tv News Al Jazeera September 14, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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♪ >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello and welcome to the al jazeera news hour, it's good to have you with us, i'm julie live from doha and coming up, in the next 60 minutes european minister prepare for emergency talks on refugees with border controls leaving thousands in legal limbo. >> i will be a candidate and i speak to win. >> reporter: australia prime minister tony abbot faces leadership challenges in the
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next few hours plus. i'm on the great wall of china, i'll be telling you why 30% of this historic monument has gone missing and further still i'll be telling you where it's gone. and i'll have all the sport including djokovic wins the tenth grand slam title after a thrilling u.s. open final. ♪ within the next hour european union ministers will hold an emergency meeting in brussels to try to get some unity on how to deal with the refugee crisis. on the table a controversial new plan that could impose binding quotas on member states forcing them to take in more refugees and eastern european countries are opposed to that. everyday thousands of refugees arriving on european shores and many seeking help from syria and prepared to risk their lives to
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escape war and the hardship of years in refugee camps. >> translator: we are struggling here just to survive, struggling to find work, it's degrading, humiliating. our home is a tiny little room, the conditions are terrible and it's expensive, in syria i used to go to school, here in lebanon i cannot go to school, you need money. all i'm asking is for help to relocate us and doesn't matter where, just out of here and we are not living, this is not life. >> reporter: going north they have terrible conditions and resistance and they are against plans to force them to take in more refugees and germany which had opened its doors wide appears now to be closing them. it has reintroduced border controls and temporarily suspended train services to and from austria saying it's struggling to cope and refugees cannot choose where they want asylum, a view shared by many in
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germany. >> translator: we have taken the most refugees in europe and sure if we have space we should take in more but i suggest you distribute refugees fairly within the eu and not all should come to germany. >> translator: we need to change the countries of origin to have conditions there to make a life worth living and germany can take in more refugees. >> translator: we have massive problems and people cannot cope because of different cultures and there will be an a clash of cultures. >> we will hear from stephanie decker at the border and we are live from mu nick and let's join from serbia where refugees trying to get to hungary and it is increasing steps to keep them out. okay, clearly a problem with mohamed's signal there, we will come back to him in just a
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moment. let's go to rob reynolds who is live from munick and rob why is it that germany now seems to be reversing the open-door policy to eastern refugees? >> well, part of the answer to that question julie came just a short while ago, some breaking news with the vice chancellor of germany gabrielle telling his members of the social democratic party in a letter that germany now expects to have one million refugees arrive on its soil this year, that is a significant up ward revision from the previous figure estimated at 800,000. so that is one of the reasons why germany is calling on temporary halt to travel between austria and germany. i've been into the train station which you can see behind me just a few moments ago, a train from
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pasou which is a town in germany near the austria border and police checked anyone who looked like they may be refugees which in practice means anyone with brown or black skin. they didn't apparently find any refugees. everyone's papers appeared to be in order. meanwhile the -- one of the great achievements of the european union open borders between states simply appears to be breaking down in addition to germany reimposing border controls with austria, the czech republic has border controls with austria and hungary and the slovak authorities say they are going to similarly impose these temporary border controls on its border with hungary so things are reaching a very significant crisis point for the eu, for its tradition of open borders and
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meanwhile the refugees simply keep arriving and keep coming into greece and to other countries and the whole pipeline of them is now backing up, waiting to get to precisely hear where i am in germany, julie. >> let's cross to stephanie decker on the syrian/turkey border and seen a lot of refugees coming and going and tell us what people there are saying to you. >> the people we have been speaking to today who are behind me at a border control area, i'll just step out to show you there is about 150 people there. they are actually going back into syria because they are saying that the situation here for them has been extremely difficult. turkey is hosting just under two million syrian refugee, most of them living outside official camps and turkey does have camps
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however the majority have to fend for themselves in the city and also don't get official work permits and the turkey government said their own population is struggling to get work and therefore they can't give work permits, so many syrians who are here and the message from people here are they cannot afford to live and going back and met people who are going back to idlib and the east and people going back to aleppo and also we met people who are living in a government-controlled part of aleppo, eastern aleppo and going back there because they say their kids don't have schooling and the schools are still operating there, it's a real cross section of society but again the message is no one wants to go further from turkey and everyone we have spoken to says they don't want to go to europe and don't want to leave since we are a few kilometers away from syria and don't want to leave that because people come and go and they are still hoping the conflict will be resolved so they can go home permanently. >> thank you for that, stephanie
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decker on the syrian/turkey border there. well, hungary praised germany's decision to implement border controls to stem the flow of refugees but a former prime minister said the hard line on refugees is for political gain and andrew simmons reports from budapest. ♪ referring to this human crisis hungary's prime minister repeatedly said it's germany's problem but ask any of the volunteers who try to help the refugees through this chaos what they think and they can't help getting political. >> for many it's natural that we help them and we feel really, really angry our government is giving them this treatment. >> reporter: this is a husband and wife team helping take donations and passing them along to those in need.
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>> they said they don't want muslim here. i did not understand that because there are muslim living here with peace. >> we are not sure what is going to happen if they close the borders again then there will be thousands of people sleeping here again. >> reporter: political protests are gaining momentum and not just momentum and they are portraying him as hitler on the front page. >> translator: it's not the prime minister who is an fascist but the prime minister. >> translator: there is nothing wrong with migrants or religion, it's the large numbers, that's all. >> reporter: not far away protesters from the opposition have marched on parliament. and the critics say his main motivation is keeping a grip on power in parliament, before the refugee crisis his popularity was wayning, now his advisors
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say the firmer he gets on the issue the more popular he becomes. prime minister says he is taking his country down a dangerous road. >> hungarian people are full of worries about the refugees and all the fighting for the right of the borders. >> reporter: he is four years away from an election but he sees a potential threat from the far right, some analysts believe he is playing a smart card. >> he is not somebody who is just entrusted in tomorrow or after tomorrow, he thinks much more that there is a challenge for europe and the current european elite is not able to answer this challenge. >> reporter: supporters believe in his five round approach with a vision of christian europe but playing for big political states
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and making enemies in high places and as he does so the misery of so many here continues with no relief, andrew simmons, al jazeera, budapest. ♪ britain's appointed a minister to over see the resettlement of 20,000 syrian refugees over the next five years and prime minister david cameron visiting a refugee camp in lebanon hosting syrians escaping war and trying to cope with the crisis and will speed up the resettlement process. let's talk about all these issues and we have secretary-general of the council of europe, that is the regional organization promoting human rights, democracy and the rule of law in the continent and joins me live from strausburg and good to have you with us and due to discuss this plan to resettle 160,000 refugees across europe, some countries extremely
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resistant to that, aren't they so what do you think is going to happen? >> well, that i don't know but as you can see events on the ground are over taking everything all the time. we are discussing about 160,000 but obviously many more will come in the coming days and in the future, so this shows that there is a need for a strong european policy based on solidarity between all the states in the agreement. >> that doesn't seem to be solidarity, does there, what do you think for example germany imposing border controls, hungary building a fence and czech republic with border controls and are defensive measures against refugees, aren't they? >> yes of course it is but only shows that chaos has to be met
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with some very solid measures to put in place reception centers where these people are arriving so that they can be revisited and they can be distributed further to other countries. otherwise the countries in europe continue to push the people back and on the shoulder and this is a very unfortunate situation and we have to keep in mind the fact that all those who arrive on the european continent, they are immediately under the protection of the european convention on human rights so all the member states they have an obligation to protect these people in a human way. that doesn't mean that everybody has a right for asylum but have to be treated as human beings regardless of being seekers or a
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migrant or also if you don't have a paper, it doesn't mean that you are without rights. >> you said there that refugees have to be treated as human beings. of course that is right. but can we talk about the treatment of them? i mean some of the places they are being forced to stay in are so bad they are leaving refugee camps, the periless join any they are trying to make into europe because there is no voluntary, safe pathway for them what does this say about the treatment of refugees, some of them are choosing to back to war-torn syria because their treatment is so bad. >> i am very sad about what i'm saying in some places but it is clear that all the member states and all 47 member states have an obligation to treat these people according to the standards on
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convention of human rights and we are observing and has the court here and have handed down rulings which are clear guidelines on how the states shall act. >> can i ask you one question, some nations are saying that if you accept this many refugees particularly muslim refugees, there is a national security risk there, how do you balance security with a humanitarian response? >> first of all it's absolutely necessary to say that it's not allowed to discriminate people on the ground of religion, color of the skin or where they come from. all have the same rights, so one cannot say that, okay, retake the christians and leave out the
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muslims. well, there may be a security risk but that cannot be done by selecting only the christians that come to the continent. >> thank you very much indeed for speaking to us. good to have you with us, secretary-general of council of europe there. >> thank you. well, money is a big part of the refugee story as well, from those paying to make the trips to europe to those giving money to various aid agencies and from al jazeera's counting the cost program looks at the numbers. >> europe's refugee crisis is undoubtedly a humanitarian one and a financial cost to go with it and numbers are extraordinary at both ends of the spectrum and there are up wards of 380,000 refugees who arrived on europe showers according to the u.n. hcr and people smugglers are charging around $3,000 a person
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to reach europe and the number does vary and if you multiply it it's a staggering $1.1 billion made by people smugglers in an unofficial market which sadly has huge demand and just as a comparison, just to keep in mind how much money has the united nations asked for to assist syrians? $1.5 billion and they have a shortfall of $341 million for the rest of the year. the discrepancy between money made by smugglers and money needed for refugees is incredible and unless more than the symptoms are addressed the problem just won't go away. what we are focusing only is not for the migrants and not the situation but on the crime behind those people and targeting those who are responsible for putting lives in danger or also abusing people that are in a dangerous situation so it's true the broader problem will not be
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solved by law enforcement but i think at least our task is to make sure that organized crime doesn't make use of this and it's a lot of money by transporting people in terrible situation. still to come on the program the afghan taliban say they freed more than 400 inmates after storming a prison plus. i'm john with the united auto workers in detroit where there are negotiations between the auto workers and big american car makers. missed opportunity but could this german team turn things around? ♪ the australian prime minister tony abbot is facing a vote on the liberal party, communication's minister resigned from the cabinet and
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asked abbot to step aside and losing confidence in the management of the economy and the balance of the deputy leader will take place the next few hours. >> ultimately the prime minister has not been capable of providing the economic leadership our nation needs, he has not been capable of providing the economic confidence that business needs. >> the prime ministership of this country is not a prize or a play thing to be demanded. it should be something which is earned by a vote of the australian people. it will be a party room ballot for both the leadership and deputy leadership positions in light of this evening. i will be a candidate and i expect to win. and andrew thomas is in sidney and andrew what is the
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feeling there, is he going to win? >> well, this is a real time political drama that is playing out both behind closed doors and also in television and radio studios of the australian media because the mps that will be deciding this election in about an hour's time are watching the broadcast and watching the colleagues going on television saying who they are supporting or not supporting and why and making their own decisions based on that. so over the last two hours there has been a frenzy of mps rushing out of t.v. studios and pledging alliance to the prime minister or to his opponents malcolm so unclear both sides are saying or representatives from both sides are saying they have the numbers and have more than 50% of mps in their camp and their man will win. they both can't be right and if they claim they are then some people are lying to them so at
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the moment it looks too close to call if tony abbot will have his job in an hour or two from now. >> what is it that malcolm is unhappy about, what changes does he want to make? >> well, the overriding one is opinion polls are consistently saying that tony abbot's government is heeding for a defeat in an election in a year's time and lots of things feed into that in a statement on there malcolm said the government was not selling its message on the economy well enough. the australian economy is in a bit of trouble and less demand from commodities and it has fallen dramatically in resent months but there are some bits of good news on the economic front as well, unemployment is still very low but the message malcolm doesn't think is getting out and tony abbot distracted by silly things in his opinion and
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not selling an economic success story or relative success story compared to many countries and tony abbot is in the right to win of his party and malcolm on the left and abbot puts national security and skeptical about climate change and tough on refugees and sends them to effectively prisons in other countries to stop them from coming and malcolm has softer edges and generally makes him more popular with the general public at least what the camps say and say he is the only one that can win the election in a year's time and tony abbot say that is rushish and he needs to stay in position because it looks like a dysfunctional government that changes the leader in the same way the government did switching between kevin that ultimately cost them the election and handed it to tony abbot in 2013 and don't go down that road because it's a
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dangerous one and should know a lot more in an hour's time >> more turbulence in australian politics and thank you for that, andrew thomas in sidney. afghan taliban freed more than 430 prisoners and used gunmen and bombers to storm the eastern province and four police officers killed and several others wounded and correspondent jennifer glasse is in kabul. >> reporter: a coordinated taliban attack on that prison the outskirts of the city at 2:00 in the morning when they detonated a car bomb and at least ten taliban attackers freeing hundreds of them and including taliban commanders and suicide bombers and taliban fighters and security was bad here before this incident, those that freed taliban, dozens of them will not improve the situation at all and highlights how fragile security is across afghanistan, that the taliban can carry out attack on a prison
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and fighting in the south in l helman province that continued in the north and east and it has been a brutal year for afghan security forces and nato puts the police and army dead and wounded at 15,000 so far this year, that is an average of 22 afghan soldiers being killed a day across afghanistan, numbers that ann analysts here say are unsustainable and a challenge for the new president ashraf ghani and with the anniversary in power knows security is key for afghanistan if it wants to move forward and get stability. egyptian security forces say they accidentally shot at a convow of tourists killing 12 people in an air strike. the mexican foreign ministry says two of them were mexicans and it happened during a security operation in the area of western desert. egypt says security forces firing from a helicopter gun
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ship mistook the convoy for what they called terrorist elements and they are being treated in a hospital and mexican president condemned the attack on his twitter account describing it as a tragic incident. john holman has more from mexico. >> it's late sunday here so there have been no government officials actually coming out to speak about this but there have been statements and special twitter and mexican president was demanding a thorough investigation of egyptian authorities over what has happened here and he also said that he is adding to the diplomatic and personality to tend to the people who have been injured in this. he has to come out and say those two things, the reality is there isn't much of a diplomatic relationship between egypt and mexico. what there is it's positive trading and cultural thing so the repercussions of this of what seems to be a tragic sort of accident more than anything
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don't at this stage appear to be something that is going to magnify in the coming weeks. time for the weather now with everton and we have news of a tropical storm heading towards vietnam. >> that's right, last week we had six tropical systems in the globe and now we have a weak one and one heading to vietnam and winds of 65 kilometers per hour and gusting significantly higher than that, the winds won't be a problem, it's about the rain and have seen 178 millimeters of rain in 24 hours there and you can see this massive cloud, that is the storm just to the south of the line making its way in land as we speak. winds will fall pretty quickly going through the next 12-18 hours or so but lots more of the heavy rain coming any across the area and going on through tuesday the wetter weather will push across cambodia and some parts of thailand and also seeing very heavy rain. by the time we come to the
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middle part of the week we see dry weather in the eastern side of vietnam but heavy rain for a good part of thailand and on the other side of there we have very heavy showers coming through here. heavy rain there as well, still making its way across northeastern parts of india and lots of cloud just around the east at the presents and heavy showers and more parts of the west seeing particularly big downpours as we go on through the next couple of days and it really is the case of differences and moving to the middle part of the week and further north it's hot and dry. >> everton thanks for that, still to come on al jazeera, too close to call, greece former prime minister and conservative rival neck and neck in the snap elections. and find out if high-flying kansas could come back against baltimore and stay with all the details in sport. ♪
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we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. ♪ welcome back, i'm julie and you are with al jazeera and remind you of the headlines now eu ministers due to meet in the next hour to discuss the refugee crisis and germany says it will maintain its strict new border controls for at least several weeks because it can't cope with the record number of asylum seekers and hundreds of thousands of refugees have traveled through southern europe hoping to cross into germany. australian minister tony abbot called for a vote on the liberal party leadership and communications minister malcolm
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resigned from the cabinet and asked him to step aside. afghan taliban freed more than 430 prisoners and used gunmen to storm the province and four police officers were killed and several others were wounded. more on our top stories, the al jazeera crisis of course and european leaders struggling to cope with thousands of people arriving everyday and most of those are from war-torn syria and we take a look at how europe's refugee crisis sits within the greater catastrophe happening in syria and its people. >> reporter: syria had a population of 22 million back in 2011 but there is a very different picture now after four years of a brutal civil war, 12 million people have been forced from their homes, more than half the population and close to 8 million of them sought refuge within syria and of those internally displaced 3.5 million are children. the risk 4 million people have
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fled to neighboring countries and turkey has taken in the most, close to 2 million, more than a million are in lebanon and jordan, iraq and egypt all have refugees numbering in the hundreds of thousands. compare that then with the number of syrian refugees in europe who are trying to get there and it is significantly smaller. the u.n. refugee agency says almost 350,000 syrians have applied for asylum in europe over the last four years but accounting for the thousands who are trying to make it to europe everyday as a percentage europe is taking just over 3 percent of 12 million syrians in urgent need of help. ♪ and our correspondent stephanie decker sent this update from the syrian/turkish border. >> reporter: what people are telling us is a very different story we are hearing from the refugees trying to get to the european union. we are at the border crossing
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just a few kilometers away from syria and the people here have been in turkey, some tell us a year, two years and want to go back to syria, and this is a processing point at border and want to go today. what they are saying is life here is incredibly difficult and don't get work permits and cannot work legally and complain of the treatment. turkey is hosting almost two million syrian refugees, there is a camp behind us and most of the people do not live in camps and are on their own and need to find their own way in cities and towns and don't get any assistance and they can never work legally so the message here is we would rather die in syria than go to the european union. there has been no diplomatic breakthrough on syria since the conflict began back in 2011. the scale of the refugee crisis could build momentum for a political solution. and our diplomatic editor james base reports. >> reporter: even the man who heads the u.n. system
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secretary-general ban ki-moon admits the organization has failed to tackle the situation this syria, one of the main reasons for refugee crisis now spreading well beyond the region. >> the conflict is a tragedy and symbol of international divisions and history and judgment will be harsh. >> reporter: half more than 4 1/2 years of conflict the figures are shocking, as many as 250,000 people dead, 4 million refugees in the region and now thousands more flooding into europe. the u.n. continues to spend billions in its efforts to help syrians but the fighting will not stop until there is a political solution and that brings us here to u.n. security council. it has passed resolutions on syria, for example, on removing chemical weapons and trying to ease the dire humanitarian situation but if there is to be a political solution there needs
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to being ament on that here too. the central agreement on president asaid and inner circle and russia backed by china refused to support efforts to force him out of power but others on the security council maintain he has no place in the new syria. one former british diplomate working as advisor to the syrian national council, the so called moderate opposition says it's just possible the refugee crisis in europe could break the deadlock. >> you are dealing with these kinds of massive policy problems and it's not straightforward and you can get in a mindset where it's all too complicated and all too difficult and where things change is in a situation like this where suddenly public opinion shifts, suddenly the politics of all of this change over so slightly and there is an opening and at that point effective diplomates will step in and say this is an opportunity. >> a round of diplomatic activity is underway and u.n.
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envoy staffan de mistura is talking about a possible political transition and finding a new creative translation to this issue is going to be extremely difficult if not impossible, james base, al jazeera, at the united nations. opposition forces in syria have stepped up their campaign to take control of the city of aleppo. forces loyal to president bashar al-assad have the upper hand while others face shelling and we have the report. >> reporter: this part of aleppo has been under rebel control for four years but it's far from safe. government troops shell the area constantly, barrel bombs have destroyed entire neighborhoods. life on the ground is tough. she lost her house during an air strike. she now lives in a community building. each day she walks four miles to
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a charity that delivers food, aid and water to the needy. there are shortages everywhere but a school principal and music tutor wants his students not to lose hope. here he is making sure that the school girls are ready for the end of year party. >> translator: many people have left because of guns and air strikes on civilians and barrel bombs destroy everything and target residential areas on purpose, i was in a building that collapsed after it was hit by a missile and i'm lucky i'm still alive. >> reporter: this was a neighborhood bustling with activity. many have left. some crossed to turkey. others went to remote villages. there are also those who were forced to leave when i.s.i.l. captured some rebel-held areas.
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>> translator: i.s.i.s. are assad are the same thing and destroyed the country and it forced people to go but i'm staying, there is no way i will leave, i was born here. >> reporter: aleppo remains divided and the government has mass troops in districts that it controls. the rebels have made a few gains but each time they advance aisle steps in to take more territory. for those that remain this is a conflict without end. and ongoing cycle of death and destruction, al jazeera. turkey has restored a curfew in the mainly kurdish city and a part of a government campaign to stomp out separatist fighters and three police officers were killed in two different attacks on sunday and gerald tan has the details. >> reporter: defying curfew orders residents in the city
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scuffled with police. tear gas and water canons were used to dispurse protesters trying to enter the central neighborhood now under lock down. mainly kurdish city it's the latest flash point in an ongoing conflict pitting the government against kurdish fighters but the pro-kurdish democratic party or hdp insist there is a better way. >> translator: it's very unfortunate for turkey to return to the days of the 1990s with strict security measures and resolve the problems without extraordinary measures stands right beside us. >> reporter: the government also renewed a curfew just two days after ending a nine-day lock down during a military operation on the city. tens of thousands of people flooded the streets at a funeral of 16 people killed in the
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bombardment. >> translator: that is a shame, they are committing a sin by putting us through all this pain. we will never and what president erdiwan is doing to us, the tanks and shells killed us all. >> reporter: but the government says most of those killed were fighters from the kurdistan workers party or pkk. violence is on the rise between security forces and the pkk, two separate attacks in the southeast on sunday killed police officers in what has become a near daily pattern since a two-year peace deal crumbled in july and turkey's leadership is vowing to stamp out fighters using whatever means necessary. >> translator: today the biggest test ahead of us is our fight against the terrorist attacks and they are grave threat against the solidarity of our people and unity of our country. >> reporter: that solidarity is being tested in istanbul demonstrators marched against a resent security measures,
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further sign of how the conflict is dividing public opinion, gerald tan, al jazeera. a week before greece's general election former prime minister alexis is neck and neck with his conservative rival. the outcome could depend on undecided voters and the televised debate later on monday and john is in athens. >> reporter: looking sadder and wiser, he is still presenting himself as the alternative to the socialist and conservatives he defeated once before. >> translator: we will not allow the old which the people threw out the door in january to come back in the window on september 20 we will do away with it once and for all. >> reporter: this was of course january promise to restructure the debt and spend billions on the poor and none came to pass instead cities surrendered to a
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package costing 2% of the economy a year, main opposition against conservatives now is it will do a better job of implementing it. many greek voters are humbled, exhausted and deeply disappointed. >> translator: there was never an alternative, the europe and solidarity and partnership doesn't really want solidarity. >> translator: there was an alternative to austerity but they didn't negotiate right, nobody did, and there is still an alternative. >> that alternative popular unity broke away from cities last month and says greece's option is to have a debt right off to lend freely to restart the economy and this would force greece to leave the euro zone and economist says that is what he should have done and was naive to trust in consensus. >> impossible to persuade the majority by the arab approach.
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cities that went there, he tried and came up against the reality of the union and european union and came up against a big wall basically and in the end he was subjected to blackmail because that's the nature of the monetary union, the power relations there and subjected to blackmail and severed it completely. >> reporter: many greeks agree with a trickle of supporters ending up on popular unity doorstep and many sympathize with the man and feelings about the eye chooef achievements are like there's and has contradictions and hails the bail out the only deal to keep greece in the euro zone and says he was forced into it and agrees with austerity and promises to implement it and said he made a deal against the odds and others feel he is incompetent. he may manage to eek out another victory and save his legacy but
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no one is yet sure who or what will save greece. john with al jazeera, athens. swiss and u.s. prosecutors are expected to hold a press conference about the fifa corruption inquiry and in may 7 executives arrested as part of a u.s. investigation and included fifa vice president jeffrey web and 14 are charged with racketeeri racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering, three people arrested in malaysia with the bombing of a shrine in bank cock last month and they were arrested and are assisting with the investigation and picked up with a tim of thai authorities and people were killed by the bomb in august and we are in kuala-lumpar and sent this report. >> reporter: confirmed they have three suspects in custody, two men and one woman who are
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believed to be involved in last month's bombing in bangkok and include a pakistani national. >> we are not sure whether the suspect, the main suspect is in this country. we are not so sure yet. we don't know. we don't have a real evidence to show that he is in this country so we are investigating it. >> reporter: the arrests were made several days ago and police say they acted on a tip off from thai authorities. now, the bomb blast in bangkok was at a very popular shrine in bangkok and locals and tourists alike were killed and it's the single wor single worst bomb attack and they have several in their custody and yet to establish a motive and no one claimed responsibility for the attack. still to come on al jazeera we will have all the sport for you and where djokovic among the
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♪ welcome back, the largest north american auto workers union is negotiating a contract with the big three, gm, chrysler and ford and expected to be contentious and they had to give ground in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis and now all three of the companies are profitable and john has more. >> reporter: these are brighter days for the motor city, detroit
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is out of bankruptcy as are chrysler and general motors and the city is rebuilding and selling more cars than it has in years, union auto workers now negotiating with gm and chrysler and ford want a piece of that prosperi prosperity. here at headquarters where some negotiations are taking place some workers have not seen a pay raise in a decade and companies have been profitable for the past five years and it might be harder for them to argue now it isn't time for a wage increase. the union's top priority is to eliminate a two-tiered wage system introduced in desperate times as gm and chrysler faced bankruptcy. >> a guy working on this part of the car, a traditional guy making $28 an hour. you got the guy on the right side of the car performing the same task as his buddies making half. and so that is something that is
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unacceptable. >> reporter: the union officials acknowledge they have a problem. their numbers have slurng from a peek of 1.5 workers in 1979 to about 400,000 now. >> well, you know, power is in numbers and when numbers go down your powers go down. reporter: ford wants a fair and with competitive labor agreement to continue providing jobs and investment in the u.s. and ensures a prosperous future for company, employees and communities. the two-tiered system will likely merge as they have in the airline and grocery industries. >> what usually happens is they retire out all the people at the higher wage, they are able to buy down the people at the higher wage to a middle wage, they wait it out until everyone is retired and gone or they have a long grow in for the entry level to reach the wage at the top tier of workers. >> reporter: how that thorny issue is resolved could help
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determine whether the auto makers of detroit continue to compete with their rivals around the globe or return to past practices that just a few years ago drove them to the verge of extension, john with al jazeera, detroit. let's get the sport now. >> thank you so much. djokovic has become the u.s. open champion for a second time in his career. he beat roger federer in new york to claim the 10th grand slam title and richard par reports. >> reporter: three-hour rain delay and federer and djokovic took to the courts for the u.s. open final and djokovic's fourth grand slam final of the season with the french open was the only blemish and served early in the match though and fortunately he only suffered some scrapes and bruises. he still managed to win the opening set 6-4 as the first time federer dropped a set in
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the tournament. djokovic had beaten federer the last grand slam final at wimbledon in four sets. while at the age of 34 federer had credited part of his longevity to increased sleep and wide awake in the second set as he levelled the match taking it 7-5. as a 5-time u.s. open champion the new york crowd was firmly behind federer and didn't stop djokovic who won the third 6-4 and in the fourth he is 5-2 up on arthur ash and while federer got a break back it wasn't enough as djokovic had 6-4 for the tenth grand slam title. >> obviously it's a huge relief in the end when i saw the foreign return going out and i'm going to try to obviously nurture this as much as i can. >> i'm very disappointed, like i
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said i had my chances to earn my racket and never should have been down the way i was in the quarter but djokovic did a great job offending them off and all of that so it was a tough night but still thrilling. >> reporter: this is djokovic's six final at flushing meadows and only the second time he has been the u.s. open champion, richard par, al jazeera. that is djokovic's tenth grand slam crown but where does it put him with the all-time grates? fifth with the most grand slam titles in the opener era since professional and one behind with 11 titles before his initial retirement in 1983. djokovic trails one of his foes of nadal by four with american pete sampres on 14 titles, he managed that in just 18 finals
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and despite losing at flushing meadows federer is still the man on top and won the most slams ever, 17, that is 7 more than djokovic. and futbol back to winning ways to move to fifth and having failed to win the last two league games it started bad with missing a penalty. and they managed to get ahead before the break and joel getting the goal and did equalize but made up for his early mistakes to secure a 2-1 win. over to one of the most hotly contested ties in world futbol and the strike was enough to have 1-0 and entered the first victory since 2013 and win also moves them to the top of the table.
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major league soccer claimed the fifth straight wind and new england had a goal from damian and then doubled their lead five minutes from half time. toronto got a goal back and claimed the win for the visitors, 20 minutes from time, 3-1 the final and new england are fourth in the eastern conference, one place and six points ahead of toronto. golf now and lydia is the youngest winner on the tour and teenager from new zealand and incredible six-shot victory on sunday and 18 years and she beat the previous record by six months and earlier this year she became the youngest world number one in professional golf. major league baseball in baltimore shocked the central
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division leaders kansas city on sunday, the orioles on top of kansas and smashed a three-run homer putting them three ahead and never gave up the lead from there on and 8-2 win and baltimore set third in the east. much more sport on our website, for all the latest you can check out al jazeera/sport and we have blogs and video clips from all our correspondents from around the world. that is it for me and back to you. >> thank you indeed for that. one of japan's most active volcanos has begun to erupt and you can see the volcano sending plumes of smoke two kilometers into the air. no reports of casualties at this stage. the recently restarted nuclear plant which is around 160
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kilometers away is so far uneffected by the eruption. one of the manmade wonders of the world is slowly disintegrating, 30% of the great wall of china no longer exists because of exposure to the elements or tourists chipping away an ancient souvenir and we went to northern china to see what is being done to save the wall. >> reporter: it's a vegetable garden that has been in her family for decades, the crops protected from the elements by the naturally occurring stone available in this part of northern china, yet not all stone comes from the query, some came from the great wall of china and ancestors took the great wall's cut stone to build their homes, in some cases more than 100 years ago. >> translator: we are happy to give back any part of the wall if asked. you have to remember we were so poor back then, modern cheap bricks were not available like
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they are now. >> reporter: she is like hundreds of others in the area whose homes are made from the old and the new, ancient china sits comfortably alongside its modern decedent. the wall is over 2300 years old and runs over 21,000 kilometers and nature eroded it it is chipped away from visitors and saying protecting the wall is important. >> translator: the great wall is not just china, it belongs to the whole human race and has to be protected. >> translator: it's a symbol of china and we have to look after it. >> reporter: so the tourist visiting today are themselves a photo opportunity for the local chinese. the deterioration of the wall and in part its disappearance is worrying those fighting to protect it. >> translator: it's closely
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connected with origin of our culture. the wall is in line with lack of respect in protecting our tradition and culture. >> reporter: the authorities have not been ignoring the situation of the wall. the government's restoration and protect plan began in 1957 and it continues to this day because the greatest enemy of the wall isn't just man, it's the elements and they are doing their damage as well because part of the wall are just made in stone and made in brick and wood and are prone to general wear and tear and the weather. while it's understandable why villages from ways community would have used the wall as a source of free, cheap building material, the wall's largest battle is still being fought everyday, not against man but a fight for survival against the elements, al jazeera. i'll be back straight after the break with another bulletin, do stay with us.
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♪ european ministers prepare for emergency talks on refugees as germany imposes border controls leaving thousands in legal limbo. ♪ i'm julie and you are watching al jazeera live from doha and also coming up, on the program. >> i will be a candidate and i expect to win. >> reporter: australia prime minister tony abbot faces another leadership challenge and a decision is expected this hour. >> on the great wall of china, i'll be telling you why 30% of the
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