tv News Al Jazeera November 12, 2015 6:00am-6:31am EST
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europe signs a $2 billion deal with african leaders to try to stop the flow of desperate people hello, i'm nick clark, and you are watching justice al jazeera, also coming up - urdish forces backed by u.s. power launch to recapture areas held by i.s.i.l. a palestinian man shot dead by israeli forces in a surgery unit of a hospital in hebron we are in yooeth i don't knowia where -- ethiopia, where
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families are struggling in the worst drought to hit the country since the 1980s so then, the european union signed a deal worth more than $2 billion to try to stop the flow of refugees and migrants. the meeting in the matisse capital was planned after 800 drowned when a boat sank off the coast of libya in april. let's hear from lawrence lee joins us live from valletta. what more do we know about this agreement? >> well past the $2 billion, nick, which has been basically written off aafrican leaders of insufficient. it's clear based on the leeks of the action plan what little progress has been made, in relation to getting rid of economic migrants and sending them to africa. some of these are vague. there's a series about
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addressing crisis - these sorts of things are deliberately woolie, because they don't have answers for it. on the crucial issue of repat ritations and getting -- repatriations and getting african support, they do not have african support. the block associated with that talks about strengthening cop rakes, trying to organise bilateral deals, a timeline to get countries on board, perhaps by the middle of next year. and no numbers. in the end what it says, africa has a block pushed back hard against europe. what they see is they believe they are trying to be paid off a small amount of money in return to repatriating a lot of people and what they say to europeans, if you want to make africa more liveable so people don't leave, we need a rebalancing of agriculture, tax avoidance, these sorts of things that
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western interests promote actively in africa. on these issues, there's nothing from europe at all thank you for that. you lawrence lee reporting from valletta in malta. mohammed jamjoom reports from lesbos on the uncertain future facing many of those that succeed in making the crossing to europe. >> reporter: these days it seems like they have both all the time in the world, and no time to spare. with souls as tattered as their clothes are frayed they wait on a seemingly endless bureaucracy to decide will they be called migrants or are they considered refugees. at this camp, where the wait stretches out for days to be registered, the four moroccan many say the designations are practically meaningless. >> translation: i have brothers and sisters. i'm the oldest in the family. i came to serve them. i left so i can get them out, making their lives better. >> reporter: afraid their
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relatives in morocco will face reprisals if they are identified, the men, in their 20s, all college educated, asked to be anonymous. >> translation: i have a diploma as a technician, i was not made enough money to take care of my wife and child. it was impossible to live on the wages i made. >> reporter: none of them wanted to leave the homeland, but say they had no choice. >> translation: we looked all over morocco for opportunities, but can't find them. you can't get work unless you are connected. you have to know a person who knows another person who knows another. for the rest of us you stay poor. >> reporter: others told us they wish to make it to italy. i asked if that's where these men want to end up? >> practically in unison they respond they want to get to a country, any country that will give them a chance. >> translation: i'm the oldest
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in my family's household. i'm trying to make sure i can make money to send back to them. in morocco, there's no life, no money, no future. >> reporter: they are aware the circumstances are not enough of a hardship. further down the road. they may not be granted political asylum. like women, men and children, they'll push on as soon as they get the clearance to go. the men we spoke with here may not be fleeing death, destruction and warfare, they say their journey is a desperate one, and that they have as much a right to pursue a better future for themselves and families as anyone else here does. meanwhile, sweden defends a decision to introduce temporary border checks to stem the influx of refugees. the prime minister says sweden needs to bring order to the asylum system to stop people
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staying illegally. everyone that crosses the border will have to show identification. kurdish forces in northern iraq launched an offensive retake the town of sinjar. the kurdish peshmerga say they have five villages. when sinjar fell to i.s.i.l., tens of thousands from the yazidi society were trapped, fleeing up the at mountain. recapturing sinjar would put a line between raqqa in syria, and line between raqqa in syria, and mosul in iraq. sinjar is at the foot of a rugged mountain of the same name and is strategically placed near the border with syria. 7,000 kurdish peshmerga are taking part from the west, east and south. imran khan joins us. what is the latest, what are you hearing is happening right now? >> well, we are seeing a number of air strikes take place around the town of sinjar.
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after hitting i.s.i.l. targets. we are seeing kurdish peshmerga going in towards the town. what they are doing is attacking it on three fronds - the south, the east and the west. and taking the little villages outside of the town of sinjar. it's a common tactic. you take the villages and use them as a staging ground for the offensive, a push into sinjar. when it takes place, we don't know. it's likely to be a few days before they get nth. they are facing resistance. i.s.i.l. knew they were coming and booedy trapped a lot of villages, it's slowing the offensive down slightly. as the peshmerga said they are taking the villages and are confident to get in. the game-changer is the air strikes and support that kurdish peshmerga forces are getting. i.s.i.l. fighters know the area, they nut the offensive was
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coming and dough in. they say they have enough swepons and ammunition to fight for a year. imran khan in erbil health officials in the west bank say a palestinian man was shot dead by undercover israeli soldiers. forces were shown end the al-ahli hospital, and a 27-year-old was shot several times. the man was arrested when his government was undergoing treatment. >> reporter: they headed to the walls where he was treated. they tied hits brother to the bed and fired five shots at his cousin as he came out of the rest room. they kept medical crew as hostages. they arrested the man and took him away leaving his cousin bleeding to death the u.n. security council is to vote a resolution condemning
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torture and human rights vialsations in burundi. it began when the approximately pierre nkurunziza began a third term quest in office. he survived a coup. since then 250 have been killed. the u.n. fears mass violence in burundi could resemble the rue wand job genocide. thousands fled from bujumbura. live to catherine wambua-soi in bujumbura. give us the impression of how things are in the ground of the capital. >> just to put it into context. when i was here last, before the elections, the atmosphere was tense. i've been here a couple of ours, the situation, the atmosphere, seems to be worse, it's tense in parts of the city.
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people are afraid. we are at a neighbour where police and the military have been carrying out the security operation all day, doing door to door samps. they set up roadblocks. searching vehicles. some of the police forces found they had reserved weapons and people are afraid. the government says it's trying to stem a rebellion. to rid the country of illegal weapons. the reason why people are more afraid is the fact that bodies are recovered and found every hour of the day in streets, drainage systems everywhere much toss not clear who is carrying out the killing. government officials are targeted. they say they are trying to get
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rid of the eing weapons, the u.n. scughtss sending in peacekeepers, is there an appetite for that. >> not from the government. we spoke to senior government officials, saying the issue has been blown out of proportion by the international community. yes, the u.n. is concerned. the president of the neighbouring country is concerned, saying in this - if this escalated, may take an ethnic dimension, something needs to be done to nip it in the bud. really the situation is under control. everyone is exaggerating. all it's trying to do is what any other government would do, trying to get rid of illegal weapons, stem the rebellion, there's no need for troops in the country to be deployed in the country. it's not just the u.n. talking
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about deploying troops. the au is saying that it will put stand by force on standby in case things escalate. the government is saying everything is under control catherine wambua-soi on the streets of burundi's capital. appreciate that. thank you, indeed more to come here on al jazeera, including a different class of south korean schools offering an alternative in a country famous for hive-pressure large. and how a small country could save the bee population.
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welcome back, the top stories - european leaders created a fund worth more than a billion for africa to tackle the refugee crisis. that amount is insufficient say african leaders. they've been meeting in malta kurdish peshmerga launched a ground offensive to retake sinjar from i.s.i.l., and they have liberated five villages. recap touring the town would cut off the supply lines between raqqa in syria and mosul in northern iraq a palestinian man was shot dead in the west bank by undercover israeli soldiers in the surgery unit of a hospital. israeli forces arrested hits cousin, who was undergoing treatment the united nations warns that more than 50 million ethiopians will need food said by january, it's the worst
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drought to hit in decades. in the worst affected areas. crop yields are down by 830%. -- 80%. charles stratford has this report. >> reporter: this man's harvest is ruined. every plant is dead, he tells me "we have nothing now." omar, like hundreds of thousands of farmers in many parts of ethiopia is the victim of a phenomena that either he nor the government can control. el nino. the hot winds originating in the pacific wrecked the lives across the pacific. the well omar used dried up, because many people from the surrounding villages had no choice but to use it. he sold one of his three cows to buy food to give a meal a day to children. he said he received no help from aid agencies nor the government. "we have nothing to eat now", he says "we need food and water."
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in some parts the livestock are dying. we spoke to a herder who said he began to receive food aid. 40 of his cows had died and he only has five left. "the cattle die first, and now the drought is getting worse - goats and camels are beginning to die too." it's the worst drought in decades. the united nations says around 8.2 million people need emergency food aid. the figure could rise up to 15 million unless the international community step up with donations. the ethiopia government days the -- says the emergency food programme is helping, but admits this needs assistance. aid agencies tell us malnutrition is arising, but praise the government for managing the crisis.
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and fast reallocation of budget money. the approximate $1 million given to donors - it's nowhere near enough. the u.n. say they could need five times that much in the next few months. a spokesman for the ministry of agriculture told us that this is a different situation to the 1980s, when a drought, compounded by political unrest developed into a famine. >> translation: the government is trying hard to save the life of his citizens in relocating money from the budget. during the previous drought we lost a lot of lives in animals. because of government action and progress we as a country is more resilient. for many like omar struggling to feed their families, how long can that resilience last? time for a look at the weather.
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malaysia is expecting to receive 3,000 refugees. at present those registered as refugees are not allowed to work. access free health nor education. the head of the u.n. refugee agency in malaysia says it needs to stay. we speak to the u.n.h.c.r. in kuala lumpur and ask for the reaction to the news of impending arrivals. >> the details of 3,000 syrians are to be worked out. we are in positive discussions with the government. a pre requisite is any refugees under a programme would have to be allowed to come lawfully, and be entitled to live here legally, including a variety of opportunities to work and have housing, health care and schooling what time line are we looking at? >> we don't have a time line. the government is keen to implement this. we know they have a 3-year programme in mind that would allow is number of refugees to
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come over that sort of period of time. >> what sort of conversations are you having with the government. are they receptive to your ideas. globally, they are sensitive questions, touching on national security, sovereignty and malaysia is no different. malaysia hosted refugees for more than 50 or 60 years, hosting tens of thousands. it has not signed up in terms of legal frameworks, but provided an opportunity for u.n.h.c.r. and other agencies to do their work. >> how concerned are you that malaysia has not signed up to the convention on refugees. if they signed up, would it help? >> there are many reasons that countries can take at a level that fall short of signing the convention. if refugees lived here, and if they were able to work, it would make a difference to the quality
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of their life and protection while here. it wouldn't involve signing the convention, it would involve a change to the domestic legal framework. so countries in the region, including malaysia can do a deal to protect refugees without signing the convention. it is a step that we think would be positive medium to longer term that was the u.n.h.c.r.'s spokesman, speaking to our correspondent australia prime minister has hailed a great future for relations between australia and indonesia. malcolm turnbull is there on a first overseas visit. relations were strained when two australian nationals were executed for drugs trafficking. >> india's prime minister began a first official visit to britain, he would hold talks with his counterpart before making a speech at parliament. kament ron described a visit as
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an historic opportunity. we have more from new delhi on what can be expected from the vis visit. >> reporter: decades of aid flowing from the u.k. to india will stop. the reasoning is given india's economic growth and advancement. for example, setting satellites. aid from the u.k. was a peanut, and not needed they said. in fact, prime minister narendra modi's u.k. visit include signing trade deals with britain, hoping to cash in on india's growth. many are fairly comfortable and confident that they will be able to fill the funding shortfall. some worry the new money may be politicized and go to different sectors. the u.k. says while aid may end,
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it will give expertise in areas such as poverty reduction and energy now, myanmar's military leadership congratulated nobel laureate aung san suy kyi on winning the historic elections on sunday. results put her party on course for a landslide victory, the first time that myanmar has been ruled by government not dominated by the military south korean's supreme court upheld a life-time sentence for the captain of a ferry killing many. lee jun-seok was convicted of several charges, including murder, others were gaoled. it's a school exam that stops students in its track. the exam can open or close the door on jobs and marriage prospects. more than 630,000 are believed
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to have been taken this year. harry fawcett reports from seoul. >> reporter: it's excitement usually generated from k-pop stars or actors. these girls are greeting those arriving for the college entrance exam, older schoolmates. >> translation: we think we should muster up energy so senior classmates can have energy, that's why we cheer harder than other schools. >> reporter: planes are recruited so as not to disturb listening tests. for parent that spend fortunes on tutors and helping kids through daily study, there's nothing left to do but pray. >> my daughter studied hard. i felt bad watching her. i wonder if they need to go through this. but it's to get a good job and have a happy life. it's a bit painful.
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>> reporter: this is exam taking as extreme sport and cost emotionally to the children, financially to the parents. opting out to the mind-set is almost unheard of. almost, but not entirely. a 90 minute drive, you find a school day starting of few -- like few others. morning assembly consists of tending to the cabbages soon to be made into produce. it is a time for conversations rather than lectures. and for the first radish. this is a boarding school designed as an alternative to high-pressure learning that dominates education in this country. >> no more high school focussing on college entrance. i wasn't going to achieve a good out come. i was interested in reading and writing more than my peers. the school helped me. >> reporter: this type of education is rare. in a country of 11,000 schools, a few dozens are defined as alternative. for the overwhelming majority of
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stig. study at cram schools goes on into the night. south korean children top list education achievement and last in terms of childhood happiness. >> it's not simple education policy. it is part of culture. deeply rooted culture or valuation. outside a buddhist temple, there's mats where people can come and bray. -- and pray. some all day, while the children take the exam. in a land dominated by education fever, alternative schools are destined to be isolated outposts. the city of montreal started to dump untreated sewage into the lawrence river. 8 billion litres of dump water has been release the and is expected to last a week. the mayor's office says it's necessary while ageing parts of
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the waste treatment system is replaced. >> in the united states, dozens of wildfires in southern california burn unseced. the simi valley saw large-scale damage. fire warnings are in place in two countries, including los angeles a beekeeper in the south pacific thinks he could have the answer to one of the biggest problems facing global agriculture. honey bees cultivate a third of food. they are disappearing because of mites, disease and farming techniques. drew ambrose travelled to niue to find out more. >> reporter: east of the international dateline niue is a small nation home to 1200 people. hidden away in the forest are hives of honey. the local beekeeper says the colonies are the cleanest bees in the world. 99% of beekeepers cries to see them. they'd be envious of beautiful
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hives like this ticking along. see how calm they are. >> nothing to worry about. >> even with a mask on, it's crazy. >> reporter: andy is producing a range of organic honey products to fund his dreams. a bee sanctuary. he says niue has the climate to breed calm queen bees all year around. >> you have to get the right size island. if you go too small you can't get the scale. too big, it's too hard to manage. this is the perfect sized island. niue is isolated. the nearest country is 300km away, which is why a bee sanctuary could work. the leader of niue supports the plan, it's a struggle to make
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money from agriculture due to a small workforce and shipping routes. >> if we need to borrow money, ensure that we accelerate of the process. we are talking to them about the possibilities of becoming partners. >> reporter: critics say niue is cyclone prone, and fear diseases could kill the bees when exported overseas. niue wants scientists to come to experience the buzz for themselves. you can see more of drew's programme, "the buzz" on 101 east on thursday at 2230 g.m.t. here on al jazeera a group of illegally smuggled orangutans have been returned to thailand from indonesia after being discovered on the roadside.
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it ends wrangling as to who should pay for the upkeep of the animals. orangutans are often smuggled throughout south-east asia and sold to private zoos as bets. >> all the news, plenty of comment and analysis. fails too many college students who end up unemployment and whroamed by loans. overwhelmed by loans. the promise of a higher education is the return on investment a student earns after receiving a college degree. part of that of course is knowledge. but for most people return on investment is the are higher earnings that they receive over a lifetime, compared to someone with only a high school education.
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