tv News Al Jazeera September 29, 2015 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT
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>> within the next year. to protect the region for generations to come. >> lays out plans to what he thinks needs to be done to defeat isil. obama also made swiss cuban leader as the two continue to work on normalizing relations. fighting for her organization, the president of planned parenthood confronts critics on capitol hill.
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>> the national security correspondent reports from the pent gone. >> the pentagon sources concede that russia surprise deployment of troops tanks and attack aircraft to syria, under the justification of battling isil outfranked the u.s. and cause it flat footed. the pentagon profezzed to be unsure of the exact motives even though it hasn't made a secret that she is backing long time allies. the man president obama keeps insisting must go. >> there's no other solution to the crisis than strengthening the structures and rendering them help and
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fighting terrorism. >> with russian support the u.s. is powerless to stop the military moves. produced instead to issuing dire warnings that moscow simply ignores. >> to pursue the defeat of isil without at the same time pursuing a political transition is to fuel the very kind of extremism that underlies isil. and if that's the russian view that's a logical contradiction. >> according to some, russia's in the drivers eat because it is willing to do what the u.s. is not. namely put forces on the ground. just last week, retired general former top u.s. commander to the middle east told congress that putin's bold actions were a direct result of president obama's inaction. >> russia's recent military
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escalation is a further reminder, that when the u.s. does not take the initiative, others will fill the vacuum. aaron in ways that are harmful. >> putin is a step ahead. for instance, he just entered into an anty isil intelligence sharing agreement, with iran, syria, and u.s. partner iraq. something the u.s. has been forced to accept. anthony deputy secretary of state told cnn iraq is a sovereign country, and has the right to decide where it gets help from. over in iraq, the much heralded counter offensive which supposedly started months ago with shaping operations is going nowhere. the official explanation is taking time to clear mine fields of the u.s. military sources in iraq say a bigger problem is that the largely shia iraqi forces are just not anxious to liberate the mostly sunni
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city. jaime mcintyre the pentagon. >> for a second day world leaders are speaking before the general assembly. ukraine's president spoke to the annual meeting and he criticized russia saying that moscow pretends to fight terror f im, but instead, inspires it. good morning, or afternoon, rather. the president was very specific, very pointed words did not mincerd workers he was speaking to russia, speaking to vladimir putin. really speaking to the western world, wanted the western world to hear what eh had to say. >> exactly. he came here and suggested this idea of a grand coalition of all the countries in therd worker including syria, fighting isil. well, today petrov who is the president of ukraine has said
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well that's cool, isn't it. if you can believe it, referring to the desire to fight terrorism, and it went on from there. he had a really good go of the united nations, saying the charter the broken is needs to retomorrow, really slamming into the security council for failing to referee conflicts such as what is going on in the ukraine. he talked about the hybrid war. and setting an example of that is the downing omalaysian airline, and the sending of trooping and tanks and other kinds of weapons to arm the rebels in the east of the country. here is more of how petrov put it when it comes to the war in the eastern part of the country. >> until now, russia refused to officially admit it's direct military invasion. today, there is no doubt that this is an aggressive war
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against my country. against ukraine. >> they may have a chance to influence thing as little bit more. the veto not with standing, bun of the 50 members in 2016. and just to finish off his speech, he said that ukraine is calling for freedom, peace, respect and integrity. ukraine he said doesn't demand more, however, it will settle for no less. that was petrov today then. >> the most for sure. okay, jon, let's talk about the sideline meetings that are equally as important quite frankly, as what happens in front of those microphones. on the sidelines today president obama met with raul castro. very cordial, smiling as may off are, but there is still a big differences between these two countries. what do we know? >> here is the deal with raul castro. he is 84 years old.
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he is a relic in many ways. he is the president of cuba, but of course he goes back all the way with his brother fidel, and others to the actual cuban revolution of 1959, and that promised the trade embargo. which you know is only 90 miles away from florida. so yesterday he comes address it is general assembly, history is made. today he meets with president obama and the two get on okay, no reason for them to not. but in his speech yesterday, raul castro did lay out very clearly the issues that still stand between them. and among them for him is guantanamo bay, he wants that back. also, the return of other aspects of land which he feels has been taken away. no mention of the ending of various covert operations in cuba, and that sort of thing. but the two had something in common. both of them mentioned the lifting of the trade embargo, and oddly enough, the speech that the president gave could have been drivenned by any cuban leader of the last 50
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years but that really stood out. oddly enough that's not in president obama's gift, he can't do that, the only organization that can lift it is the u.s. congress. now there's no sign of that happening any time soon. be uh the hope is that as relations warm, as the congress in particular sees that things are okay, between the island nation, and the united states, that actually eventually sooner or later the trade will be lifted and you know what, they have got -- they are selling american flags on the streets of havana now, and there's a new flight going out of j.f.k. down to havana, that's a charter flight. but that's another example of how things are starting to ease up. >> the first applause line is when he mentioned cuba. jon, thank you very much. >> see you later. >> all right. the threat against isil took isn't stage.
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the president says he is confident that he can be defeated. bun third of the per story it has gained in iraq and syria. however, the president says the fight will take a long time. we will continue to bring you speeches from the u.n. general assembly throughout the day here on the nation's top and intelligence chief says the u.s. must stay vigilant in the fight against cyber crime. >> because of our heavy depend nearly all information and i.t. networks will be profession nally at risk. these weakness provide an array of possibilities from activity. >> sector of intelligence testified in front of the arm as services committee today. he says government agencies like the n.s.a. and the fbi are working to build a case needed to battle hackers. he also says the biggest
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threat to the country's digital infrastructure come not just from countries like russia and china, but also from simple human error. the president of plans parenthood is testifying right now. lawmakers are questioning over her organization use of taxpayer dollars. federal funding has been the center of a heated debate, surrounding efforts to keep the government funded. congress has two days to pass the funding bill and avoid a shut down. libby casey is live for us in washington now. so libby, tell us what is happening with this hearing now. with the 70 lawic makers hope willing come of it. >> very contention hearing. this oversight committee is one of just four on the hill that are looking into investigating planned parenthood. and they are specifically coming through the finances. this erupted as an issue over the summer, because of videos that were made that claimed
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to show flat footed officials talking about profiting there the sale of fetal tissue. now flaplanned parenthood is refuting that. and condemning those and how they were making calling the maker of them unethical, and someone that enganged in illegal activity. they were very edited and richard says that only 1% of the nearly 700 planned parenthood clinics do obtain fetal tissue, and they sell it at cost for medical research. something that congress allows. that has brought out a lot of heat from democrats. they are pushing back, and
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pushing back hard, saying this is part of the war on women, saying that republicans are acting in a misogynies way by attacking her. and soy you are seeing this push pull, no minds being changed today i can guarantee that but you are et being a sense of both sides. >> this depate which actually is not really anything new how this connected to the looming shut down. >> republicans have been gunning for planned parenthood for a long time. the concerns over abortion while certainly important to republicans democrats say no federal funding goes to pay for abortion services. instead we are you can thatting about things like screening for cancer, and birth control. other things like that. that's why democrats are supporting a lot of democrats are supporting a national pink out day today. that planned parenthood is doing across the country, trying to show they do have
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support in small towns and big cities alike. but republicans have been so concerned about this issue that they have been willing to try to stop funding for the government, as of midnight tomorrow night, because they want to yank the funding out of the federal budget. and a week ago, honestly, it looked like it might happen. that we may see a government shut down over this. that is no longer the case, we are seeing movement in the house and senate to get through this getting us to december 11th, mid december is the new funding deadline. so we may see the site play out in just a couple of months time all over again. >> all right, live for us on capitol hill, thank you. >> there is controversy surrounding two executions this week. why activists hope to spare the lives of two inmates even if it means going to the supreme court. >> oakland california, a new
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that will injections.g he the only woman on georgia's death row, and a man in oklahoma who was grant add last minute stay are both scheduled to die in the next two days. and both, are hoping for clemency. jon henry smith reports. supporters have been calling the 47-year-old a changed woman, and praying her life be spared. >> she interestingly enough was not even on site for the murder of her husband. and the gentleman that killed her husband has been commuted to life. so this is nonsensical. >> a jury convicted her of convincing her love tore kill
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her husband in 1997. gregory owen pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life. prosecutors offered her the same deal, but she turned it down. she is on course to be the first woman executed in georgia in 70 years. i first came to know kelly through other women and they loved her. and told stories awe how she had touched them and saved their lives. >> the origin gnat date was postponed in m after prison officials found the drug appearing cloudy. the courts have since given the state's drug cocktail the okay. looking at the evidence, there's no doubt he may be innocence. >> a court says his injection execution should proceed. the courts said in the two
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weeks since his last minute stay, attorneys for the twice convicted killer still had not proven his innocence. in the murder of motel owner. the attorneys have argued that there was no physical evidence tying the 52-year-old to the crime, and that the state's case against him was based on an unreliable drug addicted informant. >> jon henry smith, al jazeera. >> that have illegal emissions tracking software. the e.p.a. discovered volkswagen cheating on emissions tests for the diesel power cars. the company says it will ask customers to bring in their vehicles to swap out the old software.
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the fix is expected to cost $6.5 billion. a new start up company has been called the uber of the sky. and like uber, the company facing legal hurdles. but in this case, the battle is with the agency that protects air safety. jacob ward reports. >> as a college student, matt who grew up flying planes in illinois spotted what he considered a wasted resource. >> you look at the number of airports that commercial planes fly to, it is about 500 in the u.s. but if you look at general aviation, you are going to 5,000, so it is an improvement of places you can go to. >> he knew about the informal practice of offing a ride in a plane for exchange of gas money. it is a practice allowed by the f actiona. so he helped to create flight now, to move the arrangement on the web. >> in august of last year, that's when we got a response back from the f.a.a. stating
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that any pilot who was using flight platform would be operating illegally. and that's what really changed the whole game. now he is in court to argue that it already exceeds the f.a. pop. but should this be held to commercial standards in roughly one person days every 2 million hours in a car. compare that to 21 people dieing in the same amount of time in private planes. the difference of two risk why the standards are difference. >> as an aviation attorney, he doesn't off find himself on the same side as the federal aviation. >> the f.a.a. our largest and most formidable adversary. >> but he pointed out there's another major difference between flying a commercial carrier which offers millions of dollars in liability
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insurance with every ticket, and bumming a ride with a private pilot most general aviation have very very low risk. low limits to the point where you would probably not drive your car if you had such low limits. >> based upon my understanding of the law, on -- as much as i am intrigued by disruptive companies i think flight now has some major obstacles. the concept is incredibly attractive. fly where you want when you want, but these sort of flights may be delayed indefinitely. al jazeera, san francisco. baseball hall of famer yogi berra has been layed to rest. services were held this morning in the hometown of sun clair new jersey. derek jeter yankee owner, and
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called healthy smokers mayso have been solved in the united kingdom. 50,000 participants reveal the condition may be due primarily to genetics. the study found smokers that managed to avoided pulmonary disease has a mutation which strengthened the lungs and lessens the effects of smoking. they are the smallest of the marine animals but they have a lot in common with humans and her really cute. they are hoping sea otters can teach us lessons about environmental impacts. one sea otter in particular is doing just that, allen shoff her has her story. >> so you want to get a sea otter attention, try full tilt sushi. >> and then some shrimp, all sorts of different restaurant quality seafood. >> behind the scenes a special team gears up to show us a one of a kind medical
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training session. with a 45-pound patient. >> meet her. a sea otter pup with a serious problem. >> you can see the heart outlined here, and these darker areas are actually the lungs. >> a problem shared by an estimated 25 million americans human americans. >> reactive airway syndrome or asthma is what she has. >> so they are training here to use an inhaler a version of the puffer used by so many two legged asthma suffer. >> breathe. >> good. >> she maz to learn to press her face to the inhaler and keep it there long enough to breathe the medicine in, the drugs available by prescription, at your local pharmacy. >> so to each his own the same drug that a human would use. more of a rescue inhealer. >> in case of an attack. >> exactly. >> the fur quality has to be emall wait in order for them to stay warm.
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>> the staff hopes as far as they know the first otter ever diagnosed with asthma can teach kids and researchers lessons about it's links to air quality. she went into a funk this summer when thick smoke from eastern washington wild fires pushed across the mountains into seattle. she had trouble breathing needed oxygen and drugs. medical images sealed it. >> it is kind of alarming to think of a marine mammal having asthma, but we are working through and it she is doing great. >> asthma occasionally hits cats and horses. but researchers aren't sure why she has it what other conditions might trigger, it or whether others may be susceptible. this treatment is new, designed by the staff here and this is all an experiment in progress. >> nice job. >> at this training session, she eyeballs our camera occasionally who is up there. >> proving to be a quick study. >> she let me place it right
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on her nose for several seconds and has been a big improvement, so that is great. so i gave her a big jackpot of food. yeah, you did really good. >> they are training us probably more than anything. in what they want. so. very smart. >> hopefully it will mean relief for mischka and with human cases on the rise, possibly some education on asthma and the environment for the rest of us. al jazeera, seattle. >> 19 aft seven, will come out on the series 27 seasons. the executive producer says he will come out to the boss and to an episode special. thank you for joining us. live from london, keep it here.
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