tv Weekend News Al Jazeera October 5, 2015 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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>> hello from doha, this is the news hour on al jazeera. an agreement is reached on the world i see biggest trade deal covering 12 countries and 650 million people. >> nato members meet after a russian fighter jet flew into turkish air space. the u.s. is deeply concerned. >> the business of people smuggling in turkey. president erdogan heads for
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talks on the crisis. >> brendan rogers has been shown the door. will liverpool be laying out the welcome mat? >> developing news this hour is the transpacific partnership, it's taken five years, but negotiators appear to have reached a deal on the world's biggest trade agreement. it will sweep asidebareries across the pacific and could affect everything from the price of milk to the cost of treating cancer. we are going to speak to the director of the global access to medicines program. the americans call this a comprehensive agreement to open markets, set high standard trade rules, address 21 century
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issues. it all sounds good. how do you think it's going to play out in reality? >> we're very critical of the agreement. there are a few chapters that have to do with traditional trade matters like tariffs aiming to expand markets. we expect the benefits to be slim compared to the costs. there will be 25 chapters of this agreement that essentially relate to economic deregulation and corporate protectionism. the issue i work on is action to affordable medicine. it's been a very tough negotiation, but in the end, the agreement will expand the monopoly power of pharmaceutical industry to block cost saving jennerics. we expect similar consequences in other areas, try bun also set up when corporations can sue governments directly. >> the basic problem we're looking at is that you are trying to i think it's 12 different countries who are involved here, trying to get
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them to all agree and work together when they have their own interests. maybe that tells why it's taken five years to get here in the first place. >> it's massively complex, a three dimensional chess game, and of course, all countries have industries that they are either trying to protect or have their interests advanced abroad. i think one of our major criticisms are the tough deal for developing countries here is they are fighting for access to the u.s. market and in exchange asked to transform a number of rules according to the interests of u.s. corporations, so it's sort of a market access in exchange for changing their economy to favor big business. >> i've just been told bernie sanders, the u.s. presidential candidate that said it will cost jobs and is a bad deal. it is the united states that is the driving force behind this deal, is it not?
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>> yes, trade politics are highly contentious in the united states and the obama administration has really thrown a lot of elbows over the past year to clear the vote hurdles in u.s. congress. that surprised many people, because candidate obama pledged to reform american trade policy and we don't feel we are seeing that here in the t.p.p. the administration has pushed very hard and cashed in a lot of favors to get to this point. the negotiation is complex. there are many political leaders that ultimately support the deal, but many people working for them in different government agencies from the many countries involved that have a great many concerns, all part of why it's taken so long. >> thank you for that developing story here on al jazeera. we'll talk about it more later in this broadcast. >> we move to other news. nato members are to meet after a russian jet moved into turkish
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air space. turkey has summoned russian's ambassador saying it has escalated the syrian complicate. the problem we've little here is an increasingly crowded air space in the region, which has got people concerned. >> it's a recurring nightmare for all the air forces involved. you've got the israelis, americans, turkish air forces flying all over a very restricted air space. this latest violation came about on saturday, when a russian s.u.30 fighter crossed from syria into turkey and immediately intercepted by a pair of turkish air force f-16s and escorted back into syria. the russians said this was a and a halfation error, but it just is a reminder to all those air forces flying in this region which what exactly could happen
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if things went wrong. >> not a new concern, is it, nato has had these issues previous live about russian military activities. >> nato's been very concerned about the black sea fleet. they've just finished a week long exercise and the exercises in the water between syria and cypress. in the last couple of hours, a russian defense spokesman talked about the possible use of the black sea fleet. the russian black sea fleet in an effort to blockade ports in syria, and also suggested possibly the guns of the fleet could be used to pound isis or whatever other targets they pick from the sea. also, the general commander of nato forces expressed his real concern over the presence of these very, very sophisticated air surface to air missile systems in the mediterranean that could turn that whole
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eastern mediterranean area into a no fly zone. >> that's peter sharp with a live update from moscow. thank you, peter. >> the bodies of 95 refugees have washed ashore in libya. the libyan red crescent found 85 people dead near the capitol, in tripoli, 10 near the coastal city, libya is a main launching point for the smugglers boats heading to europe. european union leaders are expected to ask turkey for help in stemming the flow of syrian refugees. turkish president on a visit to brussels. saying europe is uncomfortable with even the smallest refugee flow. he added what do they say to us? oh, my won don't open your doors, don't let them reach us. the interesting thing, the numbers they oh for themselves. turkey hosts by far the largest number of syrian refugees of any
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country in the world, nearly 2 million. lebanon has got 1 million itself, jordan, 628,000. there we go. up until august this year, look at this, just 441,000 syrians applied for asylum in europe, just 10% of the 4 million syrians who have actually fled the war. now, we've got two correspondents looking at the story. we've got stephanie decker in southern be turkey. we'll come to her in a moment, first, jonah hull live in the syrian town where refugees must register before continuing into europe. what are you seeing and hearing there? >> they have been saying in the previous months that this crisis might begin to ebb around october in anticipation of the cold weather, the winter come be, which will present dreadful
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obstacles for people continuing to major this journey. there is no sign of that happening now here. here, one of many towns on this well trodden route through europe, it is completely overrun by refugees. the process be center behind me here, they're giving papers to around 4,000, 5,000 people every single day and setting them up the road on buss to croatia to continue their journey. on the whole, europe is struggling. some countries have managed to get their acts together. serbia, macedonia, greece are processing people much better than they were. further up the line, hungary are in open revote for a plan against quotas to be put in place. there is trading that insults between countries up the line. germany does not have infinite capacity. as it continues, as it
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escalates, this crise is testing to near breaking point the very unity upon which this european union was founded. >> all right, jonah hull, thank you for that report. as i said, we've got stephanie decker in southern turkey, as well. we're already getting an idea of what president erdogan is going to say and he's not holding back. >> easy not. i think we can clearly say that he is arriving in brussels from the moral high ground, full. as you said, when you went through that graphic and look at the in connection, almost 2 million syrians are housed here in turkey, most of them outside official refugee camps, less than 300,000 in refugee camps. there are some cities here that actually have more syrians than turks. even though turkey has spent over $6 billion throughout the year here, they're incredibly difficult for people here. that's why you're hearing these
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comments. if you look at the numbers, what we've been doing for years and really beginning on our own is far more important. i think though, even though there will be discussion, i don't think the turkish president will be saying well, i'm going to stop the flow coming out of turkey, because over the last few months, this is where they have been coming through crossing into europe for free. i think he's going to want something in return. we're going to have to talk politics, an extremely complicated situation in syria now with russia involved. >> we're going to move on to a live news conference. this is army general john campbell, the top u.s. commander in afghanistan at the pentagon speaking about the attack on the
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hospital. >> i'll take a few questions. >> general, your revelation that it was the afghan that advised the americans, have you ordered a suspension or change in the current rulings of engagement? >> i won't go into current or past rules of engagement but will tell you that our men and women continue to understand the rules of engagement, follow those rules. this was a case, again, more will come out from the investigation, that's why we have she's investigations. i have had the opportunity to talk to the investigating officer kim who is up in kunduz now. that's why i pass out this additional information. again, i want to be able to let the investigation go its course and provide updates based on that, but i have not suspended train advice and assess support to the afghans. >> what kind of fall back or failsafe system is there in the
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process. >> i appreciate the question. i don't want to go into those great deals yet or cover the rules of engagement. those will come out as we go through the investigation. we'll make sure those are the same type of questions everybody would want to ask and will come out in the investigation. >> if i could, does this raise doubts, does this bring into question the current strategy to train the afghans, do they have the ability to take over that fight and does it raise questions about the current time table for the withdrawal of u.s. troops? >> i'm back here in washington to testify to congress. i'll take those questions from congress. again, i've been very public that the afghan security forces continue to get better and better and i'm very proud and honored to serve with them three times in afghanistan where they were just a couple years ago to where they are today is pretty astounding. i think that they continue to be very, very resilient and need our support in areas that we identified years ago that would be very, very tough for any army, intelligence, logistics,
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fire support. we'll continue to work with our afghan partners to advice and kansas and i'm back in washington to talk about those things. >> just to clarify a couple of points, there were no u.s. troops on the ground at risk at the time this strike was called in? is that what you're telling us? >> i said that the afghan forces called in for fire to support them, because they were underdirect fire, and that we have afghan -- correction, we have u.s. special force that is continue to train, advice and assist at the tactical level. i think the impression that people got after the first couple days is that they were firing directly on u.s. forces. i'm telling you today as i've talked to the investigating officer and continued to get updated information, that was not the case. >> you don't want to talk about rules of engagement and i understand that. is there anything you can factually tell us about u.s. troops, u air crews and the
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rules that they do operate under to not strike restricted targets such as hospitals, mosques and schools? people have a lot of curious city been and it's generally understood those are targets that you do not strike. can you talk about that today? >> again, very broadly, we do not strike those kind of targets, absolutely. >> lots of interest in the airplane that was used. >> it was an 8130 gun ship. >> general, did you authorize this air strike? whose initials are on the authorization? does an american have to authorize for an ac130 to strike? >> that will come out in the investigation, jennifer. >> was it a restrictive firing line? >> i'm not going to go into those details. we'll wait for the investigation to come out with that. >> doctors without borders are calling this almost a war crime,
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demanding an independent investigation. they say going into military channels will not provide details. what's your thoughts on that? >> we're going to do everything for this investigation to be open and transparent. i've got and nato investigation and the afghans will investigate. if there are other investigation that is need to go on, we will coordinate those, as well. >> what does this mean for your rules of engagement going forward in terms of air support in afghanistan. have you paused airstrikes or is the war going to continue for your purposes as it was before this took place? >> i'm going to hold that question until we get through the investigation. all right? i don't want to go into rules of engagement at all, police. >> the group m.m.s. say they provided g.p.s. coordinates to the coalition and afghan military and civilian officials tuesday, september 29. did you receive those
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coordinates or were they replayed to you by a third party? >> those are things that will come out in the investigation. in the back, please. >> i wanted to ask, they said they were half an hour trying to get the coordinates saying we are under fire from both washington and kabul. why didn't that get up the chain of command fast officer. >> that's why we do these investigations, very detailed explanation of what we know, what we don't know. all those questions that you're asking are the same type of question that the investigating officer will ask, as well. >> there were no u.s. jtacs under fire at the tactical level when this air strike was called in. >> what i said was the afghans asked for air support from a special forces team that we have on the ground providing train adviciveness in kunduz. the initial statement that went out was that u.s. forces were under direct fire contact. what i'm doing is correcting
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that statement here. >> u.s. forces, how close were then to the afghan forces that called in the strike, were they with them? >> that will come out in the investigation. all the questions are very good questions, the same questions that the investigating officer is taking a look at. i should have a preliminary report shortly. next couple of days. again, rich kim i also my senior investigator on the ground in kunduz today. i talked to him this morning. as i get additional information, we'll make sure we work through the joint staff. i'll take one more question in the back, please. >> would it be more helpful to your forces if an a10 was flying overhead. >> if an a10 was flying overhead? our forces and the afghan forces continue to work very hard to minimize any kind of civilian casualties. i'm not going to get into different platforms, a10 have
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the c130. we'll make sure that there's a u.s. piece of this, a nato piece of it and afghans as well conducting their own investigation. we work together with all of them. as soon as we have additional information that we can provide, i'll provide that. thank you very much. >> that will come out in the investigation is what we have continually heard that in news conference from general john campbell responding to questions about the doctors without borders hospital incan did you say in afghanistan. i don't know what we really got out of that. apparently it's all going to come out in the investigation. i guess this is having to front and address the issue because there is so much concern about what happened there. >> there is so much concern about what did happen at the frontier hospital in kunduz,
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where 22 people, including several children were killed. also 12 people killed were staffers of m.s.f. this is very much a black eye for the u.s. military and indeed for the obama administration. even president barack obama issued a statement over the weekend pledging that there would be a full investigation, and sending his condolences to the families of those injured and killed in the air raid. the questions that were brought up at this very hastily arranged press conference over at the pentagon just now basically touched on why did the u.s. do these airstrikes around a known medical facility, a facility that has been in kunduz for several years, and why was it that these bombs were basically dropped on the hospital. there are questions about the accuracy of the work that the afghan troops who were calling
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in these airstrikes, whether or not they actually knew what they were doing. as you heard repeatedly, general campbell said look, we have to have the investigation. there are at least three investigations underway, one by nato, one by the united states, one by afghan officials whom we should note have not gone out of their way to criticize the u.s. for its actions. they basically said this is something that is incredibly regrettable, but we were trying to go after the taliban and so we are very sorry that civilians were caught in the middle of that, but we had to do what we had to do. it's a very, very worrisome situation, because so many people were killed and basically kunduz now has no trauma hospital to treat the numbers of people who are injured either because of attacks or because of related incidents in that part of the country. >> so much more to come only. you get the feeling, don't you, roz. rosalyn jordan, hour correspondent from washington, d.c.
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>> now parts of baghdad's heavily fortified green zone have been opened to the public. it's been largely off limits to iraqis since the j invasion of iraq in 2003. it's home to government buildings, and several foreign embassies. >> we will return to that soon. right now, we're live to atlanta georgia, an announcement on the transpacific partnership. >> mexico, new zealand, peru, singapore, the united states, and vietnam are pleased to announce that we have successfully concluded the transpacific partnership. [ applause ] after five years,
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we have come to an agreement that will create jobs, and promote innovation across the asia pacific region. most importantly, the agreement achieves the goal we set forth of an ambitious, comprehensive high standard and balanced agreement that will benefit our nations citizens. t.p.p. brings higher standards to nearly 40% of the global economy. in addition to liberalizing trade and investment between us, the agreement addresses the challenges other stakeholders face in the 21st century while taking into account our diversity of development. we respect the agreement to promote economic growth, support higher paying jobs, enhance innovation, productivity and competitiveness, reduce poverty in our countries and to promote transpatterns, good governance and strong labor and
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environmental protections. to formalize the outcomes of the agreement, negotiators will continue technical work to prepare and complete text for public release, including the legal review, translation and drafting and verification of the text. we look forward to engaging with stakeholders on the specific features of this agreement and undergoing the domestic processes to put the agreement in place. with that, we're delighted to take questions. >> two questions for ambassador froman. what would be the path forward for freer trade in the entire
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region. the second question rewarding the compromises you've reached about biologics or patents in general. would you characterize has been an effort to ensure that current diversities of intellectual property can flourish or have you sought to meld something super national in this process? >> the message to all countries is that the 12 of us are pleased to have reached agreement on an ambitious, high standard, comprehensive agreement. we think it helps define the rules of the road for the asia pacific region in a way consistent with the interests and the values that we share, and we look forward to sharing with other countries, the results of the agreement and working with them for the further integration of the asia pacific region.
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biologics, as you know, this is one of the most challenging issues in the negotiation. we've worked cooperatively with all our partners to secure a strong and balanced outcome that both incentivizes the development of these new life saving drugs while ensuring access to these medicines and their availability. in doing so, it will set a model to encourage both innovation and access. >> just watching a news conference from atlanta georgia, u trade representative speaking there. large round of applause when he announced that a deal had been reached, the transpacific
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partnership trade deal as it's known. the countries, australia, canada, chile, japan, malaysia, mexico, singapore and the united states, hence you heard a question from one of the reporters there about what the u.s. felt about china's position now, which was deftly avoided. have you heard anything that reassures you about the concerns that you have? >> no, definitely not. the ambassador just gave a very -- the same general statement he says been making on medicine issues for the past five years. we know that this deal would cost lives. it's going to change laws in the member countries and require them to give the pharmaceutical
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industry greater monopoly powers locking out medicine competition and people living with cancer and other diseases are going to suffer. >> peter, thank you for that, looking at some of the medical implications of his view on this t.p.p., trade pacific partnership and we'll bring you more on that later in the news hour and throughout the day. now, we're going to go back to a story we started about baghdad's heavily fortified green zone. parts have been open to the public. it has been largely off limits to the iraqis since the invasion of iraq in 2003. there it is, home to government buildings and several foreign embassies. with us from london, a consultant fellow in international diplomacy at the royal united services institute. thank you for staying with us while we dealt with all that breaking news. lets talk about the opening of the green zone. it sounds great, like a big step forward, but first of all, it's 12 or 13 years since it was closed. i wonder if it's more symbolic
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than anything else. >> it certainly is. even the opening of the green zone is symbolic gesture. it sounds as though there are many travel restrictions still enforce. >> the target is of course the government and foreign embassies. it's a very symbolic gesture. it was intended to placate. opinion, because public opinion has been disgruntled by the fact that under the maliki regime, people felt that the government was isolated from the public.
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>> right. >> what i'm trying to balance out though here is the fact that i mean everything you said shows there is a risk in doing this and the government surely knows that and yet they are still doing it. >> i think it's a balance of risks. there's a political risk if you lose the support of the population, which the iraqi government has certainly done to a large extent because of the threats it's faced, the invasion of the country by daish or isil. all of these things have contributed to a weakening of the central government. the increasing autonomy of the kurds, the increasing separation within the sunni heartland has resulted in a government that is really not as strong as it ought to be and certainly losing public confidence. the fact that a year on after the invasion of a large part of
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iraq by daish, we still haven't seen any significant comeback. i think all of these things have made the prime minister think that he's got to do something and show perhaps symbolically an increase in security even though in reality it isn't there. >> do you think it buys him a bit of time, a bit of good will? there's been protests all over iraq for so long. briefly tell me if you think that will say to people at all. >> i think it will do, certainly, he's done everything including going on twitter to highlight the fact this has opened up. it just gives people some impression of normality and hopefully that will give a bit of breathing space. in reality, i think months down the line, all this will be forgotten and the reality will sink in and you'll have to do something more substantial to regain public confidence. >> we thank you for your
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thoughts there on the reopening of baghdad's green zone. >> so much more still ahead on this news hour. there's record rainfall hitting the southern united states coast, south carolina governor calls it the worse in 1,000 years. >> angola's government under pressure to explain why it jailed 15 men back in june. >> in sport, a year after they suffered 95 losses in a single season, it's a very different story for the texas rangers. we will explain all of that.
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>> 12 pacific nations agree to one of the biggest free trade deals in history. it's called the transpacific partnership, setting new rules for investment, environment and labor. the deal still needs to be signed and approved, but we are getting comments from president obama who has said that this gives our workers the fair shot at success they deserve, one of reactions that have come out so far from the partnership. >> the united states military expressed condolences to those killed by an air strike on the hot in kunduz. 22 people died when a hospital rub by doctors without borders was hit. >> european union leaders expected to ask turkey for help stemming the flow of requireian refugees. the turkish president has gone
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to brussels and accused europe of double standards. >> this year's nobel prize for medicine has been awarded to three researchers who made important contributions towards tackling diseases. >> today the 2015 nobel prize to for their discoveries for a novel therapy for an infection caused by round worm par sites, another for discoveries concerning a novel therapy against malaria. >>. >> the prize awarded for round work and combating parasites in humans. the other half of the prize goes for research on a therapy against malaria. she is credited with the
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discovery of an active compound in the leaves of something called the sweet worm wood plant. the resulting medicine is a drug of choice in combating malaria. on skype now from stockholm is a member of the nobel committee. thank you for staying with us during this busy news hour. it's not uncommon to find medicinal remedies in nature. >> it's not that we've recognized compounds. it's the way you recognize them and then extract them and make them to drugs through clinical trial. they've been able to distribute that to big part of the population of the world. >> so the discovery, let's talk
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about that, made that discovery through studying traditional chinese medicine, and then just explain briefly for our viewer what she did with that to make it usable. >> she went through chinese literature to find recipes against fever and found that in hubs of these recipe be witness there was a plant, and from that, that inspired her, we will say, inspired her to make an extract from that plant and then she tested these extracts on mice that were infected by malaria and she could see that in most of these parasites were killed. >> to what degree does it work? i know that's a strange question, but are we talking about something that completely eradicates malaria as a
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treatment? >> no, i think this is important, because there are many measures done to eradicate malaria, but the benefits of this drug is that it kills the parasite when it's answering the red blood cells. in particular, i would say it's the outcome which has been an exceptionally effective treatment, so if you have patients, and particularly children, who have severe forms are malaria, this medicine will actually save their lives and -- >> sorry, finish your thought. >> just to give you the big, really big picture here, so every year, about half a million people are dying in malaria and during the last 10 years, this medicine, the combination with some other have actually ruled
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that to almost half. it's really a big benefit to mankind. >> it's a good thing i suspect for other people who deal intra additional medicines, people who may be aren't -- i don't want to say they are not taken seriously, but their work isn't as big as conventional medicine. this is a good thing for them to see that it's recognized and it has real results. >> i mean, i think you are taking it too far. we are not giving a prize to traditional medicine. what we say is that traditional medicine in this case have inspired researchers to find the active compound and extract this compound to make a drug. we are not prescribing plants here. we have really developed or the industry that developed really a very effective drug for malaria, so this is not very clear, because we have these questions
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every time now. this is absolutely not a prize to traditional medicine, but traditional medicine inspired researchers to do this exploration. >> very nicely complained. thank you for your time. >> workers at air france protesting against job cuts have his stormed the airline's headquarters. two managers had shirts torn from their bodies. 100 union activists rushed the building after breaking the gates. air france announced the company would cut jobs after feeling to reach an agreement with pilots. >> four people have been killed after a typhoon brought winds and rain to china. 200,000 people in a province were moved from their homes before the storm made landfall on sunday. parts of the region are now without power and water supplies. >> in the southern united
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states, record rainfall. south carolina governor called is a one in a thousand year event. hundreds of people have had to be rescued from the flood he is waters. >> the eye of joaquin skirted the u.s. mainland, but its rains pounded the costs from south carolina to the northeast. storms ripped down power lines, washed out roads and where he could homes. >> i heard this loud boom, and it was loud. i knew it wasn't -- i knew it was a tree. >> high winds and rain dismantled this home in new jersey and floated it down the bay. thousands heeded government warnings to evacuate, others took their chances and were trapped. >> well, it's all the hardwood floors done popped up and everything's floating and the water's up below the t.v. above the sofas, pretty much three feet deep in the house. >> residentses were left to imprimis commutes.
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coast guard search and rescue crews found only part of a cargo ship that left florida with 33 onboard heading to puerto rico. >> the ship became disabled because of a mechanical problem, and the ship found its way in the path of a storm. >> the historic downpour left residents banding together to rescue the strand understand and left cat knee jefferson cleaning up, embracing for more rain. >> my house is totally full of water. the floors are all damaged. the furniture is all wet. everything i guess gone. coastal flood warnings have been issued for delaware, new jersey as the storm heads northward. >> sendian teachers have suspended a five week strike. the unions will resume the
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strikes in three months. the government refused to follow a supreme court order to raise salaries by 50%. >> people are accusing police are killing unarmed civilians. we have this report. >> a woman crise out for her husband. she's one of a number of people whose bodies were found sunday morning. people say he was shot by police. she says she can't look after their children without him. there were as i will larr scenes in neighboring districts. an administrator confirmed there are a number of dead. >> as you've seen for yourself, there were bodies on the ground. it leads us to believe yesterday's situation wasn't
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normal. >> people living in the area say the police rounded up a group of young men and took them away on saturday. other people aren't with guns and grenades tried to stop them. residents say the police came back later and shot people in the area. the police have denied officers were involved and said those responsible were criminals that the police were pursuing. >> when the police patrol was doing a round in the area, the local population informed them that bodies were discovered. six bodies in total. it brings the number to eight people that have been killed. >> there have been protests and an increase in violence since the president won a controversial third therm in office. he changed the law that allowed leaders only two terms. he announce add one month amnesty for for people to hand in weapons last week. at least 100 people have died in election related violence since april. with these recent deaths, that number is only growing.
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al jazeera. >> angola's government is under pressure to explain why it jailed 15 men in june. rights groups say the men are prisoners of conscience. barnaby phillips reports the government says they were planning a coup. >> 15 young men, more than 100 days in prison and no charges against them. they include activists who have been protesting for years against what they say is a lock of democratic freedom in angola. they were arrested in june when they'd gathered to discuss a book about peaceful protests against repressive regimes. many of them spent weeks in solitary confinement. >> angola is led by the president whose been in charge since 1979. his government said the men now in prison were planning a coup and the attorney general told state media he's preparing a case against them.
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>> they were carrying out acts which could have been preparation for the overthrow of the legitimately elected government. >> families of the detainees have tried to stage demonstrations. some have been broken up by that the police. in angola, in theory, the constitution guarantees democratic freedoms. in practice, it takes courage to protest. >> freedom of expression, all is curtailed in angola. what these young people were trying to do was exercise those freedoms. unfortunately that has been curtailed. calling on the authorities in angola to release them or bring them before a competent court to try them. >> angola is a country of great contrasts, one of the africa's leading oil producers where a few enjoy fabulous wealth, but most live in squalor.
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the fall in oil prices has hurt the economy. according to opposition groups, it's made the government less tolerant of dissenting voices. >> on social media, families and friends of the detainees are speaking out, increasingly anxious, they feel they have no choice. al jazeera. >> this is the news hour on al jazeera. we are monitoring developments in atlanta, georgia, the trade pacific partnership, the t.p.p. has been announced. representatives from new zealand speaking currently. we are monitoring that for the latest information on the signingful that major trade deal. >> we've also got sports, just a special guest in the locker room who helped argentina's party like 1976 all over again.
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>> gang life... this was our foundation. it's what we all knew. when i met daisy, it was the best day of my life. i told my co-workers, i'm gonna marry her... when my past caught up with me and made us all pay the price. >> it was very confusing... they were just, "where is it? where did he put it"? the social worker said, "i'm gonna have to take the baby". you're gonna have to kill me to take my child. they took my family. he's like, "they're using your child as leverage". the day i think i'm getting sarah back, my public defender tells me they're gonna take me to trial. i don't know how i'm gonna do it but... i need another lawyer. >> that judge is not known for his compassion. >> if at any point i'm not fighting for my family, i don't know what that would do to me. >> families don't survive this.
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>> i want to talk rugby with you, but we'll do that later. i don't know anything about football. >> i tell you about it all the time. >> why don't you tell everyone out there. >> liverpool are to begin talks with the former coach and may be to approach him at the end of the week. the previous manager was sacked. he took over in june, 2012 and just his second season, rogers almost led liverpool to their
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first league title, generally finishing second behind manchester city. he spent over $455 million on new players while in charge, never having a trophy to show for it. traveling to the u.k. for talks. he's been on a sabbatical since leaving in april. in his seven years with dortmund, he won the league twice. he's a pretty good judge of talent, bringing through young players. the italian coach is another candidate, one of only two people to have won the european cup three times as a manager, and also won league tights in england, spain and france.
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>> dortmund in action against their big rivals over the weekend. had a good record, beating them eight times. sunday they were thrashed by one as the current league champions claimed their eighth straight win. now seven points they're of the top of the table. >> you've heard about being thrown in the deep end especially in a new job. a fourth official was forced to take over from a referee when his more experienced colleague was injured. he never refereed a top flight match and just a couple of minutes in, he sent a player off. he made absolutely the right call, as well. the red card clearly the right
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one. bangladesh cricketer charged with torturing an 11-year-old boy. he was on the run for two days. the 29-year-old has been suspended from all forms of cricket by bangladesh. he and his wife were accused of assaulting the 11-year-old who worked for them as a house maid. they are charged with illegally employing a minor. >> another cricket ear facing charges over a tweet that excuses new zealand of corruption. the trial he is expected to last four weeks. >> the irish facing a final
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after a hard fought game. scored and irish record breaking eight world cups to get off and running, but they were far from convincing for the rest of the game. kept the italians within four points at the break. he then gave some breathing space with two presidents. they clung on for the 69th win after having peter in the sin bin. the victory was described as ugly and some of his players agreed with him. >> caused a lot of problems, we didn't help ourselves later at times, not looking after the ball when we did have it, so a lot to work on for the week coming. >> argentina moved closer to the quarter finals with a win. taking up the position of number
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one cheer leader for the game. sanchez starred on the pitch. this is after the win, giving a hand with the celebrations in the locker room. ♪ i'm not sure if he came up with that dance by himself, but i'm sure it's going to be -- yeah. he is without doubt argentina's number one fan no matter the sport. >> he came after. we didn't know diego would be watching the game. he made signals to me, saying that he was going down. he came to the locker room. he told me that if we go to the semifinals, he'd come back. well, he set the ball very high. let's hope that he can come back
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again. >> sunday saw the last day of the major league baseball regular season, and that meant the final playoff places were up for grabs. the los angeles angels still had a chance of making the postseason, but beltre put the rangers in front with this two-run homer. hammel pitched a complete game. clinching the american league west title, they play their first a.l. division series game since 2011 on thursday. the angels lost ultimately led to houston's leaving 5-3 to the diamondbacks. they play against the new york yankees at yankee stadium. >> miami marlins have been out of playoff contention for
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sometime, so fart game against philadelphia, they allowed their veteran outfielder suzuki to pitch the eighth inning. the japanese player that more than 4,000 combined hits in the major leagues but always field of his high school pitching career. >> jockey said the golden horse is the best horse he'd ridden after the pair surprised the favorite to win sunday's race. the horse had been seeking an unprecedented third try. it won the darby in june and after winning in paris is aiming for the breeder's cup in kentucky next. there is more sport on our website. check out we've got blogs and video from
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our correspondents around the world. can i ask for your opinion right now on the rugby? we're getting halfway through, who's looking good? >> i'm looking at australia at the moment. >> new zealand knows all about looking good at the tournament and losing the semifinals. >> you had to bring that up. what about the fact that england's out of the tournament now? does it dampen the whole event? >> it will a little bit. i think the tournament's been a great success and it will continue to be. >> thank you for that. we've got another bulletin of news coming up after the break, the latest on the transpacific partnership. the trade deal, standing by in washington to bring us that. see you in a moment.
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>> an agreement is reached. 12 countries and 650 million people. >> hello again. i'm kamahl santamaria, this is the u.s. news from al jazeera. an airstrike on a hospital killed 22 people. more fighting erupts in the occupied west bank. a 15-year-old palestinian is shot dead. and turkey's president meets e.u. leaders over the growing refugee is
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