tv News Al Jazeera November 16, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EST
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and an unlikely partnership in one of the most isolated places on the planet. >> hello, we'll have all your sport including the french football team prepared to play their first game since the paris attacks. we'll hear from their captain later this news hour. >> hello there, a warm welcome to the program. the french president françois hollande wants a coalition with the u.s. and russia to destroy the islamic state in iraq and the levant. the state of emergency in paris could be extend ford three months. they are on the hunt for a man believed to be involved in the paris attacks. his brother was among those arrested and then released. they carried out 168 overnight
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raids. earlier people across france and europe held a minute of silence to remember the 129 victims. neave barker has the story now from paris. >> in the grand congress room of the palace of versailles, members of the upper and lower houses of parliament sing the national anthem. [singing] rare moment in french politics for extraordinary times. president françois hollande called on th france in one of its darkest hours. >> france has come through other tests. france is still here, alive and kicking. those who have tried to challenge france has always been the history's leaders. it will be the same this time
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around. the french people are ardent, valiant and courageous. they won't give up. these killers represent no one. we're in a war with jihadist terrorists who threaten the whole world not only france. >> hollande also called for a change to the constitution giving the government extra powers to prevent further attacks. the current state of emergency will now be extended for three months. paris is a changed city scared by violence but united in grief. a minute's silence to reflect on the worst attack since the second world war. a symbol of the nation's values of the many faces of modern france. >> i am very touched. i'm very upset, and i want to pay tribute to these people, and yes, i think it is important we just want highways. >> the french government is treating these attacks as an act of war mobilizing all security
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and intelligence agencies despite all the extra effort the government is warning that future attacks could be imminent. it's difficult to make sense of what happened here in paris while the country remains at risk. overnight the french police stage 168 raids across the country. these images show the toulouse raid. more than 100 people have been placed under house arrest. >> last night across france the police with the help of the intelligence services carried out about 150 searches at the homes of individuals suspected of various offenses. the searches allow us to speed up the interrogations into radicalized individuals. >> france launched its airstrikes on raqqa.
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iraqi intelligence reports say this is where the attacks were planned. isil has since issued a new threat in france and other countries taking part in airstrikes. as the country pauses to reflect on friday's attacks the country is now taking unpress sented action to safeguard its citizens. neave barker, al jazeera, paris. >> so far more than 100 of the people killed have been identified. many of them, of course, young. but some families are sill waiting for information about their loved ones. among them was a 23-year-old. she was out for dinner with friends at a restaurant when she was shot. she later died in hospital. 33-year-old music lover and aspiring writer was one of those killed one of 89 killed at the bataclan killed. he was a composer and played the guitar. another killed at the eagles of
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death metal concert hi there, david. there has been a day of rage where police have been concerned. >> yes, these raids have been carried out by tactical units by the french police forces. there are 168 during the course of last night, and i don't think those raids would have stopped, they picked up a lot of information as a result of what they found. they stretched from the north of france on the belgium border right down to toulouse, and of course, one suburb of paris in the north 69 capital city. and they did manage to find a large variety of weapons, including rocket-propelled grenade launcher. they found bulletproof vest. they found drugs, money, and a lot of weapons. they made 23 arrests. but that operation will still be
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continuing. the people will be interrogated and i suspect this will ten throughout the period of the state of emergency, which will be extended, of course, to three months later on in week when wallment votes for it. so a continuing effort is still being made to try and clamp down on the extremists in france and try to break up the cells that they believe isil has established in this country. >> what has the mood been like today? we've seen pictures up and down the country. we've seen the eiffel tower and it feels like a real sense of defiance and paris. >> yes, paris i'm beginning to recognize again on my way here to this live point. a lot more traffic. a lot more people in the streets. of course, the rain is putting a few off, but they're making a
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real effort to reinvigorate the life, the street life of paris, but everybody knows and everybody loves. as you said they've got a special attempt being made to get people back in the bistros. to get people back in the cafes, to revive these streets and revive the economy, of course. that's been so badly hit. but a real difference coming here to the public today. there is real life coming back, and it's wonderful to see the eiffel tower bathed in the colors, and john kerry, u.s. secretary of state, is now here. he has switched on the lights at the american embassy now bathed in the french colors. >> joining me live from paris, thank you. so what more do we know about the men behind friday's attack. french officials have identified the mastermind.
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suspects. >> the relations between police and the residents has always been very difficult. for the past 20 years it's been like that. it's not new. we didn't need the attacks in paris to find out we had jihad dis. we already knew that. even as the manhunt continues, his brother was was released and insists he had nothing to do with the attacks. >> we don't know where our brother is. you must know that he grew up here. he studied here. he is a normal person. i cannot tell you more than that. >> hundreds of isil fighters have been recruited in this
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neighborhood. the dangers are well publicized and the complaint is too little has been done to effectively tackle the problem. >> they're able to recruit these young people because of the fragile situation that people here live in. but those who recruit them, it has to be an international collaboration. >> there is a sense that despite the occasional raids the high profile policy statements from the government the authorities have never got to grips with the radicalizing elements within belgium. paris has changed all that. but will the police response drive a further wedge between the residents and the authorities or will it bring new cooperation. al jazeera, brussels. >> well, joining me from paris now is a political scientist at the university of versailles and paris. a warm welcome to the program. how do you read hollande's
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handling of the aftermath of the attacks? >> well, you can see it's a complete situation the enemy was not the enemy of france but the whole of europe so that we have to get some europe responses to these attacks. >> how careful does the government have to be right now to not inflame an already difficult situation? >> the first is the national. with the modification to the constitution. he asked the european partners
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to be part of a meeting, and the international at the u.n. but we have to integrate a full range of strategies. >> would you say that the french public are behind hollande at the moment? >> at the moment the nation is commutely united. with the president, of course, but we're seen as well some political festivities on the far right starting to complain about the policy, for example, and the facts that france would welcome to refugees. so this is a thin line. not regarding to the nation but regarding to the political scene. >> with some of the proposals that are being made is there a view that some up people's liberties are under threat?
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the extension of the state of emergency can provide the tools for the professionals for the intelligence to act properly. we've seen that today, and it has been efficient already. but the point is that the nation has to unite as well for regional elections. the state of emergency will still be going on. and we have to wait and see the reaction of the political leaders to keep this national unity all together for the next elections to come. >> where does the opinion fall, julian, about continuing to strike at i.s. targets? >> i think its important the first strikes was very important to send a signal to the
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terrorist organization. in the meantime we have to find some more advanced solutions. because just striking from the air won't lead anywhere. for that we need a coalition on the ground. so rather it's a syrian one, the talks, or we have to get some international solution for that. and we do not seem to have it. the president said he will ask to the united nations to have a resolution. but everybody is against it. but the semantics of terrorism is very diverse. it's not the same for this regime, for russia, for iran and for france and the unite u.s. so we have to find a real solution regarding the military resolution and political plans.
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>> coming up this news hour. days of rain leaves fear that many will fall to disease. we'll have details coming up in sport. now efforts to defeat isil have dominated the agenda at the g20 summit in turkey. leaders from britain, germany, and the united states have called on russia to intensify its airstrikes on the armed group. >> as europe's g20 leaders stood in silence for the victims' of the terrorist attacks. there was a call.
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>> we need to result together to fight against terrorism. >> but how? from the country leading the fight against isil a recognition of the limits of what it can do militarily. abraham ruled out any ground offensive. >> that would be a mistake. we would see a repetition of what we've seen pore. which is if you do not have local populations which are committed to inclusive governance and who are pushing back against ideological extremes, that they resurface. unless we're prepared to have a permanent occupation of these
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countries. >> we have established contact with part of the syrian opposition. which have asked us not to strike territories under control. if this armed opposition starts to actively star target isil. >> all g20 members committed to put pressure on isil money. they are asked to act quickly. they are not a traditional opponent as president obama pointed out, but everyone here agreed the key is to resolve the political crisis in syria. >> well, the u.s. secretary of state john kerry has flown to paris for an unscheduled visit,
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and he has condemned the attackers. >> he has raped and tortured and pillaged and call it the will of god. they are, in fact, psychopathic monsters, and there is nothing civilized about them. this is not a case of one civilization pitted against another. this is civilization against barbarism. >> to discuss this, we have more from washington. hi, ros. there is strong language from kerry, but does it change anything in the u.s. strategy? >> it does not change anything in the u.s. strategy. as we heard earlier on monday from the u.s. president barack obama, you're not going to see tens of thousands of u.s. troops going into syria, or going into iraq to go after isil. the ongoing strategy combination
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of airstrikes against isil targets as well as counter messaging to go after isil financing. that is still the strategy that the u.s.-led coalition is going to be conducting. but you're going to see much more intense actions in all of those areas. what is important to note is that the secretary of state, as you said, went from the g20 summit to paris to meet not just with u.s. persons, u.s. embassy staff, but also to meet on tuesday with the norther foreign minister to talk about ways that the u.s. and france can more closely work together to counter what they consider a fundamental national security threat. >> tell us more about the reactions in some republican state to--or the possibility of accepting refugees since reports of that syrian passport were
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found near one of the attackers? >> well, these republican governorrers are seizing on the fact that this passport, whether or not it's an actual passport, was found near one of the sites of one of the attacks on friday night one of the reasons why they should not accept any syrian refugees to be resettled in their state. they say this security issue from their standpoint, and they would be remissed if something like happened in paris happened in their communities. in the past half hour or so, it's come out that one of the men running for the republican nomination ben carson, is asking that congress strip funding from the u.s. state department budget that would pay for the resettlement of 10,000 or so syrian refugees in the coming fiscal year. now whether or not that can actually be done is really questionable. but there is this sense that allowing any refugees from syria
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into the u.s. could be a dangerous step. that is also something which the president spoke out against earlier on monday saying that it is unamerican to suggest that people who are fleeing a civil war might some how have evil intentions against those who would take them in. so as you might expect, julie, this is becoming very much a political issue here in the united states. >> roslind jordan, thank you. heavy rain in northern iraq has caused flooding in camps for people displaced by violence. >> winter has arrived in the kurdistan region of northern iraq. a few days of rain have turned makeshift streets into muddy paths. this woman is desperate.
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she has lived here 18 months after escaping isil fighters who seized her home in mosul. now she and her family are freezing in this camp. >> sometimes we sleep in the kitchen. otherwise times in the bathroom. we have no place to go because of the rain and the storms. our tent collapsed on the kids. when it rains the power goes off. >> this camp is typical of many others that cross george iraq which is struggling to cope with the winter weather. they have a cash christ and if has cut back on the services that it provides. winter is making the crisis worse. >> the biggest chance of this camp and many others is not the cold. it's the rain. as you can see it can come down very heavily. for the most vulnerable, the children, this is a real challenge. if disease stakes hold of this
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camp it can spread very kick quickly. >> we're doing our best to overcome harsh conditions. but frankry speaking these tents can survive strong rain storms. >> it's been eight months since they were warned that the crisis was at tipping point. that money still has not arriv arrived. so these people continue to face misery every day. al jazeera, erbil. >> two palestinians have been killed during an israeli army raid near ramallah. the military said that it's troops came under attack under the refugee camp. forces were demolishing the home of a man who they say killed an israeli in june.
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>> we're following those stories from west jerusalem. >> the israeli forces moved into the refugee camp under the could have of darkness to demolish the house of a palestinian who is now head in israeli jails and who is accused of killing a jewish settler back in june. now according to a statement of the israeli military, the forces came under fire, and they responded in the cross fire three palestinians power, the people we spoke with only two palestinians actually died, and they do deny that there was any
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gunfire. they were saying one of the victims, a young man who stood at the rooftop of his house to check on what was going on. certainly relations between the israeli military and the youth in the refugee camp all have been in tents. this is not the first time that israelis have moved in to demolish. they've done that twice before, and they were met with fierce resistence. a couple of houses and on were effect: >> some parts of the strategic city were controlled by houthi rebels while government forces maintain control of other areas. >> government reinforcement in the city of taiz.
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>> we are ready for the fight. we are waiting for orders to launch the final assault. >> the new commander who has been ordered to prevent the houthis taking over taiz. recapturing the city is crucial for government forces. it's on the main road which links the south to the capital of sanaa. it reminds a divided city. it they are under control. the government in exile may move there. prime minister spent some time in the city of aden, but was forced to relocate in saudi arabia after targeted in an isil attack. >> still to come this hour,
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>> a reminder of the top stories on al jazeera. the french president told both houses of parliament that he wanted to extend the state of emergency in france for three months. france and belgium searching for suspects in friday's attacks in paris. >> two palestinians have been shot dead in the west bank in an army raid of ramallah. there are further debates about europe's policies towards
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syrians displaced by civil war. one attacker may have traveled to paris described as a refugee. we have reports now from paris. >> of the many dreadful consequences, one key detail may have the widest significance. a syrian passport discovered near the body of one attacker, it's holder having entered europe via a greek island as a refugee. >> what i fear is that there will be irrational demands for completely closing down immigration flows. >> the passport connection has not yet been proven, but already those caught have begun. this changes everything, the words of a german politician challenging chancellor angela merkel's open door policy
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towards refugees. here in france, insen incendiary language from far right leader marie la pen. >> i think it's going to be harder to be an immigrant and to be a foreign center europe. >> eve is an asylum lawyer based in paris. >> the extreme right in france and europe will seize the opportunity and it's not a new argument, i mean, they had started talking about this, but the confusion they kind of emphasized as very dangerous. from terrorists to muslim, then you slide into arab and immigrants and they put everyone in one lot. >> they've argued that it's wrong to connect what happened in paris with the refugee crisis, that the runs of people making their way to europe are
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fleeing the very people who carried out friday's attacks. but those voices are in danger of being drowned out by the rising clamor of the populist right. and there is another dimension to consider in the so-called islamic state motives for these attacks. >> the message is come and join us because the retaliation, the expected retaliation from france and europeans in general will be so harsh that muslims will feel that this is some how an unwelcome home, and they've going to back. >> if friday's attacks succeed in turning europe against the refugees, and even secular europeans against muslims in general, that may be the very result that isil was aiming for. jonah hull, al jazeera, paris. >> the international threat caused by isil and the situation in syria as well, we go to the chair of contemporary middle
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east studies. hi there, does the paris attack do you think show a shift in direction, if i can call it that for isil? bearing in mind various things that happened on the ground in syria? >> i mean, there is no double, julie, that within the last year or so isis has devoted more resources to foreign targets. it's not just the paris attacks. the downing of the russian airliner, the massacre in beirut where hundreds were killed in the heart of beirut by two suicide-bombers. more and more resources are devoted to attacking foreign targets. it's really consolidating it's islami islamic state, even though we're seeing a shift providing more resources to form part, it's getting isis a
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massive propaganda. >> can we be sure that isised out talks. >> there is plenty of evidence, the weight if you would ask me, some how there is the fingerprints of isis. and the eched by the americans and the french seem to point towards the fact that isis did not just inspire the operation that even coordinated the operation. these are facts that there was communication between the cell in belgium and isis in raqqa, the capital of isis. more importantly one of the fighters went to syria and fought in syria, and then returned to belgium. and another suspect also seems to have some connections with the so-called islamic state in syria. the evidence seems to point towards an isis connection.
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another point very important, it's a very complex operation. this is not amateur spying. seven suicide-bombers. i mean, the skills, the pre-planning, the casing, the strategic target. the coordinated attacks, and guess what, the most important, the explosive skills. there are explosives engineers, or specialists who put everything together, and basically carried out this complex--highly complex and sophisticated operation. >> what about the situation currently on the ground in this area in terms of the territory that isis is actually able to hold on to at the moment? what does that picture look like? >> what i'm going to say might surprise you and your viewers, and really, i do be wrong, i think isis is losing in syria and iraq. it is losing ground, and these are facts whether it's the syrian army, the kurds, the loss
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of sinjar, the iraqi army has been reeling on the offense. these attacks, you asked me. these outside attacks give isis tremendous propaganda value. it's mobilizing the base even though it's losing ground these attacks tell me that isis is trying to find a way to reinforce it's triumph and victory. >> thanks. >> now despite being voted out of parliament, it has the authority to change laws which could make things difficult for opposition leaders aung san suu kyi and her party. it was also the first time suu
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kyi called into question the vote. and she will call someone in as her proxy. >> this parliament session is attended by members of parliament who were elected not in the recent polls but the 2010 general elections. now many of them would have lost their seats in the most recent elections but they're still able to debate issues the president has promised a smooth and peaceful power transfer. they said there won't be a repeat, that was a year when the national league for democracy
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also won the general election by a land decide but were not allowed to governor. instead many of their leaders were in prison. now aung san suu kyi who led her party to victory in 1990 as well as 2015 general elections has said she wants to meet the president, the military chief and the speaker of parliament to discuss the transition of power. she has already met the speaker on sunday and will meet again with him on thursday. but no date is set for the president and military chief. it is these discussions that will be crucial to the transition of power in the months ahead. 25 people died after heavy rains swept rocks over homes in the province. one person has been found alive so far. there is a warning of heavy rains predicted until wednesday.
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slowing overseaslow. >> now two contenders have gone head to head in an historic debate. between the ruling front for victory party and running for the conservative republican proposal. >> it was a historic night. saying these elections are about to compete for the country's economy. he warned that they would take argentina back in time. >> your proposals are a threat to society as a whole.
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you talk about lifting the restriction in the economy. it's a danger for every family. every work whose jobs are at risk. who is going to pay for this? >> it's time to put an end to 12 years of kishnerism. the movement made by nestor and cristina kirchner. >> i see hope that we'll grow once again and there is going to be work. the only ones afraid with those with government positions. >> he has vowed to lift currency restrictions and take the government away from the left-leaning policies from the kishner legacy. on the other hand inflation is running about 25%, and the swing vote is in middle class. the presidential elections are happening in one week. yesterday was crucial for argentina because many remain undecided about who to vote. there was no clear winner, most
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of those present at the site agreed on one thing. >> today more people were watching than football. on sunday they will need to decide whether to stick with that legacy or make a dramatic change. al jazeera, buenos aires. >> an unlikely relationship between the logging industry and conservationists is helping to save wildlife in the republic of congo. john hedron made the difficult journey to this remote region to find out more. >> the lush tropical forest of
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central africa are shrinking. in the past few decades the machinery of the logging industry has slowly rolled on one of the most isolated areas of the planet, home to chimpanzees and gorillas. conservationists are working to save these untouched wood lands, and they're doing it with an unlikely ally. logging companies themselves. >> if wild liar is going to exist in countries where there is a lot of poor people, a lot of the wildlife in the world, the richest wildlife in the world, the most diverse areas are often in the areas with the most marginalized poorest people, and we have to find a way to balance their needs with the needs of the wildlife. >> instead of clearcutting whole forests, the biggest logging company is volunteering limiting the number of trees it cuts per
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hectare. that is paying off in north america where. >> you can sell that as a freedom product. >> yes. >> logging has gone on intensi intensively foredeck cases but in central africa that only picked up at the turn of the century. they hope that using sustainable logging practic practice will allow loggers log here for decades. >> in theory sustainable use and sustainable development are possible, but only under rare circumstances where adequate measures and scientific background and monitoring take place. there are very few places where it's carried out well. but in theory it's possible. >> but there is no reason to believe that at least here in the congo it's working.
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the non-profit stewardship council certifies logging is sustainable if it the forest can sustain the trees, the wildlife and the local people. >> we still have wildlife. john hedron, al jazeera, republic of the congo. >> still to come here on al jazeera. raul will be here with sport, and ireland may have qualified for next year's european championships.
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>> over to raul now for all the day's sports. >> thank you very much. we're going to start with football. on tuesday france will play england at wembley stadium in london. it will be their first match since it was lit up. as the squad trained earlier on monday france will play germany and paris on friday night. when the suicide bomber struck outside of their national stadium one of the players lost a cousin in the attacks and the sister of another. 89 people were killed. the captain who played his club football with tottenham said that he hoped that something
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positive could come out of tuesday's game. >> i think the only thing we can do is to play football, trying to escape during the game, and of course, there will be a lot of emotion from players, but as i say, we are in england, and we know english people are very respectful, and we it will be a great moment of solidarity. >> i really can't imagine how this game is going to go and what sort of football is going to be played. i've never been in this situation before. i've never played a game four days after tragedy of this immense proportion. but the game is to go ahead, and we will prepare and try to play the best game we can play.
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there are other issues greater than the game of football. >> ireland will play i with a 2-0 second leg victory. going on 3-1 on aggregate. now hong kong host china on tuesday. in their last encounter the match was played amid continuing tensions in the chinese hong kong amid protests calling for political reform. >> not for the first time china is nervous about hong kong. this time it's about what is happening on the football pitch rather than off it. hong kong is part of china, but retains it's own football team. there is pressure on both sides. but perhaps the most on china,
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which stands a real chance of world cup elimination if they feel to beat hong kong on tuesday. >> we need to win the next four games. so we need to win. >> few will be watching this game as closely as china's commander in chief an president xi jinping, an avowed football fan. the set back against hong kong came the day china was showcasing it's military strength. but it's on the football pitch where china's power has been less impressive. it's only ever qualified for one world cup. >> this match coming up is particularly interesting because of the historical context, and because it's perhaps the first big test.
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>> china's recruited some ey some iconic figures to make the country's team a powerhouse. previous encounters between china and hong kong ended peaceful except on one occasion. 30 years ago chinese fans rioted in another world cup qualifier. >> there will be the same outpouring of anger and distress of the state of chinese football. >> few matches between the two have been as keenly anticipated as this one. adrian brown, al jazeera, ba beijing. >> nadal has just beaten wawrinka. nadal winning 6-3, 6-2 earlier in london. aandandy murray decided to
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play and he won in straight sets. this is the round robin, and if murray beats me dal on wednesday he'll secure his place as world number two at the end of the year. >> russian pole vaulter said that every athlete in they are country should be treated individually. russia was suspended by the athletics world governing body iaaf on friday over doping allegations. the ban could last until the 2016 rio games should not apply to per. the world record holder claimed she has never used performance-enhancing drugs, and will take anyone to court who directly accuses her of doping. >> i think that this situation should be investigated
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individually, each specific case of every single athlete who bo doped and who was disqualified. be responsible for your actions. what do we have to do with this? why should we be responsible for their actions? >> the ahead of pakistan's cricket board has rejected the bid, the indian cricket border said that the government won't allow them to play in pakistan offering to move the series to intra. the two teams have not played against each other since 2007 although they did play a series in early 2013. that was in india. golf, the first title of the year. the classic in mexico. a bogey on the final hole with a three-way playoff. the final round had been postponed until monday due to
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rain and the approach on the third extra hole proves to be the difference. going for the birdie to take the victory. only one top ten finish this year. >> that is all your sport for now. back to julie in london. >> thank you. now mexico's fire volcano has erupted, shooting plumes of smoke and ash some 3,000 meters in the air. situated in the southwestern region, it has shown continuous activity since early july. it has prompted several accusations in the surrounding areas in the past few months. you can find plenty more on our website. we'll keep you up-to-date with everything happening. that's it for this news hour. we'll be back with more of today's news. bye bye.
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>> the only live national news show at 11:00 eastern. >> we start with breaking news. >> let's take a closer look. >> this is al jazeera america live from new york. >> at 7:00 - "news roundup". tony harris gives you a fast-paced recap of the day's events. >> this is the first line of defense. >> we have an exclusive
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story tonight. >> then at 8:00 - john seigenthaler brings you the top stories from across america. >> the question is, will these dams hold? >> and at 9:00 - >> i'm ali velshi, on target tonight... >> ali velshi on target. digging deeper into the issues that matter. >> i'm trying to get a sense for what iranians are feeling.
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♪ france's president extends emergency measures as police launch nationwide raids linked to the paris attacks. hello there. this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up: police care out raids in belgium, too, searching for one of the suspects who survived an attack. two palestinians are killed in a raid to demolish a west bank home. >> a battle
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