tv News Al Jazeera September 17, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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and it's pretty important to start to take the measure of the men and woman who want the country's most powerful job. so don't worry, we'll keep watching for you. i'm ray suarez, that's the inside story. ♪ >> this is aljazeera america. live from new york city, i'm erica pitzi. and tony harris has the night off. absolutely full, croatia is now dealing with the crush of refugees after hungary closed it's borders. true or false. claims from the republic presidential debate. military hearing to determine whether sergeant bowe bergdahl will face a court
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marshal for desertion. and we begin with our special coverage this week of the refugee crisis, strepping from the middle east to europe. european union leaders will hold an emergency summit next week for ways to handle the record flow of people looking for a safer place to live. the announcement came as chaos unfolded in croatia. hundreds of people pushed past the police line at the serbian border, and hundreds scrambled to get on the trains, and you can see them climbing through the booze. more than 9,000 refugees have arrived in the country since hungary closed the border with serbia he was struck by the number of people using water
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cannons, and hungary's response violates national law. more on the serbian/croatia border with the refugees. >> reporter: all day, they flooded the wearia few at a time. picking up their belongings, on foot again. 37° in the late summer heat. and yet they strode toward the feels of the europe union. you can walk into croatia. >> reporter: most were syrian, but not much talking, just grim determination and quick feet. so the violence and contempt which the hungarians showed the refugees is suddenly matched with a rare show of what looks like thinking between the bitter enemies. serbia and croatia, the roots, at least for the time being, through here and into the
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europe union is open, and the question is whether croatia is going to start shutting the doors as well. serbians on the buses from macedonia and the capital of belgrade and the hungarian border. suddenly 7,000 or more have crossed this border, a remarkable spot marked only by a couple of rocks. whole families passed by, some didn't even know which country they were. you know where you are right now. do you know where you are right now? >> i don't know. >> this is croatia, this is inside of the european union. >> okay. >> yeah. >> croatia said that it would let everyone in and through appeared overwhelmed by the numbers. having gotten this far, the refugees were again frustrated having to wait. they didn't have the aggression of those on the border with hungary, but it looks like another flashpoint in the
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making. >> we need to allow through the village, and he tell us. us, the bus come, the train coming, but the bus coming and the train last name be coming. >> think back to the stand off at the rail station in budapest, to hungary's sudden border, and this yet again by law enforcement at the croatia southern en. apart from the implications, this is the european union. aljazeera with the refugees on the serbia/croatia border. >> the thousands of refugees who arrive in europe every day are finding that they have nowhere to go. europe's border agency says most of the asylum seekers who arrived this year came through greece, and from there, they went to the balkan nags through hungery, and now the refugees
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are going through croatia, and they will encounter more closed borders and tighter security as they try goat to western europe. despite the tighter controls, many of them were lured by posters on social media sites, but the postings are far from good. >> anyone who thinks that the closure of the european borders will deter this human wave are wrong. as we watched on the shores of lelesbos, the boats came in. >> you heard there were problems, but will this stop you? >> . >> you'll keep going. >> [ unintelligible ]. >> carefully wrapped in make ship waterproofing.
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smart phones are vital tools, serving as both roadmap and guide. photographs and video on social media feet their expectations. this is a smuggler's facebook page. calm seas, and safe for all aims, $1,000 a head. it costs much more, the promise is clear, get your tickets here to a new life in europe. the new reality is different. cheap, overcrowded boats, accident bound. sometimes the people only learned how dangerous the journey can be when it's too late. this man and his baby survived. but in recent days, close to 100 lives have been closet in greek waters. most of them children. >> here comes another boat. volunteers guiding them in, and local greeks ready to pounce and steel the engine. no matter what, the mass of
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people in syria, and germany promising to take all of them n. all of false promises of the people smugglers, no matter what started it or per pitch waited t. there's no easy way of stopping it. >> we know that the border situation is difficult, but god willing, things will get better. may god show us the way to be able to go ahead and protect tell them. >> whatever calamities may lie ahead as europe's borders are shut, whatever tragedies there are in the waters, as long as there's war and poverty, and as long as there are smugglers getting rich on the opposite shore, they will keep coming up. aljazeera, lesbos, greece. >> join us for an aljazeera special report. desperate journeys, the global crisis, airs at 9 p.m., 6:00 pacific. turning to the race for the white house now. there were many claims made at last night's gop debate.
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several of them were false. >> it's an issue that has divided american families, and on wednesday night, donald trump said this about childhood vaccinations. >> just the other day, two and a half years old, beautiful child, went to have the vaccine and came back and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very very sick, and now is autistic. >> but the one study that connected the vaccines to autism was falsified. and valid data has never established a link. pointed out by one of trump's rivals, ben carson. >> there have been numerous studies, and they have not coordinated the vaccines and autism. >> carly fiorina, when she attacked planned parenthood over its handling of fetal tissue for medical research. >> i dare hilliary clinton, barack obama, to watch these tapes, watch a fully formed
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fetus on the table, it's heart beating, it's legs kicking, while someone says, we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain. >> but as the washington post reports, there is no video showing such a scene. the closest thing from the center of medical progress, the anti-abortion group criticizing planned parenthood, is an interview clip from a technician describing the procedure. >> she just taps the heart and it starts beating. >> jeb bush and donald trump clashed repeatedly. >> more energy tonight, i like that. >> reporter: this dispute involved allegations of influence pedaling in florida. >> when he asked florida to have scene gambling, we said no. >> wrong. >> we said no, and that's the simply fact. >> come on, don't make things up. >> reporter: according to fact checkers, jeb was not
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making things up. trump hosted a fund raiser in 1997, lobbied for a casino, and then bush rejected the plan. on trump's illegal immigration, he said that the status quo is inflicting a huge cost. >> illegal immigration is costing us more than $2 billion $200 billion a year, we're spending $200 billion a year on maintaining what we have. >> reporter: but one study for immigration reform, a conservative group, said that undocumented immigrants cost the u.s. $113 billion a year, not $200 billion. and many of the undocumented immigrants pay payroll taxes, so there are benefits to it in addition to the cost. claims about climate change also made it into the debate. florida senator, marco rubio said that there will be an unnecessary economic toll if the united states tries to take
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action, and rubio said that he's opposed. >> we're not going to make america a harder place to create jobs, and the policies will do nothing to change our climate and our weather because america is a lot of things. the greatest country in the world, absolutely, but america is not a planet >> reporter: that's true, america is not a planet. but as fact points out, "that does not mean that the policies at the national level will have absolutely no effect on the climate. and lowering u.s. emissions alone will have an impact. but the truth though is often a casualty in political debate. and in this event, fact checkers say that there were at least 18 questionable claims. david schuster, aljazeera. >> and joining us from washington d.c. is lori robinson, the managing editor of fact, and thank you so much for joining us, lori. we just heard david schuster
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highlighting a host of exaggerations, flat out lies, and what is the single topic that stood out to you the most? >> well, you know, what really stood out was the amount of interaction between donald trump and the other candidates. and i think you saw that in a lot of the questions as well. where the candidates were asked about something that donald trump had said. and what do they think about that? so you saw a lot of engagement and back and forth there. and that was really reflected in our story on the debate as well. we had several claims from trump, or claims from trump and another candidate interacting. >> but in terms of fact versus fiction, which topic really stood out to you as something that need to be clarified? >> sure, well, we led our story with the vaccine claim from donald trump that was just mentioned in that piece.
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saying that there was a link between vaccinations and autism. and it was interesting, cnn turned to ben carson who is a former pediatric neuro surgeon, and he said there have been several studies, and they found no link between vaccinations and autism. >> let's talk about carly fiorina, and she has been seen as the winner of the debate. but she had a moment, talking about the planned parenthood videos, and it appeared that she did not tell the truth, but it was not the only time that she did not give the straight facts, right? >> right, there was another moment. she repeated a talking point that she said again and again at her time on hewlett packard. and she has had to respond to questions about her being ceo for six years, and she was fired. and pretty much every time she is asked about it, she rattles
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off statistics about how well the company did, and it's a selective use statistics. she says that the size of the company doubled, she's talking about the revenue, but she doesn't mention that the reason is a merger with compact in 2002. she rattles off a few other statistics, the both rate quadrupled. and to get that that she has to use a slightly different timeframe than she uses for doubling the size of the company. so putting a rosie spin on the statistics on her time at hp. >> i like that, selected use of information, so your research shows that there were several instances where candidates exaggerated or straight out lied. but does it have an impact of how the american people
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perceive them? especially in the moment where the fact checking comes a day later. >> well, they repeat a lot of claims. we heard a lot of repeats last night. and they're going to keep saying them throughout the campaign. so voters have more than one moment to get their information. we don't have any hard data saying that voter's minds are changed by reading fact check, but we have feedback from readers complimenting us on articles that they like, or criticizing us on things from a candidate that they like. and ask us to do more fact checking. >> the federal reserve wrapped up one of its most closely watched meetings in years today. policymakers decide to leave interest rates unchanged, keeping them near zero levels
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where they have languished since 2008. and break this down, what exactly does this mean. >> well, you have to look at the feds, why they decided to leave rates unchanged. they voted 9-1 to keep them unchanged. and the big reason, vol it tilt in the global economy and global weakness. here's federal reserve chair, janet yellen speaking after the meeting today. >> in light of the heightened certainties abroad, and the suspected path for inflation, the committee judged it appropriate to wait for more evidence, including some further improvement in the labor market, to bolster its confidence that inflation will rise to 2% in the median term. >> so why the focus on inflation? well, the federal has a dual mandate, and if inflation has been running below the fed's
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target rate of 2% for over 3 years now. this is a big factor in the fed's thinking, because the global weakness is really weighing on prices in the united states, and though those may seem like a good thing, they can be very damaging to an economy. look at japan, which has been mired in an inflationary trap of low growth and low inflation for decades. >> why do they think that it's trapped >> the u.s. economy is looking good, and the global economy is not too bad. there were weak spots, but the policymakers seem to have a handle on what's going on in the world. and then china dropped a bombshell in august. a and that may be a signal to be globalle markets that china may be slowing down more than they thought. so when china slows down, really the world slows down. >> who wins and who loses when
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the rates are held steady. >> wall street wins, because they have been addicted to cheap money. and people who hold assets like stocks and how about, they tend to win, because when you earn so little in bank depots and ind bonds, you look for cheap yield. and others, people looking for a good mortgage rate. and people looking for a good rate on their auto loans. >> we know that yellen says that the economy is continuing to perform well, right? but when do you think that the feds may hike the rates? >> well, when the policymakers think that they may have to pull the trigger, and right now, the majority are still leaning to pull the trigger this year. the fed has a meeting in october or december, and probably most will be looking for december, because there's going to be a press conference after that meeting, but it's
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key to note, erika, that more policymakers are looking toward next year as well. while the majority are looking at this year, we're starting to see the number looking to next year increase. >> american airlines has resolved an earlier technical issue, nearly 300 flights were delayed due to computer problems. and what caused the system to fail, they don't believe that it was caused by hackers. the high school student repeated for bringing a homemade clock to school is telling his side of the story. teachers mistakenly took it for a fom, and ahmed was taken into custody. he told aljazeera that he thinks that he was discriminated against because he was muslim. >> there are a lot of stereotypes for people who are foreigners, and they have muslim names, or not
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specifically muslim names, but names mainly in islam. >> so you don't think that it would happen to one of your classmates if they brought in a clock to school. >> no, this wouldn't happen to any of my classmates. >> you're sure of that. >> yes. >> what did the police officer say when he saw you? he looked at you and said, that's who i thought it was. >> yes. i think it's because of my race and where i'm from, and because of my name. >> how does that make you feel. >> it makes me feel different, like i didn't belong there, and it made me feel like i was a threat to them. >> reporter: and obviously, you're not a threat to them. you're a 14-year-old boy. do you think that the school or police should apologize and say sorry for what happened? >> yes, they should apologize, but there's no apology at the moment. this is not a first invention,
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and not my last. just because a person said something to me doesn't change who i am. >> mohamed has other invitations from facebook founder, mark zuckerberg, and m.i.t. where he wants to attend college. next, picking up the pieces. how chile is recovering after a deadly earthquake, and a journey stalled. refugees making their way through croatia only to be detained again.
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>> say gruesome discovery for firefighters in california. two more bodies have been found at the site of the silicone val fire. and bringing the death toll to 5. more than 700 homes are lost. and firefighters are still working to contain the blazes. a tsunami warping for chile is lifted. only minor waves following a powerful earthquake that struck off of the chilean coast last night, killing eight people. >> chile has had several powerful earthquakes over the years, but they still come as a surprise, often devastating. this struck in the evening, it's epicenter deep under the
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sea, 30 kilometers north of the capital of sant yagio, where buildings shook. it's effects were felt as far away as buenos aires on the other side of the continent. >> it was one of the most powerful in the nation's history. the strongest this year, and the strongest in the world. but with the information we have, it was also something essential, and that was the cooperation of the people. because to evacuate 670,000 people, and with speed made it difficulty, but they're respond together orders of the authorities. >> it was followed by several powerful aftershocks. 1 million people were then evacuated as warnings were issued about the approach of waves caused by a tsunami that followed. >> i lost everything. everything. i lost it all, my shop, my
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house that was near the beach. i can't even talk. >> people here are prepared. it was too strong. it was after they started to evacuate. i live up on the high part. and there was no damage there. it's all here in the center. >> chil chile's northern coast. again, chile was hit by a powerful earthquake in 2010 that killed five people and caused extensive damage, and there was another last year. the country has taken substantial precautionary measures, but no one is ever prepared when earthquakes of this magnitude strike. >> officials in south sudan are asking the red cross and united nations for help after 176 people were killed today when an oil tanker exploded. the blast occurred when people were siphoning fuel from a
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. >> today, bowe bergdahl will face a military trial in texas. he was captured for five years before being released. >> reporter: prosecutors did not mince words in their opening statements. they said bergdahl sneaked off his face, willingly and knowingly. bergdahl showed no emotion. his attorney offered one line for his opening statement. the government should make sergeant bergdahl's statement available to the public, and not just for you.
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>> we have been as energetic as we can in trying to pe persue the army to release the unclassified testimony that my client gave under oath to a major general in the u.s. army last year. >> he also won't release the strategy, and he appealed directly to the media. >> if we go to court, which i think is quite likely, i think we'll have company from your employers. >> the prosecution called three witnesses from bergdahl's platoon, including its leader, who described efforts for bergdahl. he succeeded that bergdahl had an outstanding record, and no one in the platoon was killed trying to find him. he was stationed in afghanistan when he vanished in 2009, he walked off the base, leaving
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behind weapon and protective gear and equipment. at some point, he was captured by the [ speaking italiathetaliban andy held prisoner for five years. >> we are committed to closing gitmo, and we have an ironclad commitment to bringing prisoners of war home. >> it caused a fire storm of controversy, some accused him of thing to join the taliban. >> we want people to know that he's not an american hero. he didn't serve with honor and dignity and respect. and he's a deserter in time of war. >> no one was killed trying to rescue bergdahl, and they have defended his actions. >> we in the united states do not leave our men and women in uniform behind during armed conflict. >> but after the investigation, the army this year charged bergdahl with it desertion and misbehavior
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before the enemy. if convicted of the misbehavior charge, he could face life in military prison. bergdahl's lawyers are expected to argue that he left his post and not the army, and his time in captivit captivity should be punishment enough. >> joining us now from houston, texas, is jeffrey corn, a military prosecutor at the south texas college of law. thank you so much for joining u. sir. >> thanks for having me. >> so what's your big take away from this first day of hearing. >> well, i think that people need to understand that article two in the military hearing is not a particularly significant hurdle for the prosecutors to overcome. it's really just a screening hearing to make sure that there's enough evidence to justify recommending the case to trial, in what we call a general court marshal, which is
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a felony level court in the military. and it's playing out the way that i would expect it to play out. the government is showing its hand fairly strongly by calling witnesses and playing laying out its theory, and the defense has little inceptive to show very much. because the odds are most certain that the recommendation will be to go to trial. >> so based on the cards that the prosecution showed today, do you think this will go to a full court marshal? >> i would be very surprised if the recommendation is anything other than that. >> the evidence that we're seeing, and we have seen in the public discourse certainly seems to satisfy the requirements that the prosecutors would have to approve in order to convict sergeant bergdahl of these two charges that are laid against him. so yes, i think that the recommendation will be for court marshal. >> let's talk about the charges. because in addition to desertion, bergdahl faces a very rare charge of misbehavior
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before the enemy, and we're going back to world war ii here when that was a charge used then. what exactly does that mean, and is it an accurate charge in this case? well, what it means, the prosecutors are going to have to prove that sergeant bergdahl basically deserted his combat position in a combat zone, in intention to avoid hazardous or important duty. and the truth is that the desertion charge requires prove of about the same criminal intent. so if you are going to be able to prove the desertion charge, for beauty, you have already proven the misbehavior charge. i think it's an appropriate charge for what we have seen because he abandoned his combat equipment in an area that was
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surrounded by enemy personnel. and i also think that when we say it's unusual, i'm glad it's an unusual charge, because it's unusual that an american service member will in fact abandon his combat position and expose his comrades to the danger that that creates in an area of combat. >> let's talk about the defense, which is based mostly on his emotional state. his laurel you'ded just a little while ago that bergdahl may take the stand himself tomorrow. how risky? >> well, i would be surprised if he does it, candidly. because really at article 32 at this preliminary hearing, there's not much to gain from that, because the standard is very low. it's probable cause, which is just a fair probability. and if he takes the stand, he locks himself into whatever he
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says. and there was reporting today that one of the questions to his commander was whether the commander knew that he was suffering from a severe mental disturbance, and i think that is maybe forecasting what we might see if this goes to trial, which is the defense offering evidence that because of some mental disturbance or disease, he was incapable of forming the criminal intent necessary that has to be established to convict him. >> if this goes to sentencing, could bergdahl be facing life in prison? or what kind of deal can his attorneys make? >> well, he can offer whatever plea he wants. but the government has strong evidence, and they don't have incentive to give away too much. people need to understand that yes, we report that if he's convicted of misbehavior before the enemy, the maximum permissible penalty is live in
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prison, but the military process is one of the most progressive processes in all of criminal justice systems in the united states. with the rare exception of something like premeditated murder, there are no mandatory sentences and the jury is not given sentencing guidelines, they can consider everything from the lowest permissible punishment which is no punishment, to the maximum. and the way they vote is to ensure that they select the lowest acceptable punishment for the jury. so i would be shocked to see him get anything close to life in prison, even on the assumption that these cases are brought to trial, and he's convicted. the mere fact that we're debating whether or not he will get additional time in jail indicates that if he does get confinement, it probably won't be anything close to decades in prison. >> all right, former military
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prosecutor, jeffrey, thank you very much. general motors will pay $900 million to settle a criminal lawsuit filed by the justice department for hiding an ignition switch defect that led to more than 100 deaths. bisi, what does this mean for criminal prosecution for gm? >> good evening, general motors entered into an agreement with the government. the charges filed against general motors, they could be dismissed within three years if the company pays out that $900 million penalty. today marks the two-year investigation by the government. general motors issued a massive recall of some of itsing vehicles last year because of of an ignition switch defect, and in some of those vehicles, that defect has been linked to numerous deaths and injuries.
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general motors, it came under fire last year abuse the company knew about the problems for more than a decade but didn't do anything about it. and today, the justice department said that general motors put its customers and the public at risk. >> then not until 2012, they realized that it was a safety issue after all, but they did not disclose it at the time that they discovered that connection. gm's non-disclosure of the safety defect lasted almost two years. and meanwhile, one person died in an accident from the defective switch during that time period. >> . >> general motors has admitted publicly to its mistake, saying that people should have been notified a lot sooner. gmc, mary barra, said that the company is necessary steps to prevent 24 from happening
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again. >> i have said many times about how sorry i am by what happened. and on behalf of all of us, i have apologized to the families who lost loved ones and to those who were injured. and i do so again today. we let those customers down in that situation. we didn't do our job, and as part of our apology to the victims, we promise to take responsibility for our actions. >> under the terms of the agreement, general motors will be watched by an independent monitor. it's important to note that no charges were brought against any current or former employees, but the justice department says that that could always change. erika? >> so bisi, we understand that this $900 million is not the only amount that the company will have to pay out. there's another settlement? >> yeah, we learned today that the company has reached settlements with additional victims, and that amount totals
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to about $575 million. and so far to date, we have looked at the tally, and gem motors has put out about $2 billion on this defect. >> that's a big number. bisi, thank you. at last night's gop debate, talk turned to taxes. almost all of the candidates had a plan to reform the tax code. but exactly how they would do that varied considerably. let's bring in ali velshi to explain, and how do the candidate's plans differ here. >> this is the most fun part of the debates for me. and i wade through a lot of stuff. there's a broad range of proposals. on the one hand, you have jeb bush and donald trump. they want to it stay with the progressive tax code. if you make more, you pay a greater portion in taxes, and if you make less, you pay a
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smaller part of taxes. trump said that his plan will cut taxes for the middle class, but it will raise taxes on the wealthy. >> it's a major reduction in taxes, a major reduction in the middle class, and the hedge fund guys won't like me as much as me like me now, i know them all, and they will pay more. >> the part of trump's plan, there's something called a carry interest loophole. and jeb bush wants to do this too. it lets hedge fund managers pay some taxes at a lower rate than their ordinary income rate than get rid of it, and it's not popular on wall street, but fund mentally, those two are on the same side of the spectrum when it comes to taxes. >> you talked about the progressive tax code. but there are others on the table called regressive, and what are those? >> perennial, candidates like ben carson and rand paul are
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proposing a flat tax, which means that everybody is taxed at the same rate, whether you're witch or poor. here's the problem. a gallon of gas costs the same whether you're rich or poor, but for a poor person, those daily costs add up to a much larger chunk of their income, and a consumption tax, mike huckabee calls it a fair tax. it eliminates income tax entirely, only goods and services, but like the flat tax, if you earn $500,000 you don't consume the gas that somebody that hearns $50,000. and you don't drink that much milk. i'm always surprised when i hear the presidential candidates propose these things and realize how remarkably unfair it is in a country with so much income inequality. poor and rich consume the
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stuff. and that's why we call them regressive, and they represent a larger portion of their worth. and that's why they're not a good idea. >> all right, semantics, right? all right, iran candidates had a lot to say about the iran nuclear deal. and you spent time there this summer. and what do you think that the candidates had to say about the iran debate. >> there was some nuance, which i was surprised to here. ted cruz said that the iran deal is catastrophic and promised to rip it to sheds. and governor kasich of ohio more supportive, he wants to see how the deal plays out and more supportive of the deal of engagement. so is rand paul, who says that he won't vote for the deal. he wouldn't have support today in the senate. but he will not cut it up right away, and he'll see if it's working. jeb bush said the same thing, he won't cut it up but will stock up on weapons.
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there was a lot of talk about stocking up on weapons. the majority said bad deal, and they won't respect it. one of the nuance responses was from marco rubio of florida. he said you have to be prepared to do whatever you're going to do on day one, so you need a plan for day one. >> what do you have on the show tonight? >> come on, it's fed day, and how can you ask me? we're looking at the fed's decision not to raise interest rates, and what it does, why it's such a hot button issue for people who say that too many americans are not getting to participate in this economic recovery. so i'm talking to the father of supply-side economics, art laugher, and we'll talk about whether the system he designed for ronald reagan and lots of states in this country actually still works. >> sounds good, always good to see you, ali, thank you. you can watch ali velshi on target at 10:30 eastern here on
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aljazeera america. it was another chaotic day in you were urn as refugees looked for ways to get across a continent where countries are starting to tighten border patrol. in croatia, they were getting on trains to take them to western europe. european leaders will hold an emergency summit next week to discuss ways to deal with the couldn't net's biggest refugee crisis since world war ii,. >> . >> many of those people escaped the violence on the serbia hungary border. and we talked to them about the journeys and what lies ahead. >> reporter: ahmed thought fences were time a thing of the past. that croatia would be a route to slovenia, and instead he feels trapped again. he tells me this delay is a complete surprise.
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and many here would have paid a smuggler to help them on the way if they only had the money to do so. the hundreds here came from serbia many were met with force by riot police when they tried to enter hungary the previous day. children injured in the clashes are easy to spot. tensions are rising at this hour. most of the refugees i've spoken with say that they are would have already been in slovenia now, but at this camp, they're getting ready to handle an influx of people. and those that i saw say they don't know exactly when they will be able to leave. one syrian refugee is en raged at the inhumane condition that's he and his family have experienced. we have been treated like animals, and actually, animals have been treated better than us. at the end of the day, we're human beings. >> he said that he has gone four days without a proper shower, and today, things have
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even gotten worse. >> i couldn't go to the toilet for ten hours, there were women and children with us, and i'm embarrassed to go in front of them, there's no hygiene, no anything. >> croatia has already warned that they don't have the capacity to handle refugees, and as the evening wears o. even this facility is stretched beyond capacity. some refugees are beyond the makeshift camp, and others go searching for solutions looking for taxis, buses, even sim cards. something, anything to help them figure out their next move. aljazeera, in northern croatia. >> still ahead, building a new life. an iranian refugee on his incredible journey and what he thinks of the crisis gripping europe. up next, a hero's welcome. president obama honors the
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the interim president and forced the transitional government to be dissolved. it comes weeks before the elections, which were scheduled for october. cuba is getting ready for pope francis' upcoming visit and it's expected that his biggest event will be the outdoor mass at revolution square. he will be there for eight days before heading to the united states, where he will make an historic address to congress and speak before the united nations in new york. we'll have extensive coverage of pope francis' visit to america. it begins on tuesday morning and goes through sunday. for a look at what's coming up at the top of the hour, here's add may. >> at 8:00, just the facts. republican presidential candidates said plenty last night. but how truthful was all of that rhetoric? find out who strayed from
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reality. and a multimillion-dollar settlement that we know general motors is paying for its ignition switch problems, but is it actually good enough for the victim's families? i'll talk to the lawyers representing every single client in the case inism. >> and the art of war. more than 6 million have fled syria since the war began. an argumenttivity who is capturing the chaos and the pain and the faces of war with her illingstrations. >> and also tonight, women in uniform, shooting guns, hiking trails, driving and flying, they serve their country, but a leaked report is questioning their front line competence. reaction from a female vet who served in iraq. all of these stories and a lot more coming up in a few minutes, erika. >> see you then, adam. defense secretary, ashley ash s, hosted an awards ceremony today. spencer stone received the
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purple hart. and national guards man was begin the medal of honor. and she received medals of val or. president obama met with them to thank them for their service. >> they represent the very best of america, american character, and it's these kinds of young people who make me extraordinarily optimistic and hopeful about our future. >> the three men attacked and restrained kazany, who had a gun, an a-k47 and a box cutter if. >> finally at this hour, a firsthand look at an iranian refugee's flight to freedom. he fled to canada and he shares his feelings about the refugee crisis in europe.
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>> i owned and ran this barbershop. when i grow up, i had three dreams. the first was [ unintelligible ] i always wanted to have a good barber. i always wanted to have a beautiful wife. a person who leaves his own country doesn't know where he's going to end up and doesn't have enough money. you run into people who rip you off and take your money. i went through turkey, hungary, austria, [ speaking german ] , canada. that was it. i had an iranian passport and brav aryan and israeli passport. the people who helped me, there are quite a few. it takes time to think of it. the idea of $100 in your pocket
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and you have no english, your journey starts. life is like a train. the day you become a passenger on the train is your birthday. the u.s. is the best place, and i'm glad i made it here. >> what did you think when you saw the pictures of that little boy. >> it break my heart. like everybody else. i'm a human being like everybody else. >> we need to see more work down to not see those photos. are we doing anything not to see those photos. i would like to see the muslim countries take action. >> what will you tell the future generations? will you tell them that we sat back and watched these people suffer and we didn't take them in and help them? on the other hand, the infidels, took them? and fed them? and look after them and give them a home?
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this is al jazeera america live from new york. i'm adam may. faceoff. >> i think women all over this country heard what mr. trump said. >> behind the back and forth and bickering, we look at the issues defining the republican race. ready for battle. >> students not only passed their standards, theyas
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