tv News Al Jazeera September 21, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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♪ >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello welcome to a news hour from al jazeera in doha, i'm adrian and top stories houthi rebels release six hostages with u.n. backed talks to try to end this in yemen with the neighbor. victory for alexis tsipras as they face more belt tightening, israel's prime minister flows to moscow to talk about the role in syria's war. >> and the emmy goes to.
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>> reporter: not called t.v.'s biggest night for nothing and we will look at last night's emmy awards. ♪ a man negotiated the release of six hostages held by houthi rebels and flown where u.n.-backed talks are being held to try to end the conflict and houthis say they are planning a mass rally in sanaa to celebrate the first capture in the capitol and we report. >> reporter: caught in the cross fire, civilians seek safe shelters in the central city of thai where fighting has been over the last few days and groups backed by coalition forces on the offensive but the progress is slow. >> translator: the terrain is not helpful at all, the houthis
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have minded most of the fields in this area so we are cautious and yemen's new army has not deployed all its units yet. >> reporter: a year after houthi rebels took over the capitol sanaa their leader remains defiant. >> translator: we are confident we will ultimately prevail, our people have defeated invaders in the past and we will do the same thing again, we will continue the fight until we liberate each and every inch of our country. >> reporter: houthi leaders seem to be willing to compromise. his group has freed saudi hose hostages and an american and a britain and a senior houthi official and a close aid to former president saleh and he is trying to mediate a political settlement between yemen's warring factions but a peace
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deal may be a long way. the saudi-led coalition is pounding areas in labor and in another houthi stronghold. and the international government says it will only join talks if the houthis hands over weapons and withdraw from cities they have captured. al jazeera. after a year of war yemen is more divide than ever and let's show you who is who in yemen and houthis named after the man who led their rebellion in 2004 who say houthis are backed by supporters by president saleh and are up against government forces aligned with president hadi who is in exile in saudi arabia and the same country leading a coalition of nine arab states against the houthis and started air strikes in march and are still ongoing with the backing of sunni tribes on the ground in yemen and of course there are the successionist in
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the south, the secular nationalists who want to break away from the north and taking advantage of years of instability and chaos, there is al-qaeda which has grown in size and strength. it is staunchly anti-houthi but not in line with the coalition and we will go to the resident coordinator of the u.n. in yemen and joins us now live from sanaa and thanks for being with us, what are the chances of these u.n. sponsored talks in yemen making any sort of progress given that the yemeni government is not yet attending? >> thank you for asking me first of all. we have never tried to stop continuing to seek a political solution to this conflict. sometimes in a visible manner sometimes an invisible manner
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and this cannot be solved and as we talk we are going to give it another try. our political team is there. the special envoy of secretary-general is there and they arrived yesterday and we will try to convince the side that that is the moment to exercise more flexibility to restart the serious political process. >> do you think there is any chance that this political process can prevent the operation that we are hearing that the saudi-led coalition may be about to begin to retake the capitol sanaa? >> we do not tell ourselves we have a significant challenge. exactly what you said is our principal concern. how we can avoid the military operation which is expanding as we speak from the north of the
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country in the oil-rich region to the south with intention of being rich in the capitol city of sanaa to prevent military operation in the capitol city itself because it would be catastrophic in terms offensive yanukovich lo yanukovich -- of civilian losses and we are making sure that kinds of development is avoided at all costs. >> reporter: something like 80% of the population are in need of humanitarian assistance and tell us about the way the u.n. is working on the ground right now, the difficulties they are experiencing. >> well, the situation is catastrophic on two accounts and as you indicated earlier the continuous, never ending expansion of military activities on the ground, in the north, in the south, certain areas are more effected than others and i
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think that has been defacto strangled for weeks with no medicine, no fuel, no food, no outside expansion here. now as we speak the food from a truck that has been prevented from entering the city are desperately needed for a supply because of the escalation of activities and the military fragmentation and we are extremely concerned by the expansion they are preventing the united nation to perform and you can say by the blockage that continues to prevent much-needed important port to come in the country especially medicine which is is 100% medicine and fuel for generators so it's an assortment of causes that can really make a humanitarian
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challenges we face as we speak an immense tragedy that knows no end. >> thank you, the resident coordinator from the u.n. speaking from yemen. greece prime minister alexis tsipras handed a second mandate by voters and he was initially voted to oppose austerity measures but now the government is tasked with reforms under bailout deals to keep greece in the euro zone and party won more than 35% of the vote easily defeating the new democracy party and let's take you live now to greece's second city and here is al jazeera who is there, this was not the result that the pollsters had predicted, was it? >> absolutely not. they had predicted that the party and alexis tsipras would come out with a victory but with
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a very slim margin and if you listen to the conversation over the past week it's more about how would he form a coalition with a new democracy, his major contender or what will happen next and what kind of coalition will come out. well, he has a clear majority in the election and people who voted for him sort of pardoned him if i may use that word for going against the majority in the referendum, the no vote, against accepting a third bailout many would tell you he was perezed and that he had no other option. some people go as far as saying he was bullied by the international creditors to accept this view. but this is a very important figure here and that is the voter turnout figure. 56% and i was just reading in one of the reports here in the local media that is the lowest turnout in 40 years and since
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1974 so and i think that has a lot to do with the fact that greeks are tiered, disenchanted and yesterday i was speaking to a young man who was going to vote for democracy and usually that is what he does and says does it really matter this time who wins because whoever wins will just have to go forward with these austerity measures and reform and make sure the memorandum of understanding will be applied. >> alexis tsipras will do that and has his work cut out for him though, hasn't he? >> he has a lot of work cut out and he is going to be sworn in later on today and the cabinet will be sworn if on tuesday but before the end of the year they have more than 120 bills to pass through parliament and those have to do with everything from recapzation of the badge to privatization for example of the four tiers and back in athens to
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very brutal cuts to the social security and talks also about increasing the minimum age for early pension. so certainly a lot of very difficult decisions that are going to anger a lot of people in the cross section of greek society and people here predict very tough conversations ahead and very, very tough times. >> many thanks indeed live. eastern european ministers are meeting later on monday to try to overcome their differences over the growing refugee crisis, thousands of refugees, many of them fleeing war, are stuck right now between croatia, slow -- slovenia and hungary and they have a makeshift camp trapped on border of serbia and 20,000 people have streamed in that country in the past six days and new center is expected to
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register people and then arrange their transport on wards to western europe and hundreds more are trying to board trains in hungry to take them to croatia and some people have to climb through windows to get a seat in the packed carriages. as thousands remain stuck at border crossings with little support from the governments slovenia as a system for registering them and lawrence lee reports from the capitol. >> reporter: yet another dismal morning for the refugees on the border with slovenia and men left here and many separated from their families who already had been moved on without them. it feels like the usual chaos. >> all people go to slovenia but up to now we don't believe them. >> reporter: but over the border things are very, very
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different. off the buses, orderly cues of the slovenia registration center. there are betz here, plenty of food and medical facilities to care for this little child suffering from dehydration. the government said on sunday it was being given more funding from the european commission that places like this on the assumption they will have to continue to cleanup the mess. >> translator: we are trying to go through these procedures in the most organized way in the best interest of the migrants and i hope we will be able to fulfill this task to the last migrant that comes to slovenia. >> reporter: the refugees who are successfully processed end up in places like this, a disused hotel on the border with austria and the police are round but there are no restrictions on their movement at all. this mom from syria couldn't stop smiling, she was that much closer to germany and nobody in the way. >> and here in slovenia it's
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good. >> good, very good. >> reporter: the capitol asylum center are free of their wish and simply jump on a train with anybody else, a change from having to push your children through the window. a budapest train station hungary tried and failed and they resorted to piling people on to buses and dumping them at the next available border, the contrast here couldn't be any more stark with no police officer in site and means any refugees who makes it this far has almost got there. of course slovenia has not had to deal with really big numbers but probably will and it looks like a country with a system offering a taste of freedom. lawrence lee, al jazeera, slovenia. human rights watch accused macedonia police of physically and verbally abusing refugees. the country is a key transit point for people trying to get
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into the european union. in its latest report the organization says that police abused refugees at the macedonia border with greece. it says some people were beaten up, punched or kicked. human rights watch says some people who were forced to run between rows of police officers who were hitting them in batons. the organization also accuses police guards in the gaza baba detention center of treating refugees badly. it describes conditions there as inhumane and degrading. well the united nations says 80% of refugees in europe are from syria, afghanistan or iraq and getting out of those countries is not just dangerous it's expensive and in iraq for example thousands of people are falling to bogus travel agents charging large sums of money for visas and we have more from baghdad. >> reporter: across baghdad you see signs like these, they offer
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visa services but more than that they offer hope and a chance to leave the violence of iraq. some of these agencies offer legitimate services but there are others that operate illegally and they allow desperate people and defraud them of thousands of dollars. marvin is one of them and doesn't want to reveal his identity because he is afraid. >> translator: i was desperate to leave iraq and i found a smuggler and he spoke with me and said there was a commercial fare in sweeden and could arrange a swedish company to represent me and he had to pick up the visa from the embassy and asked for $15,000 in expenses and fees and i left the money with a third-party and the visa never came and i was stuck in turkey with no money and no visa and i found out he was an asome
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accomplice and says he knows your family and could kill them or target your family or kidnap your son. when i heard this i was scared and had no choice but to let him keep the money. >> reporter: authorities say they are investigating those who operate the visa fraud but so far no cases have been brought to court. ministry of migrations and displacement has seen a rise in numbers of people seeking to get out of iraq. >> translator: realistically speaking you cannot ban iraqis from leaving but we are aiming to educate them and warn them of the dangers of the journey and many are going down illegal routes out of desperation and know it's a problem and looking into it. >> there are no accurate figures for how much the fraud industry is worth or how many people defrauded because no one is willing to go to the police and report such crimes. during the course of al jazeera's investigation we uncovered cases amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars
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and it would seem there are many like marvin who are desperate enough to pay. that desperation is also mixed with frustration, a lot of the foreign embassys here do not offer visa services and the few that do have very long waiting lists and others ask you to go to jordan or lebanon and apply for your visa there and that with the violence and misery of living in iraq mean the smugglers and fraud sters have a willing market they want to exploit and take them for thousands of dollars, baghdad. news hour from al jazeera and the garbage is piling up and so is the anger, anti-government protests get ever louder in lebanon, running dry, how indonesia's central java province is struggling to cope due to el nino. i will tell you why new
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zealand's captain was booed as they opened up camp there a little later in sports. ♪ drought in southern indonesia forcing farmers to rely on government help to buy food and water and crops destroyed because some areas have not had rain for six months and we report now, the weather phenomenon el nino is being blamed. >> reporter: anxiously waiting for water, and indonesia central java run dry without nearly half a year without rain and just to be able to buy water and one tank costs around $10 and that is a huge amount for the poor farmer. >> we have to drink less than the usual tea packet of water and myself have been reduced to one and used to be two buckets
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but now get only one. >> reporter: monsoon rains will start two months later because of the weather phenomenon known as el nino and already half of the crops have failed and the local staple which doesn't need a lot of water is not growing. this lake is an important source for drinking water and for the last five months it has been dry, nearly half a year without a single drop of water and normally tropical java starts to look more like a desert. people in the worst hit areas already getting very worried about their food and drinking supplies but these dire weather conditions are going to stay here for some time to come. the government has started the process of cloud seeding in an effort to create rain and they are releasing salt into the clouds, a procedure that causes raindrops to become heavy and fall but because there are not
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enough clouds the results are limited. authorities have lis distributed thousands of water pumps but without any water sources like this farmers are struggling. >> translator: the harvest from last year is gone already and we don't know when it will start to rain so i'm really worried about food supplies. >> reporter: the government insists food stocks are still sufficient but experts say it's do optimistics and admits the effects of el nino have yet to be calculated. >> translator: we have enough stocks for the next few months, what i'm worried about is el nino lasts beyond november then we will have to recalculate and might be forced to import rice. >> reporter: millions of affected farmers can't wait that long and nearly 100,000 hectors of rice harvest has failed already and the farmers are
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depending on financial support from the government for food and other basic necessities like drinking water, central java, indinosha. no one expecting rainy time soon and let's find out if they are report and everton fox is with us. >> i'm afraid that is the case, adrian and it's equinox and the showers and seasonal showers for some over the equator and the equator being around singapore and kaching and clouds to the south and cloud seeding and how it works there is not a lot of cloud down there to seed in the first place. a few showers coming in to sanatra but weather is north of the equator at the moment and showers in bornea and pushing across the peninsula and one or two showers in singapore and maybe northern parts of sinatra and creeping south for wednesday but no great amount has to be
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said and much of indonesia will stay generally dry over the next few weeks and the rainy season should start in october and see how it goes. for the north we have seen huge amounts of rainfall and if we can push this across southern parts of southeast asia and this is the cloud and pushing north of hong kong and 148 millimeters of rain in 24 hours and southwest china and saw huge amounts of rainfall over the last 2-3 days and you can see there has been widespread disruption and severe flooding and seen mudslides in and around the region and will remain across southern china as we go on through the remainder of tuesday and will push the showers further north into wednesday and turning a little drier by this time then adrian. >> many reports that at least 32 civilians have been killed in syria in a government air strike in the country's second city
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aleppo, in the northwest. the strike targeted a neighborhood market popular with locals, first responders are still looking to retrieve bodies and israel's prime minister heading to moscow to discuss security on the border and decision to have forces to bolster the regime has concerns and one is the possibility of russian weapons reaching fighters on the border with golon heights which they seized from syria in 1967 and also concerned of the possibility of jets accidently trading fire with russian war planes operating in the area. vladimir is a strategic analyst at the academy of sciences and joins us live now from moscow and put this into some sort of context for us. russia and israel, do they have good bilateral and strategic operations?
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i'm sorry, i think that our guest is having some problems hearing us. we will get back to him as soon as we can here on the news hour. hundreds of car drivers have taken part in a rally against corruption in maldavia and the president rejected it and said he will only negotiate on economic reforms and protesters calling for an early parliamentary election. still to come here on the news hour, pushed out of somalia the group el shabab is setting up bases in neighboring countries and we will report from the new front line. at an age-old problem, how japan's elderly population is putting pressure on the economy and even the smallest of ways and then the man known as the father of indian cricket has
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prime minister alexis tsipras a second mandate and the party won more than 35% of the votes in sunday's snap election. government ministers in eastern europe due to meet later to tie to solve differences over the growing refugee crisis and opened a makeshift camp for people trapped on the border with serbia and 27,000 people arrived in croatia in the past six days and more on the election in greece and we have associate professor of law of economicings at the university of athens and joins us now live from there and what do you make of the election victory given that turnout by greek standards that at least was very poor? >> hello from rainy athens. actually this was a major personal triumph for alexis tsipras and alexis tsipras
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managed to win a fair election in a year. it was personally the sense that even though it was thrown about after the party was created by hard liners alexis tsipras didn't blink and he even managed to gather the same amount of support from the greek people. obvious this was unprecedented and rather expected because a lot of people are feeling be betrayed or disillusioned. how can you say this was a triumph for alexis tsipras and did it matter who people voted for and who got in power would still have the implement the same painful reforms. >> yes, and now everybody realizes this. i don't think there are illusions any more, however, a lot of people, at least 40% of the greek societiers believe and
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hope that alexis tsipras can implement the bailout agreement with a softer touch and milder way. i think this is still another illusion. however we should wait to see. >> how do you think greece's creditors will think about this election win? >> some of them, they think that some of them think that alexis tsipras should implement this bailout agreement. this is why, this way it's credited in the kind of way the greek left and european left i mean the picture of alexis tsipras implementing such bailout agreement, enforcing the harsh measures and going to disheart ina lot of people willing to vote for them in
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western europe. >> the people of greece had to vote in the second election in nine months on sunday, what are the chances of them having to do so within another year? >> actually there are a lot of chances because after all, i mean, political stability is not unsure. majority are of the two parties for series and independent dates is very fragile and it consists of only 155 mps, this is a fragile number because there are a lot of hard liners and a lot of people who are going to complain, 53 of them were former and i'm not sure how many got reelected and of course yesterday that lesson fromhe result and lesson that has to do with the fate of the former
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comrads who went into oblivian and into parliament and i suppose they realize that alexis tsipras is dominant and a lot of complaining on their side and making sure we are going to see some turmoil in the parliamentary group especially after enforcing some of the most difficult measures for the overhall of the retirement system and taxation of farmers. >> good to talk to you professor, associate professor of law and economics at the university of athens. somali based rebel group el shabab pushed out of strongholds in the country and some of the fighters spread northwards to set up bases in the mountains near the region and as al jazeera reports leaders there
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are asking for help to drive the rebels out. >> reporter: the rugged mountains are the front line in the fight against el shabab and here engaging members of the group who have been holding out here for several years. [gunfire] recent el shabab losses have seen dozens of their fighters heading north. >> translator: the el shabab let here about 300 and more or lesson the run as we out numbered them and are in small groups and we have frequent clashes with them. >> reporter: these men know they can be ambushed at any moment so they fire shots, getting no response they move forward. the president says his forces have been left to their own devices and they need more arms and ammunition. >> we are fighting with no help unlike other parts of the country and this is unfair.
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with the new edition of security threats from yemen, it's still we will be an insubordinate community. >> reporter: the hash terrain have slow progress but there have been successes and this is the town and until recently it was an important base for el shabab malitias and now it's under the control of forces and for more than four years life is slowly returning to the town as more of its residents return to their homes, it was a strategic hide out for el shabab and the town has heavy military but all the soldiers is not enough to reassure residents of their safety and she offered to cover her face before talking to us. >> translator: life in this town is not what it used to be. most people are still displaced. we have no schools for the kids and our farms are only source of
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livelihood have been destroyed. >> reporter: forces vowed to contheir offensive and they say they won't rest until el shabab are defeat t and they know it's a very slow process, al jazeera, mountains in northeast somalia. president given the formal go ahead to stand in elections next year and he is 71 and he has ruled or been president of the east african nation for nearly 30 years and sets him up for a possible confrontation with his prime minister. president and parliamentary polls scheduled between february and march next year. going to return now to a story we started to tell you about a few minutes ago, israel's meeting with russia, prime minister benjamin netanyahu flew to moscow to voice concerns about this and we have a strategic analyst with the studies at the russian academy of sciences and he is live from
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moscow and vladimir good to have you with us and put this into context for us. had israel and russia traditionally had strong bilateral and strategic ties? >> yes. that's correct actually for the past 20 years russia and israel have strong ties and the high-ranking officials including prime ministers of israel and high ranking officials from russian federation they regularly have meetings on high level and speak about the situation in the middle east about the situation with israeli palesti palestine, showing off and speak about the syrian crisis as well. >> all right so russia supports the assad regime as does iran
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and that is not going to cause any tension between israel and russia? >> well actually i would like to say that russia is supporting ass assad, bashar assad because this is a legitimate regime which actually won the elections sometime ago and russia has a strong backing because also the russia assad troops are fighting probably the main force which is fighting against the i.s.i.s. or militants so that is showing russia is supporting the bashar assad in government. >> must be a danger if for example israel bombed positions in syria they may end up killing
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or injuring russian military advisors operating on the ground in the process. >> actually i think that, yeah, according to some military observers in moscow among the russian technical personnel which is no secret which is now in syria and they are helping the syrian personnel to provide service to antiaircraft missile launchers. >> vladimir, i wanted to ask you, talking about antiaircraft missile launchers and giving russia involved in supplying hardware for defenses and israel regularly breaches those defenses when its war planes stray into syrian territory. >> i understand your question well. >> how will they coordinate to ensure that doesn't lead to direct conflict? >> it's interesting to me, i
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don't know facts but it seems to me there is a shot of probably communication between israeli and syrian military so i think there is some kind of communication as you said to avoid any misunderstandings and any friendly fire or any shooting the israeli planes which are bombing the i.s.i.s. positions in syria. >> good to talk to you, many thanks indeed for being with us. thousands of anti-government protesters returned to the streets of beirut demanding an end to the rubbish crisis and have had enough with politicians and wanted to take action or resign and paul reports. >> reporter: activists broke through police lines to rush to the lebanese parliament saying they end the two-month-old
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garbage crisis. >> we do not want any more dumps and we need hygiene that do not create cancerous diseases that kill the people. >> reporter: mobilizing with the hash tag you stink the movement against the trash crisis is widening into protests against the political establishments. >> translator: i came to express that we do not accept such politicians to rule us and only care about their pocketbooks and making more money. >> reporter: thousands of tons of trash have been left on the streets of the city once known as the paris of the middle east. the city's mainland fill hit capacity in july and the government started piling trash on the mediterranean coast on one of the middle east's most popular fronts. >> corrupt in the regime against the movements because they fear accountability and to be caught red handed with evidence of
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corruptions. >> reporter: lebanon is divided and not been able to elect a president for more than one year. these people don't just want to see the garbage go and suggested the politicians be thrown out with the piles of trash, al jazeera. pope francis met cuba's president fidel-castro and wanted reconciliation and to accept differences and it's not tolerated in the one-party communist state. a tiny tick is causing a lot of pain for the people it bites in canada. chronic lime disease is caused by a tick bite and sufferers say doctors diagnosis and treatment of the condition is not good enough. from toronto daniel lack reports. >> reporter: for years had crippling joint pain and
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headaches and other issues and last year she learned from a california lab she had lime disease and acknowledged and now she knew what was wrong with her. >> it's tough because you constantly feel like you are beating your head against the wall and no one is listening and you know there is something wrong but you don't know why. >> reporter: it's no mystery how ticks carrying lime disease get to canada. >> here is a tick on a bird. >> reporter: john scott is a scientist who began researching ticks after he and his wife got lime disease years ago and they are not cured but with bouts of help he had a microscope in a spare bedroom squinting at the creatures that changed their life. >> a lot of time in bed watching the clouds and the tick research has helped motivate me and give me a purpose to figure out what is going on.
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>> reporter: among his findings dozens of areas in canada could have tick populations that could carry lime disease. even here in a park in canada's largest city are risk and this is the perfect habitat for ticks but why is this country not taking this seriously enough. most do not believe in chronic lime disease, just a short term method with diagnosis and they often miss it and are not trusted in europe and most of the u.s. and many lime patients here go abroad. >> i was working in a walk in clinic and left to open up my own practice which i didn't think was going to be very big and i have 1700 and 95% are canadians. >> reporter: climate change could bring more ticks to canada and thee -- lime disease.
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>> this has long-term consequence. >> reporter: canada parliament passed unanimously a bill calling for a national strategy on lime disease and some profile cases like singer lavine concentrated on it and are making changes but the country still lags behind others in the approach to a looming threat to public health, al jazeera, toronto. sport next on the news hour and golf has a new number one and farah will be here to tell us who it is next. ♪
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just ahead of the sports senior citizens being celebrated in japan and monday was a national holiday called respect for the aged day when many communities honor their elders with parties and gifts but some of those gifts won't be as expensive in the future because of the rising population and rob mcbride explains. >> reporter: she gets a special visit and the message of greeting from the direction's may mayor. she knows the formula for long life. >> translator: always be cheerful. from the moment i get up i'm always busy and cannot stay
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still. >> reporter: like every senior who turns 100 she gets a special edition silver saki cup but growing numbers means that japan is looking at using cheaper metals the future because of the cost. this one district alone has 58 people turning 100 this year. >> translator: our welfare team looks after their health and makes sure they get out and join activities and we provide transport and facilities. >> reporter: increasingly this is a society being geared to the needs of the elderly. whether it's a shortage of nursing homes or statistics like the number of juvenile criminals being over taken by older criminals for each day it brings a new twist in the aging population problem looking for a situation. she doesn't have to worry but for future centarians and will
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make the commemorative gift a little less special. >> time for sport. new zealand's rugby coach during the black opening match and the world's best player and punished for tripping opponent during the 26-16 win on sunday and mark green reports. >> reporter: perhaps new zealand were too fired up because of ill disciplined and kicked on the field for 15 minutes for a trip and to smith after for another professional file and was booed off the field. >> i didn't have a lot there and it was done and certainty and a dumb mistake i made but you can't worry about those sort of things. >> reporter: but that argentina
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showed they come to play with muscle with the score of the first try and reaction reserved showing what it meant to lead the tournament and favorites going into half time and no upset like japan beating south africa and watching on aaron smith finally broke through to give them 19-16 lead. in the 67th minute substitute sam cane sealed the 26-16 win in front of the world cup of 89,000 people. after a bit of a top ranking team they will face the london stadium, mark graham, al jazeera. meanwhile in pool a whales beat iraguay, 54 points to 9 with 8 tries and mean they get the all-important bonus point
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and the other was pool b as they beat the united states 25-16. jason day in golf is number one and won the bmw championship and takes the t spot over mcel roy and 69 on sunday saw him finish 22 under giving him victory by six shots and it's the pga champion's fifth win on the tour this year. >> i'd love to win all the majors, get the career grand slam would be fantastic to win as many tournaments as i can and i'm just here for this one purpose and that is to try to get there each and everyday and try to win as much as i can why while i can. it's not going to last forever so i might as well do it quickly. >> reporter: the man widely regarded as the father of modern indian cricket has died and he was president of the boarder
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control in india and widely credited with making the country a major financial power in the game and we report from deli. >> reporter: he began his career in cricket administration on a cricket board and years later the head of the international credit council and a business man and he brought the cup to india in 17997 as a cohealths and it was held outside of england and years later for striking a multi million television details to make it one of the richest in the world and those who knew and work with him say his contribution to the sport is clearly visible today. >> it's extremely television friendly because you get 45 seconds without commercials. very few games with exception of baseball in u.s. gets that kind of commercial break to look at the football. so he understood that on
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commercials and he encouraged the endorsement because he promoted cricket as a plan. >> reporter: faced accusations of being in scandals at the end of the year and suspended in 2006 but came in 2013 as the head of the cricket board and being remembered today as one of the forces that turned the sport into a financial powerhouse. for more on the tributes being paid to him by crickets biggest names head to our website al jazeera/sport and we have blogs and video clips from correspondents around the world. football have reclaimed the top spot in the league and hoffman for the first of three unanswered goals and he had a goal difference. barcelona back on top in spain after they beat then 4-1 on sunday at the new camp and massi
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scored twice and also on the score sheet and messi missed another spot moments laser and barsa at the top of the table for 100% start to the season. in england manchester united beat south hampton for second in the table and new 55,000 striker scored twice this 3-2 win and liver pool without a win after they drew at home with norch and beat crystal palace and former fifa official will appear in a court again this monday as he continues to fight extradition to the united states and warner currently on bail charged by u.s. prosecutors with corruption, money laundering and racketeering going back to 1990 and denies the charges and is fighting the extradition order and u.s. prosecutors arrested a number of current and former officials in may as a probe into
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corruption at futbol's governing body and todd death is being ruled as a suicide and dead on saturday with apparent gunshot wound to the head and he was an enforcer and played for several teams including the sharks and canadians and retired in 1997 and family has been he has been battling depression for years. in major league baseball the race for the top of the east division is tightening up at the new york yankees beat the mets and started well as harvey pitched five scoreless innings and scored five runs in six innings with 11-2 and they are within 2 1/2 games of the east beating the blue jays. los angeles the pittsburgh won
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and solo home runs and two game lead over the cubs with the race for the national lead wild card spot. spain crowned european gas ball champions for the third time and beat lithuania and led by the center that easily over powered them 80-63 and scoring 25 points with 12 rebounds and automatically in next year's olympic games by reaching the final, that is all your sport for now and adrian back to you. >> take you back to los angeles and this year's record breaking emmy awards which had been documented by the thrones which won the drama series with an unprecedented 11 other awards and al jazeera's gerald tan reports. >> reporter: davis, how to get
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away with murder. >> reporter: entertainment t.v. loves making history and the 67th emmy broke this with a black woman in a drama series. >> let me tell you something the only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is opportunity. [applause] it was a sweet victory for the fantasy epic game of thrones with 12 prizes including outstanding series. the show now holds the record for the most t.v. academy awards in a single year passing the west wing. >> and finally just thanks again hbo for believing in dragons. >> and thank you all for watching. >> reporter: there was the usual humor like this from four time out standing actress winner jul julia louis-dreyfus, what a
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great honor it must be for you to honor me tonight. [laughter] oh, wait, oh, no, no, no i'm so sorry, donald trump said that, i'm sorry. >> reporter: the leading actor johnham went home with the first trophy after eight nominations and john stewart wrapped up the daily show with another emmy for outstanding variety talk series and he left the show in august after historic 16 year run mapped by multiple awards. >> thank you so very much. you will never have to see me again. thank you. [applause] gerald tan, al jazeera. that will just about do it for the news hour, thanks very much for watching and stand by and we will be back with another bulletin of news straight ahead on al jazeera, see you in a
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♪ rebels release six hostages as u.n. backed talks try to enthe conflict in yemen with neighboring amman. ♪ hello, this is al jazeera live from doha and i'm adrian and 32 syrian civilians killed by government shelling as israel's leader flies to moscow to discuss israel's role in the war. victory for alexis tsipras as greece faces more belt tightening. >> and the emmy goes to. >> reporter: it's not
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