tv News Al Jazeera September 23, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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>> hello there, i'm barbara serra. this is the news hour live from lone con. coming up in the next 60 minutes. jailed al jazeera journallests mohamed fahmy, baher mohammed are pardoned in egypt. >> this whole nightmare is over. the whole nightmare is over. we can live like normal people rand go back home and enjoy my life, and that's it. that's it. >> e.u. nations pledge $1 billion fo towards the
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refugee crisis. out of a job. volkswagen's chief executive martin winterkorn as the fall out of the scandal continues. pope francis is met by president barack obama at the white house. >> rugby reality bid in japan. the quarterfinals taking a hit after scotland. >> jailed al jazeera journals mohamed fahmy, baher mohammed have been pardoned by the egyptian president el-sisi. they were freed with 100 prisoners who were also granted
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pardon, but none of the seven al jazeera correspondents who were sentenced in abstentia including peter greste. >> freedom at last for baher mohamed and mohamed fahmy. >> what are we going to do? we're going to travel the world, celebrate, party, we just really hope that--our families have suffered so much since the beginning of this trial, and we're very happy that president sisi took this action and released us. >> this whole nightmare is over. the whole nightmare is over. we can live like normal people and go back home. enjoy my life, and that's it. >> the pardon by president el-sisi is the end of an long ordeal which began when they were arrested in december 2013 along with al jazeera correspondent peter greste. he was appearing on australian tv show when he heard the news.
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>> mohamed fahmy, baher mohammed have been pardoned. if he has been pardoned, it's hard to imagine. >> no, no, no. >> i mean, we've been fighting--fighting for the past eight months for this. >> the three journalists faced charges including aiding the now banned muslim brotherhood. in june of last year the court sentenced them 7 to 10 years in prison. then in january the court threw out their convictions and ordered a retrial. in february peter greste was deported to his native australia. mohammed and fahmy were released on bail later that month. they were unable to leave egypt, and th said with their lives on hold they were still serving a kind of sentence. last month the court returned mohamed fahmy, baher mohammed back to prison. the retrial was supposed to give them a second opportunity to clear their names.
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instead justice was denied yet again. the arrest and detention of mohamed fahmy, baher mohammed and peter greste damaged egypt's image ray broad. there are, though, other al jazeera staff who were convicted in abstentia at the original trial. at the moment we're not hearing that there is a pardon for the reof us, but it is an egyptian holiday today. we're wondering whether the paperwork just has not been released. if that's not the case, and we're not actually going to be getting a pardon, then we'll be lobbying at the u.n. general assembly to anyone who will listen, to shout out we were just journalists doing our jobs in cairo and this pardon is long overdue. for now though the happy closure of a happy chapter al jazeera. >> al jazeera's acting directing general released the following statement.
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>> earlier we spoke to al jazeera journalist baher mohamed on the line from cairo. >> i would like to thank everybody first for calling for my immediate release. i'm still in a shock. i'm still in a shock. i can't believe that i'm home with my family. i'm still in a shock. last night, now and 24 hours ago i was talking with fahmy and our co-defendant about what our plans are.
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now suddenly when we heard this, it was during the family visit. when i returned back they said that the president pardoned you and some other people, i could not believe it. i thought it was a joke. my kids are telling me, no more of this, dad. when they came to visit. they came to the same place they would visit before. they were so upset and it was hard to convince them to leave prison because the visit was over. but now they're celebrating and shouting, especially my youngest son, he started calling me dada, hugging me. he didn't leave me at all. when i saw my children, my children started hugging me. they don't want to leave me alone. i want even talk right now. they're all hanging on my leg and my back, and another one is in my arms now. when i was sent back to prison, it was a bit weird.
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it was not hard like the first time because i understood that this is for press freedom. i will be back. i will be in the same position as other journalists and those journalist who is are still behind bars who are fighting for press freedom. it was really hard, but in my heart i felt like this is our fight. this is the fight of every single professional journalist. we should stand strong. there are lots of great people around the world standing behind us and calling for our immediate release. and this kept me strong. it was a backbone to me. i want to say that we still have other colleagues still behind bars. not only in egypt, but all over the world. they are still going through the same ordeal, and their families are suffering, and they are suffering. the fight is not over. the fight is not over. our fight will be over when
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every single journalist behind bars all over the world. >> baher mohamed speaking to us a little bit earlier. well, professor of political science joining us. thank you for joining us on al jazeera. throughout this saga, and especially after the final guilty verdict a lot of people had been expecting, predicting, and certainly hoping that this would eventually end up in a presidential pardon. what do you make of the fact of the timing? >> yes, so in december of last year we did hear that there would be a presidential pardon happening at some point. that would be the end result in this case. however, timing has been an interesting thing for this president. he is set to come to new york to address the general assembly tomorrow, he'll also be heading
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the council of africa nations and also a couple of climate change and bring new goals. he's trying to assert himself on stage as a world power player. he can't do that if in egypt and in the minds of the international community is the death of 12 mexican tourists. he can't do that when there were attempts to lobby for the press freedoms and continued condemnation of the human rights record in egypt. if the timing of this on the eve of the president's visit to new york is very interesting. he established a history especially during the al jazeera trial where ten times the trial was postponed there were interesting things happening. for example, secretary o secretary of state john kerry's visit. the politicalization of these trials and ultimately the lives of these individuals has really
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been the down side, not only of the judicial process in egypt, but really the rule of law, which really has been rendered arbitrarily. >> we certainly saw a lot of people comment on this case, world leaders including barack obama and all the journalistic organizations, both in the west and not. what would be the lasting legacy of all of this when it comes to egypt's position in the international stage? you mentioned that president sisi will be addressing the u.n. general assembly. just because our colleagues have been pardoned and they're no longer in jail, do you think it will all be forgotten? >> let's hope not. just because your colleagues have been pardoned doesn't mean that--there are currently 19 journalists being held in egypt's prisons. and the journalists the activist
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imprisoned protesting outside of the trial of the officer who is accused of killing the young internet cafe owner, and he's still in prison. if we look at the release of other activists, including the two female activists they were released after serving a year of a two-year sentence. let us hope that this is not the end of the attention on these cases. there are still thousands of political prisoners being held in egypt, and there are still dozens of journalist who is have been forgotten. >> just coming back to the pardon from the president, do you think that this is something that we're going to see again and again? >> well, we don't know. this one was expected because there has been talk of it since last december. we were just waiting for it. however, the interesting thing about pardons is that the
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unfortunate consequence of this is that, well, trials, even if they're sham trials, are becoming rendered meaningless. there was a trial. there was an appeal. there was a retrial. it went to the court, and then at a they were convicted. then the president gives the pardon. ultimately the biggest lose is the judiciary and rule of law. once the rule of law is in question in a nation people don't know where they stand vis-a-vis the state. >> speaking to us from north brunswick, new jersey, from long island university. thank you. european nations are to give an extra $1 billion to u.n. agencies dealing with the refugee crisis. the news comes in a draft statement from an emergency meeting in brussels. it comes a day after the interior ministers pushed through an agreement on how to
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relocate 120,000 refugees around the e.u. one of the four countries that opposed the deal is now threatening legal action. well, arriving at the summit, the german chancellor said that europe can and will come up with a solution. >> together we have to answer how we can make our own system better. the protection at the borders, the fair direction within the european union, and i think when we talk about it very calmly we can establish registration centers for hot spots. we'll succeed in find rag joint any based with a great challenge europe cannot say we can handle this. that's why i say again and again we can do this. >> chancellor merkel speaking. we've been following the day's developments in brussels. >> one thing the meeting on wednesday is intended to do is to talk about the practical measures that can be put into
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place, to restrict the numbers of people entering the e.u. and installing better controls on who is entering. the discussions about deploying new e.u. forces to help the police, the immigration in countries on the front line like greece and italy, who clearly have been struggling to cope with the number of people coming in. also that is controversial because again it's a question of national sovereignty. should the greeks, the italians be policing their frontiers or should europe. lots of controversial issues still to be discuss. but another thing is the desire to pledge more money to some of the countries through whom the refugees travel like the balkans in macedonia and serbia, and the front line countries like turkey, jordan and syria, who really have been carrying the biggest burden so far in terms of sheltering the refugees. >> well, the diplomacy continues in brussels, refugees are continuing to make the dangerous
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sea crossing from turkey to greece. it's a sharp rise on the usual number that the mediterranean is expected to be hit by storms as summer ends. meanwhile, croatia said that it will lift border restrictions are serbia as belgrade begins to send migrants to hungary. they've banned most trucks from entering serbia and shut seven of eight border crossings. they're angry that serbia have been sending roams to croatia rather than hungary. well, coming up on this news hour from london, ending colombia's long-running civil war, the president and rebels meet in cuba for peace talks. we'll be live in havana shortly. let's why burkina faso's interim president said he's returning to power days after being deposed in a coup.
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and in sport we'll here from namibia's rugby team as they try to catch the world champions off guard. >> hope francis is on his firs first-ever official trip to the united states. the head of the catholic church is spending day one of the six-day visit in the capital of washington, d.c. where he has been speaking with president barack obama. later in the week he'll dress both the u.s. congress and the united nations. patty culhane is following his historic visit. >> it is clear that pope francis is going to take on controversial topics while into the united states, bringing up the priest sex abuse scandal with u.s. bishops. >> and we have to hope that the crime never repeats themselves. >> that's fell far short for many victims. still across the country this
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pope is overwhelmingly popular. that was clear by the welcome that greeted him as he began his day at the white house. 11,000 invited guests here to witness. >> from the gentleness of your words and generosity of your spirit we see a living example of jeez' teachings. a leader whose moral authority comes not just through words but also through deeds. >> pope francis is clearly going to try to use that authority to spur action focusing most of his remarks on climate change. >> when it comes to the care of our common home, we're living at a critical moment of history.
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we still have time to make the change needed to bring about a sustainable environment. >> the president already believes in climate change, unlike many in the opposition party. the pope hopes he can use his overwhelmingly popularity to convince his followers that they need to act to convince their leaders to do more. >> the first canonization i in the united states, let's go to that ceremony. junipero serra, the pope is a huge fan. he just elevated him to sainthood. not everyone supports that decision. did the hope address the controversy at all? >> well, as luck would have it
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the pope is just beginning his homily right now. if he's going degrees this controversy, it is be in this homily. let me explain why junipero serra is controversial. he brought catholicism to california. he helped set up the mission system from san diego to san francisco. this is why native americans and indigenous tribes were brought in, baptized and then they would work the fields. this was not a pattural utopia. many of these indians were rounded up, and once there they could not leave. there was rape of the women and children by spanish soldiers, and by the end of the mission system, it only lasted a few decades pretty much of all the coastal tribes of california were wiped out. there has been some recognition of this. there was a biographical spiel
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before the conitself. they said to endeavor to bring to the mission the indigenous population. he hoped to bring the catholicism, quote, voluntarily, but then there was this, many perished as a result. you talked about how serra wanted this to be done in a different way. he was a good man in bad times. and the argument that in the end, remember this, is the evangelical faith, those who did convert were given ever lasting life in heaven. as you might compet expect, this is not an argument that goes over well with the communities. the pope apologized for the terrible carnage of the colonization of the americas. they just don't get how pope francis can say that on one hand and they are tw then canonize
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serra on the other. >> the issue of child sex abuse in the church, a thorny issue, also has come up. tell us more about that. >> this is another example where again pope francis says the right things, but then there are questions of most more closely involved with the issue in what the catholic church is doing. the pope addressed the bishops earlier today, and remember now, one of the biggest issues is the child abuse scandals that went on for decades when priests were abusing children, and for decades priests and clergy were covering it up and moving priests on to other parishes. several priests had been found to be abusing children in latin america. this is happening right now.
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so when pope francis speaks to the bishops and he allows their courage, their sacrifice and commitment to bring healing to victims. victims are pretty angry. it appears to be the only thing they could have been talking about. and almost those groups representing those abused by the clergy, "snap," they sd that pope francis encouraged, almost to the exception that their cowardice. and they believe that pope francis is all talk on this issue. he has counsel to advise him. it's obvious that you have to do. you have to release your papers. you have the documents about the
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different priest who is have been moved around. you know who they are. the bishops in the u.s. know who they are. yet there is no transparency. no bishops have been defrocked as a result of this enormous scandal. they just feel the pope isn't doing enough. >> there in washington, d.c. the pope is giving his homily. we'll check in with you later just to get the latest on what he said at the moment. thank you. well, for more on the pope's comments on the environment let's cross to washington, d.c. and speak to robert f. kennedy jr. a lauren and green activist as well as the president of the water keeper alliance. sir, thank you for joining us here on al jazeera. first of all. obviously the environment is an issue close to your heart. we heard the pope speak about it. he used quite strong language, quite moral language. what do you think about putting the environmental issue into
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that moral language, do you think its effective? >> i think that's what he has done with a lot of different issues. he's tried to broaden the issues of concern and the vision of the church beyond ideology and orthodoxy and the focus the church has had since 1966 on individual sexual behavior on birth control, gay marriage. he has tried not to disavow those issues, but to put them in their place and say there are larger moral issues. there are issues of war. there are issues of peace. there are issues of wealth and port, and the global common environment. today i was struck in his speech about how focused he was, all of
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his remarks in front of the white house were about global warming and he continued by saying we defaulted on an oath to our children, and it's time that we stand up and honor that obligation. he was talking about basically burning the capital that belongs to our children instead of living off the interest. >> his words are going to have great resonance among the catholics in the united states. what kind of impact will his words have on everybody else who doesn't see him as a spiritual leader? >> well, no, he has influence
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beyond the 70 million catholics in the united states. he is a very likable pope. he has placed the church for the first time in 30 years on--firmly on the side of the poor, on the side of the gospels instead of applying it again with the wealthy and the industry. and he said, you know, he has not damned free market capitalism. he has criticized it. he said that the economy--the rules that governor our economy have to be rules that make capital serve the public's interest rather than serving the interest of a few people and enriching a few people. this is consistent with christ's gospels and it is consistent with the long history of the church.
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in our country since 1980 religion has become--particularly evangelical religion and orthodoxy--has become fashioned as the adultery of free market capitalism and follows political issues. religious leaders have spoken out. there is almost out despite our constitutional safeguards, there is almost a religious test for running for political office. you have to get the jump through certain hoops to run for political office. the catholic church in the united states has also aligns itself with that orthodox
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tradition as the protestant and baptist churches. and they've spoken almost singularly as an unit. this pope has broken that. he said wait a second, we cannot be--we cannot be talking just on behalf of wealth an. he has condemned the adultery of free market capitalism. he has angered a lot of very wealthy people in this country. but at the same time i think he has heartened many people who wanted to see the church look at these issues for a long time. >> we can see--next we're seeing live pictures of the pope who just has finished his homily. going back to his message. he supports traditional family and social justice. so traps a lot of people what would traditionally see themselves as republicans or
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traditionally religious don't see themselves in the u.s. with this pope. he's going to address congress on thursday. what kind of reception is he going to get there? some have spoken quite clearly that perhaps he's overstepping his territory, so to speak. >> yes, i think it's going to be very interesting to see what he says about global warning. it has become a task been the republican party and in particular the tea party to to be a climate denier, that global warming exists and human beings are causing it. he says this is a moral issue. he used the same kind of language that he used in front of the white house today, which is we have an obligation to our children. we cannot be denying that this exists. we cannot be sticking our heads in the ground. we need to recognize that this
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needs transition away from it very quickly while there is still time. it will be interesting to see what happens to the republican leadership, whether they fold their arms or applaud him. it was with regular applause lines in his speeches today that he got a tremendous reception from the crowd in front of the white house, and it will be interesting--it will be really fascinating, i think, for local observers and for religious people to watch what happens in congress this week. one of the things about pope francis, he is the first pope to take the name of francis. pope francis ended up shattering the institutions in the church. he didn't do it deliberately. he never saw himself as a revolutionary. in fact, he asked and he
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constantly checke check in with the hierarchy of the church to make sure that he was not stepping on toes. but at the same time the things he did brought down that hierarchy. the fact that he turned the church to take care of the poor, that he embraced the lepers, and he educated the people that he translated the bible into the vernacular for the first time. the bible at that time was only translated into latin, a language that christ never spoke. it was the language of the empire that executed christ. it's a symbol of the merger between church power and the power of the state. what francis said was to say, oh, no, the church has to be on the side of the poor. has to be on the side of creation. this pope is doing that in this
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world with the same issues. >> robert f. kennedy jr. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. >> well, lots more to come on the al jazeera news hour, including, we're in moscow. one of the biggest mosques in europe is finally open after decades of construction work. and the latest from saudi arabia where over 2 million muslim pilgrims have gathered on the ninth day of hajj. >> it's not over until it's over. >> the life of the catcher who was just as well-known for his catchphrases.
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>> e.u. leaders meet in brussels to address refugee problems. and ceo martin winterkorn resign. a surprised trip to cuba to discuss peace talks with leaders of the farc. they're meeting to conclude talks into ending long-running conflict between government forces and farc fighters. the meeting follows pope francis' visit to the cuban island where he urged both sides to end the tension. we're joined live from bogota. what is in this deal? >> well, we are expecting for the deal to be resolved in this
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meeting, and that will happen any time really now between the government peace negotiators into the representative of the farc, and also for the first time since this long peace negotiation started two years ago with the president of colombia and head of farc rebels. some hav information has been leaking. we know that a special tribunal will be created to deal with the most gross violations of human rights in this very long conflict. and we know that farc will accept some form of punishment for their violations. this tribunal will not only deal with the farc but violations committed by government forces through these 50 years. another will be the reparations
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for the victims. but the main point this was really the biggest stumbling block going towards peace agreement. >> of course, a lot of people will be skeptical, as you mention, the crisis is going on for a long time. so has the peace agreement. so what happened? do they make the peace agreement iron clad? this is essentially no return point for the negotiations in that they will probably have a day for the signing of the final agreement. it also means that all that is missing is just how to actually bring the conflict to an end.
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for example, how the farc will probably reunite in one location in the country and how they will eventually give up their weapons. the question is how the colombian public will respond to this deal, and if there will be a referendum or committee in the country to ratify the final agreement. there are those who want to make sure that farc will face justice. it will be very important to, once the details come out, to see how the colombian public respond, and what the response will be of the political positions here in colombia. >> we'll be following the latest developments here on al jazeera for the moment. live in bogota, thank you. >> fallout from the volkswagen emission cheating scandal is
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begun and the top carmaker is now resigned. board members will get to the bottom of who was responsible for the sophisticated scheme to eaggravate anti-pollution regulations. >> the trio of volkswagen board members made the announcement. company chief executive martin winterkorn was out. >> part of this new beginning is the offer from dr. martin winterkorn would step down. we want to strep that he had no knowledge of the emissions. >> he said that he took responsibility and that volkswagen needs a fresh start. executives said that they're pursuing an investigation into how software designed to dee receive emissions testing results found its way into 11 million vehicles.
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>> we have the impression that criminal acts played a role here. we'll make sure that the people concerned will be prosecuted. >> germans, including those who live in the volkswagen headquarters of volksburg. >> the scheming machinations. that is criminal dealings if you ask me. it's like a mafia. >> it just can't be true that such a global firm ruins its image like this. >> they should an role model. imagine, this is happening at the very top. >> in the u.s. a chicago attorney is taking legal action.
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>> the consumer has been harmed for the full purchase price plus the consequential damages associated with that whether it's di munition in value, the purchase price it's just massive. >> german prosecutors plan an criminal investigation, and in the u.s. vw could face charges of fire fraud. >> there ought to be prosecutions and corporate executives that knew this and had done it and who ought to be going to jail. >> volkswagen has paid a heavy price for the scandal with its stock falling sharply and potentially billions of dollars worth of fines looming over it. but the biggest cost of the company cannot be measured in dollars or euros. that is the loss of its reputation. rob reynolds, al jazeera,
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germany. >> the leader of a coup in burkina faso said that he has surrendered power, and the coup has come to an end. the interim president has returned to government after being taken hostage last week. the coup leader said that he realized that he did not have the support of the people of burkina faso. >> the popular reaction, the disapproval of the additional community, the unanimous condemnation of the coup all reassert that we're on the right track, and that our cause is just. >> fears that an outbreak of cholera in iraq could become an epidemic has led authorities to close down elementary schools. 200 cases of the disease have been registered over the last week. but it's those living in displacement camps that are most at risk. >> with so many people packed together in harsh conditions,
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the fear of a cholera epidemic is very real. several cases have been reported in this camp that displaced iraqis from violence in anbar province. this widow, her husband was killed in fallujah. her son is now curvin suffering from cholera. >> my son was vomiting and had diarrhea. we're living in terrible conditions. i'm afraid he'll get it again and it will be fatal. >> providing clean water is key to stop cholera from spreading. people have stopped drinking from the main water supply. people are using tanks like these, and they're filling them with water and adding chlorine tablets to them. but the chlorine tablets are in short supply, and demand is rising. >> iraqi authorities say they have enough supplies to stop the outbreak from getting out of control.
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>> we have implemented strict measures to contain the outbreak with mobile health clinics that are offered 24 hours a day. and we check water cleanliness. >> but with conditions in the camps becoming ever more desperate few here trus discomfort in what they're saying. >> ithousands of russian muslims were there to celebrate the opening of moscow' biggest mosque. >> the mosque one of the largest in europe. it can hold 10,000 of the faith 68 as they come to prayers. there are now 2 million muslims in moscow alone in the country that has the largest muslim population in europe. hundreds of political and spiritual leaders from muslim
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countries around the world attended the ceremony led by president putin. among them, president erdogan and mahmood abbas. most of the money for the mosque came from a wasn'ty tycoon. wasn'ty--a wealthy tycoon. they plan to build a bigger one on the outskirts of the capital. extremists have pledged allegiance to isil and have conducted a low level surgentcy in the state: there are hopes in moscow that wednesday's ceremony will resonate in the middle east, especially in areas where the kremlin is anxious to improve its standing.
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>> they want to do something in the muslim direction. it is important to him because of the situation in the middle east. >> the appreciation for the cathedral will be just as appreciated in moscow as it will be abroad. the new mosque is a vehicle that helps russia reposition itself in the middle east as it expands its military footprint into syria. it's the sign of good intention. as mr. putin tries to persuade other countries in the middle east to join his coalition against the common enemy isil. peter sharp, al jazeera, moscow.
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♪ >> thousands of muslim from around the world are gathering in saudi arabia for the hajj. the pilgrimage is a central pillar of islam. it is believed to cleanse the faithful from sin and bring them close for god. the followers must move together through a set of wri rituals. the final hajj rituals begin on tuesday and will last for five days. on wednesday muslims gather to praise god and ask for forgiveness. we're in mecca, and we have this update. >> the day is the essence of hajj for pilgrims. he or she will have their hearts validated. now this is considered the pillar of hajj. we have 2 million pilgrims, they
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will be asking for forgiveness, blessings. and around sunset the pilgrims will leave and they will have to move and continue the rituals of hajj. now having 2 million people in one place poses a security threat for the authorities. we understand that they've deployed 50,000 security troops to secure the area, they also have deployed a lot of medics. 15,000 medicalcal teams have been deployed and they hope that the hajj season will go smooth and well. >> well, there is much more on this year's hajj on our website where you can take 360-degree tour of the main sights in mecca. that's all at
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>> full of confidence after causing world upset. they went up against scotland hoping for another win. japan started well as they put the fire first try over. japan's defense stayed tight. while their opponents would not make it over the trial lines, the penalty saw them going over the break leading 12-7. but things were bound to get much worse for japan as john hardy muscles over. that opening try was to kick off a second half scoring route. but tommy seymour executing this beautiful intercept before running in a brilliant 60-meter try for the start.
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given just four days to recover from the win over south africa, japan were visibly tiring. they finished off by a thin, another one right under the pole. scotland 45, japan 10. >> australia made a not entirely convincing start to their world cup campaign with a win over fiji. australia failing to earn the bonus point, it could get crucial in deciding who would "l" make it through the last eight. they need to get that bonus, but the wallabies managed three. the two-time world champions next face uruguay. pool d france and romania.
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france ran clear after the break, they now sit at the top of their group and play canada next. now japan may have shocked rugby by that win against south africa. the africans will face the all blacks new zealand in a match that will be played on thursday. lee wellings reports. >> it's a minor miracle that they have reached this world cup. qualifying last year had gone so badly they needed to win their last match by an unlikely 53 points. they won 89-10, and reached their fifth world cup in succession. their award, an opening game against new zealand's mighty all blacks at the olympic stadium in london. >> we have professional players who come together and they work
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exceptionally hard. >> it's been an eye opener for welshman davies. he tells me his squad who includes farmer, engineers and diamond traders will get up at 5:00 a.m. to work. what about the pressure on the shoulder of this man, jack burger. >> i think the hardest part is to say the right things when things are going tough, you know. you do lose a lot of faith when things are going really bad. i've been to the last world cup. we had the same scenarios, and we would take a beating and we would be bleeding. how do you stop that bleeding? the best way to do that is to lead by example. >> but you wouldn't expect the world champions to be complacent, and they're respectful of their african opponents.
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>> we'll give namibia respect because that's what they serve as another playing nation. rugby is a funny thing. sports is a funny thing, there are lots of people who can hit harder. >> they had a tough opening victory against argentina. the bad news, the depth of this all black squad is unlikely to bring respite. namibia was told by their president, give the all blacks hell. lee wellings, al jazeera. >> barcelona have been beaten 4-1, in the spanish league their biggest league defeat in 2008. messi, neymar and suarez in the line up in the start to the league season came to a
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shuttering halt. 2-1 to go to the top of the table. liverpool have suffered a major scare to stay alive, beating 4-1 carlisle in a penalty shoot out. nenewcastle lost to sheffield. yogi berra has died at the age of 90. yogi was a childhood nickname that stuck. he spent most of his career with the new york yankees and was a 13-time world series champion player, coach or manager. that's your sports. back to barbara in london. >> there were great catchphrases. that is it for this news hour. you can get much more information on our website or just stay tuned we'll be back in a few minutes. hope you join me then.
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>> al jazeera journalists mohamed fahmy, baher mohammed are pardoned in egypt. >> the whole nightmare is over. the whole nightmare is over. we can live lie normal people. go back home. enjoy my life, and that's it. that's it. >> hello there. i'm barbara serra. you're watching al jazeera. the e.u. nations pledge an extra billion dollars to the refugee crisis as leaders in brussels discuss
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