tv News Al Jazeera October 23, 2015 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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>> the search of the world's most warranted drug lord. i'm john holman, coming up. >> hello, we begin in vienna where ministers from the u.s., russia, saudi arabia and turkey are gathering to discuss the crisis in syria. it will provide a key opportunity for diplomats to find out about russia's bombing campaign in syria. let's cross to barnaby phillips, live in vienna. what can we expect from these talks? >> well, these are four countries which all, to various levels, have military involvement in the war in syria. there should be a lot to talk about. as you were intimating, it is the russians who have made the
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boldest most decisive move in the past weeks. i think there will be questions about russia's motives here. all the others are opposed to assad's continuing in power. the americans say the majority of russian air strikes have not been against i.s.i.l, but against the other opponents of assad. sergey lavrov will say we have made the move, we can, wore with us anwork withwith us and we wid to the crisis in syria.
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>> one that cannot involve bashar al-assad, so presumably, they'll want to know what russia's intensrussia's intentie future of assad. >> yes, i think that's a crucial question. they'll want to know what undertakings might be made in that meeting in moscow to that effect. just speaking yesterday in berlin, john kerry says bashar al-assad remains the number one deterrent to peace in syria. we had turkish officials saying, they could envisage a scenario where he remained in position if not quite in power for some six
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months or so, during some sort of transition. well, it all sounds very sketchy, very tentative, in the midst of an absolutely murderous self war, but is there some scope of agreement between these four key players here in vienna? perhaps we'll find out later in the day. >> barnaby phillips live for us in israel. israeli police saying age restrictions for muslims in the al-aqsa mosque will be lifted on friday. israel wanted to change access to the site, mosque is sacred to jews and to muslims. muslims are able to access the site but not pray there. in the occupied west bank, lightly injured, the alleged
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attacker has been shot and also injured. 53 palestinians and 9 israelis have died in the violence since the beginning of october. gun stores have reported a massive jump in sales, as andrew simmons reports now from the occupied west bank. >> reporter: they say it's never been busier at this shooting range in an israeli settlement in the occupied west bank. jewish settlers living in the occupied land get cleared for a fierms licensfirearms license. all the security forces and services and that's a colossal amount of fire power on the streets. >> we literally can't believe how fast our predictions have
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proven right. because in the past few days there have been repeated killings of innocent people. >> palestinian, israeli and international human rights organizations say there is a shoot-to-kill policy and there have been summary executions. among recent cases the killing of a bystander, eritrean, in southern israel. he was shot by a private security officer. disputed accounts of how a palestinian man was killed, by a jewish settler in hebron. soldiers made no attempt to disarm him. many israeli citizens are setting out on an offensive of their own. this gun club has sold out of cs gas and its sale of other weapons are up 400%. >> what about yourself, do you
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carry a gun all the time? what do you carry? >> and back at the israeli shooting range, there is a massive increase in the a qualifying to carry a guamountq. >> 200%, 400%, you need to prepare for yourself. >> it just takes a day to receive a firearm firearms perm. andrew simmons, al jazeera. famida miller is live in pretoria for us. famida talk about what the
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student grievances are, and whether there's any scope for finding agreement with the government. >> reporter: well, finding some sort of resolution is of course priority for government, considering the number of students they've seen protest over the last week especially here in the province, but across the country. and this coob perhap could be pa large ditch attempt to getting that. in the last day or two the african national congress the ruling party here has come out to say they sympathize with the students. they understand their plight. they understand many are too poor even the get funding and to access tertiary education here in south africa. ultimately that is the concerning of students. they say thousands will be secluded from tertiary education, many will to even be
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able to return, if raised by 16% as government here is proposing. >> and this generation we are seen protesting, is known as the born free generation. they grew up totally away from apartheid. >> the scenes we have seen in the last few days are reminiscent to apartheid, in 1976 during various protests, a number in two decades. especially ironic coming from government in terms of how some of these protests have been dealt with by police. the students accusing them of brutality, having a heavy hand, we especially saw that in capetown when students stormed
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the area trying oget into the national assembly. this is a generation that was born with high expectations over education, when the government as far back as 2007 promised to make it accessible. this would push the country forward but students say that dream hasn't been realized and they are the ones suffering. >> all right, thank you. after a bus and a car collided 42 people have been killed. it happened near the town of libourne outside of bordeaux. car and bus caught fire. 55 firefighters are at the scene. police say an attack of a school which left two people
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dead was racially motivated. most of the students of the school were from immigrant families. social media said the perpetrator showed extreme right wing tendencies. , agreeing on a frame wore for the climate plan is proving to be a problem. plus. >> given america's highest honor, a congressional gold medal for the monuments men. are the only way to get better is to challenge yourself,
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and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around.
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>> holm again, the top storieso. top diplomats from united states, saudi arabia, turkey and syria. after top visit to moscow to meet with vladimir putin.. university leaders trying to calm tension over raising tuition fees. the muslim watchers at plawks mosque compound in jerusalem are being explicitted. israeli had blocked some muslim men from entering the mosque since september. if after one of its soldiers was killed, first paper combat death
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in iraq since the u.s. led campaign since the group began in june of last year. as many as 30 soldiers took part in the joint operation with kurdish fighters in kirkuk province. rosiland jordan has more from washington. >> reporter: i.s.i.l. has held the iraqi town of howaga since june 2013. early yesterday the pentagon said the raid turned deadly. >> one u.s. service member was wounded during the rescue mission acting in support of iraqi peshmerga forces after they came under fire from i.s.i.l. he subsequently died after receiving medical care. >> reporter: the unnamed service member was the first to die in iraq since the u.s. withdrew in 2011 an the first to
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die in the fight against i.s.i.l. now there is question about the u.s. determination not to commit combat troops. >> this was a support mission in which they were supplying support to the kurdistan government. u.s. are not in combat in iraq, i can say that directly. >> reporter: question is whether iraqi forces are ready to retake territory from i.s.i.l. could be seen as a test run for a larger operation. rosiland jordan, al jazeera, washington. >> it is six weeks until a major climate conference in paris and negotiators in germany are trying to agree on a framework deal. it will be a starting point for leaders when they meet next month to come up with a global
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climate plans. demands were left off, they want richer countries to take the need by cutting emissions and providing clean air technology. countries haven't agreed on a way to compare each nation's targets and achievements. martin kaiser is from greenpeace and he joins us by skype from bonn. tell us what you hope to emerge from these talks and how optimism you are anything tangible will come from it. >> after one week of negotiations here in bonn, it's now much more clear where the political package for decision will land in will be about helping the most vulnerable countries and the people there adapting to climate change, floods, droughts and storms.
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but also what needs to be done in the long term to -- phase out fossil fuels like cole and gas by mid century and provide 100% renewable energy. the political package has become clear. as far as process there are some obstacles to connect. >> whenever we talk about the global climate talks, much of the difference seem to center upon the richer versus poorer countries. explain to us why we are always seeing this dynamic in play. >> i mean countries have recognized that the paris agreement could be a game-changer for its own economies. so it's not just the rich countries and the poor countries which need to adapt to climate change. and deal with the challenges. and it's clear that the poorer countries need to adapt to that.
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but it is also changing the economic model to phase out coal, oil and gas out of the system and to enter into renewable energy. you can imagine for instance the oil producing countries have major difficulties and that can also be seen here in bonn. >> and as far as the different -- i mean also when you look at these talks there is agreement on what needs to be done, but often the political will in many of these countries simply isn't there because they believe jobs are at stake, economies are at stake, that sort of thing. how difficult is that an obstacle for groups like yours, for groups like greenpeace? >> i mean for politicians for the transition of the energy sector the employment is a big issue. jobs needs to be -- get a transition from coal, oil, gas, towards renewable energy.
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so we were quite pleased to hear that even country like the united states has asked for the inclusion into the text the kind of test transition for jobs in the new economic model. >> good to speak with you on this, martin cieze kaiser, joins from bonn. >> thank you, bye. >> hurricane patricia heads to pacific coast. national water commission says patricia will be the strongest storm since 1949. by thursday night, patricia's maximum wind had increased to more than 250 kilometers an hour and designated a category 5 storm. now a massive manhunt for most wanted criminal is, joaquin el chapo guzman, john holman has
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been to the remote mountain village of el v vrano. >> many walks days to get out, carrying their children with them. >> translator: we walked for three days day and night. by the second day i had no shoes. sometimes there wasn't odrop off water to drink. >> fleeing the mexican navy whose helicopters fired on several communities before ground troops stormed through. they were hunting this man, joaquin guzman known as el chapo, the country's most wanted drug lord. as she looks at the video of her
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bullet-riddled home she remembers running to try to protect her two-year-old daughter. >> translator: i cried and screamed and begged them not to harm us. i told them we weren't bad people. we wanted them to talk to us like the government did before but the only thing they did was shoot at us without caring who was there or who they killed. >> reporter: when we visited the village the day before we found only animals. all their owners had fled. this small village really is in the middle of nowhere so you can imagine the surprise of someone living here to suddenly see navy helicopters in the sky and then have their house peppered with fire from those helicopters before infantry swooped in here. those armed forces are long gone but the people living here are still too scared to come back. it's just the latest of many incidents in which the military have trampled the rights of civilians while battling hiem bn
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rights. >> military are not meant to kill before taking them before authorities that means there are many human rights accusations against them. >> that may explain the navy's aggressive approach as they entered these communities's homes. that's won them few homes. john holman, el verano, mexico. meeting laying groundwork ahead for an unprecedented gathering of african leaders in new delhi next week. bilateral trade has increased ten times in the past 15 years from 3 billion to $71 billion. india's key exports to africa are pharmaceuticals, processed petroleum and cars.
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mobile networks and transparent. the relationship is grossly underutilized as india only sends 11% of its exports to africa and its relationship is dwarfed by china. two nation have an $18 billion deal to upgrade senegallies main mode of transport. >> every morning, no matter how hard she tries, abby jetta is always late for work. she works in the city but she lives in the suburbs. they are called car rapide but
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they are anything but fast. this makes it the hardest part of abby's day. >> i dread this moment, sitting here endlessly. the vehicle always smelling like gasoline. the worst part of the day. >> around since the 19 70s. on the inside the basic mechanics haven't changed in more than 40 years. the state wants to get reiterate of them in a bid to reduce pollution and a volume of traffic. >> translator: these vans are dangerous and not adapted for a modern city. offering better comfort and better service for those working in town. >> much to everyone's surprise, to replace the car rapide the indian t-ata, includintata, inc.
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>> people from the suburbs into the city and decongest this growing metropolis. >> we understand the kind of vehicles that are required here. we ourselves are a developing country. we do understand the kind of technology which is required. >> and so tata is betting on this. the magic ace. with a million sold in india it is a no-frills van. there are month windows in the back and no electronics. but it still has to convince
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africa consumers. more headroom and better suspensions are the changes. making abby's commute home a little less bumpy, a little more comfortable but still, a long ride home. al jazeera, daccar. >> group famously known as the monuments men risked their lives to recover 5 million artifacts stolen in europe. allen fisher reports from washington. >> houses a great part of the art treasures stolen by the nazis. >> art hi historians. scholars.
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when hitler was defeated it was up to the monuments men to track the artworks down. he helped return what had been looted. >> we did not take it. i did not see to it that it was i saw to it in my case, we had quite a number of are paintings that belonged to the museum in the city write was born. three blocks away. >> reporter: now harry and the rest of his unit have been awarded america's highest civilian honor. >> because knowing where we're from shows our children where they can be. no task is more precious than that. no award is greater than this. and so for monuments men, for te
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united states mint has struck a congressional medal. >> in the end they recovered almost 5 million pieces of ashtd anartand literate. rembrandt's rare self portrait, and works of boticelli. >> works of art define who we are as a people. and i've heard over and over from people around the world, their works of art and cowrlts trurs theculturaltreasures they. >> they did a remarkable job. i wish they could do it where i.s.i.s. is where they are destroying these wonderful traditional monuments, it's a
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disgrace what's going on. >> allen fisher al jazeera washington. >> lots more on our website, of course, get the latest on all the stories worth following there. "talk to al jazeera" is next. for everyone else, the international headlines. the mit media laboratory - which is credited with driving the multimedia revolution. the research center brings together hundreds of leading thinkers in design, science and technology. >> we had license to do things, which, you know, i can be a little revisionist andl
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