tv News Al Jazeera October 14, 2015 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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israel unveils tougher security measures as violence continues in israel and the palestinian territories. ♪ hello >> and welcome to al jazeera live from doha. also ahead, families of the victims search for answers as a russian-made smils is blamed for the mh-17 crash but it's not clear who fired it. the candidates hoping to win the u.s. democratic nomination debate the war in syria. the chinese city that makes many of the world's christmas
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decorations but the outlook of business is less than festive. the israeli government has unveiled tougher security measures to tackle a wave of unrest in israel and the p palestinian territories. security forces have been deployed throughout the public transport network and military units will help police cities. since the start of october, 30 palestinians and seven israelis have died in the unrest. earlier, thousands of pal t palestinian israelis have held a protest regarding visits to the a al come /* mosque compound. let's take a closer look at the new security measures put in place by the israeli government. the government called up reservists to help police
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cities. security forces have been deployed. police have new authority to impose block aides in palestinian neighborhoods. they can have their right to live in the city revoked and property confiscated. the government has authorized demolition of houses belonging to those responsible for attacks. let's go to our correspondent, mike hanna joining us live from west jerusalem. good morning, mike. what is the situation there this morning? >> reporter: well, at the moment, there is an area, atmosphere of uneasy calm. one might put it like that. east jerusalem, itself, is very, very tension. there is a huge amount of police presence in the area, no neighborhoods have been sealed off as yet. however, once again, extremely tense situation. now, the most significant of
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these new measures announced is deployment into israeli cities. this is virtually unprecedented measure putting the army alongside the police in the cities and in what are termed sensitive areas. the exact phrasing of the closedush of certain east jerusalem suburbs is important. it says the israel police is authorized to impose a closure to surround septembers of friction in accordance with security considerations. basically, they have given themselves the authority to be able to seal off specific neighborhoods of east jerusalem. this, in itself, is going to be a point of major friction in the days ahead. >> well, how will these increased security measures, militarization, mike, of an already tense situation, how is that likely to be received?
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>> reporter: well, it's very difficult to judge. one must remember as well that prior to these security regulations, there had already been some 2000 police reservists called up. these are civilians who serve in a reserve capacity. they have been employed in recent days by government order. so you have already had a massive bolstering of police forces on the ground. now, what you have is a massive bolstering of those bolstered police forces with army units on the ground. this is an incredible intensefication. whether this is going to deal with random attacks we have been seeing. increased measures had not dealt with it as evidenced by the wave of attacks that once again occurred within the past 24 hours, particularly within jerusalem, itself. so once again, the critics of benjamin netanyahu are going to be saying he is not dealing with the caused. he is attempting to actually manage a solution and this type
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of management may, in itself, actually make the situation even worse. >> mike, thank you very much for that. that's our correspondent, mike hanna joining us live from west jerusalem. thank you, mike. the u.s. has denounced the latest violence. secretary of state john kerry said he will travel to the region soon to try to help resolve the crosses. >> the united states condemns in the strongest terms possible the terrorist attacks against israeli civilians. and they have resulted in the murder now of three israelis and left numerous others wounded, and this is on top of violence that has gone back and forth over a number of weeks now. naturally, we mourn the loss of any life no matter who it is. but this violence and any incitement to violence has got to stop. the situation is simply too volatile, too dangerous, and it is not going to lead to the
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outcome that people want, which is to have a peaceful resolution of the differences. to other news. dutch investigators released their final report into the downing of malaysian airline mh-17. they claim it had been hit by a russian missile. all 298 people on board died. the report said that ukraine should have closed its airspace but pointed out airlines flying over eastern ukraine should have rec fri recognized dangers. investigators recommended more transparency. from the air base in the netherlands. >> reporter: in a dutch military hangar lies the broken shell of flight mh-17. 298 people died on board this aircraft, shot down over the war zone in eastern ukraine. it's a grim puzzle that has helped dutch investigators piece
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together their report about the flight's last moment. >> flight mh-17 crashed because of a 9 m 314 m bore head. this war head fits the kind of missile that is instyled on the surface to air and missile system. >> the cockpit is peppered by slapnal on the left-hand side of mh-17. the entire fronts section broke away in midair. it would have been a defendant quick death for those piloting this plane. one thing the report does not answer is where the missile was fired from and the burning question of: who is responsible? but suspicions are rife. ukraine and some western leaders accuse pro-russian separatists of using al surface to air missile supplied by moscow. russia fiercely denies this. the state articles producer that makes book misses presented a parallel report including this
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life-size reconstruction that refutes the dutch findings. russia claims the type of missile used to shoot down mh-17 only exists in ukraine's arsenal. they say the weapon was fired from ukrainian-held territory. for the families of those killed, it's been a defendant desperate search for answers including why the plane was allowed to fly over a war zone. the report calls on airline companies to take more precautions when flying over conflict areas and suggests ukraine should have closed its airspace. we know where and why mh seventeen crashed but we don't know who is to blame. the results of an international criminal investigation are expected next year. evidence that could lead to charges of war crimes and murder. neep barca in the netherlands. >> countries like australia accuse russia of causing the crash and said her government will continues to pursue justice for those killed. >> we won't be bullied by
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anyone. we will continue to pursue ju justice for the families and the loved ones of those aboard mh-17. we mustn't forget that russia backed the original security council resolution number 2166, which called for an independent international investigation. that's precisely what has been carried out. russia did block the setting up of an international criminal tribunal which we sought last july. part of its concern was said to be the timing of it. once these investigations and reports are concluded, they will no longer have that arm of opinion zopposition to rely upo. >> to the u.s. where the two leading typically democratic candidates have crashed in the first debate. hillary clinton and bernie sanders discuss u.s. involvement in the middle east, gun control and comic policy. taking part of the .2 former marylandgom governor martin o'malley and jim web and rhode
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island's lincoln schaffey. >> i believe a no-fly zone in syria at this time actually sec, secretary, would be a mistake. you have to enforce no-fly zones, and i believe especially with the russian air force in the air, it could lead to an escalation because of an accident that we would deeply regret. i support president obama. i think we have to play a long game, and i think ultimately, you want to talk about blundzers, assad's invation of syria will be seen as a blunder. >> we are flying in syria just as we are flying in iraq. the president has made a very tough decision. what i believe and why i have advocated that the no-fly zone -- which of course would be in a coalition -- be put on the table is because i am trying to figure out what leverage we have to get russia to the table. you know, diploacy is not about getting to the perfect solution. it's about how you balance the risk. >> thank you. white house correspondent patty colhane has more from las
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vegas. >> the very first debate among the democratic potential candidates for president now in the books, here, trying to spin reporters saying theircan data, of course, won the debate. one of the big areas where the candidates die virginia when it comes to foreign policy is on syria. we saw the former secretary of state hillary clinton try to tie herself to some of the foreign policy successes of the obama administration but she disagreed with him on syria. she said there needs to be a no-fly zone instituted within the country so that the refugees would not have to flee to other countries. the other two contenders in this race, former governor of maryland and bernie sanders said that would be dang rusz, sanders calling syria a quagmire within a quagmire. a few issues where they disagreed but in the end, this probably doesn't exchange the frontrunner status but seems likely the two of the lower tier candidates will probably have to drop out after a pretty poor debate performances.
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the first democratic presidential debate. the war in syria one of the main talking points. >> dutch investigation regarding mh-17. the final report on the incidents doesn't say who launched the missile. all 298 people on board were killed. now,tie's president says the attackers who killed 97 people and two bomb inns ankara may have traveled from syria. investigators are spoke to using on a group blamed in july. the attacks have deepened political divisions. a report from ankara. >> as procetests persist and
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clashes continue, more and more officials are calling for unity even as the political divisions in turkey seem to grow deeper. >> analysts say the country is more poliarized than even. >> the climate is tense as if there is a winner takes all game and nobody wants to be the loser. the people who say terrorism is mayor their main priority in the upcoming elections is increasing. >> reporter: a huge worry for all of the parties whose posters hang throughout this city. >> while daily life in ankara has returned to normal, it's no longer politics as usual in turkey's capitol. parliamentary elections may be around the corner but political rallies have been suspended out of respect for convictedims of saturday's attack. it remains to be scene how and if those bombings will affectboat voters' opinions. >> reporter: outside the main train stations where the blastsode, the makeshift
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memorial is still in place. carnation to see commemorate vict ims, pictures of whom sit amid the flowers. >> we can only overcome this by our will to live together. we are all mourning together and feeling the pain. we will not allow anybody to make use of the pain we are feeling from this incidents to further divide us. this is a terrorist attack and this terrorist attack is aimed against the whole of this country. >> chellik is a member of checks and balances, an inter dialogue initiative from members all over turk turkey. they came here to pay respects and reinforce their messages that while they may think differently, they can solve by working together. >> . >> i believe the people who lost their lives here died due to lack of dialogue. what i say simply is dialogue, die local, dialogue. >> tired of poisonous politics
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and an expecting conflict to the armed curtedish group pkk, they are hopeful citizenship working together can help turn the tide. >> the whole of turkey wants to return to the three-year longera of cease-fire and dialogue. turkey needs piece, dialogue and negotiation. >> reporter: a language these days seems to be spoken far less than ever before. mohammed jamjoom, al jazeera, ankara,tie. the u.s. and russia will hold talks to discuss flight safety over syria. washington and moscow are carrying out rival airstrikes against isil fighters and opposition groups. they say they came within sight of each other while flying over syria and continues to condemn russia's bombing campaign. >> i find these airstrikes to be reckless and indisriminate. they are doing -- having exactly the opposite effect of what russia has claimed they want to
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do. they claim publithey want to fight isil. in reality, these reckless, ind incities criminal nat airstrikes have had the effect and will have the effect only of prolonging the suffering of the syrian people. >> now, the international criminal court plans to investigate russia and georgia over the 2008 conflict. the 5-day war centered on the brake away georgian areas. 900 people were killed including peacekeepers. rights groups say south asetia and georgia set up military positions putting civilians at risk and they accused russia and setia of attacking civilians fleeing both regions. >> parliament has pass add deal. it received one 60 votes in favor, 59 against. under the deal, economic sanctions on iran will be lifted as long as the government limits
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itsnie program. now, there is more evidence that china's economy is slowing down. new data shows that annual inflation for consumers rose by 1.6% less than what economists expected. the producer price index which measures the price for wholesale goods fell by 5.9% the 43rd straight month of decline. following data on tuesday that revealed a fall in chinese imports and he can ports. a slowing economy? china is making an already difficult situation worse for many businesses. our china correspondent adrian brown reports from the southeast. >> reporter: it's the world's christmas showroom. a vast one-stop em pourium from traders around the world. 60% of all christmas decorations are made in iwu. an important manufacturing center and an indicator of china's economy. >> this year is very bad, much
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worse compared with last year. my business has dropped by almost half. yi chin wu's fact o makes artificial christmas trees. this shipment is dest i need for chile. economic growth in europe remains sluggish. it's currency, the euro is weaker against the chinese yuan. in the hurts mr. yi. >> reporter: t. >> the problem is the orders from overseas decrease a lot and the volume of orders have dropped as well. >> reporter: there are other problems: labor costs are rising. on average, 30% higher than they were five years ago. >> the profit is less and less and the worker's pay is getting higher and hire. also, the overseas market is not doing so well and the price of products did not rise. so that's why i closed my factory the. >> reporter: in other words, fact owners in the world's
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workshop are struggling to remain competitive. all of the time when the economy has already slowed to its lowest level in 25 years. while this is very much the face of made-in-china but it's the face the chinese government wants to slowly phase out. it wants to end this sort of low-end manufacturing focusing, instead, on high-tech industries like green energy and robotics. it could mean a painful transition for this city. chi kin lian represents 2 he on 0 of its manufacturers. >> the government calls for us to use more advanced technology. other things have to be made by hand. >> the writing is on the wall in other ways here this cluster of drewedly made adverts or for apartments for sale or rent. priepsz negotiable. >> there are so many empty
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apartments. many in this area. too many. >> it is not all bad news n atheist china, christmas is becoming popular. this city needs it to become even more so. adrian brown, al jazeera in y yi woo, southeast china. >> a slowdown in the chinese economy could mean trouble for the rest of the world. european union is china's biggest trading partner. the two regions trade ov$2 regi billion dollars a day. the eusells most of its machinery and vehicles to china. he merging markets like brazil are affected. the country depends upon ire ore and soy to china. african nations will feel the economic downturn. china is the number 1 trading partner for most countries on the continent and in the world's biggest economy, the united states, manufacturing industries are already affected by slower exports to china. joining us now from manila is marshal may, director of
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emerging alpha advisors a country that focuses on asian markets. good to have you with us on,as. economists seem divided in their interpretation of the latest economy data imports now for the 11th month. exports falling sharply. how do you think the economy is doing? >> well, the data at either end of the curve or the trend line is quite messy. i would advise we are probably near the bottom but not there yet and have a lot of bumps to go. the problem is that as each country adjust manufacturing or export policies, the other is on the import side change as well so it's a never-ending game. we may think we are at the bottom but it could go a bit further. one of the big questions in all of this is: who is going to lend the money to buy more stuff and for what purpose? i think the general problem we face globally is that we are in the last part of a general deleveraging of the global credit system in which excess credit which basically fuels
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speculation certainly 10 years ago is being squeezed out and that adjustment process is slow and painful. in china, as the worldses biggest manufacturer of many goods is feeling the pan pain perhaps more than many have but i think it's gotten through most of the pain. >> we have seen the slowdown, the effect it's having on the international landscape. what about the effect it's having on the chinese population? >> well, the biggest transformations in china has been the migration from the smaller towns to the large cities where the fact odors are. particularly from the west to the east. the very fact that labor costs arising or have been for over five or six years at significant levels is an education that migration has drained out all of the easy, mobile and quickly talented labor. now, of course, educational investments have been boost that supply but even still, the migration is partly complete. i mean china has moved from being mostly a rural country to mostly urban. maybe another decade, it will be
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highly urbanized as much as western europe. the question is: how much more migration can go on? right now, that cost of migration provides more growth to poor areas but it's also meaning there is more consumption in the cities. i think the chinese, themselves are in for a shock if it's at the high end. >> emerging alva advisors joining us from man ill a, thank you very much for your time. jamac an jane has won the the 2015 man booker prize for fiction. judges describe his novel a brief history of 7 killings inspired by the attempted assassination of musical legend bob material in the 1970 did. james was the first jamaican to win the prize. >> i would be happy. it's really affirming and when
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you are in that sort of quiet room writing novels, you like to think the world isn't there but it's actually the absolute opposite is true. the world is never more there. >> the indian capitol is in the grip of the worst dengue outbreak in years. over 10,000 people testing positive for the mosquitos-borne disease. a long summer with patches of rain means it has lasted much longer than normal. now, guatemala has one of the world's highest rates of child malnutrition. more than half the population living in poverty and a drought has made the food crisis worse but an initiative for guide applications in schools is raising hope. david mercer reports. >> in this small garden in western guatemala, children are sowing the seeds of change. the students are proud of the
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bounty, the pay-off for months of hard work and their organize -- in their organic school garden. >> we start off preparing the land and mixing the earth. we make the beds, plant seeds and water them. then we harvest the vegetables, take them to the school and eat them. >> reporter: with the majority of children here suffering from cnn chronic malnutrition. local teachers have wanted to introduce organic guaardening f years but it wasn't until they partnered up with the ngo pueblo a p per loe /* /- peblo. >> the best place to start is with children by teaching them to grow their food without the chemicals that can cause health problems. >> specialists from pueblo pueblo a pueblo give classes in soil preparation, watering and seed banks and they are
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producing one 00 pounds of food a month. in a few years, the school garden should be running without any outside help. >> we have groups made of up of parents, teachers and students. little by little, they will take over the decision making in order to improve the project. >> in the school kitchen, mothers take turns preparing healthy meals using produce from the garden. at that commitment from parents and teachers that's having a dramatic impact. >> the students used to have very low grades. in a few months, we have seen a big change in their work. they, synthesis see the change inheir attitude toward school. >> careen hernandez inspired her mom to grow her brchlt s at home. it's the kind of effect that could transform families. >> we benefit from the program, too, because our children teach us what they learn in school. we have never had this opportunity before. >> fighting hunger from the
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roots, up, while giving children opportunities to lead their communities in a new direction. david mercer, al jazeera, nueva vivita. >> a reminder, keep up-to-date on the news with our website, corners of web where nobody knows your name and just about anyone goes, plus hackers taking the wheel as you drive. the internet made our lives more convenient than ever, hackers twisted the internet into a weapon testing the security of individuals, companies and nations. we know about the millions of
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