tv News Al Jazeera October 7, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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about it, we own up to it and podle like presidenapology liked in this case. >> solving overcrowding, freeing thousands of federal inmates, a closer look at a controversial statistician. plus, sphiefer survivor story, . >> rapists cause rape. >> we talk to aspen maddis about the journey that changed her life.first came the attack and air strike on the doctors without borders hospital in afghanistan. then an admission by a top american commander that the united states carried out the
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strike. then an apology by president obama. who ordered it? who is accountable? mike viqueria is in washington. mike. >> john in the days following attack, five days since the attack president obama and the white house insisted they were going to wait for results of a pentagon investigation before casting any blame. but the day after his top commander in afghanistan accepted blame before a senate panel on tuesday president obama picked up the phone and made a rare gesture. five days after an attack from a u.s. war plane left at least 22 dead at a afghan hospital, president obama called joe ann lu to apologize. >> when a mistake is made, the united states apologizes. if it is necessary to hold individuals accountable that will be done.
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>> dr. lu is still insisting on an independent investigation. writing: earlier wednesday. she spoke to mr. obama. dr. luz called it an attack not just on the hospital but on international law. >> today we say enough. even war has rules. >> experts on international law agree and say an apology suspect enough. >> it doesn't address the issue of how this happened, it doesn't address the legal issue of what is the nature of responsibility on the part of u.s. military or specific commanders. so the real key questions aren't addressed. >> the white house still insists the ongoing pentagon
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investigation and the on going probes by governments and afghanistan are enough. >> a hospital was mistakenly struck. >> how did it happen? mark kimmit has been in charge of recent vieks. >> i would say the breakdown happened not in the air, on the grounds but in the accordance center and that's what's going to be investigated. >> doctors without borders said patients in kunduz burned in their beds. >> we are calling on president obama to consent to the fact finding commission. doing so will send a powerful signal of the u.s. government's commitment to and respect for international humanitarian law and the rules of war. >> reporter: and john, in an effort to get that investigation started doctors without borders has said it has signed letters
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to all signatories, trouble is they have to get the consent of the united states and afghanistan as well. so far they haven't received any responses. john. >> we know that president obama called afghan leader ashraf ghani, what do you know about that? >> the white house says he offered condolences. there were at least 12 afghans who were there as patients who were killed in the attack from the air from that ac 130 attack aircraft. this is still the plan, by the end of 2016, end of his term, the afghan government has defended the u.s. military. concerned that the u.s. is going to be pulling out too soon. so far no news from the white house, as the president considers his options on the troop pullout timetable.
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john. >> now to the war in syria. russian ships launched over two dozen missiles from the caspian sea. >> from the caspian sea 1200 kilometers from the fighting, russia opened a second front in the syrian war, unleashing a salvo of cruise missiles. bearing the nato code name sizzler. these images quickly broadcast on russian state television. with a range of tw two and a haf thousand kilometers, the range was well within reach. overfly their territory to enable the missiles to reach the targets. russia released graphics showing
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the course of the missiles over iran and iraq but avoiding southeastern turkey. >> this morning we engaged the caspian flotilla ships. data indicates that all targets were destroyed and no civilians were harmed. well, the missile strike was totally unexpected and it does beg the question as to why russia would target i.s.i.l. positions 1200 kilometers away when it's got a large fighter bomber force on the ground in syria carrying out daily strikes against i.s.i.l. well, it would go to remind the west of russia's military reach in this conflict. and in rome the u.s. secretary of defense ash carter formally ruled out any military cooperation with russia. >> i've said before that we believe that russia has the wrong strategy. they continue to hit targets that are not i.s.i.l.
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we believe this is a fundamental mistake. despite what the russians say we have not agreed to cooperate with russia so long as they continue to pursue a mistaken strategy and hit these targets. >> reporter: a disappointment for president putin who hoped to convince the u.s. to join his coalition with syria. ground assault was launched by syria. zeina khodr reports. >> reporter: a new phase in russia's intervention in syria. now air power is being used to support a syrian army counteroffensive in the ground. areas in southern idlib and northern hayna are coming under
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fire. strategically situated along the main highway between the cities of damascus and aleppo. and it seems the government had informed the residents of the planned assault. the. >> translator: after the syrian regime threatened to attack the city only rebels remain. >> tens of thousands live in the town of farna buda. dlents about this region arresie threatened to fight back. aid agency oxfam. >> international community in
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oxfam's opportunity is failing across the board when it comes to this area crisis. we have looked at three key areas. the aid response, the willingness of the rich countries to resettle refugees from the region, and the international efforts to stop the violence. >> reporter: russia's military campaign have complicated an already complex war and its officials have made clear that they consider the majority of opposition groups terrorists. for the past week russian air strikes have been weakening the opposition, they stop the rebel advances in this region, and now they're helping the army recapture territory. the immediate objective of russia's intervention in the conflict is becoming clear. to change the balance of power on the ground. zeina khodr, al jazeera, beirut. william courtney served as president bill clinton's special
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assistant for russia, ukraine and eurasian affairs. give us an idea whether you think russia is really going to change balance of power here. >> the balance of power is too large a concept. it's useful to bear in mind that there are two fights going on. one is the 60-plus nation coalition that is fighting against the islamic state or i.s, and the fight against the bashar al-assad regime in syria. that regime only occupies part of syria now, where the aloites related to shias are quite strong. russia goal is to maintain strong secular authority in that part of syria. >> keep assad in power?
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>> that may be with bashar al-assad in power but the russians have also indicated they may have some flexibility, they're probably looking for other alternatives of someone who is stronger. because remember, the russians came in because the bashar al-assad regime was losing ground so quibltion. quickly. >> well i guess the question is can russia with its military might shift it so bashar al-assad is the strong president he used to be? >> that's a big question. clearly, the russians with some help from iran and hezbollah, are doing more to bolster the regime. they're carrying out some offensives, the kind of fixed wing aircraft and helicopters that the russians have in latakia are mostly oriented towards ground support. they clearly want to support the syrian army. but whether that will work or not is unclear. the russians are telling their own people that their forces
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will be out in a couple of months. but that's probably not realistic, if bashar al-assad's regime is losing so much group before. if russians pull out, bashar al-assad regime may be in trouble. >> with the economy in russian suffering, so how long will the russians be willing to pay for a military exercise like this? >> that's ah that's still to be determined. still to be, still no support in russia for russian soldier casualties in syria. that would be quite controversial. but with the russians relying plainly on aviation, helicopter and aircraft support to syrian forces, that will reduce the risk of russian soldier casualties. >> ambassador good to have you on the program. thank you very much. russia's use of cruise missiles dramatically expands the scope of the intervention in syria. until today russia had limited
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its attacks. more than 50 bombers fighters and ground assault jets to syria. it has not explained why mixes were used today instead of planes. former army major mike lyons is in the studio, i see those shots of missiles going up, reminds me of iraq, now we are seeing them for syria. >> to show iraq and the rest of the world that they have the capability of doing that. there is no reason to fire those cruise missiles 26 of them from the caspian sea. who knows what those targets were? >> from the see, the ground and the air, russia is making a play here. how long? >> they only have to worry about one quarter of syria now, that's not what the ambassador really didn't mention, if he saves that
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bottom corner ever syria russia can claim victory and get out of there real quickly if they need to be. we're having proxy war. antitank missiles that are in their positions, against anti-tank weapons. >> talk about the weaponry and how expensive this is. >> what happened is by coming into the fight right now with armored vehicles and other equipment they have they've notched up and now made it more difficult for those rebel forces that had limited equipment, ability to deploy against the assad government. >> these are forces that are fighting assad but not i.s.i.l? >> right. russia has tipped the balance to the assad army. now whether you can say it's been tipped from the region or from a strategic position that may be left to be seen. but bringing russian men and
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their airplanes to the field has tipped it in their favor. >> what's it going to cost? >> vladimir putin is not going to stop. he's going to pay it down later. he's got nationalistic people at home feeling good about russia making this contribution. >> how far does he go? >> he goes as far as keeping assad in this. if assad sais in powe stays in s really won. you. >> but assad is not knocked out of syria? >> not at all. russia and u.s. flying missions against each other is a real problem. >> tell us how dangerous this is. >> secretary of state john kerry saying there was deconflicting -- >> what does that mean? >> that russia would fly above this north south line and u.s. flying below this north south line. the united states is surely not
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going to say to russia we're not going to go to a certain place. >> mike lyons thank you very much for explaining. impoverished eastern european country of mu moldova. >> they could make a dirty bomb if you have heard of such things. radiation is high and explosive over a territory. radiation is high, bad for the health. >> translator: said multiple times these substances had to get to must have a real buyer from islamic state to make a dirty bomb they would be the most interested in buying the radioactive bomb and the american state must be annihilated.
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>> according to the associated press the fbi has helped stop four attempted sales of radioactive material to mul doafs ah in fivmoldovain five y. enough money to care for up to 10,000 people. all the proceeds will go to the united nations refugee agency. coming up on this broadcast. swollen rivers. the new danger in the carolinas after days of flooding rain. plus. >> you are at the mercy of the sea. there isn't much you are going to do once you don't have propulsion. >> caught in the storm. piecing together what sank the cacargo ship, el farro. the only way to get better is to challenge yourself,
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it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. >> south carolina residents are bracing for even more flooding as they wait for the water to recede. pushing rivers near the coast to the verge of overflowing. officials are keeping a close eye on the area's dams. paul beban is in columbia south carolina, paul. >> reporter: john, you can see the destructive power of water. i'm standing in a canyon that used to be a two lane highway after water breached the beaver dam up stream. most of the damage around columbia has hatched around this watershed.
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there are some 200 lakes and ponds each with its new dam. the question is now, will the rest of those dams hold? for the second straight day the sun was out, across most of south carolina, but even as cleanup and recovery operations picked up steam governor nikki halley warned there's more to come. >> while the sun is out this event is not over. >> a major source of ongoing worry, south carolina's dams, groaning and giving way. >> of the thousands of dams across the state in south carolina, 62, we are monitoring, currently right now 13 that have already failed. so we will continue to monitor those as we go forward. >> overnight, the 50-year-old beaver dam in columbia was on verge of becoming the 14th to
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fail. people living below it were told to get to higher ground, warned that the dam could give way any minute. crews worked furiously to shore it up with hundreds of sand bags and you are 40 tons of rock. just as they thought they had it stabilized am, a water main exploded. it was turned off and the dam held. south carolina has hundreds of dams, many of them privately owned. the state has warned those owners to watch them safely, take appropriate step to safely lower the water in the reservoir if the anticipated storage is needed. residents below the beaver dam were breathing a little easyer .
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even though the rain has stopped falling many the floodwaters are still moving downstream. >> things are getting better in the mid lands. things are about to get worse on the coast. >> reporter: john, of course the ongoing concern here is mostly focused on these privately held dams. what we've learned is they were built sometimes 50 or 60 years ago by developers and privately held, run by homeowners associations and over the years as those homeowners associations turn over people tend to lose track of what their responsibilities are. maintaining these dams, no specific information that that's what led to the failure here of the beaver dam but it's something the officials say they are going to be looking forward to very closely going forward. john. >> what is felt is the preparation ahead of flooding? >> mixed picture, sheriffs going door to door, getting texts or
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getting alerts at your homes. if you are not watching twitter or don't have your cell phone on iin the middle of the night, there's no emergency alert. that's what they think going forward will need to happen in the case of catastrophic flooding. thank you paul. why tens of thousands of prisoners could soon go free. plus. >> we understand there's a homicide problem in san francisco. we just disagree that's what's going to help curb it, we don't think it will. >> why san francisco's last gun store is closing up shop.
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>> hi everyone this is al jazeera america, i'm john siegenthaler. >> sprung like thousands of federal prisoners are getting out early and what happens next? going places. i.s.i.l. has hundreds of apparently new toyota trucks. no one seems to know how they got them. plus, farewell to arms. >> we understand why they are doing it. we understand there's a homicide problem in sprans.
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san francisco. we just disagree that's what's going to help curb it. >> what's making san francisco's final gun store finally call it quits. last minute negotiations are underway in detroit tonight. fiat chrysler is troi trying tod a huge and costlye. if the new contract is not in place by midnight its workers could walk off the job. john terret has the story. >> yes, good evening john. there's been little stomach since 2008 when billions of taxpayer dollars propped up the car manufacturers. sales of jeep chrysler and ram
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have been fairly good. but with united auto workers union threatening to walk out tonight, fiat chrysler could lose billions in revenue. >> fiat chrysler is the weakest of the three. to force it, to consider other alternatives such as taking current investment in the united states and putting it elsewhere. >> last week, the uaw volted to reject current agreements. >> the members have spoken, they've expressed their dissatisfaction with the agreement and it's their opportunity to, if an interim agreement isn't reached between now and midnight which doesn't look likely, to express themselves through some sort of a job action, if that should happen. >> among the union's demands, cost of living pay hikes and an end to a tee tie two tier pay s.
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>> the two tier needs to disappear. we all work and do the same thing. we all need to get paid the same. >> reporter: other matters in the negotiations, reduction in the length of shifts, a reduction in health care. >> for mexico you could produce cars for eight or $9 an hour. and there's been a tremendous amount of growth and employment in the auto industry and auto parts industry in mexico, tremendous growth in capacity, they estimate they might be able to build 5.5 million vehicles in the near term. >> the labor union strikes at certain plants or work slow downs is due to start at midnight eastern. tension is are said to be high, whether workers will be at work or on the picket line. >> strike is no good for
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anybody. but if you can't come to a fair conclusion i guess that's what might happen here. >> i think the company is going good and it should treat the workers fair. >> reporter: if they can't sort out their differences at chrysler there are fears that strikes will spread to gm and ford. workers at those companies are awaiting for outcome at chrysler. will set the tone for the other three. the contract runs out at 11:59 eastern tonight. i believe it was extended about a week out of goodwill but this is as far as the union is prepared to go. >> we'll be watching john, thank you. volkswagen says it plans to recall ought the vehicles involved in the testing scandal. the auto maker last week admit it rigged its vehicles to
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perform better on tests. ceo mattias mueller. trucks feature promptly on online videos by i.s.i.l. the group appears to have a large fleet of toyotas. now the u.s. government is investigating how they got them. courtney kealy reports. >> reporter: toyota pickup trucks have been fixtures in i.s.i.l. propaganda videos. hundreds are featured in iraq, syria and libya and now counterterrorism officials are trying to figure out why and asking the japanese auto giant oto help. toyota says it does not know how the ft. group got vehicles.
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in a statement toyota says. toyota's four wheel drive trucks are known for their durability under extreme circumstances and the availability of parts to keep them running and they've been used for decades in war torn areas. for price of a certainly top of the line u.s. army tank you could buy 150 toyota trucks which are easier and cheaper to maintain. and i.s.i.l. is not the first group to use them. the taliban have driven them in the rugged terrain of afghanistan. and the houthis have used them in the yemen conflict. in the 1990s somali militants
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bolted machine gungs on the back. incidentally, toid toyota does sell a type of car called the isis, an acronym of the islamic state. courtney kealy, al jazeera. >> the u.s. coast guard is ending its search for the missing crew members of a cargo ship that sank last week during hurricane joaquin. 38 people including 28 americans were on board the el faro, when it disappeared in the caribbean last week. lisa stark is here with more. lisa. >> be national transportation safety board continues its investigation, it would like to
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find the ship's data recorder but it's likely underwater, 15,000 feet of water. so that will be a big challenge to bring that up. right now, there are a lot more questions than answers. we weren't to one of the nation's leading maritime education facilities to talk to captains there, experienced captains, about what crews on the water might face. >> allen, would you increase the speed of the ship to full sea speed. >> reporter: it's a position no ship captain wants to be in. staring down a category 4 hurricane. with your ship taking on water, and most critically, having lost engine power. >> you are at the mercy of the sea. there isn't much you're going to do once you don't have propulsion. >> this is as closing to that reality as some hope to be. we're in the world's largest ship similarity sim simulator.
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the man at the controls can whip up winds of 54 miles an hour, seas of 52 feet, frightening enough but far less than those on board the el faro were facing. >> we don't hear the screeching of the wind, the waves crashing into the side of the ship. everything in the wheelhouse sliding from one side to the other. including coffee pots and mugs and pencils and dividers and rulers and whatnot. it can be chaos up here you know if you don't have everything nailed down. >> captain michael davidson at the helm of the el faro was highly experienced. he would have planned his route with the most up to date information available. in this case the hurricane forecasts were all over the map. >> all those models, eight different models all changed, they changed in a period of hours. >> as the ntsb continues to piece together what happened there are few clues from the water. the ship's life ring an
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overturned life raft, a victim in a survival suit. a clear indication how dire the situation had become. putting on these heavy favorabll suits, to get into these conditions in a pool, imagine what it was like in a hurricane with waves taller than this building and 140 mile-per-hour winds. abandoning ship is a last resort. >> abandoning ship in something like this, would be difficult and even after you put the life boats in the water, how survivable would it be in seas like this? >> everything from the condition of the ship to its engines to any company pressure to get underway even with a storm
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brewing. >> how much pressure is there if any on captains to make a run no matter what? >> there's always pressure. marketing sales, make promises to customers. they expect your christmas trees your ornaments, race cars, barbie dolls to be delivered on time. the captain, it is his imperative to protect the cargo and the crew. he has the overriding authority not to succumb to these pressurize. >> reporter: and it may well have been a safe trip despite the hurricane. but once the engines failed, el faro and its crew were helpless to steer away from danger. now the owner of the el faro tote services says there was work being done in the engine room to retrofit the ship for future use but it insists that would not have led to the failure of the engines. of course the ntsb will be looking at that very carefully.
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>> all right lisa thank you very much. 6,000 inmates are about to get out of prison early. critics say decades of tough drug policies have unfairly hurt minority communities. the release, one of the largest prison discharges in u.s. history, will begin at the end of this month. thousands more could be released in coming years. maurice shama is a reporter, for an onsite organization focused on prisoner conditions. what is the situation? >> decided to allow for a reduction in sentences for these drug offenders. >> in federal prisons? >> in federal prisons, precisely. there are a number of drug offenders in state prisons.
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this is a focused class. >> people in communities all over the country might hear the number 6,000 and be afraid that crime's going to increase. how would you react to that? >> well i mean it's important to put it in context that every year federal prisons let out tens of thousands. state and federal prisons put out hundreds of meticulous of prisoners every year. it is not clear this group of people who have been kind of categorized by judges as nonviolent are any more or less likely to commit crimes when they get out. in fact many of them are quite old and there is sort of an effect where people kind of age out of crime. >> you see some people committed violent offenses and they get out in a shorter period of time. but drog offenders because of tough laws have served much longer sentences right? >> in the '80s and '90s, sort
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of pursuing really tough policies, that have put people away for much longer periods of time for drugs, crack epidemic, a major problem in urban areas and a major political moment that now feels 20 years old. >> we mentioned the federal government is taking this action. is there a chance that states will begin to do the same thing? >> states for past five to ten years have started to kind of on a ground level look at sentencing policy. a lot of states have looked at how to give shorter sentences. >> they are facing overcrowding in many states. >> and the federal prison system is dealing with serious overcrowding in their prisons. >> what about people who say they need to serve their time, they deserve it? >> that's a moral call and a judgment call and there is the sector of society that is going to be opposed to it.
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and the legislators many whom we elect, tension between what the public wants to see and what judges and politicians are willing to do. >> how would you create a justice system that punishes people who violate the law but doesn't send them to prison forever or for a long time? >> it is a very, very hard thing to do. you're looking at balancing all kinds of interest groups, all kinds of intense and frawtz vantage points that -- fraught vantage points that people are coming from. someone who murdered their son or daughter or even drug offenders in this kind of case, get out earlier than they feel are just. you're always going to have disagreements and the best case scenario is figuring out a system that works for everybody, that's what a democracy is about. >> maurice, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> a battle over washington,
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d.c. over a new gun store that opened you right outside an elementary school. a fairfax county supervisor says it isn't break any laws, should probably relocate, he's even offered to help the owners find a new location. parents have been protesting saying it sends the wrong message to kids. now to san francisco, highbridge arms is the last holdout in a city with very strict gun croalz laws. thcontrol laws. the manager says he's finally had enough. melissa chan has the story. >> inventory is clearing quickly. as highbridge arms closes at the end of the month. the city's last gun control proposal was simply the last straw. >> this year it's something and
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next year probably something else. we understand why they're doing it. we understand there's a homicide problem in san francisco. we just disagree that that's going to help curb it because i don't think it will. >> reporter: the bill would require a video record of every gun sale in the city. it would also require the store to submit a weekly report of ammunition sales to police. because this is the only gun shop in the city the bill pretty much targets highbridge arms. >> working in 2015, san francisco lost not only it's itt gun range but its last gun shop. the result of many years of pressure from city officials. >> city supervisor mark farrell. >> congress has failed us to protect us, it is left to the cities to our own devices to do what we can locally in order to protect our residents. >> reporter: he says there's
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nothing revolutionary about what he proposed. san francisco is actually following other places such as chicago which already videotapes gun purchases. >> the ammunition seams data, is also in multiple other jurisdictions in california. >> reporter: this is after all liberal sprans and many people here don't like guns. but workers at highbridge arms say, these resolutions are against the attitude of the city. >> if you don't impose it on me, don't bring it to my door, i don't really care, i simply ignore it. >> the bill is to be discussed before the city's board of supervisors votes. if the player mayor -- mayor signs it into law. mems smetalsmelissa chan.
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al jazeera, san francisco. requires existing buildings to double their energy efficiency by that date. brown had tried for an even more aggressive bill. he attempted to cut the amount of petroleum california uses in half. in the occupied west bank today there were more violent clashes between palestinian youth and israeli forces. antonio mora has more. >> john, forcing prime minister benjamin netanyahu to postpone atrip to germany and a call for the nation to be on alert. it's also raising concern of a third intifada, a long term uprising by palestinians. earlier i spoke to one of the architects of the oslo peace accords. he believes peace talks must occur between netanyahu and
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mahmoud abbas. >> some think the situation would get worse if the two met, i do not share that opinion. the chance for getting something out of it which might move the process forward definitely would be there. >> hear much more of my interview with larson in my next hour, including the major difference what's happening now john and back in the '90s when he helped broker the oslo peace accords. >> we'll see you in the next hour. coming up in the rest of this broadcast, a very personal journey. >> it was the beginning of something bigger. >> my conversation with author aspen matis, finding herself on the journey of a lifetime.
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>> i can only imagine the trauma you went on in college and deciding to take this journey. how tough was it to write it down? >> wow, i think in a way it was harder, because i had to not only like reexperience like you know, the smell of you know his skin, or like sort of relive and return to those moments in order to write them effectively, but i also had to make some sense of them. i had to kind of take what was confusion and turn it into something worth reading, hopefully, that would bring you to new wisdom and shed light on the way out of a trauma. >> so did you think that if you took this journey, that your focus on what had happened to you would slip away?
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that it -- that you wouldn't have to concentrate or think about it? >> it was sort of only after my belief in the infrastructure that i believed in for so long, that had always been told to put my faith in, college, united states, higher education, until every infrastructure cracked, kind of failed me. i mean my college found the boy who raped me to be innocent. and that meant that i was guilty of lying. and so -- >> can you talk about -- >> i had no more reason to stay. >> what was that light, how tough was that? >> well, it was devastating. it was -- again i put my faith in a system. i went through the colleges, they call it conflict mediation process. which in retrospect is absurd. as if a violent felony could be
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mediated like a playground fight. when i was 18 this is what they advised me to do. you could go to the police but you have no evidence, nothing has really come of it, you have waited over 72 hours it's too late to perform a rape kit, you can go through the college's mediation, or you can do nothing. the first was presented in a very bad light and doing nothing is doing nothing. the rape response coordinator who i went to told me, we will get a conviction and he will be expelled. in retrospect how absurd. even if she were correct and this were true that the punishment for sexual assault, a violent felony is oh, you have to leave this school. but in fact that isn't even what happened. so i wrote my testimony. and he wrote his testimony.
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and i remember when the mediator handed me his testimony and i read it, he did not claim that we had had consent yul sex. consential sex. we simply wrote that we had never had sex. and that absolutely blew my mind. and yeah, and so they found him to be innocent. they allowed him to remain on campus. which really upsettle me and i remember the mediator said to me, well, you know, if he's accused of raping another girl we'll take it really seriously. >> they told you to go through this process. you don't get any justice in the process. and they say well maybe the next time? >> oh yeah. so when he potentially ruins someone else's life then we'll maybe take it seriously. >> all these things you've done
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take tremendous courage. thank you. >> to speak out, to tell your story. in the face of people who say you're lying. what do you want to say to other women who either have endured a sexual assault, and gone through similar things that you've been through, what did you want to say with this book to them? >> this was not your fault. short shorts don't cause rape. weed doesn't cause rape. vodka doesn't cause rape. rapists cause rape. no one causes rape but rapists. you should have to know that, and really know that, let yourself know that. and any shame you're feeling is misplaced shame, it's not shame on you, shame on him. >> what do you want the universities to know and do that they're not doing now? >> yeah so what i didn't understand whether i was 18 that i really wish i had known was
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that colleges have brands. and they put a lot of money into the creation of their brands and the protection of their brands and the last thing aa university wants is a rape conviction on their campus. >> its hurried the brand. >> it is not in the best interest of their brand to find out what is true. and to have justice served. so what i would ask colleges and i know it's not realistic because money is, you know, powerful, but i would ask them to put the humans who are attending their school, their safety, their happiness their futures, before their brands. >> that's an incredibly powerful story and an important one. >> thank you. >> and it's called girl in the woods by aspen matis. thank you sthank you very much.
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