tv News Al Jazeera September 14, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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website, >> this is al jazeera. >> hello there i'm barbara serra. you're watching the newshour live on al jazeera. coming up on the program. closing border, hungarian police close the border with serbia. stopping refugees from crossing. tony abbott deposed, australia's prime ministe is pushed out of his job from a challenge from his own party.
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plus. >> i'm sahil raman, on the great wall of china, i'll tell you why 30% of its historic wall has gone missing and further speculating where it's gone. i'm here with the day's sports, surrounding the world of football, pros coourlts reveal morprosecutors revealmore of thp fifa officials. >> hello thank you for joining us. hungary's border with serbia has come a step further to being closed, to cut off influx of refugees. a train with barbed wire at the front has moved into position to help seal the border. this follows the reintroduction of border checks despite freedom of movement being a key
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principle for the european uni union. all iaustria has reintroduced te checks. germany's vice chancellor says it's not designed to keep refugees out, it's meant to produce a more orderly flow of people. at 22 gmt on monday four hours from now hungary is set to introduce much tougher border checks which could see vftion ss deported and people smugglers jailed. these are live images that we can see from roske a border town border between hungary and serbia, there are dozens of
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police block the main crossing point. we understand that border has been sealed. we are covering all sides of the story. in a moment we'll hear from jacky rowland in brussels and rob reynolds. first andrew simmons who is in roske now. andrew just in the past hour, we are seeing the shots of that train covered in barbed wire, successfully closing off that border fence. what is the situation now? >> now, you can see refugees used to be walking in very large numbers settling in this area here until they were collected on their onward journey. that's not happening anymore because of that rather bizarre looking carriage that's a makeshift block of gates that is standing in front of the border itself. prior to that, police were lined
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up blocking the border off, it took people by surprise, it hatched four hours ago and it was expected that it wouldn't happen until midnight local, 22 gmt but it happened earlier. it has to be said that the bother is sealed off at these unofficial points but the official bother controls are open. officials say they must walk through those points and will get a rather complex system that hasn't been explained fully but authorities say once the fence which is running behind schedule, four meters high and runs 175 kilometers, a sign saying refugees must go to official points to actually get access. people, faces exprekses on the
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faces of refugees having walked four or fivexpressions is oneofe of the situation. they knew there was going to be a closure of official access points and they thought it would be midnight. the serbs were bringing in bus he, they won't admit to it but they certainly were we understand gettin getting buses arranged for refugees to go to the border, last minute rush, when i say last minute, several hours, four to 5,000 people crossed the border in a space of 24 hours. but what happens now isn't entirely clear. barbara. >> as you said andrew, the border closed a few hours early.
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make life a lot harder for a lot of these refugees that might be out of desperation would try breach that fence. >> people are seeking clarification of exactly what these new laws will mean, including the unhcr, united nations refugee agency and some aspects of the european union. the official line from the hungarian government is they are really enforcing european union regulations coupled with these new laws. in summary, victor orban croi categorically he will not change the orders, he says there will
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be no more -- there will be anybody crossing the border illegally, anybody criminally damaging the fence, will have jail sentences of quote undevote several years. we were hearing three years at one point but that's the situation he says. bibigger than what he has done, parliament has voted in favor of changing asylum law which will make it quite clear that serbia is a safe, inverted com commas, third country. if they can't they can enter hpg buhungary but be turned back. according to victor orban this will drastically reduce the number of refugees entering the country. he will also turn back anybody the country considers to be an
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economic migrant. that is another area. he says categorically, that no mandatory refugees come to hungary. what he says takes place, it could be a drastic change and a real bottleneck, which the unhcr has warned against, a large null of refugees stuck in hungary, and as a result, the unhcr has tried to get more help to the refugees in the border area. pretty complicated situation here, it seems that there are more patrols along the fence and
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ratcheted up the security situation. >> andrew simmons in rushke. that's how hungary has handled the situation. the past few weeks has highlighted a lack of coordinated approach by european officials. because of this, european minister have been meeting in brussels. the three-year-old boy's body shocked the world, to open its doors. >> it is heartbreaking, again to live for save allen and galeb his brother, it is not too late to save a million of them. they need that help. >> was the eu listening? jacky rowland is live for us in
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brussels. the meeting is finished what did they say? >> i'm not sure it is fished barbara. just a few minutes ago i went to the german and french interior ministers, who i think called this meeting they didn't have a lt of intadges to tellot of sub. the catch phrase is political commitment. we kept hearing about this political commitment that they say everyone has reached. but from that we have learned very different. the german interior minister say we have a political commitment but far from the solidarity we expect. clearly referring to other members of the eu who he feels are not doing their parts. french interior minister said some very similar. he said that germany france have decided to accept their share of refugees which means he said the
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other eu countries must do the same. he may see that logic but many other eastern european countries do not intend to accept the share that have been cooked up by the commission. so i don't know if i'm going to have anything concrete to tell you busy the end of monday. certainly, the german minister was indicating there will be more when they meet here on october the 8th. this drags on and on without clear policies declared. >> it seems lik inconceivable to wait until october the 8th which seems a long time from
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now. is there any point they can meet halfway do you think? >> reporter: well, in the european union, they have this process of decision making which requires consensus, at first it was okay in early days when we were looking at about a dozen countries. but as the european union has grown and grown and grown, 28 countries have to agree on everything. this issue more even i would say than the recent greek debt crisis which seemed a huge crisis at the time but now this issue of refugees, this issue of plowing immigrantallowing immige not originally associated with europe, shows division of countries in the west which has more of a tradition of accepting
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immigrants, france for example, and germany, and countries in eastern europe that don't have those same traditions and who have these quite homogeneous population of white, the whole way of life and culture of their country would be lost forever if they were to allow in thousands of people from the middle east to north erik. north africa. maybe there will be some sort of fudge by which certain countries can be allowed to voluntarily sign up to these quotas. but certainly this is not going to be resolved soon. there could be a possibility that the heads of government could be called together sooner. when you think of the thousands of people on the move you do
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have to ask yourself whether this could wait until the 8th of october, three weeks away, where you could bear in mind there are refugees basically stuck between borders, maybe we could see refugees in serbia start to take a different route, through slovenia and croatia. c. the situation isn't going to be delayed by failing to find a solution. >> jacky thank you for that. and now let's go to the germany austria border. germany has taken the lead in
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the last few weeks, that it's going to allow in hundreds of thousands. but yet it imposed a border control. take us there their thinking of closing the border. >> it hasn't effectively closed the border, barbara. austria is over there across a small river. the border checks are ongoing, they're sporadic, sometimes traffic is flowing more smoothly than it is now. but nevertheless this is not what is supposed to happen according to the ideal version of the european union. not supposed to have these kind of internal borders between internal eu nations. austria is now imposing some checks and controls on its
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borders as is slovakia as are a number of other countries. this nevertheless is not stopping syrian refugees making their way across the border from all in favoaustria to germany. >> over a bridge over a river that forms the border. long and painful journey from syria. this man's leg was wounded buy bomb in damascus. >> i came through turkey, greece, macedonia, hungary, the german police are not allowing us through. >> border controls in place on
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the border with all in favor, say aye traaustria, it ismuniche in sieg. sight. a tent camp for refugees which was full over the weekend now stands empty. the abrupt the about-takes in germany, left some refugees confused and irritated. >> the government no longer has things under control as all. at first they said the refugees should just come, now they say, oh we are overwhelmed. >> i don't think the government has done anything right and what they are doing now is too little too late. >> reporter: at the border, a separate group of syrian men who said they had traveled from a
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refugee camp in jordan, stood safely on the junior man side. >> i'm in germany, inside germany, if i in border maybe. now i'm in germany, no anyone, i'm a syrian. no anyone can take me and lift us syrians in hungary or germany not anyone. >> they had detained on the no man's land, now they too are on secure ground. the border checks here which germany says are only temporary are another sign that the european union's policy of open borders between member states may be slipping away. >> and rob reynolds is live for us on the austria germany border. any situation of someone being
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forced to go back to austria from germany? >> no, barbara. the german government believes it is bound by international treaties, geneva convention, that germany must accept refugees from war ravaged countries. those who made it to germany are now in a nearby former customs house where they will start the process of being -- applying for asylum and being admitted into germany and they will be given a place to sleep for the night and so on. what really is an unknown question barbara however, is whether, if this plan, which jacky rowland discussed earlier, to have quotas for countries to accept syrian and other
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refugees, in other words france would accept a certain number, the netherlands would accept a certain number, poland would accept a certain number, most of these refugees do not want to go anywhere except where they want to go and that means armenian in thgermany inthe vast majority o. it is an open question as to how the refugees would react if they are told for example there's a place for new lithuania lithuan. >> rob reynolds, thanks. still more to come on the al jazeera newshour. the scandal surrounding the world of football, prosecutors to reveal more details about a major investigation. plus. >> i'm john hendren, at the united auto workers. negotiations underway between
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the united auto workers and auto manufacturers. >> and novak djokovic on his u.s. open title. the pentagon says russia has positioned tanks at a syrian air field at the center of a military buildup. they say that seven tanks have been seen near an air field at latakia. but syrian's ambassador has denied reports of the russian troop presence. rosalyn jordan has more from washington, d.c. >> pentagon officials say they don't know why the russian military is expanding its airstrip at a air base near latakia or why it's sending in the number of troops on the ground said to be around 200. although pentagon officials
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won't confirm that. however the pentagon is very concerned and the obama administration is very concerned for that matter about the possibility of russian forces one supporting the syrian military in its civil war against moderate opposition or coming into conflict with the u.s. led coalition that's been going after i.s.i.l. in the northern part of syria. while the u.s. and the coalition have agreed, major because the u.s. believes that russia would do so only in an attempt to prop up bashar al-assad which the u.s. opposes. that said, the u.s. does not wan to go into how it knows that the russians are apparently making attempt to build what is a forward military air base.
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but watching in concern. >> there's been a second day of violence at al-aqsa compound. on sunday witness he say they closed its door to lock in 5 protesters arrested in the compound and visits went on as planned. the clashes came only hours before the jewish new year rosh hashanah. tony abbott is being replaced by malcolm turnbull. australia will have its fifth prime minister in as many years. from sydney al jazeera's andrew thomas reports. >> the results were close but in the end a tight vote went in favor of a challenger.
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>> and the leadership was contested by malcolm turnbull, turnbull was successful on 54, abbott on 44. >> malcolm turnbull was successful to lead his country. >> the australia of the future has to be a nation that is agile, innovative creative. we cannot be future proofing ourselves. we have to recognize that the disruption that we see driven by technology the volatility and change, is our friend. is our friend if we are agile and smart enough to take advantage of it. there has never been a more exciting time to be alive than today. and there has never been a more exciting time to be an australian. >> tony abbott was australia's prime minister for almost exactly two years.
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from the right of his party his chief achievement in his eyes was stopping boats from reaching australia and scrapping an environmental tax on carbon emissions but never personally popular. as the australian economy slowed, his chances to lead to a new victory next year began to look slim. malcolm turnbull was a long time rival, on monday he seize id his moment. tony abbott was electricked in 2013 promising to end the dysfunction he characterized last year, one of stability one of no surprises. it was not to be. malcolm turnbull will be sworn in formally as australia's prime minister on tuesday. andrew thomas, al jazeera, sydney. let's take a look at the man who will become australia's next
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prime minister, self made millionaire. led australia's republican movement including an unsuccessful referendum on leading the british commonwealth in 1999. turnbull is a social progressive, backs gay marriage. that set him at odds with many in his right wing liberal party. he was leader of that party between 2008 and 2009 when it was in opposition but was deposed by tony abbott after a leadership challenge. recently opinion polls have shown australians would preeferr turnbull to abbott who has made a series ever missteps. most people outside of australia might have been surprised. were you surprised by this take over in any way?
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>> not really, turnbull was abbott's predecessors. abbott dedisplaced him bu disple vote. >> abbott's been riling the electorate on several social issues. he's anti-gay marriage, he's anti-bootion. anti-abortion. he's a climate change denier. now on all of those issues, turnbull is on the other side. >> okay. >> so if you are making a bid in a difficult economic situation, if you are making a bid for center ground, having turnbull on your side is not a bad start. >> i think it's in the next 12
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months -- >> in the next 12 months is their best chance so that's why the moves happened, the deputy prime minister julie bishop, supported abbott the last time and she switched over and supporting turnbull because she wants her party in power. >> five prime ministers in five years is not something you associate with australia,al that >> partly because the australian economy has been so successful, people think they can go for change. if the prime minister's not delivering the goods, they go after them. the parties get jittery, the electric gets jittery and so they try another model. >> it's the fact that the chinese are not trading with
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australia as much as they used to, not one prime minister is going to do much about that, we might see a new one every 18 months? >> we might, green issues is where the center ground is in politics. >> professor bridge, thank you so much for sharing your cruises with us. still ahead three more arrests over the bangkok bombing, the very latest. find out if high flying kansas and baltimore, coming up in sports. orts.
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>> i've been asked to keep my voice down cause we are so close to the isil position >> who is in charge, and are they going to be held to accout? >> but know we're following the research team into the fire >> they're learning how to practice democracy... >> ...just seen tear gas being thrown... >> ...glad sombody care about us man... >> several human workers were kidnapped... >> this is what's left of the hospital >> is a crime that's under reported... >> what do you think... >> we're making history right now... >> al jazeera america >> the end of aging. >> eternal youth? >> yeah, not eternal "life"... eternal "youth". >> curing death. >> we're heading from "have and have nots" to a world of "haves" and "super-haves".
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>> can you afford to live forever? >> what's wrong if rich people got to live longer than poor people? >> that it's no fair. >> "faultlines". >> what do we want? >> al jazeera america's hard-hitting... >> today the will be arrested. >> ground-breaking... >> they're firing canisters of gas at us. >> emmy award-winning, investigative series. >> we have to get out of here. >> a reminder of the top stories in al jazeera. hungarian officials have used a train to close off the remainder of the border fence between hungary and serbia. russian buildup in syria, and
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egypt's killing of me mexican tourists. u.n. secretary-general is urging respect for refugees. >> we need to have comprehensive measures that apply throughout europe. a situation where different countries and different borders have different procedures creates chaos both physical as well as legal chaos. it is clear that those who are on the move whether they be refugees or migrants have rights. countries also have responsibilities towards their own citizens, in order to ensure national security. but it is clear that international law, especially as it relates to refugees, needs to be respected. >> now for more on this we're joined from berlin by astrid
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zebart, germ national fund of the united states. thank you very much for joining us on al jazeera, germany very much taken the lead over the last few weeks and days, saying it was going to accept hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers. what message does that really send to the rest of europe? we've seen a domino effect with reinstating of all in favor treen border controlof austriars because germany did. >> i don't know if you remember or recall those pictures, chancellor merkel says it is a one time decision to let those people come. however it did set in motion also increased pictures or send pictures to the outside of
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germany or outside of europe and people were seeing pictures of refugees being welcomed. but in the past two weeks, bavaria has seen 63,000 refugees coming. the chancellor and vice chancellor says we are open, we can manage 800,000 or probably more but we cannot do this forever. the forever has probably lasted two weeks and the cities and states within germany have put pressure on the government to do something because they are getting to their capacity. >> across europe i guess angela merkel has been held as a good example in a way of yes they can absorb the refugees but also has shown perhaps would you call it a moral lead when it comes to the other countries. but how much are the german people behind their chancellor? how much reaction has there been to her lead on this? >> well, what ecan certainly say is when the decision was taken
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to accept the refugees from hungary there was a huge support and you've seen the pictures and this remained even though more people kept coming. we had about 60% of people saying we are behind this and we can manage. however how long this can last is of course the big question mark. so we'll have to watch that space. >> it is looking increasingly like all the stumbling blocks over the issues of quotas and each country taking their own share of refugees is unlikely to happen or be very difficult. what impact will that have on germany's decision? because they've always said they would take in hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers but all countries to take their share. do you think we're going to see a change in germany's stance?
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>> well, what they have said is not that they will have 800,000 people come or would allow them to come. it was really at that point a pragmatic estimate that this will be the number or even higher of people who will come. what the german government is currently also doing is trying to get the system in order so that those who are really in need of asylum fleeing wars, are those coming through the western balkans. here is what they've tried in the past couple of months to get into place. now we can see that this is also something that is -- will be permanent at the other countries. certainly, reinstalling the border controls for a temporary time has sent a message to the interior ministers as they met today and tried to discuss or come up with a plan which so far has not really been the big thing that they have come up with. >> do you think angela merkel has handled it well or been
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naive, correct me if i'm wrong but to welcome all official asylum seekers from syria do you think she was naive perhaps overreached what germany could actually deliver? >> well, what she stated was that those people who are coming and fleeing and those mostly from syria have almost 100% of getting the asylum. so recognized here in germany this is what she was stating. that is of course that should be also the case in other eu countries. as we are striving towards common european asylum standard. this was the message she was also sending is we need oget the to that system. >> 8yes, which we're for the moment nowhere near that. madam, thank you. now egyptian officials say eight mexican tourists were
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accidentally killed in a security operation in egypt. they said helicopter gun ships mistook the group for terrorists. >> mexico expresses deep dismay for this deplorable event. has demand he a explanation. >> reporter: mexican officials had spoken to some of the survivors. >> these mexicans admitted to hospitals, told us they were attacked from the air with bombs and helicopters. >> taken to egyptian hospital
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for treatment. the acting minister of government, expressed regret but said the tourists were in a restricted area without permission. >> we are standing with the mexican people in their tragedy. the circumstances surrounding the incident, a part of egypt's fight against terrorism. this is a painful incident and i gives my deepest condolences to the mexican people and the mexican tourists. >> alongside the mexicans a number of egyptians are also said to have been killed and injured. in a tweet the mexican president said his government strongly condemns these acts against our citizens. he has demanded a thorough investigation. egyptian troops at the time are said to have been chasing armed fighters in the desert, they were traveling in similar vehicles to the mexican
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tourists. lucia newman, al jazeera. three people have been arrested in connection to the bombing of a shrine in bangkok last month. assisting with the investigation, 20 people were killed by the bomb in central bangkok in august. florence looi sent us this report. >> the malasian inspector of police have confirmed they have three suspects in custody. two men and a woman. one including a pakistani national. >> we are not sure whether the suspect, the main suspect is in this country, we are not so sure yet. we do not know. we don't have a real evidence to show that he is in this country. so we are investigating it. >> reporter: the arrests were made several days ago and police
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say they acted on a tip from a thai authority. very popular shrine in downtown bangkok, locals and tourists alike were killed. single worst bomb attack in thailand. yet to establish a motive and no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. >> the largest north american car workers union is negotiating a new contract with biggest car makers, gm, chrysler and ford. john hendren has more from detroit. >> detroit is out of bankruptcy as are chrysler and general motors. the city is selling more cars than it has in years. union auto workers, now negotiating with general motors,
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fiat chrysler and ford want part of that prosperity. haven't received a pay raise in a decade. it may be harder for the companies to argue now that it isn't a time for an increase. eliminating a two tiered system. >> guy working on the left side of the car or the traditional guy making $28 an hour, you got the guy on the right side of the car performing the same test as his buddies, making half. so you know, that's -- that's something that is unacceptable. >> bun union officials acknowledge they have a problem. their numbers have shrunk from a peak to about 400,000 now. >> you know power is in numbers and when numbers go down your power goes down.
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>> reporter: in a statement to al jazeera, ford says it wants an agreement that assures a prosperous future for the company, our communities and our workers. >> they buy down the people at the higher wage to a middle wage. they wait it out until everyone's retired and gone. or they have a long grow-in for the entry level to reach the wage at the top tier of workers. >> reporter: how that thorny issue is resolved could determine how the auto makers continue to compete with their rivals around the world, or what drove them to the verge of extinction. john hendren, al jazeera, detroit. one of the man made wonders
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of the world is slowly disintegrating. 30% of the great wall of china no longer exists because of natural erosion or selection of the people around it. sahil raman reports. >> naturally occurring stone, yet not all stone here comes from the quarry, some came from the great wall of china. her ancestors took the great wall's cut stone to build their homes. in some cases more than 100 years ago. >> we are happy to give back any part of the wall if asked. you have to remember: we were so poor back then. modern cheap bricks were not available like they are now. >> reporter: she is like suns hundreds of the area, ancient
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china sits comfortably alongside its modern descendant. parts have been worn away by 70,000 visitors each day. many visitors say protecting the wall are important. >> translator: the great wall isn't just china' china's it beo the whole human race and has to be protected. >> translator: it is a symbol of china and we have to look after it. >> some of the tourists of today are a photo opportunity for the local chinese. the deterioration of the wall and in part its disappearance is worrying those trying to protect it. >> translator: it's closely connected to the origin of our culture. the disappearing of the wall is a lack of respect in protecting
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our tradition and our culture. >> the authorities have not been ignoring the situation of the wall. the government restoration plan began in 1957 and it continues to this day because the greatest enemy of the wall isn't just this man but the elements. they are doing their damage as well. part of the wall is made of brick and wood. wall as a source of free cheap building material, the world's largest battle is still being fought every day. not against plan but a fight for sphiefl against the elements. survival against the elements. >> i'm jessica baldwin in london where a new exhibit has just
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>> japanese society, japanese artist used highway billboard paint to create his pop art. the world goes pop looks at how artists from around the world have interpreted the genre. the show has taken five years to compile, two tate curators traveled around the world unearthing pop art, some artists not even known in their own countries. >> we discovered so much that has been left out of history, you can't even find in google, we think that's most exciting thing. >> the show is divided into themes. military juntas, the war in vietnam, racism, women's rights, many are over social commentary, unlike the dead pan humor
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against the textbook american pop artists. the red coat at 11 gave everyone the same skin. the italian artist nicola l was arrested in spain for a political act. there's not a campbell's soup can anywhere in this exhibition. artists who have been unrepresented in the history of pop art. 50 years on, the art is fun, playful, ironic like all pop art. but these works show art at its best, questioning often uncomfortably what is happening around us. jessica baldwin, al jazeera, lon. london. >> time for ports news. here is farah.
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thank you, barbara. fifa scandal they have assessed over 100 questionable bank accounts. he was giving an update about the case with his u.s. counterpart in zurich. >> this is an ongoing process. it is therefore too early to name a specific figure of frozen assets. i prefer also, not to share this information at this time, for tactical reasons. additional people have been questioned and we obtained information relevant to our investigation. >> united states attorney general loretta lynch also spoke saying there were more charges to come. lee wellings has more. >> with so much interest on this fifa situation, on the one hand this is a necessary update on what was a labbous process, all
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the teams in switzerland and the united states who are working on it. that's why more details we hear about how many bank accounts are being investigated, assets that are frozen, and important issues around those that have already been charged, already facing extradition to the united states. what i thought was more interesting is the warning i think that's being sent out by loretta lynch. i think it's very clear that she wants there to be a fear factor, wants people to be fearful that she will come to get them. this goes to the highest level, to the president sepp blatter. she did nothing to avert speculation around him. he was the man stepping aside finally after many years of the presidency, he's going by february but how much of a case does he have? that's what people want to know. the swiss side of this political
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reasons are really concentrating on those 2018 and 2022 world cups, controversially awarded to russia and qatar. will there be a revote? i think there's a long way away from that. >> taking over uventis, tough group as they host one up against uventis on tuesday. despite the poor start they will not be taking them for granted. tennis's world number 1 novak djokovic continues to separate his number 1 victory, in central park new york, a day after his win against roger federer. >> it feels amazing. it has been the best grand slam season ever in my career so i'm
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trying to cherish it and try to enjoy every moment. very proud as my team is of the achievements that we reach together. these are the tournaments that you always dream of winning and this is the tournament that counted the most in our sport. >> djokovic defeeted federer in four sets. >> roger federer and novak djokovic took to the courts. in the u.s. open final. fourth grand slam of the season. french open, the serb fell early in this match, only suffered some scrapes and bruises. still managed to win the opening set 6-4, the first time federer had dropped a set in the tournament.
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djokovic had beaten federer at the last grand slam final wimbledon in four sets. while at the age of 34 federer had credited part of his longevity to increased sleep. he leveled the match taking 7-5. as a five time u.s. open champion the new york crowd was firmly behind federer but didn't stop djokovic, won the third 6-4, he went five up on arthur ashe. djokovic claimed the set 6-4 to win his u.s. open. >> i should never have been down in the score the way i was but noaa vam did novak did a great g
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them off, still thrilling. >> this was djokovic's fifth final. >> american league central division leads kansas city on sunday. the royals were on top of of kansas right from the top. three run homer putting them ahead, never gave up on the road of an 8-2 win. japan masahiro tenaka, giving up four hits to lead them to a 5-0 victory. that's it for me, back to barbara. >> that's it for us also. lauren taylor will have more in just a few minutes, i will see you tomorrow, thank you for
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>> barbed wire at the border. hungary closes off the main crossing point for thousands of refugees. germany imposes stricter controls on the movement of people. i'm lauren taylor this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up. egypt offers contoll answers as mexican tour iforts accidentally killed iists killed in asecurit. >> australia has to be a nation that is
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