tv News Al Jazeera September 16, 2015 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT
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that's what the front page looks like at the moment on the serbia, hungarian border. the address to click on to is for your latest news and sport. >> desperate refugees are hit with water canons and tear gas as they clash with police along the hungarian border. intelligence officers skewed the military process against isil, and round two of the republican debate, donald trump is at the top of the competition. he's closing in.
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>> and this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm tony harris. clashes and tension right now on the hungaria hungarian-serban border after hungary sealed its border fence. thousands of people were trying to break that fence, and officials responded with water gas and tear gas. we have this report from a short time ago. >> about 20 minutes ago we were walking with a crowd of refugees, hundreds of them as they were going in to hungary. they were passing through that gate. they had managed to open the gate. at that point after they opened it, many women and children and other men in the crowd believe that the hungarian officials were going to let them through. the mood got jubilant. they were smiling and singing and felt that they were sick torous in putting pressure on
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the hungarian governments. then, with a few seconds notice we heard a scream from the front of the crowd. people turned and started running in the opposite direction. many worried that there could an stampede. kids trying to make sure that they were staying standing up and running with their parents. we were told by eye wants at the front of the crowd that hungarian police had rushed them, started hitting them with batons and these folks were greeted with tear gas so they would turn away. we managed to run back with the crowd into serbia. at that point the situation calmed. as you mentioned a moment ago we have seen people who have sustained many injuries. a moment ago i saw a man who was bleeding profusely. he said that he was clubbed on the head by one of the hungarian riot policemen. there are kids who are getting water poured in their eyes because they're suffering from
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the after effects of fear gas. they're crying because of a horrendous experience that they had. it was very traumatic for them. and now people wondering what is going to happen. there is a pattern where young men will start going to the front of the crowd, trying to get in there, and then running back when they're met with force by the hungarian police. about five minutes ago at one point the crowd became happy when they saw serbian policemen walking towards the border gate behind us. we don't know why they were going up there. this was not riot police. they looked like regular border patrol. the mood was cheerful, and they were cheering for those serbian police. it does remain a volatile situation and it does seem that it can turn on a dime because it has done so over the last several hours. >> hungarian police put out a
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statement explaining their actions. they say police are taking lawful and proportionate measures to protect the money gearan state border and th european frontier. officials say that the use of force is unjustified especially with so many children in the crowds. >> i think what we're seeing is the result of a lack of policy, the look of incoherence and decision making. refugees are typically extremely well behaved and law abiding. they're entitled to protection. when they see the razor wire they're reacting in some degree of panic, and undoubtedly the security forces are seeing it as well. these are people in need of protection. to describe them as criminals is
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wrong, and to react in this way seems to be an overreaction. >> working with countries across the region to help provide food, medicine and other aid to the refugees. for many refugees has become the destination of choice because of its liberal asylum policies. we have more on what that city's residents are doing to help. >> they are clearly happy to be here. these newly arrived refugees are guests of honor. a soccer team in hamburg. [ music ] everyone is in a party mood. this day it's only a friendly gain. >> you would like to say to the people of germany thank you to germany.
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>> diehard fans here are happy to have them. in the shadow of the stadium the exhibition center is a magnate to volunteers eager to help. here in this corner they started out by handing out second-hand shoes. now it has grown into this. now they work around the clock sorting out thousands of tons of donation worth thousands of dollars. the executive assistant was one of the first to volunteer. as you can see from the discarded name tags thousands have already lent a hand. all this with absolutely no government oversight. >> we need to try our best to solve the problems that we have right now. i think to look at the problems of the future, it's a job for the politicians.
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>> amid sorting and packing, dominic is trying to keep control in an effort that threatens to sink in chaos. >> i can't stay at my home. i can't eat good or go to sleep in my big bed as long as i know there are people outside waiting for freedom. >> a few blocks away in the once infamous red light district you realize that hamburg is a city that ladderly sleeps. >> a bunch of metal bands have gotten together and have raised funds. cover your ears. it's going to be loud. [ music ] the support for refugees is motivated by the national guilts over the country's war-time past. but guitarist rob zimmerman said that it's much simpler. >> it has to do with morality and how you look at the world.
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for me and for a lot of people, from what i've been hearing, is that people are equal. >> showing their solidarity with soccer, donations and rotten rode. >> it "t" it is a long journey on foot for a thousand asylum seekers headed for germany. they're making their way there from salzburg. it will take them four hours to walk to the nearest city. jennifer london tells us what it is like for those who are hiding out in sanctuary. >> how far would you go? would you be willing to seek
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sanctuary for deportation? the answer is yes. rosa, a year ago she walked into the church in tucson, arizona, carrying one small bag. she never imagined she would be here so long. >> what are you missing out with your family? >> there is no birthdays celebrated like before. it's been a year so everyone has had a birthday. i mistaking them to school on the first day. sometimes they've gone home being sick and i haven't been able to go and take care of them. i've missed a lot of tournaments for baseball, and i used to go to school to talk to teachers. >> in tucson, arizona, tonight on action al jazeer al jazeera, we'll look at the sanctuary
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movement and why many like rosa hide in plain sight. >> that's at 9:00 p.m. 6:00 pacific. it is promised that people will be held accountable. there are allegation some analysts tried to paint a rosier picture of progress against that group. this is all talked about at a senate hearing today. what are defense officials actually saying? >> well, general lloyd austin said that he could not talk about the investigation done by the inspector general because it was still under way, but he assured the members of congress that if the investigation finds anything done wrong, that whistle blowers would not be
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retaliated against and he would take appropriate action. but most of the focus was about the u.s. policy in iraq and syria, and to say that general audience and the deputy faced a accidental senate committee would not catch the at the pointer and tone of disappointment among the members of congress who are questioning about everything of what has gone wrong in iraq and syria. here is an exchange talking about the need, why didn't the united states do more to create a safe zone in northern syria so we all have don't have this refugee flow in europe. just to give a flavor of it of the exchange between chairman senator john mccain and
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general austin. >> would you support a buffer zone, which would then protect some of these refugees who are being barreled bombed and slaughtered by bashar al-assad. >> i don't see the reports available to protect them currently. i would not recommend it at this point in time. >> we wouldn't be able to shoot down bashar al-assad aircraft as they slaughter innocent men, women and children, is that correct? we don't have the capability to protect them. >> we clearly have the capability, we do. >> but you wouldn't recommend such action. >> i would not recommend a buffer zone at this point, sir. >> i see. general, what you're telling us is that everything is fine as we see hundreds of thousands of refugees leave and flood europe, as we're seeing now, 250,000 syrians slaughtered. >> so the reaction from members of the committee was quite dramatic. thjeff sessions said the policy
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cannot be described in any other way but a failure. you know those 54 trained groups accepted in, only four or five of them are on the grouped. the united states has spent millions of dollars and expected to train thousands of them, and the senator said its time that maybe the military face the reality. it may not look good on paper, but in reality if is not looking at all. >> jamie, good to talk with you. thank you. a state appeals court has halted the execution of an oklahoma man twice convicted of murder. richard glosep was said to be put to death in less than two hours. there was the issuance of a stay. he lost a supreme court case over certainl certain execution
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more on every screen. digital, mobile, social. visit follow @ajam on twitter. and like aljazeera america on facebook for more stories, more access, more conversations. so you don't just stay on top of the news, go deeper and get more perspectives on every issue. al jazeera america. >> in his visit to the united states. pope francis is making his strongest comments yet about the role of science in the catholic church. the pope said that evolution and the bing bang are real, and that
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god is not, quote a magician with a magic washed. the pope worked as a chemist before entering the seminary. it's an interesting day in politics. the latest polls show is trump on top, but support for another candidate is actually surging. >> one month after an explosive first debate the g.o.p. contenders are getting ready for round two. the candidates are set to meet begin for a cnn debate in california. >> someone will attack. >> rand paul and the entire republican presidential field has zeroed in on trump, who transitioned from a phenomenon to a formidable candidate since the first debate. >> the biggest difference between the first debate and the second debate is donald trump,
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donald trump. donald trump. every single republican candidate not only has to take him seriously but he's their focal point. >> trump has stuck to his combative style and despite attacking fox news moderator megyn kelly, he is soaring in the polls, but he's not the only one. the latest national republican poll shows that trump is increasing his lead, but ben carson is surging up 6% to 23% since august. last debate carson took heat for fumbling a question about the black lives matter movement but since then has spent time in ferguson, missouri. >> these people say, well, he's an idiot savant. anybody who thinks you can become an surgeon by being an idiot savant is an idiot savant
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themselves. >> they will take the main stage monday night, proving that she deserves first-tiered billing. trump is prepared to take on carson and fiorina. >> look, i like carli and ben, and the people i'm running against. many of these people are terrific people, but nobody is going to be able to do the job that i'm going to do. they won't. they won't. >> how are you doing? >> other candidates have not fared so well. rick perry suspended his campaign last week. marco rubio's campaign has stalled. mike huckabee is down in the polls. john kasich is also struggling, but he's looking to move forward. >> i don't pay that much attention to polls. i'd rather be up than down, but it's a marathon and not a sprint. you know. >> will you join the marathon a little late, you have pretty good progress.
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>> begin, i'm able to tell people that we're doing pretty well. we're doing well in new hampshire, but things go up, they go down. right now they're up, it's better than being down. >> all right, well, we'll take that. >> jeb busch once considered a front runner is struggling to light a fire under his campaign. wednesday's campaign will be a big one for him. >> jeb busch needs a moment. jeb busch needs to be able to transcend donald trump or show in some way, some form, some fashion that he is not only a viable alternative to donald trump, but someone who is an attractive alternative to donald trump. >> for now donald trump remains a frontrunner, and will hold a debate on the man who will hold center stage. >> karlia fiorina will be the only woman at that stage in the
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debate. we asked about how how that would change dynamics. >> she came out with a great ad attacking him in figures iorina style. i think it's going to change the dynamics. not only do we not have one more person on the stage, but you have a woman candidate who interestingly walks the line. she's an outsider and she plays well with the inside. so she's one of the few candidates among all six of these republicans now who can walk both of those lines. >> she also said that a lot of attention will fall on jeb busch. he has been lagging, as you heard from michael shure in the polls. the new warning in antibiotic in meat and some popular chain restaurant. a thumbs down for facebook. the site moves to allow users to
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>> i've been asked to keep my voice down cause we are so close to the isil position >> who is in charge, and are they going to be held to accout? >> but know we're following the research team into the fire >> they're learning how to practice democracy... >> ...just seen tear gas being thrown... >> ...glad sombody care about us man... >> several human workers were kidnapped... >> this is what's left of the hospital >> is a crime that's under reported... >> what do you think... >> we're making history right now... >> al jazeera america >> saints and sinners. friends in holy places.
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>> this murder links the mafia and the church. >> tracking the mob from the dark shadows to the gates of the vatican. >> there's even a mobster who's managed to take the place of the priest. >> what happens when the church stands up to the mob? as the pope visits the u.s., we take a closer look at the pope and the mafia. >> in northern california cooler temperatures are helping cru help crews fight wildfire. manures accidents have been able to return home and in the next hour vice president joe biden
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will talk about climate change. chinese officials are expected to announce plans to cut cardo carbon emissions. this smit >> melting with in a navajo farmers in mexico who would rather let their crops die than use what they fear is contaminated war. >> 3 million gallons of toxic waste water released in the water releasing sludge that moved down stream to the san juan river carrying lead, arsenic and other heavy metals. here farmers are still feeling
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the impact. the epa said that the san juan river is safe to use, but local farmers worry that it is still contaminated and some are letting their crops die rather than expose their land to toxins. many navajo citizens are still asking questions about what is in the river and staying away from the water until they get answers. al jazeera. new mexico. >> you can watch the full sport this evening. new details today on the extent of a salmonella outbreak due to could you couplers. imported from mexico are likely source. two people have died from the outbreak. pour 91 were hospitalized more than half of the sick are children under the age of 18. the growing threat of antibiotickic resistence is leading to a new push for restaurant to change the meat
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they serve. randall pinkston has more. >> more than 100 consumer advocacy agencies are calling on top five in restaurant chains to stop using howlry an poutry and meat that have been treated with antibiotic. in a report said to be the first of its kind. those consumer groups rated the top 25 fast food and chain restaurant only two companies got as. chipotle and panera. it include praise from commitments from chick-fil-a and mcdonald toss cut chicken treated with antibiotics from their products. >> we're taking an important step. we want to eliminate the use of all human being antibiotics by
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the end of 2017. >> the report recommends other chains make the same move and adapt similar policies for pork and beef use served in restaurant. a microbiologist hailed the report saying that more and more americans are realizing that the misuse of antibiotics in corporate agriculture is having a direct impact on their own health. antibiotickic-resistant infections are on the rise, and the usefulness of our pressure medical resources is on the decline. >> the dislike button is finally coming to facebook. until now facebook has argued it wants to keep a positive vibe. that often meant giving a thumbs up to all postings, or not giving the like button at all. even ones where that might seem a little tone deaf. facebook's ceo mark zuckerberg said that he wants users to
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express a variety of emotions. >> not every moment is a good moment. and if you are sharing something that is sad, whether it's in current events like the refugee crisis that touches you, or if a family member passed away, then it may not feel comfort to believe like that post. but your friends and people want to be able to express that they understand and that they relate to you. >> huh? zuckerberg said that facebook expects to test the dislike button soon. the original manuscripts for "citizen cain," is selling three screen plays. it offers insight into how the masterpiece evolved including hand-written notes by or so
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orson welles. that is all of our time. we're live from london next. >> hello, i'm felicity barr. you're watching the news hour live from london. coming up, hungarian police use war canon and use tear gas on refugees at the border. >> the u.n. accuses both government forces and rebels of war crimes in a scathing report. in sri lanka's civil
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