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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  November 15, 2015 8:00am-9:01am EST

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this is al jazeera. from al jazeera's headquarters in doha. world leaders promise to step up border controls and the paris attacks dominate the agenda in g20. frempbl prosecutors say friday's attacks were a complex cross-border operation - french prosecutors. the action on the crisis in
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syria, world leader meeting in vienna. plus we take you to one of the most remote places on earth where the race is on to save endangered gorillas and chimps. turkey where leaders of the g 20 group of companies are meeting. the annual summit supposed to be about boosting cooperation on global trade and economic growth. today it was all about security. friday's attacks across paris have flipped the focus, solving the crisis in syria now dominating discussions too. >> we will redouble our efforts working with other members of the coalition to bring about a peaceful transition in syria and to eliminate d.a.e.s.h. as a force that can create so much
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pain and suffering for people in paris and other parts of the globe bernard smith is live for us. the forces have been trying to soften borders and barriers to trade. tell us where this meeting is now heading when it comes to border controls. >> this is only a draft of a statement that the agency has got hold of. they're suggesting that they're agreeing to strengthen border controls. we don't know what that would mean because those significant borders must be here in turkey, the greece with greece and the union. it is impossible to seal it completely and people seeking refuge are allowed in by turkey.
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of course, it's other border, the sea border, it is easy but draerngous to cross, that's why a lot of refugees have been making that journey. what does that mean? what will turkey do? will it make it harder for people to cross the border. the other border, you can go from greece to europe without having your identity checked or your vehicle checked. maybe the europeans are looking at changing those regulations. we wait to find out what it all means strong words when it comes to i.s.i.l. what is being considered on that front? >> i think we've seen - although this is supposed to be a summit about the global economy, it has been overshadowed completely by the paris attacks, and previous
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i.s.i.l. attacks from the summer and buy root to the bombing of a plane flying over sinai. they're all put on the agenda. ban ki-moon has said that our response particularly to paris needs to be robust but always within the rule of law and with respect for human rights otherwise we will only fan the fire we are trying to put out. i.s.i.l. on the agenda here. more press conferences on monday tomorrow is the summit ends, but we're getting the impression certainly from the leaders that have spoken already that there seems to be a more determined effort to coordinate attempts to fight i.s.i.l. thanks for that. french prosecutors are describing friday's deadly attacks in paris as a highly coordinated multi national
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operation. 129 people were killed and 352 injured when a group of gunmen and suicide bombers targeted six locations across the capital. police say they found an abandoned car in an eastern suburb of paris. inside were several a.k.47 rifles that were used in the attacks. belgium police have relict three people-- arrested three people. one person has been identified as a 29-year-old parisian native. police don't know who the other attackers were. passports, though, have been found at the scene and police are trying to verify who they belong to. neave barker. >> reporter: french military on patrol in the streets of paris. the second day of mourning. the treat outside the bataclan concert hall where more than 8 on people die remain sealed off as forensic teams gather
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evidence. newspaper amateur video tap toured the moment the killers opened fire on concert goers. in another video police prepare to storm the building. they are pushed back in a hail of bullets. one of the killers left a vital clue, a severed finger that has identified him as a 29-year-old french national. six members of his family, including his brother and father have been arrested. >> translation: he caught the attention of police due to a violation of public power from 2004 to 20 so he was pronounced guilty eight times but was never imprisoned. in 2010 he was black lifted to the police due to extreme about behaviour but was never classified as part of an extremist group. >> reporter: police say they have also found a syrian
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passport at the site of the stade de france. it was used by someone claiming rev fudge on the greek island of leros in october. several men have also been arrested in belgium. police say they're connected to a car found by the bataclan. >> search warrants have been executed. these are still ongoing as we speak judge in germany a man was arrested earlier in a car loaded with explosives who might also be linked. mounting tributes to those who lost their lives. many remain in a critical condition. huge crowds gathered here 10 months ago. now the authorities are warning against large rallies. they're still worried about security. investigators say the attacks were part of a well coordinated cross-border operation. they're now looking beyond france for more clues.
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this colorful city is struggling to understand the mass murder that happened here. the french government is calling for unity going live now to jacky rowland. she is in paris for us. tell us what's going on there. >> reporter: people here, although the police have asked people to stay at home and they're worried about big crowds gathering in public places because of the security threat, nevertheless people are coming. there has been a slow trickle of people since the morning. they are coming to lay flowers, candles and stand in front of this statue which has become a shrine to the people who were attacked on friday night. i've managed to find three young people here who are going to share with us now their reasons for coming. thank you very much for joining
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us live. to start with, why did you want to come down here today? >> i would like to pay my respects to families and victims' families and to show that we are not going to give up in front the threats. it's very important to me to be there today because i'm young, i'm french and i could have been in this bar, i could have been in this concert bar and i could have died on friday and my friends too, my family too, and we were thinking to victims today. >> reporter: you were actually at a party on friday night not too far away from the attacks is that right? >> yeah. we have close, very fast. we don't have see, just watch
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tv, some minutes, but we don't think directly of that. it's unthinkable. >> reporter: what about you? do you see yourself changing your behaviour, changing how you go out and socialise? >> no. i'm not afraid. i think french people will - is not afraid, but personally, i'm really angry, and really sad, you know, but i'm not afraid and i will not change my way of life after this dramatic event. >> anyone can take the liberty to work in auswich. >> reporter: thank you for that who came to share with us their feelings as young people bearing in mind that it was largely young people who were victims of those attacks.
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thank you all three of you the investigation is still shaping up. where is that heading? >> reporter: well, really the police station have been making quite a lot of progress in the 36 hours or so since the attack. some of the key elements in the investigation are the discovery of the black piiat. we first heard of that car when the prosecutor spoke on saturday. he said that that car had been used in two of the shooting attacks on the restaurants. the car was found to the east of paris. obviously, forensic experts are going over it now and obviously other key things like a gps could also, if it exists in the car, could be useful in tracking the movements of that group of people. the other key parts of the investigation, as we know, one of the attackers at the bataclan nightclub was positively identified on saturday. police have now detained seven people, members of his family, and close people.
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they're being questioned now under french anti terror law the police can keep them for questioning for four days. so they have until wednesday to try and get as much information as possible because clearly the police now are trying to put together a jigsaw pes you will. they have small points, they want to join up the dots, find the connections, find out who the other attackers were, whether they are accomplices or are part of a wider network who could be a threata to people here in france or to another country london, chair of contemporary middle east studies at london, school of economics. good to have you with us. this operation at this point, i should say the attacks from france, they're looking like a very international operation, right? >> absolutely. first of all, this is a very
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complex operation. seven suicide bombers, seven suicide belts, three coordinated teams attacking six targets at the same time, strategic targets where the president and the public were watching a game. at the same time, i mean think what it has taken. in terms of casing, in terms of preplanning, in terms of choosing the targets. think of how much ammunition it has taken. think of how much explosives. you need explosives skills. this is a major major operation, and also what this tells us is that massive security failure on the part of the security establishment in paris, in france. this is not the first time you would have expected the france security establishment to put its house in order after what happened in january during the attack against the newspaper.
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so all in all, i think it's going to take the french authorities quite a long time to piece together what has happened and why such a major collapse of the security system in paris why france? given all the resources that you've just mentioned and planning and focus and attention, why is that being paid to france when there are so many countries which are participating in this so-called wore against i.s.i.l.? >> you're talking about targets of opportunities. think of what has happened in the last few days. the russian jet in which 224 russians were killed, alleged by i.s.i.s. the attacks in the heart of beirut, dozens killed and injured. again, the attacks, we don't talk about what happened in baghdad, and now there are attacks in paris. paris is very special.
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you have obviously the militans of various al-qaeda variety have assets in paris. obviously, major assets. obviously the only person, the only suspect who has been identified is french boy and the two killers during the january attacks were french. what does it tell you? it tells you that the various groups have major people in the country, that you have french people who basically buy into this ideology. it's easy to have weapons and ammunition. it is an open city, but at the same time we should not just blame the french and say, look, the french could have done more. who knows what's going to happen. here i am in the u.k. and i can tell you the british authorities are terrified. they say it's a matter of time. they say the virus is spreading. they have the capacity, the organisation skills and unfortunately you have some
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delewd young men who buy into this ideology and kill civilians randomly and brutally in the way that we witnessed on friday evening do you think one of the outcomes of this attack has been the world waking up to the importance of trying to find a political solution to syria to sort of fill the vacuum that allows groups like this to flourish? >> i think this is really the most important question about the elements. the question is how do you basically put out the fires in the heart of the areas, in syria, iraq, libya and yemen. how do you end the wars in syria and iraq? this is giving i.s.i.s. and al-qaeda central and in the peninsula the idea logical ammunition. without ending the civil wars in
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syria and iraq, this particular virus or disease will spread near and far as we have witnessed. yes, tragic, it is painful what happened in france. almost 300,000 people have been killed, probably a million injured. think of the tens of thousands of iraqis who have been killed and 11 million syrians between refugees and displaced people. it is one of the greatest tragedys since world war ii indeed thanks so much for your thoughts. there's much to come on the al jazeera news hour. the u.s. democrating hopefuls take to the stage for a second time. kurdish fighters make a grim discovery after pushing i.s.i.l. out of the iraqi town of sinjar. sporting themes and fans across
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the world pay their own tributes to victims of the paris attacks. the e.u.'s foreign policy chief says finding a solution to the crisis in syria has taken on a new meaning because of the paris attacks and progress has been made at talks in vienna with an agreement and a timetable for a cease fire and a political transition. reporting from the austrian capital. >> reporter: while the attacks in paris may have over shadowed saturday's talks about syria, they also underscored a renewed diplomatic commitment to end that country's war. make no mistake aring that resolve is only growing stronger in the wake of this unspeakable brutality and i think you will agree with me that there was a broad based, a sense of
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revulsion of horror and a deep commitment to do more to try to bring an at the end to the violence in the world. >> reporter: an establishment of formal negotiations between representatives of the syrian opposition and the syrian regime. the hope is that those discussions to be held under the auspices of the special envoy for syria would begin no later than january 1. >> translation: the syrian government has already informed the envoy of the composition of their delegation and today he has a task to find the composition of the syrian opposition delegation which should be representative appeared reflect the whole spectrum of political forces. >> reporter: the next goal, the establishment within six months from now, of a unity government
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would see the new constitution. finally within 18 months elections that would take place under u.n. supervision and with an emphasis on transparency and accountablity. a new found sense of urgency surrounded the talks saturday. it was clear the delegations felt there was no time on to waste. >> europeans, arabs, east and west, international community is all affected by terrorism and those that try to divide us and spread panic and the best response to this is actually coming together, coming together over coming our differences and trying together to lead the way towards peace in syria. >> reporter: one worry expressed by everyone involved was how a continuation of the war in syria would continue to create even more of a haven for i.s.i.l. and
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other extremist groups. whilst substantial agreements were reached, many outstanding questions still lyn angered such as which groups were involved in the war and terrorists going forward. the other outstanding issue a big a question now as it has been in all previous talks, what ask finally to become - is finally to become of president bashar al-assad earlier i spoke to a member of the syrian opposition and a professor of political science. i started by asking him his thoughts on the road map agreed to by world powers in vienna. >> i don't think it's going to do the job because it has not addressed the main issue of what to do with the regime. it seems to be accepting that the regime at this point. the americans have not presented
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any strong position as far as those negotiations are concerned and russia seemed to have its own way of supporting do you think there will be talks by january 1 between opposition groups and the regime? >> i think the talks might start, it might invite some syrian opposition members who may not represent the majority of syrian opposition, but i don't think this will go anywhere so a repeat of what we've seen in geneva? >> probably worse. i was then the spokesperson and i was a member of that negotiation group, and we had a lot of hopes. there was good supports from within the opposition, but currently things just seem to become more bleak and less hopeful because iran and russia
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seems to have won over the western allies in terms of-- in keeping bashar al-assad? >> yes. insist that he should stay and they're not talking a coalition government within the current regime that leads to the next question. can there be a more inclusive temporary coalition government, can there be elections in 18 months if bashar al-assad remains in power? as you read all the opposition groups, are there any groups that would accept that? >> i don't think so. i mean, the first step really to have any transition is to take bashar al-assad away or to hava a solution where there are some transition, a clear transition from the current regime that has, you know, attacked more cities in syria and there was brutal force to stay in power, but as long as this is not
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addressed, i don't think anything can lead into a real resolution of the conflict were the opposition at all consulted and what world powers were doing in vienna, how did they arrive at something that you're telling me now there isn't a sing opposition group that will accept? >> the opposition has been side lined. basically now this is a negotiation between russia, iran, the united states and its allies. the oppositions have been left out to impose something on - >> it is that the friends of syria, the supporter of the opposition now once quiet in syria, but that comes at a high cost because it led into the eyes of all threes conflicts. syria would fear the state because it would not be able to uplift again the condition in
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syria the bodies of dozens of yazidis people have been found in a mass grave in northern iraq. the discovery was made after kurdish fighters recaptured the town of sinjar from i.s.i.l. fighters. as imran khan reports from there, the grave could be one of many. >> reporter: after the peshmerga advanced swiftly into sinjar evidence of i.s.i.l.'s brutality comes to light. a peshmerga soldier places items that investigators say that were found on this site. they include bones, hair and personal items. this is a person who says members of his family and relatives are buried here. he is angry at what happened. >> translation: we understand this is war. we know people will die, but this is more. we will never forget what they did here. we will have our revenge. >> reporter: according to the u.n. i.s.i.l. killed at least 3000 yazidis men and women when it took control of this region
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on june 2014. they practiced an ancient religion. they forced them to convert to islam or be killed. they also enslaved young women. that sparked international condemnation. according to authorities there could be hundreds of sites like this. as peshmerga go further into the town and clear different areas, it is likely that they will find more mass graves. the head of the local swellings department it is further evidence of i.s.i.l.'s violence. >> translation: we keep finding evidence of their actions. this needs to be recorded. >> reporter: it is up to this man to record that evidence. originally from sinjar he has worked with the international krill court for 13 years and now advises the kurdish government on war crimes and genocide. he said this attack took place on august 15 and this grave
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contains 76 bodies including young women and it might qualify as genocide. >> these young girls they told us they managed to escape from i.s.i.s. and they came to our center for interrogation and gathering evidence. i am leading that project. they told us about this - they been there and they told us, they mentioned it. this is evidence. >> reporter: given the ferocity of the u.s. led air strikes and the peshmerga advance, it is likely that evidence of i.s.i.l.'s killings in this town will be lost but for the yazidis relief some evidence is at least being discovered egyptian police say they found the bodies of 1 ah people with bullet windows wounds in the-- 15 people-- in the sinai peninsula. at least 16 people have been killed after a land slide hit
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homes in eastern china. 21 people are still missing in the village. heavy rains created a torrent of mud and rocks burying 30 homes. weather now. rain easing now across eastern parts of china at all. >> i wish i could say yes, but i fear there will be more heavy rain. it's pretty clear why. this white shading of cloud that you see up towards here, that's in the area that is the heavy. the thickest close is the heavy rain. it has been coming up from south west up towards the north-east. this lon line remains in position here all the way down to here. we see heavy rain. there has been flooding. many rivers have bused their banks and we have seen a lot of problem across central parts of china. the weather weather will
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continue in the south area as we go through monday. still that heavy rain up towards eastern china. it will intensify further as we go on through tuesday. that same area of cloud and rain is making it's way across here and we see heavy rainfall. a picture here out of seoul where the rain was tipping down. heavy rain on the other side. 9 had millimetres of rain here in just 24 hours. wetter weather. clearer skies just for a short time thanks. lots more still to come here on the jams news hour. we're in argentina where the first ever presidential run has interested young people. >> reporter: i'm here where ape has been taits like this are under threat ronda's reign is over.
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welcome back. recap our headlines. the u.s. president is vowing to eliminate i.s.i.l. appeared find a peaceful transition in syria. speaking at the g 20 in turkey obama described the bombings in paris as an attack on the civil eyesd world.
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the paris attacks were coordinated. the police have found the car believed to be used. one attacker has within identified as a 29 year old parisian. new videos emerged of the shooting outside the bataclan halle where most of the victims were killed. 129 people died after an attack across the city. crowds of people are gathering in paris to pay tribute to the victims of the attacks. more on the first day of three days of official mourning in france. >> reporter: two days after the attacks, shock lingers and grief. at some of the scenes of friday's carnage, people gathered to pay their respects.
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the restaurants opposite one another the le carillon and . >> you wouldn't think it was possible in paris so brulgtsly. >> reporter: in the 11th district the café and another one. emotional scenes of course whispered, conversations the only sound really, the hum of vehicle engines. this young woman is worried about an injured friend. >> translation: i have a friend who was shot three times in her legs and injuries to her face. she is in a stable conditions but psychologically it will be very difficult for her and her
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family. >> translation: i have lots of respect for the victims and their families because i know the area very well. i come here all the time. we could have been hit too and frankly it's very upsetting. >> reporter: away from these locations so solemn, so quiet, the police investigation is widening, taking in locations from belgium to montenegro to the aisles of greece. that is not the concern here as people remember those killed in unseasonably mild weather as they ate and drank on the terraces on a friday night out the paris attacks have provoked reaction from democratic candidates who are hoping to replace u.s. president obama. the parties final three hopefuls met to debate in iowa. >> reporter: they came bearing signs of support to those still reeling from the paris attacks and now wanting answers from their democratic presidential
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candidates about how they would prevent similar attacks in the united states. >> my heart goes out to everyone in paris. i feel their sense of loss. it's concerning to me what is going to happen in the foment and what will we do to protect our country. >> reporter: inside the debate hall the moderator asked the question. bernie sanders replying rival hillary clinton contributed to region a.m. instability as a former senator voting for iraq in 2003. >> the invase of iraq cep something that i strongly opposed has unravelled the region completely. >> i have said the invasion of iraq was a mistake, but i think if we're going to tackle the problems posed by jihadi extreme terrorism we need to understand it. >> reporter: it was an exchange that dominated the debate and
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immediately following had clinton's team struggling to spin. >> she has said that her vote on iraq was a mistake and the lack of leadership in the bush administration. >> it wasn't just a - to acknowledge the mistake does that go far enough. >> ultimately, but that's the kind of thing that voters decide. >> reporter: in february they will get their chance when the state holds the nation's first nominating contest. there were domestic issues that were discussed in this second democratic debate. given it comes one day after the paris attack, the candidates' positions on combatting i.s.i.l. are what are making headlines one of the most remote places on earth and the wildlife that thrives there is under threat. that's according to conservationists who say the
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forest in this area are being lost at an alarming rate. it is in the north of the republic of congo. the remote 2 of 0 square kilometer area forms part of the national park. its isolation is largely protected it from loggers, but demand for hard woods and palm oil has drawn developers and started to eat away that is home of the gorillas. live from us triangle in the republic of congo. i've heard you've had quite a journey just to get to where you're talking to us. tell us about that >> that's right. to get to this remote corner of the world is a two day drive from the capital to the nearest village. they you take an hour car drive
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down unpaved roads. you take a conoe down two rivers. to get here is a six-hour hike including some of it through waist-high waters. in that time my cameraman had leaches, i've been bitten by ants, we've had a near encounter with an el front. when you get here this is pristine and a safe place for endangered gorillas and chimps. we have seen both of them here today. we took a look ashdz the northern congo and this is what we saw. take a look. these are the eyes of an endangered blood line. western low lands gorillas like this one can relax here where they're protected from logging and hunters. it's downtime for most of them right now. since 1988 they've gone from vulnerable to endangered to
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critically endangered. their numbers have been slashed by 80%. there are perhaps 100,000 left. >> disease has beena an influence in areas, hunting is the most dangerous threat to them in their existence now, but the spread of logging, agriculture is also having an impact on their environment. >> reporter: he has preserved ape habitats for 16 years. >> the rest of the group is coming up >> reporter: he has helped turn animal hunterss into wildlife tackers who now protect their former prey. >> translation: i feel good about this job. >> reporter: this is a mother and first baby. we have to wear masks to make sure there is no exchange of disease. researchers have made sure that they can bea accustomed to human
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presence of the . they're perfectly comfortable with having us this close. they have the intelligence to craft their own tools to turn a termite mound into a meal, but even they have no defense against a dwindling habitat. there's as few as 17 on,000 today. they're more territorial than gorillas. what happens with logging is you effectively force one to just be displaced to be on top of the other. once you get two communities going together, then you really do see chimp carnage. they spend years getting to know them through daily contact and that can be terrifying. >> the silver back will start chinching the trackers and
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ourselves-- charging. it is stressful. people get bitten, in the end we think it's important to have a couple of groups habituated so we can educate people about them. in persuading people not to log may be the best hope for these animals. this is a research camp here. the reason it's such an ideal place is that while there are western low land gorillas in announcer:s, most of those were born in captivity. because humanity has hardly touched this area, this is a rare place for researchers to study how they act. they found some interesting things, for instance, the chimps have have been found beating their chests. that's something gorillass do.
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it seems that the chimps have learned this from the apes. we are one of only 20 people to have seen this. that's why here they are safe whereas in the rest of this part of the world, encroachment are diminishing their habititats interesting look there. thank you. president of myanmar has made his first speech since the election. he has reiterate saying there will be a peaceful transition of power. n.l.d. party led by aung san suu kyi clinched the majority of seats in parliament. >> reporter: all duties will be transferred to the next government according to the schedule. we will make sure it is smooth and stable without having to worry about anything in argentina political
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history is being made for the first time a presidential run off debate is being held. the two candidates are said to go head to head on live television on sunday. the political battle has raised interest from the whole people in the country including the young. >> reporter: in the heart of the presidential palace vapided by pictures thousands of young activists shout their support. they say they're the foot soldiers of the current government. >> translation: you are not troops. you're activists. go and take the message to every house that people have to defend their rights. >> reporter: they have become one of the strongest movements in the country. young people who instead of fighting the government are part of it. they commend state companies and
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are in key government positions. this is a student activist and is part of a campaign to show his support for the ruling party's presidential candidate. >> translation: in the last year and this national government, political debate has been center here in argentina. we are a group of young people that believe that this government has started a process that needs to continue. >> reporter: during the dictatorship thousands of young people were killed in what many say was a fight for social justice. when argentina returned to democracy in 1983 young people stayed away from politics. there is a reason why they have become interested in politics once again. >> translation: terrorism is a fear of commitment. the parents that suffered the dictatorship did not want their children to have a social or political commitment. they did it out of love and fear. it could cost you your life.
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>> reporter: during the dictatorship in the 1970s and 80s, students in the universities were the heart of the opposition. in the last 12 years, political activism has increased amongst young people. political activism has historically been associated with a ruling party, the opposition candidate is working to change that. hundreds of young people are going house by house trying to take his message out. this is one of the leader and claims that young people want to be part of the country's political future. >> translation: the young people in our party are not combative, initially because they were part of an elite. but that has changed. people want to get involved.
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>> reporter: in one week argentinians will head to the polls again. it is young people from all political sides who have played a crucial role in this crucial race more to come on the news hour. cash claw backs. some greece islands threatening to sue the government over the loss of tax breaks. we will tell you how this nbt is sir passing his father. that's coming up in sport with jo. maria sharapova
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>> these people have decided that today they will be arreste ste
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and we show you like no-one else can. this is our american story. this is america tonight. welcome back.
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consumer tax or vat is going up across the greek islands as the government tries to claw back cash to pay its creditors. the new rates will be the highest in the european union and ends the era of tax breaks for the island. it will keep tourists away, a valuable source of income. >> reporter: cheese is this signature export. it is created an $11 million dairy industry. farmers here are worried that they may go out of business. a law passed last montha bolishes a tax discount. he is the first to enforce if. i statement that cattle feeds will go up 14 points. nobody here can make ends meet that way. my costs for feeds and medicines will go up five to 600 euros a
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day. >> reporter: he grows his own corn meal. potatos is another export will suffer from a hike in fertiliser and seed costs. the farmers cooperative says there's no room to raise prices or cut costs. >> translation: it's very difficult for us to pay farmers more and these are family businesses. everybody is already pitching in. you can't cut salaries of five people. people will just leave. >> reporter: tourism doesn't offer a safe harbour ired with tax on tickets appeared restaurants. people fear this will sink. the tax discount was meant to compensate for distance. the cost of shipping goods to and from islands hurts profit margins. the islands have enjoyed their vat discount for a quarter century. they are losing it when they need it most. to them it's a calam itous
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coincidence. municipal costs will go up by almost 3 million dollars. he is bringing more islands in a class suit to challenge the tax in the supreme court and is prepared to go all the way to the european court. some here are preparing what they see as necessary disobedience. >> translation: they will find their own illegal way to get money. they will smuggle their feed in by sea or cut down their herd. >> reporter: for the state to sir waive they must survive and for them to survive they must cheat the state on the sports news, jo, tributes come in. >> reporter: organisers of next year's football championship has
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concerns. a security meeting will be held on monday. world of sports has been paying tribute to the victims. >> applies raise and have a moment of silence. >> reporter: this was the scene ahead of the game. a sim lair tribute was in they paused in manchester where david beckham was hosting a football game. there was an additional security checks in stockholm with deny mark. sweden won this first leg two one. a second half penalty was scored. his 60th international goal. the player admitted the events in the french capital made it difficult to concentrate. >> translation: there has been a
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steady flow of news since last night. it's not like you can ignore it. i followed it a bit and the focus hasn't been 100% on the game. we also have to respect the match and focus on the match which has been very difficult. now the match is over and we won. >> reporter: ukraine also hosted slovenia in the first leg. the lead was in the first half, the home side going on to win two nil. norway will have to overcome a one nile deficit against hungary on sunday if they're to secure a spot in euro 2016. >> translation: we have a lot of goal scorers in the team, of course, and most of the players play tomorrow has scored a lot of goals, but do it with a smile. that's what i said. >> reporter: russia has agreed a three-month plan to clean up its
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act to ensure the doping scandal doesn't prevent its athletes from competing at the rio olympics next year. it was suspend on friday following allege re allegations of doping. the sports minister said on saturday, he agreed a road map with the federation, that his nation would soon be compliant with all international rules. >> translation: we will adopt all the standards of w.a.d.a. and i.a.a.f. offer to us and in 60 days or three months we will come to the i.a.a.f. to present ourselves as meeting the standards. i hope that our team will be reinstated. >> reporter: play was called off for a second day in the second test between south africa and india. because of rain. new zealand's ballets men have led an incredible fight back on day three of the second test with australia.
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ross tailor became the first kiwi to score a double century. his 26 ah partnership with contain william sonne was also a record between the two countries. black caps finishing day three just 49 runs behind australia's massive total of 559 and with four wickets in hand. taylol unbeaten on 235 at the close of play. ronda rousey's reign is over. she lost her claim. she was unbeaten in 12 fights going back to 2012. her last three fights combined lasted just 64 seconds, but up v holly holm in australia earlier she met her machl. holly holm a former boxing champion was a 20 to 1. she knocked her out with a power kick to the head in the second
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round to win the belt. nico rosberg will be on poll position for the penultimate race of the season. this is the fifth successive poll who won last year. he edged his her say decency team mate by-- mercedes team mate. hamilton won the f1 in the united states. rosberg is trying to get second place. >> it worked well. qual got really got going and i got good laps in. the last lap was on the edge. there was a couple of big moments in there. it still worked out to be a good time so i'm happy with that. >> reporter: the bna to set records on the court. steff knocked down 1236 career
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pointer. that shot also moved him past his father in the all time made three pointers list. he had who with derek fisher. don't you just hate it when you're in the middle of something and someone's phone goes on off. it happened to david beckham at a media conference. >> it's enjoyable with - somebody's calling. whose phone is this? >> answer it. >> i will. hello. hello. they've gone. hung up. >> reporter: that never happens at any of the media conferences i've gone to we're back with another
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story in a couple of minutes, so stay with us on al jazeera.
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>> world leaders discuss how to combat the threat of isil as the paris attacks dominate the agenda at the g-20 summit in turkey. >> hello, from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes: >> french prosecutors say friday's attacks were a complex cross border operation. >>


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