tv News Al Jazeera September 28, 2015 11:00am-12:01pm EDT
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for my children and for yours. thank you very much. [applause] >> barack obama going about 30 men's over thinks his 15 minutes for 45 minutes. it's a wide-ranging speech, that's the best way i can put it covering syria, bashar al-assad libya iran, cuba, russia, i think i got most things ukraine. i'm sure i'm leaving something out. we'll cover the topics. we'll go to mike viqueira, who was also taking notes as well. i'm sure you got something that i left out. mike he seemed to cover a lot of things. i'm not sure how you characterize it. >> i would characterize it as an impassioned defense of the obama
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doctrine. you heard the president wrap it up neatly saying that the history is littered with false prophets and dictators who have failed trying to emphasize things that president obama has emphasizeed and has been criticized for nationally and internationally for almost the seven years of his presidency. talking about the need of instituting democracy around the world. the deal with iran, the deal with cuba after 54 years of acrimony and mutual suspicion across the states. ukraine, part of the obama doctrine. democracy is essential before force is moved. talking about sanctions against russia after the annexing of crimea and they are ongoing but
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president obama perhaps looking at the brightest possible interpretation talking about the crippling effect that those sanctions have had on russian individuals and the russian economy and again talking about the south china sea, something that is very volatile as china asserts its independence and asserts what it regards as autonomy by building military bases on the spratley islands something dispute: talking about democracicy there and admitting the failures of its policy. to hear him mention libya the fact that they left a vacuum there, obvious to everyone, and didn't follow up after the military coalition ousted muammar qaddafi and then bringing it back to syria at the forefront of this annual meeting of world leaders. and talking about vladimir putin moving in with material, money
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and military equipment to back the assad regime. yet the president said he's willing to work with russia and iran to try to bring a resolution on syria, something that he himself termed in this speech a catastrophe and his deliberate approach with his emphasis on diplomacy that has earned himself criticism around the world. >> and at home, mike, it seemed that he was speak together american audience although this is going out to an international audience. did it seem that way to you as well? >> i thought the president in an impassioned speech, and the frustration shining through president obama, i don't think there is any question about it. we have heard it from him before. i remember in the philippines last year when he had a joint press conference with president aquino there dismissing out of hand rather angerly as we see the president's motorcade preparing to depart, but angrily
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dismissing critics like john mccain, those in the united states senate as people who look towards force first and the president using the term many times in his speech, three times that i count might does not equal right. this is something that frustrates the president angers the president, and you saw that shining through the frustration that he has with the critics who thinks he needs to act in a more forthright and militaristic way. >> we can't solve the world's problems alone. we cannot impose stability on another land, continuing to make the case for diplomacy and continuing to make the case that regardless of whether or not the united states has the most powerful military in the world that does not necessarily solve everything, the point that the president was trying to make. >> absolutely. this is a recurring theme of president obama, and richelle, before this speech began we were talking about the elusive obama
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doctrine, i don't think it's that elusive any more, and i thought you saw the president fairly well outline his principles, and the way he wants to approach these problems, diplomacy first and force only as a last resort. i'll say only one other thing about this speech. we mentioned the fact next year at this time at the annual meeting of the united nations next we're will only be two--less than two months away from the presidential election. the focus will be elsewhere as major problems with only two or three candidates running for president. this was really the president's last opportunity to put forward his agenda before the world community at this venue where he has the attention of the world and i thought the president was mindful of that. i thought that was very evident. >> mike viqueira, stay close and as one of our analysts told us a moment ago that everyone
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seems to leave after the president has spoken. that's actually what you're seeing but this--where is he in this crowd--back there you can see, if you keep looking close it does not mean that the session is over. it is not. the president of poland, is speaking right now and then next you'll be hearing from president shy shy bring from china. we'll be carrying that live. we'll geta quick break. we'll talk more about president obama's speech and the other world leaders that we'll be hearing from as well. keep it here on al jazeera america.
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probably two or three speakers away we'll be carrying that live as soon as it happens. president barack obama just wrapped up a 45 minute speech. we'll break that down again. and actually the president of poland is speaking right now. after him is the president of china. that's the president of poland right now. we'll break down president obama's 45-minute speech. they get 15 minutes, as we said, they rarely do stick to the 15 minutes. associate dean at professor of international affairs at the ashe joins us now. we'll have our other guests who have been joining us this morning. a former british diplomat. i want to ask both of you i'll start with you nina, just your overall impression of president obama's speech, and then we'll get down to specific topics. >> well, i think you mentioned it is a speech that covered it all. there is a laundry list of all
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the things america thinks it should represent for its own population and also to tell the world what it stands for. i thought the speech was way too long and way to boring. >> you were not inspired. >> i was not inspired at all. it's basically it always felt like barack obama always had to fit markers that we're leaving the world we want to be part of the world we want to be part of the coalition. here are the problems ukraine iran cuba, and whatnot so that all the right propaganda words were being used. but i thought it was a bad propaganda speech because it was not inspiring. it didn't say anything that we did not know. we didn't hear before. and as you mentioned i think it was already mentioned and you quoted as to say this was for the demost sick audience not international. but neither the domestic or
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international audience learned anything from that speech except one fact that we know the united states wants to say to vladimir putin, who we're going to hear from later, we are still very critical of you. however, we want to work with you. we're very supporting of our policy in cuba. we think the iran deal was a good deal. all the things that we knew, basically the united states stands by, but in terms of new policies, in terms of new information, it was really laundry list that we could have read, we didn't have to listen to for 45 minutes. >> we're going to come back to putt no one just a moment. but first i want your thoughts as well. was it that it was too long? was it that he didn't drill down enough? what is your feedback on it? >> i'm with nina. it was a pretty feeble effort. i write a lot of these things, and this was a pretty stock lecture on the virtues of democracy and diplomacy over a
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high school graduation level. i e congress. >> did you want more specifics? >> well, what i would like is new ideas about how to solve the problems with the world. like how about something like a global cap and trade system for climate, a world summit to agree to burden sharing on refugees. he's a second term president that means his hands are less tied than normal, rather than a lecture on the world. i thought it was feeble. >> a couple of buzz words that he used so imager we're against embargo, these are things that are correctly said. civic society 101. and it really shouldn't be the speech of the united nations
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especially for the 70th anniversary. the united nations has been around for a long time. the united states has been around, and we've heard it before. it's not even the depth that is really decide what it is that you're saying instead of giving a stock and barrel lecture. >> not a word on the reform of the u.n. just that it's a great institution and we should a abide by laws and norms. not a word about it. >> i have some questions i do want to ask you looking forward to vladimir putin. we're going to get in one other quick break. do keep it here on al jazeera america. we have several more speakers coming up, the 70th session, in fact we'll stay with that. keep it here.
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>> welcome back. you are watching live pictures of the united nations united nations general assembly. that is the president of poland. up next will. xi jinping the president of china, we'll be carrying that shortly. just before, president poland, barack obama the president of the united states wrapped up a 45-minute speech. that is what we're discussing right now. our guests are giving their thoughts on barack obama's speech and will be looking ahead to vladimir putin who will be up shortly as well. nina, i was going to ask you looking--let me summarize that you both were uninspired by barack obama's speech. he covered a lot of topics that could be described as a laundry list looking forward to
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vladimir putin speaking this afternoon. he--rather this morning. he has not been to the u.n. in ten years. there is a lot of things, a lot of reasons that people are paying attention to russia right now, not the least of which is russia's involvement in syria right now. what do you expect to hear? what would you like to hear from vladimir putin this morning? >> i think we make too much to the fact that he has not been around for ten years. because he was not a president for some while. he was the prime minister and it was all checkers moving checkers. still from 2008 to 2012 he was the prime minister and so there was a president who was visiting the united nations. so that's one thing. so he was not in the last few years he wasn't here because of the crisis in ukraine because he had misunderstoodings on whether bashar al-assad should stay in power in syria or not with the united states. but here this month it is the
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head of the security council so putin feels he has to come. but he's also coming as a winner in some ways. >> how so? >> a year ago i think barack obama said that putin or russia is just a regional power who wants to have more leverage, and putin has proven in the last year and a half that he's more than a regional power. maybe he is a regional power in terms of the economy or in terms of not enough military with russia working very hard to have it more, but there is a lot of countries that actually communicate with putin. there was story earlier on al jazeera you reported on that iran--that iran is going to share--iraq is going to share syrian intelligence with russia and iraq and whatnot. so putin is not an isolated person. he is the way he sees it, he's the leader of those who may be opposing the united states or
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doesn't believe that the united states is leading. i think he still would be somewhat conciliatory, but not--it would be friendly enough but only to a point. barack obama was friendly, and putin will respond i think he'll respond to the ukrainian criticism to say you say that the ukrainians want to be independent, but it's the united states that we believe is or the west is behind in manipulating the situation. >> in fact, we do have a little bit of comments that president obama made about ukraine. let's go ahead and listen to that right now. >> consider russia's annexation of crimea and further aggression in the ukraine. america has few economic interests in ukraine. we recognize the deep and complex history between russia and ukraine. but we cannot stand by when the sovereignty and territorial
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integrity is flagrantly violated. if that happens without consequence in ukraine it could happen to any nation gathered today. >> putin rather, the world focus on syria right now than ukraine? >> absolutely. it would be rather focusing on syrian and putt someone coming with i don't know what he's going to say, but the word is he's going to come with a big proposal that there would be world coalition against terrorism and he would even say i told you so because after 9/11 after 2001, i was offering this kind of coalition but it was only coalition of the willing, those who were--it was possible to be a gist of his speech. but it's interesting that barack obama started with ukraine and got to syria much later. his first russia and then powers
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later on. i think in many ways it was very much russia-putin speech. barack obama showed that he's going to stand up to putin whether putin will accept that, he hasn't so far. he does not think barack obama is standing up to him because he's too much of a coverage of everything. putin will probably be friendlyish but not conciliatory. he'll stand his ground. >> in fact putin has been very clear that he thinks that the assad regime should be propped up because he said that is what is best for the stability of syria. but in this speech one place that abraham really did drill down on was calling bashar al-assad a tyrant, made it clear that he was a dictator and that he was bad for syria. there is no common ground on there, is there? >> on the face of it sounds like
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zero sum. the russians want him to stay and the americans want him to go. and he's right the war will not stop until assad goes. but the question is how long should assad stay? hour into the transition that everyone is in agreement with that. everyone wants the war to end. but how far into the transition does assad stay until he steps down and some transitional government takes over. there is common ground between what is seemingly oppose positions. >> we'll reset the scene. what is happening here the president of poland, i'm drawing tension to time right it seems that highways gone over his 15-minute time limit in the
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meantime we're going to go out to the u.n. right now where our john terrett is out there as well. as soon as the president of poland is done speaking we're going to be listening to the president of china as well. so john what is happening out there right now? >> we're still assessing the president obama speech. i don't think it was boring or the worst speech we've heard from a worst speech. >> you made our analysts chuckle. >> well people are saying it here as well. [ laughing ] >> i think it was more what you heard was the obama doctrine in many ways. this cooperation this working together. we are prepared to work with anybody, russia and he listed all those countries where diplomacy has been a success cuba iran, and many more as well. i think perhaps it wasn't the most exciting speech we've ever heard here at the general assembly, but it was pure barack obama, of that there is no doubt. now we move on because coming up next we have a whole lineup of
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global word leaders who are heavy hitters in their own right. the president of poland is finishing off his speech. i think he has gone over his allotted time slot as leaders tend to do. next up will be president xi jinping of change. president xi is coming here from the white house on friday when he had a very lavish dinner with president barack obama at the end of which they agreed a deal to try to arrest the issue of cyber theft in the world. the other issue that president xi jinping is going to have to address a little bit is the issue of china's economy pickerly given the global collapse in share prices we've seen last month and on several occasions since. now it is interesting that the chinese stock market is a little bit of a casino. they're all casinos in their own
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way, but i think cha the chinese stock market is more of a casino than the others in the world and it is propped up by and large by the central government in beijing. so when it makes violent moves in a way it's not really quite the same as it would be if you got such a swing on the dow jones and nasdaq. however, china is a major global player and major and--in the major global economy. and china's economy is not growing at the same rate. >> john, as you were speaking the president of china xi jinping was escorted to the big chair shah they fit everybody in when they're waiting for the podium. now he's walking to the podium. >> let's hear what he has to say.
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>> mr. president dear colleagues 70 years ago the earlier generation fought heroically and secured the history of the world in an anti-fascist war. that victory was hard won. 70 years ago the generation with vision and foresight established the united nations. this universal and most representative and authoritative international organization has carried mankind's hope for a new future, and ushered in a new era of cooperation. it was a pioneering initiative never under taken before. 70 years ago the earlier generation of mankind pulled together their wisdom and adapted the charter of the united nations laying the
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cornerstone of the contemporary international order and establishing the fundamental principles of contemporary international relations. this was an achievement of profound impact. mr. president, dear colleagues, on the third of september the chinese people, together with the world's people, commemorate ed the end of the anti-fascist war. as the maintain theater in the east china made a national sacrifice of over 35 million casualties in its fight against japanese militarism. it saved itself and it's people from subjucation thus, making
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historic contribution to the victory of the world's anti- anti-fastist war.. we should review history with human caution. the past cannot be changed but the future can be shaped. bearing history in mind is not to perpetuate hatred, rather it is for mankind not to forget its lesson. remembering history does not mean being obsessed with the past rather in doing so we aim to create a better future and pass the torch of peace from generation to generation. mr. president, dear colleagues,
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the united nations has gone through the test of time over the past search decades it has witnessed efforts made by all countries to uphold peace build homeland and pursue cooperation. having reached a new historical starting point united nations needs to address the central issue of how to better promote world peace and development in the 21st century. the world is going through a historical process of accelerated evolution. peace development and progress will be powerful enough to penetrate the clouds of war poverty, and backwardness. the movement towards a more multi polar world and the rise of emerging markets and developing countries has become an irresistible trend of history.
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economic globalization in an information age have vastly unleashed and boosted forces and created unprecedented development opportunities and given rise to new threats and challenges which we must face squarely. as ancient chinese saying goes, the greatest ideal goes a world truly shared by all. democracy and freedom are the commonalities of mankind and the lofty goals of the united nations yet these goals are far from being achieved, and we must continue our endeavor to meet them. in today's world you all countries are inter dependent and share a common future. we should renew our commitment to the progresses and principles of the u.n. charter build a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation
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and create a community of shared future for mankind to achieve this goal we need to make the following efforts. we should build partnerships in which countries treat each other as equals engage in mutual consultation and show mutual understanding. the prince of sovereign equality under pins the u.n. charter. the future of the world must be shaped by all countries. all countries are equals. the big strong, and rich should not bully the small weak, and poor. the principle of sovereignty not only means that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries is infallible and their internal affairs are not subject to interference, but all
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countries rise to to be to be upheld. [applause] and that all countries endeavors to promote economic and social development and improved their people's should be respected. we should be committed to multi lateralism and reject unilateralism. we should adapt a new vision seeking win-win outcomes for all and reject the outdated mindset that one's gain means another's loss or that the winner shall take all. consultation is an born form of democracy. and it should also become an important means of exercising
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contemporary international governance. we should resolve these disputes and differences through dialogue and consultation. we should forge a global partnership at international and regional levels and embrace a new approach state to state one that features dialogue and seeks partnership rather than alliance. major countries should follow the principles of no conflict, no confrontation, and mutual respect and win-win cooperation in handling their relations. big countries should treat small countries as equals and take a right approach to justice and interest by putting justice before interests. we should create a security
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architecture featuring fairness, contribution and shared benefits. in an age of economic global indication the security of all countries is inter linked and has impact on one another. no country can maintain absolute security with its own efforts and no country can achieve stability out of other countries countries' instability. the law of the jungle leaves the weak at the mercy of the strong. it is not the way for countries to conduct their relations. those who adapt the high-ended approach of using force will find that they're only lifting a iraqlifting a rock to drop on their own feet. we should foster new vision of common comprehensive cooperative
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and sustainable security. we should give full play to the central role of the united nations and it's security council inbledding conflict and keeping peace and adapt the approach of seeking peaceful solution and take mandatory action. as to turn hostility into enmity. we should balance international cooperation in both economic and social field and take take a holistic approach in addressing threats to prevent conflicts from breaking out in the first place. we should promote open innovative and inclusive development that benefits all. the 2008 international financial crisis has taught us that allowing capital to blindly pursue profit can onlicracy a
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crisis--only create a crisis, and that global prosperity cannot be built on the shaky foundation of a market without moral constraints. the growing gap between rich and poor is both unsustainable, and unfair. it is important for us to use both the invisible hand and the visible hand to form synergy between market forces and government function and strife to achieve both efficiency and fairness. development is meaningful only when it is inclusive and sustainable to achieve such sustainable development requires openness mutual assistance, and
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win-win cooperation. in the world today close to 8,900,000,000 people still live in extreme poverty. nearly 6 million kids die before the age of five each year, and nearly 60 million children are unable to go to school. the just conclude sustainable development summit we must translate our commitments into actions and work together to insure that everyone is free from wants everyone has access to development and everyone lives with dignity.
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we should increase civil exchange to create harmony inclusiveness and respect for differences. the world is more colorful as a result of its diversity. diversity bridge exchanges. exchange creates creation. and in its action civilizations must accept their differences. only through mutual respect mutual learning, and harmonyious coexistence can the world maintain its diversity and thrive. each civilization represents the unique vision and contribution of its people, and no civilization is superior to others. different civilizations should have dialogue and exchanges instead of trying to exclude and
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replace each other. the history of mankind is a process of active exchanges interactions and integration among different civilizations. we should respect all civilizations and treat each other as equals. we should draw inspirations from each other to boost the creative development of human civilization. we should build an ecosystem that puts another nature and green development first. mankind may try to tans form t but we are after all, part of nature. we should care for nature and not place ourselves above it. we should reconcile industrial
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development with nature and pursue harmony between man and nature to achieve sustainable development of the world and the all around development of man. to build a sound ecology is vital for mankind's future. all members of the international community should work together to build a sound global ecoenvironment. we should respect nature. follow nature's ways, and protect nature. we should firmly pursue green low carbon, circular, and sustainable development. china will shoulder its share of responsibility and china will continue to play it's part in this common endeavor.
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we also urge developed countries to fulfill their historical responsibility honor their emission reduction commitments and help developing countries mitigate and adapt to climate change. [applause] mr. president, dear colleagues, the over 1.3 billion chinese people are endeavoring to realize the chinese international renewal. the dream of the chinese people is closely connected to the dreams of other people in the world. we cannot realize the chinese dream without a peaceful international environment a stable international order and the understanding support and
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help from the rest of the world. the realization of the chinese dream will bring opportunities to other countries and contribute to global peace and development. china will continue to participant in building world peace. we're committed to peaceful development no matter how the international landscape may evolve and how strong china may become china will never pursue expansion or fear sphere of influence. china will continue to contribute to global development. we will continue to pursue common development and the win-win strategy of opening up.
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we are ready to share our development experience and opportunities with other countries and we welcome other countries to board china's express train of development so all of us will achieve common development. china will continue to uphold the international order. we will stay committed to the path of peaceful development through cooperation. china was the first country to put its signature on the u.n. charter. we will continue to uphold the international order and system under pinned by the purposes and principles of the u.n. charter. china will continue to stand together with other developing countries. we firmly support greater representation and voice of
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developing countries especially african countries in the international governance system. [applause] china's vote in the united nations will always belong to the developing countries. i wish to take this opportunity to announce china's decision to establish a ten-year $1 billion u.s. dollars china-u.n. peace development fund to support the u.n.'s work. [applause] >> to advance multi lateral cooperation and contribute more
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to world peace and development. i also wish to announce that china will join the new u.n. peacekeeping capability readiness system. and has thus decided to take the lead in setting up a permanent peace-keeping police squad and build a peacekeeping force of 8,000 troops. [applause] i also wish to announce that china will provide a total of 100 million u.s. dollars of free military assistance to the african union in the next five years to support the establishment of the african force and african capacity for immediate response to crisis.
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[applause] colleagues, as we unite even more closely to forge a new partnership of win-win cooperation, and a community of shared future for mankind. let the vision of a world free up war and with lasting peace take root in our hearts. let's the aspiration of development prosperity, fairness and justice spread across the world. thank you all. [applause] >> there you are living to the president of china xi jinping wrapping up his address to the united nations general assembly covering a number of topics,
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completely different in tone than president obama talking about this is an interesting phrase, he's inviting the rest of the world to get on the express train of development with china talking about bill partnershipbuilding partnerships, countries should treat each other as equal talking about climate change and the environment, the coexistence between mankind and nature. just a number of top topics. i'll bring in my colleague patricia sabga. >> we have china this economic power, in engine of the global economy that has been criticized for not taking more of a leadership role, worthy, if you will, of the power it is becoming. really what we saw from president xi jinping is that they're ready to step up to the
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plate he announced china will be contributing troops to new u.n. peace-keeping forces and devoting millions of dollars to the african peacekeeping system. reiterating china's positions that are sometimes at odds with the west. he mentioned that there should not be interference in the internal affairs of sovereign nations. that's code for human rights. china is often criticized over its human rights. reiterating its position that we do not interfere in sovereign positions. and the mix that china has. talking about the invisible and visible hand of involved in the markets. of course, china--has been under
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pressure to liberalize more in the market. there is interference in the markets, we've seen that as we've seen that steep sell off in china's stock market. a defense of china's position, but also stepping up, showing china to take more of a leadership role, if you will. >> is it just me or at sometimes did he sound a bit philosophical when when talking about the coexistence of mankind and nature. i don't know. it was not something that i expected to hear from a world leader at the u.n. >> well, he does take on those philosophical almost literary erudite flavor. you will often hear xi jinping talking about all the authors that have nation that he has read. specifically he reserved some of his best quotes, if you will, for climate change, where china has announced during the state visit to the united states just this past week xi jinping
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announced that new cap and trade, that new cap and trade scheme for china china coming out and showing leadership on climate and showing that it's willing to take more of an active role in the world but on china's terms. that's what he brought across today. >> let me turn to john terrett who is at the united nations. it seems that president xi has been here for, i don't know, a month now. at least a few days, that's for sure john. >> you know what she was was saying that he was saying things that we didn't expect. we know the answer. what he gave was the 70 year for the united nations speech. he talk about the 35 million
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casualties, he said that history is the more, and the international partnerships all countries being equal the importance of economic and social development and the 2008 international financial crisis as patty touched on just there saying that it's evident from that the shaky foundation china has been the engine growth ever since that 2008 financial collapse. as you know at the moment it is not because of the 8% annual growth that they have has now gone to 7%, 6%, china says that's okay. but the truth is that it needs that level of growth in order to keep its people living at a reasonable standard, and some economists saying their growth being as low as 2%, 3%, 4%. that's why that sell off last month and why the markets are very much in the doldrums at the moment and how interesting that xi jinping would talk about
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building an ecosystem putting mother nature first and how the world needs to build on green low carbon sustainable development. interesting because china is one of the biggest polluters in the world today. and as patty said, they have signed a cap and trade agreement. this is just the beginning if china is to reduce it's carbon footprint significantly. >> great wrap up there of the speech from the president of china. we appreciate it very much. it will be the president of russia all eyes will be on that for sure. we'll take a break and in the meantime keep it here on al jazeera america. >> i've been asked to keep my voice down cause we are so close
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>> welcome back. you are watching live coverage of the u.n. general assembly, the 70th gathering of this meeting here on al jazeera america. that is king hussein of jordan, as we listened in just a moment ago. it seemed as if he was--pardon the king of jordan. it seems that he was addressing the topic of terrorism which seems to be in the top of mind for many the next speaker up is vladimir putin the president of russia. let's look forward to the topics. vladimir putin will be meeting with president barack obama. do we expect vladimir putin to address the topic of isil and terrorism as well? >> oh, i think in a big way. i mean, the tone of russian
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diplomacy in the last few days has been to talk up islamic extremism. this is not a new topic. the russians have been concerned about the threat of terrorism from their southern borders. it will be a focus today whether he'll say anything new is another matter. we know perfectly well that the russians want to support assad that they think there should be some international coalition including assad, including them and the irans to focus on isil as the problem in syria. that's not a fresh position from them at all. >> it may not an fresh position, but we're hearing more about it now. why now? why this timing? >> well, one reason alone is the intervention of russian military forces in syria and in a much more aggressive way than we've seen before. russia has supplied enormous amounts of weaponry to the assad regime already. what we're now seeing is that
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russians deploying their own aircraft and ground troops in a role that has not really been defined by russia. people will be listening carefully to putin whether he intends to define that military role, but my guess is that he won't because he's very good as keeping the world guessing. and in the ukraine we saw this new form of warfare where we really didn't know were they really russians? you rainannens, insurgents or regular troops? what were the russians up to. he loves that tactic. let everybody worry about him rather than him having to worry about them. >> to what end? >> to what end? i think he relishes this role of international naughty boy. nina put it well earlier. russia is not a global power. will we be living to russian russia's views of climate change or the problems in the south china seas. we will not. he has nothing to say about those things. we'll listen to him but crane
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about ukraine and syria but where else? they love the attention. my own feeling watching russian diplomats including sergei lavrov, a lot of this is driven by the desire for respect. it's a need we all have, the russians are not alone in that, but they want to be taken seriously. historically the west may have made a mistake by not respecting what the russians were after the collapse after the empire of the soviet union and at least taking proper account of them rather than dismissing them. >> our patricia sabga. this is perhaps about asia not being the global power they wantsonce were, but wanting to be taken seriously. do you agree with that cement. >> i absolutely agree.
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this is a pillar of putin's legitimacy at home. a pillar of his popularity which is to restore russian greatness. one thing that you have to keep in mind about putin is that many salts analysts feel that he's not so much a great strategist but shooting from the hit. look at what has happened in syria in the last couple of weeks in the lead up to unga. what hassen we looking for? he has been frozen out. there have been efforts to isolate russia over its actions in ukraine. this is a stunning double play. he'll address address the u.n. assembly for the first time in ten years and has scored a meeting on the side line with president obama. that has called a time out on those efforts to isolate him. he's making himself relevant. he's making himself and a
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country not to be shut out but to be heard. he's done that an audacious double down in syria if you will. but what is he after? what does he want to come out of this meeting? what is hurting russia right now. follow the money. economic sanctions. they have punished russia's economy. they're blowing through their foreign exchange reserves trying to keep the ruble afloat, which has been devaluable dramatically, and this all hits at a time when prices for their main export, oil has gone to less than $50 in less than a year's time. all this pressure is there now. what is putin trying to achieve with this meeting on the sidelines, is it really about syria? is it really about an international coalition to fight isil, or is he looking to strike a deal to get him some sanctions relief. >> what would a putin watcher say how far will he go? will he end up putting russian troops on the ground? >> well, there are russian troops on the ground.
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he has deployed russian troops. that's part in parcel about 3,000. that's what you need for an air base. but let's look at the assets he has put there. he has put two dozen fighter aircraft. tanks, and other hardware. is this enough to shift the balance, to tip the scales, if you will, in the fight against isil? well we've already shown that airstrikes are good at perhaps maybe containing them and but it's not enough to drive them back and it's not enough to defeat them. what will it take to defeat isil? that russian military deployment alone is not going to be enough. what putin has done and what russia has done is that they are changing the tactics of the game, if you will. and again putting themselves in there, trying to form this international coalition within syria against isil to beat back isil, and again keeping russia relevant as a power on the world stage.
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>> okay. where might russia, if this is the strategy that putin is using to become relevant, where will he pop up next. >> well, that's part of his strategy to keep us guessing. assad is their man in the arab world. he is to them a real bastian against islamist extremists. these are not manufactured ideas. the cost of supporting assad they've given him loans, money and they've given him weapons. these don't cost nothing. i don't necessarily think that this is as much a game changer in syria as some people are saying. because patty is absolutely right, there are troops on the ground that matter. you don't win wars against isil the regime is not just fighting isil. they're fighting hundreds if not
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thousands of groups, the free syrian army, north and southal news have a front and a variety of local groups as well as imitself. the syrian army is stretched very thin. russians are not going to put front line troops into syria. they don't want another afghanistan. i'm not sure it would make much difference any way. what this will do is probably shore up the regime from losing mortar tore. they are weak in the air. they've used helicopters and barrel bombs for a reason, because they don't have main good ground attack assets. this is what the russians are now giving them. in a sense what we're seeing the russians are putting assad in a stronger negotiating situation clearly not allowing him fall. unless assad were to fall, i don't think we'll see a solution ultimately. >> if he were to fall that would create a vacuum. what would happen if he did fall? >> in the current circumstances
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