tv Weekend News Al Jazeera October 18, 2015 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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>> german chancellor angela merkel moments the turkish prime minister to push the e.u.'s plan to stem the flow of refugees. >> welcome to the show. also on the program, anger and outrage after violence in the occupied palestinian territories. three people are killed and thousands displaced as a powerful typhoon sweeps into the philippines. >> all those i remember clearly have died. i barely remember my sister's
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face. >> a rare reunion after decades of separation. >> the turkish prime minister has said the refugee crisis in europe can't be solved without a solution to the conflict in syria. holding talks with the german chancellor angela merkel in istanbul, an action plan offers aid and closer e.u. ties to turkey in exchange for stemming the flow of refugees to europe. he said the burden should be shared fairly. >> turkey and germany and europe as a whole will need to tackle the refugee crisis. we have considered these matters, and it is our agreement to work together to prevent the
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matters getting even worse in syria to prevent further influx of refugees from that location. >> joining us now from istanbul, tell us about what he was saying, one of the things he was talking about was in exchange for turkey's help speeding up its accession to the e.u. >> the turkish prime minister was more definite about what he hoped turkey was going to get out of this, while conversely angela merkel, the german chancellor was more vague, really, about what she and the european union are able to give in run. he explicitly said he was hoping by next summer that in return for turion given series have a free access to the zone of the european union, turkey would sign this, implement a readmission protocol. this is the deal turkey would sign with the european union which means failed asylum
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seekers from europe could be sent back to turkey. the moment that happen, turkey said it will be ready to do that next summer if europe gives series have a free access to turkey. angela merkel was only sable to say that she was oh going to support turkey's attempts to get series have a free access to areas, but she gave no specifics on dates, vague about when all of this might happen. >> clearly all the e.u. leaders have to sign off on any kind of deal, but in return, turkey's role would be to stop the flow of refugees going through turkey and into the e.u. can it actually deliver that? >> it's going to be very difficult for turkey to be able to do that, i think. one of the reasons we've spoken to oh so many syrian refugees leaving turkey to try to make it to europe and all of them want to put down roots. they don't see a future in turkey, because they're not
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allowed to work. turkey doesn't give work permits to syrian refugees and there's no specific domestic support for that idea. turks have generally been welcoming, but they didn't expect him to be here this long. the economy is now struggling a little bit in turkey and employment has crept up a bit. it's hard for turks themselves to find work and no desire to give work permits to syrians. it would be difficult for the turkish government to do that especially two weeks before an election on november 1. also, germany wants turkey to try to stop the flow of applying grants across the aegean sea. there are thousands was oh kilometers of coastline to patrol there. practically, that is also an enormous challenge for turkey. numbers will slow down, winter is around the corner, but a big test will be next spring. >> thank you from istanbul. >> slovenia can't accept
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unlimited in connection of refugees and croatia serbia and moss don i can't will have to help, it says. the asylum seekers escaping war and poverty in the middle east, africa and asia are on their way to austria and germany. they had to reroute through slovenia after croatia closed its bored on friday. >> airstrikes in syria has killed the leader of the khorasan group. the defense democratic said the leader was killed near the northern syrian town of dana. al nasr is believed organized routes for backers and played a significant role in the group's finances. >> the situation is tense in israel and the occupied palestinian territories where stoppings continue. 43 palestinians and seven
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israelis have been killed. israel's cabinet has met to discuss the unrest. five palestinians were killed on saturday alone. a jewish settler shot dead a teen in hebron for allegedly trying to stab him. israel police say he was killed before he could do harm. an israeli police woman shot dead an individual. he allegedly tried to stop her after asking directions. israeli forces shot dead a 16-year-old for allegedly attempting to stab a soldier. under the same circumstances, a 23-year-old was shot dead at checkpoints in are a malwill. mike hanna joins us now from west jerusalem. another israeli cabinet meeting to discuss the unrest. it seems clear that all the measures that they've been taking, such as increasing
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security and now this new measure of searching palestinians whether or not they are suspected to be armed are simply not working. >> well, indeed yes, the on going conflict would appear to indicate that the very serious and very stringent security measures taken by israel in recent days are not having any impact whatsoever on deadening the response palestinians say to israeli attempts to change the status quo on the al aqsa mosque compound, the status quo is the arrangements by which access to the compound is given. but that law that you mentioned, that in a way is just a recognition of the reality on the ground, although the cabinet has approved the law and concerning searches, it will be passed by parliament, this is something that has been applied in recent days, weeks and months. we've seen repeatedly palestinians stopped, the i.d.'s
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taken, searched. they have to lift their shirts, take off shoes, take off socks. certainly the legislation has already been applied on the streets, so no real change here as far as daily existence of palestinians is concerned. the important development drop the cab knelt at this particular point is benjamin netanyahu, the israeli prime minister repeating israel's position on what he calls the temple mount. he went as far as to say that israel presents the solution, not the problem to what happens at in his words the temple mount, the al aqsa mosque compound. palestinians argued repeatedly that the root cause of the current conflict is indeed israel's actions over the al aqsa mosque compound, saying there are moves to try and attempt the ways in which access is governed to that particular area. once again, netanyahu restating an israeli position that he doesn't want to change their
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status quo at all. >> what is the view of israel's ally, the u.s. in terms of how often it's reacting to this up surge in violence. the chairman of the u.s. chief of staff has arrived in israel. >> this is significant. this is something unconnected to the current crise. the head of the joint chiefs of staff is here importantly to kickstart negotiations about defense aid to israel. now, these negotiations were suspended by benjamin netanyahu earlier in the year over protests at the iran nuclear deal. the fact that these negotiations are being restarted is a very clear signal that there is a warming up in the nature of the relationship between the u.s. and israel, one that has been very fractious indeed, in particular between benjamin netanyahu and u.s. president barack obama. now, this is turn could have some kind of impact on the
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current situation in israel, given that with this warming of relations, the u.s. may be less likely to put extreme pressure on israel in terms of the measures, the hard line measures it is taking to deal with the current crisis. >> mike, thank you for that. mike hanna is west jerusalem there. >> hodor now updates us from the checkpoint in west bank on the tensions there. >> unrest is growing in the occupied west bank. there are currently confrontations going on in hebron. there has been a very tense city for quite a while. the demonstration today were called upon by students in the poly technicuniversity and as is often the case, demonstrations turn into clashes. there is a similar situation in the north of the occupied west bank following a night of unrest in several parts.
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settlers tried to reach the joseph tomb, stopped by palestinians. that, too, is under the security of the palestinian authority. in hebron, as well. >>ish settlers through a petrol bomb in the young man who was killed earlier in the day by a jewish settler. they contend also the story that this young man was trying to stop that settler, sparking violent confrontations throughout the night. they say with the amount of settlements and outposts that exist, the fact that there's friction and anger growing on both sides is something that will lead to more insecurity in the occupied west bank. >> homes have been destroyed, flights canceled and power and phone lines brought down in the northeast philippines after the typhoon made landfall.
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that death toll of three is expected to rise as rescue workers reach affected areas. we have this update. >> right now, we are in a province known to be the biggest rice producer. what happens to these farm lands, we were trying to head where the typhoon made landfall but also met with flash floods and had to turn back. now i'm trying to find the sort of safer ground where we can stay for the night. the situation is very difficult for so many communities that are trapped at the moment in some of the province. rescuers are not able to enter those areas. there's a lot of concern about safety and security for those who have been trapped with water up to the chest level at the moment.
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until now, there's worry that flash floods from rain in much of northern philippines, so it's going to last for a few more days and a lot of worry. >> 12 people have died and two still missing after a fishing boat sank in ukraine. amateur video showed the moment several passengers were brought to shore on a life raft. 36 people were onboard the vessel when it sank. >> still to come on the program. >> when we asked them for food and told them we had no money left, they told us to exchange our shirts for a cup of tea. >> we meet african refugees trying to escape hardship in their country. >> canadians will be voting. one group of people in this country, aboriginal canadians may unflu edges the outcome.
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>> welcome back. let's remind you of the top stories opinion al jazeera. the turkish prime minister there has to be a solution to the syrian war to effectively deal with the refugee creases. german chancellor angela merkel is offering aid to turkey in exchange for stemming the flow of refugees to europe. >> people in occupied gas and east jerusalem have been demonstrating after the shooting
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of five palestinians. forces can now search people and their belongings even if they are not suspected of being armed. >> 6,000 people left their homes after the typhoon made landfall. three have been killed. the death toll could rise as rescue workers reach the affected areas. >> thousands of african refugees try to across into south africa every year. many fall victim to people smugglers along the way. we have a report. >> eduardo said god has called on him to do this work. he has been doing it for three years and doesn't want to reveal his identity. he rescues desperate refugees, a job he insists should be done by governments. >> i help them because i know they are suffering in their countries. they are coming, running to other countries, and then they cannot stay here in mozambique,
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because mozambique, we still haven't a job. refugees see eduardo and his job differently. in one of his safe houses here in the capital. these three young men are waiting to across into south africa. they say his network is simply profiting from their misery. >> we have been traveling for more than two months, and they have taken every penny we had from us. they overcharge is for everything, from a $5 taxi fare, they charged each one of us $20. when we asked for food and told them we had no money left, they told us to exchange four shirts for a cup which tea. they are not good people. >> this is near the border with south africa. there are many foreigners wait to go cross illegally, but you hardly see them. >> many refugees and migrants without documents avoid the
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official border crossing for fear of being detained. the last thing they want is to return to the countries they come from. they come out of safe houses and head for the wire fence that separates mozambique and africa. >> another night, the refugees gather on the hill that separates the two countries. the smugglers are not far behind. border police patrol the hill, so the refugees move in silence in total darkness. the smugglers take them through the border fence. for many, want journey ends here. police on both sides have cracked down on undocumented foreigners. >> we've caught what hundred 80 illegal migrants since the start of this month. we repay the rated them to countries of their origin. we will continue until there are no mother illegal people in our country. >> business is brisk for eduardo. he has smuggled more from the safe house. as more continue to flee,
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eduardo said he will continue to answer gods call. >> voting's underway in egypt in the first parliamentary election since the overflow of president mohamed morsi in 2013. authorities say the poll is the final step in the transition to democracy. the two stage process will take weeks to complete. a professor says voters have lost faith. >> the optimism was there in 2011 and possibly 2012, but then the polarization and rapid deterioration of the political process from mid 2012 on wards and 2013, the level of bloodshed after the military coup, that took a different turn. the parliament technically on paper has some mandate that was
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not there before under mubarak, but i think the highlight that symbolizes how bad is the situation, you have the coalition that supports sisi led by a former intelligence officer, and it's called in love of egypt, and that coalition, its principal objective and they declared this publicly is to limit the mandate of the parliament. to empower the president more and make a large number of m.p.'s, large coalition to change the constitution such that the parliament have limited mandate, so parliamentarrens want to limit the mandate to benefit the president, i think that some billizes the story.
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election signs are not typically found here. indigenous people see themselves as a nation, separate from canada, coexisting in north america. in past elections, few voted for took part at all. >> i'm not a canadian. nobody has proven to me that if you're, you can vote. if somebody comes in from the united states, can they vote? >> people are being told to vote by their own elected leaders, because of the feeling in their community that the stephan harper government has done little to address their challenges, unemployment, crime, lack of clean water. >> i've decided to vote, and i actually voted in advanced poll the other day, thinking that
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i need to an example to our people, to let them know that i believe after exercising this option to vote is in our best interest at this time. >> two years ago, the movement galvanized indigenous groups with nationwide protest. there was a long hunger strike in the shadow of canada's parliament. those protests have faded, but the anger behind them now fires efforts to get aboriginal people to exercise a democratic right they only got in 1960, a century after voting began in canada. >> 50 years ago, they gave us the vote. we viewed that as a tactical error in their war of attrition. now we can use the vote as a weapon against them. it's a powerful form of resistance. >> in dozens of constituencies across the country, aboriginal voters could swing a close result, meaning a change in government. whether it means a change for the community in general, that's far from guaranteed. >> perhaps sensing an
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opportunity, canada's two main opposition parties say they'll work with aboriginal people on all outstanding issues, but those promises come late in a long campaign that was largely about many other things. >> you can't trust them and that's what i've been telling people. don't just accept the politician who comes to your door and says i'm promising you better relationships. what is? it's got to be real live commitments that you can hold them to. >> whether it's in this election, aboriginal people, the youngest, fastest growing segment of canada's population may yet have their voices heeded after centuries of waiting. al jazeera in northern ontario. >> the nuclear agreement between iran and world powers reached in july comes into effect sunday. tehran will begin what's called the biggest nuclear disarmament in history. it's compliance will see economic sanctions lifted. there are still significant challenges ahead.
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>> it took years of complex and fitful negotiations between iran and world powers known at p5 plus one to put together a deal the obama administration says will be based on verification, not trust. the landmark nuclear agreement means iran has to sharply curtail its nuclear program, a move experts say will significantly reduce its capability of developing nuclear weapons. in july, when the agreement was reached, u.s. secretary of state john kerry said it was a deal worth fighting for. >> it is a step away from the specter of conflict and towards the possibility of peace. >> in the biggest nuclear dismantlement in history, it involves mothballing centrifuges and tons of low enriched fuel will be shipped out of the country, all of which the iranian authorities say will be done by the end of the november. iran is keen that sanctions be eased, but the deal still has
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critics. >> this deal doesn't make peace more likely. by fueling iran's aggressions with billions of dollars and sanctions release, it makes war more likely. >> the next few weeks as iran implements an agreement that is deeply popular there, deeply popular there, may be the most difficult, and inspections by the atomic energy agency will be key. >> it does not fully resolve the wide range of issues where we've got a big difference, and so, we are going to have to continue to put pressure on them through the international community. >> recent footage on iranian state television that appears to show underground tunnels packed with missiles and launchers haven't helped ease concerns. these were released just days after iran tested a new long-range missile that the u.n. say may have breached the u.n. security council resolution.
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>> for all the powers involved, there's a great deal at stake, but especially true for president obama. his administration brokered a deal that few would have ever thought possible. the next few weeks may shape his foreign policy legacy more than anything else. washington. >> the indian, japanese and u.s. navies are taking part in an exercise off india's coast. the u.s. has deployed the aircraft carrier the u.s.s. theodore roosevelt plus a nuclear powered submarine. japan is now a permanent member of what has become a drill. china is wary of the joint exercise. the state run newspaper cautioned india against being drawn into an anti china alliance. >> hundred was north and south koreans are preparing for a defining moment in their lives.
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this week, a rare reunion event for families separated by the korean war is set at a take place tuesday near the border. harry fossett reports from the south korean capital, seoul. >> at the age of 89, he has taken up a hobby from his childhood, north korea. he said it helps stave off loneliness. when the korean war began, he was living in a factory separated from his family. he traveled south during a major retreat and never saw them again. eight years ago, he signed up for the family reunion process. his chance has now come, but the news has brought a mixture of happiness and disappointment. >> there were seven of us brothers and sisters. my youngest sister is the only one who is still alive. i'm told others all passed away, so it's disappointing. >> all those i remember clearly have died. i barely remember my sister's face, so it will probably be a bit awkward.
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>> he is one of 66,000 people on the waiting list in south korea. more than half are like him, in their 80's or older. each time one of these rare events comes around, the red cross holds a lottery. more than 63,000 people have died while waiting for a reunion. the last event was held in february last year. the raw emotions on display served to show how strongly felt these separations are. this upcoming round of reunions is a direct result of an agreement between north and south korea that ended one of the most serious bouts of cross border tension in years. >> a handful of people suffered for decades the pain of separation will get a reunion. they will get a chance for at least a few moments of reunion. it's a reflection of the sharp
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