tv News Al Jazeera October 14, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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>> iranian deploilt. >> we do continue to see some reports that iranian forces are ramping up their presence inside of syria. >> iran reportedly sends hundreds of troops to fight in syria adding another layer of concern for the u.s. iraqi infighting. >> translator: there is no trust between the government
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forces including the so-called popular mobilization forces and the sunni tribal fighters and that's why there's a delay in the upcoming offensive. >> iraq prepares for a major assault on i.s.i.l. but internal divisions could paralyze the effort. growing violence. >> individuals on both sides of this divide have profned incapablprovenproven capableof . >> secretary of state john kerry preparing to into the region. and a bear in a shopping mall in russia. >> good evening, i'm antonio mora. this is al jazeera america. we begin in syria where iran has
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reportedly made a major move to support syrian president bashar al-assad. over the past few days, reports say hundreds of iranian forces have entered syria under the cover of russia's air campaign. the white house said it's keeping an eye on the reports. a team of iranian legislators arrived in damascus around the photos sai showed the head of te elite kuds force. fearfierce battle with i.s.i.l,t now they're preparing for another offensive the syrian army. meanwhile, u.s. and russian commanders head another round of talks but rejected talks held in washington, chaired by prime minister dimitri me medvedev.
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jamie mcintire is there. good evening jamie. >> perhaps more than a thousand have moved into central and northern syria over the past two weeks and they appear to be linking up with hezbollah fighters in what has all the earmarks of an offensive to take back some areas of syria that are currently head by syrian antigovernment rebels. the center of the issue seems to be aleppo and the province around it, various areas, some held by the syrian government forces some busy the antigovernment opposition, some held by i.s.i.l. in that area. the pentagon has down played the overall numbers saying it's not as high as 1500 in some places but doesn't deny the iranians are there or which side they're on. as you mentioned the pictures have surfaced on social media of
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kasam sulimani the kuds commander, seeking to a pro-regime forces, a force of bashar al-assad, more evidence that these russian air strikes along with the iranian troop presence in the ground is aimed at the u.s. backed opposition much more than i.s.i.l. something sharply criticized by the white house today. here is spokesman josh earnest. >> we are obviously watching that situation quite closely and it's consistent with what they've done in the pass but it's an indication of how isolated russia is. the only people coordinated with them now is the fledgling assad government such as it is and the iranians who had been engaged in the kind of destabilizing
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activity inside of syria that has made them the target for u.s. and international sanctions. >> reporter: antonio you might think with the russian air force, the iranian fighters, the syrian army, that the u.s. backed troops would be on the ropes, but fierce fighting, u.s. supplied tow antitank weapons are having effect and only giving ground grudgingly. this will be ongoing for a while now antonio mora antonio. >> any progress? >> pentagon issued a statement but it also underscored the statement that these are narrowly focused discussions. just about making sure that the
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u.s. and russian planes stay out of each other's way. this is not anything advancing the cause of peace in syria nor coordinating the battle against i.s.i.l. it's just to make sure those u.s. and russian airplanes don't have any incidents or accidents as they are attacking very different targets on the ground. antonio. >> jamie mcintire in washington, thanks. iran's test of a long range missile violated security council resolutions, according to samantha power, u.s. ambassador to the u.n. will bring up the matter at the u.n. security council. the white house thoated in contrast iran has so far fulfilled its commitments regarding its nuclear program. iran's guardian council has approved the agreement reached with the u.s. and five other international powers. the deal requires iran to reduce its nuclear capabilities and allow their facilities open for
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inspectors, the country's parliament prove approved the dn thursday. diplomats should vote or the ukraine to have a seat on the security council. al jazeera's diplomatic editor james bays reports. >> 250,000 dead, it's also a major failure of global diplomacy. now the u.s. and its allies firmly oppose the president assad and it his allies carrying out the air strikes in syria. this is not u.s. and russian relations the worst since the cold war.
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u.s. has accused russia of backing separatists in eastern ukraine. now the situation tharnd table supposed to have the final say on international peace and security is about to get even more complicated. after an election by the u.n. glig general assembly of forlity, ukraine will next year join the council. one person who understands the dynamics of the security council is ambassador rosemary de carlo, she was president of the council in july 2013. >> i don't think it is a new cold war. i think it is a bumpy relationship we have with russia now, between the u.s. and russia. it is a bit chilly. some of the issues that we have not been able to resolve with the russians, ukraine, syria we
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certainly had disagreements over u.s. and nato intervention this libya as you know. i think that unfortunately these disagreements are spilling over to other issues and that is most unfortunate. >> reporter: not only is ukraine due to join the council, meaning that two players ukraine and russia will bothing sitting around this top table of international democracy, another interesting situation, jordan will finish its term, it's due to be replaced by egypt, yes a u.s. ally but recently president sisi is make overtures to moscow, too. things are likely to get more complicated. james bays, al jazeera, united nations. streets of bethlehem earlier today. israeli police stepped up security. they fired tear gas, they sealed off certain palestinian neighborhoods. secretary of state john kerry said he will head to the region
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to try defuse tensions. karl penhall is there. karl. >> the israeli government security cabinet approved a number of measures aimed at beefing up security amid this round of violence. one of the areas that those were most evident today was the fracture line that separates west jerusalem from east jerusalem. security forces were trying to stay up positions to cordon off some of the palestinian neighborhoods in east jurming jm particularly where alleged attackers have come from over the past few days. you might of course say what effect these security measures are having so far. as you say wednesday was certainly another violent day, street clashes on the one hand, more stabbings on the other. let's take olook at ther a looks
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report. >> occupied west bank. clashes with the israeli army after the funeral of a 27-year-old shot and killed by israeli forces while protesting a day earlier. in contrast west jerusalem was unusually quiet. deployed here and in several other cities as part of a government security crack down following a series of stabbings and shootings. >> you can see, it's almost empty here. so the people little bit afraid. especially the mothers or the kids going to the garden or to the school. >> reporter: latest incident came wednesday afternoon when an israeli woman was stabbed at the city's central bus station, according to authorities. her attacker a 23-year-old from east jerusalem shot dead by police. he became the 32nd palestinian killed in the month-long wave of
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clashes. the live address wednesday palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas said israeli action was meant to nigh insighd provoke. >> we'll not give up policies which are against our people and sacred sites. we will not stand for the killing of our children in cold blood. >> september 13th a faceoff between arab youth and israeli police at jerusalem's al-aqsa mosque exown compound. one of the holiest sites for both muslims and jews who wall it the temple mount. recent israeli measures to limit palestinian access. residents in occupied east jerusalem are now bracing themselves for possible punitive israeli action. like the demolition of homes of those september of taking part in attacks.
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-- suspected of taking part in attacks. . >> goals of the israeli government, the only way to achieve the goals if peaceful way of living between the israelis and palestinians are establishing a two state solution. >> check points and roadblocks is already been set up to access of certain east jerusalem neighborhoods, stie stifling ats at normal life. they won't return bodies for burial, instead the authorities say they may take those corpses and dump them in unmarked graves in remote military bases. antonio. >> karl penhall reporting from jerusalem, thanks. fighting between afghan security forces and taliban, tens of thousands have been
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stuck on highway 1 which runs from kabul to kandahar. thousands of trucks and buses have been trapped since the beginning of the week. rethinking the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan, the president seems increasingly willing to keep a large force there, large enough to reluctant for al qaeda and i.s.i.l. >> there continues to be a threat that emanates from afghanistan and our abilities to carry out those counterterrorism operations continues to be important. >> the plan has been to reduce the number of u.s. troops there to about a thousand by the end of next year. douglas olivant is an al jazeera america security contributor, served in afghanistan and joins us. good evening doug. >> good evening, antonio. >> we have a big bipartisan report, saying president obama's plan to almost totally withdraw
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from afghanistan by the end of next year would promote dissolution, do you agree? >> i think there's a good chance that that could happen. the question that critics could make is does that change if we punt this ten years down the road to 2025 or 2035? are we really on a path to get to a place where united states troops can ever offramp from there? we've seen he most notably pushes back in kunduz and the north but we also have i.s.i.l. in the east around jalalabad and pushes against canada rar i kane south also. is this a tar baby we can ever disentangle you're from? >> can you hope that the afghans will be able to control their country without substantial foreign military aid? >> i have hope, but hope is not
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a plan. we all hope that the afghans will be able to pull it together but rational analysis gives us no real basis to think that that's going to happen in the next five or ten years. and is the united states willing to spend the money and keep the troops there, for the foreseeable future? >> wouldn't it cost even more if a withdrawal would lead to afghanistan becoming a failed state? a u.n. report says taliban controls more of the state than ever before. i.s.i.l. seems to have an increasing presence. the. >> look, there's clearly very real problems there . the question is, if we left and then came back, it would be more expensive. there's no doubt about that. the question is: is this something that we could mitigate from the air, or where we could have proxies or partners in the country, although we've seen how
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unsatisfactory that could be in places like syria. is there another way that we could do this without keeping u.s. troops in this isolated hostile and land-locked country which makes them very, very expensive to maintains there. >> so what should the plan be? what are the options being discussed? currently there are about 10,000 u.s. troops there. >> i don't hear any plan to increase the number of troops. i think options are, do we keep what we have or how close to we get to the 1,000 number that you referred to earlier? do we slow down that wrawl with, do we not get to 1,000, punts that back to one or two years, accept having five to 6,000 over the next few years? those are the ranges we're talking about. >> issue in afghanistan doesn't seem to be debting better. douglas olivant, thank you. stepping up the u.s.
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get proactive alerts 24/7. comcast business. built for business. >> the iraqi military is getting ready to make a push into anbar province, the main goal to capture ramadi from i.s.i.l. imtiaz tyab explains why the offensive hasn't started yet. >> these sunni tribal fighters chant: we are not afraid. they belong to tribes from the predominantly sunni anbar province. just completed a training program with the iraqi military. their graduation was attended and a deliberate show of unity
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as the government prepares for what it's describing as a major offensive in anbar to retake the capital, ramadi from i.s.i.l. >> our message to the central government is that these are your sons and we want them to be integrated into the military establishment and recognized officially. >> the recruits are trained to be part of what's been called the national guard. a proposed armed force for each of iraq's provinces made up solely of local fighters. it's made to address concerns in predominantly sunni areas that predominantly sunni militias are trying the gain control. a bill seeking approval for the controversial plan has stalled in parliament. with iraq's deep sectarian divisions largely to blame for the political deadlock. as a result, prime minister haider al-abadi hasn't been able to launch a influence offensive
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in anbar, despite promising to do so for weeks. >> translator: there is no trust between the government forces including the so-called popular mobilization forces and the sunni tribal fighters and that's why there's a delay in the upcoming offensive. >> reporter: this isn't the first time iraqi forces have tried to liberate ramadi from i.s.i.l. back in july the offensive was halted after sunni tribes complained shia militias were becoming too involved in the fighting. >> haider al-abadi's strategy has been described by some political analysts as a complete mess. still he's determined to retake the capital ramadi from the armed group but until he breaks the political deadlock and addresses sectarian concerns he'll have a heart time doing so. imtiaz tyab, al jazeera,
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baghdad. russia's intervention in syria is the latest complication in iraq. sergey lavrov acknowledged his country was working with iraq against i.s.i.l. earlier on wednesday lavrov had said that only syria had asked the kremlin for direct intervention. >> ththe author of invasion to controversy, said that you treas -- it was titled iraq should fear russia's help. i want to get to russia in a minute but in that op ed, you also address an issue we just heard about in imen imtiaz tyabs report. do you agree they can't even
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form a national guard to fight i.s.i.l? >> that's the heart of the problem in iraq today. the fact is that although we can have short term military successes against i.s.i.s, there is no long term political solution to the problem in iraq without getting the sunnis on board. and without making the sunnis a coor parcore part of not only ti government but also a core part and leading part of the military forces that seek to dispem i.s.i.sdispeli.s.i.s. from sunn. you're not going to be able to hold the territory that you make clear of i.s.i.s. elements and you're not going to be able to prevent i.s.i.s. from making a rear appearance in the long term. >> -- reappearance in the long term . >> and russia's continued involvements, soon soons despise russian actions especially
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against assad in syria. >> absolutely. the problem in iraq today is that shiite militias and great deal of the shiite population is really clamoring for greater assistance from the outside against i.s.i.s. and they're supporting these overtures by russia for a more extensive military role in iraq because they're tired and they're frustrated by what they see as a half-hearted u.s. interaction with this battle in iraq. >> is it -- >> they feel that the u.s. is not serious. >> right. is it fair to say you're concerned that russia has greater ambitions in the middle east and that it's taking advantage of the vacuum left buy lack of american leadership, taking advantage of that to increase its influence in iraq? >> that is absolutely the case. if we had had more robust american leadership in the middle east, from the start of this administration, we would absolutely not be seeing russia playing the role that it is
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playing in the middle east today. it simply would not have taken the risk of engaging militarily in a region in which the u.s. was already pursuing its own strategic goals. the problem is that the obama administration has demonstrated time and time again that it's not serious about its engagement in iraq and syria. and that it is not prepared to engage deeply and in fact to pursue a holistic solution there. it's been made slum clear by the obama administration that they're not going to step up direct military engagement, and the russians have just been able to walk in absolutely secure in the knowledge that there would be no consequences from washington. >> right. >> and indeed there have been no consequences. >> and russian foreign minister sergey lavrov has confirmed, there is a furthering of
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intelligence sharing with the countries reached recently. do the russians have some kind of grand plan in the region to create some sort of shia alliance with iran, syria and iraq? >> i think the russians are keen to take advantage of what they see as a golden opportunity, during which the u.s. is unwilling to make any real commitments on the international stage. and they have this window of opportunity before a new administration comes in in the u.s., that might once again, be willing to take up america's roles and responsibilities in the world. but as it is now, they have this opportunity to put together this new anti-western alliance, consisting primarily of iran and syria but now also make overtures to iraq. and the idea is to create this kind of russian block within the middle east. and it's something that's not only detrimental to u.s. interests, but is ultimately
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going to further exacerbate those conflicts there, because the russians simply do not have the political will, or the political know-how, nor to truly bring an end to these deeply sectarian conflicts. >> senior fellow of the atlantic council very good to have your thoughts on this. thank you. asking for intervention. palestinian president mahmoud abbas is calling on the issue in israel. and the voyages undertaken by palestinian youths.
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poach. but first a look at the -- from the pope. stories making headlines across the u.s. in our american minute. increase in domestic terror incidents. a wisconsin jury says a gun shop has civil liability in the shooting of two police officers. jury ruled badger guns sold a gun to a straw buyer, who twoantd a gun show with a teenager and bought the gun for him. the shop was ordered to pay $6 million. head of the company's north american division, vw said his departure had flog to do with the current diesel emissions scandal. he's leaving over a dispute of how to restructure operations. tensions continue to rise in the middle east, along with the
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death toll. knife wielding palestinians attacking. palestinian president mahmoud abbas is proclaiming the violence on israel. mike hanna in east jerusalem. >> chaos, following the funeral of a teen shot and killed by israeli forces. in stark corch tras the streetss of west jerusalem are quiet. here being paroled by army troops, part of what the government calls heightened security pleasures. >> as you can see, it's almost empty here. so the people a applicability a frayed. especially the mother or the kids going to the garden or to the school.
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>> east jerusalem is also intensely calm. palestinian residents perhaps bracing themselves for punitive israeli action, that could include the blockade of neighborhoods. >> the collective punishment will not achieve the goals of the israeli government. the only way to achieve the goals would be for this way of living between the israelis and palestinians is to establish the two state solution, the state of palestine and the state of israel alongside. >> and angry words from palestinian leader mahmoud abbas. >> we are people asking for riots, we are not aggressive against anyone, we are not aggressive against anyone. we are asking for the world, the united nations to intervene. we will not give up the israeli policies which are against our people and our sacred sites and we will not stand for killing of our children if cold blood.
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>> reporter: three of the palestinians that were shot and killed in the last 24 hours come from this neighborhood in east jerusalem. each carried an israeli issued ifd and perhaps thi.d. and the o return their bodies to their families. in addition the government is considering burying them in a remote military area. three israelis were killed in the attacks they carried out but the decision of withholding the bodies with israeli i.d.s is a line that has not been cross he. greater violence to come? towards the end of the day an end to the temporary lull and another random stabbing the attacker shot and killed. mike hanna, al jazeera in occupied east jerusalem. palestinian students are trying to build a political
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movement out of the unrest. they're trying to turn the anger into action defense israeli government. hoda abdel hamid has the story. >> a generation that grew in the shadow of the oslo accords and for a long time believes in the prospect of a peaceful solution. but now university students are taking the lead and vow to keep up the pressure. are. >> translator: we participate in any action possible whether it's going to demonstrations, social media or speaking to the media. we will use any can means possible. this could lead to an intifada but we don't want this. this was imposed on us. if netanyahu was imposing an intifada on us he has the power. >> reporter: land grabs they have been witnessing over the years and with the latest crisis brewing over the al-aqsa
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compound, tensions boiled over. none of them is taking a lead in the student uprising. a show of unity here that so far the leadership has been unable to reach. the youth say they want to move somewhat from the political divisions that cripple their cause. she was wounded during the protest in ramallah. live ammunition went through her left shoulder, damaged a lung and is still near her spinal cord. she is in pain when she breathes. she monitors happenings all around. >> i am really scared. when i go to protests, there are snipers around. we were looked at as the negotiations generations, look at how young the protesters are. i have not expected the demonstrators to be so aware, they are fed up with the leaders and what the palestinians are
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going through. >> reporter: the israeli government has announced it will not return the body of any palestinian involved in any act of violence. just one of the new measures it's adopted. they will be buried in an off-limits military cemetery or a cemetery of numbers as is known. anyone who dies of mayor wounds. >> nothing new from netanyahu nor is it a surprise as such measures were already in place during the first and second intifadas. >> a new generation of palestinians is emerging one that wants to break away from the past and write its own future. hoda abdel hamid, al jazeera in the occupied west bank. >> gideon litchfield is, good to have with you us. i was vuk buy quote by an analyst in the new york times
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today. this is like an octopus with many hands but no brain. it does have a much more disorganized feel than uprisings in the past. >> it certainly feels as if a lot of the actions, the violence that's been happening and this is actually true ton israeli side as well as the plrch jan pn side, particularly on the palestinian side, the attacks are spontaneous. the first inl intifada, doing ts on their own accord. >> does this make this more dangerous when there's no clear leadership and when you hear that maybe many of these palestinian youths just really have no interest in what the palestinian authority has to say? >> yeah, i think it does make it more dangerous in particular because what we've seen in the past, when a big confrontation erupts between the palestinians and the israeli forces it's because of some kind of upset in
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the balance of the status quo, there was some sort of attack, there's just more and more things now that can trigger a confrontation. and then once the two sides get dragged in it's very hard to slow things down. >> and we end up seeing these things that are triggering the confrontation he because there's so much video available of all np it is one of the longest periods of unrest since the second intifada a decade ago. >> what has been happening in the u.s., with the cell phone videos of police violence against black people. but i think there's an important difference which in the u.s. those videos have been making people aware of a level of police violence that was always going on in the background but a quite a few americans, especially white americans are not aware of it. people are seeing it all that's happening is reinforcing their
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prejudices for other side and adding to the oppression. >> and is it actually leading to people who might not have resorted to violence, to do that, because they're seeing these videos and they're getting angry on both sides? >> it's possible. i can certainly imagine there is more of this spontaneous stuff happening. >> is that enflaming off sealing off palestinian neighborhoods and arab neighborhoods and now news that they're not going to give the bodies back to the palestinian families? >> yes, typically they take measures that end up annoying a lot of people, thinking about the security of israeli citizens. i don't think there's anything particularly new in that. i think the whole mix chur is getting more volatile. >> on the other hand, what about the palestinian leadership, do they seem to be in denial that palestinians are carrying out these attacks against israelis?
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>> i think they've been losing credibility particularly on the palestinian side for a long time. it's a gradual lose of crebilities. >> particularlcredibility. >> do you think it could lead to a broader uprising? >> in the arab spring, there was a movement where there had been none before. in palestine, there were several movements that have been organized for a very long time in resistance to the israelis. i see it more as maybe what happens on social media, forces abbas's party, other parties to react, to become more aggressive who knows in response to rather than a new movement springing up but who knows. >> let's lope to figure some way of calming things down. people dying every single day. gideon litchfield, thanks.
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the prime minister of turkey, john bass, laid flowers and paused for a moment, where up to 97 were killed. two officials were fired in the wake of the bombings. u.s. troops are on their way to cameroon. first of 300 soldiers are heading to the west africa nation. they'll conduct reconnaissance missions in the fight against boko haram. allen fisher last the story for al jazeera. >> going at the request of the cameroon government. they will eventually be helped by a few others, getting numbers to around threnld. they wil300.that will mean the f drones over the border in cameroon and nigeria. now they have said, the
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americans, that they wanted to help the regional countries in their fight against boko haram. and so you can see why they're putting these number onto the ground. they will be armed but we're told that this is for force protection rather than for any offensive role and it is an operation which has been promised by barack obama and he also said they will be there as long as they are needed. throngas long as the cameroon government says we need them, and they're welcome there, this is open ended, no end in sight, there's no guarantee they will be out by the end of the year. as long as the mission is thought to be important to the cameroon government and as long as the americans are willing to help. >> allen fisher in washington. al jazeera catches up with a family who videotaped immigration officials telling them to go home.
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>> police in germany are cg for more help with influx of refugees. they said officers are stretched to the limit dealing with border controls, attacks on refugee homes and crimes inside registration and holding centers. hungary is accepting help from its allies to stem the flow of refugees. they will support the 4700 hungarian troops guarding the borders of serbia and slovakia. croatia says it will send soldiers to help. sweden, is discovering many swedes don't want the refugees. jonah hull caught up with some he met a while ago.
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>> in cramped temporary accommodation as their asylum claims are processed. it's a long way from al jazeera's first encounter with the family in the september bustle of budapest train station. and it isn't the sweden abir imagined. >> i didn't think it would be like that. >> she shows me what seems to be bullying threats from an immigration official. >> what is problem going to house? it is not prison. >> every day new rules. new rules. >> you do hate it. if you hate it, go somewhere else. >> he argues with the guy from dmaks. damascus. he says i will throw you out of sweden. >> he said give me your identity
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card and i will throw you out? >> yes. >> i put all this to the immigration minister in stockholm. >> it is really a problem. so many people are coming right now and it is really a challenge for the authorities to be able to set up proper housing for people and to have a proper control of what's happening with them. so this is -- we are not dealing with this so good as we circulate do right now. >> reporter: you've got to travel a long way into the middle of nowhere to find these camps for want of a better word, people waiting months and months for their asylum applications to be processed, living in conditions that they didn't expect to find here in sweden. well, one day life for them in sweden will be much better but this country, with its long history of welcome, is finding it hard to cope. do you think that the compassion
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of sweden and of swedish people has limits? >> no. i think the opposit opposite. because when i could see, we started to -- collecting here for clothes and shoes and so. and it was streaming to us. so much. >> so people care? >> people care. they do. >> reporter: as we talk about the past, about syria, abir's father breaks down. >> he said his life inside syria, he don't want to go out. >> a reminder that this is not the life they chose. jonah hull, al jazeera, sweden. >> ironworkers clog the streets of johannesburg today. hundreds of them took part, the
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union leaders complain that large contracts are being watered to countries in china, taking jobs away from locals. protesters also carried signs, demanding south africa president jacob zuma restore the amount of money to restore his home. world population expected to exceed 9 billion by 2050. guatemala is experimenting with growing food at schools. al jazeera's daifer plersal jazr reports. >> children sowing the seeds of change. these students are harvesting chipoline, a crop high in protein.
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>> we start off preparing the land and mixg the earth. we make the beds, plant the seeds, harvest, take them to school and eat them. >> with a majority of children here suffering from chronic malnutrition, local teachers have wanted to introduce organic gardening for years. but now they've turned the dream into a reality. >> the world needs real change makers and the best place to chart is with children. by teaching them to grow their own food without the chemicals that can cause health problems. >> specialists from pueblo a pueblo, already they are producing over 100 pounds of food a month and in just a few years the school garden should be running without any outside help. >> translator: we have groups
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made up of parents, teachers and students. little by little, they'll take over the decision-making in order to improve the project. >> in the school kitchen, mothers take turns preparing healthy meals using produce from the garden. a commitment from both parents and teachers that's having a dramatic impact. >> translator: the students used to have very low grades. in just a few months we've seen a big change if their work. they themselves see the change if their attitude towards school. >> karen hernandez inspired her mom to start growing herbs at home. it is the kind of knock-on effect that could transform family. >> we benefit from the program too because our children teach us what they learn in school. we've never had this opportunity before. >> fighting hunger from the roots up, while giving children opportunities to lead their communities in a new direction.
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david mercer, al jazeera, guatemala. >> at the vatican today an unexpected public apology from pope francis. speaking at his weekly general audience in st. peter's square the pope asked for foregiveness, pope francis did not site specific cases. a vatican official was dismissed by announcing he was gay and speaking out against homophobia in the church. an artist you probably know but whose work you may not know. an exhibit on m.c. esher. the last batch of an important snake bite an antedots about to expire.
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>> a bear wandered into a mall in russia and then panicked when it couldn't find its way back out. after finally crashing through the front door, the bear ran into a nearby playground. authorities were forced to put the bear down. officials said they were trying to avoid a attack on residents. now to our global view segment with a look at how news outlets across the world are reacting to various events. the times of oman crowns hillary clinton the oner of last night's debate. donors and supporters were pleased with her performance and that might give joe biden pause
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about jumping into the race. the herald says playground bully finally meets his match. the bully, the united states. america's support of anti-assad forces is the same as supporting i.s.i.l. it also says that china challenges the dominance of the dollar. and the uae's national offers this cartoon in reference to iraq's latest attempt to retake the oil refinery town of baiji from i.s.i.l, barrels of oil between them. a group of artists is climbing the fence along the border between mexico and arizona. the fence runs through the city of nogales, painting part of the fence on the mexican side so that it blends with the sky. you may not know the name m.c. esher but most certainly
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seen his work. the artist died in 1972 but left a legacy of art. jessica baldwin got a firsthand look and filed this report. >> the tower of babel. the author wanted to show the tower from above, since that's where the action took place. in relativity, normal rules of gravity don't apply. a staircase switches back on civility hitself and steps on ud undersides. the name may not be known by all, but his images are everywhere. esher's work has largely been ignored by museums. >> esher is so famous with normal not arty people that it
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can't be good. it's a cliche way of thinking. >> the reclusive dutch artist worked at home in a tiny village in the netherlands. he took the geometric images and moves on to tesellations, patterns of identically shapes that seamlessly interlock and can be repeated endlessly. esher couldn't be bothered, visitors of the exhibition are encouraged to make their own selfies just as esher did. the complicated and detailed appear easy. what's been more difficult is esher's work finding his
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rightful place on museum walls. jessica baldwin, al jazeera, london. >> that's it for this episode of international news. i'm antonio mora. i'll see you again in an hour. >> on "america tonight." aftermath. even after the waters recede, the worries are rising. >> did you have insurance for all your things? >> no. we don't make that kind of money that we can have extra to pay insurance. >> so how much did you lose? >> everything. >> a thousand-year rain and why a south carolina community in its path may face more troubles ahead.
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