tv News Al Jazeera October 19, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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winner, employers. i'm ray suarez. and that's the "inside story" clear ♪ this is al jazeera america. live from new york city. i'm tony harris. calling for action to stop the violence after an innocent bystander was accidentally killed in israel. canada's prime minister hoping to squeak out a fourth victory. registration required. the government's requirements for drone use. and the chinese are still launching cyber attacks on the united states, despite an
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agreement not to. ♪ and we begin with the ongoing violence between the israelis and palestinians have killed dozened of people on both sides. benjamin netenyahu condemned sunday's beating death of a migrant. he called on israelis not to pursue vigilantly justice. this came as israel deployed soldiers across the country in an effort to stop a wave of palestinian knife attacks against israelis. karl pinhold joins us now from jerusalem. let's start with the fallout from the killing of an eritrean man. what is the latest on that story, please? >> yes, you mentioned the fallout there. this is what israeli society right now is beginning to analyze, and of course the israeli police is investigating
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it, because the police have announced they are looking for the israeli civilians who killed the eritrean man at the bus station. he was among the victims of that initial attack by what now appears to be a loan israeli-palestinian attacker. but one of the security guards misidentified the refugee as a potential attacker and wounded him, and a crowd gathered around him and started to kick and beat him, and so he died in hospital. this shows the paranoia that is running through israeli society, so when an attack like this takes place, immediately people are looking around at who else. it highlights the dangers, as well, particularly of calls of certain israeli politicians, particularly [ inaudible ] who has been calling on israelis to get licenses and carry guns.
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and that really sets up the possibility that a civilian could suddenly become judge, jury, and executioner, you are asking people to make split decisions and that is going to be lethal if they are carrying weapons or if this mob mentality sets in, tony. >> what else are israelis, palestinians, saying and doing in response to this growing violence? >> it's very -- you know, out in occupied east jerusalem today and some of the neighborhoods there, there is a sense of powerlessness by a lot of the palestinians. they are seeing concrete barricades being thrown out around entire neighborhoods. in some cases you cannot get into the neighborhoods, and in other case there is a single entry and exit point that is tightly controlled. i visited a family, the woman, a
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65 year old from the family died overnight, and the family said she inhaled tear gas during a disturbance while she was at home. and the family account how her dying words to her sons is i can't breathe. that has filled the family with a sense of powerlessness. but on the other side of the barricades israeli society, and because of the random low-tech nature of a lot of these attacks that we have seen so far, people don't know simply when the next attack is going to happen, where it is going to happen, and that is fuelling the paranoia on that side too, tony. >> karl penhold for us in jerusalem. thank you. at the bottom of the hour, caught in the cross fire, how the violence in israel is effecting families who want no part of the conflict. isil is weighing in on the violence in the middle east.
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the group posted a video calling for continued attacks on israeli soldiers and civilians. they urged them to use every weapon at that disposal to carry out attacks. in syria, the united nations says at least 35,000 people have fled aleppo in the past few days. aid agencies say they need food and other basics. the agencies are especially worried about families living outdoors with winter approaching. thousands of people poured across the border today after croatian authorities eased restrictions that left them stranded for days in horrible conditions. turkey's prime minister says his country should not be expected to house all refugees, quote, in conditions like a concentration
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camp. >> reporter: some said they had been waiting through the night to cross. hundreds of men, women, and children stuck on the serbian side of the border with croatia. eventually they were allowed to pass, taking the next step in their journey across increasingly controlled borders in europe. >> what is very bad is the situation that are very crowded, and they have been waiting here for many hours, and they are exhausted. they have not enough water and supply, and also not enough information. >> reporter: those a few days ahead of them on their journey were arriving in slovenia. slovenia, a country of just 2 million people is struggling to cope with the high numbers of refugees arriving. many, many more are taking this route because of hungary's decision to seal itself borders,
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blaming the rest of the e.u. for failing to manage the crisis. as winter sets in, concerns are mounting about how people already with very little or nothing at all will be able to cope. >> winter is here, and the numbers haven't gone down, the more desperate people on the move, the winter is going to add to their suffering. so what we need to -- is a mechanism, where we are able to help them from one border to another border. >> one of the founding goals of the e.u. was to build a common future. so far, though, the idea of a united strategy to deal with this ongoing crisis in europe, seems a long way off. emma hayward, al jazeera. canadians are going to the polls today. john terrett is in toronto, one of the battleground cities. john all elections are significant, as you know. why is this one particularly
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important for canadians? >> i know you love election time as do i. very exciting, but there's something really extraordinary about the peaceful transfer of power from the people to the politicians. and they either stay or go with good grace. i'm here to witness it with you, and the reason is there is going to be history made tonight. stephen harper is either going to get a fourth mandate from the canadian people, which is extraordinary, i think there were only two others who have done that, or he is going to have to go. but there are other reasons this is a history-making night as well. take a look. the longest most expensive and volatile election in canadian's history is reaching it climax. stephen harper is running on a
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low-tax, family values, and super tight security ticket. but he has been at the top job for almost a decade. polls show 60 to 70% of cad you knows want him gone. he is accused of abandoning cabinet government and taking too much power for himself. his chief opponent is the head of the liberal party, similar to the democrats, he is the son of one of the most famous politicians. he is working to help the middle class, he says. and then the new democratic party, the party has never held national office but is credited with helping to create canada's universal health system. you could compare his politics to those of bernie sanders. opinion polls had all three
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parties virtually neck and neck. they suggest a minority government, lead by justin truedue, seen here? montreal this morning. but don't rule out the conservatives. his party still commands around 30% of the electorate, and polls in canada, as elsewhere, have been badly wrong in the past. they use what is known as the parliamentary system of government. to get a majority any party must pick up at least 170 seats. the polls closed gradually across the country, but with the race as tight as it is, it may be an even longer night. i want to address this issue regarding stephen harper and why he is so unpopular at the moment. 60 to 70% of canadians tell us they want him to go. it really comes down to a couple of key issues. one is very similar to the nsa
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situation at home in the united states. there's a bill here that he promoted called c-51, a lot of canadians feel he has gone too far with that, as with the issue that he wants muslim women to uncover their face during naturalization ceremonies. but he still has 30% of the population voting for his party. and even if he comes in second or third tonight, and there's a minority government in power as it were, then harper still gets the first pick at forming a government. it's so different from the united states. >> yeah. yeah. for sure. how is this election, however it turns out, going to impact the united states? >> reporter: i think to be fair to canadians, i think the canadians think more about americans than the americans
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think about the canadians. sorry. but there is a situation where they could be brought together. two candidates supports the keystone pipeline. that would bring them into direct contradiction with any democratic administration that might be in the white house next year. and the other thing is justin tr truedoe says he wants closer ties with the united states, and he says he will pull canadian planes out of the u.s.-lead coalition bombing targets in the middle east. >> thanks for saying that, job. we hear it all the time. we want closer relations with this country or that country. who knows what that means. new regulations will soon require recreational drone owners to register with the federal government. it follows incidents at the white house and the u.s. open
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tennis tournament, along with a growing number of sightings by commercial pilots. >> reporter: tony the government has been working on regulations for those who want to use drones for years now, and they still have not come up with final regulati regulations. and this comes after a number of high-profile incidents have raised alarms. there are restrictions on where drones can fly, but you often wouldn't know it. rogue drones have crashed on the white house lawn, come into the standings at the u.s. open. even shown up over california wildfires, grounding air tankers fighting blazes. and commercial pilots are spotting them in the sky near airports at growing rates, more than 950 times this year so far, four times more than last year.
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>> registration will reinforce the need for unmanned aircraft users, including consumers and hobbyists to operate their drones safely. it's really hard to follow rules if you don't know what the rules are, or that the rules apply to you. >> reporter: the government hopes forcing drone owners to register their devices will help make a identify. >> if unmanned aircraft operators break the rules, clearly there should be consequences, but in fact there can be no accountability if a person breaking the rules can't be identified. >> reporter: it will allow a government to go after those who break the rules, if they can find them. >> the registration concept is one that will help to an extent, but i think it's -- it's going to be -- yet to be proven as to how much of an impact it is going to have on the problem. >> and why is that? >> because you still have to be able to get ahold of the device. >> reporter: there are a host of
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unanswered questions. how will the registration system work? will smaller drones be exempt? how will current drone owners register their devices. a tax force has been asked to come up with recommendations in just one month. and the government would like a registry in place before the christmas buying season. my colleague is a drone enthusiast. he flies every day, and hopes one day to use his drones for video production. he says drones like this are hardly a harmless toy, and supports the government's move. >> i'm really hoping that something good happens with the regulations in the correct manner so it can allow us drone enthusiasts to do it correctly, and hopefully not have to worry about the next huh oh incident that comes along from the every day hobbyist. >> reporter: he and others say the government is playing catchup to an industry that is
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already flying high. >> every time you don't crash, it's a good flight. >> reporter: it's a good flight. now the government will hope to put these regulations in effect as i said even before the christmas buying season. tony this is record speed. it usually takes years for the government to enact regulations. and some are concerned about the speed in which they are moving. >> tell us about the penalty involves here. what happens when someone flies a drone into restricted air space? >> reporter: well, if they can catch that person, the faa can levy civil fines, $1,100 fines for individuals, over $27,000 per violation for companies, and you can even face criminal penalties by the department of justice. jail time, higher penalties for severe violations.
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but, again, you have to find the drone and who is attached to it. >> good to see you, lisa stark for us in washington. up next, hacking from china. the attacks still keep coming despite a deal to end them. and the fight over funding. what a judge ruled today about one state's plan to defund planned parenthood.
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less than a month after the u.s. and china agreed to stop cyber attacks, another attack has happened. the targets includes pharmaceutical and tech companies. let's bring in patrick tucker, the technology editor for advanced one, patrick good to see you again. maybe you can help me here. the agreement between the united states and china to crack down on chinese hacking seems to work this way; that our cyber security folks drop a list of fenners, and you china, go out and arrest them. that was certainly what was happening before the president's visit here to the country. do you have anymore specifics on how this deal is supposed to
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work? >> ideally as you said, the president and leaders in the united states formed this deal with president xi of china, and both nations agree to forgo cyber-enabled data theft for commercial or industrial purposes. now the deal does not touch on using cyber activities for theft for espionage or intelligence collection. it's sort of strange, but it's something that all countries do. the specific deal that president obama and president xi signed was related to the theft of data for industrial commercial purposes, and before president xi's visit, a lot of arrests. this new report suggests that that agreement doesn't necessarily apply to a lot of different actors within china, including some affiliated with the chinese government.
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seven of many different companies that they looked at, that are their clients of their software, hacked by different parties within china, including some affiliated with the government, so it's hard to tell what the obama administration does now. it suggests this deal is not worth a lot. >> exactly. if china wanted to' eliminate the kind of hacking we're talking about here, could it do it? >> i don't think that china does. >> right. >> many people when this deal first came out, almost two days later the director of national intelligence was asked his opinion on it, and his words were not optimistic that it is going to work. we think of security theft and industrial espionage as being
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separate things. in china industrial espionage is a way to grow businesses. and these things are separate in the minds of the chinese government. so you are not going to get meaningful action on this, until you reach the point that economic sanctions outweigh the benefits of rapidly scaling up technology, innovation on par with the united states, when hacking and stealing data becomes improfitable. only then are you going to see a change. >> the senate will vote on the cyber security sharing information act this month. what will the act do? and why are some of the biggest names opposed to it? >> this is the atmosphere in which these new hacking allegations come to light. it's probably going to hit the floor possibly this week, and it
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allows these big companies to share information about their users with the government through the department of homeland security, and they get around a lot of privacy laws that would protect user data. instead they get to share that with the government, and then the government through the department of homeland security can share it with the fbi, nsa, even the department of defense. in theory it sounds great, because you can use that information to see different actors, see their signatures, take what crowd strike did and make it work on a larger scale. tech companies are opposed it to because they say, first there are already mechanisms that could allow companies to share cyber information that don't trample on privacy rights. and two there is a big concern even among dhs, whether or not funneling that information through the department of homeland security and then from
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there to other places, but it's something that a pretty politically popular. a lot of people feel like something has to be done, and this is -- >> so let me sneak in another one, maybe two, because you are good on this, which is why we booked you. how unsettling is it to hear that the personal accounts of the secretary of homeland security, jeh johnson, and the personal account of the cia director may have been hacked allegedly by an american team. >> right. i'm not sure which was more unsettling, that they were hacked or they still own aol accounts. [ laughter ] >> all right. >> the department of holmland security -- this is an interesting point, because now jeh johnson is going to be the guy in charge of the home base for cyber information if this bill passes. this is the point, the contact point, the decision point for
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tackling huge and important cyber intrusions. if there's something on a massive scale, a huge attack that threatens american infrastructure. dhs has a huge role to play. and it's telling and troublesome that the head of this agency can't lockdown something like pass word, but at the same time it is human. the more time you spending online, the more likely you are to suffer from these things. it shows that some of the legislative solutions that we have come up to these problems, they aren't up to the threat. number 1 in the mind of a lot -- >> yeah, you have time for one. >> end to end encryption. and this would do a lot to improve cyber security in this country. >> patrick that was so good. thank you. technology editor for defense one. patrick thank you. >> thank you. it was one of the most infamous crimes in american
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israeli prime minister, benjamin netenyahu, condemned a brutal attack that killed an eritrean man. the condemnation came as new security measures were put in place in east jerusalem where there have been frequent clashes. the fighting has been especially brutal for one family. >> reporter: portraits of another tragedy. they are mourning 65-year-old. the family said she suffered accuse breathing problems when tear gas drifted her into home on monday. >> all she said is she couldn't breathe. >> reporter: she was born and raised in new york but returned here to occupied east jerusalem when she married. the dead woman was her aunt. >> i used to call her happy face. she was very, very -- a nice woman. very open-minded.
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she used to always go to every -- to every wedding. there is a wedding. she is the first one at the wedding. >> reporter: the israeli police have thrown up concrete barricades and check points around this neighborhood, part of a security crackdown that began last week. most routes in are blocked completely. israeli police tightly control a single way in. as she gasped for hair her sons bundled her into a car to take her to a hospital just five minutes away, but her nieces says israeli security forces refused to let the vehicle through a check point for almost an hour. she says her aunt died in the car. >> when somebody sees their mother suffering. needing a bottle of oxygen, they want to take it from the sky and give it to her. they could don't nothing. the soldiers sadly didn't let
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her go through. >> reporter: her husband says he ran to look for other ways to reach hospital. he gestures how he says israeli security forces pointed guns at his son's car. >> shoot. shoot. oooooooooh. >> reporter: we're going to drive through the neighborhood through the check point and find out exactly what happened. am i authorized to ask you a question? officials are not authorized to speak to media. i spoke to a spokesman and he said he was not familiar with her case for any disturbances that went on in the neighborhood overnight. hospital staff declined to comment, citing patient privacy. even as the wake for her was held, israeli riot police were edging into the neighborhood, hunting for young palestinian
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protesters. israeli officials may dispute the family version of her death, but clearly the concrete core cordons are restricting free movement of civilians. >> forget they are palestinian. forget they are israeli. imagine they are a pet. you are not going to help a pet? >> reporter: there is one thing this grieving family may now never forget, the dying words of a mother to her sons, i can't breathe. >> secretary of state john kerry says he will meet separately with israeli and palestinian leaders this week. speaking in spain he said finding a solution is critical. >> obviously the united states remains deeply concerned about, and engaged in efforts to help israel with respect to its
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security, but we also share a global interest in seeing the region find a way forward to avoid this kind of confrontation, and senseless loss of life. >> the latest tension was sparked over fears israel will restrict access to the al aqsa mosque. kerry says he does not expect any changes to the status quo at the holy site. governor greg abbott announced a decision after louisiana was barred funding to planned parenthood. jonathan tell us about this ruling. >> reporter: the federal judge ruled that louisiana must continue to fund planned parenthood at least for the next two weeks. but the decision here did not seem to stop the state of texas
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in moving forward its plan to defund the organization. texas announced monday it will cut medicaid funding to planned parenthood clinics. this comes months after a group released undercover videos claiming to show that planned parenthood illegally sells fetal tissue for profit. one of the videos was recorded at a houstons that illty, the governor said: planned parenthood has said the videos were heavily edited and misleading. >> the allegation that planned parenthood profits in any way from tissue donation is not true. >> reporter: this comes on the same day a louisiana judge ruled the state must continue providing money to planned parenthood for the next 14 days
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while he continues to review the case. planned parenthood sued louisiana after the governor ordered the state to block funding for the organization. in a statement monday, planned parenthood called the judge's ruling, quote: we want to see planned parenthood investigated. >> yes. >> and we want to see planned parenthood ultimately defunded. >> reporter: the louisiana case has been closely watched by alabama, arkansas, and utah where leaders are also trying to cut medicaid contracts with planned parenthood. >> i think planned parenthood faces an uphill battle in the states, particularly in conservative states in order to be able to continue to serve women. >> reporter: while planned parenthood is the country's largest provider of abortions, by law no federal money can cover abortions. most federal money is used for pap tests, breast exams, and
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screenings for sexually trans t transmitted diseases. >> these videos will be referenced continually over the years. they are in a sense another excuse for those people who are opposed to planned parenthood. >> reporter: so at this point, planned parenthood has not officially sued the state of texas. the state of texas announced its decision today. but planned parenthood issued a statement saying it will quote, fight back against what it calls outrageous, malicious, political attacks, tony. >> planned parenthood as you know last week said it will no longer accept reimbursement for tissue donation. is there any sign that states will take that into account when considering defunding? >> reporter: well, at this point it doesn't appear to be. you have four states right now,
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alabama, arkansas, louisiana, and texas that are moving forward with this plan, not to mention other states like utah, wisconsin that are moving forward despite what planned parenthood has come out and said about not seeking those reimbursements. so no, at this point it doesn't seem that it is making much of a difference. a federal appeals court upheld the main provisions of gun-control laws passed in the wake of the pass shooting at sandy hook elementary. the bans on semiautomatic weapons and large amounts of magazines. a former mafia member appeared in federal court today. al jazeera gabriel elizondo reports from the courthouse in new york.
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>> reporter: a brazen airport crime in 1978. masked gunmen steel more than $5 million in cash and make off with $1 million in jewels from a lufthansa flight. >> authorities believe this to be the largest robbery in american history. >> reporter: the culprits italian mafia bosses that ruled the underground for decades. >> the heist was impored talllized in the movie "good fellas." but investigators say key to it all was this man, who allegedly gave his approval for the raid on his crime family's turf. more than 35 years after the crime, he and others were
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finally arrested last year, some of the last of the mafia bosses of the era not jailed or left for dead. it pins him to heist, and murder of an informant in a separate trial. this trial could go on for many months if not more than a year, many people wondering when a final verdict is delivered if it went mean once and for all an end to the mafia here in new york. >> right now the italian mafia has been hurt with arrests. but we have seen other types of organize crime take its place too. >> reporter: he says the blockbuster movie, combined with books written about the bloody tu turf battles afterwards, kept police going after the case. >> we seem to love this stuff.
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it's violent, whatever it may be. but these are really bad dudes. >> these are the guys that jimmy put together. >> reporter: and with this trial all these years later, hope it will finally close the door on any thoughts of a real life hollywood sequel. oscar pistorius was released from a south african prison today a day early. he is now under house arrest. he served one year of a five-year sentence. he was found guilty of shooting his girlfriend to death. he will serve the rest of his sentence under supervision at home. he claimed he killed her after mistaking her for an intruder. and just hours from now, the long wait ends. relatives from the north and south korea who haven't seen each other since the 1950s will
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reunite. >> reporter: this is the hotel lobby where the nearly 400 south korean family members who had been contacted by the north korean side that their relatives have been seeking this reunion have been registering for that reunion. it has been a room of incredible stories. among those, i'll stair one of them with you, the story of an 84 year old who has been married for just seven months. she was three month's pregnant when her husband went missing. he was part of the south korean military. in the confusion of the korean war he simply never came home. she assumed he died. she paid tribute to him every year since. she looked after his parents and raised the son who was still unborn at the time of his disappearance. she has kept with her all that time a pair of his shoes.
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saying her life is continued in those shoes. she has brought with her his 64 year old son. he is talking about being able to enbrace both of his parents for the first time. so when you hear an old man talking in those sorts of terms, you get a sense of the emotional power around this place at the moment. it gets underway on tuesday when they travel to the north korean resort. they will meet their relatives six separate times over the space of two hour's each, and then that will be it. >> harry fawcett reporting from south korea for us. at least 12 people and 6 more are missing in the philippines. the storm was downgraded to a tropical storm, but there are fears of flooding and mud slides. the region has seen nearly three
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feet of rainfall so far. $5 for a glowing product review. amazon says no way, and is taking it a step further. >> fake reviews. we all know they exist. amazon is suing more than a thousand people for posting fake product reviews. it says they breached their contract and violated the consumer protection act. but it doesn't know who the reviewers are. it is called a john doe lawsuit. the lawsuit names them by their handles on a website called fiber. it's a marketplace where you can get anything for a few bucks. they sell reviews for as little as 5 bucks apiece. and amazon is saying they want real reviews. they don't want people paying for reviews to try to increase sales of their products or den grade sales of someone else's.
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>> hasn't amazon targeted these fake reviewers before? and if is that the case, is this the sign of a bigger issue? >> reporter: is it part of a larger campaign against fake reviewers. people really do rely on these reviews. in april amazon sued four companies that sold fake reviewed. but amazon is not the only company fighting this battle. 15 to 20% of all reviews on the internet are fake. yelp and trip advisor have successfully sued fake reviewers. but it's essentially a game of whack-a-mole. a lot of them are not even in the country. they often use fake ip addresses
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to most the reviews. so they are trying to largely discourage people from doing it. it's meant to be something that sets the stage for sort of more transparency and more accurate reviews on the internet. >> we want that. thank you as always you can watch ali velshi "on target" right here on al jazeera america. up next on the program, sentenced for poetry, two writers in iran will spend time in jail and be flogged for what they wrote. and the kid who got into trouble over a clack at school, gets a seat at a prestigious science event. ♪
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an iranian revolutionary court sentenced to poets to prison and lashes. the international campaign for human rights says the two were sentenced last week. the man received nine and a half years in jail and 99 lashes, while the woman received 11 years and 99 lashes. their lawyer told the group, the flogging sentence, listen to this, is for shaking hands with
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strangers. a journalist and iranian analyst is with us, and musician and television host joining us from san francisco. great to have you both with us. tell me the status of the poets at this point. are they in jail now? or are they free pending appeal? >> they are not in jail. this decision came out last week by the initial court. so they are hoping the secondary court, basically the appeals court, break their sentence, because it's really unprecedented. >> tell me about the unprecedented nature of the sentence. is this the first time or one of the only times that poets have been arrested, charged, convicted and sentenced to penalties like this. >> there are other cases of arresting poets in the past. but the size of the sentence, is
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very unprecedented. 11 years the first time ever. >> so let me come to you on this one. you are a musician and television host. what is your reaction to the sentence? >> i think it is outrageous. i think the sentence is just really -- really -- you don't know what to say or think. i had problems -- i just kept reading the sentence a few times, because i couldn't believe my eyes. i thought there is a zero in there by mistake or -- it's just crazy. >> what does it mean -- look, you are an artist. what does it mean to insult the sacred in iran, and the idea you are going to get flogged for shaking hands with strangers, seems nutty, you name it. >> they have blurred red lines all the time. that keep all of the artists scared.
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they keep thinking what if i publish this work, or make this film? so you are always second-guessing yourself. just today i heard that 24 musicians were banned. they want to send a message that after the nuclear deal there is not going to be any opening up of space and don't get your hopes up. >> so would we be wrong to think in that aftermath of the nuclear deal that there would be an opening up of the country, this would maybe be a boom to president rouhani. would we be wrong to think that this iran nuclear deal would open up the country? >> to some extent, yes. he has defended publicly more social freedoms, but when it has come to action he has lost ground to the revolutionary
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ground. the intelligence has been behind the arrests of dozens of activists, journalists, bloggers, now poets, authors, filmmakers, and social restriction is getting worse and worse. >> so -- clearly what you are both saying to me is that repression in iran seems to be intensifying. >> that's true, i think. >> to what lengths then will the hard liners go to -- to hang on to power in the country? >> i think to any length. they have shown in the 2009 uprising, they showed zero tolerance, they are not willing to share the power with anybody. so i think -- and he has a very good point. mr. rouhani is -- from what i see, he has just lost the will to want to defend the citizen's
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rights. >> wow. >> maybe -- if we start in the beginning when he came to power, that after the nuclear deal, maybe rouhani, you know, stand up to -- you know, go after fulfilling his promises to increase social and political rights, but now two years after his election, it seems that it is not in his agenda at all. because over the past two years, he has not challenged the revolutionary guard's intelligence. he has not stood up to these people who are harassing people on a regular basis. >> is this surprising to you? >> it is surprising, because he came to power because millions of people demanded more freedoms, and more -- more -- more freedom in public. >> yeah. >> and now rouhani is showing nothing to them. and i think it's very surprising to many people, including many of his supporters in the
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country. >> but with 60% of the population -- 60% of the population of iran is under 30 years old. it seems to me the greatest challenge to this regime is coming from within, from young people who will determine the future of the country. am i right on that? >> exactly. and for a country that feels so insecure, that sees poetry as a threat to the national security, i think this country has big problems. >> last word to you, do you agree with that? the future is with these young people. i can't imagine that they would want to go backwards. >> i agree. i think millions of people have chosen a different lifestyle. millions of people create content that challenge the narrative that the government creates, and by just arresting two people, five people, ten people, they cannot really change people's lifestyle, they cannot change what people want to dress or listen or watch, and
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i think that's a loser game. >> right. right. good to see you again. >> thank you. >> you were here last week, you are here this week, and -- okay, i expect you'll be back next week. to both of you. thanks for being here. some really sad news here the death toll from last month's stampede during the hajj appears to be significantly higher than reported. at least 2,121 people were killed in the stampede. saudi arabia says only 769 people were killed. most of the dead were iranians. this appears to be the deadliest event in the history of the annual muslim holy pilgrimage. and john siegenthaler is here. coming up at 8:00 the latest
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on the palestinian israeli crisis. secretary of state john kerry will have talks with both sides this week, and what can the u.s. do to calm the situation. also chicago shootings up almost 20% over last year. some have asked why the state has cut back violence-prevention programs. plus stunning pictures of caves in utah lit by starlight, and homes to an ancient civilization, how those people lived and the photographer's hope to save rare artifacts in the cave. it is astronomy night at the white house. experts are gathering with the president for a night of science and star gazing, among the guests will be the 14-year-old who is the texas high school freshman who was arrested after
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hi, everyone, this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. fatal mistake, a gunman opens fire on an israeli bus station, a mob kills the wrong man. drone crackdown. >> registration will reinforce the need for unmanned aircraft users, including consumers an y andbyists to operate their drones safely. after dozens of close
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