tv News Al Jazeera October 1, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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from the united states and also jordan and egypt. he took it back and put it on continual. >> that's on target tomorrow. 10:30 eastern. that is our show for today, i'm ali velshi. thank you for joining us. campus massacre. >> i hear screaming after the first gunshot, and - i looked out and saw the people running, and i said to the teacher "we need to get out of here now." >> a gun main goes on a rampage killing nine people at a college in oregon. >> air raid. >> if it looks like a terror. >>, if it walks like a ter troist, fights line a terrorist - it's a terrorist.
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>> actions defended in syria gaining forimpact. hurricane joachim described as dangerous as this moves across the caribbean and towards the u.s. changing the system... >> everyone in prison is going to be given the kind of tools they need to come out and become productive citizens. >> democrats and republicans join forces and get behind a bill to cut prison terms for nonviolent offenders. >> good evening, i'm antonio mora, this is al jazeera america. we begin with live pictures from the town of roseburg in south-west oregon. people there are holding a candlelight vigil to remember the victims of a massacre today on a nearby college campus. the douglas county sheriff says 10 died in the shootings at umpqua community college. the gunman was among the dead. his identity has not been made public, nor the names of any of the victims.
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>> let me be very clear, i will not name the shooter. i will not give him the credit he probably sought prior to this horrific and cowardly act. media will get the name confirmed in time. but you will never hear me henges his names. >> allen schauffler is in roseburg, oregon. an emotional memorial service is under way where you are. >> really remarkable turn out 1,000, 1500 people maybe gathered in stuart park outside of down-town roseburg. i heard governor kate brown say they are here to banish fear, and the president of the umpqua
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community college was here to ask all the students in the crowd to identify themselves and said we will try to make your return to campus as friendly as possible. lots of reassurance here, local businesses have stepped up, donating candles, food, wraps so people can stay warm, all kinds of things. organizers say it was an organic event. they heard about it on social media. and all of a sudden the town turned out. a young lady told me it feels like the city will be here tonight. probably not all 22,000 in roseburg, but a tremendous crowd, a lot of sombre faces. this kind of gathering, get together and commitment to community and each other, one of the few good things that can come out of a terrible day. like that experienced by the folks in southern oregon. >> shortly after 10 thursday morning, the first 911 call came in. >> someone is outside a door,
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shooting through the doors. >> reports of a shooter from roseburg oregon. they got in in about four minutes. >> officers from around the country immediately responding to the college and upon arriving there, they located the shooter in one of the buildings. officers engaged that suspect. there was an exchange of gun fire. the shooter threat was neutralized and officers continued to sweep the campus looking for other threats. officials say a gunman opened fire in a classroom. students are running everywhere. holy god, wrote a bystander on twitter. students, faculty and staff were bussed off campus to a facility where counsellors were called in. food and water was brought to a
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staging area where students were united with the parents. little is known about the shooter except he is male, 20 years old and now dead. former congresswoman gabby gifford, who was shot in 2011 wrote on twitter: there has been more than 40 school shootings in the u.s. and while this is a small college with a little more than 3,000 students, thursday's tragedy propelsed school into spotlight as america faces another mass shooting. >> the number one priority is to make sure the scene is secure, victims are treated and making sure you have a complete crime scene, and that we continue to make sure that there are no additional threats. >> reporter: there is no community like roseburg... >> there's a lot of heavy hearts
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on the hillside, a lot of tears, and tremendous strength. >> a lot of heavy hearts around the country. >> president obama says what's in roseburg is a national prop and spoke about the shooting earlier this evening, calling to commonsense and stricter gun control. a. . >> somehow this has become routine, the reporting is route between, my response here at the podium is routine. the conversation in the aftermath of it, we become numb to this. we talked about this after columbine and blacks berg, after tuscon, after newtown, after aror a, after charleston. it cannot be this easy for
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someone that wants to inflict harm on other people to get his or her hands on a gun. what's become routine, of course, is the response of those that oppose any kind of commonsense gun legislation. right now, i can imagine the press release is being cranked up. we need more guns. fewer gun safety laws. does anybody really believe that? since the sandy hook shooting in december 2012, there has been 34 fatal shootings, 20 elementary school students and six teachers were killed this that attack on an elementary school in connecticut. afterward the obama administration launched an initiative to reduce gun violence, no new measures were adopted in congress. the pentagon says a
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u.s.-military plane crashed this afghanistan killing 11 people. the c130 transport plane went down near jalalabad near midnight on friday. it was carrying six u.s. service members and five subcontractors. the cause of the crash is unted investigation. there was no firing at the time russia has not hit any areas that included i.s.i.l. strongholds. russia is firing back saying it's going after the same groups the u.s.-led groups are targetting. national security correspondent jamie mcintyre has more from the pent squon. >> reporter: russia launched the latest strikes against a number of groups in syria with varying ideologies, including the army of conquest, a coalition who oppose i.s.i.l., including the al qaeda-affiliated al nusra front. >> at the united nations, sergey lavrov insisted moscow and washington were confronting a
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common enemy. targeting terrorists. >> if it looks like a terrorist, acts like a terrorist. walks like a terrorist, if it fights like a terrorist, it's a terrorist. i would recall that we were saying that we are going to fight i.s.i.l. and other terrorist groups. >> the u.s. says it has no evidence russia has struck any i.s.i.l. forces. and it conducted its first direct talks with moscow over the question of deconfliction. sorting out issues such as which radio frequencies, and what language will be used when russian and coalition pilots talk to each other in the air. in one sense the u.s. and russian pilots are deconflicted with the u.s. flying over areas controlled by i.s.i.l. to the east, while so far russian attacks have been in areas not controlled by i.s.i.l. to the west. and the u.s. says despite conducting a handful of air
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strikes in syria in recent days, the russian air campaign is having no effect on efforts. >> it's lower than the average, only because these are dynamic targetting processes. they are one of the targets. we are continuing our strikes, we have not altered operations in syria to accommodate new players on the battlefield. >> senate armed services committee chairman john mccain argues de-conflict is accomplishing nothing. but adding legitimacy to bashar al-assad's brutalisation of its people. in a statement mccain asked: back in may, defense secretary made clear the u.s. has the responsibility to protect rebel fighters it has trained and sent into battle.
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>> we have acknowledged we have an obligation to their safety and their effectiveness, and we would exercise that. >> the u.s. bombed the al nusra front to protect the first group of u.s.-trained fighters. with russia targetting u.s.-supported groups, the pentagon will not make the same pledge. >> if there are unique circumstances, when that was discussed previously, and i'm not going to get into a situation of talking about hypotheticals in terms of what might happen in the future. >> as for the future, russia is leaving open the door to expanding air strikes into neighbouring iran, but only if asked. >> we were not invited, asked, and we are polite people, as you know, we don't come if not invited. >> that on a day when iraq's leader expressed dissatisfaction with u.s. air support and seemed to be issuing an invitation. >> if we get the offer, we consider it. in actual fact, i'd welcome it. hurricane joachim is
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expected to head north after tearing through the bahamas today, flooding and 130 miles per hour winds raked the islands in and as much as 20 inches of rain in some areas. cuba issued storm warnings. kevin corriveau is here with a look at what we can expect in the u.s. it looks like we may not get a direct hit, but it will affect the west coast. >> that's right, we will not see the land fall, but the coastal flooding. let's look at what is happening on the satellite. over the last 24 hours, the storm moved slowly across the bahamas, they have taken the direct hit with this category 4 storm. warns are up there, they'll stay up through tomorrow, through free port. i think n.a.s.a. and free port will get out of it lightly as the storm makes its way towards the north. probably tomorrow. this is what we are seeing, a category 4 makingize way to the
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north. the track is over to the east. the flooding along the east coast. what will happen is with the turning of the storm there'll be a lot of water pushing up the coast. probably going for the next tour days and we expect to see flooding across the region, rain is happening across the east coast, so that is adding to the flood situation, if you look at the flood warnings and watches, we talk all the way up here from parts of cape cod and all the way to parts of south carolina, this will be maybe not a land fall, but a major event. >> a powerful hurricane we have seen in the atlantic. still ahead - binyamin netanyahu's imoppositioned speech at the -- impassioned speech at the u.n., what he had to say about iran and getting the peace process on track, and how he stayed silent.
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. >> tough words from israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu, in a speech to the united nations general assembly. he denounced the iran nuclear deal and went on to criticize binyamin netanyahu. john terrett is more with what binyamin netanyahu had to say and did not say. >> we'll get to that. what he didn't say was remarkable. he didn't make friends in the room, but appealed to the audience back home. first of all, prime minister binyamin netanyahu had three key themes. he tore into the united nations for what he called its shameful routine bashing of israel. and called on palestinian president not to walkway way from peace, as he put it and slammed the iran nuclear deal using a piece of political theatre, with delegates in the chamber watching. >> binyamin netanyahu reiterated his allowance with the u.s. is
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unshakeable. that did not stop him blasting the u.s. nuclear agreement with iran, and five other nations. >> after three days of listening to world leaders praise the nuclear deal with iran, i begin my speech by saying ladies an gentlemen, check your enthusiasm at the door. >> reporter: vowing not to allow iran into the nuclear weapons club, binyamin netanyahu condemned the agreement, including the lifting of sanctions that could mean billions of unfrozen dollars flowing to iran. >> you think hundreds of billions in sanctions relief. and fat contracts will turn this rapacious tiger into a kilten? >> reporter: the israeli leader and u.s. lawmakers opposing the deal failed to prevent the accord going forward and insisted that the deal that does not entirely dismantlest iran's
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nuclear programme increases of threats of an atom uk iran down the road. >> that places a militant terror regime weeks away from having fissile material for an arsenal of nuclear bombs. >> reporter: binyamin netanyahu punctuated by scolding the world body for what is called being silent in the wake of threats about train to destroy israel, illustrating by standing in silence and staring out at the general assembly for nearly a minute. his 40 minute speech was not reserved just for attacks on iran. binyamin netanyahu said he's ready to get back around a negotiating table with palestine. wednesday, mahmoud abbas threatened to no longer honour agreements from the oslo accords signed 20 years ago. i'm prepared to immediately, immediately resume direct peace negotiations with a palestinian authority without any preconditions whatsoever.
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>> a tough sell for some palestinian politicians, who criticize israel for not honouring the oslo accord as it constructs homes for israelis in the west bang and is the controlling authority in the region. >> israel is a county reneging on commitments and signed agreements. israel is refusing to abide by international law and turns around and blames the palestinians who are its victims. to be clear, binyamin netanyahu repeated a call for run to peace talks without preconditions, but often says that. he said nothing about ending the building of settlements in the west bank, a demand of the palestinians, and one that israel is on a collision course with the united states over its key ally and sponsor in the region. we'll never forget the 1 minute silence. >> thank you. >> also in town for the united nations general assembly is state department aspectsman
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retire admiral john kirby. i had a chance to si and talk with him and whether sergey lavrov is right in saying washington and moscow have common grounds. >> we'd welcome a constructive role by russia, going against i.s.i.l.'s syria, it's a common threat to them as it is to 60 plus nations in the conclusion and theatre. >> sounds like ash carter the defense secretary doesn't seem that welcoming of the russian world, saying russia getting involved in syria is like pouring gas on to a fire. . >> if we solve military, yes, they are at risk of exacerbate ght the conflict particularly along the sectarian ins. we are analysing results. but it appears to be against opposition groups. groups that have sectarian views.
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inside syria. russia runs a risk of ripping open sectarian seams more than they are. >> mccain and other activists said russia has been targetting other opposition groups, not i.s.i.l., and hit some groups supported by the united states. . >> the pentagon is analysing as much information as we can about the early strikes. i mean, it's not as if the russians are overtly transparent about the targetting campaign here. but we know that they didn't hit areas where i.s.i.l. operates. and we know they didn't hit i.s.i.l. targets. that's what we would like to see. if they are willing to have a constructive role against isil, that could be helpful. . >> is the u.s. softening its stance when it comes to bashar al-assad. we heard for years he must go. >> the goal is the same, we want
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a future in syria that doesn't have bashar al-assad in power. we have, over time, watched this closely, we realized that in toward to get bashar al-assad to go permanently, there has to be a transition. >> does it make sense to coordinate with bashar al-assad -- coordinate with bashar al-assad, get rid of i.s.i.l., and go after bashar al-assad later. . >> the coalition just can't include bashar al-assad. >> senator mccain said the administration has been outmanoeuvred by russia. are they setting the agenda? >> i don't think at all that that is the case. what you are seeing russia do inside syria is largery reactive, responding to their concerns about the fragility of the bashar al-assad regime. they are moving forces in there and are us them, purportedly to alu bashar al-assad to remain in
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bour and potentially to brutalize their own people. it's not what we want to see. we want them to have a constructive role. >> they are going after al-qaeda linked nusra and other groups. doesn't that help i.s.i.l., because they oppose i.s.i.l. >> it could. >> it remains to be seen what targets they are going after. we want to see i.s.i.l. degraded and tweeted inside iraq and syria, there's a coalition designed to go after the threat. if russia plays a constructive role, it's a conversation we are willing to have. >> admiral john kirkry. >> a grocery store chain that specialises in organic food says it will stop selling products made using prison workers. certain its are supplied to a
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correctional programme meant to give inmates the opportunity to learn job skills. prisonerserb earn up to a maximum of $0.74 a day. the company is phasing out the its. >> still ahead, an example of bipartisanship in washington. lawmakers getting behind a push to reform the way the u.s. punishes criminals. plus... >> i'm john holman on mexico's pacific coach where hundreds of thousands of turtles arrive. but the majority of their eggs are being stolen.
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federal inmates. u.s. senator chuck shumack says it could save livers. -- livers. >> nonviolent drug offenders will not stay in gaol forever, and everyone in prison will be given the tools to come out and become productive citizens, so we will not waste lines. >> analysts say it has an uncommon level of bipartisan support, but g.o.p. leadership could stall the bill. >> authorities in mexico struggle to protect hundreds of thousands of nesting turtles, coming ashore to lay eggs. keeping turtle eggs safe is a challenge in a place where poaching is a tradition. >> reporter: they arrive one by one. lit only by a solicitor of moonlight. a million endangered turtles clam bour on to the beach south-west mexico, one of only
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two species to stage this mass invasion in nesting season. they lay their eggs in quickly dug hollows, and it's their only protection against the dangers of the night. >> like these men known as cavieros or horseman. they scour the area, swooping on eggs to sell as delicacies, even as the mothers lay them. it's illegal, but these people from poor and isolated communities say they have little choice. >> translation: i'm here, i need the work. we all have families, we don't have education or papers to get the regular jobs. >> over 70% of the eggs at the beach were taken. the number of olive ridley's worldwide dropped in the last 50 years. the eggs the turtles lay are up against it. apart from human predators, they are at risk from animals and
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birds. less than 1% will make it to adulthood. >> middlemen sell the eggs for 10 times or more what they pay the men. in the nearby markets, where it's part of traditional cuisine. the trade flourishes in full sight of the mayor's office. the navy used to guard the beach, but were pulled off to battle the cartels, returning when massive numbers of turtles arrive. now the government is stepping up efforts again. >> we have just signed agreements with the navy, federal police and the army to support us, and we are using drones to protect the turtles. >> the government also offers occasional work programs to give poachers other options. while full-time jobs are scarce, and eggs seemingly plentiful, it's hard to resist temptation.
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i'm antonio mora, thanks for joining us for the latest news any time head to, ray suarez is up next with "inside story". have a great night. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> for more people for more illnesses than ever before, the answer is, take a pill. the inventiveness of drug companies, the basic research of scientists and the growing needs of a population have combined to cure disease, extend life and make drug companies immensely profitable. some people are stopping pills, medications altogether. is there going to be a desire for shareholder value, prescriptions and profits? it's the "inside story."
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