tv Weekend News Al Jazeera October 24, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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i don't know how i'm gonna do it but... i need another lawyer. you're gonna have to kill me to take my child. texas hit with more than 20 inches of rain in some parts. a storm so powerful, it derailed a freight train. mexico spared from the full force of hurricane patricia. hillary clinton was the star tonight of one of the most
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influential democratic events in the presidential campaign. it is in iowa. also, growing outrage over a rise in rapes in india of women and girls. record rainfall wreaking havoc on much of texas and the remnants of hurricane patricia have not even reached the area yet. they have shut down i-45 which is the main route between dallas and houston. al jazeeras jonathan martin is live tonight along i-45. i see the detour sign behind you there. any idea when the roads might be reopened? >> i wish i knew that answer.
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for the last four or five hours, the interstate has been shut down, the southbound lanes, interstate 45 going as you mentioned from dallas into houston. that's because as one of the firefighters told me, they have an abundant amount of water just sitting on the interstate so people have had to find alternate routes to really go around and get home. this is not an area, this is not just an isolated incidents to this area. there are parts of texas from waco and san antonio that are experiencing a really serious weather situation tonight. we have video i believe from houston where there was a funnel cloud reported earlier today leading to some of the roofs being knocked off buildings and the heavy, strong winds there. so for that part of texas and houston, it is more of a wind
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concern in addition to some rain. here in this area closer to dallas and some of the areas about 40 miles south of here, that is where some really significant flooding is happening. in fact, in the last day or so, there have been about 20 inches of rain dumped in this one area. that's where you saw that train derailed earlier that you mentioned. cleanup expected to take a couple of days on that. some 40 or 50 cars derailed. so the big concern tonight is that it's been bad in this particular area but it's expected to get worse because you have gulf moisture coming in and the remnants of what was hurricane patricia. so that is why this area in eastern and in northern parts of texas are under a flash flood advisory for at least the next day or so. really officials warning through monday it could be pretty bad. >> jonathan, thank you so much. and looking at those pictures of the train there, it's incredible the force of the water that
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caused that to happen. meteorologist nicole mitchell has the latest on the storm. >> there's a number of things coming together for this flooding to be happening in texas like it is. we have an upper level low we've been tracking all the way from california that made its way into texas. we're also now at the bottom of a frontal boundary that's helping draw in gulf moisture. that was enough to create that flooding situation, those couple of different forces. but on top of it you can see the remnants of the hurricane. 'lot going on right now in the state of texas. this is a forecast just for tomorrow and we have places that have gotten well over a foot anticipate a half of rain already so this adds to it and it could get an additional foot.
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it's slowly migrating eastward but it's doing it very slowly dumping a lot in the meantime which is why we have all these different flood watches and warnings up. the frontal boundary is moving quickly but the southern end stays stagnant. back to you. >> mexico dodged the rather of patricia but more than 100,000 people remain in a home without power. this storm dumped a lot of rain on western mexico. consider this behind me.
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a day ago this was a stream you could jump across. now as you you can see it is a raging roaring river. defied all expectations, fist with size and then mercy. >> the damages have been smaller than those corresponding to a hurricane of this magnitude. >> patricia exploded from a tropical tomorrow to a category 5 monster in 30 hours. becoming the strongest hurricane ever recorded. this is very serious. >> it slammed into western mexico friday evening triggering
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flooding, mud slides. washing out roads, and causing damage in coasting villages. the truth is that it really destroyed a good portion of our home and took a lot of trees. but thankfully we're all okay. tens of thousands evacuated ahead of the storm including 15,000 tourists from resorts. many rode out the storm in shelt shelters. >> i feel a lot safer here than where we were staying. the storm hit a rural area of western mexico. we were expecting only rain but due to the lack of a wider canal, we'd have flooding. the storm still threatens. with fears of heavy rain and
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flooding. it still poses a threat especially be the rain and the flooding as this storm moves north into the southern part of the u.s. >> secretary of state john kerry says a deal is in the works that may help end the recent rise in deadly violence in israel. he says the plan will ease fears that israel is changing the status quo in the temple mount. this will provide comprehensive visibility and transparency
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yawned. outrage after disturbing reports of an attack on a 2-year-old girl. >> what kind of new delhi is this? what kind of animals are these? >> are new laws helping to protect women? joining us is leslie wood in studio. a deeper look coming up. ook coming up. the only way to get better is to challenge yourself,
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and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around.
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you see, we democrats are offering real solutions. like president obama has done for the past six and a half years. and by his side, every step of the way has been vice president joe biden. he has fought passionately for middle class families and middle class values. let's show him how much we appreciate for all he's done for our country. let's give it up for the vice president. [applause]
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>> you know, i think it's really important in this election to remember what president obama inherited. republicans would like us all to forget but he inherited the worst financial crisis since the great depression. we were losing 800,000 jobs a month. and right after that election, he called me, asked me to come see him in chicago. i didn't know why. it turned out he wanted me to be secretary of state but when we got there, it was just the two of us and we were just talking and he was talking about what he was facing. he said, you know, it's so much worse than they told us. we were losing 800,000 jobs a
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month. 9 million americans ended up losing their jobs and 5 million lost their homes. and listen to this, $13 trillion of family wealth was wiped away. i don't think president obama gets the credit he deserves for rescuing our economy from falling into a great depression. he saved the auto industry. he imposed tough new rules on wall street. and he extended healthcare to 18 million americans. [applause]
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>> that's what you can expect when you vote for democrats. [crowd cheering] >> when there's a democrat in the white house, america creates more jobs, the economy grows faster, and deficits are smaller. and even though they hate it when i say this, recessions happen four times more frequently under republican presidents. [applause] >> so we cannot afford to go back to the republican's failed policies. now, i'm not running for my husbands third term and i'm not running for barack obama's third term. i'm running for my first term. >> we've been listening to senator hillary clinton speaking in iowa.
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it is 100 days from now until the first iowa caucus where she has complimented president obama and vice president biden talking about what she will do if she is elected president. when we come back, we heard earlier from senator bernie sanders and martin o'mally. when we come back, a deeper look. stay with us. stay with us.
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it's saturday night and time for a deeper look. tonight, it's the rise in rape cases in india. the recent news of two little girls gang raped in new delhi has renewed public outrage. government officials say they're doing what they can to stop the violence. but critics say more must be done faster. >>reporter: police investigate a site at a new delhi suburb where two teenagers abducted a two and a half-year-old girl and she was raped. >> she was left bleeding in a park. what kind of animals are these. >>reporter: on the other side of the city, blood stains where three men gang raped a 5-year-old girl. the attacks are the latest to
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cause outrage in india and around the world. in a documentary film, one of the four men convicted of the crime blamed the victim. >> indias government banned the film earlier this year. but that attack led to new laws on sexual assault. the chief minister said the city is doing what it can. >> but i feel the police play the biggest role. they need to help women feel safe. we are also trying to help them. >>reporter: police say they've put more female officers on the streets and are working harder to protect victims of race. >> which means the statements of the witnesses and the victim are now getting credibility. >>reporter: still, official figures show rape is on the rise in india.
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from 2004 to 2013, the number of recorded rapes doubled to 34,000. last year that figure rose to 37,000. many don't report rapes because the stigma is too high and the police are insulting. >> some people have taken matters into their own hands dragging an alleged racist out of prison and beating him to death. joining me now is leslie adwin the film maker behind the documentary, india's daughter. rape occurs around the world. what is it that sets india apart? >> well, i think what sets india
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apart is the denial that we live in that this is normal and we are not willing to address it. >> you're saying rape is normal? >> it's common. it's happening in rural areas. when this incident happened a few years ago, there was a huge outrage. what we don't know is many rapes happen in rural india. we refuse to acknowledge that there is a problem and that's the reason why rape cases are on the rise. leslie will agree with me because when she tried to get a release on the the film, they wanted a ban on the film because it exposed the mindset of indian
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males. we're only trying to cure the symptom and not the disease. we're not trying to sense tuesday the people, the police officials, you know, the mindset in rural areas. for instance, two months ago i got a call from somebody in an mumbai hospital who -- and it went underreported. some cases do come to light which of course lead to a national outrage. but what happens after that? >> let me ask you to hold the point. i want to get to leslie here. as you saw in the report, she did give us an excerpt from your movie, india's daughter. i'm wondering, that infamous rape case in 2012 just set the table for us.
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could you give us a summary of what happened there? >> a young woman of 23 dead as it were to break the restrictive rules that should apply, say, indian thinkers to a young woman. she dared to go see a movie after dark. she was with a male friend who as one of the defense lawyers tells us was neither her husband nor her brother. >> that was illegal? >> it's not illegal but it goes against the grain of dictates. a girl should remain home and have children and do the house work. as the rapist told us in the film, she had to be taught a lesson. >> okay. so she's come fromming the movie on the bus with the friend and the other men on the
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>> they saw her as of no value. and at the end of the day, that is the real reason for atrocities and violations of human rights be they the human rights of women and girls or the rights of all races or religions. it's about value. if you don't give value to another person, then you can go and rob them out. stamp on them. and it's the same with women and girls. if you're taught from the first breath you take in the world that a girl is of lesser value than you, if you watch the dismay of families as a girl child is born and they commiserate with the families and promise next time it will be a boy, if you watch your sister eat last at table, if you see
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all this, of course you're being taught by society, you're being programmed that a girl is of lesser or no value to yourself. >> back to mumbai, reina. in the documentary, the defense attorney blames women for the crime and at one point says if you put your diamond in the street meaning girls, you should expect dogs to pick it up. this is a man who is educated, has a law degree. how do you explain such a callous attitude toward women. >> let me tell you that very recently the chief minister of the state in india went on to say that women need freedom why don't they walk naked. this is the chief minister of the state. this is the kind of statement given by the state
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representatives, you can understand the mindset of a large section of people who consider women as stle to be sub servant to them, have no right to speak. a year ago there was a rape case in a car and what the government did was ban the -- what they did not understand is that it could have happened at any other park. they're not trying to change the mindset in which the women always has to be protected by a man, that she can't venture out alone or have an opinion this the comes from a largely
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patriarchal mindset. females are treated as objects of display or grieving crying helpless woman. so i think this attitude that women are weak and we can get away with whatever we do with them. plus there are no laws in place which can really deal with increasing rape cases in india >> you've just talked about political leaders, we want to go now to one political leader in particular who has been criticized for his comments, comments that he made last week, he's a senior political leader and cabinet member. early this week he said children are being raped in india because of mobile phones and the accessibility they provide to porn if i and today he said he's not against technology but stands by his comments. question to you, do you think
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other politicians share his point of view? >> well, unfortunately, a good section of the indian politicians do feel in a similar manner. we have had politicians caught watching porn if i in parliament so this is unfortunately the mindset that one has to deal with. as i said earlier, if the chief minister of a state says if a woman needs freedom why don't they go naked. this is bizarre. i think they are p given a free hand. there's condemnation for a day and then things go back to normal. >> changing laws is one thing, enforcing laws, something else. but then there's this thing
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about attitude and behavior. >> absolutely. before i speak about that because that is the bottom line, the disease as she rightly said and i applaud you for all your insightful and brave comments, the the one thing i must point out here is this chief minister, when it suits him, labels porn if i as one of the causes right. it is, you of the causes. but let us look at what the indian government did recently. it banned some four or five weeks ago 897 porn if i sites. my heart leapt with joy when i heard that news. within one week, there was such an outcry across india from men saying you cannot take away our porn if i sites, we have the right and the privacy to do what we want and we're a democracy.
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this same government that has continued the ban on my film which only asks for a change for the better for women and girls and for a free and equal and safe world for women and girls, they have maintained that ban for the last five months. they lifted the ban on the porn if i sites because of that outcry within one week. what message are you sending to the world? what are your priorities? your values? >> and what should be done next? top priority? >> top priority is to change the mindset. rape, violence in the home, acid attacks, honor killings, these are all just symptoms of the disease. the disease is the mindset of gender and equality. we have been patriarchal
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societies since the beginning. let me maying the point here given we are talking on al jazeera america, that at least india has article 14 of the constitution which accords equal rights to women under the law. america doesn't have that yet. the equal rights amendment act in america has not been ratified yet. we women and girls are absolutely on the bottom of the heap of the worlds concerns and meaningful focus and that has to change. now, the only way to change that mindset is through education. education is the prime engine of progress and i'm now working on the solution to the problem that the film identifies and advising the u.n. human right's commission on this and the answer is to bring the missing third dimension to education. we are educating our children. we have neglected to educate their hearts. we have not taught children the value of another human being,
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moral values, respect, gender sense sensitization. we have not done and until we do that, it is compulsory to learn math, it should be compulsory to learn respect for another human being. >> do you think your film will ever be seen in india? >> i do. i am optimistic despite four adjournments of the petition brought to the high court. december 9th is the next hearing and i cannot believe that the judges in india are not independent of government. this ban will be lifted and it is bringing shame on india and so it must be lifted. >> closing thoughts as we prepare to close out this
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segment? >> i'm in absolute agreement. we have to change the mindset. i think education starts right from the home, kindergarten where boys are told you're not supposed to cry, that's the domain of women and girls because you're the stronger one. this kind of message that we give our children needs to be changed. we have to tell them to respect women. women are equals. a woman can cry and a man cannot cry. this is a prevalent mindset in india. it needs to be changed. and a caution of the media who reports cases that happen in urban india but refuse to go to rural areas where dozens of
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rapes happen daily and there's no rerepurr cushion's. >> the men are still awaiting the conclusion of their appeals and there's no small irony in the fact that india is one of the few major democracies in the world who's had a woman as its prime minister. >> there are exceptions to every rule but now we need women prime minister to pull out us of the moral crisis we are in as a world. >> thank you for being with us. it was the biggest heist in american history, the type you make movies about. >> there was a hold up of historic proportions. up next, they call it the good fellows trial and it's underway
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25-year-old day that chambers was arrested and charged with driving under the influence. officials decided that todays game against kansas would go on and the victims remembered with a moment of silence. >> the families i know and these victims will never be able to understand this nor will we but the cowboy family pulls together. unfortunately we've had to do it before and we are going to do it again. >> oklahoma state university athletics has had to cope with tragedy before involving a plane crash in 2001 and 2011. authorities are treating the accident as a homicide. they noticed stolen goods in
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his front yard. they went on to find one tractor trailer filled with guns and another filled with ammunition. 20 agents will now begin sorting through the guns possibly to identify where they came from a trial 37 years in the making got underway in new york this week, it is the case of vincent asaro who was charged in connection with the 1978 lufthansa airline heist. >> it is the organized crime caper immortalized in good fellas. this is the biggest heist in american history. >> that's the 1990 movie version. the actual heist went down back in 1978. >> there was a hold up of historic proportions. >> when a gang of armed robbers
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made off with $5 million in cash and another million in jewelry from a lufthansa hanger building in new york. >> in what was then a record rippoff. back then, investigators found an empty black van but never found the loot or caught the robbers. that was thanks to the mafia code of silence according to author and former reporter sell win rob who covered the mob for decades. >> almost from the start, the authorities knew who did it and how it was done. the problem was getting -- actually finding and kick convicting them. >> but cracks in that code have led to his day in court. witnesses against him include
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several former mobsters including his cousin now cooperating with the government. >> monday prosecutors called him a man who lived a long life of crime. >> there were a lot of snitches. people started owning up. the fbi and the police were getting a lot of dropped dimes on who was involved. >> his defense team calls the government witnesses untrustworthy turn coats telling jurors when necessary they lie to each other and they lie to save themselves. once a liar, always a liar. among other crimes including arson, extortion, and racketeering, he's accused of strangling a suspected informant to death with a dog chain.
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>> most of the people involved in the case either were killed, bumped off, knocked off, or died a natural death. he's one of the last survivors. so longevity in the long run did him in. police on the island nation of the maldives arrested the vice president today for allegedly attempting to asass nate the president. he's linked to the explosion of a speed boat that the president was travelling on last month. the president was unhurt but his wife and two aides were injured. the arrest was made after investigators in the case including the fbi ruled out mechanical failure as the cause of the blast >> there's a debate in the u.s.a. over the refugee crisis overseas. the governor of michigan wants
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to accept more refugees. >>reporter: mohammed moved to metro detroit with his wife, mother-in-law, and four children in july. the familiy's life today is now much different. >> we were facing danger on a daily basis. where we were living, there were continuous daily clashes. our lives were a constant threat. >> when the civil war broke out more than four years ago, the family fled to turkey and lived at a syrian refugee camp for three years before being admitted to the u.s. >> after we crossed borders to turkey, i sat down and we want. i looked at my village and cried for an hour >> we're a country founded on immigrants. >> he's with loath ran social services of michigan that has
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helped resettle some of the 100 refugees that have arrived in the state so far this year. >> what we've seen historically and in reserge search is that it can add to economic growth significantly so we also see it as an economic development tool for the city of detroit >> that development is desperately needed in detroit. a city working to recover from bankruptcy and a massive decline in population. >> this is an example of what could come. >> definitely. i mean, we've developed 72 homes and plan to develop more. >> this neighborhood was once heavily populated by caldean immigrants, many from iraq. >> businesses thrive, taxes
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bring in revenue. >> but congresswoman brenda lawrence is vocal of her concerns about terrorism and the threat to u.s. security. >> nest why i continuously say we need a plan to vet that and we need to be sensitive to that. right now it's not we're choosing, it's a crisis and we're just getting a mass of people who want to come to the united states. >>reporter: the government says it can take up to two years to review the backgrounds of refugees. >> we will have a future here but our childrens future is for more important than ours. >>reporter: it's unclear at this point how many syrians will resettle in michigan but he feels fortunate that he and his family are here and able to rebuild a life torn apart by war.
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the world famous street artist banksy is helping refugees with his work. he has had materials from the installation cut up and brought to a refugee camp in northern france. for example, wood is being refused to construct shelters. they're puzzled by the material but grateful on this weeks episode of third rail, josh rushing sits down with nail ferguson to discuss foreign policy in the middle east. here's a preview of tomorrow night's episode. >> if you rush straight to democracy, it can really be explosive. these things have to be phased and i think we've not really understood well enough the phases that have to be gone through for democracy to be established securely. the worst case scenario is for a
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state to -- civil war is worse than thoracic tarn. i worry most state's could go the same way. we have syria, libya, iraq in a state of near breakdown. but why should it stop there? nonstates or quasi state actors like islamic state come along and assert themselves and begin to establish some of the characteristics of the state. that's an interesting moment in our history. we may look back ten years from now and say we underestimated islamic state. >> you can watch the entire episode tomorrow night at 6:00:30 eastern 3:30 pacific. it's a blue light special
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