tv News Al Jazeera October 30, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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>> boots on the ground. the president does expect that they can have an impact in intensifying our strategy. >> the white house announcing a limited number of special forces will go into juniors to fight i.s.i.l. -- to syria to fight i.s.i.l. >> searing words. >> the chilling words of dead children dying on the ea aegeane crocodile tears.
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>> free at last. >> the case is one of these perfect illustrations of what went wrong after 9/11 with u.s. involvement in afghanistan. >> the final prisoner is released, eight years after being cleared to go by the u.s. government. plus, protecting the antarctic. the effort to turn nearly a million square miles into a wildlife sanctuary and the two countries unwilling to allow it. >> i'm randall pinkston in for antonio mora. we begin tonight with a deployments of american special ops team into syria. president obama authorized 50 commandos working with special troops fighting i.s.i.l. forces.
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the white house insists, the new policy does not violate the president's insistence to not have boots on the ground. looking for solutions to the four year civil war in vienna but the politics take a back seat to the ongoing violence in the region. more than 100 people were killed, many of them civilians, during air strikes friday, one of them at a popular market in northern syria. more now from al jazeera's patty culhane in washington. >> it's been a consistent pledge from the u.s. president when it comes to the civil war in syria. >> i want the american people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in iraq and afghanistan. it will not involve american combat troops fieding on foreign soil. >> now they say it does not
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violate that pledge. >> the president did go to great lengths to make it clear that our counteri.s.i.l. strategy in iraq and in syria would be substantially different, a difference between night and day from what president obama wa wassing indicating to counter i.s.i.l. and the bush administration's pursuit in 2003. >> the white house is going to great length to knock it into detail on what the u.s. special forces are going to be doing on the ground but they wanted to paint the picture that they will not be in the offensive unless their forces get into trouble. ruling out the idea that the troops will do any fighting at least for now. critics say this latest move is proof the president doesn't have a strategy. >> this is in my view an incremental change so will not change the conditions on the ground. in the eyes of the enemy this is weakness. in the eyes of our allies this is unreliability. >> analysts believe this is a reaction to russia's
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involvement. >> the situation on the ground in syria has changed with introduction of russian air power and the forces that we have supported are now being pushed back. so it makes sense that we would step in to bolster them. at the same time, talks are going on. whenever talks are going on the situation on the ground is paramount. who has the upper hand influences how those talks come out. >> the president says syria's war can only went a political solution. they apparently believe they can only get there by increasing the fighting first. patty culhane, al jazeera, washington. >> as u.s. troops prepare to head to syria secretary of state john kerry was looking for ways to end the long and bloody conflict. kerry and diplomats from 18 other countries wrapped up two days of meetings at vienna austria. mohammed jamjoom has the story from vienna. >> reporter: they were very
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long and arduous days but finally some common ground was forged on syria. u.s. secretary of state john kerry was happy to reach the points of mutual understanding reached in vienna. >> syria's unity, independence territorial existence are fundamental. we agreed that syria's state institutions will remain intact. we agreed that the rights of all syrians regardless of ethnicity or religious denomination must be protected. >> diplomats had hoped that the presence of iran might finally lead to a break through and while the sense of guarded optimism may have bolstered diplomacy it did nothing on the battlefield. on friday, dozens were killed in a crowded marketplace in duma
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and in aleppo province, 21 locations were hit by syrian and russian air strikes claiming 80 more lives. just the reason protesters were so angry, chanting against syrian president bashar al-assad while expressing their frustration for ending the bloodshed in their home land. >> otherwise they have the force five years, can you imagine five long years with all this blood with all this material, how will we expect any good from them? >> reporter: for its part, russia heavily criticized for its involvement in syria went to great pains to suggest it was heeding the concerns of the international community. >> russia is committed to fighting terrorism on the basis of international law whether we're talking about military interventions from the air or on
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the ground both need to be conducted from the agreement of the government or the u.n. security council. >> with this renewed sense of urgency over syria everyone wonders what will come next. with diplomatic talks scheduled to continue in two weeks time here in vienna, it is still unclear whether members of the syrian opposition or the syrian regime will be invited to join in. while points of mutual understanding were reached here in vienna the only thing for certain when it comes to syria's civil war no matter who participates, the talks will be difficult. mohammed jamjoom, al jazeera, vienna. the- between saudi arabian and iranian diplomats. saudi arabia supports western forces and antiassad factions. while iran is one of assad's biggest allies. in fact until now the saudis have refused to sit at the table
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with iranian officials. both sides entered the meetings throwing verbal jabs at each other. wondering how deep their influence is in the region. they have bolstered their military presence and have now taken a seat at the negotiating table. al jazeera's courtney kealy reports. >> a funeral for iran's revolutionary guard. a top iranian official says iran will seek to avenge his death. meanwhile, hassan nasralla spoke for a fighter who died on the battlefield. >> our presence on the ground needs to be larger than ever before. >> reporter: iran has acknowledged it's strengthened its military presence in syria.
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>> they have years of experience supervising advising and helping syria and iraq free from terrorists. >> also willing to have flexibility on the issue of bashar al-assad. the disagreement between saudi arabia and iran is about who goes first, syria or al qaeda affiliated groups. >> for the iranians, end game is not really about whether assad should be in power forever. >> reporter: iran has now found itself at a new negotiating table with its old adversary, saudi arabia and the united states. >> the key thing here is i think the folks who believe in working with the international community on the iranian side have been bolstered by the nuclear agreement. so they're kind of standing to argue for a negotiated political
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solution in syria rather, you know, battle to the death, rather than battle to the death and resistance and war, and martyrdom. >> despite iran's military and political investment in syria, it's unclear how much political influence iran wants to exert as well. >> i don't think they want to transport iran into syria. >> but the prophet mohammed's granddaughter's burial place, iran is not looking to chart an ideologic path but will likely continue to geablg in security, diplomacy as well as its future post war rehabilitation. courtney kealy, al jazeera. >> it has been a month since russia began air viek strikes in syria but dispute vladimir
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putin's support of president assad, i.s.i.l. still controls many parts of syria. al jazeera's imikoli imoli reports. >> russia didn't start the war in syria but may try finish it. for one month, russian jets have been bombing locations across the country. >> we will support the syrian army only in its legitimate fight against terrorist groups. >> 30 days and more than a thousand air strikes later military analysts are still trying to determine who putin determines as terrorists. sieair strikes have hit some i.s.i.l. areas, many haven't. still not convinced about the
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i.s.i.l. line. >> assad has chosen himself to fight i.s.i.l. >> last week assad made his first foreign visit in the four years he has been in war with his own people. the trip was a surprise but the destination wasn't. long before the campaign began assad admit he was running out of soldiers. >> translator: the terrorismthad have spread to more territories and states just not in our region. >> reporter: russia's propaganda machine is hard at work too. they are filmed from the vantage point of the russians. here are the ones that aren't. russia denies deliberately targeting receivables. but with hospitals being hit, russian tactics are also under
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scrutiny. >> what they're doing is, if they have a target that they think they need to hit, they are not worried about the collateral -- hitting the hospitals and killing incident civilians is something they have been doing really since they became involved. >> has any of this made a significant difference in the shift of the fighting? we still don't know for sure. the casualty numbers though may hold some clues. an estimated 595 people have been killed so far in the russian air strikes, most of the dead are not civilians or i.s.i.l. fighters, but from groups fighting the syrian government. imoku molu, al jazeera. >> doug olivant is al jazeera's national security advisor and a senior fellow at the security council. the administration had said no boots on the ground in syria now
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special forces are going in. what's your take? >> well, i'm sympathetic to what they're doing here. they're trying to change the situation on the ground. and we saw today the white house try to explain well, boots on the ground really aren't boots on the ground. and this isn't the kind of boots on the ground we were talking about. but clearly at the end of the day, what we have is somewhat less than 50 american soldiers, our best trained american soldiers. it sounds like they're going to be part of delta force or something akin to it, who will be on the groundworking with these groups just north of raqqa trying to put as the white house said some pressure on raqqa. >> so do you think it's russia's presence that has brought about this change in the administration's statistician to put at least a small force of american soldiers on the ground? >> well, it could be. it could be that the russian ves
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vested, that we need to show some skin in the game. it wasn't that the americans were doing swimmingly before the russians showed up either. it could be that we need to try some different to make our original plan work. >> common sense tells you any time you go into a combat zone there is a danger. describe the dangers this group of 50 might face especially due to the fact that russia is dropping bombs sometimes on forces that america considers to be allies. >> well, not only the russians but also the turks have done bombing in this area on the ypg kurds who might also be part of this affiliated force. so not only do these 50 or just under 50 soldiers have to look up in the sky and worry about russian bombers or also turkish bombers, we have the group three will be fighting the islamic state, the al nusra state, al
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qaeda in syria is around and has worked with many of the groups that were talking about working with, the islamic state has planted improvised mines, ied's in raqqa. it is a really dangerous place randall. >> you showed the ground that has been gained by syrian forces and forces from i.s.i.l. also control. in your estimation is i.s.i.l. gaining ground, continuing to make progress or has it been at least stopped? >> well, it's certainly been stopped in the main, you know, on the iraqi side of the border they've gained ramadi but they have lost tikrit and baiji. it is hard to distinguish between ground that is important
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and just open desert where no one is anyway. but in the main we think they have certainly been stopped and they are starting to be pushed back although we are certainly not seeing the collapse of them that we had hoped to see now. >> final question on the political front. we have seen iran on the ground for the first time, is the u.s. softening the position on whether assad can or cannot remain as parts of a transitional government? >> i think circumstances are changing our perspective and make us realize that stopping the fighting is now the key u.s. national interest. and if the price for stopping the fighting allowing the refugees to go home, allowing foot food and shelter to flow again, having people, having the bombing stop, if the price for had a is keeping assad in power for six or nine or 12 months as part of a transitional plan, i think that might be a price that we're willing to pay. >> doug olivant of the national
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security contributor for al jazeera. arrested while visiting a relative earlier this month. the oil executive from a prom flenprominent iranian family, nt clear why he was detained. hard liners in iran have been pushing back against the new nuclear deal. nemaze rvetion is nozee is now h american in custody in iran. the greek islands what's behind a recent surge in refugee crossings and harsh words from greek prime minister alexis tsipras. his response to the refugee crisis. isis.
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>> the refugee crisis becomes increasingly tragic. three boats packed with people seeking better lives capsized, 30 people killed most of them children. the tragedy unfolding off of lesbos callindos and rhodes. john siropolous reports. >> this pleasure boat was lucky to reach the island of lesbos. many of those on board swam the final few meters to the rocky shore but out in the eag yean ,
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it's partly because of turkish smugglers. try to increase before the weather worsens. >> this is dealing like a cargo ship really. >> pressure on camps as people await registrations. still waiting for his travel documents is afghanistan faisil. he paid for his interpretation services by being hunded down by thhunted down bythe taliban. >> when my dad got the letter, i
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told you don't work with these guys, you have worked with these guys reply family life is on risk. take money and get out of average, go wherever you want to go, don't come back in my home. >> faisil has waited for an american vee is is visa and cao more. this camp is over twice as large, there is no running water nothing to eat and nowhere to sit down. only children manage to escape briefly from these daily realities. this is greece's first eu hot spot where new arrivals are screened. there is room for about 10,000 people in camps like these across the country but greece has now been forced to raise that capacity to 50,000, most of it in government-built temporary shelters, the remainder in private housing. greece says that europe needs to do more.
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>> translator: i want to say that as a european leader i feel shame, shame both for the inability of europe to deal effectively with this human crisis but also for quality of the debate. >> greece now has to build its new capacity as the prospect dawns that arrivals may not pause to let the winter pass. john siropolous, al jazeera, western aegean. >> 7,000 refugees have been trying to get austrian police. austria's government is accusing slovenia of putting the refugees on a train and dumping them at the border. thousands of other refugees are en route to the same location. some syrian refugees are foregoing hazardous sea crossings. they are seekining refugee stats
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in sao paulo brazil. dbledaniel schweimler reports. >> as these arrived just a few months ago, he now speaks some portuguese and has adopted the local club corinthians as his football team. >> i'm living really well. >> translator: we're helping 1800 refugees with donation he from the community but we definitely need more help. >> reporter: abdul from aleppo didn't even know they spoke portuguese when he arrived in brazil over a year ago. >> translator: brazil is a
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paradise. i'd love to bring my family here but i don't have a job and don't know if i'll be able to stay. >> reporter: he's desperate to work and has moved in with brazilian friends, helped by the brazilian for the homeless. >> they are youth who can live here. >> far from the syrian battle needs and the refugee camps of faibing countriefootball countra destination at the end of a long journey and the start of a new one. to build a new life to learn a new language in a strange country on the other side of the world. or perhaps simply to wait for peace to return to syria so they can go home to rebuild.
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hassan is part of the brazilian welcome. helping new arrivals to adapt and survive. >> we help them find a place without paying extortionist rents. we can help them find a job and settle down. >> abdul sallam arrived only a few months ago. desperate for his family, sing going a lost life a lost land and about an uncertain future. daniel schweimler, al jazeera, sao paulo. >> the u.s. releases a prisoner who spent more than 5,000 days at guantanamo bay. his attorney shares the moment shakir amir learned he was free.
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south china sea. stories making headlines across but first a look at the stories making headlines across the u.s. in our american minute. some areas got 16 inches of rain in texas in a matter of hours. raging rivers are forcing road closures at san antonio, tornadoes and gusty winds ripped buildings apart. kentucky officials say they killed a fooublg tiff who spent sifugitive, afterspending six d. cook had an extensive criminal history. in missouri, a plan has been charged in a connection of two in a series of church arsons in the st. louis area, authorities say seven churches were set on fire between october 8th and october 22nd. five of the churches had
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predominantly black congregations, not are exactly sure why the churches were torched. palestinians presented to the international criminal court, what they consider crimes against humanity, one of them a palestinian teenager shot dead after he allegedly tried to stab an descraif israeli border guar. also today israelis prevented an attack on two students. al jazeera's stefanie dekker has more from jerusalem. >> this is the first incident in jerusalem we've had according to israeli police, behind the separation wall in the occupied west bank but technically still jerusalem. it is a complicated area and certainly one where people will tell you incredibly difficult conditions but they said he stabbed a yashiva condition.
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this happened on the seam line, in west jerusalem. what's interesting we actually had one of our al jazeera colleagues on the ground. he saw the latter half of what happened. he didn't see an attempting stabbing but he said he saw a young man lying on the ground was then shot seven or eight times. so incredibly tense situation still. a lot of these incidents have been happening in the occupied west bank. this latest wave started in jerusalem moved towards the west bank. so this is the first time we've had an incident of this nature in the last two weeks. >> stefanie dekker reporting from west jerusalem. a second student was mistakenly shot in the leg when a security guard was trying to stop one of the intruders. in context tonight. shakir amir has been released,
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emma hayward reports. >> reporter: after more than 5,000 days inside guantanamo bay, shakir amir is finally home on british soil. flown back to the edge of london. >> shakir will have aism in of euphoria. because he was not sure this was ever going to happen. a doctor will then have to figure out what's wrong with him physically, he hasn't seen his wife for 14 years but he hasn't seen his kids since they were very small, in the case of paris he has never met his child at all. >> during his incarceration, he was never charged with anything. being employed in are being iran
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in 2001. still in custody in 2009 when the obama administration also cleared him for release. he went on hunger strike several times, one of the many prisoners to protest in this way. campaigners say shakir amir was held in appalling conditions sometimes in solitary confinement and allegedly beaten. he now has to try rebuild his life. it's expected he'll be reunited with his family including one child born during the initial stage of his incarceration. shakir amir's release comes from the world's most notorious prison. many will be asking why it took
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so long to free him. >> one of the attorneys representing shakir amir an associate professor of law at the associate university of new york. what is his condition? >> his condition, after 14 years of captivity, including the psychological torture of indefinite imprisonment, we were able to get an independent physician to check him and she determined he had ptsd and a number of other ailments as well. he is one of those perfect illustrations of what went wrong after 9/11 after the united states involvement in afghanistan. the investigation mechanisms were so flawed that you ended up with a prison pong prison populn
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guantanamo that some of these were not are supposed to -- >> he was living in afghanistan at the time? >> he was living with his family had afghanistan. providing charitable group. because he was a valuable commodity he was picked up and sold to the united states and ended up in guantanamo. >> i remember the stories, a lot of money floating around the place. if you said somebody was a bad guy you got money for it. >> not a lot of vetting to say the least. >> you were in guantanamo at the time what was his reaction? >> his reaction was extraordinary. i walked into that shack, in camp becko, it is a wooden shack, in the cuban sun. the same way i saw him, for
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years, all of our clients are shackled to the ground. i told him that notification of his transfer had been forwarded to congress, that president obama had called prime minister cameron and that he would be going home after the 30 day count down was done. it kind of washed over him, he started to tell me about his prison shoes. he took them off, took off some duct tape that was holding them together. normally i would be taking notes to file complaints to get my client some new shoes. i realized the news hasn't registered. hi repeated the news the second time. he said are you being serious right now? i said yes. he had this huge smile and saw the light at the end of the tunnel. >> he was released by president bush and then cleared by the
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administration of president obama. why -- so he was cleared for what, eight years? >> yeah, he's been cleared the first time was in 2007, second time in 2009 and he's been lan languishing in guantanamo since. >> why was he held? >> only one way to talk about it, resistance by the people within the department of defense who don't want guantanamo closed. the president himself has been able to make the officials at his direction obey his directives. >> after a prisoner has been deemed not dangerous every agency, law enforcement agency in the administration to check him off is that correct. >> that's the clearance process. every agency with a stake in national affairs as early as 2009 had already signed off on
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shakir's release. forward his notification to congress that he would be released after a 30 day period. that was a step that was forever delayed and we needed to exert a huge deal of pressure to get the secretary of defense to take that step. >> that finally happened a month ago. >> correct. >> how many prisoners are there? >> after his release i believe the number is 112 prisoners remaining, from a prison population 2004 approached 800. >> of the ones remaining how many cleared? >> over 50% i would say at this point. >> thank you for meeting with us and congratulations on obtaining the release of one client and you have others to go. >> correct it will than thank y. >> firefighters are searching for survivors, in bucharest
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night club fire. the explosion happened just before midnight as a rock band was celebrating an album launch. the band use pyrotechnic effects, one witness says it was a stampede as up to 400 concert goers tried to flee the burning club. officials say the death toll is likely to rise. china warns the u.s. provocative acts in the south china sea could lead to war. another case of the disputed border is accepted by the international arbitration court. and ocean life around antarctic rejected for the fifth time, the countries standing in the way of marine sanctuaries.
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>> the chinese government sent a warning to the u.s. today. the country's naval chief says if the u.s. continues with what he calls provocative action he the minor incident could spark war. the incident came after a u.s. ship went within the area, chinese and other are in a bitter rivalry, the battle over rights to the waterways is expected to be a test case for united nations legal system. philippines attorneys have filed
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claims to having right to the country but china has boycotted all proceedings and rejects all authorities in the case. >> i don't think there's a serious scholar or jurist or practitioner of maritime law who thinks there's any merit at all to china's claim to sovereign rights within waters within an arbitrary line that they have unilaterally created that extends six or seven or 800 miles from their coast. >> first filed claim to the area two years ago. 2013. >> rejecting a plan to protect ocean life near antarctic.
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>> it is the least touched continent on earth. millions of square kilometers of sea ice aand life. no polar bears, they live only in the arctic. but penguins and birds live incorporate else. antarctic's ecosystems are valuable in and themselves. but the southern ocean are essential laboratories for measuring the effects of climate change. >> it's important that we are actually able to distinguish what's happened through climate change and what's happened by fishing. tourism or fishing. parts of the marine reserves you can have those areas protected such as you've got a good scientific control. >> for the past five years these annual meetings here in hobart, companies such as the european union have been meeting to establish protected areas.
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in previous years russia and china vetoed proposals, they said they weren't fully persuaded. >> it's really important that these mps are put in place as soon as possible to protect them. >> disappointing then, that delegates in hobart again this week failed to reach consensus. but more delegates are leaving more optimistic than they have in previous years. they haven't reached substantial agreement but substantial movement has been made. china says it now supports one of the two protected areas. russia though remains opposed. >> they have indicated they are not quite ready to proceed with this protected area yet but they have indicated that they're
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willing to talk with us intercessionally and we'll take them up on that offer and hopefully we'll be able to convince them. >> so there's growing hope it's coming. but for now antarctica still lacks the protection it needs. andrew thomas, al jazeera, hobart. >> roe manpolanski will not be extradited to the u.s. plus more than half of its people living without electricity, how zimbabwe is using solar power to solve its energy crisis. ergy crisis.
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>> a polish court has rejected the u.s. court's request to extradite roman polanski. polanski is currently filming in poland but did not appear in court today. the judge said turning him over would be a deprivation of liberty. prosecutors in los angeles say they may appeal the ruling. now our global view segment with a look at how news outlets across the world are reacting to various events. but first a look at the the arab news writes, a smear campaign of the united states despite its strong allegiance to
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the u.s. the paper blames the iran nuclear deal and warming relations between iran and the west, because saudi arabia is no friend of tehran. britain's the independent writes, the end of china's one child policy will not change much in the country. it will not cause the population growth rate to skyrocket, as urbanization lead to smaller families. so a baby boom is not in china's future. and the sun star in the philippines complains about the lack of action against the deadly haze caused by fires in indonesia, saying despite plans created over the years to deal with the haze a long standing noninterference policy has kept any from being enacted. we want to go back to our off the radar segment joint by
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andrea cavanaugh, she is joining us live in skype from hobart tasmania, where it is 12:52 in the afternoon. thank you for joining us. first of all, this agreement of protecting the region of the antarctica has pen in agreement for years. what's taken for so long? >> well, international diplomacy takes a long time. through the european union, that we have to get to agree to this one proposal or two proposals that are on the floor so that takes effort and time to do that. in fact if you look at how long it takes sometimes for individual countries to create marine reserves, right now we don't have too bad of a track record. of course, we would like this to happen much sooner rather than later. >> so we know that we're talking about two different areas of the environmental protected zone, we understand that china is okay with one of them.
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russia doesn't want either one of them and so therefore we don't have an agreement. how -- why exactly are they objecting and everybody else is saying okay? >> the commission is an interesting body because we have countries that are solely interested in conservation. they want to make sure that antarctica and the southern ocean stays protected. and there are other countries that aren't interested in conservation but they want to fish. their interest in fishing rights sometimes outweighs the conservation interests of other countries. what is really important that happened is russia for the first time ever said they have agreed to the proposals, china is a fishing nation when it comes to
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antarctica. >> let us tell the audience there is some problems with transmission of your skype. we're thrilled ohave you at all. talk to us about the importance, the ecological importance with respect to the marine life of these two areas and why they need to be protected. >> the southern ocean is a unique place when it comes to the ecosystem. there are biodiversity hot spots there, there are animals that nobody has found anywhere else on earth and the other important thing is that in the southern otion there are nutrient upwellings, that feed the fisheries. protecting the southern oceans will actually protect oceans around the world. >> do you think that we will see an agreement in the coming year? is. >> you think the good influences is that now we have one country to concentrate on. the ngos all around the world know that russia is the key to
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the agreement both in east antarctica and we know where to focus our efforts and diplomats know where to focus our efforts in the coming year. it's interesting that russia said they would be willing to talk in between in the months coming up to the next meeting to come to a deal. so that was really encouraging that they invited further discussion in the coming year. >> well thank you very much, andrea cavanaugh from way down under, even under australia, to hobart tasmania. >> thank you very much. we are in a stages ever global solar boom but limited access to electricity is hampering growth in the environment. officials hope clean solar energy will be the answer. haru mutasa has the story.
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>> haven't stopped symon from work. this $50 solar system he has keeps him in business. >> this helps me morning to evening in my business. >> zimbabwe current produces 1,000 pleg awatt1,000 megawattsy less than what is needed. gloria has to buy a solar powered heater because electric ones are being phased off. >> people are being laid off jobs and the issue is not available. >> a 100 liter water heater cost about $400 after installation. the average life span of some heaters is about three years before some maintenance is needed. >> you're likely to be serving 300 megawatts of electricity consumption. if we go solar we are going to
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be saving 60% of what we pay for the energy. >> four families are being told they'll be able to buy imported heaters at a government subsidized price which will be announced soon. >> we are working with both india and china but also with the countries outside those regions. we are working also with european countries. in particular germany because they have technology in the solar sector. but we are working with four countries and would would welcome any investments into the energy sector. >> reporter: this current energy crisis is currently being caused by low water levels in the hydroelectric dams and aging connections. being replaced by the solar ones, eventually all the major highways will have them. it's estimated around 8 8 millin
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of zimbabwe's 13 million people don't have electricity. solar power could change that. government officials are hoping that the energy crisis will be solved within the next three years. haru mutasa, al jazeera, zimbabwe. >> one of the most popular groups turning 40. >> is this the real life ♪ is this just fantasy ♪ >> we'queen's bohemian rhapsody. has sold more than 6 million copies worldwide. not bad for a song queen front manned fromy mercury reportedly wrote in his bed, on scraps of paper. that's it for this edition of al jazeera america news. i'm randall pinkston, thank you for watching. "america tonight" is next.
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antonio mora returns monday night when monday night's international hour of news moves to a new time, 10:00 p.m, eastern, 7:00 p.m. pacific. i'll see you again in one hour. ne hour. >> on "america tonight," under the big sky. going toe to toe with the nra. >> putting guns in bars, in banks, making it so that your er physician can't ask whether you come in on an ambulance whether you have a firearm or not. >> "america tonight"'s aadam m"y on the firing line. and treat or trick. >> you are the
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