tv News Al Jazeera September 22, 2015 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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♪ could burkina faso's coup be coming to an end, presidents of four west african nations indicate they are heading to the country to reenstore the deposed government. ♪ hello i'm mary ann and you are watching al jazeera live from london, also coming up, europe agrees to take in refugees despite fierce opposition from some countries. fighting continues in the country yemen's president returns from all six-month exile in saudi arabia.
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and the volkswagen says sorry for the cheating scandal engulfing germany's biggest car maker. ♪ now there is a fresh attempt to resolve the political crisis in burkina faso following last week's coup and president of sinagol and others and nigeria will be heading to duck duck to reinstall the deposed government according to a draft communication from the original group echo and charlie angelo has more. >> reporter: singing the national and them of burkina faso residents loyal to the government have poured into the national square to protest against the coup. they were joined by national army troops who entered the city overnight. their altimatum to soldiers
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behind the coup surrender or face attack and deadlines passed and negotiations are still on going, the release of zito was welcomed by the people who want order quickly restored. >> translator: we are counting on the army and the international community to find a way to resolve this problem peacefully. but as the army has said if a peaceful solution is not found then i think it will end badly for some units and we won with the help of the international community support for the people. >> translator: we came to the national square to really support our brothers in arms and also to condemn the behavior of the presidential guard that truly effected us. we cannot understand how we fought on october 30th and 31st last year during the uprising for them to now come and take it out of our hands. we refuse and we say no. >> reporter: the general and his elite presidential guard seized power last week. he since apologized and says he is ready to hand over power to
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civilian transitional government. returning the country to democratic rule discussion in abba. >> translator: at a meeting of the region block echo us and that is burkina faso's delicate peace process derailed the planned polled to restore democracy looks some way off, charlie angelo, al jazeera. ♪ now, eu ministers have pushed through a deal to relocate 120,000 refugees overriding fierce opposition from some central and eastern states within the block. hungary the czech republic and romania and they will take a share of refugees and many of whom are fleeing war, oppression and poverty in middle east and africa and ministers under
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pressure that can be eradicated on wednesday and france timerman displayed the unity saying opponents of quota are not fully implementing the scheme. >> i might succeed and i don't know let's try it. it's relatively simple, the commission made the proposal and we know that some member states were not in favor of the proposal but those member states say and said we will have a vote, you know our position and we will respect the outcome of the vote because that is what we do for the treaty. and so these member states, all of them respect the outcome of the vote. i even said afterwards what if anyone voted around the table is no longer relevant once you have a decision and that was confirmed by everyone around the table and nobody challenged the decision and i hope that might clarify a bit. let's get more on our top stories attempts to try and resolve a very unstable
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situation in burkina faso where a coup has taken place in recent weeks and we are live in the nigeria capitol of abuja holding an emergency summit on what has been happening and what exactly have they argued on? >> in the last few minutes the community of west african state issued a communication basically setting out a plan to return burkina faso to democratic rule. now what we are being told is that on wednesday, tomorrow, the leaders of nigeria banin and republic and togo ghanna and the chairman of the community, the president of sinagal will travel to the capitol of burkina faso and ouagadougou to reinstate the ousted president and express solidarity with the people of burkina faso. we are told in the communication that they will be traveling with the chief of defense staff and
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each of the nations, the most senior army officials from each of these countries will be traveling along with the various leaders. they are also calling on the african union and the united nations and other international and regional bodies to provide personnel to give advice, military advice and humanitarian advice too. also, they are calling on the coup leaders to not exacerbate the situation, to stand down, to not exacerbate the tense situation that we have been reporting. they are also calling on the army to stay calm. we have been hearing reports all day of what has been going on in ouagadougou and we know there is a huge army presence echo leaders are saying that violence must be averted, they don't want to see a violent situation coming out of this. ultimately this is the beginning of a long process, a long political process potentially to
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try and figure out really what to do with the presidential guard which is really at the heart of this current political crisis. >> as you say much depends on how the presidential guard will react now, evan and how much confidence in abuja is they will abide by the terms of this agreement? >> well, the question really is whether they will be given amnesty. as i was just trying to get into there, the issue is how should they be treated, what should be done with them? now, one has to remember the background to this coup, what caused this coup in the first place was the fact that the interim process, this journey, this process of returning the country to democratic rule excluded senior members of the presidential guard and those who support the presidential guard. in fact, this coup at the heart of it was the very question of the continued existence of the presidential guard. for many people the presidential
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guard was the personal army of the former president blake who was ousted in a popular uprising excuse me last year. and the interim process would have seen the end of the presidential guard. the question going forward and the question that still really has to be answered by all leaders in the region is what will happen to them now. the final point indications we are getting here in abuja whether leaders have been meeting for at least six, seven hours are the leaders here will say, well, this has to be an inclusive process. yes, these people staged a coup but they are still incredibly important in one sense to at least promoting a sense of a free, fair, democratic process where certain individuals, certain political players, certain stakeholders are not excluded from that process. so what i expect to happen on wednesday is further detail and
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further information and perhaps even an agreement, the beginnings of discussions about an agreement about what should happen to the presidential guard. yes, they were behind a coup but should they be allowed and those who support the presidential guard and members of the former ruling party should they be a part of any democratic process going forward. >> thanks very much, yvonne in abuja jaw and o and the top story is the eu minister's meeting in brussels to bush through a deal to relocate some 120,000 refugees. despite fierce opposition from some central and eastern states within the block and jackie roland has been following the day's developments in brussels and the vote was pushed in the end by majority of countries sitting at that table jackie but not a great deal of unity. >> for, indeed. the very fact they have to go for a majority vote wasn't
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itself a failure in some ways because the whole principal of the eu is to reach decisions by consensus, this idea of unity, solidarity and all country voices being equal, in this case it was the stronger country particularly led by germany and brussels itself, the european commission that held this vote with the result that those decenters while they voted against in the end as we were just hearing that from tell commissioner timerman they will now be obliged to abide be the decision and likely to increase resentment in those countries and increase the feeling of being bullied and pushed around but the rich and western european countries. >> of course the 120,000 would be given asylum as part of this deal, jackie, a very small number when you look at how many refugees are already in europe and those that plan to make the journey. what is wednesday's summit of european leaders going to focus
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on? >> in many ways agreeing on this figure or some people agreeing on the figure and other people having their arms twisted was symbolic more than anything else. the idea was to try to reestablish some idea of joint european decision taking on this issue that is really presenting one of the biggest challenges to the eu that it ever had in its history. on wednesday the heads of government will be arriving and they will be looking, talking less about what to do with refugees who are already in europe and more to do with how to keep other immigrants out. they will be discussing improved screening of asylum seekers, improved deportation processes and also looking at ways to help the countries that neighbor the european union and in particular turkey and if anything trying to get more money in the hopes they will keep the refugees there rather than sending them to europe so again very much this idea of seeing if other
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countries outside with european financial help can deal with the crisis where there is an argument in many quarters that since european countries were involved in the war in libya, since european countries have in some ways been on the sidelines during the war in syria that impacted this just improper they should bear the burden bearing in mind the large number of refugees already housed in turkey, almost 2 million at the moment. >> jackie thanks very much for bringing us up to date on the latest from brussels, jackie roland. in months of exile in saudi arabia the president has finally returned to his own country and abd rabbuh mansur hadi is back in aiden from where he fled six months earlier when they closed in on the southern port city and return follows that of the prime minister baha and seven ministers last week. let's go now to a yemeni journalist and joins us now on skype from sweden and thanks
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very much for taking the time to speak to us, how significant a turning point is the return of hadi to the port city of aiden after some six months in exile? >> it's very like it's not of fate. one of the main things is his return which is temporary because he is heading to new york in a few days or maybe in a few hours. nobody knows. but it's really like it's a signal from him that he is resilient against any kind of turbulence that the country is going through. but at the same time for a lot of yemeni and a lot of his critics it's like kind of the attached from the reality and i think the question should be what is he going to do next, if he is going to the u.n. in new york and in a few days or if he
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is going to have a public speak or something, what is the next steps that he is pushing forward with? because the situation in yemen is beyond tragic. the deaths especially among children is something that everyone is really blaming the failure of political leadership headed by baha and president hadi himself are because there is no any kind of discussion about having any kind of political solution in the near future. so for a lot of people his return is very criticized by his return because i mean what will he do exactly? >> what specifically are we watching for as you say hadi is about to head to new york now to deliver a speech at the u.n.,
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but it's still a very uncertain situation, over 2000 civilians have been killed, hospitals are unable to deal with what is happening in the country, infrastructure has been destroyed, is he likely to return to saudi arabia after new york or does he simply wait out the p such to go further north to go back to aiden and wait that out, what are you watching for? >> to be honest this is the part of like failure and his leadership because there is not even a media that anybody can trust with. he is not giving the right information or he is not communicating what his plans or strategy is. it's a very vague and unpredictable steps that he is going with and that leaves yemeni like really wondering what is the destiny for their country, what will be the end of this war?
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even the leader of houthi is doing more public speeches, more than president hadi himself. so that for me that is kind of like a very vague or unstructured plan that he has with the tragic situation that yemen is going through. >> thanks very much, good to get your take on this. there is much more still to come on al jazeera this half hour evidence that russia is substantially increasing the military footprints in syria. i'm jessica baldwin in amsterdam where an exhibit is opening comparing the world's two best loved painters. ♪ the only way to get better is to challenge yourself,
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welcome back, you are watching al jazeera, a recap of the top stories west african president are heading to burkina faso on wednesday and plan to reinstate the ousted president that follows the coup leader's refusal to back down. slovakia threatening to block a deal for 120,000 refugees and agreement pushed through in brussels despite opposition by four member states and yemen president abd rabbuh mansur hadi has returned to the southern city of aiden after six months in exile. and our correspondent was in aiden as president hadi arrived and is live from doha now and tell us about the reaction there in aiden to president hadi's
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arrival and the general state of the part city after so many months of fighting. >> the return of abd rabbuh mansur hadi is definitely going to be and give a significant boost for his allies who are now launching major offensive against the houthis and forces loyal to former president saleh. for months hadi was in exile and that was really an issue for his supporters and the houthis were saying do you know what we were fighting against you and your leader is not in the country so his presence is quite significant and there are hopes he is going to rally most of the yemenis behind him and continue the fight against the houthis and former president saleh. he has huge issues, loads of things at stake particularly in
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the southern part of the country where he is going to build a platform and there is a fight there and you are talking about millions of yemenis who are suffering, you have shortage in food, electricity, water, thousands of people have been stranded and thousands forced out of the country and these are things waiting for hadi to sort out in the coming days. >> how difficult is it going to be for hadi to rally his own supporters or i should say those who are fighting on behalf of the coalition and particularly civilians in yemen who have really born the brunt of the fighting over the last six months? >> the anti-houthi, antisaleh coalition is not necessarily a united front because you have hadi and his allies on one hand and successistist on the other hand and successionist are not on good terms with hadi as far
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as we are concerned. we just want the south to break away from the north and we have nothing to do with the north. we have also the muslim brotherhood sunni which is extremely powerful in the southern part of the country and the party has been skeptical of hadi accusing him of being responsible for the houthi take over of the capitol sanaa last year. very delicate situation. when i was today in aiden at the airport of aiden i've seen a build up of coalition forces at the airport, a sign that the main baker's of hadi particularly saudi arabia and united arab emirate are trying now to organize forces behind him, train soldiers, train the police and the army to build a new nation from scratch and that army is going to be the backbone of the military operation which is underway particularly in the
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places. i think the strategy for the time being is the following: they are after three cities and if we are taking by forces loyal to abd rabbuh mansur hadi then he set his eyes on sanaa and launch a major offensive. if he manages to defeat the houthis, then he might go to the international community and the united nations and say now i defeated my rivals i'm ready for a political settlement however it has to be taken into account it remains the ultimate legitimacy in yemen and delicate situation and talking about the houthis and forces loyal to saleh are entrenched in central part of yemen and the capitol sanaa. >> in doha, thank you. now satellite pictures taken over syria suggests new sites are being established there to house russian military forces and images show new buildings being built, surface clearing and construction of tents used by russian military forces.
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the activity is taking place near latakia at the airport near assad's home land. a volkswagen board meeting will decide the future of chief executive tuesday evening after the refusal to stand down and the car maker admitted cheating in emissions tests. the scandal has seen billions of dollars wiped off volkswagen's value and we report from berlin. >> reporter: with his company accused of serious and deliberate deception volkswagen chief executive martin apologized and said such manipulation would never happen aga again. >> translator: ladies and gentlemen, millions of people across the world trust our brands and cars and technologies. i'm endlessly sorry we betrayed the trust and apologize to the clients, to the authorities and the entire public for the
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wrongdoing. >> reporter: the scandal has shaken german industry. >> we are all pretty surprised about that and it's a catastrophe not only for volkswagen, it's a catastrophe for all the german car makers and it's bad even for the brand made in germany because that is volkswagen is a big brand that stand for german quality. angela merkel addressed the stunning instance of corporate deceit. >> translator: the minister of transporters are in close contact with vw company and e n effects will be put on the table as quickly as possible. >> reporter: installed software in diesel vehicles that tricked emissions test to givin the cars a passing grade even though they emitted more pollution while on the road. the company issued a statement saying 11 million vehicles are effected and set aside $6.5
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billion euros for recalls and servicing and it says volkswagen does not tolerate violation of laws and will make winning back consumer trust its top priority. unlike other auto recalls involving design, flaws or defective parts, volkswagen is accused of deliberately hatching a technologically sophisticated scheme to deceive government agencies and consumers. damage control experts say the nature of the scheme will make regaining trust much harder. >> i think whenever you have a situation where something is calculated and malicious and there is a desire to deceive the half life is longer for recovery. >> reporter: on wednesday a committee of volkswagen's board members and major shareholders will hold an emergency meeting. a board member says he expects senior company heads will roll.
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rob reynolds, al jazeera, berlin. now chinese president arrived in seattle of the first state visit to the u.s. and will spend three days meeting business and technology leaders before heading to washington d.c. for talks with president barack obama. cyber security is set to be high on the agenda in the wake of apple's resent breach in china. pope francis is on his way to the u.s. after bidding farewell to cuba. head of the roman catholic church concluded his four-day trip telling cubans to live a revolution attendance. and prime minister got more than he bargained for when he addressed members of parliament on tuesday. opposition mps pelted the leader with eggs as he defended a deal that gives ethnic serbs greater local powers. vincent van gogh and edward two giants of 19th century painting are the focus of an exhibition
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which opens on friday in amsterdam and jessica baldwin went along to have a look. >> reporter: the screen one of the best known paintings in the world, picture of mental anguish is certainly the best known work by the painter monk and fascinated by the inner workings of the mind as contemporary and the dutch painter vincent van gogh and they are compared and a new exhibition does just that, a handful of traditionel paintings starts the show so visitors can see what influenced van gogh and monk and appreciate the huge advances they made, hard to understand 100 years later the massive shift in style and content paving the way for modern art. van gogh wanted potato eaters to show emotions and they are farmers and knows it close to the earth. morning, monk's picture of a woman on the bed was considered
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scandalous at the time and bare foot and open shirt and visible brush strokes a new way of painting and the show took six years to put together, 100 pictures more beautiful than another came from private collections and museums from around the world. >> i think such an exhibition is so stimulating, you can really experience things and by looking and you know making comparisons and you can learn a lot. >> reporter: although the two men lived in paris at the same time there is no evidence they knew each other but many of their works have similarities, van gogh starry sits next to an starry night by monk and both suffered mental illness and clear in the paintings and interested in the bare human condition, anxiety and depression, the brutal self expression of emotional suffering that makes these works so compelling today.
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and ensures both artists their place in history, jessica baldwin, al jazeera, amsterdam. you can find more information on everything we are covering right here, the address for that is al this is techknow, a show about innovations that can change lives. >> the science of fighting a wild fire. we're going to explore the intersection of hardware and humanity and we're doing it in a unique way. this is a show about science by scientists. tonight: technkow in search of the great american prarie. >> we're in the prarie state yet ironically, we have such little of it left. >> farming and overdevelopment killed it, now get ready for this...
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