tv News Al Jazeera October 12, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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i'm delaware. the news continues live from doha, london. >> at least two palestine yankees are shot dead and israelis dead and injured, after violence in jerusalem and the west bank.hellwest bank. hello there i'm barbara serra, live from doha. military alliance against i.s.i.l. more fooun rams i funerals in te bomb attack.
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i.s.i.l. is the prime suspect. as wildlife thrives, following a hunting ban in botswana, the big game hunters back. hello there, thank you for joining us. israeli forces have shot dead at least two palestinians in another day of violence in occupied east jerusalem and the west bank. a palestinian woman was shot dead, as she allegedly attacked forces with a knife. earlier, a palestinian teenager was shot dead, niers lion's gate. near lion's gate. two israelis are in criminal crl condition. one later died. a rally has been held in
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solidarity with palestinians across the west bank and occupy east jerusalem. the israeli parliament has opened after its summer break with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu briefing parliament about the issues. >> we have fronts and board police in jerusalem and all over the country. we are taking responsibility on ourselves destroying terrorist houses, we are wiping the people who are against us and the islamic movement. we are fighting against the molotov cocktails and the stones and taking revenge for the people who have been killed. i expect the support of the opposition party in these actions and also in establishing the law against this wave of terror. >> andrew simmons is in east jerusalem. tell us about these security measures that the israeli prime minister was talking about there. >> well, a very grim note when
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the israeli knesset came back from its summer recess. there are a raft of measures going through knesset to stiffen laws against stone-throwing or any other object for that matter. a minimum sentence has been imposed for three years jail sentence for any offender. further more, parents of under age teens, who are in charge of these offenses, not only could they lose fines but also social security. basically, netanyahu is setting out a firm hand, a controversial one. but six weeks ago when some of these measures were put up there was some resistance. now with the present mood, it's highly likely
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what's happening on the streets now, barbara. >> tell us more about what's happening on the streets of israel, west bank, east jerusalem right now. we are seeing the spiral really of attacks. is there any kind of coordination behind them, think sign they are going to decrease the number or perhaps increase? what's the mood there? >> reporter: there appears to be no end to this at the moment, barbara. it is hard to engage, it is the
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worst possible scenario in many ways for the security forces and indeed more importantly the intelligence community in israel. because there is no coordination. there are no leaders involved in this. these are genuinely so-called lone wolf attacks. and what's worse is the young nature of those involved. furthermore we have a self perpetuating situation, because palestinians are living in absolute fear for putting their hands even in their pockets. so many security forces around, border police, army, there is a clear policy amongst the security forces to shoot and possibly ask questions later. and not to actually -- to pause out. so there is a real feeling amongst palestinians right now that everything is stacked against them. these attacks are very -- random
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in their nature. and quite, quite basic. however, they do threaten the government in a way that it's not seen before, in any real sense, and putting extra measures against offenders will that solve things? unlikely, barbara. >> andrew simmons with the latest from west jerusalem, thank you. meanwhile, al jazeera's hoda abdel hamid is in bethlehem, sending us this update. >> are there have been detail confrontations between the protesters and israeli army. you see here behind me the preparation wall and behind that is where the israeli army is. all around me it's littered with stones. and i notice there's another type of weapon that the
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protesters use, little marble of all colors. marble balls. the ground is littered with that. people tell me every everyone they do expect and take precautions that there will be renewed clashes. because a young teenager died during clashes near ramallah yesterday afternoon. 13-year-old boy he received a rubber bullet in the back of his head. elsewhere in the occupied west bank we heard fighting, not large scale not very intense. ♪ >> turkey's prime minister says the government is close to identifying the two suicide bombers that it says carried out saturday'saturday's bomb attackn ankara. i.s.i.l. is the prime suspect. funerals meanwhile are taking place all over turkey for the victims of the blast.
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97 people were killed. thousands attended this funeral in tucelli for two communist labor party members who died in the explosion. bernard smith was at one in istanbul. >> reporter: when the bodies arrived the crowds chanting, martyrs do not die, they have also chanting i.s.i.l, erdogan murderer. there is wide belief that the state is somehow explicit i com. all because of the stirring up of national all because of the stirring up of national sentiment in the last few months. the bombings the responsibility or blame somehow on some unnamed fowrunnamedforeign powers who wo
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destabilize turkey. the names are unknown. although intelligence sources are stated to have believed they are part of i.s.i.l. forces of islamic state of iraq and the levant are joining together with smaller rebel groups to forge a new military alliance. the situation on the ground remains fluid. president assad's regime holds the majority of the west, i.s.i.l. has taken an area centered on their de facto capital raqqa. kurdish ych ypg is now conferrig with the forces called the democratic forces of syria. claiming to have the backing of the united states and russia. the syrian arab forces will lead a renewed push to retake territory from i.s.i.l. zeina khodr has more on what
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this means on the ongoing conflict. >> reporter: syria's kurds have been the most effective force against i.s.i.l. on the ground with the help of the u.s. led coalition air strikes. much of this area is knew under their control. they have been fightings alongside some arab groups and an assyrian christian group, calling them the democratic coalition of syria. >> now the situation is changing very quickly, so this force is made up, this reunification ton ground. >> reporter: the new group says its role will be to fight i.s.i.l. and push what it calls for a democratic and secular syria and one day become syria's new army. its leaders say they have the backing of the u.s. and russia. the announcement was made days
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after the u.s. said it was abandoning plans to train some of the rebel forces and instead provide weapons to commanders who have already been vetted. the u.s. has already worked with brigades. it is targeting opposition groups as part of i.s.i.l. as part of its military campaign in syria. among the groups coming under fire are conservative are brigades, not part of the new alliance and not supported by the u.s. now russia says it is ready to cooperate with the u.s. led coalition. >> translator: we are interested in coordination between the coalition, including gulf countries and our service men working in syria. syria >> reporter: the democratic forces much syriforces of syriaw
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force, as a new kurdish and arab face. zeina khodr, al jazeera, beirut. picture post card goes face to face with the refugee crisis. controversy in syria where textbooks could become a thing of the past. more on that in just a few minutes. >> ground-breaking... >> they're firing canisters of gas at us. >> emmy award-winning, investigative series.
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another day of violence in israel and palestine. a palestinian teenagers was shot and killed near lion's gate in the old city of jerusalem. in a separate attack in a settlement outside jerusalem two palestinians were shot after stabbing israelis in critical condition. and syrian forces fighting islamic state of iraq and the levant are joining together with smaller rebel groupings to forge a new military alliance in the northeast of the country. germany's ruling coalition is pressing ahead with plans to set up a so-called transit zone at its southern border to assess asylum applications. chancellor angela merkel has taken a welcome stance, but as jonah hull reports, there are signs this her policy may be losing public support. >> reporter: when chancellor angela merkel delivered what appeared to be an open
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invitation to refugees earlier this summer it is likely that even she did not foresee the effect germany would take in 800,000 people this summer she said, the number could be double that. here are we in a germantown, and over there austria. here is the place where picture post card meets the facing of human tragedy. how long do you think you will stay here? >> the rest of my life. >> the rest of your lives? >> yes, the rest of the year. >> but there are signs that germany's generosity was wearing thin. mrs. merkel was tapped to win the nobel peace prize, she didn't. even germans of ordinary type are turning against her
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policies. >> translator: one of our main concerns is unlimited migration could create insurmountable problems. >> reporter: already, problems are mounting. videos posted on social media shows fights gross in overcrowded reception centers. shortage of winter housing. >> i think many people here. >> reporter: too many people. >> too many people. just waiting. just waiting. >> reporter: waiting for what? >> i don't know. >> they don't tell you? >> no no no. >> reporter: so what do you think will happen? >> i don't know. >> reporter: perhaps most significant is the change if public opinion just over half of all germans say they now fear the refugee influx from a third during the summer. >> i think we can take a lot of them. but not all. we have no -- no houses, no flats, we have no charts, they
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have to learn german. it's a problem. >> reporter: do you think chancellor merkel made a mistake? >> we will see. we will see. >> reporter: so the finger-pointing has begun and while chancellor merkel insists the right to asylum has no upper limit germany it appears just might. jonah hull al jazeera in southern bavaria. >> migration is an issue in australia as well. the country is in negotiations with the philippines to resettle refugees it's holding on the island of faru. only four so far has been moved. from manila, jamilla allen doang reports. allendogan reports. >> they built a viet na vietname
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settlement, not quite the same same.australia has reportedly offered over $100 million to the philippine government in a span of five years to take the refugees. something that officials here have strongly denied. >> in this recent issue of my vision refugees, we didn't consider but at the same time we have to take into cow count ourn resources. >> sent to hundreds of prisons in papua new guinea. where the living cns are difficult foconditions arediffi. the $55 million arrangement has
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beth been criticized by many. australia has long taken a hard line stand for asylum seekers who tried to reach their shores by boat. the policy is to prevent death at sea. >> i want to reiterate in the strongest possible terms the resolve of the prime minister and myself of the cabinet and the government is to make sure that we don't allow deaths at sea to recommence. that we absolutely are determined to stair down the threat from people-smugglers and to not allow the boats to recommence. >> but the united nation the unh commissioner for refugees says it has a responsibility to do more. >> is it fair for member-states to transpose its responsibility to another member-state? that's an important question which must be answered in full
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consultation with all concerned stakeholders. >> rights groups say it is a burden to resettle them in a country that is largely impoverished. also a potential backlash for president aquinno's government. jamilla alendoggan ? , al jazeera. >> national terrorism committee said it found explosive in an apartment it raided. no details have been released about the number of suspects or their identity. the russian gas company gazy
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gasprom stopped supplying gas to ukraine, ukraine will have to pay a total of $500 million. russia hiked the price it being provided to ukraine. rory challands has more. >> after weeks of trilateral talks concluded last september, ukraine now has a gas supply once more from russia. it's paying about $230 per 1,000 cubic meters of gas. now, that's actually not a particularly bad deal. it's slightly less than it was paying at the beginning of 2015, before the taps were shut off in july of 2015. it's also a bit of a discount on what russia charges most of its other long term european customers. so you could say this hasn't
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worked out too bald fo badly foe but ukraine still doesn't have really the money to pay for this. so pretty much all of the cash that's going into russia's state covers, gasprom russia has a reputation fairly notorious for using energy exports, gases as a means to pressurize and control its neighbors in europe and other parts of the world. now what's going on in eastern ukraine at the moment? there does seem to be a notable tamping down of the conflict there. it seems as if the two sides, kiev and the pro-russian separatists, are starting to talk to each other, finding more room for agreements. there are people who predicted
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this. people who said that as russia increased its commitments in syria it would start decreasing the conflict in creurch. sin eastern ukraine. you can look at the gas deal as a feature of that geopolitical landscape. >> no longer standing guard outside the ecuadorn embassy where julian assange is held up. famed tfailed to surrender to c. says that 24 hour presence is no longer proportionate. a decision to bring in a single history textbook for south korea's schoolchildren is attracting controversy. critics say it's trying to portray the current being
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leader's father in a better light. but the subject is being taught with factual errors. from seoul, harry fawcett reports. >> a monday afternoon history class in a seoul secondary school, foreign powers in the 19th century. on the desks are councilmembers of eight authorized textbooks that schools are permitted to choose from. the government announced it will be bringing in its own single text could be called the correct history textbook. >> translator: it is an inevitable decision on the part of the government to correct errors over historical facts and put afternoon end to social disputes caused by ideologic bias in history textbooks. >> critics say it is as a result of the current president, park did geun-hye. what conservatives say is overly sympathetic left-leaning
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direction of north korean history. >> it would mean the contents of the textbook could be changed to suit the state's taste. the contents can be changed.and distorted. >> japanese soldiers before and during whroornt world war ii. largely absorbed rather than debated. the debate will go on in the political sphere though with the option promising further chapters in their fight to
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overturn this decision. harry fawcett, al jazeera, seoul. >> an american dentist who killed a famous lion in zimbabwe will not be charged by the authorities. walter palmer shot cecil the lion, an online petition to indict palmer that went all the way to the white house. palmer will not be charged because he had obtained legal authority to conduct the hunt. well, it's a topical issue. two years ago, botswana banned big game hunting to try apromote conservation. since then some animals have thrived but some want the big game hunters back. being famida miller reports. >> used to earn $300,000 a year from government sanctioned big
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game hunting. but hunting was banned two years ago. >> since the ban we have seen more lions and elephants coming into the village. we don't know whether it's because during hunting lions were kept busy by the carcasses, of animals athat were shot at that time. >> she loss all but one of her goats to a late nigh lion attack. >> we rely on livestock for income for my family. i have place been waiting to be. the process has been delayed. >> the problem is, we stopped hunting before we made the
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photographic activities, structures in place. that's where the problem is. so we didn't-we migrated to zero. >> reporter: the village in the delta is surrounded by wildlife including elephant, buffalo and hippos, hunting kept wild animals away and provided the community with meat. they want the ban lifted. the country's environment minister says in a population of thousands under 40 elephants have been poached this year. >> more communities will benefit from nonconsumptive tourism. it goes for entire year and it employs more people. and now product on tourism is one life. if we can increase those numbers obviously the offshoot would be
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more tourists. >> wildlife seek refuge across its borders. famida miller, al jazeera. much more on our website, >> convicted on espionage charges. the u.s. state department is working to get jason rezaian out of an iranian jail. a captainless ship. house republicans are looking to replace john boehner and one name keeps popping up.
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