tv News Al Jazeera October 16, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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headlines, you can always go to our website, have a great day. ♪ there is absolutely no justification for reprehensible acts of violence, including terrorist attacks against innocent civilians. >> calls for calms from the u.n. as violence continues in israel and the occupied territories. ♪ hello, you are watching al jazeera, live from london. also coming up. the battle for aleppo, russia bombs rebel positions from the air, while syrian troops move in to recapture the city. boarder lockdown, in just hours hungary will stop refugees
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flowing across from croatia. plus china and north korea put their business relationship on show even though some traders have nothing to offer. ♪ now the u.n. security council has been holding an emergency session to discuss escalating violence between israel and the palestinians across several cities in the occupied territories. 39 palestinians and 7 israelis have died since the beginning of october. we'll have more from the u.n. in a moment. but first here is the latest from the ground. gaza medical sources are saying two palestinians have been killed several others injured by israeli forces. palestinians had been throwing stones. meanwhile in hebron, a palestinian man wearing journalist identification was shot dead after attacking a
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soldier with a knife. and in bethlehem, israeli fired tear gas at protesters. after a day of rage was called for, andrew, there seems to have been an escalation in violence in jerusalem and the occupied territories in the west bank and on the border with gaza also. >> reporter: that's right, hamas called for this day of rage after a week of killings and fear on both sides of the divide, and it was actually in gaza where some of the worst violence has happened, with those killings by israeli soldiers, who were shooting at
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protesters who were throwing all sorts of items at the armed forces, and also running towards the border gates at areas -- the crossing there from israel and also in various other buffer zones all along the border. there were a very large number of demonstrators and the medical ministry says that something like -- more than 60 people are injured. some of them very seriously. so we're not sure exactly what -- where the death count will end on that whole affair. and in hebron this development for the first time we have seen police reporting that -- in fact we have seen pictures of it, a palestinian man wearing a bright-colored tunic with a t-shirt with the words press emblazoned on it, disguised
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obviously as a journalist, and he was shot dead after he allegedly stabbe a soldier. that soldier, police say now is in hospital with moderate injuries. so all across the occupied west bank there have been injuries, shootings, stones thrown by protesters, and in occupied east jerusalem, a conscious effort not to have any conflict, and very few numbers alending the al aqsa mosque confound friday prayers there, where the usually friday restrictions of anybody over 40 and male was allowed in and any female, but under 40s held their own prayer sessions elsewhere in the streets outside. massive amount of security there, checks every step of the
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way, a really big clampdown takes place in occupied east jerusalem with people incredibly unhappy about the situation. >> thanks very much. hoda abdel hamid joins us live now from ramallah in the west bank. and hoda we have seen an escalation in the west bank, part of that area seeing violent protests. did it turn out to be the day of rage that was called for that people wanted? >> reporter: not quite. it was a day of rage that was called upon by the political factions here, giving it up to every area then to organize their own protests. and as we have seen in the past, each time the political factions sort of interfere openly, then you have a lesser turnout. nonetheless there was fierce clashes in bethlehem, things have been tense there for a few
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days. earlier -- at the end of last week, there was a 13-year-old boy who died in clashes there, and then two days ago a 27-year-old young man was also killed during the confrontation there, so it's a very charged atmosphere. uls where there were protests that turned violent. the israeli soldiers immediately sort of fired tear gas to keep the protester as far as possible, so that was also one of the factors while the clashes were not able to come about apart also from the alienation that many of these youth feel towards the pa. however, there was an escalation, because there was the first stabbing in the occupied west bank. it happened in hebron, and from what we under stood from
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journalists who were there, the man identified himself as a journali journalist. he was also apparently, according to the statement of the israeli army, holding a camera. at some point he broke away from the journalists and stabbed the israeli soldier who was lightly wounded, but then he was immediately killed on the spot from the soldiers. so certainly increasing tension in that part. >> and also, something that's certainly garnered a lot of international attention the fire baum attack on the tomb of joseph. what have you been hearing about that? >> reporter: well, as we understand it, that happened overnight. it's presumed that -- it
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hasn't -- no one claimed it, but the tomb of joseph which is a holy site for jews and christians, was set on fire overnight. now the palestinian authority has condemned that. that tomb is under the security of the palestinian authority and it has issued a statement saying it will repay for the repairs. however, if you look at where it happened, a place where there is already a lot of tensions between the jewish settlers, and the local palestinian population. we speak to people there, they keep talking about provocations and counter provocations at a low level on a daily basis. there is also an area where there was bigger confrontations. an area where y-- jewish settles
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set on fire a palestinian family while they were sleeping overnight. certainly people there tonight wonder what is going to happen to them. will there be retaliation by jewish settlers. >> thank you very much. now to the u.n. where the security council has been holding an emergency session. the palestinian ambassador to the u.n. called for international help. >> translator: we come to you today, asking you to urgently intervene, to end this aggression against our defenseless palestinian people, and against our shrines which are subjected by violations by the israeli military occupation, the israeli settlers, and by extremists. >> while the deputy israeli ambassador accused the palestinian leadership of inciting the cent violence.
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>> we face an enemy who is willing to die in order to kill. these people abide by no rule and have abandoned even the most basic law, morality. israeli is taking every means necessary to protect its citizens. i have no doubt that if on a daily basis your citizens were being stabbed in the streets with butcher knives or shot on buses, your security forces would have reacted in the same way. >> live now to kristen saloomey at the united nations headquarters in new york. what are others at the u.n. saying? >> reporter: well, the u.n.'s assistant secretary general for political affairs blamed both sides for making reckless comments that have exacerbated the violence and the tension in
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the situation there. actually why don't we take a break right now, the ambassador of palestinian is speaking. let's listen in. >> if it was possible in 1994 to do something like what was done in the security council in resolution 904, and the presence of that observer group of people, then it is very possible if the security council see it fit to have an -- an international temporary arrangement as it was called for in resolution 904, so have a sim arrangement to guarantee the security of our people in east jerusalem and other parts of the occupied territory. [overlapping speakers] >> reporter: you were talking
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before about the custodian -- [ inaudible ] custodianship of the temple mount, al aqsa area, would an international presence there' road in anyway the -- the -- the -- the situation in which [ inaudible ] is responsible? >> it's not on the menu of the discussions right now. we're calling for a return to the status quo, which means the continuation of the access of muslim prayers on both sides, and the allowing -- the cessation of the entrance of the israeli army into the holy ak sa. >> i would also like to add to that before you if i may. what we are asking for, is that we cannot trust the rhetoric of
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israeli leaders, including possibly the ambassador, i don't know what he said, but possibly mentioned something to that effect, that we want to guarantee the maintenance of the status quo and maintaining -- guaranteeing the maintenance cannot be done by the israeli occupying authority by the extremists, by settlers, so if there is an international presence in order to guarantee that the status quo to be maintained, i think that that is what is in the mind of members of the security council. that is in our mind, and anyhow, when we start discussing the details and if there is a will in this the security council to provide protection, and that is to be part of the protection regime, i'm sure we will not touch the status quo, we will
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guarantee the security of the people in the old city of jerusalem around al aqsa mosque, and in other wards of the occupied territory. >> reporter: my question is to you ambassador, last time, the security council adopted a res contribution vis-a-vis the middle east was 1960 [ inaudible ] from that day the security council has being prevented from issues [ inaudible ] and even the elements of a press statement. which members of the security council are derailing the mechanism of security council even to issue a statement in this is -- facing the situation like in the west bank and gaza and the occupied territories and what happened last summer in gaza, the security council failed even to issue statement. why is that? >> we did have a statement last year, but -- and we also had a press statement on the issue of
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jerusalem, which was a very important statement, and in which we referred to maintaining the status quo. but you don't need me to tell you that sometimes the negotiations in the security council is not an easy term, however, everybody -- the speeches were public, so you were able to hear the concern of all members to the need to really stop this cycle of violence. we see it escalating day after day, and we are worried this will lead to more deaths, and the difficulty of going back to any solution. so i think that today's interventions of all members were very positive, and we hope to build on this momentum, and hopefully next week when our
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ministers will be here, we'll be able to discuss together the talk of doing other meetings on the side. so we're looking forward to that. thank you. >> reporter: [ speaking foreign ] >> so we have been hearing from the palestinian ambassador to the united nations and the jordanian ambassador to the u.n., speaking about the recent escalation in the occupied territories in the west bank, jerusalem, and it has now spread to gaza. we were hearing from them both a little bit earlier, but one point they were focusing on here was around the temple mount as it's known to the jews in east jerusalem. this has been a key flash point,
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saying they are changing a lodge standing arrangement for palestinians to enter the site. but basically calls for some sort of international presence around the area to maintain the status quo, though we were hearing from the israelis a little bit earlier at the united nations saying that there wasn't any need for that. so we'll stay across developments there at the u.n. and keep you up to speed on that. but speaking earlier any u.s. ambassador to the united nations, samantha power criticized the use of violence from both sides. >> we have repeatedly condemned this violence and made clear there is no justification for any terrorist attack. we continue to stress the importance of preventing inflammatory rhetoric, or any actions that can feed the violence.
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the human consequences have been grave and continue to mount. since october 1st, israelis have faced 38 attacks in which at least 7 israelis have been killed and more than 40 injured, some gravely. 18 palestinians have been killed and hundreds injured by live fire or rubber bullets from israeli security forces in the course of demonstrations or clashes. ♪ now russia says it has hit more than 380 isil targets since lunching its air strikes more than two weeks ago. and syrian forces are launching offense. zana hoda reports. >> reporter: russia's aerial campaign is now in its second
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face. air strikes are no longer just targeting weapons storage areas and command and control, air power is being used to assist the syrian government recapture territory. >> it's clear that putin wants to protect assad. it's clear he wants to stick his finger in the eye of the west to really position himself as a key global leader and get the west to speak to him on the terms he wants to dictate. >> reporter: operations against the opposition are proving to be difficult. russian air strikes may have been effective, but so far the syrian government and its allies appear to have made no significant gains on the ground. government forces are on the offensive in the countryside of hama and idlib. the syrian government announced a major ground operation on thursday. on friday their forces moved into rebel territory south of
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aleppo. the area being targeted is close to a main road that would link aleppo to the south. this comes as russia's aerial complain has entered its third week. vladimir putin has said a political solution is his goal. rebel groups as well as the main political group in exile are refusing to be engaged in any peace process. instead they are calling on their supporters to help them counter what they call russian aggression. >> putin wants to be -- be the peaceful process to start, but so far there is refusal from the -- the syria rebel side to take part in any peace talks. russia, i think will accelerate the air support.
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>> reporter: russia hopes it can then persuade the west to work with president assad, not just to fight isil but to bring about a political settlement. the turkish military says it shot down a drone for straying into its air space near the border with syria. turkish military is reporting that it is a non-military model plane. bernard smith is in istanbul. >> reporter: there are reports that this drone was three kilometers inside turkish air space when it was engaged by the turkish air force close to the border, as they gave three verbal warnings for the drone to move. it didn't, so they shot it down. it's not a particularly large aircraft. pictures posted online suggest about a two meter or so wingspan, and it does haven't any identification. there are reports out of
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washington, d.c., that the americans believe the drone is russian. now earlier on, this month, russian jets have twice violated turkish air space that they fly conduct missions over syria. the russians apologized for those two violations and set up a working group to try to make sure it doesn't happen again. but highlights the dangers faced by all parties flying over northern syria. this is the first time since world war ii that nato and russian aircraft have been flying combat polices in the same air space. all parties keen to make sure that the others know what they are doing so there isn't a risk of escalation or confrontation between nato and russian aircraft. now there's been mixed reaction in afghanistan to the news that american soldiers will be staying on until at least 2017. the white house believes it's forces will be needed to fight a growing taliban threat.
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jennifer glasse reports from kabul. >> reporter: funeral prayers for a man wounded in the taliban fighting but tilled in the u.s. air strike on the doctors without borders hospital. his brother says the u.s. announcement to keep troops in afghanistan is not welcome. >> translator: we demand that the united states and other foreign countries stop supporting the taliban and others who fight us. >> reporter: at the funeral meal the sentiment is the same. these residents know afghanistan security problems well. taliban fighters held their city for three years. afghan forces needed u.s. air and ground support to battle them. >> translator: instead of leaving thousands of forces here, the americans should support and equip our own forces, and they should be equipped with modern weapons. >> reporter: the united states is helping build an afghan air force, but it takes years to
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train pilots and technicians. and on the battlefield the afghans still rely on u.s. air support. the afghan president welcomed the decision to peep troops here. the taliban says it will be an expensive war in termsover finances and casualties and called on its fighters to step up attacks on american targets. ing >> translator: people are fleeing the country and in the past 13 years that america was here, what have they done to help us? and now they keep more troops in afghanistan, i don't think it will help. it's for their own interest, not ours. >> reporter: the u.s. decision to stay is in part because the taliban refused to come to the peace table and chose to fight instead. >> translator: we should have worked for the peace process and then there would be no reason
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for the foreigners to stay in this country. >> reporter: u.s. forces will be staying at least until 2017 in four bases around the country. many afghans say they aren't convinced that such a small number of u.s. soldiers can make a real difference in ending the violence here. jennifer glasse, al jazeera, kabul. now there's news of another potential scandal at fifa. a leading german newspaper is reporting that germany bought the right to most the 2006 world cup with brides. the german football association admits making a $7.5 million payment to fifa, but says it was for a cultural program. fifa is investigating. hungary will soon largely close its border with croatia. thousands of refugees have crossed in recent weeks.
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>> reporter: a violent end to a brutal journey. an afghan man traveling with 50 others, spot by bulgarian border police. some 30 kilometers from turkey. officials said the men had been resisting arrest when the shooting occurred and that the victim was caught by the ricochet of a bullet that was fired only as a warning shot. he later died on the way to hospital. the rest of the men have since been detained by police. it's the first incident of its kind since refugees began crossing through the balkan country two years ago. many who find themselves here found little in the way of a welcome. anti-immigrant politicians, such as hungary's prime minister have not helped either. and germany has received most of the asylum seekers. >> we are the last refugees, i think, because winter is coming.
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we all to better to arrive to germany, i think. god be with us. >> reporter: now hungary says it will close its border by midnight on friday. as for those fleeing war and persecution there was an urgency to get to europe before the winter sets in. rough seas will prevent many from baking a boat here, but there will be those who are prepared to make the journey no matter the risk. much has been said in recent years about the growing differences between north korea and china. but they have tried to put their relationship on show at an annual trade fair. but as rob mcbride reports some of the north koreans are empty handed. >> reporter: the trade fair
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which brings together businesses from both sides of the border, illustrates just how far apart they are. chinese stores are bold and brash. china's consumer is on show. the north korean stores in contrast still mired in a world of strict ideology, a virtual wartime economy will little to sell and it looks like not much sense of how to sell it, sometimes with nothing to sell at all. still from the crowds attending the event, the hope is north korea is learning from china's relatively free market ways. >> translator: these are the biggest crowds i have seen. there are more people than ever before. >> translator: i think from now there will be more trade between china and north korea. >> reporter: power head salesman says trade is brisk. >> translator: we have sold a lot the north koreans.
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business is good. >> reporter: all around there is evidence of development, but little of that business drive seems to reach the other side of the river and into north korea. it is home to the friendship bridge an economic lifeline that help north korea survive. a new bridge project further along the river remains stalled. the bridge now stands as a symbol of the troubled relationship between the two neighbors. work on it was completed a year ago, paid for by china, and by now traffic should have been running across it. today there is still no sign of it opening. the infrastructure on the chinese side is complete. the satellite images from the north korean side show the bridge ending in a field. chinese businesses at this event know this will not be a quick sale. >> translator: we came here to sell to north koreans. we have the right machines and we will hopeful we will sell.
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>> reporter: for the moment this is a bustling partnership of unequals. well, you will find more on everything we're covering right here, the address is there you will see comment, analysis, and video on demand. ♪ tensions sore in israel and the palestinian territories where protesters have filled the streets of bethlehem as anger and the death toll rises. a new offensive against aleppo, syrian forces backed by russia move to retake the country's largest city. and security concerns over north korea is high on the agenda when
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