tv News Al Jazeera October 12, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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♪ >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello, welcome to the news hour from al jazeera in doha and i'm adrian and our top stories israeli security forces shoot dead a palestinian man in jerusalem as it goes across the occupied bank and west gaza. the bombing and the government says that i.s.i.l. is the prime suspect. at a court iran convicts a washington post journalist in an espionage case his employers say is purely political.
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>> the top sport this monday ire land beat france at the rugby cup but the intaer national career of their captain appears to be over. more on that in the program. ♪ we begin this news hour in occupied jurisdiction lumbar where a man was shot down by lion's great in the old city and tried to stab one of their officers and he is the 25th palestinian to be killed by israeli forces since the beginning of this month. meanwhile in gaza a rally has been held in solidarity with other palestinians across the west bank at occupied east jerusalem and follows on from weeks of protests sparked by tension over jerusalem's mosque compound and we are in bethlehem
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in the west bank and mike is in jerusalem and what more do we know about the incident where a palestinian man was shot and killed? >> reporter: well, adrian as yet there has been no independent eyewitness verification of exactly what happened in the sequence of events and we have the statement from police that the man attacked four israeli border police at the gate of the entrance to the old city, they then fired on him, killing him. however, what is not known is whether any attempt to made to arrest him before he actually carried out the alleged attack and indeed if he was armed what was he armed with. details that may emerge with incoming hours, this was the second knife attack within the last 12 hours. overnight there was an attack in northern israel and significantly the attacker in this particular case was a palestinian israeli, the second attack in which a palestinian israeli has been involved in an
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attack on essentially fellow israeli citizens, significant because palestinian israelis planning a series of demonstrations in coming days and indeed a nationwide strike tomorrow. >> let's get live now to bethlehem and al jazeera is there ahead of funerals that are due to take place there, tension continues to rise, what is the mood there in bethlehem? >> reporter: well, this is actually the flash point where usually according to the people i spoke to who own businesses in this area there have been daily confrontations with the -- between the protesters and the israeli army and you see just behind me here the separation wall and behind that is where the israeli army is positioned. you see all of the army is littered with stones and there is also another type of weapon that the protesters use here and
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it's little marbles and the ground is littered with this and tell me in the afternoon and in a couple of hours they do expect and take precautions there will be renewed caution because as you mentioned a young teenager died during clashes near ramallah yesterday afternoon and a 13-year-old boy and received a rubber bullet if the back of his head. that funeral is supposed to start shortly after friday prayer and it's some sort of apprehension that sorry not friday prayer but noon prayer there is some sort of apprehension that after that the youth will go back to that flash point near the settlement and will be renewed clashes there. elsewhere in the occupied west bank we heard about some fighting not on a large scale and not very intense into karam
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and that is all we have for mother. >> in bethlehem. turkey's prime minister says the government is close to identifying the two suicide bombers that it says carried out saturday's attack and amid says that i.s.i.l. is the prime suspect, the turkish air fore has pounded kurdish rebels following the deadly bombings but pkk says the group will maintain the ceasefire in honor of those killed and we have the latest from ankorer. >> reporter: with funerals happening throughout the day or the victims of the horrific attack that happened in unkara tensions on the rise in turkey at this moment. the kurdish minority in this country feeling aggrieved, accusing the government time and again of not having done enough to protect them especially at rallies like the other one that was held and 100 people were killed and hundreds more wounded and let's not forget that is the third rally that had pro-kurdish
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activists since june and attacked since people have been killed and the one that happened in july on the border with syria at least 30 people were killed in the attack and hundreds wounded and coming at a time when there are increasing political divisions and parliamentary divisions happening in a few weeks on november first and because of that the political divisions in this country really widing when the government is calling for unity and it's going to be hard to establish that unity especially for the akp ruling party in turkey and we expect that the cabinet will meet and will discuss the skron going investigation and try to determine who is behind these horrific attacks that happened and expecting a spokesperson for the government will be coming out with a statement once again calling for unity and all of this happening at a time when tensions are rising and the situation deteriorating and turkey is in multiple fights including against pkk and
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against i.s.i.l. and a lot happening in turkey and a complex situation and doesn't look like it's going to get any easier any time soon. nato says that russia's support forci syria's support f bashar al-assad is talking about gaining territory with air strikes and shows a russian attack in idlib province and syrian troops say they have taken control of the area and meanwhile russia's president vladim vladimir putin met to discuss conflicts and says moscow is not planning to form an alliance with iran in syria. iran along with russia are the main syrian government's allies and russia says the bombing campaign is only targeting i.s.i.l. positions and reiterated his support for president bashar al-assad.
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>> translator: we don't want to get involved in any religious conflicts in syria and have only one goal to support the legitimate government and create additions for a peaceful solution, that is how initial position and we stand by it. >> u.s. president barack obama says he doesn't agree with the russian approach. >> what we have not been able to do so far and i'm the first to acknowledge this is to change the dynamic inside of syria and the goal here has been to find a way in which we can help moderate opposition on the ground but we've never been under any illusion that militarily we ourselves can solve the problem inside of syria. >> reporter: syrian and kurdish forces fighting i.s.i.l. say they are joining forces with some arab rebel groups and new military alliance is called the democratic forces of syria, the syrian kurds or ypg are backed
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by the u.s. fore midable force and managed to take large parts of northeastern syria and has the support of christian and arab tribes but not more hard line opposition groups such as al-nusra front. recently u.s. abandon plans to train level saying they will only provide weapons who those who are vetted and we go to zaina and what more do we know about this new alliance? >> reporter: well, adrian this is a significant government and democratic forces like syria like you mentioned and groups like the ypg, the syrian kurdish force in northeastern syria as well as arab groups and christian fighting brigades on the ground and all these groups have fought with i.s.i.l. in previous generations but now they formalized an existing alliance and what we understand their role to be, it will be to
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fight aisle and a democratic and secular syria where all the different groups can live side by side and they are also telling me that they're hope ing this alliance will be the nucleus of a new army in syria and i managed to speak to a high-ranking official in a democratically autonomous area and an area under control of kurdish administration, what he is saying is that this unification on the ground was necessary because of changing dynamics and he talked about the russian military intervention. what he also told me was that this new force has the backing of both the united states and russia and signs on the ground really indicate or lends credence to those claims and just a few days ago the u.s. said we are not going to train a rebel force to fight i.s.i.l. and provide groups who we have vetted on the ground and the u.s. has worked with these groups in the past. they have provided air cover to these groups when they have taken on i.s.i.l., the russians
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were meetings a few days ago between russian officials as well as syrian and kurdish officials and heard the head of the syrian kurds we are ready to work with any group who wants to fight i.s.i.l. and the question is will this group be the nucleus of an army and who they will work with against i.s.i.l. and possibly be part of a new army because we have to remember russian officials keep talking about saying we are ready to work with fsa groups and we would lake to incorporate those groups in the army, it's too early to say but undoubtedly this is a significant development. >> dana is live in beirut. five nato military personnel have been killed in a helicopter crash in the afghan capitol kabul and two were british and five others injured when the aircraft went down at nato's headquarters and says the craft was an accident. a court in iran has convicted
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u.s. reporter jason rezaian in an espionage case but it's unclear whether he has been sentenced and the washington post chief has been held more than 400 days on allegations of spying and always disputed the, the washington post that is, that rezaian is a spy. >> how jason's case will be handled is political authorities, not judicial ones and we heard from president rohani saying they will move it to conclusion if the united states will do something in return so i really think that the court process that has been going on for months and months and months in some ways is just the first act, that the final decision needs to be made by iran's highest authorities. >> al jazeera's kimberly has more now on the details of rezaian's case and the campaign to free him. >> reporter: for months his name has flashed outside the headquarters of the washington
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post reminding passersby that for more than 400 days one of their own newspaper reporter jason rezaian has been held in captivity and says his time in prison has been difficult. >> jason has been isolated for much of the time in custody. he spent a lot of the months in solitary confinement and had really very little contact with the outside world. >> reporter: rezaian was arrested along with his journalist wife and to photo journalists in 2014 and all were eventually released except rezaian who was charged with espionage and charged in secret inside this tehran court and his family maintained rezaian has been incents. >> he loved iraq and so infectious he has a career of sharing the beauty with others. >> reporter: he was born in california and holds dual iran and united states citizenship and joined the washington post as it's correspondent in 2012
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and worked for release and appealing to a human rights panel for help. at a black tie dinner in washington the president of the united states spoke about rezaian's imprisonment. >> jason has been in prison for writing about the hopes and fears of the people. >> reporter: eliminating the program that rezaian and others in iran said would be freed as part of the deal but the white house says the issues are separate and the agreement was signed without their release, and rezaian's time behind bars has been troubling for the washington post foreign editor and says the increasing trend of locking up journalists is alarming. >> we are used to the threat from armies and from wars. what we have seen in the last couple of years is just as troubling, the governments seem to be arresting and holding journalists for the crime of acting as journalists. >> reporter: paying a
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substantial price for attempting to tell the story that governments don't often want to be told. >> from the news area from al jazeera votes account attempted by the torch light in the presidential pole and the second since independence 60 years ago, travesty in south korea as they change the way they teach the country's past and tell you why. back from the brink and we will tell you how the toronto blue jays kept the series alives with the rangers in the baseball playoffs coming up, next. ♪ russian gas company has resumed supplies to ukraine after receiving advanced payment of $234 million and they stopped supplying gas to ukraine in july after a price dispute. under the deal ukraine's state energy company will have to pay
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a total of $500 million and moscow hiked the charges for ukraine following last year's moscow's leader yanukovich and talked about the east of the soviet nation and give us some background to this news, rory. >> reporter: well, it took weeks of negotiations, tri lateral negotiations with the gas and involving ukraine and involving the eu as well as a mediator to get to this stage. they were talking about what sort of price they would be charging and finally got to an agreement towards the end of september and now we have the gas flowing again so it's a combination of a long process really. ukraine is paying $230 per 1,000 cubic meters of gas and it's not a particularly bad deal for
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ukraine and it's more than they wanted to pay and higher when the relations between moscow and kiev were much better but it's less than moscow charges the other long time european customers and it's also less than kiev was paying when gas was flown before in 2015 so things have not actually worked out too bad for kiev here. having said that though it's a sign of how poor ukraine is at the moment, how bad its finances are and it cannot actually afford to pay for it itself. the money going into the gas coffers which of course is a state-controlled company and therefore going to the russian state is coming from russian institutions in form of bailouts. >> rory what are the political implications of this and what does it mean for the war in the east of ukraine? >> well, russia of course has a
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representation as a country and energy exporting country that uses energy as a political tool for pressure rising its customers, pressureing the neighbors and seems like the conflict is deescalating and seems like the rebels in the east and the government in kiev are finding more common ground, both of them are pulling their weapons back from the contact line in donbask. the conflict seems to be at least for the moment winding down a little bit. now many people predicted this would happen if moscow escalated its activity in syria which it is obviously doing and many people said if that happens then the conflict in eastern ukraine might die down a little and maybe we could have a look at the gas bill of being a feature of that particular landscape and can also look at it more of a
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business deal with more business orientated eyes and say russia is a gas exporting country and needs to export gas and the other needs to import gas and therefore these two brokers and these two players would have to come to a deal like this at some point and they have been. >> rory challenge in moscow. egyptian media is reporting that the sons of the former president mubarak are to be released from prison after a court on sunday ruled they completed their three-year charges of embezzlement in a case known as the presidential palace case. you will remember the former president himself hosni-mubarak was convicted in the state and embezzled funds ear marked for the renovation of egypt's presidential palaces, more on that when we get it and the two
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will be released from prison in egypt according to egyptian media and hundreds of people marched in the capital minsk after alexander porteshenko and ruled for the past 21 years. votes counted in guinea election and the first democratically elected president is tipped to win a second term, election campaign was marred by violent clashes between pro-government and opposition supporters, al jazeera's victoria reports. >> reporter: this is new again any's second democratic presidential election since independence almost 60 years ago and voter turn out was high but as people waited to cast their ballots they were talking about the violence that marred the election campaign. >> translator: peace be assure
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in again any and shake hands, we are all brothers, same mother, same father in guinea. there is no racism. everybody should know these things. everybody should come out to vote. that is all i ask of the guinea people. >> reporter: estimated out of 7 million people eligible to vote 6 million people cast their ballot, among them president konday widely expected to win a second term. >> translator: i came to perform my civic duty and hope things do well because gwinnett any needs peace and guinea needs unit coy. >> reporter: 72 union observers part of a delegation which monitored the vote. >> translator: from a certain electoral materials opening there were some polls opening and things will be able to be fixed and which i understand is being fixed and to this moment we feel we are seeing an election living up to our expectations. >> reporter: one of the main opposition parties the usdg called the election a masquerade
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and said fraud was widespread. >> translator: this is a time to be vigilant, and short of the vote of the people are guinea are expected and security and the best candidate wins. >> reporter: nearly 20,000 police officers and security guards were deployed as people headed to the poles and in the end voting took place peacefully, but as election officials count the votes people in guinea are braced for more possible violence once the result is announced. victoria with al jazeera. south korea is to write its own history textbook for school children and the government says the subject is being taught currently with factual errors and critics say it's trying to portray the president's father the 1960s and 70s dictate ner a better light and harry faucet reports from seoul. a monday afternoon history class in a seoul secondary school and this is on the foreign powers in the 19th century and on desks are one of
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eight authorized decembers -- textbooks to choose from and the government will bring in its own single text to be called the correct history textbook. >> translator: it is an inevitable decision on the part of the government to correct errors on historical facts and put an end to bias and history textbooks. >> reporter: critics say it's the result of direct pressure from the president to ban issue the image of her father the strong man dictator of the 60s and 70s and correct what conservatives see left leaning teaching of north korea history, more than 50,000 people signed a petition against the move, protests led by teachers and academics. >> translator: it will mean the context of the textbook can be suited for the taste and if solid academic findings are used in the writing of the book the
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contents is be changed and distorted. >> reporter: the enslavement of comfort women of japanese before and during world war ii is strongly on the school syllabus and that subject is facing further standardization so as well as a single textbook the government is introducing a new set of teaching materials specifically to promote what it calls an accurate understanding of japanese sexual slavery and correct awareness of history. conservatives fear patriotism in classrooms where information is largely absorbed rather than debated and will go on in the political sphere with further chapters in the fight to overturn this decision, al jazeera, seoul. >> let's hear a review from kim who is an ajunct processor and says south korea is reverting to its old ways. >> korea is going back to the old system, up until seven years ago korea had a one history book
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and in the past seven years and it has a new kind of system where different publishers will introduce textbooks chosen by each school that will be used and going back to the history and going back to the past and the special event will continue on because the voice is very strong and very strong about government dictating one version of history and calling it the right history. actually it's interesting the name of the textbook will bear when it's introduced one year from now and will it be the right history to the textbook and people are saying this government dictated right kind of history which we are very one sided one. >> i'll show you a few there with heavy rain and even snow in some parts of eastern europe and here to tell us more is metrologist richard and it's early october. >> i know but the weather charts
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have changed in the last week with the cold air progressing across this adrian and you can see the swave of cloud in eastern areas and developing weather system running into colder air toward the north with a clash of cold and north air. in the last 24 hours it's causing local flooding in slovania and the cloud to the north which is turning to snow on the forward edge as it meets the cold air coming down from the north and as i run this animation in the next 24 hours we can see the area of snow expanding and moving through poe land and down to far west of ukraine and probably dies out heading into tuesday and recovering during the day and still it's the first indication that winter is on its way. elsewhere things are looking pretty unsettled. we have heavy rain pushing into
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the balkins during the course of tuesday and also some rain across there that moves across the mediterranean and looking unsettled here and the circulation and cold in and berlin really struggling temperature wise and a high of just seven degrees and not so bad in france with paris 11 and madrid at 21 but as i say there could be heavy showers across much of this region over the next couple of days, adrian. >> you are with the news hour and we visit a village that is pushing the government to lift a ban on hunting plus years after winning a fight in the water we visit a bolivian town to see why the taps are still dry. the first u.s. state to ban them from using the name redskins and a decision that could have consequences for washington's nfl side, details coming up, in around 15 minutes. ♪ the only way to get better is to challenge yourself,
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hello again adrian in doha and our top stories this hour, egyptian media reporting that the sons of former egyptian president buark released from prison after they completed their three-year sentence of charges of embezzlement in a case known as the presidential palace case. palestinian boy shot and killed in occupied east jerusalem identified as 17-year-old katib
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and israeli police say he tried to stab one of their officers and responded with gunfire, he is the 25th palestinian to be killed since the beginning of this month. syrian kurdish fighters say they are joining the mix to fight i.s.i.l. and united under a military alliance known as the democratic forces of syria and comes as they continue the air strikes in support of the syrian government. now australia is negotiating with the philippines to resettle the refugees that it is holding on the pacific island and agreed with cambodia last year to transfer asylum seekers from the island and so far only four refugees moved and they ridiculed the scheme and cambodia is an expensive failure and cost nearly $55 million and australia intercepts any refugee boats arrife r rooifing on the shores and sends them to camps
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in new guinea and we report from manila. >> reporter: the philippines has a long history of accepting refugees from other asian countries and as far as europe and provided sanctuary to hundreds of refugees who fled from vietnam during the civil war in the 1970s and built a ve vietnamese village and settling in other countries and those who attempt to reach australia by boat is not quite the same. australia has reportedly offered over $100 million to the philippine government in the span of five years to take the refugees, something that officials here have strongly denied. >> in this issue of migration of the refugees, we can consider but at the same time we have to take into account our own resources and capabilities. >> reporter: refugees tried to
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reach australia showers have been sent to hundreds of prisons on the islands in papa new guinea in the tiny pacific nation of malu where living conditions are difficult for many and they set the refugees who tried to reach australia by boat but $55 million arrangement has been criticized by many. australia has taken a long stand of people taking the boat to minimize death at sea. >> the resolve of the prime minister and myself and the whole nsc the whole of the cabinet and the government is to make sure that we don't allow deaths at sea to recommerce and absolutely determined to stay down the threat of people smugglers and not allow the boats to recommence. >> reporter: since australia is the signatory to the 1951
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convention of refugees it has the responsibility to do more. >> is it fair for member states to transpose its responsibility to other member states, that is an important question which must be answered, you know, in full consultation with all concerned stakeholders. >> rights groups say australia can afford to look after asylum seekers and settle them this a country that is largely impoverished and the backlash for the government they also worry that resettling asylum seekers here have smugglers considering philippines as a drop off point too, manila. >> and we go to a spokesman for the australia advocacy group refugee action coalition and
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joins us now live from sidney and many people watching around the world will see australian policies as truly shocking and how on earth did it become consensus across the political spectrum, do you see it changing any time soon? >> well, it is a shocking situation. we have got two of the main political parties that have just decided it is political with an advantage to be seen and hashed on refugees and convergence of policies between the two parties and the only way you can get elected in australia and we disagree and at a time where public opinion has been a majority against policies we are seeing now with off-shore processing and at the moment we are starting to see a change in community opinion and once again opposing people settled on the
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rue and people horrified about bha the government is doing to people in the room. >> many people around the world and obviously people in australia too will see it as a racist policy and what harm is this doing to australia's reputation? >> it's doing incalcuable harm and the people who come to australia are australia's responsibility and shouldn't be a menace and not in cambodia and not in the philippines and the government's approach to the philippines is one indication of fundamental flaws in the off shore processing arrangement and doesn't have settlement arrangement and none with popa new guinea and 55 million and four people have been willing to go there, it's clearly dead in the water as well. i don't think the philippines will agree either. there are fundamental
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contradictions which at the end of the day i think will make the off shore processing arrangements completely unsustainable and do agree lot of damage to the people involve and asylum seekers and to the international reputation and it's racist and zenophobic, no doubt about that. >> reporter: cambodia did get $55 million in additional aid from australia which is now negotiating with the philippines as well to transfer asylum seekers there and only four people have been transferred and some have been on there for what two years? >> yes, i would say yes now, it's very clear that cambodia cannot resettle. it's a very poor country they have been able to bribe and coerce rights of asylum seekers
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and that is the problem australia has got, international community recognizes the people in australia's responsibility and able to bribe and new guinea and cambodia and don't think it's the same for the others, you cannot buy rights. an officer who shot dead a 12-year-old boy carrying a toy gun acted within reason and see if charges should be in the case of tamir rice and allen fisher reports. >> reporter: a video shocked the u.s. and world, a 12-year-old playing in a park in cleveland, ohio playing with a toy gun and missing the orange cap which would indicate it's a toy and a man is scared and the man sitting in the background called police and said the gun was probably fake. >> it's probably fake but do you know what it's scary. >> reporter: that wasn't passed
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on to officer tim who fired the fatal shots, within seconds of arriving on the scene or his partner. he also had no idea the victim was just 12 years old. >> shots fired. male down. um, black male, maybe 20. >> reporter: anger brought protesters on to the streets across the country and seen as another case of excessive police violence against the black community. >> i want to thank everybody for supporting my little brother and i don't know why they did that, he was only 12, he wanted to play basketball in the nba. >> reporter: local prosecutors had experts papers that have been released and no doubt that rice's death was tragic and where one considers his age heartbreaking but for all of the reasons discussed here in i can conclude that the officer's belief that rice posed a threat of serious physical harm or death was objectively reasonable
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as was his response to that perceived threat and former f.b.i. agent kimberly crawford said not only was the officer required to make a split-second decision but the response was a reasonable one and could not say the weapon was anything but a real handgun and they say the reports are part of a white wash and grand jury in cleveland will decide if the police officers involved are to be charged, allen fisher, al jazeera. bolivia president has called for a conference on climate change ahead of a u.n. summit in paris in december. in his country the city people fear their voices won't be heard at the confwrens, many still don't have access to running water as daniel reports. >> she wants clean running water so she doesn't have to climb to this tank every morning or pay $6 she can't afford to fill it
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with three weeks of water and pays more than the wealthy residents there commits to a working system. speaking through a translator she told me she wakes every morning unsure whether her limited supply of water will cover her family's needs. carlos heads the neighborhood water committee unable to raise the funds to renovate this broke end system. >> translator: the water will never reach us, how many years before they build a proper system? they said we will have one by 2018 if they start work now. but there aren't any funds. >> reporter: this and other neighborhoods gain control of their water in 2000 after the people won what became known as the water war and thousands rebelled when the system was bought by a foreign company and prices rocketed. water is the issue here. who owns it, who protects it and who distributes it, it's a venue
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for an international conference that looks at the mistakes made and the lessons learned, lessons that the rest of the world are increasingly having to face. 15 years after the water war nearly half the population still doesn't have access to running water and relies on these trucks for expend -- expensive water deliveries. >> translator: we want control of the water that belongs to everyone and should be managed by everyone but the quality is poor so is the management and access, some neighborhoods have little or no access. >> reporter: wells are running dry while the authorities fight an often futile battle to cleanup lakes and rivers. >> translator: the water war was a historic achievement which many studies but unfortunately real progress since 2000 until the present day has been limited. >> reporter: it was said that the water war was a victory for the people over international
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corporations but until the whole population has access to the clean running water that most of us take for granted, their fight will continue. daniel with al jazeera, bolivia. just ahead in sport we will round up sunday's euro 2016 qualifiers as one nation celebrates reaching the finals for the first time in its history, we will be right back. ♪
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game hunting two years ago for conservation and since then the wild animals thrived but increasingly coming into contact with villages and want the ban lifted and tourism profits that it brings and we report. >> reporter: the sleepy village in northern botswana and used to earn $300,000 a year through big game hunting and local land was leased to organizers but hunting was ban two years ago. >> lions and elephants coming to the village and don't know whether it's because during hunting they were kept busy by almost the way front at that time. >> reporter: lost all by one of her goats to a nighttime lion attack. >> translator: there are no jobs in the village and we rely on livestock for income for my family and applied to the government for compensation for
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my lost animals but i'm still waiting to be paid. >> reporter: fewer resources means the village cannot continue the patrols to keep dangerous animals and porchers out and development projects including installation of modern sanitation have come to a halt and urging them to promote to to tourism but the process has been delayed. >> the problem is we stopped hunting before we met the photographic activities and structures in place, that is where the problem is, so we migrated to zero. >> reporter: the village in the delta is surrounded by wildlife including elephant, buffalo and hippos and kept wild animals away and provided it with meat and want it lifted but they say the no hunting law is the best way to prevent conservation and
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the country environment minister says in a population of thousands 40 elephants have been porched this year. >> more communities will benefit from non-comsumptive tourism and our product is wildlife and if we can increase the numbers the offshoot of that would be more tourists. >> reporter: believes it will only benefit as neighboring countries return to hunting and wildlife seek refuge across the borders, miller with al jazeera, botsw botswana. >> time for the sport. >> last game of his international career and injured in the world cup win over france and will avoid the champions new zealand in quarter finals. >> reporter: may have led his team on melinnium lead and the
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lack of concentration changed after being crunched in the tackle in the 24th minute and anguished as he walked off. just before half time ocontinual inadvertently did the splits tearing his hamstring and needed oxygen and feared he may have played his last game for ireland. despite losing key players ireland extended the half time lead to 15-6 and scored the next try in the 50th minute. and match in the 77 minute and they scored against the post. in replacement they had a 24-9
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win and quarter final against argentina and giving them a week to assist the injuries. >> the update i can give you it doesn't look great and looks like an upper hamstring and have to wait to make sure the inflammation has decreased a little bit. >> and last year it is a big root there. >> reporter: argentina had nine tries against libya and the last 64-19 win the prop johnny who stepped out of his comfort zone with the conversion attempt that didn't go well, mark graham, al jazeera. so the quarter final line up looks like this next saturday's
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action starts with two-time south africa playing whales and new zealand take on french and took them on in 2007. and on sunday they face argentina and in the last match australia plays scotland, for the first time the host of the quarter finals and host england, they are already at. and the next world cup will be hosted by japan who finished the tournament with a win over the united states and beating south africa in opener and japan not able to make it to the end and winning third and final 28-18. now futbol germany have the result they needed to make sure of tar their place of the european champ -- championships and 2-1 win over georgia and do
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head to the finals as group winners. congratulations to albania and qualified for a major tournament after the 3-1 win in alnenia and means they finished above den mark. >> very happy, tonight was a special night because we met our match and our dream came true and we go against france and we are so proud, very proud. >> we are proud of france, yeah, france. >> reporter: also through from group d and republic of ireland into into the playoffs after losing 2-1 in poe land and northern ireland with romania going through automatically and portugal ahead of albania and
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den mark where they go through to the playoffs as well. now after 45 people have been injured following violence at a domestic game in the democratic republic of congo and happened with darby fans of the two teams in the game between the clubs came together for well as you can see some very disturbing pictures and there were no reports of serious casualty. california has become the first state to ban using the redskins team name or mascot in public schools, use of the term created national debate with the nfl side and washington red skins in a legal dispute and several native groups protesting at the games and encouraging the fans to pressure the league for the nickname and the law in california will go in effect on january the first. to the latest from the major league baseball playoffs now
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where the toronto blue jays are alive in arlington for game three of the division series and the blue jays in the playoffs for the first time in 21 years and have to stay in the game and it was struck by troy and has been hitless in the playoffs so far but 3-1 in the sixth inning 5-1 win and 2-1 behind the ra rangers in the series. >> it was huge and in the moment i was definitely pumped up and got to where everybody is obviously excited to put us up by five i believe was, you know, a little breathing room, i think that is the goal down 2-0 coming in to texas was hopefully getting on the board first and we did that tonight, kind of what they did to us in toronto and hopefully tomorrow do the same thing and get back to
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toronto and see what game five is. astros lead 2-1 and the home run helping them to 4-2 win over kansas city and astros continuing good form in post season and knocked out the yankees in the wild card game. >> we've got good players and a good team and i've often kind of down played a little bit of how good that we feel like we can be or how good these guys are coming up, in the moments and to watch guys flourish in some high pressure, high intense only game on today until later and those coming out parties for our club is good especially a young club like this. for the sport head to our website and check out al that is all your sport for me and i'll have more later. >> thanks indeed and no one know whose they are or why exactly they do it but for several years a mysterious group has been
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putting puzzles on the net and the brightest people in code breaking are left scratching their heads and john hendron reports. >> reporter: this puzzle has the brightest minds in the world perplexed and confounded first by the becausel itself, one of three placed on the internet by mysterious saying it's 3301 and second by a bafflingly question who is behind it. >> nsa has speculated as mi 6 and cia terrorist groups like al-qaeda. another possibility is that it's a big hoax. >> reporter: solving the puzzle requires knowledge and art and literature with medieval poetry and looking up qr codes like this taped to telephone poles and sold and it started in 2012
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when 3301 published an internet puzzle and claimed to be recruiting highly intelligent people and looks like a text miss adjust but it's a picture, a digital imagine and you can see the original programming language it contains a hidden message. >> the message at the end of the file and it's completely ignored by the jpeg viewer. >> reporter: google said it was the fourth emperor of rome and four as the key and american standard code to translate ones and 0s in language they turned this into a web address a picture of a duck, inside that image another message was hidden leading them to this page and so on and so on. the f.b.i. is so concerned about hidden messages they asked him to explore what can be hidden in an audio message, the also a lot. that is a clean windows xp shut down sound. this one sounds identical but
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hidden in the program language is an entire lecture he gives in class and the audio file is exactly the same size and 3301 says those who solve the puzzles can join the secret organization and now there have been three puzzles each on january 4, in 2012, 2013 and 2014 but this year even something more mysterious happened, nothing, there was no puzzle. >> maybe they got tired or maybe whoever was doing it ended up being wiped out by a drone someplace. >> reporter: whatever the reason the programming world will be waiting and watching next january 4th for a chance to join 3301, whatever that is. john hendron, al jazeera, chicago. >> fantastic and that is a story and that is it as far as the news hour is concerned and stay with us on al jazeera, i'll be back with the latest top stories in just a few moments, see you then. ♪
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♪ breaking overnight, convicted in iran after more than a year in jail and reporter jason rezaian is found guilty of espionage. the west bank and gaza and forced a shooting kill of a palestinian man in jerusalem. i'm jonathan betz live in new hampshire where for the first time donald trump and bernie sanders
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