tv Inside Story Al Jazeera October 19, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am EDT
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find the doors on thoughts of a real-life hollywood sequel i'm richelle carey, thank you very much for joining us. next is "inside story", check out the website have a good night. in california earns a buck, the average working woman earns $0.84, with the intention of narrowing that gap, the governor has signed the most comprehensive equal wage law in the country. will that work in or is the modern workplace and the way wages are set so complicated that passing a law won't fix income inequality. balancing wage scales. it's the inside story. ♪ welcome to "inside story." i'm ray suarez. wage gap stories usually begin
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with stat ickses showing that working men make more money than working women. single straightforward, widely understanding. but dig a little deeper and everything let's more complicated. comparing the very different jobs sometimes tough. men and women of a similar age may have dissimilar numbers of working years because birth and child rearing falls differently. how do you fig it out? melissa chan reports from san francisco. >> reporter: the law requires equal pay for equal work. and it will prohibit retallation against anyone who discloses and discusses his or her pay.
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>> we have pay laws on the books, but they are enough. >> reporter: equal rights advocates an organization that helped sponsor the bill. >> we represented women who clean hotel rooms, they are getting paid less than janitors who vacuum right outside the similar work. >> reporter: advocates say the new law will impact all industries and jobs from construction work to silicon valley. some of these biggest pay disparities take place in the cutting technology word. this law is expected to change things, but how much? success for women has still been measured by penny by penny increments. last year women earned 7 # cents for
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looking at the bottom, the poverty rate among women was 14.7%, compared to 10.9% of men. critics of the new california law say it will mean more litigati litigation. employees taking their bosses to court. but proponents disagree. >> i'm sure a lot of people were concerned when the civil rights act passed that there would be more litigation. but it was an important step in making sure that people gained rights. >> reporter: california is often ahead of the curve. that is certainly the hope of many advocates here who want to see new momentum in california d.c. with a proposed national paycheck fairness act. >> balancing wage scales. this time on the program.
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california is a super state, home to some 39 million people, one out of every eight americans, so it has a big say and influence over working conditions. will it be a trend setter? are wage scales for all kinds of jobs are going to catch up to women's changing roles and changing stature in the workplace. joining us to talk about the new california law is vice president of the national partnership for women and families. vicky does this law and the way it is written address what you see as the structural inequalities between working men and women. >> the california law makes great strides in the direction towards equallizing pay scales. it recognizes substantially similar work. so men and woman are paid comparably, and creates a better ability of workers to know what they are being paid and to colleagues.
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>> when you go to your boss and say, look, i do pretty much the same work, but there is the key phrase, pretty much the same work as tim and i know he makes more money per hour. who gets the final say? >> in the best case scenario, is the supervisor would consider what the man and woman are being paid and make a determination as to whether the women is being unde underpaid, ideally that is how it has worked out, in looking at whether there is explicit or implicit bias going on. if that doesn't work out there is opportunity for them to go to court. under federal law and the california law, it strengthens that even more. >> but what are you saying?
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that someone can then sue after they find out that this -- this gap exists for the same work. couldn't they sue before? before this law was passed? >> the law sets out a better standard. a more -- a more responsive standard to what women are facing in the workplace. and tightens up what is considered equal pay for equal work. so that's the real benefit. but here what this law will do and ultimately the paycheck fairness act would do is to create a culture for workers to find out what they are being paid and not be retaliated against, so we're better able know whether people are being paid fairly, and employees themselves are able to make the case that they deserve to be treated equitably. >> in a medium-sized firm, where there are a small number of people doing a great many task, is it going to be a harder call
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than in a large enterprise where there are large numbers of people doing individual tasks. where there is not classes of on? >> that may be true, and there will be businesses and consulting firms that crop up to really help develop best practices around this. some of what the obama administration has done with respect to executive action is also to encourage employers to understood best practices and take a look at their pay scales, but it's really about correcting that substantial pay disparity that effects working woman and the families that rely on them. and that's really what matters here when we're thinking about closing that wage gap. >> when we say there's a wage gap, and it's a common place observation in all of these stories, what accounts for that gap? is it breaks in tenure?
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that are more frequent among employees. or certain kinds of work, a combination, or just as rude and blunt and straightforward as if tom and jane are doing the same exact job, it's likely jane is going to be paid less? >> the causes and the consequences of the pay gap are varied right. you have talked about things like education level. things like break in tenure, choice of jobs, but if you look across every industry and every job virtually every occupation women are paid less than men among those who are working full-time year around. so some of it can be explained by some of these different factors at play when you put all of women and all of men together, but some of it really just comes down to discrimination. somewhere between 7 and 9% according to experts.
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so it's not all discrimination, buddies krim nation is surely at play. >> vicky, thank you a lot. >> thanks for are having me. differentiation between workers have been a motif in the modern workplace. the weakness of unions, the rise of the professional manager, have all played a role in the destandardization between workers. balancing wage scales. it's the inside story. ♪ >> welcome to al jazeera america.
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welcome back to "inside story." i'm ray suarez. as i have gone to college commencements over the last 20 years, i have noticed something that has to play out in the coming decades. women are outpacing men in completing college degrees. many places they are running circles around graduating distinction. they are finishing high school
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at higher rates at well, and when demographic realities kick in, will that close the wage gap. professor brians is this something that advises us to tread lightly; that some of this is going to be taken care of by what is happening in the job market itself? >> well, it's interesting that you bring up the change in college completion that has taken place over the last 20 to 25 years. and it is true that women enroll in college and complete college at higher rates than they used to, and in comparison with men, more women complete college. it's not clear how this is going to ramify in terms of the gender pay gap especially in upper levels of management or the professions. this has been going on, actually for a couple of years, like i said. and we haven't seen one of the
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things that we have noticed is that if you look at the income distribution, it's precisely in the really well-paying professions, the upper income distribution where you see the largest gap between men and women in their pay. and that's true today and was true 20 and 10 years ago. we would have expected more change over the last 20 years if it was simply a matter of women's education gaining ground with men. at the same time, it's true there is a lot of turbulence in the labor market, and we have also observed a shift from manufacturing to the service sector, which has disadvantaged men. so the gender wage gap is a very complex product of what is going on with women. they are earning more relative to men. >> procefessorepstein you wanted
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to get in there. >> first of all on these so-called studies about working women, you can't normalize it that way. she is not equal to the man. you can't normalize by ratios under this thing. the second point to make is you are looking at a completely different hiring force. people doing these hires know there's no explicit discrimination. there are all sorts of women in senior positions who have a lot to say about personnel. there's also other ways of looking at this thing, which show there is a huge selection bias. one way to do this is not to look at the employment relationship, but the kinds of businesses that women and men set up when they go out on their own. and there's a huge gap in the kinds of businesses.
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women are much more likely to be brokers, and men are much more likely to be developers. if these things sort by sex, why is this discrimination? or if you look at law firms, by the time you get to the partnership level, it's typically something like 85/15, or 80/20. that is a function of choices by the women. none of these studies try to take that into account. and the thought that you are going to be able to piece this out in the form of a class action litigation is just a pipe dream. california has already done very well in these particular regards, the women coming into the educational force is very high. if you look at layoffs in the last recession, men were hit harder, whether it was by occupation, age, or education. this is not a world in which
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there is discrimination against women. and this statute will take a situation that is relatively good worse. >> quick response? >> well, it's not clear where to start. first of all -- again, i'm just going to go through some of the special trends that we know about. we know there has been really dramatic change over the last 20 years in the length of time without of work among women who bare a child. they have increased their education. men are doing more child care than they once did. so the burdens that women traditionally once bore that were related to the gender pay differential have changed pretty dramatically. you would expect the wage gap to change in a way that corresponds with that. seen. >> i want to thank my guests,
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richard epstein, and july brines. i'll be back in a moment with a final thought on work, men and women. stay with us. it's "inside story." and send us your thoughts on twitter, or follow me and get in touch. or visit our facebook page and tell us what you think it will take for women to make as much or even more than men. i would love to hear it. ♪
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we'll continue the conversation in a moment. you'll sea evidence of a trend, young women graduating from high school at a higher rate than young men, women far outpacing men, earning college and graduate degrees. if we did nothing, would it force the wage gap closed, or would we find new excuses. balancing wage scales, it's "inside story".
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welcome back to "inside story", i'm ray suarez. >> as i have gone to college commencements over the last 20 years i noticed something that has to play out in the coming decades. the impact is unpredictability. in schools public and private, large and school. women are outpacing men in completing college degrees.
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in many places they are running circles around men, graduating with distinctions. finishing high school at higher rates as well, and when demographic realities sink in, will it be men who have the trouble commanding equal wages, if not, why not. professor brian and epstein is with me. is this something that advises us to dread lightly. some of this is going to be taken care of by what is happening in the job market itself? >> well, it's interesting that you bring up the change in college completions. that has taken place over the last 20-25 years. and it's true that women enrol in college and complete college at higher rates than they used to, and in comparison with men, more women complete college. it's not clear yet exactly how this will ram iffy in terms of the gender pay gap.
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especially at upper levels of management of the profession. this has been going on, actually, for a couple of years, like i said, and we haven't seen one of the things that we've noticed is that if you look at the income distribution, it's in the really well-paying discretions, ut upper deciles of the income, where you see the largest gaps between men and women in their pay. it's true today and was true 20 years ago. we would have expected more pay over the last 20 years if it was a matter of women's education gaining ground with men. it's true there's a lot of turbulence in the labour market and we observed a shift from manufacturing from the service sebbing tar which disadvantaged men. the gender wage gap is a complex product of what is going on with
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women. they are earning more relative to men. >> professor epstein wanted to get in there? >> i had little time to speak, to put it mildly. let me mention a couple of points, on the studies with working women, you cannot normalize that. the fact that a woman works, means it's in the identical to a man. you can't normalize biratios under this thing. the second point to make about this is you are looking at a different higher velocity, people doing the higherings are aware of the situation. they know there's no explicit discrimination, there's women in positions that have a lot to say. it's not a question of us v them. there's other ways of looking at this, showing there's a huge selection bias in the way workers want to take their positions one way or another. one way is not to look at
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employment relationships, but the businesses that women and men set up when they go out on their own. there's a huge gap in businesses that women are likely to be focus the, and likely to be developers. one is high risk, high break down, the other can be turned out to be a lower list and highly paid. why is this discrimination? >> if you look at law firms, women have 50% of the positions. by the time you get to partnership levels, it's something like 85-15, or 80-20. it's not a does function by the firm. none of the studies referred to try to take the figure into account. they overstate the residual in these areas. the thought that you'll piece this out in class action is a pipe dream. california has done well in the regards. the women coming into the
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educational force is hard. g you look at lay offs, men were hit harder, whether you did it by occupation, age, education, this is not a world in which discrimination against women, it's a world of statistical disparity, it will take a situation that is good, making is worse than it is. >> quick response. we have about 40 seconds left? >> well it's not clear where to start with all of this. first of all, again, i'm going to go through some of the social friends that we know about. over the last 20 years we know that there has been dramatic change as a matter of fact in the length of time out of the work among women that bear children. that has changed. they increased education, men are doing more childcare than they once did. the burdens that women bore, that were related to the gender pay differential that professor epstein talked about changed
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dramatically. you expect it to change in a way that corresponds with that. >> i want to thank my guests, richard, lawrence epstein and julie brians, professor of sociology at the university of washington. i'll be back in a moment with a final thought an men, work and women. stay with us. send us your thoughts on twitter oo. m or follow me and visit our facebook page and follow what it will take for women to earn as much if not more than men. we'd love to hear it.
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>> as violence intensifies. >> the growing israeli perception is that no place is safe. it wasn't all that lodge ago that supervisors of all kinds would justify paying men more money for the same work by noting that they had responsibilities that women didn't. as primary bread winners, the wages for women's work were seen as suchlemental, fun money or saving for an item. braces for teeth, catholic school tuition, down-payment on a house. women came into the work place making the old assumptions out noted and discriminatory.
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how we frame the conversations and think about women's work is behind how families are arranging their real lives. managers have not always helped, multiplying job restrictions, making jobs strategied so workers as a group would not move up the wage ladder together. maybe men that know wife's wages are no longer pin money, will realise that raises for women are good tore them too. there'll be plenty of the male workers seeing it as a zero sum game, in a country where workers question where others should get wages, there's one winner, employees. i'm ray suarez, that's "inside
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story". >> friends never forget. never forget that due to your efforts our country stands tall today. we have built a canada that is stronger than ever. ure economy is growing and jobs created. the budget is balanced. federal taxes are at their lowest in 50 years. [ cheering and applause ] . >> we are poised to seize the opportunities that come with trade access to europe, the americas and now the asia pacific. men and women in uniforms have the tools to do their jobs and the support of
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