tv News Al Jazeera November 11, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm EST
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also prepared to offer. >> yes, david, i think in some ways this idea that the european union has of trying to enlist african countries to help solve what it sees as a migration problem, a burden for europe is starting to look like a hard yell. the crisis clearly it says a s a humanitarian one. it says we can't allow people to keep dying. they say traffickers and smugglers are the problem, and more needs to be done to try to help these poor people whether they are fleeing war or poverty stay in africa, so with that in mind, they got us more than $2 billion worth of money they are presenting to african
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countries to say have this, make your economy stronger, have more governance and less corruption to see if that works. i'll talk in a second about what the reaction has been from some of the african countries so far. but have a listen to what the foreign policy chief said about this being in her view an opportunity for africa. >> i believe that we are today in a position that was inimaginable, even seven, eight months ago, where migration seemed to be an issue only for some states, now it's an european issue. now building this partnership with our african partners and deciding common instruments to manage this. the trust fund we are going to launch is one of those, but it's not only about money. this is about building opportunities for people, fighting against criminal networks that exploit people's
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desperation. >> it's not about just african countries who are looking for bits and pieces. tell me about that, specifically the leaders of major african nations. what have they been saying? >> yes, broadly, clearly everybody can see that $1.8 billion spread around so many impoverished african countries that are at war, they want to help send money back and hel help africans study in european colleges, but to try to help them grow their economy. the speeches have made it clear
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that migration began over thousands of years that human rights of refugees and others need to be respected, and he made it clear that europe needed to take better efforts to build infrastructure in the african countries to allow them to grow proper jobs. that level of detail, at least in the immediate term is policing, to stop people leaving and potentially to help with the repatriation process. we want something much greater if europe as human rights groups outsourcing its refugees, they want to know what europe is going to do to help them grow. otherwise it seems inconceivable that the flow of people is going to slow down in the next few years. >> in a moment we're going to go
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to where one of these countries in europe that is coping mostly with the flood of refugees coming from the east. before we go to that story tell me a little bit. you mentioned africa, by and large in this, and that's really been at the forefront. what about those who have come across, the slovenia, croatia root, those countries there. are they talking about that, too? >> they have an informal meeting after this wraps up on lunch time. this meeting which is supposed to be discussing that. but clearly in a way they're using the same source of strategy towards that route as they are with this here. they're trying to say to african countries you need to stop people from coming in, and in the same way they're saying you need to stop people from going through turkey and across the
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border. it's the same strategic principle of tries to outsource the problem. in response, groups which support migration or at least say they're in favor of human rights say this isn't the way to do it. manage migration and save migration is a much better way of dealing with the problem than simply trying to block the roots. all this does is lead desperate people to take desperate measures. >> laurence lee there. you were able to see, those watching this, the razor wire going up in one place. it is specifically on the slovenia-croatia border. let us here about the slovenia side that have divide. >> slovenia army erected a fence early this morning in two locations. one of them is in this place, the refugees crossed the ice cold water to get to slovenia. they wanted to cross off the
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green borders and today they accepted around 5,000 of them. this fence is temporary. officials say it will be removed after six months. but in the coming days there will be more fences like this along the slovenia croatian border because the prime minister is worried about the next big wave of refugees of 30,000 of them coming to slovenia border in the next couple of days. so far slovenia has accepted and transferred more than 181,000 refugees. >> spain trying to stop catalonia from breaking away. the report of myanmar's backed president congratulating aung san suu kyi, as victory for her and her party look certain. the era for english rugby. we'll be here with that story and the rest of the sport.
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>> new guidelines means israeli producers will have to label goods such as wine and cosmetics that are produced on land illegally occupied under international law. this is a technical move not a political one but israel has condemned it saying its discriminatory. >> the labeling of products brings back dark memories. europe should be ashamed of itself. it chose to single out israel and israel alone while it's finding it's back against the wall against the wave of terror. the european union is not going to hurt the israeli economy.
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it's strong enough to weather this. but it's the palestinians workers and israeli enter surprisenterprises that will be hurt. this will not advance peace. this will not advance truth and justice. it is wrong. europe should be ashamed of itself. >> the consumer has a right. we have no reason to believe that this will cause decline in the goods previewed from those factories. >> we're hear now fro more
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details. >> statement issued by the foreign ministry condemned the decision taken by the e.u. to label israeli products. now those are israeli products that are made outside of the international recognized borders outside of the state of israel. basically in the occupied territories, places like the east bank, golan heights in the north. it does not fall under the free trade agreement between israel and the european union. milk, chicken, honey, eggs, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits like dates, for example, grapes, and then there is also the cosmetic industry. israel has quite a thriving one based around the dead sea in occupied territories. exploited, however, at the
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moment are israeli goods. prime minister benjamin netanyahu reacted saying that the e.u. is applying double standards. there are 200 disputed territories around the world, and none of them from slammed by this decision. and there were palestinians workers who will be harmed, and israel's economy will not be touched as much. many analysts hearsay that these exports from the occupied territories will present a tiny margin in the israeli economy, but individual manufacturers, individual farmers could be hard hit. >> wis this going to make a difference between anybody? is it going to make much difference either way? >> i think implied in your
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question is the correct answer. no, it's economically as we just heard it's not really significant. i think what the israeli prime minister is really trying to do, because he knows exactly what the european position is, this has been a long time coming. many european states already label these products, and you can't lie to your consumers. i think what prime minister netanyahu is trying to do is intimidate the european to not going further down this path drawing this differentiation between israel proper and part of the occupation. you could keep expanding that. >> let's take that extension. is that what he's worried about, and if that is the back of the minds of the beau contracts or politicians, what are the concerns specifically? >> let me go straight to one of the more dramatic ones, for instance. every israeli bank provides
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mortgages, provides loans for illegal settlement housing beyond the green line in the west bank. infrastructure development that is illegally part of the settlement project, if israel started to having to disentangle what it banks do beyond the green line, if that were brought in to line with the logic of the policy decision announced today, that becomes a big deal. you mentioned the european beau contracts, and i think it's a very important point. what one needs is for the political leadership to stand behind this decision, and not hide behind the beau contracts. you saw the poor ambassador. he's the only one who has gone out to defend this publicly. benjamin netanyahu is accusing
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europe in an offensive way, and what european leaders should be saying using those analogies of european and jewish histories, absolutely unacceptable. >> if you have cosmetics that are being exported to europe, europe is involved in that. but. if you have banks lending to israel and people are buying homes out there, what has that got to do with the european union? are these israeli banks exposed in other ways? >> that depends on the inter bank regulations and how they're bundling the packages of financial goods and products that are now available on the international market. will they have to create distinctions if their own practices if they don't do at the moment. month party of the israeli economy makes that distinction now. europe is saying, fine, trade with israel. trade with us. we're not boycotting you. we're not going to engage in
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illegal practices. it's not what we signed up for. it's not what you signed up for. >> at the end of the day they're few and far between. some of them are already labeled, and if you and i were to know them, we probably wouldn't notice. >> well, i would because look, but you're right in principle. where this starts to matter is the economic cost. that could come into play if israeli businesses is if the israeli middle class, if israelis in germ see that this is in the pipeline. it still feels a little lame. a little limited at the moment. and it is. but the signal that the israeli prime minister is sending today perhaps unwittingly is we're generally worried about this because they're able to maintain
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this settlement because it's cost free. this is a step in the direction of it not being quite so cost free. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> well, dozens of palestinians have been hurt fighting with israeli forces at check points in the west bank. the palestinians, many of them commemorating the death of yasser arafat. well, myanmar's military leaders have now conceded that aung san suu kyi did win last week's elections. they say they'll accept the result. they made the announcement on the military-backed government facebook page. 80% of seats in the lower house of parliamen parliament won. >> the march towards parliament, and towards a very big win in this election. one of the latest results to be
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announced by the union election commission. not surprisingly the party leader aung san suu kyi, who comfortably won her seat in the township south. she won that seat in the election three years ago. so very much on track to win two-thirds of the seats in both the upper and lower houses of parliament. that's what it needs to do to be able to form the next government on its own. remembering that the military is still guaranteed a quarter of all seats in parliament. so far those results slowly filter out from the election commission this seems to be an overwhelming statement from the people of myanmar. >> the spanish government, the intention of some in cat loan that is to form a government.
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spanish government is trying to prevent cat loan in a from splitting. >> the resolution is tearing apart our democracy, and it's liquidating the constitution. it lays out our rules of coexistence. it expressly states that it's not going to respect the law that is in force and will not pay any attention to the constitutional court. you understand that it's completely out of place, and that it breaks up everything. >> let's bring in secretary general of cat loan in a's public diplomacy council in catalonia. a quick one on this, if you would, the constitutional core is likely to say that whatever
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catalonia plans to do, it is littl illegal. >> yes, they will suspend the motion, which was passed last monday. as a result, given to the parliament a month ago. >> they have historically in other parts of the world without the permission of the area of which they will be seceding, is that likely? >> we're always interested in having a proper dialogue, we'll keep trying to have a proper negotiation, a proper dialogue, so we'll expect to have negotiations. we'll expect to avoid any kind of unilateral movement. but one thing is clear, a democratic has been given, and in order to find the way to have proper negotiation with madrid.
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>> you want talks. you would like some concessions. at the end of the day what they want to do is illegal, and the parliament is going ahead with it any way. do you think there is a possibility of an unilateral declaration of independence? an udi? >> this is not on the table right now. >> it's not on the table. i know is it a plan. is it at all possible? >> that's something that we cannot rule out. but first we'll try to have a proper negotiations. and we for see a period up to a year and a half to have this proper negotiation. we expect them to sit down and negotiate the best way to implement the diplomatic mandate. it's a peaceful process, we should find a way to democratically implement this mandate. >> what would you as a initial step in this.
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we can't give you full independence. that is illegal. we will give you this. what would you consider to be acceptable? >> well, i really think that the red line is the right to hold a referendum of independence like the one that took place in scotland last year. 80% said that they should be able to vote on this issue in a democracy like spain. we can understand with a big majority asking for this vote since 2010. they keep using legalistic arguments to give a real political problem. >> part of the reason why you're in a relatively strong position i would think not necessarily for independence is the wealth that catalonia provides to the national coug coffers. spain would face more hardship than it would at the moment. it doesn't want to let it go. >> i would have put it in this
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terms. this is not an economic issue. if we have to choose between freedom and monday, we for sure choose freedom. if we have to keep on helping our spanish friends, our spanish relatives, we'll keep doing so. this is not about money. this is about freedom. especially in the line this is about democracy. we should be able to hold this vote, and then we should be able to implement the vote. the only way we have to ask about this issue is to use original action which took place last month. and the referendum. the result of that election was a clear mandate for independence. of course, we'll always be open to have proper negotiations. we'll continue to try to achieve this negotiation. >> thank you very much, indeed. >> talking to us from bar barcelona, thank you. >> thank you. >> five months after taking office, yes, five months, nigeria's president said that it
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is in his cabinet swearing in 36 ministers. the president himself, well, he's taking the oil portfolio, the oil minister's job. he had been criticized, but he wanted to make sure that all candidates were properly vetted. he said he would tackle corruption and mismanagement. al jazeera's yvonne ndege is in abjua. >> what they're waiting to see and hear are which of the nominees will get which ministries. there has been speculation of the president announcing himself as minister of petroleum. there has been a lot of public concern about level of corruption in the state in the sense that billions of dollars
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have been lost in corruption deals, and the people of nigeria not really enjoying the proceeds of oil sales. we saw in the inauguration a sense of huge reduction in the size and scale of government, and the cost of running government. 36 ministers were named, but it appeared the ministries were reduced to 24. we sold ministries like power, housing, works fall under one minister, and cease to be three separate ministries. there has been some criticism about the competition of the new cabinets. there are those who feel that women are not properly represented. 36 ministers were named, but only six of them are women, and three of them are junior ministers. people say that's not fair. that's not right because more than half the population are women. there has been criticism of the average age of the minister that are reportedly 27 years old when
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a people who voted him to power were 18 to 30 years old. they say this is not reflected in this new cabinet that has been announced. they say look, it's not about the number of women who are out there. it's not about the age of the cabinet ministers. it's about whether they're capable, professional, and whether they have integrity. now the hard work of governments begin. getting the economy right will be key. the fight against corruption, and insecurity fighting insecurity in the northeast of the country is top of the agenda for the new administration. >> burundi's foreign minister hit back saying that the science of rwanda before the genocide there. they told u.n. diplomats that burundi, quote, is not in flames. more than 200 people have been killed in political violence there since april and tens of thousands of opposition have fled.
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u.n. observers are warning that things could get much worse. it all began when he began to violate the constitution by running for a third term in office. still to come on the al jazeera news hour, germany announces plans to test other diesel cars after the volkswagen emissions cheating scandal. in florida, we'll tell you why florida's enclave finds itself in danger. and in sport, venezuela's struggling economy hit one of the country's most beloved sports.
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>> at 9:30 - "america tonight" - top investigative reporting, uncovering new perspectives. >> everything that's happening here is illegal. >> then at 10:00 - it's "reports from around the world". >> let's take a closer look. >> antonio mora gives you a global view. >> this is a human rights crisis. >> and at 11:00 - "news wrap-up". clear... concise... complete.
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>> israel's condemns new labeling laws which require israeli products sold in the european union to show if they're made in illegally occupied land. five months after taking office nigeria's president unveiled his cabinet. he has named himself oil minister. we're going to get more on that a.u. summit in malta about the refugee crisis. in italy thousands continue to arrive every week, battling the strain of an already crowded reception centers. among the new a rivals, a refugee who has managed to start a simple and what has become a profitable business. from rome. >> a small lake, an hour's drive from rome and tens of thousands of kilometers from mali.
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for this man home is far away. but here he managed to turn his life by turning a childhood memory into a business. >> i left mali in 2004, and it took me four years to get to italy. i initially worked as a food picker in the south in slavery like conditions. i ended up in rome. there was no work, so i created my own. i started making homemade yogurt, and as a business it is working well. >> he's one of tens of thousands of refugee who is made the crossing of the mediterranean every year in search of a better life. since january, 140,000 reached italy alone. almost 3,000 more died trying. >> one of the few refugees trying to find respectable jobs here. many linger in major cities
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like rome hoping for a chance. iso far only 116 were locateed elsewhere in europe. >> we need to step up efforts to get the relocation numbers increased. i think we need to take measures overseas for those entitled to international protections so we don't have to take journeys, dangerous journeys to risk their lives. i think we have to be looking at legal channels, safe channels for those who have legitimate reasons to move economically. >> while tens of thousands of refugee wait to reveal their lives in europe, suleiman will continue to deliver his example
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of resilience. >> german regulators will further examine the emissions fraud of volkswagen. it will run tests on 23 german and foreign car makers. all this started when volkswagen admitted it had rigged the test. they'll look at some of the world's biggest brands, mercedes, bmw, ford and toyota. here to talk about this from the think tank transport and environment just north of london, greg, it's become such a big investigation. it is too far out to say that it is likely that the majority of cars made in europe are rigged in this way?
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>> i don't think we can say that the majority of cars are rigged in this way. both for fuel economy and co2 emissions and nitrogen oxide emissions. there is overwhelming evidence that they're abusing the level of testing and that it's simply not adequate. >> how are you able to make car manufacturers abide by the tests, and if it's easy enough to by pass it or to achieve? >> if you've got a systemic problem you need a whole range of solutions. we need better tests, and those should be introduced in 2017. but gospel are still agonizing whether to do that for the co2 emissions and the economy. but in particular we need the testing system to be much more rigorous. so we need to make sure that the
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national authorities that are charged with approving vehicles, their work is consistently high, and they're acting genuinely independently because at the moment they're all paid by the vehicle manufacturers for their work, and no one checks that they're doing a good job. they need european oversight like they have in the u.s. with the environmental protection. >> i wonder if these people will no longer being paid by the manufacturers because it will be independent, and will it cost more because the tests are more rigorous, and the only way you can pass that on is to the consumer. cars are going to cost more. >> cars could cost a tiny bit more. but th this is a tiny portion of the over all costs to the customer. you may be looking at tenure rows or something of that order in order to test a car in a really independent and rigorous
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way. so these are not significant costs. but the benefits to consumers would be enormous. at a present time a typical driver is spending 450 euros more a year on fuel than the official figures say. if the cars really did deliver on the road what they deliver in the laboratory, then consumers would be saving a huge amount of money and the environment would benefit, too. >> what chance is there of mr. brown, who pays that extra 450 euros every year and others as well getting some kind of class action together and suing these car companies and saying give us our money back. >> i think there is a whole suite of lawyers looking for opportunities to take actions.
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we'll probably have poorer fuel economy than the official tests said. >> are we going to see any car companies go bust as a result of this? >> no. >> thank you. excellent stuff. good talking to you. >> thank you very much. >> republican party presidential candidates in the united states have squared off. this was the fourth time they did so in a debate that was pretty much about the u.s. economy. the rivals ripped into the billionaire donald trump plans to deport millions of undocumented immigrants. this is what he sent us. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> protesters great candidates in milwaukee. in the debate hall one dominant subject, the economy. first question, what candidate would support raising the minimum wage to $15. marco rubio, no question, no hesitation, a resounding no. >> if you raise the minimum wage you're going to make people more expensive than a machine. that means all this automation that is replacing people now will only be accelerated. start a business, expand a business. tax reform. bring our debt under control. fully utilize our energy resources to invigorate manufacturing. >> when it came to cutting america's dead, each candidate praised their own tax plan. >> the simple fact of the matter is that we hear a lot of promises in this debate. a lot of promises about these tax cuts or tax schemes that i call them. hillary and the democrats
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promise everything on the spending side. we got to be responsible for what we propose on the tax side. lower taxes, lower spending. >> discussing immigration. donald trump wants to support 11 million undocumented migrants. >> even having this discussion ends a powerful signal. they're doing high fives in the hillary clinton campaign when they hear this. we have to win the presidency. the way to win the presidency is with practical plans. allow people to pay a fine, work, don't commit crimes, learn english and over time earn status. that's the proper path. >> this was a night when donald trump was not the dominant voice when ben carson struggled on financial details and foreign policy.
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this was a more substantive debate where strengths were highlighted and weaknesses exposed. some have personalities that will carry them through this. this is a night that will change the face of the republican race. >> now thousands are taking part in protests. it's about the killing of seven members of the community. the protesters blame the government which they say has failed to provide regional security. the country's president promises to find those responsible. eight south african police officers have been jailed for the murder of a taxi driver in 2013. the victim was handcuffed to the back of a police car and then dragged to a police station where he was beaten in his cell.
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facebook has been ordered to stop tracking the online activity of internet users in belgium, those who don't even have facebook accounts. tech forms taken to court by the belgium privacy commission for monitoring everybody who acces accessed the site regardless whether they had an account. facebook has two days to comply or $270,000 a day until it does so. china and the economy may be slow. it is breaking new ground and online spending. the e commerce giant alibaba within the first eight minutes, the biggest shopping day of the year, the retailer sold more than $1 billion of goods. from beijing adrian brown reports. >> counting down the days to this moment. she's part of china's growing middle class. >> i want to buy a couch.
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i want to buy a storage box. i want to buy some clothes for my daughter and a new handbag. >> the only time she goes out to shop is for fruit and vegetables. everything else is ordered online, especially today. >> som alibaba is china's online retailer organizing this shopping festival. but reports in china's official media that up to 40% of goods sold online here were fakes or badly made. >> they have to crackdown on fakes. it's listed on the new york stock exchange. it has to make sure that it does not appear on what is the notorious list from the u.s. trade representative, which is direct impact on share price. >> on alibaba's websites, shams
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goods are easy to spot. a louis vuitton bag at $50. prices for the real thing, $5,000. and even cheaper, selling for $15. alibaba is owned by the chinese entrepreneur jack mar now being sued in the united states by the conglomerate that owns gucci and eve saint laurent. china's economy may be slowing, consumption, is robust. the jump in business appears to be at the expense of traditional retailers. >> this was a shopping that specialized in electrical goods. it appears there are more staff than shoppers and that is from
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the growing threat of online shopping. >> for an economy, speed growth is good. adrian brown, al jazeera, beijing. >> coming up england loses its rugby coach and we're off to india lighting up its skies in the annual fire work display. and adding to the sport russia's federation meeting as a country reacts to doping allegations.
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>> little havana in miami and florida. to play the pivotal role in the life of those eggs i would. the 50-year-old community is now itself under throat. ♪ >> it's been called cuba's second city. in florida few neighborhoods can match little havana for its sense of importance. these streets are been homes to countless of cuban americans who first settled here in the 1960s. many consider themselves exiles of the cuban evolution, but their a rival here changed everything. >> for me it's the history that is the most important thing.
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it's where they began their new life. >> but little havana is now facing challenges. the lack of historical status and plans to develop the area may change its character for good. peter hernandez and his family own one of the community's oldest mom and pop businesses and says that development will be a mistake. >> why do you want to be a country island with a bunch of buildings and no flavor. if we don't hold onto the flavor we'll lose it all. >> activists are fighting back. many here are worried about what is to come. >> hopefully we'll have a vibrant community. that's what we have right now. it's perfect the way it is right now and i hope it doesn't change. >> discussions about the city's
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development plans are still in the early stages. >> this community, perhaps more than ever has managed to shape the character of an entire region. and it's also why campaigners say that this neighborhood should be preserved for generations to come. al jazeera, little havana miami, florida. >> off to doha now, sana awaits us there. >> thank you very much, david. suspended fifa president sepp blatter has been admitted to hospital with a small emotional breakdown according to his spokesperson. while the 79-year-old who led world football for 18 years as provisionally banned for 90 da days, blatter is under criminal investigation for financial misconduct. he has denied wrongdoing. >> well, sepp blatter is in hospital, and is likely to be
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there until tuesday. his spokesman said that he's suffering what has been described as a small brokedown. we were aware that he was suffering with stress. he has been under the most intense pressure over the last few weeks. particularly because he's suspended for 90 days from his role as fifa president that he has held for 17 years. this is something that he was desperately trying to hang on to, and in large part of his stress he didn't want to go anywhere. he was kicking and screaming from the building after the decision by the ethics committee. the main thing that has been coming out from the hospital in switzerland is the main thing to rest. he is being treated there, and he's determined to carry on his work. it is not official work for fifa, but his work is to try to
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clear his name. >> russia's sports minister said that the country is ready to cooperate with the world anti-doping agency. it comes after the wada commission recommendation that russian athletics be banned from competition. the sports federation were to meet with vladimir putin, but it was canceled. rory challands has more from moscow. >> it's a case of bad weather stops play ahead of russia's sporting federation they're supposed to be flying to sochi to meet with the russian president and update him for preparations for the 2016 olympics. they've had their meeting, and the plan is if whether permits
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they will at some point fly out t. it is a busy week in how it handles this whole crisis. on thursday the russian athletics federation has to submit it's the replies to the international replies regarding the doping scandal. the iaaf is having its own meeting on friday in which it might well decide that it's going to expel russia from future international athletics competitions. then into next week there is the headline for the russian anti-doping agency to summit it's report. the world anti-doping agency and the world anti-doping agency will have its executive committee meeting on the 17th, and the 18th of november in colorado springs in the united states.
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>> now in pakistan batsman has been on the winning side. pakistan beat england by six wickets in abu dhabi. it can only manage nine runs in its 265th odi. but unbeated century helped pakistan reach the target with more than six overs. the hosts are now 1-0 up in the four-match series. england's rugby coach has resigned. it comes after the early exit at the world cup. he was contracted to the end of the 2019 world cup.
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baseball in venezuela has an almost cult-like following. but during this baseball season, games have not been filling up. >> in caracas' main baseball stadium, matches are drawing a strained crowd. they brought their children to watch their first game but only because tickets to tonight's game were free. >> i came with my wife and three kids because we wanted to do something different on a friday night. but also because someone gave us tickets. the high cost of living in the country's political situation would have made buying tickets almost impossible. >> the struggle to pay for food and rent is being felt across venezuela. until now baseball is a distraction. but now it's an escape that few can afford.
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>> sales have been really bad because of inflation. we were selling 110% of our products last year, today it's 40%, maybe 50%. >> people are tired of how expensive things is, and salaries that are not enough. they blame the government. >> that's why they're hopeful the election of a new congress in three weeks will restore the country's crumbling economy. somewhasome want more dramatic change. in this video from another baseball game fans can be heard chanting that their government will soon fall. the crowds in venezuela have always served the country. >> people are no longer afraid of expressing discontent. this and environment has always been a place where people can do so. >> another place has been the
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cause. and as people gear up for december's vote there is hope that change in the government will also bring a return to fu full. >> let's go back to david. >> lovely picture, millions celebrating the hindu festival of light. going on for five days. lights flicker in shop windows, public places, in homes. it's all to celebrate light, knowledge, and good nature. well, we see sikhs in india and around the world. celebrating th.
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