tv News Al Jazeera October 13, 2015 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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>> young girls are given real south american icons to look up to. >> dutch investigators have released their final report into the downing of malaysia airlines flight 17, laying out the clearest picture of what happened in the final moments onboard the 777. we have reaction from around the world to their findings. we are in the netherlands where the report was released. we are in moscow and in equal ka lampur. >> what was in the findings?
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>> it has been a very long wait, 15 months since mh17 came down over the war zone in eastern ukraine. here now is the final report. it's nearly 300 pages in length. it's very rich in details and analysis. of course the make that thrust of this report is to back up really earlier suspicions and earlier findings put forward last september that it was indeed a russian made buk missile responsible for bringing down the aircraft over eastern ukraine. according to those who were involved in this analysis, that missile was carrying a warhead. that warhead detonated on the left side of the aircraft, spraying shrapnel into the cockpit of the plane, killing the pilots almost instantaneously. the aircraft itself then broke apart in midair. as i said, this report is rich in data and rich in nationals and it's been absolutely power are a mount for investigators to be able to present their findings in the clearest way possible.
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they showed to the world's media that are gathered here to hear the findings exactly what had happened in a very visual way. here's an animation. >> flight 17 enters ukrainian air space at 33,000 feet altitude. the crew divert as short distance to the north to avoid some thunderstorms when returning to the airway in the eastern part of ukrainian air space. in this region, an armed conflict between ukrainian government and armed groups is in progress. lower levels of the air space are restricted for civil air traffic. the flight is routed above this restrict air space when it is downed by a buk surface a air missile. at that moment, three other commercial airliners fly in that same area. immediately after the crash of m.h.17 the question rose how it
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was possible that a scheduled commercial airliner flew over an area known to be a conflict zone. the armed conflict in ukraine progressively expanded to the air and several military aircraft had been shot down in the previous weeks. according to ukrainian authorities, two of these aircraft were hit by more powerful weapons that reached higher than before, but none of the parties involved made any connection between the military developments and the possible risks posed to civil aviation. on june 6, 2014, unnotice a note restricted the air space up to flight level 260. this was done to protect military aircraft from ground attacks and let them fly at a higher level. on july 14, the restriction was raised to flight level 320. air lines assumed that the
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unrestricted air space above this level was safe. most commercial airlines continued their flights over the region. on july 17, until the air space was closed. 160 commercial flights passed through this area. three other airliners were in close proximity when the flight disappeared from the air screens. >> the question of whether mh17 should have been flying over the air space and who is responsible for downing it, what's the next step now? >> this report does of course ask some very serious questions of the airlines, and ukraine itself, according to some, the feeling is that perhaps ukraine should have closed its air space, but then at the same time, it was very much common knowledge that certain military aircraft operating in eastern
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ukraine had been taken down by a potentially dangerous weapons being used by both the ukrainian military and by the pro-russian separatist. many more questions yet to be answered as to why it was possible for this civilian aircraft to fly over eastern crane. then of course, we need to know who was responsible for firing this missile. those behind this research have made it very clear that this will not be answered in this report, but later on in the year, when dutch detectives report back their criminal findings into their criminal investigation, rather, it could well lead to charges of murder and war crimes. all sides of course are now waiting for the next stage in this long investigation. >> from the netherlands, thanks very much. >> 196 people onboard m.h.17 were dutch. the dutch prime minister has responded to the report from the hague.
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>> it actually confirms our deepest fears on the 17th of july, 2014, a plane was shot down in eastern ukraine with a buk missile. this is clear. the investigation closes off this chapter. >> let's get reaction from malaysia now. the malaysian airlines have been watching and waiting for this report very closely. what response do we have from them? >> certainly within the last hour, they issued a brief two paragraph statement basically thanked the report's authors for their hard work and reiterating they will continue to work with authorities both here in malaysia and in the netherlands to make sure there was conclusions to what happened. they are reassuring next of kin that they would not rest until all the answers were found. nothing from the ministry of
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transport. that leads us to the families. some were in the netherlands to hear that report. some did not bother to go. to one news agency, one of the wives of the pilots that died in that m.h.17 crash said well what's the use of the report to me? my husband isn't coming back and those that killed him haven't been brought to justice, so a very strong sense of feeling, perhaps reaction in the morning on wednesday when there's more people who have woken up to what's happened here overnight. certainly difficult times are ahead not just for those families, but restirring the pot for another plane from malaysia airlines that went missing just a few months earlier and still hasn't been found in its entirety. >> 2014, extraordinary difficult year for malaysia airlines. thanks very much. let's go live to moscow to join
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our correspondent, watching the findings closely. there were findings of a report released earlier today. what was in that? >> what we really got was a preempting of the dutch safety board report a few hours before that came out. a press center on the outskirts of moscow, an arms manufacturer which makes the buk missile systems gave what really amounts to account narrative, explanation of the downing of m.h.17 that tries to exonerate the rebels in eastern ukraine and also russia which has been backing those rebels for quite some time. it was a long presentation, very, very heavy on attackical detail. they shod us videos, they showed us animations, they've done an experiment looking at
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shrapnel patterns and things like that, even blown up a plane cockpit to try to replicate the scenario that took place in the skies over eastern ukraine with the downing of m.h.17. what it really boils down to is that they have two central claims to make. the first is that the launch sites of the missile that took mh17 out of the sky was not the village which is a village that we were investigators, leaders have pinned as the launch site. the group says it was actually a different place that was outside of the control of the rebels. they assert that it was in control, being controlled by the ukrainian army at the time of the launch. the other second assertion from the arms manufacturer is that the missile that was launched was an old version of the big
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missile that had actually been decommissioned by the russian military and is no longer in use by the russian army. bolt of these assertions have been contested by various western investigators, but those are the two assertions being made in russia today. >> we have the dutch prime minister requesting for moscow's cooperation to a criminal investigation which is still ongoing. what chance we'll get any response from moscow on that? >> well, moscow is likely to say that is going to cooperate with any investigation that is likely to be suggested, as long as it adheres to the proviso that little depoliticized. that's what rush has been saying all along, any politicized investigation is not ok by it,
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so that's why it vetoes a u.n. investigative panel that was suggested some months ago. it remains to be seen what exactly could be suggested that would suit the russian idea of what happens to m.h.17. russia has suggested that perhaps the possible correct forum for this would be the i.c.c., the international criminal courts, but we vice president gotten there yet and we'll have to see what transpires over the next few days, also what happens with the dutch criminal investigation. >> indeed, thank you for blinking you guess the responsibility there. >> morning commuters on their
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way to work, the attack on the line between west jerusalem and occupied east, israeli police say two palestinians boarded this bus, at least one armed with a weapon and opened fire. israelis were killed and injured. the attack took place a short distance away. one of the tackers was shot dead, the second was injured, placed in handcuffs and taken to hospital for treatment. this followed an attack in a nearby suburb of west jerusalem. israeli police say a palestinian drove his car into a bus station and then left out an attempted to stab by standers, another israeli killed. the attacker was arrested. earlier a bus station was again the target of an attack in the
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central israeli city. a number of israelis were likely wounded in what israeli police say was a knife attack, a palestinian arrested. the increased deployment of police appears to have had little suction in stopping these random and sporadic attacks. >> the growing israeli perception is that no place is safe. every bus station, every street corner is the scene of potential attack, and unlike previous surges of palestinian resistance, this time, there are no organizers to arrest, no change of command to cut. >> after pledging to parliament to deal effectively with building threat, the israeli prime minister has called an emergency meeting of his security cabinet. army police and intelligence chiefs are being consulted as to what can be done next. mike hanna, al jazeera, west jerusalem. >> hundred was palestinians have been protesting in gaza at the border with israel. this was the scene at the crossing earlier tuesday.
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israeli soldiers fire rubber coated steel bullets and tear gas. five people were injured. there have been protests at another crossing, we are live in central ramada. you were there earlier this morning. they will us about the protests there. >> the protests were not very large and certainly not as expected. many here would tell us because specifically the political factions have called for a day of rage and the youth do not listen to them anymore. the youth want to carry on these protests and confrontations on their own. actually when i was looking at the protestors, they were very young boys, some of them 15, 16. the oldest would have been in his early 20s. there is anger increasing in that age bracket. half hour ago there was a protest going on here in the square in central ramallah. i spoke to students there.
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they were all school students, asking them what are you doing. they said this is our intifada. telling them the rest of the older generations think intifadas haven't taken them very far. they said this is ours and we have to continue. they were enraged by the video they saw yesterday that is still circulating today on social media with a young boy gasping on the floor for some help. they were enraged by other votes going viral over the past two weeks, so they say this is our way of continuing and we need to have a third intifada which needs to be carried out by protest, clashes at those checkpoints that for them really represents symbolizes the prison they live in and peaceful protests here in the cities to show that they are supporting what these young men are doing in those flash points. >> thanks very much for bringing us the scene from the west bank
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today, today on the day of protests. >> much more to come here on the al jazeera news hour. we'll be live in afghanistan on the battle with the taliban as they launch another assault. >> protection offered for whistle blowers. >> another day, another award. why this latest prize is so special. details coming up in sport. >> aid agency unicef said the number of children suffering from malnourishment in yemen has tripled since the war began. more than half a million children under the age of five are now severely an acutely malnourished. we have more. >> maya is one of many children in yemen who suffers from
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malnutrition and needs immediate treatment. her mother traveled a long distance to get to this hospital in the capital, sanna. facing complications from malnutrition. >> my child is sick. he had one surgery which cost $2,000. the doctor says he needs another. all this because of malnutrition. we are very poor. my husband had to borrow money for the first surgery. >> malnutrition in yemen is among the highest in the world, the situation made worse by the conflict. international aid agency says are worried about the war. they say if it continues, many children will die. >> this situation is terrible. now after six months of conflict, we have half a million children who are severely and acutely malnourished. the same time last year, we had
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less than 160,000 children. it's got three times worse. >> this hospital is sanna was targeted many times. doctors here fear they may have to relegate to a temporary clinic if the saudi-led airstrikes continue. other hospitals are overwhelmed with the growing casualties, putting thousands of malnourished children at further risk of death. al jazeera. >> in afghanistan, five rockets have hit the southeastern city killing four people. the taliban earlier attempted to destroy the city. we are joined live from kabul. the taliban still seems to be on the offensive there. >> that's right, laura. the city on edge tonight after those rockets falling just within the last hour or so. the city was just getting back to a sense of normalcy after a lot of concern yesterday, most
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of the city was shut down on monday, because fears that the taliban might attack the city, those shop keepers shut their doors, pulling down shutters, many people stayed off the streets, the streets fairly empty. the gone said he got the reinforcements he was asking for, rappeling that taliban attack. these rocket attacks tonight, even though the taliban may not be able to get in the city can still make their presence felt and residents again on edge. >> the highway we're hearing from the capital kabul and kandahar has been closed. tell us about the situation there. >> the taliban shut down the highway outside the city, highway one. this links all of the main cities of afghanistan and it's blocked between kabul and kandahar, the largest and second largest cities in the country.
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the taliban taking control of a stretch of the highway outside of gazni and the province. they have put mines along the highway. they attacked a number of checkpoints now. thousands was asp guns traveling the highway are stranded on either side. last night overnight on that monday, many spent the night in the cold, among them women and children. we hear some of the women and children stranded there have been taken to nearby vision until afghan security forces can sort this out. it is a huge disruption. it's a very, very major transit route between the two largest cities in afghanistan and another propaganda victory for the taliban, the people of afghanistan on edge. this is two weeks after the taliban took kunduz city in the north. they announced they were withdrawing from kunduz city but say they can come back at any time. the people of afghanistan very concerned about taliban advances in the north and south of the
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country. >> thanks very much for the update there from kabul. >> amnesty international accuses kurdish forces of war crimes. y.p.g. is a key ally of the u.s. led coalition against islamic state of iraq and the levant. they are accused of carrying out a wave of attacks on civilians caught in the middle of the fight against isil. y.p.g. is allegedly committing alarming abuse says, forced displacements and moss house demolitions on people it suspects are isil supporters. the report comes as the u.s. abandoned a plan to train thousands of so-called moderate rebels to fight isil. >> one of the authority of the report says the u.s. that now launched an investigation into the findings. >> forcibly displacing a civilian population is a war crime where there is no military
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imperative to do so. destroying property is a war crime. while arab and turkman residents were bearing the brunt of these policies, some kurdish residents were also being forced to leave. we are talking about serious war crimes here but do not believe this is a case of ethnic cleansing. we are concerned that the y.p.g. is using u.s. support to perpetrate rights abuse and call on the u.n. and other coalition states to ensure that any future assistance is not misused to violate the rights of civilians in areas under the control of the y.p.g. the residents we spoke to believe that in many cases, the acts of displacement and demolitions were in retaliation for suspicion that these individuals were supporting isis or supporting other non-state armed groups. those suspicions were not borne out in fact. there was not evidence and these
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individuals did not have a chance to defend themselves. instead, they were forced to leave their homes and instead in some cases, their homes, everything that they owned was completely destroyed. >> u.n. refugee agencies said more than 5,000 refugees arriving into serbia from macedonia every day and there are no signs the flow of people will ease. the u.n. said 3,000 entered in the last 48 hours and predicts another surge in the coming days. 170,000 people have passed through serbia on their way towards europe this summer. >> refugees are continuing to arrive in italy from syria and eritrea were rescued off the libyan coast. they have been taken to the italian island of sicily. >> a parliamentary inquiry is to investigate the australia's offshore detention camps for
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refugees. asylum seekers being held on an island. andrew tomas has more from sydney. >> there have been previous reports into conditions in the prisons in new guinea. they've been written by charity witness expose be shocking allegations, rape of children in some camps, the beating of detainees by guards if that in the past, people have been tree to speak to immediate a and organizations without fear of prosecution. what changed in may of this year, australia's government brought in a new law that threatened prison sentences of up to two years towards anyone who disclosed anything that went on inside a camp. that is had a pretty chilling effect, as you can manual. people don't want to come forward with allegation have abuse if they feel they are going to be punished for reporting those. what i also suggested now is a new inquiry held under
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parliamentary privilege, meaning anyone giving evidence would be protected and have immunity from prosecution under this law. the hope is that will encourage whistle blowers to continue to come forward, continue to report any abuses they find going on in in these centers. >> led get all the weather with richard. japan is already seeing its first snows. >> 11 days early, compared with the average, but mount fuji, everyone's favorite stratospheric volcano getting its first know. we are now looking at brighter conditions moving in across much of the country, maybe two showers coming off the sea of japan, i suspect.
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witness we move further south, a different picture. we're getting heavy showers pushing across northern parts of the philippines across lausanne. it is at risk, because every chance this depression will develop into a major typhoon is going to impact toward the end of the weekend. i'll keep you posted on that one. elsewhere, we've got heavy rain pushing toward vietnam. this region will see heavy rain developing over the next 24 hours. you can see in excess of 100 milliliters of rain. >> do stay with us here on the news hour. we'll be reporting from the world's most heavily guarded border dividing north and south korea. >> there is nothing, nothing
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that together we cannot accomplish. thank you all very much. >> how u.s. senator bernie sanders is rising to political stardom in the u.s. >> in sport, the comeback that gave houston a problem in the mlb playoff. i just had a horrible nightmare. my company's entire network went down, and i was home in bed, unaware. but that would never happen. comcast business monitors my company's network 24 hours a day and calls and e-mails me if something, like this scary storm, takes it offline. so i can rest easy. what. you don't have a desk bed? don't be left in the dark. get proactive alerts 24/7. comcast business.
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built for business. tand that's what we're doings to chat xfinity.rself, we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. >> hello, again, here's a reminder of our top stories. malaysian airlines flight 17 was confirmed to be hit by a missile
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from eastern ukraine. the final report was published saying the ukrainian government should have closed its air space. >> at least three israelis have been killed in two separate attacks in jerusalem. we'll have the latest victims in a wave of violence. since the beginning of october, 28 palestinians and six israelis have been killed. >> unicef says children suffering from malnourishment in yemen tripled since the war began. there are now more than 500,000 children under the age of five severely and acutely malnourished. >> let's get more now on our top story. with altogether editor for flight global, on line news and information website joins us from london. what do you make of these findings? what light does itshed on the final moments of m.h.17? >> i think we all knew
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approximately what had happened, what this has done has clarified exactly what happened. the quality of the forensic information that this report reveals is very, very impressive, indeed. they knew, that is the investigators knew that all the sides who could be implicated in this were blaming it on other sides and that therefore, their level of proof would have to be very, very good. for example, simply to prove that it really was a missile and to get as close as possible to describing exactly what kind of missile. well, they did that, so any denials from now on are going to have very little credibility, because this report has a lot of credibility. >> what do you make of the question being raised over why m.h.17 was flying over a war zone in the first place and suggestion that it's ukraine's
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responsibility or was ukraine's responsibility to close its air space? >> well, actually, according to the way things work in the international airline community, it was not kiev's responsibility to close its air space. it still wouldn't be today. the responsibility for whether you fly in a conflict zone was then and still is today the responsibility of the airline. now, what has changed since that time is that the international civil aviation organization, which is a u.n. agency has taken it upon itself to gather intelligence, as well as they possibly can about risks in specific conflict zones, and to pass that on to airlines. i think from now on, of course, because this has happened, airlines are going to be very much much more circumspect, but it stale remains the airline's
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decision whether or not to go into a conflict zone. >> that responsible then falls very heavily on malaysia airlines, when it was a dreadful year for malaysia airlines back in 2014. it's trying to recover now. do you think it can? >> yes. well, one of the things that you have to realize is that, you know, not very far behind this airline which got shot down were other airliners. it was a matter of pure bad luck that it happened to be a malaysian airlines aircraft, because lots of other airlines were flying through that air space. they had decided to take kiev's advice and simply to fly high, believing that they would be safe there. kiev honestly believed that they would have been, but on the other hand, there were airlines that had taken their own decision not to uses the air space. >> very interesting indeed to speak to you. thank you very much for joining us from london.
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>> let's bring in more on the violence in israel and the occupied west bank. the unrest stems from the status of the al aqsa mosque compound, revered by both muslim and jews. although people of other faiths can visit, only muslims are allowed to pray there. jordan has retained custodial rights over the mosque. there were rumors that month that israel was planning to change the status quo and allow jews to pray there and that fueled the recent unrest. israel stated that it has no plans to change the arrangement at al aqsa. a columnist at the on line newspaper joins us live from amman. violence has been escalating pretty significantly over the past month. what do you think could have been done or what can still be done to stop it? >> what needs to be done is to
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bring back faith. people don't have faith in leadership. they don't have faith in promises. understandings signed or reached between jordan and israel have been violated. >> specifically from benjamin netanyahu's side, he has said that politicians would not be allowed to or lawmakers would not be allowed to pray at mosque, the status quo will be remain intact. what does he need to do to calm anger or is it out of his control now? >> three things that have happened have proved to palestinians, to jerusalem residents and king of jordan that the israelis have not carried their promise. they promised to keep the visiting jewish groups to small groups of five to 15 and then during the jewish holiday, we've seen groups of 50 to 100 people coming in with the force of the israeli army. they also promised that the members of the knesset will not join them. they have promised that their
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ministers and high politicians will not join them and we have division of the ultra right wing minister of agriculture who visited. also, the third thing is that they promised not a ban the muslims from their open mosque and we saw a very strong action by the israelis banning the majority of the population from reaching the mosque and that infuriated the muslims and proved to them that something was wrong, being planned in fact. they were right in this, very right wing member of the government of netanyahu was planning to visit the mosque. since then, netanyahu said no more politicians will come, but nobody trusts him anymore and the fact is that there is no communication. there is no leadership on the palestinian side that israel can talk to, because the israelis don't talk to anybody in jerusalem from the palestinian side. >> let's bring in the palestinian side, as well. it does seem as nobody is listening to the palestinian leaders today, a day of rage
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called for by fatar and other politicians, yet few came out. the teenagers said they didn't want anything to do with the politicians. >> well, what happened is that the israelis have been extremely successful in cutting off any kind of a leadership structure to the palestinians. there is nobody in east jerusalem. there's 350,000 palestinians who are absolutely no leadership. there's no elections, no possibility of creating a local leadership, and as a result, the israelis have nobody to talk to and when people start taking things in their own hand, the israelis are saying people should stop, but there's nobody that they are talking to. there is no hope for the palestinians in jerusalem. there is no one to talk to. there is no communication going on, and all we see and all palestinians see is checkpoints, house demolitions and barring people from playing in their own mosque. >> thank you very much for
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joining us. very good to get your points of view. >> the heavily fortified border separating north and south korea is the world's most militarized boundary. the south korean military has given foreign media access to the southern side of the demilitarized zone. al jazeera has respectfully request to blur markings on the border fence. we are there. >> we are just a few kilometers short of the dmz. soldiers would typically patrol inside, simulating coming under attack by fire and rappeling that fire. though this is routine training, it's something that they do every day before they would go in, but at the moment, over two months since a double land mine blast on the southern side, which the south koreans blame on the north korean side seriously injuring two soldiers, all of
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this is being taken more seriously. >> the area where the accident happened isn't far away from here, as the enemy is nearby on the border, we are being more cautious. all units in the area are in a state of increased readiness. >> this represents the southern side of the demilitarized zone, this is the south korea main position on the southern side that have zone. the situation that changed since those land mine blasts. there was a real bout of very high contentions which ended at least temporarily with a deal signed. since then, we've seen a major military parade but no long-range rocket launches there, no provocation on that front, also the prospect of a family reunion event for separated families in north korea and south korea. the situation improved, but people here remain on a heightened state of alert.
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>> the presidential election in guinea have some calling for annulment of the results. they say ballot boxes were stuffed and voters intimidated. >> the first of the u.s. democratic presidential candidate debates will take place. we look at bernie sanders's popularity. >> he doesn't come across as overly groomed, far from young and hip, but he is drawing the biggest, most enthusiastic crowds on the democratic side of the race. >> they are sick and tired of establishment politics. >> his politics often described
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at socialist, he's blunt and the unlike any past presidential candidate refuses to run negative campaign ads. on the campus of georgetown university, his support is pretty easy to spot. these supporters don't just like him, they love his policies, promising to raise the minimum wage, abolish mass incarceration and tax reform. >> bernie, how's it going? would you like a cookie. >> he promises to make college free for everyone, by taxing wall street. organizer caleb weaver said students were excited for barack obama, but not like this. >> the takeout for the sanders campaign was really fast, emerged organically and it's been really intense, as well. >> i do want to be the champion for every day americans. >> sanders is coming close to clinton on fundraising. she raised $28 million. he raised almost $26 million. unlike clinton, his cash is
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mostly coming from small donors. >> i think that bernie is doing a really good job of bringing attention to like the working class and the people who don't necessarily have the same voice and pull in national politics. >> most analysts are skeptical enthusiasm will last. >> it's unlikely bernie sanders will win. he is far to the left of the average democratic, and when you look at electability and eventually a lot of democrats are going to look at the question of who's going to win a general election matchup, they're really going to start to question bernie sanders' credentials. >> there is nothing, nothing that together we can't accomplish. thank you all very much. >> his supporters' response, the last time hillary clinton ran about this time, everyone assumed she would be the nominee. but in the end, it went to the candidate no one thought could win. al jazeera, washington.
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>> still ahead here on al jazeera. >> here is a giant machine gun made from water pipes and a lawnmower engine. >> what can you do with a $200 film budget in uganda? a lot if you have the know-how. >> syria's football team is banned from hosting matches at home because of war. the coach said that his side is fighting the word for a place in the sports tournament.
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>> damsels in distress have been replaced by real life heroines in a children's book. we have this report. >> they have come to the slum to show children something new. tired of classic disney stories, they invented one they called the anti-princesses collection. >> we are working to change the model that beauty is from the outside. we are opposing a view that a woman is waiting to be rescued, they are waiting for a prince to change their life. the women in this story change it for themselves. the collection has two books and the another one on the way. the first one tells a story of a famous mexican artist. the second is the history of the
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folk singer from chile. creatively showing freedom and justice are in this collection. the big difference is that this anti prince are not a fantasy. they are some of latin america's most respected women. >> the third book is based on a south american military leader. the illustrator tries to make each character attractive for children. >> i looked for old pictures of the characters and i wanted to draw them in a minimalist way, simple, so children can relate to the drawing. >> children here told us that they like the books. >> i love the book, because she thinks for the poor. >> the lives of the women in the books were not fairytale. she suffered from depression and killed herself and freda tried several times. >> we don't believe that
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children should not be exposed to the bad things that happen in the world. with a fairytale, there is a happy ending, but in the middle, lots of terrible things happen. the mothers always die, the sisters betray each other. realism is what makes these books different, and what could inspire the new generations to come. al jazeera, buenos aires. >> let's get all the sport now. >> christian rinaldo has won a fourth golden boot, the award given to the leading scorer. he scored forth eight goals in 35 games in la liga last season. last thursday, rinaldo helped portugal with a win over denmark. holland have an outside chance of making it to the finals.
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they must beat the czech republic tuesday just to have a chance of reaching the playoffs. the last time the dutch failed to qualify was the 2002 world cup. the dutch also need iceland to beat third place turkey. >> they at least still have a chance. we can't hank around and think we can't do anything. we were in the same situation we were one match ago. this is our last chance. therefore we have to win, focus on the results and then wait. >> in the other games in group eight, turkey could deny hungary third place which could be good enough to qualify. israel are a point behind while cypress need to win and hope israel loose to go through. >> arrested for his involvement in a black male scheme, he was
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one of four men taken into custody by french police. >> syria face having a in amman with the match having to be played in a neutral venue because of safety concerns in both countries. we have a report from moscow. >> it's been a long and lonely road of qualifying for the syrian football team. each and every game have been an away match, their goals played out in front of largely empty stands. fifa banned syria from hosting matches because of the war. instead home games have been moved here to oman. their real home is never far from their minds, nor has the dream of qualifying for the world cup in russia in 2018. >> you know, our situation in my
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country, it's very bad, because, you know, a lot of terrorist group, terrorism groups fight in syria. >> in the last four years, the team has lost many of its best players. some fled as refugees, a few have stayed home to fight. others refuse to play, because they say the team represents the current syrian government. >> because the players largely play in foreign leagues, they are only able to train like this together for a few days before every match. despite everything they've been through, this syrian team is doing rather well. >> with three wins from their last four matches, they are second in their asian qualifying group. another victory against afghanistan would take them closer to the next round. afghanistan knows something about playing all their matches abroad, as well. they've spent years banned by
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offensive in a from hosting games because of war. >> this is the sad reason we don't play. it's my dream to play in afghanistan as a national dream. >> neither side have qualified for a world cup in times of peace. despite war in their home countries, syria are at least edging closer to that goal. >> to the major league baseball playoffs where the kansas city royals produced an amazing comeback in their series, taking it to a deciding fifth game. colby rasmus in the seventh inning, cans were at 6-2 down and staring down the barrel. that atmosphere in minute maid park changed. the royals were dragged back into the game, scoring five runs in the eighth inning to swing the match 7-6 in their favor. two more runs in the
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ninth inning, kansas city going on to win 9-6. game five is on wednesday. the toronto blue jays made it two wins on the bounce against the texas rangers after their win in game three. the jays more dominant monday. they were 8-1 up by the seventh inning. the rangers closed the gap, but 8-460ors, the teams meet again in toronto for the decider. >> we'll get on a plane tomorrow and travel to canada, and we'll play a baseball game the next day, and i'm sure that however it turns out, that this is a group of players that will play as hard as they can play for each other. that's why you can never count them out. >> 26 infielder chase utley. >> the l.a. dodgers chase utley received a less than friendly welcome from mets fans ahead of
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their game monday. utley broke the leg of new york mets shortstop with an illegal slide in game two. he wasn't in the starting lineup for game three. los angeles took an early lead before the mets really overpowered them for a 13-7 win. mets lead the series 2-1. >> in cricket now, that becoming his country's leading catch run scorer. it happened on day one of the first test in abu dhabi against england.
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>> the 2017 world champion south africa are building up to their quarter final against wales. theyness they have recovered from the opening round of humiliation. >> we put that behind us. now we started looking forward to the next game. to me at this point in time, it's no longer affecting my head or anything. all i know it happened and it's in the past and we are just looking forward to our next games. >> the latest on our website,
9:55 am i'll have more later. >> thanks very much. >> ugandan film director is getting word wide recognition for his low budget action films. one of his trailers has been viewed more than 2 million times on line. malcolm webb visited one film set. >> the rescue operation gone wrong. the rescuers fight back. it's a plot of the latest action film. he makes almost one every month. here at his studios in uganda. >> people come from the slums here, so i normally focus on the life in the movie. if i put it in the movie, then r. then it becomes a movie for them. >> they are popular, extraordinary drama infamy settings draws crowds in the neighborhood cinemas. since isaac put the trailers on you tube, it affected fans from
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alall over the world. this one went viral with more than 2 million views. the theaterrics on screen are made possible by the crews behind the scenes. >> all of the equipment homemade, this camera tripod made from a carjack. over here is a crane made from strap metal welded together. on the end are cogs from a car used as a weight. the life size model of a helicopter technicians are still building. here is a giant machine gun made from water pipes and a lawnmower engine. >> the sound of gunfire is added after. he's taught himself to use graphics software and his wife an expert in special effects. this man's about to get shot. >> we've fixed photo color. we put in a little blue color
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and then we put it into our camera. >> the actors mostly trained on the job say they are here mostly for the love, not the money. the entire budget for the film is $200. >> i like acting, because i need to be more famous. yeah, that's my dream. that's why you say i act all the time. if director tell me to do anything i can do. >> everyone here is dedicated. a storm ends filming for the day and cuts off the electricity. isaac won't top. he ends up using a battery backup. this is his 40th movie. as soon as it's finished, he'll start on the next. malcolm webb, uganda. >> do stay with us here on al jazeera if you can. i'll be right back with another full bulletin of news.
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ukraine should have closed its air space, the final report in the downing of mh 17. ♪ hello, i'm laura kyle with your global news update. also ahead. three israelis are killed in two separate attacks by palestinians has rallies are held in the occupied west bank and israel. grim details of a hume situation in yemen, the number of children at risk of acu
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