tv World News Al Jazeera November 9, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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this is our american story. this is america tonight. >> bombshell report. >> we found coverups, we found destruction of samples in the laboratories. we found payments of money in order to conceal doping tests. >> russian athletes accused of doping for years. supported by their government. now could be banned from the olympics. mending fences? >> i want to thank you again for your hospitality but even more so for sustaining and
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strengthening the tremendous friendship and allies between descream and the uniteisrael anf america. thank you very much. >> after months of lies a conciliatory tone at the white house. madam governor. >> she cares about our people and our home land. >> a rare female in afghanistan, denice tradition to survive. >> and moving art, a new combination shows how andrew calder transformed american sculpture. >> good evening i'm antonio mora. this is al jazeera america. we begin with the prospect of russian athletes having to sit out next year's olympic games,
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russia accused of helping its athletes cheat drug tests. the report recommended lifetime bans for a number of athletes and coaches from the russian freas. thafederation. that includes two women who medals at the 2012 games in london. the russian sports minister says the evidence does not support the games. another official called it a politically motivated statement. al jazeera's paul reese reports from geneva. >> in the swiss sunshine a dark day for the world of athletics. the world antidoping agency wada, returned its verdict. >> our recommendation is that the russian federation be suspended. >> and if it doesn't fix problem, no russian athletes at
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the 2016 rio games. >> there is a deep culture of doping, a wad a accredited lab is accused of destroying samples and the country's own antidoping agency seems to help dopers avoid detection. >> goes beyond one sport and one country. >> simply can't be only russia and only athletics. we know there's a problem of doping from the positive tests but in lots of other sports and lots of other countries. we want to make it clear that our mandate was pretty narrow. russia, athletics. but there's no renal to believe it's only athletics and there's no reason to believe it's only russia. >> the commission was only formed due to a documentary on german television a year ago.
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russian sporting authorities have remained defiant denying doping was endemic. >> translator: this is an attempt made to cast a shadow over all of russian sport. it is unacceptable. i can assure you that russian sport is one of the leaders in the world in fighting doping. >> athletics doping authority iaaf has begun to take action. sebastian coe has called for his agency to consider a ban, coe faces a battle to lead the sports of telecommunications back into the light. paul reese, al jazeera, geneva. >> iaaf president sebastian coe spoke to al jazeera. >> i've asked the russian federation, the athletics federation to answer the allegations made today in the pound report. i've asked my council to convene on friday this week.
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we will review what they have said. and then we will look at the next steps which could include sanction. >> can you foreis a a situation now where russia is suspended, can you foresee any other option other than suspension? >> i can't presuppose what my council will say. i sought the right to contact the russian federation about this situation and i know they take this very seriously. >> do you think this is the biggest situation in the history of sport? >> i don't benchmark issues that way. accountable dpm there are failings in our antidoping systems, we will fix them. if there are failings in the corporate governances, that allowed the criminal allegations
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earlier in the week to be made, i will effectivel fix those. >> how sure are you that these have gone beyond the athletes and the coaches and there has been cheating? >> this is a 320 page report. we'll have to absorb that and there will lessons. i want to take those lessons. i want to hear what the athletics federation in russia is actually saying in answer to those allegations. >> do you think there's a chance of russian athletes not competing in the rio olympics next year. >> we will be moving quickly on this. >> rory challands from moscow. >> the first report we had was from a russian agency, that said
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wada's allegation he, russia does have a problem with doping it's never tried hide this. and as afternoon example of and as an example of russia doing things properly. it gave a list of russian antidoping agencies have accused of using substances. but at the heart of the wada allegations, resada has been severely compromised and wants to be declared noncomploint. noncompliant. vitale muko says it was under the stipulations established by wada itself. vitale has not properly reed prd this report.
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he asked for a lot of detail saying that it's not there. well actually if you read the report there's a lot of detail on these specific allegations, is contained in the report. now, luca says that russia will comply with any recommendations that are made by the iaaf, the international athletics federation but it is also i think fairly obvious that richard pound who was the head of the wada investigation, does not actually trust vitali muko. as sports minister he must have known what was going on, in russian doping. and if he knew about it, then he was complicit in it. >> rory challands reporting from moscow. a shift in tone from russia. prime minister dimitri me medve,
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said that a missile could have brought down the metro jet over sinai last month. there is strong evidence that the bomb blew the jet out of the sky. the fbi is offering its assistance to egyptian and russian investigators. russian president vladimir putin held a meeting with his defense officials today. he touted russia's success in the syrian air campaign. at the same time russia confirmed it is sending advanced air missiles to iran, the deal arrived after the nuclear deal. syrian activists are accusing the assad regime with targeting with barrel bombs. video of one of the attacks is posted today, purports to show a barrel bomb hitting the rebel
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city of doraya. the white house today strongly condemned the killing of two americans at a u.s. training facility in amman jordan. by a jordanian police officer. president obama says the u.s. takes this act very seriously and says officials will work closely with the jordanians to investigate. al jazeera's rosiland jordan has more from washington. >> the country of jordan is not considered a war zone by any stretch of the imagination. that's why the shooting at a police training facility just outside downed amman is so shocking. authorities are trying to figure out why a veteran police investigator opened fire, gunman apparently was killed during a shootout with local authorities. but they don't understand how something like this could happen in a facility that has been open
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since 2003, for purpose of training iraqi and other police forces around the middle east. while the u.s. has been accustomed to the notion of so-called green on blue attacks during the wars in iraq and in afghanistan, it's never had to deal with something like this in a country that it considers a very close ally, certainly there are going to be many questions that have to be answered and they're hoping they can do so quickly. >> rosiland jordan reporting from washington. president obama's plan to close guantanamo bay prison may be closer to becoming reality. officials at the pentagon tell al jazeera that abx supermax prison duplicated the alcatraz of the rockies, still 112 detainees at guantanamo bay. officials say the decision has not been finalized. president obama is likely to submit his plan to close guantanamo to congress as soon
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military officials say they discovered the secret passage ways in october. they announced the destruction this weekend as palestinian president mahmoud abbas was in cairo, meeting with abdel fatah al-sisi, at a border checkpoint in the west bank israeli soldiers killed a palestinian woam who approachepalestinianwha knife. 12 israelis have been killed by palestinians, 75 palestinians have been killed by israelis. after months of tension and disagreements, a conciliatory tone was struck. the two leaders met face to face for the first time in more than a year. in the face to face segment, al jazeera ax patty culhane.
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easy reports. >> outside the white house, heated debate about the israeli-palestinian conflict. >> they started, don't ask me because you are brainwashed. >> welcome once again. >> but inside a much calmer tone as the two leaders tried to accepted a message of unity on the issue. >> i want to be very clear that we conindex in the strongest terms palestinian violence against innocent israeli citizens. and i want to repeat once again, it is my strong belief that israel has not just the right but the obligation to protect itself. >> i want to make it clear that we have not given up our hope for peace. we will never give up our hope for peace and i remain committed to a vision of peace of two states for two peoples, a demilitarized palestinian state that recognizes the jewish state. >> the obama administration says it's knot so hopeful.
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>> a two state solution was not going to happen while president obama was still in office and even the possibility of talks about a two state solution between the israelis and palestinians was unlikely over the course of the next 14 or 15 months. however, if there is an opportunity, for us to try to move the process in that direction, short of talks, that's something that the united states remains committed to. >> whatever netanyahu may say -- >> middle east analyst matt duff. >> there is still the question of what might be done multilaterally. i think that leaves open the option of action at the u.n, security council action on settlements, or laying out what the final resolution to the conflict might look like. there's still options open that would put the situation in a better footing than it is now. >> that would be politically dangerous for the u.s. president because the majority of americans do not agree with what
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protester wants to see happen. >> we can ask the united states to stop supporting them with billions of dollars to support the israeli government and put more pressure on the illegal settlements. >> public the white house wa set the conversation was about giving them more money above what the u.s. has already promised every year. the new higher amount would be guaranteed for a decade. patty culhane, al jazeera, washington. >> arab foreign ministers gathered today. >> we meet today to decide what can be done practically to stop these crimes and violations and to protect our holy sites and our palestinian sons from these racist crimes that require us to stand up and be firm to put pressure on the international community to take responsibility towards these crimes. >> the arab minister says the world needs to hold israel
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accountable for its actions. they also call for the implementation of u.n. security council resolutions concerning actions. restated his commitment to achieving a two state solution but recent polls suggest many palestinians believe the goal of reaching a peaceful solution is almost impossible. al jazeera's stefanie dekker has hor from bethlehem. >> in the heart of bethlehem, assam manages his shop as he has for decades. like so many others he expects nothing from the meeting between the israeli miements prime ministeprime minister andthe u.. >> our cause may be the last thing they discuss. they have different priorities. >> reporter: by chance we bump into the u.s. consul general
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visiting bethlehem. the united states funds various projects here but despite the efforts of u.s. secretary of state john kerry over the last few years to move forward with a peace process nothing has been achieved. vera babon says that adds to the strains on the street. >> this peace process means a decision for a state of palestine. for many it might be nothing but for us, which we live here, it means able to live, ability to lead life within a statehood. up until now liberally speaking we are still under occupation. >> reporter: this street last become a stage i for daily confrontations. the overwhelming feeling, the international community is not putting enough pressure on
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israel to end its occupation. >> for asim. >> stabbing is carried out by individuals who live under occupation. i don't know what the end of this is, but even, you will have israels living in israel and palestinians living in the west bank. one of the two sides will finish the other off. >> people in bethlehem have become disillusioned over this talk. barack obama writing with it a real sense of hope. seven years on the white house recently announced there would be no two state solution during the rest of obama's term. it hasn't surprised anyone here. stefanie dekker, al jazeera, bethlehem in the occupied west bank. >> joining us from newton, massachusetts is doug waxman co-director of the middle east
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center at northwestern university. doug good to see you. after all the recriminations back and fort for so long, it seemed to me that netanyahu and obama seemed almost warm and fuzzy. >> i won't go so far as warm and fuzzy. this is certainly a more positive show of the relationship, and their body language, their gestures, their statements did seem to at least make the impression that they were trying to put the past year behind them and to look like they were getting on better, i'm not sure whether implied that is still not case. >> netanyahu had some reasons the look nice. he's looking for another ten year defense deal with the united states and a big bump in money. >> that's right. he had not only a big ask from the president in terms of this u.s. defense aid, he's hoping
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for at least $5 billion a year in the new memorandum of understanding, in the new agreement that united states and israel will hope to sign by 2012018, despite the rancor ands confrontational tactics, the israeli-u.s. relations remain strong. he had a big reason to show the relationship positive. president obama has his own domestic political reasons to appear on good terms with prime minister netanyahu. >> prime minister was quite forceful today about saying he supports the two state solution. >> well, rhetorically, he reiterated his commitment to that but didn't specify when he would like to see a palestinian state come into being. in that sense he doesn't mark a departure from his previous
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statements. he said he didn't want a palestinian state while on his watch in the next few years. at some point in the future. this is classic netanyahu rhetoric than any substantive change. >> as stefanie dekker said the peace process for now is dead and likely to remain dead even during netanyahu's term. >> a constant sore point between him and president obama and now that obama has himself acknowledged that a palestinian state is not going to come into being in the next couple of years, there's likely to be any peace talks between the israelis and the palestinians, that's exactly what he wanted to hear. that doesn't marine that the united states isn't going to keep on ensuring that at least israel can maintain the possibilities of a situation.
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>> one of the biggest sources of tension between the two men have been the nuclear deal with raul. neither of them wants iran to get nuclear weapons but today, russia says it's moving ahead with selling sophisticated surface to air missiles to iran. that would make bombing raids, something that netanyahu has threatened, something much riskier. do you think that cast a shadow over today's meeting? >> that is certainly part of the dhafertion the two leaderconvero leaders were having. american military equipment particularly these f-35 aircraft that could get around this new improved iranian air defense system if that's what they received from the talked. the kind of military acknowledge
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but first a look at th >> welcome back to al jazeera america, i'm antonio mora. coming up in this half hour of international news a united nations warning about the danger of genocide in burundi. but first a look at the stories making headlines across the u.s. in our american minute. >> two louisiana marshals charged with the death of a six-year-old boy appeared in court today. they are accused of killing the driver's son. the would i was buried today. university of missouri system president tim wolfe stepped down today, after a vow from the
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school's football team to not play. the university's chancellor is leaving his current post and will transition into new position next year. sea world will introduce a new show that emphasizes conservation. so far, no show announcements he been made about oar orca shows. >> preliminary evidence is that myanmar's elections, people celebrated in the streets ef yangon, mostly free elections in decades of military rool. florence looi reports from yango
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then. >> bold predictions, a day after a historic election in myanmar. nld, on the streets of yangon people weren't shy about saying who they want in government. >> i want to see nld lead this country. that's why i voted nld. >> i want aunt ea suu to lead this country. >> if aung san suu kyi leads us the country will be better. >> five years ago when myanmar was still under military rule, few would have dared to have mentioned the former political prisoner aung san suu kyi. now her party could form the next government. >> translator: until this time the election results have not been declared. i think everyone already knows or has guessed what the election result is. >> myanmar's election commission is expected to announce the
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final results in two weeks. >> translator: the 2015 general election was a peaceful one it can be seen that it was held peacefully and successfully. >> there is a lot of concern about the uec particularly its impartiality. the chair is a former military man, openly proclaimed that he was hoping that usvp would win the election. >> it will become clear in the coming days whether this election was carried out in a credible way. but the fact that the election was carried out openly, is progress for a country that only five years ago was a military dictatorship. florence looi, al jazeera, yangon. >> lawmakers in catalonia have voted to secede from spain. central government in madrid says secession is a violation of
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spain's constitution. spanish government says they will take to spain's constitutional court. a leader of the kurdish people's democratic party is accusing recep tayyip erdogan of trieg ttrying to create a constitutional dictatorship. his opponents say the move is just a power grab. >> we have not changed our policy regarding the presidency. because akp, constitutional dictatorship, that merges everything into a sim hand. we woulsingle hand.
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we would have to be out of our minds to accept this. >> more than a million syrian are living in turkey. hundreds of thousands of syrian children in turkey are being denied one of their basic rights, an education. al jazeera's omar al saleh reports from istanbul. >> abraham is 13 years old. his family escaped aleppo two years ago. he looks younger because his bones are not growing normally. he left school two years ago, he earns about $3 a day working 12 hours as a porter. he tells me misses his schools and friends. he wants to be the man his plox can rely on. mom can rely on. u.n. and turkish statistics show there are over 1.7 million
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syrian refugees. at least 700,000 are schoolchildren. many of them become illegal workers in city about a todays. many arbaz areaboubazaars.many d sending their children to schools in fact a lot of them rely on their children to work to provide a living. education is not a priority for many here. earning an income and sustaining a living are the means to survive. human rights watch warns of dire consequences and urges the international community to do more. >> there is a risk of losing a generation. if you look at syrians both inside the country and outside the country who are out of school, the number are
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staggering. in syria before the war began primary school enrollment was 99% which is basically universal and secondary enforcement was very high gender parity was very good and so when you look at the risk of these kids having their futures laid out before them that is very uncertain, i think there is a generation that has been decimated by syria's war. >> forcing many to put their future on hold. omar al saleh, al jazeera, istanbul. a warning that a refugee crisis is about to begin in iraq. the u.n. says it has identified potential sites for refugee camps. more than 3 million iraqis have
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been displaced by fighting. the priority is to prepare for harsh winter. australia, restoring order, immigration foirnlings are offie working with detainees after the death of an iranian detainee who escaped over the weekend. >> these are people who theoretically are staying on christmas island choosing not to come back to new zealand. now the risk that they actually damage their own appeals because they undertake other criminal activity. i don't know all the rights and wrongs of the issue and i certainly haven't argued that new zealand should, hard to say how they're making their cases any better. >> authorities have regained control of the detention facility. a big blow tonight to president
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obama's plan to protect millions of undocumented immigrants. a federal appeals court tonight rejected a series of executive actions announced by the president last year. the president said he was trying to make it easier for those immigrants to live and work in the u.s. the fifth circuit court in new orleans rejected that effort. that could open the door for supreme court to hear the case this term. a warning that burundi is moving into a rwanda type genocide. after people protested the president's eventually election to a a third term, observers say statements from the government leaders suggest ethnic genocide is iminept. >> the president of the senate recently ordered local authorities to identify and i quote, elements which are not in order, end quote and to report them to the police for them to be dealt with.
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he also called on the police to get ready to finish the work. >> security forces are reportedly going door to door in opposition strongholds looking for government critics. france is threatening sanctions against burundi. >> south african president jacob zuma is under fire for wanting to buy a presidential jet, the old jet needs to be replaced, he says but what zuma wants is wasteful. when the economy is struggling. to let the public know as much as possible about the jet without compromising security. resulted in the deaths of some 50 fighters this weekend, as violence continues in parts of the country, many places are trying move forward. the central province of gore is led buy new female governor. it is a rare position for any
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afghan woman, sema joyenda has to struggle to prove women can lead. jennifer glasse has the story. >> she's the first female governor of gore province. she knows to do that the province needs proper and adequate security. >> translator: you have encouraged us that with your help we can build, develop, we can promote education and advance all other parts of the lives of the people of gore province. the security that you're providing us helps us work. >> and she welcomes the fact that there are women forces present. they appreciate her, too. >> we were in our homes a few years ago, we could not go out. now that we have a female governor she should honestly serve us. >> reporter: on this day the
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soldiers are demonstrating how they would get hostile fighters out of an afghan home. joyanda says many hide within the population. the governor says she tries to get among the population as much as she can. not just staying in her office. she makes surprise visits to ministries to check attendances. to make sure people are doing their jobs. and as winter approaches she checks that hop keeper keepers t overcharging for food an clothes so the people of gore can afford them. >> even though she's a woman we're very proud that she cares about the problems of our people and our home land. >> joyenda also has her opponents. several have called for her to be fired. that's because she's a woman. the head of the problemsial
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council denies that. >> we hope to god this governor will be replaced, she doesn't have enough education, she does everything her own way. she doesn't want advice. >> she says the officials oppose her because they wanted to businesses on government land and she wouldn't let them. they never gave me any advice for the development of the people's lives. >> joyenda is from here. she will do her best despite the challenges here. if she doesn't, the critics will say she failed because she was a woman. jennifer glasse, al jazeera, gore province afghanistan.
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>> off the coast of yemen a small island is being pull eld by a rare back to back cyclone. it is second major storm to hit socotra in as many weeks. winds from cyclone meg hit at 125 miles per hour, equivalent to a category 3 hurricane. 50,000 people are already displaced because of last week's storms and dozens continue to be killed by the war there. killer robots, how close are we to a world with machines designed to kill without human guidance? and later, a profile of an american artist that changed the way the world thinks about sculpture. doctors stopped a study, the numbers are staggering.
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preemtifl ban thei preemptively ban their use. jaikd hajake ward has more. >> if a commander set win of these robots loose and people died, there would be no one to blame. we would be simply living in a world where you could casually promoting a robot and this never happened again. how close we are to a world like this. all branches of the u.s. military are trying to figure out how to use robots to be more efficient. navy ran this exercise in virginia in which a single highly valuable boat was protected by 13 smaller boats
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that carried weapons, sirens, flashing lights but no people. they're completely autonomous, robot boats. when the vessel encountered an enemy vessel, opened fire. pilots are often the weak link in air combat that's why the navy has commissioned x-47b, an autonomous aircraft, the idea is that a group of these aircraft could be dispatched on very long range, very dangerous missions carrying bombs bigger than current drones could carry and flying as fast as regular fighter aircraft. you wouldn't have to worry about losing a human pilot and a robot could maneuver better, because there's no worry about g forces
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causing the pilot to black out. but the line everyone's worried about crossing is the actual pulling of the trigger. they can make recommendations as to wish targets oengage but the robots aren't pulling the trigger yet. the flex step would be a robot that does everything, with the human sitting there and being a veto vote at the end of the process. it's already sticky enough when you have a robot that can do everything except actually pull the trigger. what human rights watch and other organizations are worried about here is that we're entering a new world, a world in which the robot takes care of everything in the kill chain including the actual killing itself and human beings kind of sit there half awake with a finger over a button that says cancel. >> we are joined by peter asaro, peter very good to have you with us. let's start with the basic question, why not? why should these robots not
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exist? >> i think there's a number of reasons to really be concerned about the development of fully autonomous weapons systems. i think there's a moral issue whether we want to delegate the killing of people to machines. there are questions of human rights and hie and human dignitt are funnel. two-thirds of the population are against these kinds of machines. there's also practical concerns and legal concerns. >> what about the devil's advocate question, what if it got to the point where these robots were able to clearly identify their targets, they were able to be proportional in their attacks not cause significant suffering or collateral damage? at that point would that these days be allowed under international humanitarian law? >> well, i think there's a degree of vagueness in international humanitarian law which of course we're trying to
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close that window. so there's a possibility of a gray area or a loophole, where there's nobody who's really accountable for these -- the actions that these machines take or the atrocities they might commit. we've seen that a bit already with drones and targeted killing and some legal debate around how the law is applied in those cases. >> so where do you draw the the line on autonomy? >> firing weapons without human supervision, what we're requiring for is a norm, there has to be a human that is making that decision, responsible for that condition or has meaningful control over the weapons before they can kill people. >> did everything until the
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absolute last minute where it needed some human to sa say sho, don't you have the danger of the software to be changed to allow the robot to be fully autonomous,. >> everything can be a cyber attack away from whoever created it. >> beyond nonstate actors, you have the meeting of conventional weapons, most of the countries in the world are a party to it. but what happens if all those countries agree but some don't? and these bad actors decide to go ahead and develop this, doesn't that then put the good countries at risk? >> i think you run into similar situations as we did with chemical weapons and biological weapons in which there may be states that don't want to go along with the convention
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president but once you get the majority of the world behind something it brks international laws and norms and expectations of states that are new hampshire appropriate. there's consequences. >> isn't there a consequence that the threshold of going to war, you're a president, commander of an army, that war will come more easily? >> it would definitely he lower the barriers of the consequences of using military force in conflicts where you know we see already with certain remote weapons, the idea that air war could be safer than ground war. it doesn't necessary without political consequences. >> any big inroad in this week? >> i hope we see inroads toward more formal negotiations and a treaty that could establish a new norm that would be binding on the states and prevent the development of these kinds of
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weapons. >> we'll keep covering the story, we've covered it before, peter asaro. good to have you with us, thanks. >> now our global news segment, if frankfurter, russian athletics, international olympic committee president must act quickly and decisively to ensure athletics don't lose their last vestiges of credibility. under the headline magnificent election in myanmar, india's the hindu writes, there are many great challenges ahead for myanmar including solving ethnic and religious conflicts. and the times of london offers this editorial cartoon showing russian president vladimir putin laying a wreath of the victims of plane crash, saying what kind of a rat blows hundreds of
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civilians out of the sky? and then, putin, with a rat's tail hanging out of his coat. you might not know his name but you know what alexander calderth vented. the mobile. jessica baldwin reports. >> the environment is controlled, no breezes wafting by. alexander calder wanted his moiblemobiles to move slowly. looking at his progression from wire sculpture to works that move on their own. calder turned sculpture on its
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head. before he arrived, sculpture was made of marble. >> calder took the work away from something static and solid and he brings it out into the cammary, out into the space. >> calder was a gregarious larger than life character and the works delight in their happiness. but his grandson remembers a very intense artist. >> when he was at work, the studio was silent, he never had an assistant once in his career. he didn't kid around, he was very focused. >> the great works of modern art and the shows are widely attended. >> there is a joyfulness
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playfulness in his work. >> the show ends in 1948 with black widow, but calder continued working until his death in 1976. leaving a legacy of 6,000 works all carefully balanced to glide in the air, are providing great entertainment. jessica baldwin, al jazeera. impressive anomalies in the 4500-year-old burr yalt structures. the ano anomalies, could resultm various reasons. an early 20th century painting of an outstretched nude woman sold for more than $170 million at christy's auction house.
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♪ good evening. i am antonio morro. this is "al jazeera america." fighting racism force a major university president to resign. tonight, the demand for more action. deadly stop. questions after a 6-year-old is allegedly shot to death by police. why those officers are home tonight and a parent's loss. closing guantanamo. where prisoners should be transferred and when that c
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