tv News Al Jazeera October 16, 2015 11:00am-12:01pm EDT
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♪ >> announcer: this is al jazeera. hello, and welcome to the al jazeera news hour. i'm martine dennis in doha. four palestinians die as more violence results after freye prayers in the occupied territories. the battle for aleppo, russian air strikes bomb rebel positions as syrian government troops advance to recapture the president.
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guinea's president is set for another term, but his rivals say the vote was rigged. and i'll have all of your sport, including sepp blatter plays down a payment that is now the center of an investigation against him. ♪ we start this news hour with the latest on the clashes between israeli forces and palestinians. in gaza, medical sources say three palestinians have been killed by israeli forces. palestinians were throwing stones at israeli forces from the area's check point and the refugee camp. these are pictures from bethlehem where israeli forces have been tear gassing palestinians protesters. and in hebron israeli forces killed a palestinians man after he attacked a sold we are a
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knife. live now to our correspondent andrew simmons in west jerusalem. bring us up to date then. more violent clashes today. >> reporter: yes, some of the worst violence now is happening in gaza. it was hamas that called for a day of rage. in that seems to be the case now. this is all after friday prayers after a week of appalling violence and deep-set mutual fear amongst the palestinians and israeli communities. in gaza the worst of the attacks seem to have been attacks in terms of rushing forward towards the border gates into a buffer zone. the israeli army replied with live fire, and the palestinians were hurling stones and other objects, but we're now hearing from the health ministry that three people have been killed
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and there are now 60 casualties, at least -- less than -- something like five, apparently are very serious. then earlier, we had in hebron, a situation whereby there was exchanges of tear gas and rocks and stones aimed at the security forces and then a man, a palestinian man disguised as a journalist stabbed a soldier according to police. and that soldier was taken to hospital with moderate injuries, as they described. and the attacker was shot dead on the spot. so we're having now a situation that's really escalating, it would seem in the occupied west bank martine. >> and all of this comes as israel implements its further -- its additional security measures. >> reporter: that is right.
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certainly in occupied east jerusalem, it was felt very strongly by residents who wanted to go to pray -- many decided not to go to the al aqsa mosque compound. instead they went to their local mosques. there was so much in the way of roadblocks, some of them mobile, some of them permanent -- well, semipermanent with huge concrete blocks actually cutting off roads and other roadblocks in which everyone was checked over, several times over, people having to stand back from the security forces and just open -- lift up their shirts or even their trousers to show that their socks hadn't got knives in them. and there was a reduced number for friday prayers with the restrictions imposed of under 40-year-old males going to pray and women, and there were lots
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of impromptu gatherings of prayer outside of the security cordon. but the tension is still palpable all over. and we have a situation now where there are side effects to this security operation. we have even got fraud squad police giving up investigations to join the security forces, prisonson officers, 400 of them, right across the board, cid detectives saying they couldn't continue on with their investigations because of this situation. benjamin netenyahu has really pushed the security campaign. whether it will work has yet to be answered. certainly today there is a big fight back coming from palestinians. the palestinians president condemned one of the actions of
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palestinian youths when they attacked joseph's tomb, which is a hallowed jewish israeli sight in the occupied west bank. and it appears the palestinian authority was there, security forces who wrote up the riot around it. they have offered to repair the tomb, but it appears they will certainly be paying for it at the very least, martine. >> okay. andrew simmons live in west jerusalem, thank you very much. the u.n. security council is meeting to talk about the situation in israel and the palestinian territory. the new israeli ambassador has been speaking ahead of the security council meeting. he accused the palestinian leadership of inciting the violence. >> we talk a lot about incitement here in the u.n. you
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can see with this picture what incitement looks like. the picture is being taught in middle schools, in high schools, in elementary schools. instead of educating about peace and tolerance, the palestinian leadership is brainwashing children with incitement and hate. >> okay, we can go live to our correspondent at the u.n. in new york. and yet again, the issue of the palestinian israeli conflict is referred to the u.n. security council. what can we expect? >> reporter: well, we do expect to hear from the palestinian ambassador to united nations as well as the assistant for political affairs. they will brief the council on the latest happenings in east
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jerusalem and israel. we expect to hear from the israels as well. it is the palestinians who have been calling for this emergency meeting. but they want more than a meeting. expect to hear the ambassador call for some sort of international presence to try to calm the situation there. this is something the palestinians have been asking for before this recent outbreak of violence. abbas brought it up during the general assembly here. this would be an international force -- not a peace-keeping force. they are not talking about soldiers or armed people. they are talking about monitors to put distance between the two sides to give an objective viewpoint of what is happening there, but we just heard from the new israel ambassador that israel is very opposed to that idea, even though it currently exists in israel in a smaller form.
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he said that the status quo has worked and that israel will not accept any form of monitors on the temple mount. so this is something that we do expect to be raised in the council, though. we will hear the palestinians make the case for such a force. >> and what can we expect, then, practically, to emerge from this meeting? is there likely to be a resolution or is this likely to produce security council statement, for instance? >> reporter: we really don't expect much in terms of unified security council action today. this plan that the palestinians are calling for is something that they have been lobbying for behind the scenes. we know they have met privately with several of the delegations. the secretary general actually put together a report on past instances of such international monitoring forces that have taken place throughout the
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u.n.'s history, and there is a long history of these kind of forces being deployed to precarious regions, including in israel as i mentioned before. the secretary general brought this up at the security council lunch earlier this week. we know from the palestinians, they tell us that there is a lot of support for this on the council, but one key member, the united states has remained silent, and historically, of course, the united states is israel's strongest ally on the council, and israel just said they are not in favor of this, for the chances of any concrete action in the future are perhaps questionable at best. >> all right. thank you very much. kristen is going to be watching that security council meeting as it gets underway. you can see the live shot there as the delegates start to assemble in the security council
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chamber. we have just seen the jordanian ambassador, the back of the head of the palestinian ambassador just there to the right of your screen, and we'll keep you right across that security council meeting here at al jazeera. russia says it has hit more than 380 isil targets since launching air strikes in syria more than two weeks ago. rebels who are fighting the bashar al-assad government say they too have been repeatedly hit, and now they have been targeted in the south of aleppo as syrian forces launch a ground offensive there. zana hoda reports from beirut. >> reporter: air strikes are no longer just targeting weapon's storage areas and command and control infrastructure. air power is being used to assist the syrian army and its allies recapture territory. >> it's clear that putin wants to protect assad, and stick his
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finger in the eye of the west to position himself as a key global leader, and to get the west to speak to him on the terms he wants to dictate. >> reporter: opposition groups are proving to be difficult. they are fighting back. so far the syrian government its allies appear to have made no significant gains on the ground. government forces are on the offensive in the countryside of the northern province of hama, and in the nearby province of idlib. on friday, the syrian government forces moved into rebel territory south of the divided city of aleppo. the area is close to a main road that would link aleppo to government-controlled areas further south. the latest offensive comes as russia's campaign enters its third week. they no longer threaten the government and its strong hold.
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but vladimir putin, russia's president has said, a political solution is his goal. rebel groups as well as the main political opposition in exile, the syrian national coalition are refusing to be engaged in any peace process. instead they are calling on their supporters to help them counter what they call russian aggression. >> putin wants to the peaceful process to start, but so far there is refusal from the -- the syrian rebel side to take part in any peace talks. russia, i think will accelerate the fire support. >> reporter: the counter offensive that has now expanded is about eliminating threats to the government and defeating what is called the moderate opposition. russia then hopes it can persuade the rest of the need to work with russia. let's go live now to the
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u.n. security council as it opens its debate on the current situation in the palestinian occupied territories. >> -- call on all of those responsible to be swiftly brought to justice. [ inaudible ] welcomes president abbas's condemnation of the arson attack, and his announcement that the committee has been established to conduct a full investigation into the crime. this incident represents a particularly troubling development in light of its religious dimension. we call on all sides to respect the sanctity of all holy sites and reject the extremist elements that are pursuing a political agenda, seeking to transform the current situation from a national to a religious [ inaudible ]. if they are successful in these
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efforts, it could have catastrophic consequences for palestinians and israelis alike, with serious reservations in the region. mr. president, this incident comes on the heels of a deadly week in the west bank, in jerusalem, and east jerusalem. there were 11 reported attacks against israelis, and israeli security forces, leaving four israelis, and 9 palestinianses dead, and 16 israelis, and 4 palestinians wounded. there were also three reported stabbings and ramming attacks on israelis in israel leaving 10 israelis injured and 3 palestinian suspects wounded. in gaza, a seventh palestinian succumbed to his wounds after clashing with the israeli
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defense forces near a security barrier. on 11th of october, a palestinian woman and her 4-year-old child died after israel attacks caused a building to collapse. the air strikes were in response to rocket fire on israel -- on southern israel a day before, on october 10th. palestinian militants fired at least 8 rockets towards israel during the past week alone, with most falling short and landing within gaza territory, and one being intercepted by iron dome. another rocket was test fired at the sea, to which the israeli defense force responded with warning shots, injuring one palestinian. as of yesterday, the total of
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seven israelis, and 32 palestinians, including those who conducted a -- allegedly conducted -- attempted attacks were killed. some 124 israelis, including israeli security forces personnel and more than 1,118 palestinians were reportedly injured since october -- the first of october. since these latest attacks, israel's security cabinet has passed a brood range of new security measures which are already being implemented. the israeli defense forces have significantly bolstered their presence in israel -- israeli city centers while many arab neighborhoods in east jerusalem have been surrounded by security forces with access roads blocked, and checking points
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established. following the deterioration that began on the 1st of october, the israeli authorities have also reinstated a number of movement restrictions in the west bank. in particular restaffing 16 check points that have been previously left unstaffed. ad hoc check points have been erected at over 100 sites for varying periods of time. additional measures are being introduced. homes of those accused of carrying out terror attacks will be demolished within days of any attack, and their families, if residents of east jerusalem are not israeli citizens, will have their permanent residency status revoked. already this month, two structures were blown up, and a third partially sealed. however, these were related to attacks that took place in 2014.
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a total of 30 palestinians, including 20 children were displaced as a result of these demolitions. the united nations, mr. president, has maintained a consistent position on these issues. collective punishments are counterproductive. and we have urged israel to cease this practice. what is clear is that the current crisis cannot be resolved through security measures alone. the persistence of the occupation and diminishing prospects for achieving palestinians aspirations for statehood has transformed anger into rage. this stark reality has been
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compounded by the increasingly dire economic situation and circumstances, including the bleak prospects for youth employment. the continued and expanding settlement activities further diminish the hope and potential for creating a viable palestinian state. such loss of political perspective is the single-most damaging factor which contributes to the anger and frustration driving the violence we're seeing today. against this backdrop, there have been a number of factors that sparked the current crisis. tensions at the holy sites in jerusalem were the main instigators. reckless statements made by palestinian and israeli extremist elements reinforced by some main stream voices as well, have instigated that israel is aiming to change the status quo of the holy sites.
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this fear has reverberate widely across the arab world. prime minister netenyahu's repeated assurances that israel has no intention of changing the status quo at the holy sites have been welcome, but perceptions will only change when concrete actions, based on the agreements between israel and jordan follow those words. the second factor feeding the escalation has been the apparent heavy-handed approach by security forces. why dissimilar nation of several incidents fuelled the attacks. the secretary general has called for a thorough investigation of all such cases. it's clear that such incidents serve only to exacerbate the
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situation, leading to a vicious cycle of needless bloodshed. we appreciate israeli's efforts to reduce the [ inaudible ] of response particularly in gaza after the indefensible killings of protesters behind the separation fence, and we encourage greater restraint whenever there is no imminent threat to life or serious injury. finally we have seen that the impact of social media, and irresponsible rhetoric has played a dramatic role in the escalation. on this count both sides have much to be blamed for, but we welcome efforts by leaders in the past days to tone down their statements. we call on community, religious, and political leaders on all sides to calm the language they use in this regard, and to work together to de-escalate the situation.
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i thank you mr. president. >> translator: i would like to thank mr. [ inaudible ] for the information he has provided. i'll now give the floor to the permanent observer of the observer state of palestinian. >> thank you mr. president. >> translator: allow me to [ inaudible ] the friendly country spain for presiding over the security council for this month. i would like to express our appreciation to you for your leadership, for your skills, in carrying out this mission in the best way possible. i would like also to extend my thanks for positively responding to hold this urgent meeting of the security council. i would like also to express our thanks and appreciation to the
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russian federation for presiding over the security council over the past month. i would like also to extend my thanks and appreciation to the assist important secretary general for his briefing. mr. president, we come to you today asking you to urgently intervene to end this aggression against our defenseless palestinian people, and against our shrines, which -- which are subjected to violations by the israeli military occupation with israeli settlers and by extremists. we have documented this aggression through five letters that we sent to you over the past ten years -- ten days,
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which lead -- since the beginning of this month -- to more than 35 martyrs, including a large number of children, and more than 1,500 injured by live ammunition and by rubber bullets and by other means. most of them are minors, whose age is not more than 18 years. we have also witnessed through satellites, through social media, the killings by the forces of israeli occupation of -- civilian palestinians and -- and arresting a large number of them, just because they participated in protesting marches against the israeli
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occupation, against its brutal, illegal practices and their attempt to put an end to this occupation. the holy shrine and al aqsa mosque that are subjected to continued aggression by the -- by the israel authorities, and the israeli extremists who want to impose the -- the change of the present situation in term of time and place. this is a provocation against our people. this leads to further escalation of the situation since the beginning of past september which threatens that the conflict will become a religious one that will destroy everything. israel, the -- the occupying authority is responsible for
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bringing us to this dangerous situation. we have -- we have to -- to make it responsible for its illegal -- illegal violations of international law - law -- international law, and human rights law. the illegal settlement in the occupied palestinian territory, including occupied east jerusalem, and its surrounding, constitutes the ground for this terrorist phenomenon faced by our people and there can be no hope for a serious political process without -- without ending the settlement immediately and completely. mr. president, it is high time to -- to put an end to israeli's
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acts, and to force it to meet its commitments accordance with international law. it should not be allowed to have impunity for committing these crimes against our people in the occupied palestinian state, including east jerusalem. the israeli officials should be responsible for these crimes, as well as the terrorists settlers who have committed ugly, terrorist acts, like -- like burning the family in -- in the middle of the night in their homes. this lead to killing an infant of 18 months, and his parents, and burning his -- his brother of four years old, who is still -- who is still in the hospital facing death. i alone the israe israeli -- [ inaudible ] says he
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knows the terrorists who committed this act, but until now they have not been arrested in ordered to be punished they deserve for their terrorist act. as in this [ inaudible ] collusion by the israeli government, the occupation continues its brutal acts by surrounding and blocking the palestinian neighborhoods in east jerusalem. this is a collective punishment which is a violation of the rules of human international law. it destroys the houses of palestinian fighters and it -- it -- it forms armed jewish militias has was called for by -- by the mayor of west jerusalem and -- and we believe that this terror, this
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aggression will not break the will of our people, will not put -- will not weaken our determination to -- to -- to fight against -- against occupation peacefully, and end occupation, and achieve our independence as a sovereign state with east jerusalem at its capitol. we salute from this forum our people for its steadfastness, for its sacrifices and -- and -- and we appreciate those martyrs and we express our respect for those who have been injured and we express our support for -- for the palestinian prisoners. the security council has to show its responsibility in
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maintaining peace and stability, by condemning this aggression, by working to -- to stop it immediately, and to force israel to withdrawal its armed -- armed formations immediately from the contacts -- contact lines with our people, especially in occupied east jerusalem and al aqsa mosque, and to respect the established status quo in these sacred places in word and in act and allow to our people, christians and muslims to practice their religion in peace. to achieve this. and because we do not trust the -- the words, and the promises of the israeli government and because -- and because it's immoral act
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is -- is -- is perhaps better than what -- what it says, is -- israel has violateded its responsibility of protecting citizens. it is the responsibility of the united nations and the security council to provide protection for our people in the occupied palestinian territory, including east jerusalem until occupation is over in the palestinian state. in this respect, in 1994, you have adopted resolution 904 after hebron [ inaudible ] at the hands of a terrorist
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settler, and the resolution asked for protection for our people in the occupied territory, and to have temporary international presence with observers. the resolution has called upon the israeli government to withdraw arms from the hands of settlers. we call upon you once again not only to implement that resolution and the other resolutions of your security and all other relevant united nations resolutions, but also to seriously and urgently with the question of providing international protection for our people. this issue has become more urgent than any time before, and it requires your immediate attention. in conclusion, mr. president, our people under occupation which suffers from injustice,
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from oppression, from aggression, asks when will this occupation -- when will this occupation end, and when will the palestinian people have -- will achieve independence and security. are you going to answer this? are you going to do something about it? thank you very much. >> so there you have the palestinian ambassador to the united nations delivering his statement in which he is essentially asking for protection for palestinians. he called for an international force, which would protect palestinians. shall we listen now to the israeli ambassador -- the new israeli ambassador. >> -- of the security council, no call for the palestinian
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leadership to stop their incitement, and not even a whisper of condemnation of these acts could be heard from this council. [ inaudible ] was shot to death while driving in their car. their four children were in the vehicle and watched their parents killed, executed in front of their eyes. [ inaudible ] was shot and killed on a city bus in jerusalem on his way home from a visit to his doctor. two terrorists boarded the bus, locked the door, and started to shoot and stab the passenger. [ inaudible ] was 78 years old. these are just a few of the silent victims of palestinian terror. over the course of the last month, 24 terror attacks have claimed the lives of 8 israelis and injured 70, including an ilo official. 15 of them are still hospitalized. this tide of terror has washed over the entire nation and spares no one. young and old are being targeted
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every day. israelis do not feel safe walking down the street. they avoid taking the bus to work and fear for the lives of their children every time they wukt of the door. we face an enemy who is willing to die in order to kill. these people who kill innocent civilians in cold blood abide by no rule and have abandoned even the most basic morality. israel is taking every means to protect itself citizens. i have no doubt that if on a daily basis your citizens were being stabbed in the streets with butcher knives or shot on buses, your security forces would have reacted in the same way. mr. president, we have heard in the briefing today, the so-called reason for this campaign of terror. the real root cause of this wave of terror is clear.
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it's an inflammatory rhetoric that lit the fuse, and it is incitement that keeps feeding the flames. the violence of israel -- that israel now faces begins with lies about the temple mount. president abbas has continually accused israel of intending to change status quo. this is a deliberate lie. palestinian leaders have repeated these outlandish conspiracy theory over and over again, and it is utterly baseless. prime minister netenyahu has stated time and time again including from the u.n. general assembly nearby israel is firmly committed to the status quo. we continue to protect the right of muslims to pray in the mosque, as well as the freedom
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of all people to visit the temple mount. the facts speak for themselves, for decades israel has maintained the status quo and will keep on doing so. let me be crystal clear. israel will not agree to any international presence on thefrp l mount, such a presence would be a change in the status quo. since 1967, israel has been doing everything in its power to preserve the sanctity of this site. we do this out of deep and abiding respect for the principal of freedom of religion, and the historic connection of the three faiths to the temple mount. yet it is clear that this respect is not mutual. palestinian leaders are determined to erase jewish history, and deny any storied connection between the jewish people and our holiest site. in a proposal that the palestinian asked to submit to
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unesco, they tried to do exactly that. this proposal calls for unesco to include the western wall, the site of the jewish prayer, as an inthing gral part of the al aqsa mosque. when the palestinian leadership has [ inaudible ] that have been sacred to the jewish people throughout our history, it is no surprise that the palestinian people treat the jewish holy site with such disdain in this regard. just last night a mob of palestinians set fire to the tomb of joseph. this is a blatant violation of the freedom of [ inaudible ]. the attack of a biblical holy site can be explained only by incitement and lack of respect. the disrespect for the sanctity of the holy site is also
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evidence in the actions of palestinians on the temple mount. they have used the site as a place for provocation. radical islamists, through rocks, planks, molotov fire bombs and explosive devices to prevent jews as chrtians from visiting the temple mount. the palestinian and the representative of the arab countries speak of the holy site, but when this happened they stood mute. instead president abbas defended these rioters and lit the spark which set our region ablaze. he declared and i quote, we welcome every drop of blood spilled in jerusalem with the help of allah, every one will be
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in heaven and every wounded will get his world. everything is ours. all ours. they have no right to desiccate them with their filthy feet. can you imagine the reaction if an israeli leader, any leader for that matter would have uttered such a hateful sentiment? the security council would have rightly wasted no time in con careening to condemn it. yet when the president of the palestinian authority makes such a statement, the reaction of this council is complete silence. mr. president, even now as the violence continues and lives are lost every day, instead of calming tension, palestinian leaders continue to lie and use inflammatory rhetoric. they are stoking the flames by portraying terrorists as next
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victims. just two days ago in a broadcast to the palestinian people president abbas accused israel of killing an innocent 13-year-old palestinian boy. there are two facts that abbas did not share. first, the boy is not dead. he is fully conscious and being treated in an israeli hospital. second, he is not innocent. this 13 year old palestinian brutally attacked a 13-year-old israeli boy who was riding his bicycle, stabbing him no less than 15 times. there is video of this also on social media. when the young child is incited to pick up a knife, instead of being encouraged to pick up a basketball or a book, something is deeply, deeply wrong. the executive director of the israeli national council for the child wrote yesterday, it is
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very easy to use children for the needs of adults. it is so easy to incite children. so easy to drag children into war games. so tempting to turn children into symbol, so easy, and yet so wrong, so simple, and yet so dangerous. tragically this is exactly what the palestinian leadership is doing. such acts of terror do not occur in a vacuum. they are the product of deliberate incitement, aiming at filling the minds of the palestinian children with hate. they are subjected to propaganda that promotes hatred and incites violence. they watch tv shows that encourage them to kill all of the jews and become martyrs. school children started using palestinian authority textbook that legitimize indiscriminate violence against israelis.
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palestinian teenagers post facebook posts that encourage killing. mr. president, the situation is indeed dire, but there is a way forward. just yesterday, prime minister netenyahu expressed his willingness to meet with the palestinian leadership with president abbas, in order to bring calm to the region. two weeks ago, prime minister netenyahu stood here and declared he is ready for direct negotiation with the palestinians without any precondition. if this council is serious about promoting peace, it must insist that president abbas comes to the negotiation table. israel's historic agreement with egypt as well as with jordan proves that only direct negotiation can lead to real and
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lasting peace. thank you mr. president. >> i could like to thank the representative of israel, and now i would like to give the floor to members of the security council. first of all i would like to give the floor to the ambassador of jordan. >> mr. president, i should like to express my deep thanks and gratitude to you for agreeing to organize this special session. jordan called for this urgent meeting in light of the urgent need to deal with the latest developments in palestinian territory, and in particular in occupied jerusalem. this is the result of the unlawful and arbitrary practices of israel against the palestinian people.
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it's incursion into al aqsa mosque, and it's attempt to impose a reality that would change the status quo in the city of jerusalem. in addition to the provocation of palestinians by israel, the extremists in jerusalem and its holy sites which reached unprecedented and escalated level that crossed all possible lines. what israel is doing in occupied palestinian territory in terms of systemic violation of palestinian defenseless people, requires this council to shoulder its responsibilities in putting an end to these aggressions and take adequate and effective measures to protect the palestinian people and put an end to these condemned acts and prevent their
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repetition. the israeli occupation and the injustice endured by the palestinian people held hostage by this occupation have gone on for too long, for over seven decades. the palestinian people are suffering from a violation of their rights in life in dignity and security over their land and in self determination. and every day the israeli occupation comes up with a new series of coercive measures against the palestinian people who lost hope in the international community to save them from the yolk of occupation and from the daily israeli aggression that take no account women, children, or the ellerly. the security of israel and its citizens cannot be achieved by
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imposing an iron fist, by indulging in several types of collective and individual punishment. by the excessive use of armed force, by killing the vulnerable and the innocent. the israeli authorities should realize that the life of palestinian people is not cheaper than the life of its own citizens. and the bloodshed will not bring about peace and security. the spiral of violence will lead to further tension in the middle east, and more extremism. it will reflect negatively on international peace and security. as such, the council should spare no effort in order to put an end to israeli violations in palestinian territory, and to stop the systemic breaches by israel of its commits according
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to the international humanitarian law, and in particular the fourth geneva convention of 1949. we call on the security council to explore adequate options to provide legal protection to the palestinian people in occupied palestinian territory. in line with the serious and gave nature of the situation. this might pave the way towards just and comprehensive peace that will put an end to occupation. the bloody scenes we are witnessing on daily basis against the palestinian people committed by israel, the violation of the sanctity of worship sites and incursions into al aqsa mosque, in preventing worshippers from its
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access is not only a violation of the rights of palestinians, it is a violation of the rights of over a billion and a half muslims in the world and a provocation. as such jordan calls for an immediate halt of these continuous and escalating aggressions of the israeli authorities and to respect the historic status quo in the holy city of jerusalem and to put a stop to measures aimed at dividing al aqsa mosque. jordan rejects any attempt to infringe upon heritage and religious sites, and we support the decision by president abbas to investigate the latest torching of joseph's tomb, we call for self restraint.
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we condom strongly -- in the strongest terms what israel is doing against the palestinian people. we consider it fully responsible for this latest escalation. jordan will spare no effort in conducting its role in terms of supporting the palestinian people putting an end to the israeli occupation of palestinian and establishing a viable, free, and independent palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with east jerusalem as its capitol. we stress that christian and muslim holy sites in east jerusalem, the forefront of which is al aqsa mosque is a read line that cannot be crossed, and we will not allow their desecration, as such we reiterate jordan's total rejection and -- condemnation of
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israeli's actions, and our full solidarity with the palestinian people and their commitment to their legal and historic rights in the protection of the mosque. based on the historic gardnership of his imagine industry, king abdullah the second, over islamic and christian holy sites in jerusalem and jordan's rights to look after them, and we preserve all possible legal and diplomatic options to defend these sites. thank you. >> now i would like to give the floor to the ambassador of the united states. >> thank you mr. president. we would like to thank jordan for convening this session.
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and we are grateful for being briefed today. the united states shares the deep concern of everyone here today about the current situation and condemns in the strongest terms the ongoing violence. we have repeatedly condemned this violence and made clear there is no justification for any terrorist attack. we continue to stress the importance of preventing inflammatory rhetoric, accusations or any actions that can feed the violence. the human consequences have been grave and continue to mount. since october 1st, israelis have faced 38 attacks in which at least 7 have been killed and more than 40 injured, some gravely. during the same period, 18 palestinians have been killed and hundreds injured in the west bank, jerusalem, and gaza by live fire or rubber bullets from
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israeli security forces. an additional 14 palestinians have been killed while carrying out attacks or while suspected of attempting to carry them out. the cycle of violence and mistrust has been exacerbated by viral images shared on social media, which further polarize narrative. there is a growing frustration as the prospects of reaching a two-state solution appear to be declining. there is no justification for this violence. we understand that every government needs to take necessary steps to protect itself people. we continue to support israel's right to defend its citizens. it is critical that every possible step be taken to deescalation tensions and guard against unnecessary loss of
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life. we have raised concern about settler violence. we mourn the loss of all life, and continue to stress the importance of both parties condemning the violence and avoiding protalkative statements. in the face of this violence we remain committed to advancing a two-state solution. events right now underscore how critical it is to achieve two states living side by side. the united states continues to urge all sides to take affirmative steps to restore calm. we welcome israel and jordan's commitment to maintaining the status quo at the temple mound. we know prime minister netenyahu's public commitment on this point. secretary kerry has spoken with
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the leaders in recent days. as the principals made clear, we are concerned that quote current trends on the ground including continued acts of violence against palestinians and israelis, ongoing settlement activity, are dangerously emperabling the two-state solution. the quartet has stressed the importance of both sides, demonstrating a genuine commitment to a two-state solution, in order to avoid a growing escalation. we strongly support, quote, concrete and significant steps that will help stabilize the situation, reverse current trends, towarding creating a two-state reality on the ground, and restore hope that negotiated peace is possible. it is important to emphasize
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that these steps can be taken without impacting israeli's legitimate security concerns. in fact they can enhance security for israelis and palestinians alike. we continue to believe the best way to ensure safety for all is to work towards a political solution, again, two states living side by side in peace and security. the harrowing eventing unscore this need. >> translator: i would like to thank you to your statement, and now give the floor to the ambassador of the russian federation. >> okay. there we have had the u.s. ambassador, samantha power making her remarks, and telling
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12:00 pm
>> as violence intensifies. >> the growing israeli perception is that no place is safe. >> get the latest news in-depth. >> we should stand up for what we believe and defend ourselves. >> mr. netanyahu is playing with fire. this fire is dangerous for both our peopl >> stay with al jazeera for continuing coverage. >> we should stand up for what we believe and defend ourselves. >> mr. netanyahu is playing with fire. this fire is dangerous for both our people. >> stay with al jazeera for continuing coverage.
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