tv News Al Jazeera November 6, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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democrats. we'll bring you coverage of the key points from tonight's democratic forum at 11:00 eastern, 8:00 pacific. >> randall, thank you. tonight there are new developments in the investigation of a russian jet liner that crashed last week in the egyptian sinai. from the cockpit voice recorder appear to indicate the jet was brought down by a bomb. in a moment we'll talk to the former supreme commander of nato who believes i.s.i.l. was to blame. but first we talk to jamie mcintire live at the pentagon and jamie was the latest on the investigation? >> reporter: david, as the investigation continues into crash of metro jet 9268, mechanical failure hasn't been ruled out but the increasing possibility that an explosion caused by a bomb on board was
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what caused the plane to break up in the air. moscow dropped its criticism for britain for cancelling its service to sharm el sheikh, and promptly followed suit. president putin cancelled sair flights tairflights to anywhere. in his most recent comment on his crash, are president obama told there was a possible bomb on board but the white house is still not saying what the u.s. intelligence agencies have learned. >> we have not made our own determination as to the cause of the incident however we cannot rule anything out including the possibility of terrorist involvement. >> the u.s. is joining other countries to take up steps to
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beef up security, something that would follow an attack as opposed to an accident. homeland security jeh johnson said would add an additional layer of security to international air travel. the measures include expanded security screening of items put on commercial jets, airport assessments and offers of security for certain airports. the u.s. has also offered to help with the sophisticated analysis that would be required to confirm the cause of the crash but so far has been spurnd bspurned by egypt and russia. russia says flatly it doesn't need the help. >> translator: i can say with all assurance if there are traces of are explosives they will be found. >> more i.s.i.l. targets in the
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cross-hairs, it does not appear to be in reaction to the aviation disaster. russian air power is backing syrian air troops, as they attack two areas, reysan al aboud and palmyra. we're expecting to get perhaps a more definitive word tomorrow when egyptian aviation safety officials hold their first formal briefing on the progress of the investigation. that should happen sometime during the day saturday in egypt. david. >> al jazeera's jamie mcintire at the pentagon, thank you. admiral james devrides, dean of the fletcher school of diplomacy, the author of the accidental admiral. admiral, there is every indication this russian jet liner was blown out of the sky buy bomb placed on the aircraft.
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what's your reaction? >> first of all i do accept the i.s.i.s. claim. i think if you look at the normal reaction of one of these groups, they are claiming something that is probably real. i think putin's reaction i hope is to direct more combat missions against the islamic state. about 85 to 90% of their missions are against the moderate syrian opposition. hopefully they will ramp up against the islamic state. >> why do they accept their claim that they haven't been able to bring down a jet liner in this fashion before? >> i think we've seen their expansion and capability, seeing them get inroads into not only egypt but libya and other parts of the world. the way in which they have claimed credit but been somewhat coy about it frankly has a ring of veracity. i think we're going to find this is something to lay at their
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doorstep. >> and what does the world do now if i.s.i.s. now has the capability in the middle east of planting bombs on commercial jet liners? dleent change thliners? doesn't that change the equation? >> i think it will cause an impact, if you are flying in the region stand by for pretty heavy lines coming up. my guess is ther this was the rt of a single individual who is probably a chip they have now cashed. i think egyptians will get to the bottom of this. i don't think this is necessarily a repeatable act in the immediate future but it certainly speaks to the penetration of the islamic state throughout much of the arab world today. >> what does it do in terms of the united states relationship with russia given those relationships have been strained and now there's a common thread with i.s.i.s. and with their capabilities regarding commercial jet liners?
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>> i think this adds to the impetus and i hope it causes an impetus to the united states and russia to cooperate on three things. one is counterterrorism information-sharing. the second is aggressively going after the islamic state, with hard power. that's what we have to do, and russia's contributions will be sal ysalutatory. >> admiral you've traveled all over the world, for americans or anywhere else, traveling to eastern europe and the middle east, how concerned should people be about the safety of commercial jet liners given that security is honestly very different in a place like egypt than it is for jet liners in israel? >> i think as always, you have to apply common sense, you have to pay attention to the warnings of your government, so tap into
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the state department websites. at the end of the day, this is what you have to look at. location is like sharm el sheikh, i would take a close look at that as opposed to main hub airports where security is going to be higher. >> do you believe i.s.i.l, i.s.i.s, targeted russia because of its strikes against i.s.i.s. in syria? >> shortly after russia comes in you see the islamic state cash probably a one time chip to plant obomb on a russian air flight. they did choose russian, and i think it is as a result of putin's engagement and that will be a challenge for putin at home. >> dean of the fletcher school at tufts university, admiral thanks for coming on we appreciate it. >> thanks david. >> in iraq and lebanon new
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screening centers are being set up for syrian refugees as they come to the united states. the united states say they will open in erbil. 10,000 syrian refugees were pledged to be allowed into the united states by next year. the decision on the ceent oil pipelinkeystoneoil pipeline. it would hamper climate change and do nothing to help the american economy. but the fight is far from over. libby casey joins us from washington with more. libby. >> david pressure was certainly mounting from voirnlts wh envirs who wanted the process stopped. and process drag on. we certainly expected a decision at some point before president
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obama leaves off in january 2017 but the timing was key. >> saying it would not serve the national interest. >> the pipeline would not make a meaningful long term contribution to our economy. >> from jobs to gas prices. the president said keystone is not the answer. transcanada helped to build the pipeline to help connect the oil santsands from alberta with the. but a big factor in the president's decision concerns environment. >> america is now a global leader when it comes to serious action to fight climate change and frankly approving this project would have undercut that global leadership. >> reporter: president obama heads to paris this three weeks for a major international summit
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on climate change. showing the president hopes to leave a pro-environmental legacy. the battle over the 1200 mile pipeline has become a symbol for vienlts anenvironments and could-developmenpro-development. >> an over-inflated role in our political discourse. often used as a campaign cudgel by both sides rather than a serious policy matter. >> but the republicans fought back on social media, from presidential candidates like jeb bush who tweeted that the rejection of the pipeline is quote a self inflicted attack on the u.s. economy and jobs. to congressional leaders, senate major leaders mitch mcconnell quoting that the fight is not over and republicans have no intention on giving up on common sense jobs ideas like keystone.
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republican presidential candidates are united in their support for the pipeline. transcanada would have to reapply to breathe life into the project but democratic candidates are against it. like hillary clinton, pointing to her role as secretary of state. the obama administration decision comes right after canada's election of a new prime minister, liberal leader justin trudeau, issued a statement saying he's disappointed, but both leaders have pledged to work together. david, transcanada tried to get this permitting process put on hold just this week pointing to a decision the state of nebraska had to work out over the route's direction but the delay request certainly also seemed at perhaps delaying a decision until after the presidential election. well, the state department rejected that delay and today, transcanada's ceo called the decision to kill the project one
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that was based on misplaced symbolism and he said rhetoric had won out over reason. david. >> libby, republicans who support this project what do they hope to do to try and revive it? >> well, transcanada will try to get a permit to ship crude to the united states out of canada. there is also a talk about lawsuits being filed. and of course, republicans in congress can try to muscle a bill through. but they've already faced one presidential veto on keystone already. then there's the 2016 presidential election so republicans are pointing to that as an opportunity to get a are friendlier advocate in the white house. that's the politics of it david. what will drive further action is the economics, does it make sense to push a project given low prices of oil? david. >> libby thank you.
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the canadian energy giant's stock lost 5% of it's value today. other canadian energy and mining stocks also lost ground. coming up: targeted, a boy is lured into an yal alley and t to death. as the gang violins in chicago reaches a tipping point. flit a reality collect on the claims from ben carson. plus waiting for disaster, there's a growing risk of a major earthquake from beneath the pacific ocean. "techknow"'s phil torres on the science behind the seismic threat. threat.
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>> in presidential politics republican ben carson has nearly caught up with donald trump in the national polls and in the race for campaign contributions carson is winning. according to the results carson raised $20 million this last montquarter, another $10 million just last month. statements carson has been making and ending this week in some rough waters. according to his 1996 book gifted hands in 1969 when carson was 17 years old he was a high school rotc student when he met general william westmoreland,
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carson won an offer of a full scholarship at west point. carson repeated the claim writing he was thrilled to get an offer from west point. west point however says it has no record of carson ever applying or being accepted. late friday carson personally addressed the controversy. >> it didn't go to that extent because they were very impressed with what i had done. i had become the city executive officer in less time than anybody else had ever done that. and they were saying you would be a tremendous addition to the military. and we can get you into west point with a full scholarship. >> not seeking admission is very different though from receiving a full scholarship. furthermore the issue of a full scholarship is misleading because at west point tuition and board are free. the revelation is not the first to cast doubt on carson's accuracy. he has repeatedly spoken about redemption by mentioning voijt t
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episodes in his youth. >> i tried to stab someone when i was 14. >> friends question those accounts. carson's response? >> it's a bunch of lies attempting to say that i'm lying about my history. i think it's pathetic and basically what the media does is they try oget you distracted with all of this stuff. so that you don't talk about the things that are important. >> carson began his political rise two years ago at a prayer breakfast by using startling language to hammer president obama's health care law. >> you know obamacare is really i think the worse thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. >> since then he has compared abortion rights to slavery, he has attacked the idea of a muslim president. >> i would not advocate that we
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put a muslim in charge of this nation. >> and he has said the holocaust happened because nazis took guns away from jewish people. >> i think likelihood of hitler being able to accomplish his goals had been greatly diminished if the people had been armed. >> many politicians had made wild claims about history but being unclear about your own history could make voters uncomfortable. on issues of integrity or honesty. >> joe watkins political strategist and former advisory of presidents, carson's claim he got an offer from west point. now acknowledges he did not do. is this a big deal? >> it could be a big deal. it is still early in the cycle and i've said over and over again there is a lot of fluidity in the race.
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people like ben carson because of the facts he is an ons guy and he last a great -- honest guy and a strong story but it doesn't help his cause. he's got to work hard and focus on winning the iowa caucus and then new hampshire. this takes away from it. clearly this doesn't help him with his base of support. >> is there a particular problem because this is a u.s. service academy and it is one thing to say well this happened in my career but whether you're talking about america's esteemed service academies that seems a little bit different. >> that's right. the challenge for him is just to make sure he gets it right when he talks about these things. and i think can he get that done. i think that he just has to be really careful about what he says and he just can't make the mistake of speaking off the cuff about things. you know the military academies if you are accepted everything is paid for anyway so you have got to be cleared about these
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things because if you're not people will say you're being misleading. that doesn't help his cause because people like him because of his honesty. >> doesn't that take a hit in other fashions, what he said about president obama the worst thing since slavery. if people see ben carson, that wouldn't have been the worst thing since slavery would three? >> well an african american could probably compare for something that has been hard for americans to slavery because of our heritage. but if you think again david what matters to ben carson is not the general election, that statement might hurt you in a general election campaign but in a primary, republicans and republicans who are right of center and who are not friends of president obama those kinds of statements resonate with them and help put you in the lead. so from the standpoint of the base of support that he needs now in a crowded field those
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kinds of statements against president obama help him. but in a general election they may not bode so well. >> carson's jerchcarson's genern electability, how much of a factor does that become in the republican primary when you have a new of voters who say i love ben carson's smaller government policies but there's a worry as carson's outsider mentality. >> that could be an issue for some people but he is in a crowded field. there are a lot of others trying the get air time, trying to get attention of voters trying to woo voters from ben carson to themselves. as long as he ha is able to stik to the narrative he can maintain this base he's got. the challenge is for him to not lose voters in the base he currently has because he gets
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distracted from what he's trying to accomplish as a candidate. he's got plenty of time as every one of these candidates do, to prepare for general election. that is a very different campaign than primary elections are. right now everywhere one of these candidates has to stick to their knitting with regard to the primary campaign and they've got to look to iowa and new hampshire and the other primaries to gain traction. >> joe watson, great to have you on as always. thank you. >> good to be on thank you david. >> and republican in kentucky there's been a victory of sorts for kentucky clerk like kim davis who refused to issue same sex marriage licenses. math bevin said the marriage licenses will no longer have the names of the county clerks on them. kim davis was jailed for not issuing gay marriage licenses.
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the united states supreme court has agreed to hear a challenge to the contraception mandate. brought by christian groups, to cover contraception for employees at no cost. arguments are expected to start in march. this is the fourth time the high court has heard a challenge to obamacare. the u.s. labor department released a new report today indicating the u.s. economy showed strong job growth last month. businesses added 271,000 jobs, the best number in almost a year. the unemployment rate dipped to 5%, the lowest in seven and a half years. al jazeera's patricia sabga joins us and we were just talking a minute ago, it's a huge surprise, what does it mean it did so well? >> it's a huge surprise. you can't oversedate this. the street was looking for 180,000 jobs to be created, the economy added 271,000. that's nearly 100,000 more than
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wall street was expecting. the other surprise was hourly average wages jumped significantly. 284% year over year, almost across the board one of the only weak spots was mining and that's because of oil price he. we've seen a lot of weakness because of oil price in the shale patch but this is a fantastic support. >> there are concerns that jobs were increasing in other sectors that were not necessarily good for economy. >> strong growth in business services so basically you are talking about professional business services or white collar jobs and construction up 31,000 jobs. again this is really solid gains powerful gains. if the economy can keep this up going into next month ahead of that crucial fed meeting in mid-december it really, really makes the likelihood of the federal reserve finally pulling the trigger and raising interest rates for the first time since twick it makes it a very, very strong possibility.
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>> and again if the fed raises interest rates that means credit card rates and interest rates would follow suit. >> absolutely. people who have adjustable rate mortgages, their adjustable rate will go up. emerging markets will lose because the dollar is already strong, when rates go up it makes the u.s. dollar even stronger. there will absolutely winners too, one of the categories will be savers, they have been earning nothing in their savings accounts, negligible. the real big winners will be the fed, rates are near zero so even boosting them 25 basis points that's not a really big like in terms of policy terms, it is not enough to swien swing a cat bute a cat and give the fed breathing room. >> patricia sabga thank you. up next a lull on chicago streets, the victim, a nine-year-old boy.
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gangs and mounting grief in cli? the big one, a massive earthquake and tsunami. it is just a matter of time for the pacific northwest, why so little is being done about it. plus one of the defining voices for the 90s. >> i do my thing. the same flame is burning you know. >> singer songwriter and master of the synthesizer, howard jones, joins us. there are grim new statistics tonight on accidental drug deaths in the united states. the drug enforcement agency says drug overdoses in 2014 killed 20 million americans. drug deaths surpassed by far deaths from car crashes, more than 35,000 and the nearly 34,000 deaths from gun shots.
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for months police officers have been arming themselves with an important weapon to fight drug overdoses. it's an antedote that cannot only save lives, bring users back from the brink of death but all too often the drug comes too late. "america tonight's" loirnlingsze gliha reports. >> it's the worst nightmare that a parent could go through. >> renee's son alex was clean for six months and was home for the holidays. alex had been addicted to oxycodone, after an injury in high school, and renee's son she thought would be turning his life around. that would be his last flight. >> at 4:00 in the morning one of the neighbor boys was screaming
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for me to wake up that alex had stopped breathing is. >> alex had overdosed at home. >> alex was never going to be the same, we had to make the decision whether we had to resuscitate him or not which was another hard decision. >> reporter: alex might have been brought back to life with this. its a drug called voloxone often referred to as fla narcan and cn bring a victim back to consciousness. with the montgomery county police near rockville, maryland, responding to renee's 911 call. just weeks later police would have been trained and equipped with the drug that could have saved alex. >> we can administer it, we have standing orders to do it. at this point whenever we're
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overdosing, seconds count. we have to get it to them as soon as we can. >> more police departments and emergency crews, dozens of states are turning oan easy to use nasal spray of the drug. >> we take the cap off. >> a use which is not approved by the fda and considered off-label by the government. maryland is among dozens of states that now allow law enforcement to carry naloxone a law also removes liability from people who dispense the drug like police officers. but the so-called miracle drug is becoming less of a reality for some that's because the price has nearly doubled in the past year. leading to huge profits for maker, amphistar. its stock has jumped 70% since it went public last june. both the price jump and the stock caught the attention of law enforcement.
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wrote this letter to the ceo of ampphistar pharmaceuticals. significant public health concern they wrote. "america tonight" made repeated requests for comment to the pharmaceutical company all went unanswered. in the past amphistar has said the price is due to the rising cost of raw material energy and labor. renee is planning to receive training and keep it with her at all times, desperately hoping she doesn't he need it in the future. lori jane gliha, al jazeera. >> gunned down in a south side chicago alley in what's being called an execution. police say teshaun was killed because of his father's gang connections. al jazeera's ash-har quraishi reports from chicago. >> in a city where over 400
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people have been killed this year, the death of tashaun lee is different. >> probably the most abhorrent cowardly unfathomable crime i've witnessed in 35 years of policing. >> south side neighborhood of gresham, police say he was lured into the alley and riddled with bullets. most deaths have happened on the south side but teshaun's murder was the most shocking. balloons flowers and a basketball are now part of a small memorial marking where his body was found near a small trash bin. >> whoever did this there is a special place for them. i hope they never see freedom. i hope they never see daylight. and i think anybody who knows
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who this is, you don't have a financial reward. you have a moral responsibility. this person is not an individual. they're not a human being. because when you do what you've done, to a nine-year-old, there's a place for you. and there is no humanity in that place. >> police arrested persons of interest but made no arrests. pierre stokes critical of police say he did nothing to make his son a target. >> y'all don't worry about me. worry about the killer the person who killed my son. >> if you don't you become like that person. that did this to my child. >> tayshaun's funeral is scheduled for thursday. there is a $35,000 reward for 9
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anyone who has information on the killer. >> joins us live from chicago, i understand you've raising a child and you live about 20 minutes from where this execution-style killing happened. what went through your mind? what was your reaction when you first heard about it? ing. >> it's unfortunately, it's -- it's another chapter in a real tragic book. it's shocking, makes you fear for your own child but it really you know breaks your heart for children in the city of chicago. but it's not new. and i think that people should remember that in 1995, there was an 11-year-old named yummy sandifer who was executed. you know, by members of his own street organization.
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so this is not -- it is tragic. it's inhumane. the people who did it should be held responsible. but it's time to get to the root cause of these issues. because it doesn't just happen in chicago. it happens in detroit. it happens in philadelphia. it happens in baltimore. it happens in oakland. it happens in new orleans. and while the people who did it need to be held responsible, there are solution uses. >> what are the solutions and root causes of some of this kind of violence that you're referring to? >> i think the root causes of it you know are disinvested in and sabotaged neighborhood schools and equitable school system. what was their lived experience? >> i get your point but there are a lot of people listening to this that say wait a second,
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there are a lot of people who live in those very tough neighborhoods who are not joining gangs, who are not engaged in gang violence. >> no no no, i'm not condoning that, i want to be clear. let me be clear to you, if you go anywhere in the world where you have double digit unemployment, sabotaged schools, inequitable school systems, you create a culture. this is not about individual decision. this type of activity happens in neighborhoods and communities that are broken. when you heal communities, when you build communities where the institutions serve the people correctly, where there's a quality of life, where there's an opportunity for employment, where children are inspired in school, where you have decent housing, where people can go in their neighborhood and shop, where they can own businesses in their community, then what you have is, you have communities
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that thrive. but whether you have communities where the opposite is true, where the liquor stores, the grocery store, the children go to elementary schools where there's no technology, there's a school on the south side of chicago called mollison that had 52 kindergarteners in one class. we have to own that. it's -- we're quick to jump and say well no, they make -- yes, they're making bad decisions. they're making bad decisions but in communities that are hopeless, you get those types of results. and what i would say is that if you go in lincoln park in the city of chicago and you ask the folks that live in lincoln park around de paul your how many of them have good grocery stores, how many of them have decent schools, decent housing, hospitals that serve the people correctly they raise their hands, how many of you had to do a sit in to get it how many did you have to protest to get it?
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>> that is a crucial point you make but there is a facet of this, there are a number of reports that teshaun's father refused to pleat with detectives and others who refuse to provide information. is that a fear of police or a fear of the gangs that are reacting to these replies rabble conditions? >> i think -- i think you know i can't speak to that individual situation. but i can speak to the culture of where there's no relationship between people that live in the neighborhood and the police. and you have street organizations in chicago where the leadership is not centralized. every other block is a different click. the leadership is 15 to 21 years old. so yes, you know, you see where there are no more rules so i think there's a combination of both. but again, you can heal those issues by working with the people in the communities, to reinvest in those communities, to rebuild the institutions, so that you can rebuild a sense of
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hope. you know -- >> mr. brown in the few seconds we have left do you have any confidence that that is going to happen in chicago in the near term or even the long term? >> i believe in the long term it has to happen. we're doing work like that in the brownsville community, i was part of a 30 day hunger strike for high school, that refuse to accept we with not have an open enrollment neighborhood high school. you see things around the country where people are starting to band together to fight for the communities that we deserve. and there needs to be communities in our neighborhoods, the folks that did that to that child must be held accountable but there's a bigger picture. it's easy to point the finger in the communities or the people that live in the communities but we also have to look at what is even more insidious, denying people those resources. >> g-2 brown thank you so much for helping us with this tough
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>> in the scientific community there is growing attention to a massive size mi seismic fault sg under the pacific ocean from california to vancouver it's called the cascade yaia reductin fault. but as phil torres reports. >> a massive fault called the cascadia. when it erupts the feeling will be tell the.
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>> more and more until the strain is built up and pops. >> and when it pops that shaking will be felt in the entire region. . according to computer modeling by fema some 13,000 lives could be lost and million buildings could collapse or be compromised. so could a third of all fire stations, half of all police stations, and two-thirds of all hospitals. and then there are the older bridges and highway overpasses. those tw too are vulnerable when the big one hits. all those need to be replace he or retrofitted but the urgency doesn't seem to be there . >> so what are we looking for here? >> this is the interstate 5 bridge that connects oregon and washington. >> cars drive over this bridge every day. >> one was built in 1917, one built in 1958. seismically it is very
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vulnerable. the weights on both sides of the bridge don't operate very well. the pins at the supports are very rigid and small, the supports are on timber piles. >> let's say there is an aichifr 9, what's going to happen. >> a large portion will be in the river. >> now there's actually a proposal to replace that i-5 bridge with something more seismically sound but both oregon and washington state legislatures designed not to fund it david. >> phil, there seems seem to bee reports that the likelihood is one in five. how can scientists say? >> one in three in the next 50 years is a huge probability. especially when you think about the preparedness on the ground. now to get to that number the scientists had to do detective
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work, oral histories of native americans, and history from japan, and the cracking rocks, over these last several thousand years, every three to 5,000 years there is a major catastrophic quake. right now it's been 315 years since the last one so we're due for a big one. >> phil in addition to going to the cities you went also to the coastal areas. they're going to be vulnerable in a different way right? >> yeah, absolutely and i mean this is a coast going from vancouver all the way down to northern california. basically what the scientists think is going to happen is after the big quake 20 to 30 minutes later will come the big tsunami and this should be on scale as the japan 2011 tsunami that was just devastating. >> so in other words you survived the earthquake but suppose you're under wreckage or debris or whatever, you have about 20 or 30 minutes before, if you're in a coastal community before a wave essentially
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swallows you up right? >> it was terrifying to be in some of these communities of, some of these communities literally don't have a place to go. they can't get high enough within 20 or 30 minutes. some of these communities have looked towards japan. what they have been doing is building those vertical evacuation buildings, strong enough to survive the earthquake and if it comes, you will be high on the roof and hopefully stay safe and dry. >> phil torres, thank you so much. for more on the cascadia fault, check out "techknow," 5:30 eastern tomorrow on al jazeera america. stop asking job applicants about their criminal history. ali velshi is looking at the top of the hour ali. >> it's called a ban the box policy, the box is the one you
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check to show if you've had a criminal record, that box could make it tougher to get a job. employers say without the box they would waste money on applicants and small companies would being hiring people. 9 eastern and 6 pacific. >> unrealistic body expectations on moms, called the fourth trimester body project. >> fourth trimester bodies project is dedicated to embracing the beauty of motherhood. our photos are creamy black and white pictures of women photographs in their underwear by themselves and their children. our ultimate goal is to celebrate a positive body image throughout all stages of life. that first three months after a
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woman has a baby, for us however that term is pretty relative and it describes any portion of a mother's life. i have heard hangups about their physical appearance and that dialogue was present in our studio on a daily basis. women feeling undmrvel their inn their skin. we talked a lot about how we could change that dialogue, when we personally worked with these women and it wasn't until i had a traumatic pregnancy that resulted in the death of one of my twin daughters an emergency cesarean delivery at 26 weeks of gestation, a healing road to recovery for both me and my surviving daughter, that made that dialogue repeat in my head, i felt less of a mother about what my body had done and what it wasn't able to do and the way
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my body looked and changed so drastically, in a short period of time and it was through owning those thoughts and ideas myself that i wanted to create a conversation surrounding them and change that dialogue. i hope that women know they're not alone that we're all okay that we're all doing the best we can that our stories are stories and we get to embrace them and once you find ownership in your experiences whatever that may be it allows to you celebrate and be proud of them. >> you can learning more about the series at fourthtrimeste next catching up with howard joins. >> when i go out on stage and i do my thing, the same flame is burning, you know. >> a pop star shares stories with us and the secret of his success. success.
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>> ♪ ♪ you can feel the punishment but you can't convince the sin ♪ ♪ and you want her >> in tonight's culture segment howard jones, known as promoting the synthesizing movement of the 1980s. today he's working harder than ever. howard jones is here with us in studio. you were a pioneer in many ways when you first made it big in the 1980s using synthesizers. how did you come up with that idea? >> i didn't want to follow what the other bands had done in the '60s or '70s. i wanted to create my own sound. and luckily, you know, all these amazing synthesizers and drum machines and stuff you could use in the studio came out. and i was able to you know sort of think of a new way of presenting these live and
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recording in the studio. >> i want to take you back to 1983, your first huge sort of break through. humans live. why was that particular album so successful? >> well, i -- it's difficult for me to say. i mean, i think it was part of that new sound that was different, you know. from what people heard before. you know it was music was made with brand-new machines, you know all these synthesizers, drum machines, it was different thinking. >> one of the groups that's out there that tries to keep musicians real are the musical critics, the journalists. >> yes. >> the media. >> yes. >> you were the subject of blistering criticism in the 1980s. [ laughter ] >> without going into detail do you have any anger to the media, why isn't he talking to the media he must hate the media.
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>> no absolutely not. you know i mean this -- one of my songs, things going to get better, says, you know, that you can -- success or failure mustn't alter your direction of travel. so if you want -- if you really want to do what you do, and you really believe that that's what you should do, if it's very successful, it's not going to throw you. if it's -- if it fails it's not going to throw you. and kind of keep -- that's always been my thing. so i thought i shouldn't read the good stuff and i shouldn't read the bad stuff. i should just believe in what i think, if i think it's not good enough, then that's enough. >> what some of the critics believe was that you were somehow not fashionable. what does that marine? >> i was mr. fashionable. i would definitely dispute that >> is that -- >> i went for it in that department. you know the whole look, to me
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being creative in music was the whole package you know, the way you looked the clothes, the videos, the way you presented yourself live and the music is all one thing. >> i want to ask you about some of the pictures that are behind us. let's actually start over on the far right, there you are on sort of longer hair and work around. what goes through your mind? especially the one in the red jacket and the red tee shirt. >> i mean it's kind of -- it takes me back to where i was in my -- what gigs i was doing. that was sort of mid-80s, 85. that's in this century. that's back,1984. and i worked with an amazing photographer called symon fowler. and it's the composition of the
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photographer really. >> some of us don't like to look back at the photos of the '80s. and you seem comfortable with it. >> i'm completely comfortable with it i honestly am. >> we all have our favorite howard jones songs and albums. what's yours? >> my favorite is hide and seek. which i performed at live aid. and it's a song that says you know hope you find it in everything, it's incredibly positive, is my message and hope you find it in everything you see and it's quite simply put, but you know it really has a lot of i feel a great you know profound message behind it. >> howard jones, thank you so much for coming in on al jazeera america, we appreciate it. >> thank you very much, it's a pleasure, thanks. >> howard jones is currently touring north america in support of his new album, engaged.
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and that is our news for this hour. thanks for watching, everybody, i'm david schuster, ali velshi is next on al jazeera america. america. >> i'm ali velshi. "on target" tonight, the push to ban the box, plus homeless heroes. a street level look at the battle to get america's most vulnerable veterans back into society. >> friday's blockbuster jobs report shows the u.s. economy has
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