tv News Al Jazeera September 28, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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and perhaps even the specter of another war and extensive tensions from the middle east, the deal can herald a new era and lead to positive outcomes regarding the establishment of sustainable peace and stability in the region. from our point of view, the agreed-upon deal is not the final objective. but a development which can and should be the basis of further achievements to come. considering the fact that this deal has created an objective basis and set an appropriate model, it can serve as a basis for foundational change in the region. our policy is to continue our peace-seeking efforts in the region based on the same win-win principle. and act in a way that would lead to all in the region and world benefiting from these new
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conditions. this opportunity can be seized in order to look to the future and avoid focusing on the past, and rebuild our relationships with countries in the region, particularly with our neighbors, based on mutual respect and our common and collective interests. unfortunately, the middle east and north africa has turned into one of the world's most turbulent regions. with the continuation and intensification of the current conditions, the turmoil can spread to other parts of the world in today's interconnected and borderless world, cubs and regions encounter great difficulty in protecting their borders and preventing the
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spread of insecurity and instability. the gravest and most important threat to the world today is for terrorist organizations to become terrorist states. we consider it unfortunate for national uprisings in our region to be deviated by terrorists, and for the destiny of nations to be determined by arms and terror, rather than the ballot box. we propose that the fight against terrorism be incorporated into a binding international document and no country be allowed to use terrorism for the purpose of intervention in the affairs of another country. we are prepared to assist in the eradication of terrorism and in paving the way for democracy and
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ensuring that arms do not dictate the course of events in the region. as we aided the establishment of democracy in iraq and afghanistan we are prepared to help bring about democracy in syria as well as yemen. we support the consolidation of power through vote of people rather than with arms. we defend the rule of the majority that respects the rights of minorities. today, iran, while safeguarding its historic and cultural heritage is looking to the future. not only the distance future but also the near future with a bright outlook for cooperation and co-existence. i say to all nations and all governments that we will not forget the past, but we do not wish to live in the past.
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we will not forget war and sanctioned. but we look to peace and development. through the joint comprehensive plan of action we were not solely seeking a nuclear deal. we want to suggest a new and constructive way to recreate the international order. an order based on mutual respect, nonintervention in the internal affairs of others as well as unsustained cooperation and co-existence between the members of the united nations. in order to build a peaceful future we must learn our lessons from the bitter lessons -- from the bitter past. we know that the only way to perpetuaperpetuate peace is thrh development, peace is merely a
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recess while resentment and suspicion builds. however, peace alongside development lets anger dissipate and he be replaced by respect for others. we have repeatedly that uproot terrorism in the middle east is by targeting its underlying social economic and cultural causes. economic interactions may bring about lasting security and transform the region into a haven for peace and development. after the joint comprehensive plan of action, iran will stand ready tohow that the practical path to security and stability is through the development that comes with economic engagement. iran with all of its economic and cultural potential is well-positioned to become a hub for export oriented investment.
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iran is also eager to show that we can all choose a lasting peace based on development and shared interests that will lead to a sustainable security rather than a volatile peace based on threats. we hope to engage with our neighbors in a wide range of social and economic cooperation which will enable the achievement of political understanding and for even -- and even foster structural security cooperation. in the international system today, mutual economic ties are deemed the foremost factors in facilitating political cooperation and reducing security-related challenges. mr. president: in 2013 from this very stage i called for combating violence and
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extremism. consequently you the members of the international community unanimously gave it a seal of endorsement and hence the application came to be. well intentioned solutions and the use of experiences gained in the realm of diplomacy. i am pleased that by placing together the support for the joint comprehensive plan of action with the invaluable support for waif we may now devise a plan to revive a shattered middle east. with a view to fighting ignorance dictatorship poverty corruption terrorism violence and their social political cultural economic and security impacts, i would like to invite the whole world, and especially
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the countries of my region, to form a joint comprehensive plan of action to create a united front against extremism and violence. this front must create a collective and global movement to tackle regional problems in a serious manner through dialogue. prevent the slaughter of innocent people and the bombardment of civilians, as well as the promotion of violence and killing of other human beings. provide for the stability in cooperation with established central governments to maintain stability. and once stability has been established, build governance in the middle east region. ladies and gentlemen, iraq, syria and yemen are all examples of crises being stoked through terror. extremism.
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violence. bloodshed. invasion. and the indifference of the international community. they are similar examples displaying cases of displacement homelessness and fleeing from the hoors o horrors of bombardm. the international community has failed them and because of incorrect action of newcomers to the region and naive regional actors. consequently the wage of destruction has gone beyond the arab world and reached the gates of europe and the united states and has resulted in the destruction of the relics of civility and precious works of ancient civilizations and more broadly has resulted in the death of humanity itself. we should not are forget that
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the roots are in the military intervention of yesterday. if we did not have the u.s. military invasion of afghanistan and iraq and the united states's unwarranted support of the zionist regime against the nation of palestine today the terrorists would not have an execution for the justification of their crimes. it is urgent for the united states government, instead of explaining the truth of the region and throwing about baseless accusations and pursuing other dangerous policies in defense of its regional allies who only cultivate deceit of division and extremism, this must be brought to an end, and its actions must be made compatible with the realities of the region. mr. president, despite the many
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problems in our region today we believe in a promising future. we have no doubt we can overcome the obstacles by wisdom, and prudence, as well as by the use of new and powerful capacities and by relying upon our civilizational rules and our serious result. we in light of divine being revelation, in which people live in peace, tranquility and spirituality. we believe in nations to pick the past of goodness and purity.we believe that ultimate victory will be won by those with good-natured piety. thank you all for your attention.
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[applause] >> and you've just been listening to the president of iran, hassan rouhani with about 30 minutes of remarks, he began with the hajj at mecca, he began with what happened was construction accident and followed a few days later by the stampede, all told, several hundred people killed in that awful tragedy then of course going on to talk about the nuclear deal between the obama administration and iran, saying this is actually not a final objective but he feels a development onto perhaps a foundational change for the region. and also, he spoke a lot about terrorism, saying that terrorist organizations if they're not stopped can become terrorist states. and that the way to stop terrorism is to get to the root causes of terrorism which of
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course he says can be economic and many, many causes. and he's got right down to the bottom of it, towards the end of the speech in fact saying that he felt that a lot of causes that what was happening in the region was the u.s. invasion of iraq and also, what was happening to the area of palestine as well. so who is actually up next will be the president of france, francois hollande. and that is who is going to be introduced next followed by -- actually i got that a little bit out of order. the emir of qatar is actually going to be speaking next. my notes are a bit out of order. we'll be hearing from the sheik. >> emir of the state of qatar. invites him to address the assembly.
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>> translator: in the name of aallah, your excellencies and highnesses. your excellency, president of the united nations, general assembly, your excellency, secretary of the united nations. i'm pleased at the outset to extend my congratulations to his excellency on his election as president of the 70th session of the ga, wishing him every success. i wish also to express our appreciation to his excellency, president of the scientist session of the general assembly for his efforts in conducting its proceedings. i wish also, to avail myself on
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this occasion to commend the efforts deployed by his excellency the secretary-general, mr. ban ki-moon to achieve new end goals. mr. president it is gratifying that the united nations has developed the post2015 sustainable development agenda which we participated therein, based on our belief that a good distribution of the development fruits is a prerequisite, for preserving human dignity and cohesion of human dignity, securing stability in the world. since there is no lasting stability without development and social justice, development is equally impossible under the circumstances of war and unrest. it was our hope that this session be convened after some progress has been made concerning some bloody conflicts in this world.
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yet we find ourselves encountering more challenges, and crises, that threaten international peace and security. the absence of international consensus has proven, again, an obstacle to resolving important questions, selectivity, in intooptinadopting internationals evident in crises. values norms and principles that have settled in human conscience and adopted by the international community after millions of people paid exorbitant price especially after major humanitarian experiences that have taken their toll on people's memory such as enslavement genocide, cloanlism,
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colonialism and world wars. it is not permissible to tamper with these values that have been derived from the suffering of peoples, perhaps this is the rayson deatraison detre. international peace and security given its direct impact on numerous crises facing the region and the world. the just and lasting solution of palestinian cause which remains an issue of people displaced from their land, and are still under the yoke of occupation cannot be delayed to another generation. the achievement of a just and lasting settlement that allows an end to the israeli occupation of palestinian territories and establishing a palestinian state
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requires israeli cooperation for a just peace, even for a settlement, in these circumstances there is an international duty that cannot be evaded towards the last de facto colonial issue in modern history. until an end is put to occupation, procrastination, delaying tactics, futile action and statements would continue, there would be a continuation of the condemned and feverish settlement activities in addition to the persistent activities of the al-aqsa mosque. this is a clear absence of israeli will for peace, as well as the will for ultra-orthodox, look at what is happening in jerusalem, extremist religious political forces tend to rely on
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literal interpretations of texts dating back to thousands of years in order to desecrate other people's sanctity, occupy their land and to settle on it. aisn't this tantamount to a religious fundamentalism? isn't this violence an act of terrorism carried out by radical religious forces? permit me to address to all international community, in general that the continuation of the palestinian situation without a permanent and just solution is a stigma on the face of humanity. the international community is failing in less than fair settlement, not even achieving the reconstruction of the gaza strip. norwegian initiative was convened for this purpose, qatar
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legend to pay $1 billion for the reconstruction process. we continue to provide aid to the gaza strip, an implementation of our commitment. but we wonder what happened to the conference and its decisions? the international community represented in the security council, duty bound to assume its responsibilities by taking firm stance, forcing israel to comply with the deliverables of peace, mainly halting all forms of settlement activity, in the occupied palestinian territories, lifting the unjust siege of the gaza strip and to be committed to implement the resolutionest. establish an independent palestinian state on the borders of 1967 in conformity with the principle of the two state solution. we caution again it's missing
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the opportunities because if peoples reach a conclusion that there is no peaceful solution to this question, then this would lead to unpredictable, dire consequences to the region, and the world. mr. president, the syrian crisis with its current and future dimension and conclusions is generating dire consequences for middle east and the world. that is in light of the resistant atrocities and horrendous crimes perpetrated by the regime against syrian people, threatening the core people, creating a breeding ground for extremism and terrorism under false religious sectarian and ethnic banners that endanger man, humanity and
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cultural heritage in syria and the region. in this context the syrian regime has manipulated the concept of terrorism by depicting peaceful demonstrations as terrorism while it has been practicing actual acts of terrorism. when the shelling and killing of civilians brought people to embrace armed action and the entry of some organizations that are not committed to the demands and principles of the syrian revolution into the sphere of the political action without permission syria has turned into a war zone. then the regime has attempted to scare the international community of the alternative. it was incumbent upon the international community to stop the mass acers at th massacres e a rational civil and fair alternative.
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for despotism . but is there a tyranny in the world that could acknowledge an alternative? is it possible for an alternative to grow and develop under its shadow? when a people suffers from war of genocide and danger? necessary decisions and measures to end this disaster is a moorm crime, it reveals the failure and inability of the international system and leads to a loss of confidence in law and the international community. in this connection, the role of the general assembly must be activated and strengthened being broader framework for dealing with the people's issues in light of the inability or failure of the security council to find fair solutions thereto.
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for here i would like to call for cooperation order to impose a political solution in syria that would end the reign of tyranny and replace it with a pleural ink reign, repatriate the displaced to their homes and allow reconstruction of syria. the question is not whether this is possible. this is possible if there is a will among certain states. the question which poses itself to us all, do you see that the continuation of the current situation syria is possible, the conflict has been transformed in this country into genocide and mass displacement of the population. this has grave consequences and full out on all the regions and the world. and even on the countries that
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do not expedite the solution because they are neither directly affected by the conflict nor reached by the influmpleinfluxes of the displa. mr. president, the international handling of the nuclear disarmament issues that is mired in shortcomings and double standards alarm us. a clear example of this is a recent failure of the nonproliferation committee nuclear free zone, it was disappointing and have dented the credibility of the treaty. the agreement between iran and the five-plus-one group is a positive and important step. we look to the world with hope that this nuclear agreement will contribute to the maintenance of security and stability in our region. yet we demand moving forward to
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disarm the entire region of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction. in this connection and given the strategic importance of the gulf region the achievement of stability in the gulf is essential for the countries of the region and the international community in its entirety. in this regard, we emphasize our firm position: that the gulf region must be spared any nuclear weapons dangers and threats while recognizing the right of the countries of the region to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in accordance with relevant international rules. on this occasion i would like to assure that iran is an important neighbor, neighboring country and that cooperation between it and our countries is in the interest of the region. bilateral relations between qatar and iran are growing and evolving steadily on the basis
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of common interests and good neighborliness. there is no dispute concerning bilateral relations between our two countries. at the level of the region there are various creeds and religions but there is no in my opinion as shiite sunni conflict, but rather differences that are triggered by the political interests of countries or the interests of political and social forces that commend internal centric treatises. the exists being disputes in my opinion are political arab-iranian differences, rather than a sunni-shiite issue. this can be solved by dialogue, the relationship between iran and the gulf states on the basis of noninterference on international affairs. it is high time to conduct a meaningful dialogue of this kind between the countries that will always remain neighbors and are not in need of mediation from
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anyone. we are ready to host such a dialogue of -- in qatar. mr. president, we affirm our commitment to yemen's unity territorial integrity and sovereignty and support the legitimacy and completion of the political process in cooperation with the guff initiative its executive mechanism the outputs of the national dialogue in yemen in january 2014, the declaration of riyadh, resolution number 2216. it is not reasonable to have a president that is basic political party acceptance the e outcome of a national dialogue and then tends to neglect it and try to impose its own vision and domination over the whole country by force concerning the iraqi affair, t
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