tv News Al Jazeera October 13, 2015 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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vie loans between palestinian and israelis escalates. ♪ ♪ hohello, this is al jazeera, live from doha. i am adrian finnegan. also ahead reports from the mh17 crash in ukraine is due to be released but won't answer a question if he. >> plus. a criminal report on the humanitarian situation in vinnie. malnutrition has tripled. forget the fairytales, authors
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in argentina give young girls real south american icons to look up to. we begin with breaking news in israel where a person has been killed nay shooting on a bus in jerusalem. let's go live to west jerusalem. al jazeera's mike hannah is there. mike what, do we know about this incident? >> reporter: well, this attack apparently took place on a bus right on the seam line between west jerusalem and the occupied east. according to police, two palestinian os got on the bus examine opened fire. a number of israelis were wounded. the paramedics say one person was dead on the scene. one of the attackers was also killed. another of them has been arrested. a anybody of israelis have been injured in the attack. at least one of them listed as in a critical condition.
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this followed another attack in the religious neighborhood. a man drove in to a bus queue and started stabbing. police say he was apprehended. earlier on a number after at in the central israeli city. there a palestinian lightly injured israels. according to police he has also been arrested. clearly the most serious in gentlemajerusalem. >> thank you, mike. since the beginning of october 27 palestinians and four israelis have been killed in violence across israel in the occupied west bank, there were a string of attacks on monday, andrew simmons reports. >> reporter: this is the ugly reality of what's happening here. a young pal tip general in agony, shot by police who hey she's been part of a random stab ago tack on two young israelis. in the background, a crowd
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goading on the police, one man is shouting, shoot him in the head. the teenager is in hospital with serious injuries. along with the two israeli victims. police say they shot dead his accomplice, another palestinian teenager. this is one of a trail of knife attacks and police shootings, monday was one of the darkest days in occupied ease jerusalem this since this crisis began, it started with a so far teen-year-old man shot dead. police say he tried to stab a board boarder policeman, later a school girl is shot and injured. police say she stabbed an officer. israel's prime minister called it all knife terror. he said tougher measures against offender including minimum jail sip 10s for stone throwers will be part of a fight back.
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>> we are fighting on all front, we have added forces and border police in jerusalem and all over the country, we are taking responsibility on ourselves. destroying stair orist houses, wiping out the people against us and the islamic movement. we are fighting again the molotov cocktails and the stones and taking have you venge for the people who have been killed. i expect the support of the opposition party in these actions and also in establishing the law against this wave of terror. >> reporter: israel's opposition while agreeing tough action is needed, accuse netanyahu of failing to take control. as the politicians debated their next moves came another attack. this time police say a palestinian stabbed and wounded a soldier on a bus in restless wes jerusalem. according to police he tried to get the soldier's gun and civilians grappled with him. the boss stopped and police boarded killing the man.
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this isn't about suicide attackers or car bombs it could be anybody with a grudge, shot notice, pulling a knife. crude, random violence. and there is another fear, one that's just as deep set. as these attacks continues, questions over the tougher measures police are use increase. palestinian leaders believe the police are using summary justice, killing before considering any alternatives. no one is sure how or when this cycle of violence will end. andrew simmons, al jazeera, west jerusalem. a 13-year-old palestinian boy who was shot dead by israeli forces on sunday has been bared. hundreds attended the funeral possession for him at the refugees camp on the west bank, he was killed when an isreali soldier fired a rubber-coated steel bullet. aid agency uncief says the number of children suffering from malnourish.
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in yemen has tripled since the war began according to hey any report more than half a mill children under the age of five are severely and acutely malnourished but only 6,000 have been screened where the heaviest of the fighting is taking place. 1,729 of those children severely affected have been admitted to feeding programs. al jazeera has more. >> reporter: mia is one of many children in yemen whose lives are at threat. she suffers from malnutrition and needs immediate treatment. her mother traveled a long distance to get to this hospital in the capital sanaa. facing complications of months of malnutrition. >> translator: my child is sick. he had one surgery, which cost $2,000. now the doctor says he needs another. all this caused by malnutrition,
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we are very poor my husband had to borrow the money for first surgery. >> reporter: the level of malnutrition is yep senna wrong the highest in the world. the situation made worse by the conflict. i want national aid agencies are worried about the war. they say if it continues, many children will die. >> the situation is terrible. now after six months of conflict, we have half a million children who are severely and acutely malnourished. the same time last year, we had less than 160,000 children. so it's got three times worse. >> reporter: this hospital in sanaa was targeted many times. doctors here fear they may have to relegate to a temporary clinic if the saudi-led air strikes continue. other hospitals are overwhelmed with the growing number of casualties. putting thousands of malnourished children at further risk of death. al jazeera.
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dutch investigators are due publish their final report in to malaysian airlines flight mh17 which was shot down over eastern ukraine last year. all 289 people on board the bo boeing 777 died in the crash. it will answer some questions about why the plane was taking that route but won't apportion blame. >> reporter: it was meant t to have been a routine flight between amsterdam and koala lumpur. one of many planes traveling high above of fighting in eastern ukraine. >> but for the passengers of mh17 this is where their lives ended. 298 people were killed, including 15 crew. most of them were dutch. >> there are so many questions at this moment. >> reporter: dennis is among hundreds of family members desperate for answers. his brother-in-law donnie was killed. he was on his way to the far east on holiday.
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>> we have lost so many lives and, of course, a lot of families have -- they have not been the same anymore. all families have changed and that's something that is -- that will stay forever. >> reporter: soon after the disaster, the in thisser lands ordered an investigation. an early report cop colluded that the plane broke up in midair. after being hit by high-energy objects. it didn't explicitly say the plane was brought down by a missile, but it ruled out virtually everything else. ukraine and some western leaders accrues pro-russian separatists of booze on using a puk buk sure to air missle launcher. the report will focus four key areas, the underlying causes of the crash, the last moments what they were like for those on board, were they conscious or not. and why the families of dutch
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victim had his to wait two days before receiving any confirmation that their loved ones were on board. the report will also try to answer why mh17 made the fateful decision to flyover a war zone. >> in the weeks leading you want to shoot down of the malaysian 17. there had been military planes shot down at greater altitude. so there was already an indication that sophisticated weaponry was in the conflict zone. >> reporter: wanting the report will not answer -- one thing the report will not answer is the burning question of who is responsible. a separate criminal investigation led by dutch detectives, will report its findings at the end of the year. evidence that could lead to charges of war crimes and murder. we know where the plane crashed. and investigators are about to reveal their final thoughts on why. but we don't know yet know who, beyond re reasonable doubt is to
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>> we're here to fully get into the nuances of everything that's going on, not just in this country, but around the world. getting the news from the people who are affected. >> people need to demand reform... >> ali velshi on target weeknights 10:30p et ♪ ♪ held going, the top stories here on al jazeera. there has been a shoot on the ground a bus in jerusalem on the dividing line between the occupied east and west. it's rays i media says that at least one attacker has been killed and that the other shot
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and injured since the beginning of october 27th palestinians and four israelis have been killed in violence aid agency uncief says the number of children suffering from malnourish. in yemen has tripled since the war game. six months since the conflict the aid agency says there are now more than 500 children under the age of five is severely and acutely malnourished. dutch investigators are due to publish their final report in to malaysian airlines flight mh17 that was shot down over eastern ukraine last area. all two crate nine aboard died in the crash. turkey's deputy prime minister says several people are being held over saturday's bomb attack in ankara which killed 97 people. the government believes that isil is behind the attack. but many people blame the government. and are questioning security arrangements. more now from al jazeera's
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mohamed jamjoon in annik ankara. >> reporter: you can see it in their faces. you can hear it in their size. with each passing hour, sadness deepens. with every passing day, resentment grows. >> translator: in the heart of the cap, in ankara and these explosions occur, this races so many questions. >> reporter: since the attacks near ankara's main train station on saturday, two of his nice have his been missing. she was mother to three children. seen here on the right she was the mother of two. both were a ending it a peace rally when the suicide bombers attacked. in the painful wait to locate their bodies he and his relatives are as ainge red so ay are sad. >> how can begin say there is no security weakness when it comes to these situations?
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how do people bring the bombs here? how do they enter the scare? how do they detonate the bombs? >> reporter: as questions while up satisfactory answers have yet to be found, these tents were set up immediately to accommodate the families of victims movement of the people here are curr dirk, they have donated dna to help authorities identify the remains of their loved ones, family members wait outside the forensic authority complex. former had been working the fields had her vellum when she third the news. >> translator: my daughter came here if a peace rally. did she have a gun in her hand? no. she came empty handed. she just came to ask for peace. >> reporter: like many other kurds, she accuses the government of treating her like a second class si citizen. >> translator: i have been here for the last three days, i have gotten no information whatsoever. is my daughter dead or alive? if she is dead, then show me her
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body. show me nigh flesh and blood. no one here is helping. >> reporter: at a time of great tension in turkey, it's clear more and more of the during dish population feels aggrieved and targeted. >> translator: we lived together for 1,000 years, how come today they call us separatists. we are just pro peace. we are just living for peace, and dieing for it. evening in our death we are asking for peace and peace only. >> reporter: that so many people were killed at a rail where they were demanding peace only makes it hurt that much more. with trauma this severe, these wounds will be extremely hard to heel. mohamed jamjoon, al jazeera, turkey. the results are not yet in but guinea's opposition says it won't accept the winner of the presidential election. all seven opposition leaders running against the incumbent wantal ballot annulled because of what they allege is fraud. the main opposition leader has called the poll a charade and
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says ballot boxes were stuffed and voters intimidated. the first of six u.s. democratic presidential candidate debates will get underway in las vegas later on tuesday, former secretary of state hillary clinton is facing tougher than expected competition from senator bernie sanders, white house correspondent patty culhane takes a look at his sudden popularity. >> reporter: you just wouldn't look at bernie sanders and think political rockstar he should doesn't come across as overly groomed. he's far from young and hip. but he is drawing the biggest, most enthusiastic crowds on the democratic side of the race. >> they are sick is & tired of establishment politics. >> reporter: his politics often described as socialist. he's blunt and unlike every past presidential candidate. he refuses to run negative campaign ads. and it seems to be working. on the campus of georgetown university, his support is
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pretty easy to spot. >> hi, do you want to learn about bernie sanders. >> reporter: these supporters say they don't just like him. they love his policy. promising to raise the minimum wage, a polish mass incarceration and tax reform. >> would you like a cookie. >> reporter: he's promise to go make college free for everyone, by taxing cal wall street. activist kaleb students were excited barack obama, but not like this. >> the take up for the sanders campaign was really fast. and emerged organically and it's been really intense as well. >> i do want to be the champion forker day americans. >> reporter: and sanders is coming close to clinton on fundraising she raised $28 million last quarter. he raised almost 26 million, unlike clinton his cash is mostly coming from small donors, another selling points for these students. >> i think that bernie is doing a really good job of bring ago tension to like the working class. and the people who don't necessarily have the same voice and pull and national politics.
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>> reporter: but most analysts are skeptical the enthusiasm will last. >> it's really unlikely at that bernie sanders wins, he's an extreme member of the democratic party. he's far to the left of the average democrat. and when you look at electability and se eventually a lot of democrats will look at who will win they will question bernie sanders' credential. >> there is nothing, nothing that together we cannot accomplish. [cheering and applause] >> reporter: his supporters' response, the last time hillary clinton ran around this time, everyone assumed she would be the nominee. but in the end, it went to the candidate no one thought could win. patty culhane, al jazeera, washington. the u.n.'s refugees agency says that more than 5,000 refugees were arriving in serbia from macedonia every day. and that there is no sign that
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flow of people will ease. the u.n. says that 13,000 have entered serbia in the last 48 hours alone. and it's predicting another surge in the coming days. more than 170,000 people have passed through serbia on their way towards europe this summer. and refugees are continuing to arrive in italy, more than 700 people mainly from syria and eritrea were rescued off the coast of libya on monday the aid group doctors without borders pick he had them up in two separate operations, they have been taken to the italian island of sicily. germany's chancellor angela merkel says her country can't handle the refugees crisis alone. she is heading to brussels for a european union sum out thursday. where she will appeal for help from other states. merkel is under pressure her coalition partner to his limit the number of asylum seekers entering germany. jonah hull reports now from bavaria. >> reporter: when chancellor angela america of the delivered what appeared to be an open
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invitation to jeff recipientses earlier this summer, it is likely that even she did not foresee the effect, germany would take in 800,000 people this year she said. the real figure could be almost double that. this is the point where picture postcard meets the face of human tragedy. how long do you think you will stay here? >> if they will have me for life. >> reporter: the rest of your lives. >> yes. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: but there are signs that germany's generosity is wearing thin. last week mrs. nickel was tip today win the nobel peace prize for her humanitarian leadership. she didn't. >> evening her closest political allies are turning against her policy on jef refugees. how many more people can germany take? >> translator: one of our main
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concerns is the unlimited migration. >> reporter: problems are mounting. videos showing fights breaking out in reception centers. state government reports a shortage of winters housing. >> i think many people here. >> reporter: too many people? >> too many people. are just waiting. >> reporter: waiting for what? >> i don't know. >> reporter: they don't tell you. >> no. no no. just waiting and eating, sleeping. >> reporter: so what do you think will happen? >> i don't know. >> reporter: perhaps most significant is the change in public opinion, just over half of all germans say they now fear the refugees influx up from a third during the summer. >> i think we can take a lot of them. but not all. we have no houses, no flats, we have no jobs. but first they have to learn
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german. it's a problem. >> reporter: do you think chancellor merkel made a my snake. >> we will see. we will see. >> reporter: so the finger point pointing has begun and while chance her merkel insists the right to asylum has no upper limit. germany it appears just might. jonah hull, al jazeera, in southern bavaria. the united nations says there is enough food in the world to feed each and every one of those, but almost 800 million people are going hungry every day. the u.n. has released a bleak report on global food security for millions of people. haiti tops the list. more than half of the population there isn't getting enough food. that's more than 5 million people. the next three country on his the list are all in africa, more than 40% of the people in zambia, the central african rib republic and namibia go hungry. that adds up to 10 mill wrap
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people. fifth on the list is north korea. 40 bun% of its population go hungry there. contrast that with the amount of food going to waste worldwide. around a third of food produced globally, more than a billion tons wasted each and he have year. mexico, however, has a new initiative to avoid food waste and help the needy. john hulman reports. >> reporter: the mexico city wholesale food market in the biggest in the world according to the government who run it. it's a hive the activity. 30,000 metric tons of meat, fruit and vegetables move through here every year. which means a huge amounted wasted food. an estimated almost 800-tons daily. the government and civil organizations agree that's a problem. which is why ng on. food for earn is trying to make sure that excess gets to those who need it most. they have set up food banks just outside the market. >> every mornhinweg to mexico
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wholesale city market to get individual arvegetables and mea. >> reporter: us not just a mega market with a waste problem. a country where 27 million people suffer from hunger and bad diet throws a staggering amount of produce in the bin. more than a third of the food mexico produces goes to waste. that's about 30 million-kilos, but if just part that have food on coup get to those in need. no one in mexico would go hungry. >> reporter: right now mexico rescues only 2% of wasted food. ng on. s say it could do much more especially if the huge farms which comply us and mexican supermarketted donated instead of dumping the produce their clients reject. >> we have a huge opportunity to bring the food to the food banks and from there and deliver it to the people which is in need.
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>> reporter: better roads and more specialized transport are needed to do that as well as tax breaks to encourage firms to donate. opening a food bank of their own in the whole air market. >> translator: yeah, definitely the country is changing. we are seeing vulnerable groups need support in their solidarity hheaded up by the government and civil society. >> reporter: in practical turns that means three scale meals a day for these children in one of the school benefiting from the food fortunate food banks fox, a nation which has long struggling to feed itself. it seems a way forward. john hulman, al jazeera, mexico city. damsels in distress have been placed by real life heroins. teresa bow reports.
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>> reporter: nadia and he have come to the slum to show children something new. tired of classic disney stories, they invented one they called the anti-princesses collection. >> translator: we are working to change the model that beauty is on the outside. we are opposing a view that a woman is waiting to be rescued, they are waiting for a prince to change their lives. the women in their stories change it for themselves. >> reporter: the collection has two books, and another one on the way. the first one tells the story of frieda, the famous mexican artist. the second one is the history of. [ inaudible ] the chilean folk singer. creatively and a search for freed company justice are some of the characteristics of this clerks the big difference with other children's story is his that this anti-princesses are not a fantasy. they are some of latin america's most respected women. the third book is based on.
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[ inaudible ] a south american military leader. the illustrator says he tries to make each character attractive for children. >> translator: i looked for old pictures of the characters. and i wanted to draw them in i a minimalist way. simple. so children can relate to the drawing. >> reporter: children here told us that they like the books. >> translator: i love the book. because she sings for the poor. >> reporter: the lives of the women in books were no fairytale. parra suffered from depression and killed herself. and frieda tried several times. >> translator: we don't believe that children should not be exposed to the bad things that happen in the world. in these nice fairytales there is a happy ending but in the middle lots of terrible things happen. the mothers always die. the sisters betray each other.
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>> reporter: really. is what makes these books different. and what could inspire the new generations to come. al jazeera, or pen general tina. there is much more real news about real people on our website on >> this is "techknow". a show about innovations that can change lives. >> the science of fighting a wildfire. >> we're going to explore the intersection of hardware and humanity, but we're doing it in a unique way. this is a show about science... >> oh! >> oh my god! >> by scientists. >> techknow investigates katrina... ten years after the storm. >> during katrina, a large amount of water rushed in from the gulf. >> the walls were engineered to stop mothetu
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