connection with someone, a relative or a friend or something or some sort of a community. so they are trying to get there. now, this is all coming in the backdrop of this extraordinary meeting today of e.u. foreign and interior -- e.u. foreign interior and justice ministers. and they are trying to work out a common policy on refugees and migration and, of course, this
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chaotic situation shows that they have their work cut out for them and indeed this may be a way of trying to put in pressure that meet to go try to come to some agreement because obviously this is a situation that cannot be -- that cannot continue for long. >> indeed. thanks very much indeed for that, rob reynolds in munich there. well, hungary has praised germany's decision to implement border controls, but a former prime minister has told al jazeera that current leader victor's hard line on refugees is purely for political gain, andrew simmonds reports from budapest. >> reporter: refer to go this human crisis, hungary's prime minister has repeatedly said it's germany's problem. but and any of the volunteers who try to help the refugees through this chaos what they think, and they can't help getting political. >> for many hungarians it's natural that we help them and we
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feel really, really angry that our government is giving them this treatment. >> reporter: this is a husband and wife team helping take donations and passing them onto those in need. >> he said that they don't want muslim here. i did not understand that because there are muslims living here with peace. >> we are not sure what's going on happen if they close the borders again, then there will be thousands of people sleeping her again. >> reporter: political protests are gaining momentum. not just opposition to prime minister victor orban, this demonstration is supporting him. the speaker is attacking a liberal magazine for portraying orban as hit are her on its front page. >> translator: it's not the prime minister that's a fascist but the editors who dare to say this about the prime minister. >> translator: there is nooning nothing wrong witwrongwhere ther religion, it's the large numbers that's all. >> reporter: not far away, pro
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felters have march odd parliament. victor arga orbans critics sayss main thing is to keep power. his popularity was waning before the crisis, now his advisers say the term firmer gets on the issues the more popular he gets. the former prime minister says he's taking his country down a dangerous road. >> the majority of the hungarian people are full of worry about his the refugees and/orban is fighting for the. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: orban is four years way from an election. but he sees a potential threat from the far right. some analysts believe he's playing a smart card. >> victor orban is not something just interested in popularity tomorrow or after tomorrow, he thinks much more that there is a challenge for euro, and the
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current european elite is not able to answer this challenge. >> reporter: orban supporters believe in his fire brand approach along with his vision of a christian europe. but he's playing the big political stakes and making enemies in high places. as he does so, the misery of so many here continues with no relief. andrew simmons, already budapest. david cameron is in beirut to meet with his lebanese counter part. he'll also visit a camp hosting syrian hav refugees, there are e than a million syrians in lebanon who have escaped fighting back home. the country is struggling to cope with the scale of the crisis. egyptian security forces say they accidentally shot at a convoy of tourists. killing 12 people and injuring 10 others. the mexican foreign ministry says two of the victims were mexicans. the shooting happened during a security operation in the western desert. egypt says security forces his
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mistook the convoy for what he called terrorist elements. those that were injured are being treat ed in hospital. the mexican president enrique pen i can't nieto condemned the attack describing it as as a tragic incidents. george hulman with the reaction from the mexican government. >> reporter: it's late sunday here so there have been no government officials coming out to speak about this, but there have been statements, especially on twitter the mexican president said that he was demanding a thorough investigation from egyptian authorities over what happened here. and he's aid to this diplomatic personnel in egypt to attend to the people injured in this. he has to say those two things, the reality is that there isn't much of a diplomatic relationship between egypt and mexico, what there is is a positive trading and cultural thing, so the repercussions of this, what seems to be a tragic
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sort of accident, more than anything, don't at this stage appear to be something that will magnify in the coming weeks. tensions are still high around the mosque after israeli forces stormed the compound for the third time in 24 hours. on sunday morning, israeli police threw stun grenades inside the mosque in occupied east jerusalem. they say they entered to arrest palestinians throwing stones and fireworks. palestinian president mahmoud abbas condemned it as an attack on worshipers. the afghan taliban says it's freed more than 430 prisoners. it said it used gunmen and bombers to storm the prison in eastern province, four afghan police officers were killed and several others were wounded. jennifer glass joins us now live from kabul. can we confirm, jennifer, the number of prisons released? because the taliban figure is extremely high.
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>> reporter: the taliban figure is high. the interior ministry tells yous 355 were freed of the 436 prisoners that jail. and of those 148 have been convicted of national security offenses. we understand they were among them taliban commanders, financiers, failed suicide bombers. now, the situation already difficult in terms of secure ticker the taliban attacked checkpoints outside the city and control a number of vellums and areas already, the release of these taliban prisoners along with other prisoners won't improve security at all. >> and as you say, you know, the prisoners were in a fortified building. what does it say about security across afghanistan? >> reporter: well, this was a very coordinated attack, it started at 2:00 in the morning with a car bomb. and then at least 10 attackers, 10 taliban attackers assaulted the prison, this is the latest
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in attacks the taliban have carried out across the country, a brutal year for the afghan security forces nato tells us 15,000 afghan security force have his been killed and wounded since the beginning of this year. that's an average of 22 afghan soldiers and police killed a day. and a sign of how fierce the fighting across afghanistan. last night this morning in southern afghanistan and the fighting has been so serious that, u.s. special forces have had to go and help in that fight. there has also been fight in this north and in the east. so very, very difficult fighting season for the afghan security forces of course for the first year on their own after nato handed total security to them only a small nato force remains here. >> jennifer, thanks very much indeed for that. jennifer glasse reporting live from kabul there. now, the australian prime minister tony abbott is facing a challenge for the leadership of the liberal party. communications minister mall company turnbull resigned from
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the cabinet and asked abbott to step ad zoo. he says he's losing confidence in his management of the economy. but prime minister abbott has dismissed speculation of a challenge to his leadership as gossip. let's go to andrew thomas who has been watching developments from sydney, bring us up to speed with what's happening. tony abbott being challenged over his handalling of the economy. >> reporter: it was gossip six hours ago but very much on now. the man who has been the challenger from tony abbott clearly seen as the coming man, mall company turnbull who lead the party has announced exactly an hour ago that is to challenge tony abbott for the leadership of the liberal party here in australia. we are expecting tony abbott to
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come up and speak now, whether it's a statement of resignation or a battle of the coming days and he will see off his rife. we are mott sure, but in coming minutes we should know a bit more about whether tony abbott looks likely to stay in his more than a couple of hours bow it could that be imminent. >> we'll wait and see what he will face. it's not the first time he's faced a challenge over his leadership, is it? >> reporter: it is not the first time, there was another challenge in february. but at that time malcolm turnbull the man challenging now decided no to the challenge, i am putting in another ear piece and tony abbott has just stepped up now the. and i want to hear -- no, he hasn't. it was a local network replaying footage of him. you are right, it has been a previous leader she challenge that didn't go anywhere back in february. but if all this seems reminiscents he sent it is
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because it's the pattern that went on during the previous labor government. prime minister kevin rudd who won in a landslide victory in 2011 was challenge booed i his deputy and lost his position in 2009 and, in 2013, kevin rudd came back and challenged the woman, who had challenge hemmed for the job. tony abbott the opposition leader at the time, said that this was chaotic politics, it would never happen under a government that he led. he was a very effective opposition leader. ran that line again and again and again and largely won the election in 2013 off the back of funksal government. as opposed to dysfunctional government as he characterized it on the labor side. achieved certain things when it came to, for example, the success in his eyes of stopping boats of refugees from coming to australia. but what he hasn't been able to do is get the economy firmly on track. there are various signs that the australian economy is not head in this right directs and malcolm turnbull in his
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statements over an hour ago said that was the chief reason he was challenging tony abbott for the top job. he thinks the economy is off track and he wants to get it back on track. and that's why he's challenging, but this does seem recommend nigh let sent of the chaotic labor government and now happening to the liberal government. >> just like within of those australian soap operas we all like so much. andrew thomas in sydney, thank you. still to come here. >> reporter: i am at the great wolf china. i will be telling you why 30% of this historic monument has gone missing. and further still, i'll be telling you where it's gone.
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welcome back. let's reminds you of the top stories. e.u. even tear your ministers are meeting within hours to discuss how to deal with record numbers of refugees arriving at its front tears, earlier germany imposed border controls after temporarily suspending trained for to ask from neighboring austria. it says refugees can't choose the states where they want asylum. australian prime minister tony abbott is facing a challenge for the leadership of the liberal party. commutations minister malcolm turnbull asked him to step aside on monday of. the afghan taliban says eights freed more than 430 prisoners, saying it used bombers to storm the prison. four afghan police officers were killed. several others were wounded.
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now, turkey has restored a curfew on the mainly kurdish city. the measures are apart of a government campaign to stamp out kurdish separatist fighters, three were killed on sunday. gerald tan has the details. >> reporter: defying curfew orders, residents in the southeastern turkish city scuffled with police. fear gas and water cannon were used to disburse protesters trying to enter the central neighborhood now under lockdown. a mainly kurdish city, it is the latest flash point in an ongoing conflict pitting the government against kurdish fighters. but the pro-kurdish people's democratic party or h.d.p. insists there is a better way. >> translator: it's very unfortunate for turkey to return to the days of the 1990s with such strict security measures.
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the method to resolve these problems without such extraordinary measures stands right beside us. >> reporter: the government also renewed a curfew just two days after ending a 9-day lockdown during the military operation on the city. 10s of thousands of people flooded the streets for the funerals of 16 people killed in the bombardment. >> translator: such a shame. they are committing a sin by putting us through all this pain, we will never under what president erdogan is doing to us, his tanks and shells kill us all. >> reporter: but the government says most of those killed were fighters from the kurdistan workers party or p.k.k. violence is on the rise between security forces and the p.k.k. two separate attacks on the southeast on sunday killed police officers in what's become a near daily pattern since a two-year peace deal crumbled in july. turkey's leadership is vowing to
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stamp out the fighters using whatever means necessary. >> translator: today the biggest test ahead us of is our fight against the terrorist attacks that poses a grave threat against the solidarity of our people and unity of our country. >> reporter: that solidarity is being tested. in istanbul, demonstrators marched against a recent security measures further sign of how the conflict is dividing public opinion. gerald tan, al jazeera. swiss and u.s. prosecutors are expected to hold a press conference in zurich about the fifa corruption investigate. in may 7 executives were arrested as part of a u.s. investigate. including fifa vice president jeffrey webb, in total 14 defendants charged with racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering. three people have been arrested in malaysia in connection with the bombing of a shrine in bangkok last month. the chief of police says two
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malaysians and a pakistani were arrested and are assisting in the investigation. they were picked up after a tip-off from the thai authorities. 20 people were called by the bomb in august. florence hoy is there and sent this report. >> reporter: three suspects in cuscustody. two men and one woman believed to be been involved in the bombing. including a pakistani national. >> we are not sure whether the suspect is in this country, we don't know. we don't have a real evidence to show that he is in this country. so we are investigating it. >> reporter: the arrests were made several days ago and place say they action odd a tip-off from thai authorities. the bomb blast in bangkok took place as a very popular shrine in documents bangkok, locals and
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tourists alike were killed. it's the single worst bomb attack in thailand. thai police also have several suspects in custody but have yet to establish a motorcycle and i have no one has claimed responsibility for the tack. now, one of the great man-made wonders of the world is slowly disintegrating. 30% of the great wall of china no longer exists because of its exposure to the elements or torrists chipping away a souvenir. we went to northern china to see what's being done to save wall. >> reporter: it's a vegetable garden that is been in her family if decades the crop have his been protected from the elements by the naturally occurring stone available in this part of northern china. yet not all of the stone used here comes from the quarry, some came from the great wall of china. her ancestors took the great wall's cut stone build their holes, in some cases more than 100 years ago. >> translator: we are happy to
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give back any part of the wall if asked. you have to remember they were so poor back then, modern chip bricks were not available like they are now. >> reporter: she is like hundreds of others in the area whose homes are made from the old and the new. ancient china sits comfortably along side its modern descendant. the wall is over 2,300 years olds and runs over 21,000-kilometers. while nature has eroded parts, others have been worn way by 70,000 visitors each day. many visitors say protecting the wall is important. >> translator: the great wall isn't just china's, it belong to his the whole human race and has to be protected. >> translator: it's a symbol of china. and we have to look after it. >> reporter: some of the tourists visit i go today are themselves a feed opportunity for the local chinese.
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the deterioration of the wall and in part its disappearance is worrying those fight to go protect it. >> translator: it's closely connected to the origin of our culture. it's in line with our lack of respect in protecting our tradition and culture. the authorities have not been ignoring the situation of the wall. the government's respiration and protection plan began in 1957. and it continues to this day. because the greatest enemy of the wall isn't just man, it's the elements. they are doing their damage as well. because parts of the wall are brick and wood and prone to general wear and tear and the weather. while it's understanding why villagers from the community would have used the wall as a source of free, cheap building material, the wall's largest battle is still being fought every day. not against man, but a fight for survival against the elements.
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al jazeera, china. and you can keep up-to-date with all of the day's news and developments on our website. >> this is "techknow". a show about innovations that can change lives. >> the science of fighting a wildfire. >> we're going to explore the intersection of hardware and humanity, but we're doing it in a unique way. this is a show about science... >> oh! >> oh my god! >> by scientists. >> techknow investigates katrina... ten years after the storm. >> during katrina, a large amount of water rushed in from the gulf. >> the walls were engineered to stop mother nature... they failed. >> do you think that new orl
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