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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  October 17, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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announcer: this is al jazeera. hello, welcome to the newshour, in doha with the top stories - three palestinians are killed as violent confrontations continue in the occupied territories. civilians die after air fire hits homs tough time for nepal's earthquake your survivors, food release is not coming their way due to a fuel shortage.
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>> and i'll have the day's sport as the quarterfinals of the rugby world cup kicks off later. we'll tell you why a french team may be trying to sidestep their own coach and the opposition. sco there's been more attacks in the israeli australianed territories. three palestinians have been shot dead. in hebron, a jewish settler wearing wight is held to have shot one we have mike hannah in a moment. but first we'll learn about the
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circumstances leading to the two incidents in hebron. >> the first incident referred to, from what we know so far, a jewish settler from an outpost that is in the middle of the old city shot dead a palestinian, 18-year-old boy, i would say, a teenager. it's not clear, we do not have reports that the teenager was carrying weapons, orthat he was walking along the street, under attack by the jewish settler. in another attack a palestinian woman, stabbed in the border police woman. the police was lightly offended. they were shot on the spot.
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these incidents were surely increased the anger among palestinians. and, indeed, among the youth. the funeral procession - you can expect more demonstrations that often turn into violent confrontations. we'll have to see how the day unholds now. >> we'll leave it there. we'll cross to you throughout the day. since the violence erupted over access to the al-aqsa mosque compound, clashes left 42 palestinians and seven israelis dead. on saturday in east jerusalem. and an attack on security officers. over to mike. >> well, the 16-year-old palestinian is from the
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neighbourhood that joins that israeli settlement. according to the youth, the youth entered, stopped by police patrol within the settle: he attempted to attack them with a knife. they shot and killed the 16-year-old. just to add to our report we had there from hoda about the event in hebron, where a jewish settler shot and killed what was described as a palestinian attacker. we asked the israeli army whether it is investigating the circumstances of that particular act. the israeli army says they'll get back to us with a quick response. >> well, there was a u.n. emergency meeting to end the violence held at the security council on friday. kristen saloomey has been following that in new york. let's listen. >> the security council got a briefing from assistant
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secretary who blamed both sides for making reckless statements. he welcomed comments by binyamin netanyahu, that there would be no changes to access to the al-aqsa mosque. but criticized the heavy-handed response of israeli security forces. the palestinian ambassador said his people had no trust that israel would live up to the promise to sustain the status i don't. >> there is an international presence around al-aqsa mosque in order to guarantee that the status quo to be maintained, that that is in the mind of members of the security council, that is in our mind. >> the facts speak for themselves. for decades israel maintained the status quo and will keep on doing so. let me be crystal clear. israel will not agree to any international presence on the temple mount.
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such a presence would be a change in the status quo. there are many calls to end the violence and provocative acts. now, there seems to be little appetite that the palestinians have for implementing the monitoring force that the palestinians have been talking about u.s. president obama raised his concerns over the situation. >> we condemn in the strongest possible terms, violence directed against innocent people. and believe that israel has a right to maintain basic law and order and protect its citizens from knife attacks. and violence on the streets. we also believe that it's important for both prime minister binyamin netanyahu, and israeli elected officials, and president mahmoud abbas and others in position of power to
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try to tamp down a rhetoric that may feed violence. mike, the usual condemnation and usual accusations put forward by politicians at the u.n., diplomatically, what happens from here on. there are reports that the secretary of state john kerry is hoping to visit the region soon. what happened overnight is that the israeli prime minister's office confirmed that he will be meeting the u.s. secretary of state john kerry on the sidelines of a trip to berlin, where binyamin netanyahu was due to meet the german chancellor. the u.n. state department issued a statement saying that john kerry also hopes to visit the region at what it describes as an appropriate moment.
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once again, the international calls for calm for the leaders to tone down their rhetoric appears to be dealing with consequences, rather than the cause. and palestinian leaders are adamant that the focus of diplomacy should be the root issue, the core issues, and that is israel needs to explain what it means to maintain the status quo on temple mount. the arrangement for which access is given to the al-aqsa compound. >> thank you for that update. >> i.s.i.l. sympathizers claim responsibilities for a mosque shooting in saudi arabia. five people were killed in a meeting hall of the shia muslim mosque. the gunmen was shot dead during a battle with security forces. the attack is expected to raise sectarian tensions in the sunni
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king province, where many shia live. >> activists in syria say russian air strikes hit areas in homs, and civilians are being killed. moscow has been helping the syrian army fight rebels. government forces want to regain the highway, linking the city with aleppo. there has been fighting in the provinces. >> the war in syria drove many to neighbouring jordan. a quarter of a million are facing food shortages after the world food program withdrew assistance. and some with chronic diseases lost medical care. >> reporter: most syrian refugees in jordan who had chronic diseases are battling against the odds to get treatment. they had been left on their own after the government suspended all care for refugees last year because of a lack of funding. charities stepped in where they can. the qatari red crescent covered
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the cost of dialysis for 34 syrian patients at this hospital. the patients have to pay for medication. this man sold everything he own, including his wife's gold jewellery to pay $150 a month for medication. >> aid agencies used to give us assistance, then they cut us off. i swear we'll explode and my children and i cry at night. what is the solution for our tragedy. why don't they give us poison. i swear i think about suicide because i don't know what to do. >> reporter: the war in syria raises concerns about whether there'll be assistance for years to come. this patient needs dialysis a charity or hospital may
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provide a few sessions. the continuity is not guaranteeing it. the refugees are not legally allowed to work in jordan. >> syrian refugees have been forced to make difficult choices, like spending less on food in order to pay for a family member's treatment. a third of refugees lost assistance. many living in jordan say they have nothing left here. this 4-year-old has leukaemia. the refugee agency paid for care for a few months before medical care was suspended. her parents are struggling to pay for her treatment. >> sometimes we borrow money, sometimes my husband find work. he uses all the money to pay for treatment. that's how we get by, and cannot afford expensive food. >> last month the family lost the little food assistance it had been getting from the world food program.
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the doctor says she has an 85% chance of healing. in she continues treatment. if they run out of money, all they can do is pray for her here in the al jazeera newshour, here is what is coming up, the new route taken by refugees after hungary closes its border, plus... >> i'm wayne hay reporting from thailand, where if you are guilty of corruption, you could find your crimes immortalized also, royals clinch game 1 of the championship series. that is coming up a little later. first, there has been protests in t turkish capital ankara a week after two bomb blasts killed almost 100 people there. the attack, the worst in turkey's modern history prompted
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widespread anger. three suspects held in custody appeared in court on friday. let's cross to ankara and speak to a man who took part in a protest. he's a member of parliament, and a resident of the senior foundation. a u.s. think tank. >> tell us what you saw at the protest earlier on, what you experienced. >> yes, this was the first week anniversary of the brutal attack where we lost 102 citizens. there were members of n.g.o.s, members from labour unions, and members from the main opposition party, the people's republican party. they commem rath fallen party members. there were individual citizens, and it was an ask for solidarity, and defiance of the
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i.s.i.l. attack. >> would you say there was one off national unity coming together? >> it would be difficult to say that. there were people from different walks of life. they were mainly representing the opposition, and one of the main complaints i have heard among the crowd is that people seem to be so divided and polarized and they can't come together during a moment of grief. for example, the railway workers were angry that the fallen railway workers in the ankara left. they were not commemorated by the co-worker in the building right behind the blast site. so they were saying if - even if railway workers are divided over their grief, then how can turkey live - continue to live as one nation. >> because there is the criticism towards the opposition that politicians are, in fact,
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trying to capitalize on this national tragedy. what is your reaction to that? >> now, i think if people showed up at the protest site. what they would see is a great mistrust of the go. . for example, i went to not the police check, but a volunteer citizens initiative. that is such a distrust of the turkish government and police. >> what do you base that statement on, when you say there's a mistrust of the politicians, and put that into context for us for the upcoming elections. i'd like to draw your attention to a pal that i was reading, and it says that the ag party is expected to receive 40.8%. vote coming up in the november election. that is still quite a big
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number. >> no, indeed. turkey continues to be divided and polarized society. we have seen what great support the government has in the national game. in fact, the crowd booed during the moment of silence for the 100 or so fallen citizens. turkey continues to be a very polarized and divided country, and the ruling akp has a lot of support, but the callousness shown by the supporters seem to be leading to this reaction that i witnessed today in ankara that people felt more secure that the police was not there, and that security was provided by these volunteers. you know, citizens from different n.g.o.s, mostly youthful, and they went through every bag as people entered the main square in front of the ankara train station. it was sad to see the citizens
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these days tend to trust civilian initiatives more than the police that is, in fact, responsible for providing safety and security of their own citizens. >> thank you for joining us. now, egyptians living abroad began to vote in the first parliamentary election. voters can cast ballots at 139 diplomatic missions across the world. the election in egypt started on sunday and concludes in early december. egyptians living in libya, syria and lebanon will not be able to vote due to security concerns. >> refugees arrived after hungary closed borders with croatia. we have more on what hungary's action means for asylum seekers. >> this is a village on the croatia hungary boarder. in recent weeks 8,000 refugees crossed from croatia into
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hungary. at midnight local time security forces sealed off the crossing point with razor wire. refugees desperate to get to austria faced travelling through slovenia. authorities are struggling to cope. >> you have thousands of people bottled up in croatia, not knowing which way to take. you'll end up with a bottle neck in croatia. i was there and the humanitarian situation on the ground - disastrous. >> these were the last refugees to get into hungary on friday before the crossing was closed. >> hungary's right-wing government built a razor wire fence as part of measures to stop people crossing into its territory, it was forced to seal off a crossing point after an e.u. meeting in brussels failed to agree on rules to stop the flow of refugees into europe.
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>> this is not the best, only the second best solution, but the best solution did not come about yesterday at the european council meeting as there is no agreement on the protection of the external borders of crease. -- greece. the numbers of refugees that arrived strained the asylum seekers system. hungary's prime minister, viktor orban is standing by a tough immigration policy, and has not played well with germany that received most of the asylum seekers. the government ignored all criticism of how it handled the refugees crisis and closed a second border, sealing off the frontier with serbia. the message to refugees escaping war is clear - go somewhere else. for more on the top story, we've been telling you about the tension in the israeli occupied territory.
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>> the palestinian ambassador at large joins us, and is a senior official. thank you for joining us on the newshour. let's start with the diplomatic developments in the beginning, what happened at the u.n. security council, the ambassador, your ambassador calling for the u.n. to station international troops. this rejected by israel. what is the strategy going forward when it comes to al-aqsa. >> our strategy is well clear now. number one, we need international protection. this is a palestinian right, and it's an international responsibility. this is the mandate of united nations to provide protection for people who are subjected to the very set of circumstances which we are, which is ethnic cleansing. that of rwanda and kosovo. the second is accountability, ending the stability, and being above the law, and that's why we join the i.c.c.
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now we have filed our complaints, and the ball is in the court of the international prosecutor, and we urge the i.c.c. and the international system to bring to justice everybody who committed acts of war crime, and crimes against humanity in our region. >> let me ask you about the point of protection. your first point about protection. if you do not get the protection, what will your strategy be. will you support the palestinian youths that have been coming out on the streets and fighting so that the status quo does not change for al-aqsa? >> yes, we support the right, the enshrined birthright of our people to defend themselves against this savage campaign by groups of terrorists, settlers, who have been wreaking havoc for years. there's a political agenda, the
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groups from the youth, many years ago who occupied every hilltop in the west bank to block the emergence of the state, and to the subtij and burning of properties mosque and churches to the recent attempts. >> in your description, is it empty that is happening, a lot of people are speculating. is it or is it not. how will you define it? >> i do not like these definitions. we have been in an intifada for 11 years, sometimes it takes several shapes, this time the shape much self-defence. we will defend our families, our properties, sacred places, our jerusalem, our youth, and it is in our right to do so, in every legitimate mean possible. >> how do you plan to do so.
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can we give concrete examples how you plan to do so. since mahmoud abbas, the palestinian authority president came back from the united nations general assembly, when he made the statement. we declared that we cannot continue to be bound by the agreements, and it must assume all sorts of responsibilities, what has the palestinian authority paid in its stance since then. have you ended the security cooperation and cooperation with the israeli forces? >> stop this logic. i refuse the question. >> it's a straight up answer. a lot of people want to know where you stand. when it comes to the security coordination of israel. i'll allow you to answer. >> you asked me i'm answering. you allow me to answer. number one, we are all in one boat. the israeli vicious campaign is
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not only targetting one segment. they are targetting every palestinian. binyamin netanyahu spent his entire conference claiming that it incites violence. the palestinian president went to his people, and said you are apprising is the right way to defend yourself within our national strategy. what do you want more than that, our forces are no longer directing anyone. or standing in the way of anybody. our security forces. in fact, the only thing they do is protect our people. whenever the israeli occupying forces attempt to come into our areas, they stop them. today the palestinian people are united. the entire land of palestine is united. the only thing not uniting us is the international media that reports when palestinian violence starts, and only an
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israeli reaction. today we tell you things are clear cut. we know what is meant for us, an attempt by a group in government. a group in israel. the movement that is in control of the israeli government. in the last few weeks they have took control of the entire society, and they have one plan. the plan is to depopulate jerusalem, and the vast majority of the west bank to colonize it, and to annex it. to not burn people like that in duma. because they want to terrorize. all of us are united, and we would resist for the last 70 years, we would resist all the attempts to turn us from geography to history. i assure you that every palestinian is united. i assure you that the palestinian leadership will take every action to protect our nation, as you saw what the u.n.
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ambassador did yesterday. i wanted to point to the matters that happened this morning in he brew and jerusalem. we are living in a mad house inside israel and israeli controlled area. this is turned into a horror house. >> we have to leave it there. we have run out of time. we appreciate your time on al jazeera, we report the facts and latest numbers and figures. thank you for your time with us. philippine authorities warn that the typhoon could linger for several stays. residents are preparing for the storm, expected to bring rain and floods. the typhoon could start on monday. rob has more news. the satellite picture shows
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how over the last 24 hours, the disc of crowd represents a growing typhoon. it covers all the philippines islands in, and it recently developed. and that is how it became a category 3 storm. there it is. it's fairly slow move of course, raining yesterday. panay is the wettest place, 162mm. there's not a huge amount of rain, it's falling steadily and is increasing. it's a category 4 storm, scusting more than that, and it is drifting. it takes this path, turning over and heading to the north-east. it holds risks. these are that the it could be up to 900mm of rain.
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the wave heights are 9mm. of course, there was a storm surge. we think it will be about a meter, giving you 10 meter waves. it's a nasty, the biggest so far. still ahead, rising unemployment, many graduates risk losing their job. >> plus... >> i'm andrew thomas in a graveyard in sydney, and why some security experts are worried that the next big cyber crime could be virtual murder. >> the battle for play-off heats up in major league soccer. farah with the details coming up in sport.
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the headlines - three palestinians have been shot dead in separate attacks in the israeli occupied territories, in hebb reports, the settlement shows settlers holding a gun after he shot one of them. israeli police killed an israeli woman that shot an officer. and a 16-year-old shot dead after allegedly threatening police with a knife. >> civilians are being killed. for three days moscow has been helping the syrian army try to regain territory from opposition fighters. >> reporter: the first busloads
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of refugees arrives. slovenia and croatia says they will not stop the flow of asylum seekers, so lodge as jeremy -- germany and austria keep their borders open. >> time is running out to deliver essential plies. >> reporter: this village in nepal is three hours away in a private vehicle. for people here, it's a day-long journey. when the quake shook in april, no one died here. most of the homes were destroyed. food was always difficult to find in the village. things became worse. generations have endured hardships here. the earthquake is an added one.
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the house cracked. i suppose that's how chipped. we were given some tarpaulin sheets after the quake. we kept maize there. some germinated. some were rotten. we passed a cracked house for storage. >> reporter: without a functioning market there's nowhere to earn money. a few weeks ago they were told they'd get food directly for doing some work for the village. >> the people are here to build a community road. for 40 days of work they were it receive rice and other goods. for today they will receive the first instalment. despite finishing, many are yet to get the sheriff food. the workers - the organization has not been able to deliver 260 metric tonnes of food. that is because of a fuel crisis in the country. >> the food is in this
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warehouse for the district. we were on track to distribute it before the festival that is starting now. because the supporters have not one drop of diesel left. we have distributed only 40%. >> nepal has 10% of fuel. after a restricted supply of fuel from india. for two months people from many areas have been protesting from the past constitution. india, unhappy with the charter says a deteriorating security situation at the border stopped indian truck drivers delivering food and other essentials. many of the mountainous areas will be cut off with snow blogging the trails. many victims in these areas were living, under tarpaulin sheets. to survive the winter they'd need more than extra food. >> what needs to happen is insulation has to be put in some of these places.
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some of the higher areas. we have to put in stoves, and deliver thermal blankets and appropriate clothing. to make people ready for the winter. >> reporter: fuel for helicopters is running low. as the country struggles with crisis after crisis, the plight of survivors of the quake is worse the vice chairman of nepal's planning commission says it will take a few years to rebuild homes, a temporary plan is in place. >> there's nothing from it. there are delays because of political wrangling and technical mistakes, but having been done, they are being prepared. before the festival, from the rural areas, more than six different types of housing and
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the relief in there 2,000 expected by the families, they have been provided by the cabinet. they'll receive that money, being honest. ground level has not come. the majority of the person is being completed. once there, they'll take the documents to get approved. and start the implementation. we realise that it will take 2-5 years. there has to be temporary settlement and housing. >> it will last 6 months to two years. >> let's speak to the u.n. resident for nepal. thank you for being with us. we saw from the correspondent report the effect that the lack of fume is having on the deliver of re -- lack of fuel is having on the delivery of fuel to those that need it.
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if relief does not reach the people before winter sets in, what is at stake for them? >> the important thing is we have delivered a lot of material to the affected populations, but because of winter, that adds to that. that is impaired because of fuel shortages. obviously the whole country is affected by this. for our possibility now, it is limited because of this fuel. it's important that we get it before the onset of winter the high areas where the material is required, that we mention in the installation and worm clothing. that is the important part for us. they'll be facing a difficult situation, and it's already a difficult situation because of the earthquake. exacerbated by the lack of support. >> what do they need. it's been six months since the earthquake. 85-95% of the population received food aid and support
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from health and sanitation, shelter material and more construction. what we need now it to continue the support to them. we need to get food security. the powers are topographical. in terms of the mountainous area. it's affected that in general. exacerbated because of the fuel situation. >> the political dispute that we were reporting on but let me take you this. a month after the earthquake, there were reports of red tape that was hampering the aid efforts, and the suggestion that giving reconstruction funds to the earthquake survivors could cut out corruption as well as administrative waste. what are you seeing now when it comes to that. is there waste going on. >> we are seeing an efficient response to the humanitarian situation.
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they looking forward to is a reconstruction authority. once that is in place, all the planning that is going on, now the biggest threat for us is the winterization, and the support that the folked populations will be slow. we wish you best of luck. thank you for joining us from kuala lumpur the number of workers in zimbabwe fell to the lowest levels in 50 years. the collapsing economy causing companies to close. government leaders are making it harder for employers to lay off workers. economists expect the worse to come. from the capital we have this report. >> a supreme court ruling gave >> a supreme court ruling gave companies in zimbabwe permission to fire workers. he was given no severance package and told to lead. >> the master can do what he
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wants to his employees. should there be any - you find that you are going to defy it. >> the government intervened, amended the labour law, making it difficult to fire workers, insisting that those who lost jobs get severance pay. >> reporter: most businesses operate at less than half capacity. employees say they have to lay off workers, and the only way they can survive is by cutting jobs. independent economists say it's more than 80%. a lot of people selling its on the street are graduates. >> the economy is in bad shape. anticipating a result, affecting electricity production. as well as crop production. we don't have the money to pay for the food we need to import. millions are struggling because of rising unemployment.
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in 2008, for example, we had an election influenced by the economy. it is very difficult to survive. it was to cause more suffering. i don't see the government being able. civil servant wages make up 80% of the government expenditure. the finance minister admitted it is not sustainable. economists warn that means more zimbabwe could be out of work. doubts are raised about the building of a new engineering wonder of the world. the $50 billion project to rival the panama canal will go ahead despite a stack market crash in china. daniel schweimler reports. >> reporter: there's growing concerns in nicaragua over the future of the grand canal
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project after the major backer lost 85% of his $10 billion fort -- fortune, and the net worth slumped to $1 billion. >> reporter: it's causing concern among the nicaragua people, he's misled them. no one has been hired. no property. maybe a few trucks. >> they were question why the canal is needed, with the newly enlarged panama canal to the south. they are concerned about the environmental threat. and about the tens of thousands of people who will have to be displaced. the residents living on the route of the canal say they are fine if they are. that it will only benefit rich investors. >> this is a reject that will change the geography without us knowing where the money comes from. >> reporter: the nicaraguan government says building work will not begin,
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until a full environmental assessment is carried out. while the company says appropriate financing will be in place. >> what is important here is that the investors, and we are not talking about confidence and certainty. it's necessary, and will bring benefits to every country in the world. those that transport cargo, and to the world's consumers. the $50 billion canal linking the atlanta and pacific oceans will, if it goes ahead, be deeper and wider and longer than the panama canal, accommodating cargo ships, as well as the trade with latin america. nicaragua is waiting for questions to be answered. well mexico's top drug lord made another great escape three months after tunnelling his way out of a maximum security prison.
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joaquin guzman, known as el chapo is thought to have injured his face and leg, narrowly avoiding recapture. >> thailand's government is planning to seize the assets of yingluck shinawatra. she was forced to step down in a corruption scandal. which is highlighted in a new museum. wayne hay has more. >> reporter: corruption is an accepted part of many aspect of thai society. the anticorruption museum in bangkok was an unusual display of several high profile cases. the nongovernment organization aimed to educate people and send a message that it must stop. >> translation: we have a culture of compromising to everyone and everything. corrupt people used it has an opportunity to cheat and rob people and our country.
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>> it's estimated $8.5 billion is lost to corruption and thailand each year. the latest big case involves former prime minister yingluck shinawatra, who was impeached. and tried for dereliction of duty. her government introducing a rice subsidy scheme seeing farmers paid above market prices for their crops. according to critics, the programme was riddled with corruption. it is not yingluck shinawatra that was corrupt, but the local politicians using the scheme to their advantage, but buying cheap rice neighbouring -- rice from thai farmers or neighbouring countries to blej for profits. the rice scheme was given pride of place in the anticorruption museum, despite the fact that no one was found guilty. all the examples had links to politicians, there's one powerful force that is missing. the army, which is running the country has been involved in several high-level protests, none more so than when it purchased devices, they turned
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out to be useless. the price paid was about 25 million. the anticorruption commission is investigating, but no one expect anything to come of it. the organizers deny they have political motives or they deliberately avoided highlighting military corruption now, the internet is transforming the way billions of us live our lives. the changes are often for the better, but not for some in australia. a new offense known as virtual murder is causing concern for police and internet users. andrew thomas reports from sydney. >> reporter: a text message from her bank warned her to check her account. when she did, she found it was emptied, probably by stealing post from her mailbox, someone gathered enough information to precedent they were her.
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the bank refunded stolen money, a second attempt was made. >> where is this going to stop. what will happen next. i think my identity will be used again and again, details are out there. i can't stop that. >> reporter: identity theft is a growing problem worldwide. in australia and new zealand more than a million people have their identity compromised each year. a helpline has been established for the most traumatic cases, they had more than 14,000 calls in 10 months. one in five of our clients require professional mental health support. to have the identity stolen, there's something over your head. you don't get your identity back. >> in some case, the identity stolen is from the dead. when malaysia airlines flight 17 was shot down last year, criminals saw an opportunity. within three days of that plane going down, mobile phones, credit cards, social media were being used in victim's names.
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within three days. i.d. theft could be getting worst. most of those buried in the sydney graveyard died before cyber crime came about, an expert says the next frontier is death. often now the administration of death is handled digitally. in many countries doctors and funeral doctors fill in forms and death certificates are filled in online. with enough personal information, hackers, can impersonate those officials to be declared dead. you may kill yourself for a life insurance payout or kill off someone you have a grudge against. being officially dead can be a barrier to every day life. you could be dead and not know it, and i could be dead in not know it. it will not know until you want
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a home loan or licence renewal. and you will have to undo the matter. >> virtual births are possible, creating virtual people in whose names to take out loans, which are never paid back. the fastest growing crime following the circle of life still ahead on the newshour - in sport - football's governing body is investigating claims that the 2006 world cup in germany was secured thanks to bribes.
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time for all the sport with farah. >> thank you so much.
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starting with major league baseball, and the kansas city royals beat the toronto blue jays, clinching game one of the series. edinson volquez pitched six innings, striking out five, giving up two hits shutting out the blue jays 5-0. the royals are seeking to return to the world series after losing to the san francisco in seven games last season. game 2 in kansas city on saturday. >> a win for the first game is big for the team. when you play home, you don't want to go to toronto 0-2. it was a great win for the team. >> there are dangers in putting the ball in play, things happen. you have good team speed. today was the edinson volquez show. i mean, he was tremendous. we had a couple of innings, we had a couple of walks, some guys on base. one time, you know, it came up empty. >> the rugby world cup reached
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the knock out stage with the first two quarterfinals kicking off on saturday. wales play. the french captain has been forced to deny reports of a player rebellion against their coach. >> reporter: in the south of france, to many rugby is a religion. fans have been looking for difficult join intervention to beat the all blacks. whether the prayers have been answered with a team reportedly trying to oust their own coach will not be revealed until after saturday's match. >> we spoke from the start of our preparation for the world cup, that we'd have to stay in our bubble. there's a lot of rumours and stuff that comes out. we had been warned from previous. it happened later than we thought, but it's happened. and we prepare this game like any other game whatever the state of french
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moral, new zealand are expecting the team that knocked them out of the 2007 world cup, in the same round and at the same venue in cardiff to be well prepared. >> when it's a big occasion they always turn up. we have to turn up with them. looking forward to our guys. loving a challenge. we know there's not many bigger challenges than playing france. >> in the other quarterfinal, wales play south africa in twickenham in london. wales are determined to return to the venue for the semifinals. at the moment we feel we are in a good place mentally. we feel like we have played good rugby, competing with the top teams, you need to bounce the ball. a little luck. a couple of decisions to go your way and you have a chance of winning. >> the springboks are wary of a team that beat them the last time they played. >> a team we respect, that we
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came to know we'll give everything on the field, and a team we know that if we don't pitch up with the full intensity on the day we'll come up second hand. >> coming second, we'll see every coach facing the prospect of being fired. chelsea are looking to end a poor run of form, which has seen them go without a win in three games in all competitions. they faced aston villa in the english premier league, having made their worst start to a season in 37 years. jose mourinho's team sits 16th in the table. only eight points from as many games. >> obviously we know that we are not going to be relegated. obviously we know that in a couple of months we'll be in a position where we normally have to be. the reality now, today, tomorrow, before the game starts is the reality of the numbers.
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orlando city boosted their chances of reaching the major league soccer play off by beating new york city. >> kyle scored twice as orlando came from behind to secure a 2-1 win. they are one point behind sixth-placed montreal in the eastern conference. the top six sides qualifying san jose took a step closer, booking a spot in the play-off. the the earthquakes beating them 1-0 claims that rivalry germany win the bit for the 2006 world cup is being investigated. german football association in f.i.f.a. are stepping in. it's been alleged that the german bidding committee
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established a $7 million flush fund to bribe f.i.f.a. executives. earlier we spoke to brett forest, senior writer at e.s.p.n., the magazine, and he said that germany's involvement in the latest allegations gives them significant difference. >> what have we heard up until now? we have heard the establishment of football in western europe - we have seen them point the finger at russia, at vladimir putin incorporated, in qatar, the monarchy, saying how can we lead these countries to operate in a different manner, host the biggest athletic event. now we see these allegations, if they are proving to be true. germany, the establishment of the game, apparently operating in very much the same manner. what we are seeing here is something that strong critics of
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the game are saying all along, which is it's not an east-west cultural clash. the game itself is rotten from within. and the entire cultural change. >> cricket and the first test - it could be heading for a draw. england gives them some hope, taking two wickets, with three on the board. since then the experience of al-haque and eunice kahn stabilized the second innings world number one golfer, rory mcilroy is facing a tough task if he's to win the opening pga tour event. jason day not in action, rory mcilroy is the highest-ranked player in napa. he's in 19th place. he's 71. he leads the way, and shot a 70, and is 11-under par, looking for his second ever win, his only title coming back in 2011.
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reigning motogp mark marquez clinched his eighth poll of the season. the honda rider fastest in all four sessions at the phillip island circuit. mark kez's compatriot starts third. championship leader valentino ros i finished a disappointing ninth. >> we look at everything. it's going well. tomorrow will be active race. it's crucial, i think, it's important to manage the tires well. but we will try to improve even in the warm-ups. it is good with the tyres and that's all the sport for now. back to you. >> thank you. stay with us here on al jazeera. that's it for the newshour. we are back in a moment with a full bulletin of news. all the day's top stories. you can check out the website. you can find everything at
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>> as violence intensifies. >> the growing israeli perception is that no place is safe. >> get the latest news in-depth. >> we decided we should stand up for what we believe and defend ourselves. >> mr. netanyahu is playing with fire. this fire is dangerous for both our people. >> stay with al jazeera america for continuing coverage.
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three palestinians are killed as violence, confrontations continue in the occupied palestinian territories. >> you're watching al jazeera, live from hours in doha. also ahead - syrian activists say civilians died after air tricks hit residential areas in homes. tough times for nepal's earthquake survivors due to a crippling food shortage. >> i'm waen hay, reportingro


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