tv News Al Jazeera October 13, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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>> hello, i'm lauren taylor. live from the news, the israeli prime minister said all available means will be used to stop attacks. crash report dutch investigators say that flight mh 17 should never have been flying over a war zone at the time it was shot down. could this be the man to derail hillary clinton's hopes in the democratic presidential nomination?
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robin adams here with your sports. well truly over. and also in the program, the impressive form puttin put qualifying for the 2018 world cup. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has warned that if will use all means at his disposal to restore order after another day of bloodshed in the palestinian territory. three israelis were killed in two straight attacks in jerusalem. in a wave of violence 30 palestinians and 7 israelis have been killed since the beginning of october. the unrest has been sparked by palestinian angle over the al aqsa mosque compound. many palestinians believe that jewish groups have been given freer rein over the site
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despite. being banned. the al aqsa controversy comes in the backdrop of frustration and expansion of settlements. mike hannah reports from jerusalem. . >> spot checks of palestinians on the streets of west jerusalem, the police are searching for weapons. the cameron is told not to cause public disorder. this is the regular surge, please. >> random searches in the old city. this palestinian resident told us off camera that he had been stopped and searched four times since leaving his house a short while before. the intensified security in the streets coming after renewed attacks, the most serious taking place on the seem line between west jerusalem and the occupied east. australia police say two palestinians bordered this bus. one was armed with the weapon
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and he open fired. paramedics on the scene say that israelis were killed and number injured. the city's mayor was quickly on the scene. the attack taking place a short distance away from his offices. one of the attackers was shot dead the second was injured placed in handcuffs and taken to hospital for treatment. this followed an attack in a nearby suburb of west jerusalem. israeli police say that a palestinian drove his car into a bus station and then liverpooled out and attempted to stab bystanders. another israeli killed. the attacker was arrested. and earlier a bus station was again the target of an attack in the center of rinana. a number of israelis were likely wounded in what police say was a knife attack, a palestinian arrested. the increased deployment of police appears to have had little success in stopping these random and support ready tick attacks.
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the growing israeli perception is that no place is safe. every bus station, every street corner is the scene of a previous attack. this time there are no organizers to arrest, no chain of command to cut. the israeli prime minister emerged to make a brief statement in parliament. israel will settle the score for murderers, the killers, and those who try to murder a and those who assist them. i'm calling on the palestinian authority to stop lying, stop the ensitement. >> and further they deal with the crisis. i expect it to be announced in the hours to come. mike hanna, al jazeera, west jerusalem. >> meanwhile in northern israel there has been peaceful protests. >> thousands fill the streets of
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this counse town carrying a strong protest message. these are citizens of the state and amongst them their elected representatives. vot >> what is happen something not us. it's the actions of the israeli government. this occupation, all this security. >> er is this legitimate anger. >> but the source of anger was not violent. instead hard-hitting speeches condemning prime minister actions. >> this rally with this packed out town square is seen as a litmus test, a barometer of support for resistence. right now it's peaceful. the police and the army are not even in sight. that's the way it stayed. this rally showed overwhelming solidarity with resistence to
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the occupation. organizers say that 95% of this town have come out on strike. all the shops were closed. and speakers called for a peaceful solution. among them was an israeli jewish professor. >> every citizen in this country, who wants to live in equality and justice has to defend the arab minority within israel against the attack by our government. and that netanyahu is playing with fire, and this fire is dangerous for both our peoplings. the rally ended peaceful. that's a rare sight these days. andrew simmons in israel. >> let's go to washington, d.c. so it ended with a peaceful element. but going back to the spiraling
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environment that we've seen, they're effecting a crackdown. how is that going to effect the situation? >> i think it may provoke the situation and flame it even more defending on how that crackdown is carried out. this tends to be the israeli government's main response. i have to say that it is somewhat understandable. even though they may take steps like cordoning off palestinian neighborhoods in jerusalem and elsewhere, what is trouble something that israeli leaders, particularly prime minister benjamin netanyahu have shown no evidence that they understand or acknowledge that the occupation is what is driving this violence, and palestinian frustration at the situation of radical inequality that they continue to live under. in that respect i think the response that they're talking about will be ineffective in the long term. >> do you sense that this is a
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generational change? these attacks are from a different generation? >> i think that is partly true from what i've heard an what from what we've been seeing. it's less of a memory, and the massive reoccupation or reinvasion of the west banks that will take place and increased misery that came upon the palestinians in the wake of those violent attacks. it is also a generational adjust in that this is a younger generation that had a grown up with the false promise as they see it or the unsatisfied promise of oslo that created a state for the palestinians in which they can governor themselves. instead, they've received only occupation, settlements, no more families dispelled from their homes to make way for new settlements. they're seeing their leadership president abbas and the palestinian liberation
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organization engaged in multiple rounds of negotiation in diplomacy. i think it's a massive cry of frustration. >> what about the potential role. whais there anything--is there a momentum that could change that now. or are we as far back as we were in those days? we are in as bad of a situation as we've been. there is a complete absence of any trust between the leadership of the palestinians and the israeli leadership. i think the israeli government has shown that it's not interested in the creation of a palestinian state. pursuing policies on the ground intended to close the possibility of a palestinian state. i think the international community has an important role to play here to make clear to
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both sides that violence against civilians must cease, but also to make clear to israel as the more powerful party on the ground here that the international community will take steps and exact real consequences. for israeli behaviors such as increased settlement building that foreclose the two-state option. >> thank you very much, indeed, for taking the time to talk to us on al jazeera. >> thank you. >> dutch investigators say that the air space where the airlines jet was shut down should have been closed to simple aviation. the dutch report has been released. it con included that it was hit by a russian-made missiles causing it to break up in mid wear killing all 298 people on
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board. while the report contains thorough details of the plane's final moments, it does not say who was responsible for bringing it down. it could not rule out that some passengers remained conscious during the 90 seconds it took for it to cash. >> the broken shell of mh 17. 298 people died on this aircraft shot down over ukraine. it's a grim problem that helped dutch investigators to piece together it's report over the flight's last moments. >> flight mh 17 crashed because of war heads. it fits the kind of missiles that is fitted on the surface to air missile system. >> it is full of shrapnel on the left side of mh 17.
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the entire front session broke away in mid wear. it would have been a quick death for those piloting the plane. the report does not say where the missile was fired from or who is responsible, but suspicions arise. ukraine accuse pro-russian separatists using a missile supplied by moscow. russia fiercely denies. this th russia produced a parallel report including this life size reconstruction that refutes the dutch findings. russia claims the type of missile used to shoot down mh 17 only exists in ukraine's arsenal and said it was fired from ukraine-held territory. for the families of those killed it's been a desperate seven for answers. they call on airline companies
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to take more precautions when flying over conflict areas and suggest that ukraine should have closed it's air space. we know where and why mh 17 crashed, but we don't know who is to blame. the results of a criminal investigation we're expecting next year. evidence that leads to war crimes and charges of murder. >> let's get more on this joining us live from senior in aviation studies, so one of the main conclusions the report makes is that it was a bad decision for ukraine to leave their air space open. even now how much of a decision as to where people fly is up to the airlines and how much is up to the country closing their air space or keeping it open? >> with the, the international aviation goes back to the 1944 chicago convention. one of the agreements made was that the country of which the
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air space belongs is a country responsible for the air space. it's their decision to restrict the air traffic and military air traffic the close the air space. >> we had ukrainian military aircraft being shot down. and it wasn't clear what altitude they were shot down at, and that information was not shared that well. >> how much of the investigation was hindered apparently by part going missing before they had a chance to get the investigators in on the ground. how much difference do you think that would have made? >> well, i think this slowed down the process quite considerably. they were able recover fuselage. and they highlight a lot of
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pictures that show that. >> perhaps the moment it hasn't been said is who to blame. do you think we'll find out? >> next year we'll await the proceedings. the agreement here for the investigators in today's report is to understand what cause the crash was. they went through a lot of different scenarios. they managed to rule out a lot of different reasons possibly terrorism on board, the possibility that the engine could have exploded or even a
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fuel tank fire or aerial to aerial missile being fired. but this was an aircraft shot down by surface to air missile. they don't say which territory it was fired from, and they don't know say who it was done by. the further they go is to say that it was manufactured by the russian federation. >> and in terms of the ways now 15 minutes on, if you would fly to other places that we are flying over that we ought not to be flying over, is it safer than it was? >> i mean, internationally there are quite a few areas of air space that is currently in the conflict zone, if you like. the airlines have been very proactive to make sure that all their flights, and all their aircraft operating in non-conflict zones. a lot of work has been done to make sure that aircraft they're
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flying in safe zones. the organization agency of the united nations has done quite a lot of work around insuring that airlines fly within safe air space. it's much more safer than it was before the malaysian aircraft incident. in fact, one of the recommendations from the investigators today is to make the information about the roots and the areas of the countries of the world more transparent to the passengers. hopefully in the future the passengers are much more on board. >> thank you very much, indeed. thank you. now some breaking news for you. a short time ago the northeastern area of maidugari was hit by explosions. the blast has taken place in the capital of borneo state. we are into maidugari on the phone now. what more do you know about these explosions?
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>> actually, rather than say three suspected suicide-bombers arrived asking for directions, and the people got suspicious and then challenged them. that's when they set off their devices and security forces in the area told al jazeera that they suspect these are the works of--this is the work of suicide-bombers. by the way, it is an area that has been targeted repeatedly by boko haram. in one ma alone they've attacked that area two times prior to tonight's attack, and they have killed dozens of people in that particular area. >> and ahmed, any words on casualties? >> my sources are telling me that at least seven people died including the three suicide-bombers. they're not sure the number of people who have been injured because of the blast.
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it's possible that the numbers could go higher than that by the time everything clears. right now maidugari is under lock, and it's under curfew until probably tomorrow we'll get a better picture. in the time being, the police, and they're taking stock of what happened there trying to find out what happened. >> we have the latest live on those exposes. thank you very much, indeed. coming up, rare access, the most heavily-fortified border. the supreme court decision that effects youngsters who are
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on parole. >> u.s. and russia are to hold talks on air safety above syria after military aircraft from both countries came within sight of each other. the incident, which happened on saturday, under scores the need for air safety guidelines. >> i find these airstrikes to be reckless and indiscriminate. they have the opposite effect of what russia claims it wants to do. it claims that they want to fight isil. in reality these reckless, indiscriminate, irresponsible airstrikes will have the effect only of pro longing the suffering of the people. >> meanwhile n iraq, preparing for another operation against the islamic state in iraq and
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the levant in they're not saying where the owe queensive on ramadi is going to start, but a pentagon spokes person said on tuesday that they're i believe to where a thousand isil fighters are expected to be inside ramadi. and neck be expected to turned ieds, however, they do believe that iraqi forces are well trained and well motivated to climb a big city back through the city. >> this is what rebels say a russian airstrike looks like from the ground.
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what's new about attacks like these are the multiple blasts instead of the single explosions they've become used to. in the trail of death and destruction is familiar. >> they're using cluster bombs. look at the land. it's full of unexploded cluster bombs. not even birds sufficient. >> there is mounting evidence that cluster bombs are being used by russia and syria. they've confirmed the use of cluster bombs since 2012. they're providing the syrian air force welcome new types and also th.
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>> in 24 hours time russian military jets have destroyed 25 fortification and defensive positions off the terrorists. >> the military is trying to take advantage of russia's air campaign in latakia, and other positions being hit. in latakia the government forces say they have captured territory with the help of russian intervention. but opposition fighters say that they're holding their ground in the mountains around latakia. they say they've avoided the assaults. at this makeshift camp in idlib no one is too young to help. these are among the 7.5 million
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people affected by the and their playfulness remains the only hope of a be better life. >> retreating to avoid further civilian casualties. the group is carrying out rocket attacks killing four people. it comes a day after fighters attempted to storm the city which is 120 kilometers from the capital of kabul. they managed to block the main highway between kabul and the southern city of kandahar. jennifer glasse has the latest. >> well, the rockets fell at the end of the day. they may not be able to get into the provincial cap actual, they say that taliban has been on the
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outskirts of the city, many are shutting down their businesses as now police and army reinforcements, they repealed pare. >> many travelers are able to spend a cold night on the highway. monday night, expected tuesday night even though taliban afghan forces say they will drive them off the highway. taliban apparently have blown up sections of highway one, and mines are part of the road. this is a major transit route, a big blow for afghan travelers who cannot afford to fly between
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the cities and thousands stranded on highway one as afghan security forces try to dislodge the taliban from the area. >> still to come on the program, the charity that is turning unwanted food into filling moods for children in mexico. and in sport, a shock for roger federer at the shanghai masters.
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collided with each other. >> there are several protests going on in the west bank. now these protests are not very big. it is more important to look at who is taking part in these demonstrations that often turn into violent demonstrations. school boys who come after school who fill their back sack. they say they've been watching viral videos over the past two weeks. there was one that showed a young boy on the sidewalk being insulted and asking for help. that has enraged them, and they say enough is enough.
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here in the city center there is a peaceful march by student girls and boys. we had a chat with them. they were saying that this is their third, and when pressed by the fact that the numbers were not so large they said this is our generation, and we'll carry on with this until we get what we want. why are we study going to we don't have freedom. that's one of the main things that several of the students told me. they do say that yes, palestinians have gone through a first and second and yes they understand that the older generation is not keen on a third up rising, but they say this is something that they need to do their way because their message is still the same. they want to live in freedom. they want to have rights. and they want to have a future to look at.
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>> so far in the presidential election there have been five confirmed candidates. the unknown is joe biden. he is not certain that he'll enter the race. hillary clinton was the early frontrunner, but she has a strong challenge in sanders, a self-described socialist whose politics sit to the far left. democratic delegation also meet in las vegas to meet for debates. >> you just wonder what bernie sanders would think. he does not come across as overly groom.
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he's far from being young and hip. >> they are sick and tired of establishing politics. >> his politics is described as socialist. he's blunt, and unlike every past candidate he refuses to run campaign ads, and it seems to be working. his supporters are easy to spot. these supporters do not just like him. they love his policies. policies to raise the minimum wage, abolish mass incarceration, and reform. he's programming to make college free for everyone by tacting wall street, organizers caleb weber said that students are excited for barack obama but not like this. >> the take up for the sanders campaign was very fast.
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>> i do want to be the champion for every day americans and sanders is coming close to clinton on fundraising. she raised $28 million, he raised $26 million, and unlike clinton his cash is coming from small donors, another selling point for these students. >> i think bernie is doing a good job to bringing attention to the working class and the people who don't necessarily have the same voice as pull in national politics. >> but most analysts are skeptical that this enthusiasm will last. >> it's really unlikely that bernie sanders win. he is an extreme member of the democratic party. he's far to the left of the average democrat. when you look at electability and eventually a lot of democrats are going to look at the question of who is going to win the general election match up they're going to question bernie sanders' credentials. >> there is nothing, nothing
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that together we can't accomplish. >> the last time hillary clinton ran around this time, everyone assumed she would be the nominee. but in the end it went to the candidate no one thought would win. >> let'let's go to patty culhane in las vegas. only a few hours left, what is the mood like there? >> well, i can tell through is a lot of excitement. it might sound somewhat insane. but think about this, the vote for president is not for 13 months. but with this debate the campaign for the democratic nomination officially gets under way. one of the more opposite pew lent opulent casinos holding the debate. this is the spin room where every candidate will have their people out here claiming that their candidate won the debate.
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we'll be here for all of that in the run up to that i wanted to get more on bernie sanders and i spoke with ramón sanders no, relation, there was a poll, 50% of americans said. >> call it what you want, we've seen folks all across the country stand up and say i'm here for the little guy. you know, the senator advocating for working class americans every day americans. he's out there talking about free public colleges and making them tuition free. he's out there advocating for racial justice services and talking about police brutality, he's speaking to the issues that the american people care about, and they're responding. he's saying enough is enough, i'm standin standing with bernie sanders.
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we think that his message is resonating, and we're going to continue to see it resonate. >> i talk with supporters, and they do say enough is enough, they do like the idea of free college. but positions far to the left, he's unelectable. >> bernie sand certificates not unelectable. if you look at any of these most recent polls, the wall street journal polls, he has done better than his republican counterpart. furthermore we have built multi race political revolution. we have garnered $26 million donation and the average was $30 from every day americans. every day americans. they want to talk about the issues. they want somebody in office who is going to represent them and fight for the working class, the american people and that's bernie sanders. the american people are ready to stand behind bernie sanders and
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help him to take the white house. >> i was talk with one of his supporters, she said she likes that he's prone to angry outbursts. >> what you're going to see from senator sanders tonight is every day bernie sanders. you're going to see a man who is up there making his case to the american people about why they should take him seriously. why he should be the nominee. you're going to see a man who is going to talk about the issues and get fired up talking about the working class americans and 12 weeks of maternity leave for women. you're going to see somebody get fired up about college tuition and get passionate about prison reform, criminal justice reform. that's what you're going to see from bernie sanders.
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>> just to give a sense, the candidates usually do spend weeks. they have mock sets. they film it all. they test with polls how answers went over. bernie sanders campaign said that has not done any of that. they insist they have not done any of their own polling. as for the big question, will vice president joe biden be here? they've a podium backstage just in case. that's what we're told, but that he's not going to show up in vegas. >> patty culhane, thank you very much, indeed. >> staying in the u.s. thousands of prisoners who were jailed for life without parole when they were children could have their senses review doctor sentences reviewed. now the supreme court is deciding whether that should apply to inmates who were jailed before. >> xavier bay was 13 when the prison doors shut behind him.
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>> at the time i weighed 110, 112 pounds. i had a small little whiskers. >> he walked out a man of 26 with a college degree earned in prison and a new attitude. like many young offenders he had a troubled past. abused in foster homes, shot in the face and then he was sentenced with the murder of a rival gangster. then at some point he realized. >> i realized despite all that you can still do something better with your life. you don't have to resign so this meaninglessness or this existential nightmare. you can rise above this if you give yourself that goal and plan to do so. >> his friend was sentenced to life without parole at 14 for fatally shooting two rival gang
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members, he stays in prison 25 years later. the supreme court banned sentences of life without parole for children in 2012, saying that judges must consider their potential for change. the court is now considering whether that ban should apply to more than 2,000 offenders convicted before that ruling took place. >> the court has told us, youth matters. the fact that they may be more impulsive, the fact that they're not fully developed, none of us is the person we were when we were 15 years old. we all change and grow and that's exactly what we expect. that's exactly what xavier demonstrates. >> xavier bay now an advocate for other children say that others should be given the chance to show change.
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>> it's sad that my friend does not have the opportunity. i think it's completely inhuma inhumane, wrong because of a childhood mistake. >> the court is expected to decide by summer whether boys who grew to manhood in prison will be given the chance. >> refugees crossing europe shows no signs of diminishing. at least three refugee trains arrived in the border town having traveled directly from the greek border. the refugee who is crossed into serbia this summer are escaping violence in syria and iraq. many coming ashore, and some suffer from mental trauma caused by abuse, tol torture and rape.
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163 people getting ready to make the journey. 3,000 have died crossing the mediterranean this year, most of them departed from libyan shores. now we're all familiar with the traditional fairytale of princess meets prince charming and they live happy ever after. but sometimes real life is very different. >> they have come to this area to show children something new. tired of classic disney stories they invented one that is the anti-princess collection. >> we're working to change the model that beauty is from the outside. we're oppose the view that women are waiting to be rescued. the women in this story change
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it for themselves. >> the collection has two books and another one under way. the first one tells the story of trida kahlo, the famous mexican artist. and then the second is from the chilean folk sing. some of the characteristics of this collection, the big difference of other children's stories is that this anti--princess is not a fantasy. they're some of latin america's most respected women. the third book is based on a south american military leader. the illustrator said that he tries to make each character attractive for children. >> i looked for all the pictures of the chapters, and i wanted to draw them in a minimalize way, simple, so children can relate to the drawing. >> children here told us that they like the books. >> i love the book because she
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thinks for the poor. >> the lives of the women in the books were no fairy tale. suffering from depression and killed herself and frida kahlo tried several times. >> we don't believe children should be exposed to the bad things that happen in the world. in these fairy tales there is a happy ending, but in the middle lots of terrible things happen. the mothers, they always die. the sisters betray each other. realism is what makes these books different and what could inspire the new generations to come. al jazeera, buenos aires. >> and let's update you on the breaking news where there has been a series of exposes. the blasts are believed to have taken place in maidugari, the capital of born kno borno
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state. the attacks were carried out by two male bombers and one female bomber. still to come, we have sport we'll tell butt latest award that cristiano ronaldo, and why this is so special. . >> we mix the color. we put in a little blue color, and then we put it in. >> the budget props to make block buster movies in you dan duganda.
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>> how much do you think it makes to make a modern blockbuster action movie. how far about $200. malcolm web sent this report from a film set in kampala. >> the rescue operation gone wrong, but the rescuers fight back. it's the latest action film. he makes almost one every month. here at his studios in uganda's capital in kampala. >> many come from the ghettos, from the slums, so i focus on the life in the movie. then it becomes a movie for them. >> and they're popular, extraordinary drama in familiar settings and draw crowds. since isaac started putting the trailers on youtube, it has
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attracted fans from all over the world. this one went viral, and it has had more than 2 million views. the theatrics on screen are made possible by the resourceful crews behind the scenes. all of the equipment is homemade. this camera tripod was made from a carjack. this is made from a crane, this is fitted metal on the end. the biggest prop here is a life side model of a helicopter that the technician is still building. and here is a giant machine gun built from water pipes and a machine gun. >> the sunday of gunfire is added after. isaac taught himself to use graphic software downloaded from the internet, and his wife has become an expert in special effects. this man is about to be shot. >> we mix in the color.
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we put in a little blue color, then we put it into the condom. >> the actors say they're here for the love more than the money. the entire budget for each film is about $200. >> i love acting because that's my dream. that's why you say i act all the time. anything the director wand i can do. >> the storm ends filming for the day and cuts over electricity. but isaac won't stop. he's using a battery back up. this is his 40th movie as soon as it's finished he'll start on the next. malcolm web, al jazeera, kampala, uganda. >> now time for sport with robin in doha.
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>> world cup finalists where they dream of reaching the 2016 championships are over. they need to beat the check republic in order to make the playoffs. but they fell 3-2 where they missed out on the european action for the first time since 1984. and the czech republic goes through from group a. belgium confirmed their places after seeing israel. coincidentally, belgium now the new world number one team in group h grabbed the last automatic qualification spot. syria's dream of one day appearing at a football world cup very much on track that comprehensively speak of the play in oman.
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>> from the outside this was just another world cup qualifier. but in syria and afghanistan who have been banned from hosting matches for security reasons this campaign is proof in times of war. both sides have played of future venues and they have been few and far between. for what the crowd lacked in number in muscat they made up for in enthusiasm. the thi thin support in the stands did not hold them back. they would open the scoring and double their advantage minutes later. mahmood made it three, and it looked dangerously reminiscent of afghanistan's 6-0 thrashing at the hands of syria in june. but if they did pull two goals back either side of the break, whatever hopes they may have had of a comeback were ended by
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amari, who completed his hat trick. it ended 5-2 to syria. the results putting them back of their qualifying group. >> we cam back and scored two goals. it was very important t. >> despite the conflict in their home countries they can still pursue that dream. al jazeera. >> the winners on the road to russia in 2018. including qatar. oman solidified their spot with a 3-0 win over india. group f, thailand has a curb over iraq after the win against
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vietnam. north korea now four points ahead of uzbekistan after beating yemen. and cristiano ronaldo has become the first man to win the award. he scored 48 goals in 35 games, and the spanish la liga just finishing ahead of lionel messi. sergio aguero, ronaldo has won now won it twice and said he's determined to win it even more. >> i am not satisfied. i always want more. i know i'm the only one who has four boots, but i want more. i want a fifth one and a sixth one if possible. obviously that means winning things collectively with the team, trophies, and for me real madrid is the greatest club in the world. >> the liverpool striker has been arrested for his
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i believe if i push myself. >> for tomorrow, if we start with that new goal, we're a double of wickets away, anything under 400 would be a fantastic effort from the bowling unit, and then you've got one job. >> let's turn our tension to tennis. federer is out. and the spaniard is ranked 70th in the world and never has beaten a top ten player before this. and the frenchman beating victor estralla. and o'connell is out of the rugby world cup, ending his
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international career. the 34-year-old tore his hamstring in the game against france. he'll undergo surgery this week. >> we want to do it for the guys who have gone home injured. any time he has pulled on the irish jersey, he has left skin on the pitch. i think it would be a tragedy if we did it. so i think for us it's as a group it's going to pull us tighter together. >> that is your sport for now. there is plenty more for now. we'll return you now to lauren in london. >> a quick reminder, you can catch up with the sport and the news we're reporting on by checking out our website. that's al you can watch us by clicking on the watch icon. that's it from me, lauren taylor. i'll be back with another full round up of the day's news. thanks for watching.
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>> we're here to fully get into the nuances of everything that's going on, not just in this country, but around the world. getting the news from the people who are affected. >> people need to demand reform... >> ali velshi on target weeknights 10:30p et >> i've been asked to keep my voice down cause we are so close to the isil position >> who is in charge, and are they going to be held to accout? >> but know we're following the research team into the fire
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>> they're learning how to practice democracy... >> ...just seen tear gas being thrown... >> ...glad sombody care about us man... >> several human workers were kidnapped... >> this is what's left of the hospital >> is a crime that's under reported... >> what do you think... >> we're making history right now... >> al jazeera america >> good morning and welcome to al jazeera america. >> is this the first chance they're getting to asses the damage. >> we begin with breaking news coming out of the west bank.
6:00 pm
>> another escalation of violence in israel and the palestinian territories, the israel prime minister said that all available means will be use to the top attacks. i'm lauren taylor. also coming up. dutch investigators say that flight mh 17 should never have been flying over the war zone at the time it was brought out. and derailing hillary clinton's hopes for democratic presidential nomination. we'll be live at the party's first debate.
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