tv News Al Jazeera November 10, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm EST
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>> hello, this is the news hour live from london. coming up, laying the groundwork, representatives of dozens of countries meet in paris ahead of crucial climate talks. russian lab at the center of the doping scandal shuts down, as moscow rejects allegations of state sponsored drug cheating among its athletes. aung san suu kyi insists she will call the shots in aung san suu kyi despite being barred from the presidency.
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>> parliament rejects austerity policies in portugal. all the sport including the latest on the growing corruption crise involving german football over bribes for votes to host the 2006 world cup. we're making progress but still have a huge amount of hard work ahead of us. those are the words of the french foreign minister as his country prepares to host some of the most important climate talks in recent times. before that summit against in three weeks, foreign ministers from around the world tried to settle on a deal beleapt, the aim to limit global warming to two degrees celsius, scientists say anything above that will have irreversible consequences
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across the world. greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have reached a new high, warning the resulting climate change is already moving the world into unchartered territory. we have a report from paris. >> the goal of the climate summit in paris is to fix a limit for global warming, no more than two degrees celsius high are than temperatures before the industrial revolution. currently, the planet is heading for a rice of about five degrees, and that would have catastrophic consist presence particularly for the world's most vulnerable communities. >> an additional 100 million people risk falling into extreme poverty between now and 2030 if there are not immediate efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. >> the u.s. secretary of state has spoken about the danger of climate change leading to conflict. >> we all need to ensure that we are taking steps to prevent
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competition, new competition from leading to conflict. the bottom line is that the impacts of climate change can exacerbate tom addition and ignite conflict especially in place with economic and social stress. >> given the urgency, french officials say there is an absolute obligation to reach an agreement in paris next month, and as host of the summit, the french also have a lot of prestige at stake. >> in order to reach a deal, individual countries have to commit to curb their emissions from burning fossil fuels. this is a big challenge since economies all over the world are still heavily reliant on coal. switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy is the goal, but that costs money.
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poorer countries want the developed world to give them financial help so they can invest in clean technology to cult their greenhouse gas emissions. >> urgency means that we are coming to the loft possibility to turn the emissions that have continued and still continue today to increase. we have to get them to the point where they turn the corner and begin to deepen. >> the message is clear, if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, global warming will pass the point of no return. the clock is ticking for word leaders to reach an agreement and implement it. jacky rowland, al jazeera, paris. >> we heard from the u.s. secretary of state john kerry in the report. let's hear more about his comments from washington, d.c. he uses quite big terms when he
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talked about climate change being a security threat. >> that's right, the way that john kerry is making this argument is a bit subtle, but you can see the logic. if there is instability, because there is drought, because there are food shortages, because military's have to spend much more money in order to retrofit their military bases and their port, then that's a lot of money that could go towards relieving the suffering of other people, and then you have the resultant anxious sites that result from that and what the secretary of state is arguing is that those anxieties could lead to political instability or make it possible for extra state actors, such as isil or al-qaeda to try to take advantage of the situation, and that is how he's arguing this is as much a matter of national security as it is
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about simple survival for the word. >> president obama made this a legacy issue. tell us how he's approaching this meeting. >> well, what they're looking for is to try to get some sort of deal out of paris as basically a floor for future action. they don't want to try to make this the end game as it were for trying to address the issues of global warming. certainly when you have the secretary of state who is making this speech inside the united states to a very domestic audience, that is in effect trying to build some of the political momentum for trying to support an international deal. there is of course, a real wrist in this country over being a party to national deals, however, what john kerry is doing is using things such as last week's decision to not allow the key stone x.l. pipeline to be built inside the united states as a way of demonstrating that the united states is not only committed to making certain that its citizens
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have the energy that they need, but also have a clean environment in which to live. by making these speeches here in the united states, it's really a way of sending a signal to the r congress that the president is trying to do something about global warming and it would be better if the u.s. congress supported the administration as he head into paris in three weeks. >>s russian government is fighting accusations that is operated a state sponsored doping program. the report is being questioned which recommends russia be suspended from global athletics. >> rain fell on moscow's olympic complex, fitting weather for the current mood. this is a legacy from soviet days when doping scandals were common. those days seem to be back and russia could soon find itself
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cast out of world athletics. >> of course it would be an enormous blow. i repeat once again, we hope for common sense from the international association athletics federation council members who first of all must work in the interests of our sport. >> the russian athletics federation has until thursday to respond to the allegations of state endorsed doping an i.aaf council decision on whether to ban russia is expect over the weekend. it's a move some top athletes support. >> i do think that their actions, it needs to be strong action now, and never want to have to penalize even one innocent athlete, which might happen in this case but because of the scale and level, i think it's a level that has to be taken. >> in moscow, the world anti doping accusation have taken a siege mety. >> this is the official address
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of the anti doping laboratory stripped of its accreditation. it is said that here athletes paid bribes to have their contaminated samples made additional appear. we have tried to get inside and speak to someone from this organization, but security led us away. >> the anti doping agency suggested the report had an anti russia agenda. >> some of the questions have a special sharpness to them and are threatically loaded. >> it's perhaps difficult to feel anything but gloom on this bleak damp day, but this sports journalist is trying to be optimistic. >> i think we should now go the same way that we went in football just 10 years ago, and we should appoint an independent foreign head of anti doping system to exclude any of this
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kind of allegation. >> but it was igor's paper that has called the publication of wada's report perhaps the darkest day in the history of russian athletics. al jazeera, moscow. >> let's speak now to barry, the professor are sports politics. he has done research for wada in the past. we heard the international olympic committee asking the iaaf to start disciplinary action against athletes accused of doping in this report. do you think that's actually going to happen? >> i think so. i don't think the iaaf has any choice. it's got to be seen to be on the front foot on this issue, and taking this as the first step to cleaning up its own organization, so with the strength of the evidence in the report, i think for the iaaf not to take an energetic line in investigating the allegations, i
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think would damage the organization even more than it's been damaged already. >> what about the reaction from the russians? we heard from the russian athletics federation. they say there are very few fresh fact and the problem of doping had been tack would. is that a reaction you would have expected and do they have a point? >> well, in the famous frame, they would say that have been wouldn't they? what other action have they got except denial? i think the evidence is very strong. i think it's a misjudgment to simply deny the evidence or to see it as a non-russian conspiracy against russian athletes. i think this is an opportunity for russian athletics to start again to clean up its organization, but i'm not surprised that it's -- the denials have come so strongly. i also think that the denials coming from the government level are indicative of the fact that this is the national federations
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in russia are dominate by the government, just in the same way that the anti doping agency and the laboratory, i think, are directed by the government that russia is not a country that allows independent organizations to operate freely, particularly in an area so sensitive i have and so diplomatically important as national sporting success. >> do you think it has to change as a result of this? >> i think so. it's improved significantly over the years, competition testing was a major breakthrough, but it's still quite difficult to test athletes truly out of competition without giving them some indication of an advanced warning, particularly in russia, where you need a visa before you can enter. if you apply for a visa, that
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gives a month, two month time to make sure shows athletes are clean. for the world anti doping agency to send its control officers truly unexpectedly to athletes, i think is really difficult. i think the science also makes it more complicated, that you can now micro dose with many types of steroids, which makes the steroids can be in and out of the body very quickly in deed. it adds an extra complexity where you might need fairly rapid retesting of athletes if you are going to catch them out, so there are some real challenges, but i do think that the significant challenges are not those of doping control, they're not the challenges of the laboratory. they're the challenges of the will and determination of governments and of international federations to do their best to ensure drug-free sport or at least that coaching is extremely
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difficult, rather than i think conniving in it, which is what the russian government is alleged to be doing at the moment. i think the evidence is quite strong. >> professor, thank you very much indeed for your thoughts on the subject. >> meanwhile, opposition leader aung san suu kyi reiterated her plan to call the shots in the countries incoming government. new results from sunday's historic election show aung san suu kyi's party heading for a win. she is barred congressly barred from becoming president. >> why should it affect the functions of the government? >> because there will be a government if run properly.
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the president will be told exactly what he can do. >> the aung san suu kyi election was understands not to be flawless but was free of irregularities. >> she's one of the new faces of politics in aung san suu kyi, she was a political activist turned business woman and now soon to be a member of parliament. >> this is not the end of the journey, it's just the beginning of the journey to call for the better way for the society. >> she's also a face of hope for the people in her constituency where she beat one of the ruling party heavyweights in the election on sunday. >> i think she can do everything for us. i believe she can fulfill everyone's wishes in this constituency. >> i voted for her because she can improve our lives. i think she can deliver better
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education and health care. >> there was much concern about the prospect of cheating before the election. the ruling union solidarity and development party is after all made up of many former generals who ran the country for half a century. many worried whether they are ready to relinquish more control. while the election process wasn't perfect, it seems to be free of major irregularities. >> the process went better than many expected beforehand. it is also true, however that more is needed, more reforms are needed to ensure that truly genuine elections can take place in the future. >> the european union wants an end to the military being guaranteed a quarter of seats in parliament. the n.l.d. is on track to form the next government, but there
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are many challenges ahead. the army will remain a very powerful political force and after enduring 50 years of dictatorship, a lack of trust in the military will take a long time to erode. >> the army will maintain control of three key ministries and have veto power over any constitutional changes. >> actually, this should be a concern of all of us, because we still have to negotiate and make the compromise. >> there will also be questions about the n.l.d.'s ability to run the country, but in areas where the results are being confirmed, people are celebrating a change they believe will lead to a better myanmar. >> coming up later, why turkey's hopes of joining the european union appear to be fading. an egyptian journalist is
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freed, but two others detained. >> it's pretty hard to swallow. >> in sport, we'll hear from athletes who believe they were cheated out of medals by russian dopers. syrian government forces have broken the siege of an air boys east of aleppo. it had been surrounded by isil for nearly two years. at least 22 people have been killed and 40 injured in two explosions. the state t.v. said two mortar rounds hit the east of the city, which is a stronghold of bashar al assad. we have the latest from neighboring lebanon. >> undoubtedly a significant gain for the syrian government and its allies. they have managed to lift the seize on the air base. this facility was besieged by
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isil for two years now. soldiers advanced inside the base, joined up with the forces inside and now are trying to secure the facility. we understand from the syrian observatory for human rights that isil is sending military reinforcements from its stronghold in raqqa to aleppo. will they launch a counter offensive, with him the government hold ground? well, we will have to wait and see, but for the moment, this is a significant gain. the government can use this facility as a launching pad, beknow one of its objectives really is retake territory it lost in aleppo as well as in the city. we have tomorrow there are many front lines in this war and the government has not made much advances really on other front lines against opposition groups. the very fact that more fors landed in the city which is a stronghold of the government, really shows that the government wasn't able to push the rebels back.
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we have tomorrow that i wants like this have happened in the past, but this is the first time since russian militarily i understander vend in the conflict. the fact that rebels managed to launch mortars mean they're still close by. the objective are the russians as well as the syrians on the ground was to push the rebels back. we know many civilians were killed and injured, so an ongoing war is i intensifying. syrians involved in the conflict still have a lot of disagreements. >> ire strikes have killed 15 people near damascus. women, children and more than 100 people were injured. field hospitals are full and some civilians are still trapped inside buildings. there's been fighting between forces on the ground on the outskirts of douma. >> the newly formed alliance
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came together to outvote the government after strict austerity measures. portugal is still recovering economically and will receive $87 billion in bailouts in exchange for that austerity program. we are joined by a political scientists at the university of lisbon. >> the program was rejected, a new government has to be formed. the president has to decide who is going to appoint the new government. in all likelihood, it will be the leader of the socialist party and basically, we know the terms of the agreement between these parties will not involve a coalition between the socialists and other party.
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>> are they likely to scrap austerity measures? >> what we know about the terms of the agreement is that there was really a compromise between what the socialists wanted and what the parties to the left of the socialists wanted. the socialists have already proposed to withdraw some of the previous cuts made by the current government, including cuts in social services, pensions, a number of other cuts have been made. they wanted to do it more slowly, but parties to the left of the socialists wanted to do it faster. what we know about the measures is that there is a compromise. >> how will this affect relationships with europe? >> what we heard so far is that
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any government who gets power by legitimate means is a legitimate government. i guess the questions that follow are several, the first question is how exactly will these measures affect the ability of portugal to meet the goals that have been agreed and that are part of the budget. the socialists are saying they will still be able to meet those targets, that some people are saying they are based on very optimistic assumptions and this will have to stand the test of time. it's not clear and the figures are not -- the forecasts are not public yet, that's one topic, the other topic is the position of these integration, the socialist party has been a moderate center left party. the agreement with the parties does not question the euro, the bucketry treaty. we know there is criticism from
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the left block and economists and i think that if these policies do not endanger those tarts, these issues would not come to the fore, but if reality, external shocks or if the forecasts are not correct, then of course, within this agreement, the tensions will begin to show. >> ok, thank you very much indeed for joining us from the university of lisbon. >> britons prime minister has given details of the reforms he would like to see in the european union ahead of britain's membership in the block, including protection from closer e.u. integration. formal talks on the renegotiation are expected as a summit in december. we have most of from both the in and out camps. >> will we stay or will we go, the question that will dominate british politics as a referendum approaches on e.u. membership. on tuesday, prime minister david cameron began his campaign to
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renegotiate the terms of britons membership, something that he hopes will convince voters to stay. >> i have every confidence that we will achieve an agreement that works for britain and works for our european parliament and if and when we do so, i will campaign to keep britain inside a reformed european union. >> broadly, cameron believe that is britain should be allowed to limit welfare payments to e.u. migrants and refugees for a period of four years after they arrive, so opt out of certain e.u. laws especially closer european integration and have protection for the financial services sector in the city of london. with opinion polls showing a narrow lead for the out campaign, both sides are gearing up for a fight. >> the whole point is that you ask for a lot and you're prepared to accept less. the only substantial thing asked for is a change to migrant
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benefits but even on that he said he's prepared to be flexible and everything else can be on a piece of paper from the french and germans as a promise of changing the treaties in years to come. >> what do you think is the defining argument to stay? >> that we're better in, that going out carries with it unknown, unknowable risks, so it's better given that as cameron has demonstrated, we can push the european union in a more british direction. >> opponents argue that david cameron's demands are trivial, already well rehearsed in the hallways of brussels and likely to be met more or less. the reforms won't do enough to alter the balance of powers between brussels and westminster. >> among european leaders, the likes of german chancellor angela merkel believes to deal
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can be done, that will have to be then judged by the british voter. al jazeera, london. >> still to come on al jazeera, why refugees in hong kong continue to live in limbo even after their status officially recognized. >> lead to printing is changing the face are aircraft manufacturing. >> footballers in nepal could face life in prison after charged with match fixing.
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the world". >> let's take a closer look. >> antonio mora gives you a global view. >> this is a human rights crisis. >> and at 11:00 - "news wrap-up". clear... concise... complete. >> foreign ministers in paris are trying to reach deal to set a limit for global warming to two degrees celsius. it's hoped an agreement can be reached ahead of a summit to be held in three weeks. >> the world anti doping agency said there was a state
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antidoping program for russian athletes. >> aung san suu kyi said although she's not president, she will still call the shots if her party wins elections. >> more on a global deal to limit global warming. policy director on climate change from london is here. what would you say is the biggest challenge here? >> we have on the table pledges from more than 150 countries ahead of the big paris summit, which starts at the end of this month. these are pledges for action in the next 25 -- sorry, 15 years or so to 2030. if you look at those pledges, our emissions in 2030 as a world are still going to be much higher than would be required. if we're going to be on a pathway consistent with having a reasonable chance are holding global warming to two degrees,
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above which scientists said would be extremely dangerous. paris is going to have built into it a process through which countries will have to come back every five years and report on efforts they are making to increase, ramp up the ambition of their ignitions cuts. that's what we need to avoid dangerous global warming. the world is half way to the threshold already. can they keep the-game the same? >> the science suggest that is two degrees is not going to be safe, but going beyond would be extremely unsafe and two degrees is probably about the best we can hope for, given where we are at the moment. it will require countries to really ramp up much bigger investments in alternatives to fossil fuels in particular. a big part of this is going to be next week at the g-20 leaders summit where they have to
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accelerate efforts to phase out subsidies for facile views which are hampering efforts to make the transition of cleaner forms of energy. >> where that the progress been made, if any and where are the back sliders, if you like? >> at the moment, about 19% of the world's energy i guess met through non-fossil fuels and we're seeing countries beginning to invest much more in alternatives, china in particular moving from coal towards cleaner force of energy. the real concern over the next 25 years or so is india, which is going to see a massive increase in energy demand, and if it chooses to grow through burning more coal, it will make it very difficult to avoid climate change and it's almost going to be a real problem in india to increase air pollution, where they already have very very severe problems. >> are they prepared to make that switch or not?
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>> i think india are beginning to look at their options, they're beginning to understand they need to look at countries like china to see what they're doing, but what this really is about is the rich countries providing support for the poorer countries, countries like india, but always countries across africa to help make the transition to clean forms of growth. >> what about things like the fact that, you know, gas price or oil price fell? does that mean that people have less impetus on them to try to find other ways of generating power? >> the fall in the oil price, remember it climbed up to over $100 a barrel shows the volatilities, one of the problems with fossil fuels. the international energy agency which has a big report out today thinks that oil might recover to $80 a barrel by 2040 but we'll see expansion in gas, cleaner
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than coal. >> thank you very much. >> egypt released a prominent investigative somewhere else who's been in custody since the weekend. he was arrested on suspicion of spreading false news. his release coincided with the detention of two others. >> egyptian security forces raid the home of the opener of the newspaper. he and his son were arrested on the outskirts of cairo sunday allegedly for corruption and hording guns and ammunition. the newspaper's publisher said the arrest may have been made because the stories the paper has published. the chaotic scenes came after a journalist was arrested released on tuesday after his arrest on
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sunday. they allegedly conspired with the banned muslim brotherhood to overthrow the government and president sisi. >> it underscores the importance of safeguarding freedom of speech and association in egypt. he strongly believe that is pluralism, vibrant civil society are key for achieves long term stability in the country. >> it is said the egyptian military has indicated its contempt for the role of an independent media with a series of arrests of journalists. this latest detention is a clear attempt to stifle reporting. on monday, state t.v. presenter was arrested after she criticized president sisi on air about flooding in alexandria. heavy rain caused massive traffic delays. she condemned government corruption. >> we urge the president to address the corruption of the local council.
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if someone steals one egyptian pound, they get arrested, but these officials do what they like and they're still free. >> president sisi has warned the media about what he says is unprofessional coverage of the floods. >> the united nation say extra judicial killings and tortures are on the rice in burundi. the comments came on the same day that the son of a burundi opposition leader was buried. his family say he was killed because of his father's work as a prominent human rights activists. some supporters were too afraid to attend the funeral. >> a riot in an overcrowded prison has led to inmates and guards being wounded. gunshots were heard for at least two hours. we have more. >> gunshots outside the prison
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after an attempted jail break. it start with hundreds of prisoners rebelling against the governor of the jail. some came running saying there is something going wrong, be ready. immediately, the prisoners climbed the fence and were throwing stones against the military. >> a government statement said the gunfire drew a response of the out. >> services, saying that the situation is currently under control. 13 prisoners were wounded during the riot, sparking panic in nearby neighborhoods. >> we were cooking when we saw the military calling for help to the other security. some military were hiding in our house. the prisoners were shooting at the military to try to escape. >> the prison is designed to accommodate 300 inmates but holds more than 1,000 currently, including underage prisoners.
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it's one of 25 prisons that go back to the french colonial period. >> australian police have used tear gas to end a two day riot in an immigration detention center. police flew in to restore after after security guards abandoned their posts. the protests were sparked by the death of an iranian kurdish man hood escaped the compound. >> refugees in hong kong are calling for more rights to enable them to work. they say the limited freedoms they are given mean they continue to live in limbo despite their refugee stats being recognized. we have this report from hong kong. >> she's a long way from home in the philippines, but susan was forced to flee when her husband was killed and a bounty put on her head. her identity is being hidden for her protection. >> it's not easy to leave your country, and your friends, your
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family, especially my kids. >> she remains safe but unhappy. last year, her at the at us as a refugee was recognized, but she is not allowed to work or volunteer and her food allowance is the equivalent of one u.s. dollar per meal. >> to experience being homeless, homelessness, we don't know where to go, and we experience to sleep at the park. you can feel that sometimes the whole world is against you. >> there are now more than 10,000 refugees in hong kong, an increase of more than 70% over the last two years, in a city where accommodation is expensive, many are forced to live in slums and tiny flats. >> a majority of them are living really a very very small amount every month. what they can afford are for example, their rooms right behind a staircase. some of them are living in
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coffin homes as we call them. >> christian action is one of the groups helping to house and feed the growing number of refugees fleeing persecution and seeking protection in hong kong. >> basic needs are taken away from a lot of these people and that's really where the refugee community has to rely on organizations like ours. >> hong kong is not a signatory to the u.n. convention on the status of refugees. china is, but it hasn't been extended here. the j convention against torture which prohibits deporting refugees to country where they face persecution, the approval rate is 11%. >> even if they are successful and recognized as a refugee, the government in hong kong doesn't offer most of them the rights
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they would have under the refugee convention, including the right to work. >> the best they can get is a temporary permission to work after years of missedry and delay, and there's no proper status. >> the increasing number of refugees now living in the city, some who fled persecution, the situation offers little hope to those wanting a new staff. al jazeera, hong kong. >> slovenia is to build a fence on its border with croatia in an attempt to control the influx of migrants. the prime minister who once criticized building barriers said it will be used to direct refugee flow rather than stop it. nearly 170,000 migrants have crossed into slovenia since mid october when hungary sealed its southern borders. >> romania has a new prime
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minister. >> a former british soldier has been arrested in legs to the bloody sunday killings in northern ireland 43 years ago. the 66-year-old is the first to be arrested since the start of a murder investigation in 2012. 13 unarmed irish civilians were killed in 1972 after british soldiers opened fire on a
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nationalist demonstration. the inquiry concluded civilians were killed without justification, paving the way for legal action against the soldiers. >> turkey's hopes of joining the european union have been weakened by a critical e.u. report. the judiciary is said to be undermind and freedom of expression curtailed. many turks already believe they may not be allowed to join the e.u. >> too big, too poor, too muslim, the words of a former e.u. commissioner just before turkey entered into formal talks for entry into the european union, a statement that helped set the tone in the 10 years that those talks have now dragged on. the latest generation of turkish students at the e.u. or more pragmatic than enthusiastic at the prospect of membership. >> it is the biggest partner of the turkey and the trade, but i
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think that's all. i really don't believe that turkey can become a european union member. >> i believe it was the e.u. who blocked the process in the first place. there may be various reasons for this. one may be turkey's huge population. there is a debate about its culture. is turkey a european country or not? >> i really want turkey to be an e.u. member. i see e.u. membership as a way to advance democracy and human rights. when we look at our current foreign policy, it doesn't look like turkey will become a member soon. >> teaching these class for seven years, she noticed a decline in support for e.u. membership amongst her students. >> there used to be much more he enthusiasm, because i think they believed the prospect of membership at the moment. right now, many students will tell you that they seem to see a very weak prospect, so they
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don't believe that it's going to happen in the near future. they have doubts about whether the e.u. is really sincere. >> those views are shared by the ruling ak party. when it swept to power in 2002, e.u. membership was the priority. as progress stalled, prime, now president erdogan turned east, attempting to establish turkey as a leading power in the muslim world. >> in the send years since turkey went looking on the e.u.'s door, rapid economic growth here, although slowing now pulled many turks out of poverty. for many, although they hope one day to join the e.u., it doesn't seem as important now. al jazeera, istanbul. >> sri lanka reds more than 100 indian fisherman arrested on suspicion of illegal fishing.
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>> a humanitarian gesture is how the sri lankan government described its decision to release 126 indian fishermen in its custody. these were taken in over the last weeks for violating sri lankan waters and illegally fishing there. on the other side, there have been 36 sri lankan fishermen taken in. both governments will release these groups as part of a mutual exchange of prisoners. the issue is part of a dispute over fishing, the sri lankan government claims hundreds sometimes thousands enter its borders and carry away prime fishing stock. the indians claim they are only fishing intra additional waters. sri lanka authorities have been tightening sort of the way they deal with this thing. they have said that they will keep the boats and release the
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fisherman now. these 126 fishermen brought boats with them, held back by the authorities. the issue is not just the taking away, according to the sri lankan authorities of the rich catch, but also the huge environmental impact, because the indian trawlers use bottom troweling. >> the 2013 air show broke all records. airlines are mainly keeping their checkbooks closed. the focus this year is on cutting edge technology rather than big money deals.
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>> after two days of the air show here, the order books have been very quiet. two years ago in 2013, it was a record number of orders, $206 billion spent on new plane orders. this year, the only things of note so far, jet airways from india spending $8 billion on 75 new 737 planes, and emirate airlines on g.e. engines. as for things like behind me, forget about it. there hasn't been a new order for one of those in two years. the focus has shifted to inside. this is the first time here that we've seen one entire section of the air show dedicated solely to
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3-d printing. this has become a big part of the industry. airbuses a350 plane has got 1,000 parts onboard, which are manufactured through 3-d printing. what we've got here is something completely differently. this is the world's first 3-d printed drone or u.a.v., as they call them, which has a jet engine inside. they've printed from a material that can withstand the heat that a jet engine puts out. that is pushing this at 240 kilometers per hour. that would changes the way drops are used. it's only a concept, not something that's going to be mass produced or ordered, but what it's demonstrating is what 3-d printing is capable of and where it can go in a very short amount of time. >> we will have all the sport, including details of the president of colombian football stepping down.
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>> a recommendation that russia be banned from track and field due to the doping offenses has come too late for some athletes, who say they've already been cheated out of medals. we have more. >> at the end of the 2012 london olympics, russian athletes returned home with 17 track and field medals, eight gold. three years later, explosive revelations from the word anti doping agency has put some
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results in doubt. their independent commission recommended russia be banned from international competition for widespread doping. >> allowing people to compete that perhaps ought not to have resulted in some kind o sabotage of some of of events in london and the answer to that is yes. >> retrospective action being taken is one action some athletes hope might happen. >> to find out that should have been banned but held off, effectively letting him race even though they knew he was doping, it's pretty devastating. makes you very angry. just to know that the international federation off the sporting body that should be protecting athletes were looking
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after -- >> the international olympic committee say can reveal trust in the sport. one expert feels they are fighting a losing battle. >> there will always be doping. it's inevitable. if somebody has a new way or a new drug, and the authorities don't know about it, they'll win. >> the i.r.c. has started the pros of making all dope testing independent, and not the responsibility of individual countries. the race to restore faith in athletics ahead of next year's rio olympics is one strehl struggle to win.
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the president of colombian football has resigned, saying he's stepping down for personal reasons. the move comes two weeks after the federation's accountant quit his to be. several top south american officials were arrested or implicate in the on going fifa scandal, but he wasn't named in the united states indictment. >> the former head of german football who quit his job monday is to keep his high ranging position within fifa. he resigned from the german f.a. over allegations the country pay the fifa a multi-million dollars bribe to earn the right to host
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the world cup. the charges are denied. he will be staying on as an executive committee member. >> released on bail after a court hearing while charged with match fictions allegations. the footballers are accused of taking money from book makers to lose international matches. >> in the nba, the minnesota timberwolves ended the atlanta hawks seven-game winning streak. minnesota also managed to lose this game despite openings up a 34 point lead. in the fourth quarter, the hawks ahead. three points on the night for the timberwolves home winning 117-107. >> it was a big night for two former detroit redwings hockey
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players sergei federov and nicholas lindstrom have been inducted into the sport's hall of fame. med remove finished with 483 career goals, while lindstrom's career was spent entirely with detroit. >> you play to win, win the medal, the cup, the series, the game, the bells in the corners and from the net, the faceoff. although i didn't actually take any faceoff, but every night, you try your best to win, but you can't win this, you can't win the hall of fame. >> thank you very much. you can always catch up with our website,
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>> al jazeera america brings you independent reporting without spin. >> not everybody is asking the questions you're asking me today. >> we give you more perspectives >> the separatists took control a few days ago. >> and a global view. >> now everybody in this country can hear them. >> getting the story first-hand. >> they have travelled for weeks, sometimes months. >> what's your message then? >> we need help now. >> you're watching al jazeera america. >> these people have decided that today they will be arrested. >> i know that i'm being surveilled. >> people are not getting the care that they need. >> this is a crime against humanity. >> hands up... >> don't shoot. >> hands up... >> don't shoot. >> what do we want? >> justice. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> explosions going on... we're not quite sure - >> is that an i.e.d.?
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>> working to go prevent a climate change disaster, ministers from dozens of countries meet in paris ahead of crucial environmental talks. >> you're watching al jazeera live from london. the russian lab at the center of a scandal shuts down as russia rejects allegations of a state sponsored drug cheating scandal. >> why hope among turks of joining the euro
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