tv News Al Jazeera October 26, 2015 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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on al jazeera america. ♪ emergency meeting on refugees, european leaders agree to create 100,000 spaces at reception centers. ♪ hello, i'm in doha and also ahead on the program argentina presidential election is heading to a second round vote, the first runoff in the country's history. the syrian opposition says they are willing to talk about a political settlement as well as assad is not part of it. plus. >> andrew thomas and it was actually 30 years ago when this land mark was handed back to the
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traditional indigenous owners and bringing you the anniversary celebrations and looking at the practical impact that hand over has had. ♪ hello, after a contentious emergency meeting eu and balkin leaders agreed on new measures to deal the refugee crisis, this is what the deal says 100,000 places in refugee welcome centers will be created and in a week 400 officers sent to slovania struggled with arrival numbers and eu will discourage the movement of migrants and appoint contact officers to monitor numbers of people and share that information with other authorities. david reports. >> reporter: everyday counts otherwise we will soon see families in the cold rivers of the balkins perish miserably and
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chilling words from the commission as shay welcomed leaders to another meeting in brussels about the refugee crisis, 17 point action plan approved first and foremost for the delivery of humanitarian aid and building of new shelters for people seeking sanctuary inside the eu. the summit agreed to speed up the processing and registration for genuine refugees. they will no longer be waved on across borders for the next country to deal with. slovania described the situation in his country as unbearable and had a stark warning to its counterparts. >> if we did not deliver some immediate and concrete actions on the ground in the next few days and weeks, i do believe that european union and europe as a whole will start falling apart. >> reporter: that action is now on the way, action that might begin to restore the image of
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the eu as a beacon of humanitarian values and prevent the erection of razor wire ton borders of europe. >> we had a convention on refugees and what is happening does not correspondent to the values which we have. >> it's imperative for shelter and ensure refugees along the balkin route to be treated in a human manner, it can not be view in 2015 people are left to fend for themselves, sleeping in fields, wading in chest-deep rivers in freezing temperatures. >> reporter: angela merkel is now trying to guide the eu through a bigger task, tens of thousands of lives are still at
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task and it's one she will not fail, brussels. that is what leaders in brussels have come up with and this is the idea on the ground and walker is at the slovania-croatia border where thousands of refugees continue to cross, robin how is this going to effect the countries in slovania including where you are? >> well, let's take a look at slovania in particular because it's a tiny nation of only about 2 million and they had to deal in the past few days with numbers coming in and yesterday was the largest yet and estimates between 14-15,000. compare that to the numbers that came in last week, 60 or 70,000 and compare that to the three quarters of a million this year and we are talking about approaching 10% just in the last week alone so the slovanians really need the assistance and
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part of the 17-point plan includes a commitment to send 400 personnel, european police personnel to come down here and help the slovania authorities on the ground manage these huge numbers that they have to process everyday coming through and pass all at the same time on route because so many of them want to go on ward, want to go into austria and beyond into germany. >> how well are they being looked after slovania authorities at the moment? >> well, this is a question of concern for those who have come here in large numbers from other parts of europe, volunteers who very much want to be able to help out and assist those in need, the refugees who are coming in without proper clothing or warm blankets or
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food and water and dry clothes. many of them we have been speaking to have expressed a lot of concern about the way in which the police and the military and the civil guard have been keeping them from accessing the refugees. we at the same time are also not being able to talk to them, to find out how they are. we've had to be taken to shelter to those behind me to find out how they have been doing and many behind me say they have cooped up here since 2:00 in the morning, it has been another cold night. they don't feel they have been adequately looked after, given enough water and provisions but the slovania government of course says that it's doing what it can to help them, to help move them through. so there is this aspect that needs to be certainly addressed, the humanitarian side and the volunteers offering to help out but at the moment they say they
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are not being able to help as much as they feel they can. >> robin forest walker live at the slovania-croatia border, bodies of 14 people thought to be refugees have washed ashore in libya, libya red crescent team said they were found on beaches by the city hom east of the capital tripoli and 2 1/2 thousand people drown trying to reach europe in the mediterranean sea so far. two turkish firerman who rescued a 18-month-old child at see fisted them and the boy was floating face down in the choppy water, when they hauled him on to the boat thank you realized he was still alive and began to revive him and the mother described the fishermen as heros and have given their family a second chance at life. two men killed with i.s.i.l.
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fighters in the southeast city. police were raiding a dozen properties on the outskirts of the city early on monday when the gun battle broke out. we are live in istanbul and what is the latest from the scene ther there? >> reporter: security forces have been telling us that seven suspected i.s.i.l. fighters were killed in the shoot out during those dawn raids but two police officers were killed apparently when one of the properties they went to search was boobie traps and they detonated as the officers tried to enter those properties and then that gun fight ensued. it's not the first raids there have been on turkish soil in the last few weeks looking for suspected members of i.s.i.l. and turkish media over the weekend says they were hunting and i quote according to the security services searching for
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and planning a major attack such as hijacking a plane or vessel or detonating suicide bombs in a crowded location so that is what it seems the security services were on the hunt for, there have been other raids as i say over the past few weeks but the first time it seems one of the raids has ended up in a major shootout. >> more broadly what is the threat from turkey to i.s.i.l. at the moment? >> well, following that suicide bombing a couple weeks ago on october 10 in ankora the biggest terror attack on tushish soil killing 102 people there have been this major crack down by security services for hunting for suspected members of i.s.i.l. and it's more of a target now particularly following the decision by the turkish government in the summer to join with the u.s. led coalition taking part in air raids on suspected i.s.i.l.
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target in syria and turkey has taken part in three raids on those suspected targets. there is a particularly tense situation in the countries well at the moment not only because of increased fighting with pkk as well, the kurdish separatist groups and pkk and because there are elections next sunday and also in mid november the g 20 leaders summit is here in the coastal town on southern turkey and expecting security operation to make sure that goes off safely and securely. >> thank you bernard smith reporting to us from istanbul. syrian president bashar al-assad believes he can be part of a solution to end the country's four-year civil war but any agreement will depends on eliminating what he called terrorist organizations and mohamed reports. >> reporter: throughout the past week in state room after state room diplomates discussed and debated, a war as bloody as
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any in recent memory, one that millions are still distally trying to flee no matter the cost. just a day after russia called for new elections in syria president bashar al-assad met with lawmakers in damascus and declared he is willing to take part in new polls if the syrian people supplied the idea. in capitol after capitol talks turned again to transition, even though at times it has sounded as though diplomacys as deadlocked as ever. in cairo after a meeting with his egyptian counterpart saudi foreign minister declared al-assad has no role whatsoever to play in syria's future. >> translator: egypt stand on syria is similar to saudi arabia, we both wish to see a transition taking place in syria and both countries civil and military executions preserve and
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above all to see the syrian people determine their own fate in the future. >> reporter: syria's opposition meanwhile says they are not opposed to compromise provided it's not al-assad they need to compromise with. >> the problem is it's not about dialog. this is to begin with he is now a war criminal or at least alleged war criminal because of the destruction he has brought to the country. i don't think a foreign power will have made as much destruction as syria and there is no possibility for syria for the one who killed their kids and destroyed their cities. >> reporter: on the ground in syria the situation deteriorates more been the day. many of the families who have managed to escape the fighting have not yet been able to escape hostility. as syrian children too young to understand the war they fled have become far too accustom to
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injury and humiliation. while aid groups haven't stopped warning about the perils of a last generation, a generation now devoid of hope faces fences that won't let them pass and governments that don't want them in. mohamed with al jazeera. russia says its air strikes are targeting i.s.i.l. but statistics tell a different story and victoria takes a closer look now athe impact both russian and u.s. led coalition air strikes are having on syria. >> reporter: the russian ministry of defense says the airforce has flown 900 missions and hit 800 targets in syria since it began conducting air strikes on the 30th and in the past week it says it destroyed 363 targets including 71 command centers, ten workshops manufacturing explosives, 30 ammunition depos and 252 field camps, it says it is targeting
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i.s.i.l. but the institution for the study of war, a u.s.-based think tank says russia's air campaign is mainly hitting other syrian opposition groups in the countryside south of aleppo and hama province and isw said three air strikes have been in i.s.i.l. controlled territory, two in the group's stronghold where they are located and the other location is close to palmaria and russian air strikes killed 446 people so far including 75 i.s.i.l. fighters, 151 civilians and 31 fighters from the nusra front. the u.s. led coalition has been conducting air strikes in syria for the past 13 months and syrian observatory says 3650 people have been killed including more than 3276 i.s.i.l. fighters, 225 civilians
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and 136 fighters from the nusra front. argentina will face a runoff presidential election next month after an unexpectedly tight first vote and daniel is neck and neck with makri in the first rounds and we report from buenos aires. >> it seemed impossible but the leader of the let's change coalition forced a powerful ruling party to a second round. the first runoff in argentina's history. >> translator: i want you to concur our future and depends on each one of you and ask you now today to take the years that takes a and won't stop until we achieve it and from september 10 i promise we will be a little better. >> reporter: followers celebrated untit late and night and many couldn't believe what was going on. >> translator: we are going to go to a historic election and we
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will win. we are going to win the presidency and we are going to be excellent government. >> reporter: the front for victory headquarters the scene was completely different, kirchner's successor appealed to undecided voters from a single reform. >> translator: with all my experience i asked undecided and independent to vote for the agenda for great future for argentina development. >> reporter: until a few minutes ago this was filled with people expressing support but now they are leaving obviously disappointed because they expected them to get a lot more votes. some have stayed saying they are getting ready for their runoff in november. >> translator: this is the way democracy works, we will is to convince people that thl was a better choice. >> reporter: analysts here say the big challenge is the power
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kirchner will have once she hands over the presidency to whoever wins in november. >> translator: in november after the runoff the problem is governability and kristina will have power and influence and she wants to come back in 2019 and it's going to be difficult for any president. >> reporter: with less than a month to go both candidates will now use this time to fight hard for the presidency, al jazeera, buenos aires. still to come on the program allegations of fraud and a police raid on an opposition counting center in tanzania after a hotly-contested election.
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♪ hello again you are watching al jazeera and top stories eu and balkin leaders agreed on a new plan to try to tackle europe's refugee crisis after emergency meeting in brussels, among the measures 100,000 places in refugee reception centers will be created. two turkish policemen have been killed in a shootout with i.s.i.l. fighters in the southeast city and police were raiding a dozen properties on the outskirts of the city early on monday when the gun battle broke out. argentina will face a runoff presidential election next month after an unexpectedly tight first vote and daniel is neck and neck with conservative
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makary in the first around. tell you about some breaking news now, reports of an earthquake being felt in the cities of iz ramp bad, new deli and kabul and a pretty powerful one, earthquake of 7.7 magnitude has struck northern pakistan as well. reports of it being felt as we said in afghanistan's capitol kabul. we hope to get a report from the afghan capitol from our correspondent there in a moment but we will keep you up to date with the latest, we are also hoping to go to our correspondent in islamabad kamahl to get the latest from him but indications at the moment is this is quite a powerful earthquake that is being felt across the region so for the latest on that stay with us. a comedian turned politician won't guatemala presidential election and jimmy marales has
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70% of the vote and first lady sandra torres considered defeat and we are in guatemala city with the latest. >> former television comedian jimmy morales has taken the second around of election on sunday and jimmy morales was with the conservative fcn party and not a career politician and no political experience whatsoever but what you might think may have worked against him has worked in his favor. now that is because people here are tired of politicians, they say that the political elite has done nothing but talk at money and pointing to that they look at political corruption cases that have been taking place in guatemala since april, a massive scandal which brought down the president and the vice president of removing them from office and now they are in prison waiting to go on trial for corruption.
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jimmy morales swept through with this wave of popular discontent all the way through the first round of elections where he came out on top and now he has won nearly 70% of the vote in order to take the second around of elections, he will take office in january but he will have a difficult time once he takes office as well and dealing with limited budget resources and also dealing with a divided congress so it's going to be very difficult for him to be pushing through some of the political reforms that people have been calling for in a very short amount of time with a lot of eyes on him so certainly the work is up against jimmy morales at this trying to get guatemala on a clearer course. >> top story we were telling you about breaking news story out of central asia and reports of a powerful earthquake there and kamahl is in pakistan capitol islamabad and what can you tell us about this?
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>> reporter: well, the earthquake had been felt over a large area including islamabad a little while ago, we were forced to leave our office which is in the building because the ground was shaking and even though the earthquake was shaking somewhere in northern pakistan, it was felt as far as bishower and islamabad and trying to see where the epicenter was and what kind of damage it may have caused because after all pakistan has experienced very strong earthquakes in the past, 2006 earthquake was perhaps the deadliest and then there was also a deadly attack which was magnitude eight. according to initial reports this is magnitude 7.7 and we are still trying to see if there was any damage close to the epicenter. >> any indications from what you have seen in islamabad kamahl
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about the damage it may have done there? >> reporter: well, in islamabad so far we have no reports of any damage although as i mentioned the duration of this particular earthquake seemed to be over 30-40 seconds and that of course is alarming news because as i mentioned perhaps the epicenter we are still trying to ascertain the epicenter to see whether it caused any damage in the north of pakistan but apparently it's got a very strong earthquake in islamabad and 14 people come out of their offices. >> as you say pakistan unfortunately has experience dealing with previous earthquakes, how would this one compare with those and how well equipped are the authorities to deal with the aftermath of this? >> reporter: well, as far as the
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emergency response is concerned, it is not in the best of shape. we do not know exactly what has happened in the north but pakistan despite the fact that it has seen some devastating earthquakes is not prepared for the earthquake because the building codes are very poor, there is rampant corruption and not build according to standards. >> all right for the moment kamahl updating us from the pakistan capitol islamabad on these reports of an earthquake that has hit the region. just to update you on what we know so far, we understand the epicenter may be north enpakistan and 7.7 magnitude at last, it's something like 30-40 seconds or so and felt throughout the region in afghanistan and india as well so we will get you the latest on
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that as and when we get more information so we will move on for now, the giant rock formation is a famous australian tourist attraction and sacred and the rock was handed back to indigenous owners and andy thomas reports from the northern territory. >> reporter: geologists say it has stood for hundreds of millions of years, a tip of a rock that extends five kilometers under ground and tens of thousands of years people made it central to their culture and beliefs. then in 1873 colonialists arrived, declared it and the people from the area. in 1985 exactly 30 years ago the wrong was put right, at a ceremony at its base and it was handed back to its traditional guardians for us to manage, live near and earn tourist revenue
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from. >> i place in the hands of the land trust. >> reporter: back then the hand over was controversial and a plane flew over with the slogan opposed. >> and i remember a sea of people. it was a big scene handing back the icon for all australians and when you hand it to one group of people that it may have other australians to come to grips with. >> reporter: the hand over scene is for rights and reconciliation between first australians and descendents of colonialists. >> translator: we realize we have our land back and it was ours and we were here and we could work. >> reporter: 30 years on celebrations and commemorations, not just for the hand back of the rock itself but for the
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simplism it had for recognition in australia more broadly and have a change as fortunes have been partly fulfilled. >> i would love tomorrow retrace history, what has happened in those 30 years and we are still fighting for housing and still fighting you know for the most basic human rights. >> reporter: that is obvious in the community at the base here and has a brand new swimming pool but is still a very poor place. even though there was a national apology in 2008 the constitution still doesn't recognize that australia was even inhabited before white settlers arrived, a referendum to change that though is planned. the handover was a significant movement packed with symbolism and 30 years on it's celebrated and still marginalized and they have big battles ahead.
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as always there is lots more on our website and get the latest on the stories we are following there al and the news and perspective, it's all there for you al, log on any time. ♪ >> i'm ali velshi. "on target" tonight. the billionaire cps bold move. i''s bold move.i'm talking aboud branson. america's approach to
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