tv News Al Jazeera November 16, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EST
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that's the inside story. the news continues right now. this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm tony harris. master mined manhunt. no ground troops, president obama discussing a coordinated strategy for fighting isil. refusing refugees. a growing number of governors now say they are not welcome in their states. plus the stories of survival and remembering the lives lost. ♪
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you are looking now at a live picture of the eiffel tower. the city of light remains a city in mourning, just three days after coordinated attacks claim 129 lives. the president of france declares his country is at war. he has vowed to destroy isil and to catch the killers. authorities say they believe one attacker is still on the run, and he and his possible accomplices are the focus of a manhunt across france and belgium. french police took 23 people into custody, and placed more than 100 others under house arrest. the president said he would ask russia and the united states to join forces with france against isil, and isil responded with new threats, including one against washington, d.c. he said anyone who attacks the group will experience what paris did on friday night. more now from dana lewis.
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♪ >> reporter: in an extraordinary session of french parliament politicians united to sing the french national anthem. then a standing ovation for president hollande who declared war on the islamic state. >> translator: france is at war. there have been at least 129 dead and numerous injured. it constitutes an aggression against our country, against its values, against its youth. >> reporter: overnight police executed 168 raids in 19 regions of france. weapons seized more than two dozen arrests. police in neighboring belgium rounded up people who may have links to the paris attackers. authorities now describe what they call a belgium-based terror cell. who were they? this 26 year old, he's named as an active participant in the attacks and is on the run.
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another brother blew himself up in the paris blood bath. today a third brother spoke out. >> translator: we could never have imagined that one of my brothers could be linked to this terror attack. we do not know where he is at the moment. >> reporter: and police named this man who is now in syria as the mastermind of the plot. he is also believed to be behind the high-speed train attack that was thwarted in august. france has moved an aircraft carrier into the gulf, and continued heavy bombardment of raqqa, the isil strong hold. now they threaten to strip anyone considered a threat of their french citizenship. today a moment of silence across europe and around the world for
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those who died in the attack. at the notre dame cathedral, dozens stood for almost 10 minutes out of respect. to have been here for that moment of silence, you get a sense of that deep sadness that people are feeling. there are tourists here and business people and local residences, it seems no one was left untouched from that brutal and bloody violence. >> europe is a good thing in so many ways, but it's a nice dream that is being destroyed because one failed to cater to common sense things like opening your borders. >> reporter: it is also come to light now that one of the suicide bombers who died in these attacks on friday had rented an apartment on the outskirts of paris only three days before these attacks occurred. it was in a neighborhood that others were staying with him.
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who those others were, one can only guess. and french authorities have also said they are looking for another accomplice, who is the most wanted man in europe right now, believed directly involved in these attacks. he was stopped by french police on the belgium border on saturday, there were two other men in the car, and they are saying one of those men was an accomplice, and they are looking for him. >> how much scrutiny is the french intelligence community under right now with respects about what they knew or did not know before the attack? >> reporter: it's very odd -- after 9/11, you know there's tremendous open debate that took place in the united states about what the intelligence services did right and did wrong. it's something that is not spoken about very openly here.
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but clearly there is a lot of reflection going on about the french intelligence services that they are able to get information, but they simply don't have the analysts in place to act on the information. we know some of these attackers were known to the authorities. in one case, somebody who had been in syria, who fought with the e.u. turkey warned france on two different occasions that they should be on this guy, and that he was radical, yet he got out under the radar, and was one of the suicide bombers on friday. >> dana thank you. france is stepping up its role in the u.s.-lead air campaign against isil. over the weekend, french war planes bombarded several isil sights in syria. the foreign minister described the air strikes as a legitimate response to what happened in paris. >> reporter: tony france's new more muscular contribution to
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the air war against isil is certainly welcome here at the pentagon, even as some officials concede it's more symbolic than strategic. the jets launched from bases and dropped 20 bombs on isil's de facto capitol, the syrian city of raqqa. the targets a training facility, command center, and ammo depot. speaking to the french parliament, the president pledged to continue the stepped up strikes and said that deployment of the french aircraft carrier, charles degal, announced before the paris attacks would triple france's air strike capability. after the united states, france has conducted the most coalition strikes since the bombing of iraq and syria began over a year ago. but that's not saying much. the coalition conducted just
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over 2800 strikes in syria, of which more than 2600 were u.s., and 146 were by other countries, of which only a handful were french. the french bombardment of raqqa was one of only seven attacks on sunday, including one along the eastern border with iraq, where gun ships destroyed 116 fuel trucks, a similar strike in september, it was a bid to cut into isil's black market oil revenues estimated at $1 billion a day. [ applause ] >> reporter: in washington cia director warned that the paris attacks were in his words not a one-off event. >> i would anticipate that this is not the only operation that isil has in the pipeline, and security intelligence services right now in europe and other places are working feverishly to see what else they can do in terms of uncovering it.
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>> reporter: a isil video features a spokesman saying as we struck france, we swear we will strike america at its center in washington. the pentagon said security services are already on high alert. the u.s. and franks are going to be sharing more information faster as pentagon specials have removed some restrictions that could have delayed time-sensitive intelligence. tony. >> jamie mcintyre for us. thank you. john kerry landed in paris today. the secretary of state made the trip to pay tribute to those who died in the attack. >> ultimately, we will defeat daesh. and all who share their despicable ideology. and we are on the course to do
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so. we will continue also to show compassion to though who seek refuge from the violence. >> kerry's comments were me meat -- made in front of the u.s. embassy in paris. president obama is scheduled to visit paris later this month. today at the g-20 summit in turkey, the president stood by his position. he had some strong words for critics. mike viqueira has more now from turkey. >> reporter: good evening to you, tony. president obama is rejecting the critics who say he isn't being tough enough on isil. the answer is to intensify what is already being done, he says. at the close of two days of meetings, president obama rejected calls for a dramatic military escalation. >> we have the right strategy, and we're going to see it
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through. >> reporter: that means continued air strikes, now in their 15th month. and helping groups already taking the fight to isil on the ground. once again he ruled out american combat boots own the ground. >> if you do not have local populations that are committed to inclusive governance, and who are pushing back against idealogical extremes, then they resurface, unless we're prepared to have a permanent occupation of these countries. president obama hit back at what he called bellicose statements from critics he says are talking tough but have no realistic
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plan. >> if they think that somehow their advisors are better than the chairman of my joint chiefs of staff, and the folks who are actually on the ground, i want to meet them. these are killers with fantasies of glory. >> reporter: with one of the assailants reported by entering europe with the flood of syrian refugees. >> when i hear folks say, maybe we should just admit the christians but not the muslims, when i hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test, we don't have religious tests to our compassion. >> reporter: governors from texas, michigan, and elsewhere have vowed to bar refugees from entering their states, siting security risks. president obama warned about a
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backlash that would stereo type all muslims. he said it would also play into isil's hands. >> they will lead, i think to greater recruitment in the terrorist organizations over time if this becomes somehow defined as a muslim problem as opposed to a terrorist problem. >> reporter: and president obama is publicly rejecting the turkish president's call for a safe zone along the turkish border. the president says isil does haven't any planes, number two the safe zone itself could be a target for terrorist attacks. toni? >> mike viqueira for us. governors from 17 different states are closing their doors to syrian refugees. they say they are doing it to protect american citizens. more states have been adding their names to the list throughout the day.
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so far only a few have renewed that commitment to proverdict those leaving the middle east. michigan was the first state to put a hold on accepting refugees. >> reporter: tony, rick snyder made the announcement yesterday afternoon. by this morning four states were on board and others followed throughout the day. some analysts say legally states cannot bar people, refugees from entering its borders, but the states can make it very challenging to do so. >> we're going to suspend things until we have had a chance to talk to the department of homeland security. >> reporter: the michigan governor is suspending the state's efforts to take in more syrian refugees. the concern, refugees could pose a threat to u.s. security. >> most people are not terrorists and we need to be thoughtful about helping people
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around the world. this is just to be prudent to make sure that some terrorist element is not entering our country. >> reporter: not long after the announcement on sunday, several other republican governors followed suit. the move is an about face for the governor who just two months ago welcomed plans to help refugees. >> we have always been a diverse state, and now he has closed the door. but it is not just closing doors, it sends a strong message that puts blame on innocent people. >> reporter: this former state representative is with take on hate, a campaign that addresses discrimination against muslim americans. she says governor missed the mark. >> reporter: he could have taken
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the lead here. that can keep us safe. instead we took a complete extreme position that i think is un-american. >> reporter: so far it's estimated that more than 4 million syrians have left the country since the crisis began. 1600 have come into the u.s. the obama administration says the pledge to take in more syrian refugees in the next year still stands. the state department is looking into whether states can block refugees on their own. >> it is incumbent on us moving forward as we strive to reach this target of at least 10,000 for fiscal year 2016, to work with state and local governments to address their concerns about a resettlement program. whether they can legally do that, i don't have an answer for you. >> reporter: this syrian american says he is concerned. >> we never give up, yeah.
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we're going to lobby the governor, the administrative, and [ inaudible ] of michigan, and the united states to bring more syrian refugees. >> the governor has asked the u.s. department of homeland security for a full review of its procedures and clearances. in the meantime he says about 20 syrian refugees now headed for michigan will not be turned away. some governors are asking federal lawmakers to insert a provision in the spending bill that would prevent syrian refugees from entering the u.s., along with taking a serious look at the vetting process, there is also a call to create safe zones that would house syrian refugees in their own country. tony. >> values are only values when they are tested. so bisi, look, the detroit has a sizable muslim population. is that community worried about
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an anti muslim backlash after this attack? >> reporter: i have talked to quite a few people in the muslim community here in metro detroit, tony, and there isn't so much a fear, but people are certainly watching their surroundings. there was a threat made on social media over the weekend after the attacks in paris and it targeted muslims here throughout metro detroit, but it turned out that that was not credible. >> okay. bisi onile-ere thank you. up next, the syrian connection, we look at the situation on the ground and how the paris attack may have changed the dynamic. plus the stories of the people who escaped the attackers.
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♪ >> so while they still don't know exactly how the paris attacks were planned, investigators say they have traced the origins to syria and isil. paul brennan is here to look at how the group took control of large parts of the country. >> we're going to take it back to april of 2013 when after nearly two years of civil war, the leader of al-qaeda in syria, this man, split with al-qaeda's leadership in pakistan, and declared the isil in iraq and syria. isis, or isil. isil began capturing territory in syria, and then the group swept into iraq and took mosul. and that is when they declared the caliphate. and at that time the group
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controlled a territory the is size of jordan. then the u.s. launched its first air strikes against isil, and the strikes continued after the group beheaded two american journalists. but thanks in part to those air strikes, isil began suffering a series of defeats by the kurds in the north. the city of kobani, which is right on the border with turkey and syria, fell to the kurds in 2015 after it was controlled by isil for months and it was isil's first major defeat in syria. by july of this year, however, the number of refugees that had fled syria topped 4 million and at least 6 million more had fled their homes but stayed in syria, and some 250,000 had been killed. at the end of september, russia began launching air strikes in syria, targeting not isil, but instead supporting the syrian government by strike rebel
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forces mainly in the west of the country. european officials say those air strikes are forcing even more refugees to flee the country and head for europe, and as we have seen in the wake of the terrorist attacks, with at least one of the terrorists posing as a refugees, that is another problem in this complicated crisis. paul appreciate it. we each joined by a national security contributor from washington, d.c. i'm watching paul's report, there were a lot of aircraft in the air. air strikes, more theatrical than anything? >> well, it depends on which part we are talking about. we heard the air strikes finally after almost a year went after isil's oil infrastructure, taking out the oil tankers that provide these convoys that run
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into turkey and sell their oil on the black market. so that's real. the french strikes in raqqa, to think that that's going to have some effect on home grown terrorists that come out of belgium and france, that's a bit of a stretch. >> right. right. so why do you do that? i mean look, it doesn't seem to me -- but i'll ask it as a question, is france going to do what would seem to be pretty meaningful, that would be putting 20,000 troops or so on the ground in syria? >> no one is going to put troops on the ground. >> nobody is going to do that, douglas. >> no one is going to do it. so, look, they are politicians. they have to do something. their constituents are demanding they so something. strikes on raqqa, take the political heat off of the french president and give him time to do something more substantive, which will probably be something more subtle and not make
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headlines. >> let's bring you back to the domestic response in paris. you tighten the security screws? january after the charlie hebdo attack, what more can be done in paris in france? >> it is very, very hard to find these home grown terrorists unless they have a very clear connection to someone from the combat zones. if you make a phone call from paris to raqqa, intelligence will be interested in that. but if you make a phone call to brussels, and say hey, we need to talk about that business we talked about last year, no one is going to pick up on that, and if they meet face-to-face and plan this, it's extremely hard to pick up on that. >> so let's dig a little deeper. you can't bomb your way out of this. you can't hire enough police to
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follow everyone who might be a threat, so how do you get better at threat assessment, at understanding that this guy is a bigger threat than the guy over there? and how do you do that based on -- as you have just described what can be at times limited information? >> that's right. and this is just going to be the slow, dull, hard police work inside europe finding these cells. i mean bombing syria -- getting rid of isil in iraq and syria is really, really important, but it's connection to these types of attacks in europe and elsewhere, in beirut, is pretty tenuous, so that will be the hard work -- >> no one wants to hear that, douglas. >> of course not. >> you have marie le pen's party, yelling at you, you have got to do this and that --
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>> that's right. >> -- you have right-wing politicians saying 50,000 troops -- no one wants to hear or the space isn't provided what for what sounds like the real answer which is what you are articulating right now. >> look, if there was some easy answer to this, tony, we would have done it several years ago. these are hard questions. there are no easy answers, and getting out of this is going to be measured in inches rather than miles. this will be a bunch of little steps, tightening up the gaps where we find them. if there were a silver bullet, someone would have shot it a long time ago. >> how do you counter the ideology? >> that's a great question, and again, there's lots of aspects that have to do this. but one step, let's start naming and shaming the people who are preaching this type of islamic hatred, and we are talking about
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a very distinct strain of islamism. we are not talking about main stream islam. this stuff that isil is preaching bares the same resemblance to main stream islam that say the branch devidians bares to main stream christians. >> and you say call them out. >> that's the first step. let's point to the people who are doing it. and point to who is funding them. >> let's come back and two step two and three later in the week. thank you, douglas. >> any time, tony. >> still i head on any program, turkey and the middle east, why it might be the most important country to help in the syrian
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over a moment of violence, they bowed their heads to remember all of the victims of the attacks in france. the tone was set in france this morning when president hollande made an historic address to both houses of parliament. he asked for increased power to go after isil, and as neave barker tells us, he also ordered more astrikes on isil strong holds. >> translator: members of both the upper and lower houses of parliament stood to sing the national anthem. ♪ >> reporter: a rare moment in french politics for extraordinary times. addressing lawmakers, president francois hollande called on the country to unite. >> translator: the terrorists believe that free societies will be effected by horror, but they
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won't be at all. france has come through other tests. france is still here, alive and kicking, and those who have tried to challenge france have always been history's losers. it will be the same this time around. the french people don't give up. we have not engaged in aer war of civilizations, because his killers event no one. these are jihadist terrorists that threaten the whole world. >> reporter: he also called for a change to the construction, giving the government extra powers to prevent further attacks. the current state of emergency will now be extended for three months. paris is a changed city, scarred by violence, but united in grief. a minute of silence to reflect on the worth attack since the second word war. a symbol of the nation's values are the many faces of modern france. >> i'm very touched, i'm very
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upset, and i wanted to pay tribute to these people, and yes, i think it's important. uh-huh. we just want peace. >> reporter: the french government is treating the attacks as an act of war, mobilizing all security and intelligence agencies despite all of the extra effort, the government is warning that future attacks could be imminent. it is difficult to make sense of what happened here in paris, while the country still remains at risk. french police staged 168 raids in several major cities across the country. these images show one raid. in the last two days more than 100 people have been placed under house arrest. >> translator: last night across france the police with them .of the intelligence services carried out about 150 searches at the homes of individuals suspected of various offenses. these searches allow us to speed
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up our investigations into radicalized individuals. >> reporter: the raids came as france launched its heaviest air strikes on the city of raqqa. isil have since issued a new threat against france and other countries taking part in air strikes. as the country pauses to reflect on friday's attacks, the government now says it is taking unprecedented action to safeguard its citizens. neave barker, al jazeera, paris. to belgium now and the search for the most wanted man in europe. authorities believe the eighth attacker may be hiding there. al jazeera's paul brennan has more now from brussels. >> reporter: the police swooped with overwhelming numbers. and they were taking no chances. [ dog barking ] >> reporter: their focus was number 47 in the trbrussels bru
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neighborhood. it was a massive show of force. >> translator: i saw the police rushing in. they put the barriers in place. i was wondering what was going on. they asked us not to go outside. >> reporter: this is the face of the most wanted man in europe right now. and police believe he is hiding in the district. specialsts units took up positions on roof tops. explosive charges were also used to clear the premises. but it was a false lead. news spread that the suspect had not been found. four hours after launching the
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raid, police units began to withdraw, leaving behind a sense of shock among the locals. >> translator: the word shock is too soft. i'm talking to you with a sense that we have one foot in reality, and the other in a sense we are lost. in the next 48 hours, when we maybe start to understand what is happening here, then i think we will say, wow. we are certainly in shock. we all are. >> reporter: another declined to give his name. >> translator: it's always like this here. the relations between police and the residence has always been difficult. it's not new. it's true that what is happening now is making things worse. we didn't need the attacks in paris to find out we had jihadis here. we already knew that.
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>> reporter: it's notorious as a fertile ground for radicalized muslim youth. and hundreds of isil fighters have been recruited in this brussel's neighborhood. the complaint is that too little has been done to effectively tackle the problem. >> translator: they are able to recruit these young people here because of the fragile economic and cultural situation that people live in. those who recruit them aren't just from here. it has to be an international situation. >> reporter: there is a sense here that despite onning -- occasional raids the authorities have never gotten to grips with the radicallizing element in belgium. paris has changed all of that. but will the police response drive a further wedge or bring new cooperation. paul brennan, al jazeera, brussels. as you know turkey is a
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strategic regional power in the middle east. it shares borders with syria and iraq, and has taken any more than a million refugees from the conflict. ali velshi is in turkey to take a closer look at the economic challenges facing the country. >> reporter: i'm here in us tam bull, turkey, an important local in the fight against isil. that's asia right over there. for many years, really since the 1920s, this has been a western-facing country. it has embraced western values. there was a real separation of church and state -- or i guess mosque and state as you would call it. but about 13 years ago, with the election of the president erdogan, turkey started to turn a little bit more to the east, while still looking at the west. since 2005, turkey has been a
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candidate for membership in the european union. it is always a nato member. if you are nato it is really convenient to have this massively armed strategically located country in the middle east, but it has never been allowed to become a member of the european nation. and a lot of turks believe it is because this is a mostly muslim country. as a result of that, the turks turned away from europe and started to look east, saying we can be much more of a power in the east, in the muslim world than in the west, the european christian world, but that happened as things started to come apart in the east, as there was so much change underway in the middle east. turkey used to be allied with the administration of bashar al-assad and his father.
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but that changed a few years ago. now turkey is part of the fight against the syrian government, but they are also in a fight against kurds. they have a kurdish nationalist component in this country, and they have kurds fighting the assad regime in syria, so while turkey has joined the fight along with nato, and the u.s. coalition, they are not just bombing the government sites, they are also bombing the kurdish militias, which is fighting alongside the west. hillary clinton this weekend saying turkey has got to decide basically if they are with us or against us. you are going to be hearing a lot more about turkey in the fight against isil. it is ramped up because of what happened in paris on friday, and that's why we're here in istanbul. >> ali appreciate it. thank you. around the world, people are
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protesting against isil. in india, muslims gathered in solidarity of the attack victims in paris. they held signs announcing the group as terrorists. not in my name campaigns against acts of extremism committed in the name of islam. nearly 130 people were killed on friday, but countless others managed to make it out alive. for them this is not only a time of mourning, but a period of recovery. here are their stories. >> translator: we have never seen anything like this. never in my life. it makes no sense to see people go like this. i haven't slept since friday, because i saw all of the dead people, and i can't close my eyes. everyone is still in front of my eyes. >> reporter: you were here on friday night.
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what happened? >> translator: they were shooting everywhere. there was no specific address. they were shooting everywhere, left and right. i ran to the back, and i switched the lights off. i was too frightened to go to the front and pull the shutter down. >> translator: we were about 20 feet from the door. we saw dead bodies everywhere. everyone was on the ground. i saw blood everywhere. i saw that girl that just a few minutes ago i met. this picture has never left my mind. a girl lying on the table her head back, her eyes open. i saw everything. i saw everything. everyone there was dead. >> and you can see more of sheila's report on "america tonight" at 9:30 pm eastern. 129 people were killed in friday's attacks. here is a snapshot of some of
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the lives lost. one of them a reporter for a french music magazine. he was among 89 people killed at the concert hall. an italian doctoral student got separated from her boyfriend in the chaos and was later found dead. the father of an 11 year old boy and 13-year-old girl. this man's friends say he loved music. from chile. he played with a band called captain americano.
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♪ the string of attacks across paris raise new questions about surveillance and possible intelligence failures. some security officials are saying a new form of cell phone encrypt shun has created apps. jake what do we know about the use of encrypted communications in advance of an attack like this? >> reporter: the world's number one messaging app is called what's app, and sources, security sources close to this investigation are telling al jazeera that it may have been used ahead of the attacks in paris. the thing to understand is we found that to be true in the past after the august attacks, the bombings in bangkok, it was
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found that those culprits had also used what's app. it has drawn out questions that why encryption is that entirely unbreakable is allowed. here is how the director of the cia described the threat at an appearance today. >> i must say that there has been a significant increase in the operational security in a number of these operatives and the terrorist networks as they have gone to school on what they need to do in order to keep their activities concealed from the authorities. and as a mentioned there are a lot of technological capabilities available right now that make it exceptionally difficult, technically and legally for intelligence security services to have the incite that they need to uncover it. >> reporter: this does not mean that it is the preperked method
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for people trying to commit these acts, it is used by millions of people. that's why we're seeing it implicated in the -- possibly implicated in this attack. >> jake, why isn't it possible to offer something of an master key? that seems to be what the intelligence officials are asking for here. >> reporter: well, when you send a message from your phone to another, you are creating a crypto graphic key that is created just on your phone that does not live on some server. so it's not as if what's app has the key. what is passing through their servers is encrypted gobbledy gook to them. and this is the new standard
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among high-end messaging apping. so thissing kind of encryption is really standardized everywhere, and there is no master key or back door that any of those companies could offer law enforce. >> you would think that -- what's app would want to respond. has there been any response. >> there hasn't. when you serve nearly a billion people it is likely that people like this are going to use your application. so it's the choice of all of us who want to have our messages be entirely secure. >> jake appreciate it. jake ward for us in san francisco. the world of soccer has been shaken by these attacks. the belgian national team
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canceled their match with spain. french players arrived at their hotel today. the team decided late friday night that the friendly match should go on as planned. wembley's stadium has been lit in french's national colors since saturday. the midfielder's count -- cousin died in the attack. the team captain said it has been a difficult time, but that the team will play for the victims. >> translator: it's all been very, very tough. it has been very tough for the victims, the victim's families and our country. but we have decided to play tomorrow, and decided to focus on doing our job out there to play for our country, to play
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for the victims, and as i say try to get our minds right during training >> the team was playing against germany on friday when suicide bombers detonated explosives outside of the french stadium. hi, tony, coming up tonight at 8:00 our special coverage from paris. we'll have reaction from president hollande who declared war on isil today. i'm talk to a former u.s. ambassador to nato, and examine the president's decision to extend the state of emergency in france as the people here try to get back to some sort of routine. all of those stories and more coming up in just a few minutes. two mass graves were discovered around the town of sinjar. one grave contained the remains of nearly 80 women. the other about 50 men. all are believed to be yazidis,
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an ethnic minority. now they are facing heavy rain. imran khan reports from northern iraq. >> reporter: winter has arrived in this region of northern iraq. a few days of rain have turned makeshift streets into muddy paths. this person is desperate. she has lived here for 18 months after escaping isil fighters. now she and her family are freezing in this camp. >> translator: sometimes we sleep in the kitchen. other times in the bathroom. we have no place to go because of the rain and the storms. the other day our tent collapsed on the kids. when it rains the power goes off. >> reporter: this camp is typical of many others across northern iraq struggling to cope with the winter weather. the u.n. refugee agency has a cash crisis, and has cut back on
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the services it provides. money is scarce and falling oil prices mean the regional government is struggling to provide basic needs. the biggest challenge for this camp and many others isn't the cold. it's the rain. and as you can see it can come down very heavily. for the most vulnerable this is a challenge. if disease takes ahold in this camp, it can spread very quickly. the general manager doesn't have enough funding infrastructure. >> translator: we are doing our best by providing water poof covers, but these tents can't survive strong rain storms. >> reporter: it has been eight months since the head of the u.n. refugee agency warned that more money was desperately needed. these people continue to face
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heightened sense of caution. adam raney has that part of the story. >> reporter: back to work, but not business as usual. there's heaviness as parisians start their first workweek in the wake of the deadly attacks. you can see a we ariness, a pain, a nagging fear, but many are happy to have something to do, somewhere to go. >> just keep on moving. let's go to work, to dance, to eat and drink. [ inaudible ]. >> reporter: despite positive sentiments, danger seems ever close. over the pa system a warning about suspicious package on the metro, a warning people take more seriously now, as people try to create a new normal, they realize that could be hard. >> it kind of changed the city, i think. because people used to be
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more -- i don't know more alive. >> reporter: there is always work to do in the city, and work this street cleaner says can be therapeutic. [speaking french ] >> reporter: at the end of the work day, hundreds of parisians gathered here where people have been holding candlelight vigils since the attacks. they came here, it seems, looking for comfort. ♪ >> reporter: an impromptu concert offered a chance to come together and feel alive again. ♪ i'm tony harris thank for watching our coverage of the attacks in france tins now with john siegenthaler in paris. thanks tony. good evening from paris. it has been three days since the
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attacked left 129 dead. we have a lot to get to from paris to the air strike against isil, and back in america several governors say they won't take anymore syrian refugees. >> reporter: in an extraordinary session of french parliament the politicians united to sing the national anthem. then a standing ovation for president hollande who declared war on the islamic state. >> translator: france has s at war. it constitutes an aggression against our country, against its values, against its youth. >> reporter: overnight police executed 168 raids
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