tv News Al Jazeera November 20, 2015 2:00am-2:31am EST
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the paris attacks, a call to muslims throughout the country to condemn all acts of violence in friday prayers. you're watching al jazeera. also coming up a closer look at st denis a town under scrutiny after the planner of the attacks was killed there. a boat full of asylum seekers is turned away from christmas island.
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orphans trying to cope after ebola in sererleone. one week from the paris attacks that left 129 people dead. the country and international community is looking for a way forward. the french muslim council is urging people to send a unified message. the countries two and a half thousand mosques have been asked to condemn all violence and terrorism in the last week's attack. a draft resolution to u.n. to take action against islamic state in iraq and the levant. justice men stir and e.u. are holding emergency talks. they're expected to tighter border checks after the man suspected of organising last week's attack entered paris undetected.
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abdel hamid abaaoud was killed earlier this week. >> reporter: in the aftermath of the assault by special forces on this building, comes a positive identification of the man the french security agents has described as the ring leader of the attacks last friday. the french prosecutor says the fingerprints from one of the two bodies recovered from the rubble proved it's abdel hamid abaaoud. the other dead suspect was a woman believed to be his cousin. the prosecutor says it isn't clear whether abdel hamid abaaoud blew himself up as the woman did. before she detonated her suicide vest, this is an audio recording of an exchange between the special forces and the woman. the prosecutor says it isn't clear whether abdel hamid abaaoud blew himself up like the woman. belgian born the 27-year-old of
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moroccan accident is seen here perhaps in syria where he spent time fighting for i.s.i.l., the date is unknown. >> translation: i would like to send a message to those who stayed sitting. stand up, spring, jump, rush for the victory >> reporter: according to european security officials he was among a number of citizens fighting for i.s.i.l. in syria making their way back to the continent to plot attacks and recruit fellow fighters. officers were aware of his presence in attestsens in december because of a phone call he made. he escaped in eastern belgium before travelling back to syria. the satisfaction the french authorities are feeling now is people period some somewhat in the failures leading up to the attacks. abdel hamid abaaoud was implicated in four out of six attempted attacks since spring
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2015 all of them this warded by french intelligence, but how different it was last week. >> translation: no information coming from a european country where he could have transited before arriving from france suggesting that he must have got into europe and then continued to france. it was only on november 16 after the paris attacks that an intelligence service from a non-european country signalled that it had been aware of his presence in greece >> reporter: this doesn't do much to reassure french people. >> people are really scared and we have become suspicious of each other. we're now scared at the slightest sounds of ambulance sirens >> translation: nowadays when people see someone with a long beard shirt they think it's a terrorist >> reporter: the mass terre mind of what happened to paris last week, may be dead, but so many people are still in an emotional vacuum of grief and insecurity andrew joins us live from
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paris. clearly there's still a lot of pressure on security services to explaining how this man was able to get back into france when he was already on their radar. >> reporter: most certainly. the pressure is building in many directions because you heard in that report that bernard space, the interior minister, is really concerned about the reasons why he did not know or anyone else in france know that abdel hamid abaaoud had actually travelled from syria into europe. he did say that they heard from an external intelligence agency outside of europe that he had been in greece. there have been other sightings in germany, also sightings from moroccan sources, intelligence sources, of him. it's also reported that the
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f.b.i. had issued a report saying that they had identified abdel hamid abaaoud as the main terror suspect from brussels who was threatening attacks in europe. there's a lot of talk going on. there's going to be a meeting of e.u. justice ministers and interior ministers in brussels and there will be a lot of discussion on french demands to improve border security, french depends also to have better of passenger information from airlines, something the french have been banging on about for more than 18 months now, but there will be some tough talking in that meeting and also we've heard from the french prime minister talking on french tv only last night saying that he did not know that abdel hamid abaaoud had been in europe, that no-one knew in france.
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they don't know how he got here. this is really tempering now any mood of success that abdel hamid abaaoud is now dead the french parliament, of course, has voted to extend the state of emergency tell us more about that. >> reporter: yes. convincing on thursday. 551 votes against only six to put through this extension by three months of the state of emergency. that is really bringing through some draconian legislation. it will give the police powers to search and arrest without going to a judge. it will mean better surveillance, it will mean more phone tapping, a whole wide range of measures including house arrest. varied moves which will improve the french security say in the
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tracking of tracking of suspects and also the ability to jail people without charge if they feel that the situation is serious enough. but this whole business of the intelligence is going to grow and grow. there are more and more concerns about the belgium links, about how there was a failure to get salah abdeslam, the so-called eighth suspect. he got out of the country, he was briefly in conversation with french police but they let him go. no-one knows where he is. really what we're seeing now one week on it will be tonight, friday, since these awful attacks. there's really still a mood of p pessimism amongst french people, worries about attacks and how many cells there could be in
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paris associated with i.s.i.l. thank you for that. andrew simmons in paris there. st denis is the community where the raids were carried out and the key planner was killed there. they spoke the difficulties of the dated to day lives with our correspondent >> reporter: all his life he has struggled with acceptance. a french algerian background he has never been allowed to assimilate. >> translation: it was always difficult at school. they called me the arab and it has been hard to get a job with the face i have >> reporter: born and raised in france, he sees himself as french, but says his country men and women only identify him as algerian. it was easy for him to deal into drug and slip in despair >> translation: there was no other activity for us, not even
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a youth association. there are so many members of the north african community here who need help but the city never have enough money to help them >> reporter: in the wake of the attack, many muslims in this city feel alone. in neighborhoods like this resentment is growing just as past as fear. people tell us they're worried that negative attitudes towards muslim throughout france many only harden. at the same time they were afraid to tell us that on camera. this man tells me it's easy to see why so many muslims in france feel alienated. >> from kinder garth garthen-- kindergarten you are dealt
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differently. so people are treated differently. there are different groups who pray on these weak elements to turn them into home grown terrorists >> reporter: so long as the french government doesn't address the underlying causement of disen-france shiesment and--. drurg advertise troubled youth he dreamt of a day when things would improve, a day when he would have a family of his own. now, though, while happy to be employed and married, he finds himself far more concerned about his two children and the future they will face than he ever was for himself malaysian authorities have tightened security ahead of a regional summit in kualalumpur. at least 2000 army personnel have been stationed in the capital city hosting the summit. leaders have begun to arrive for
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the south east asian nation meet over the weekend. u.s. president obama will also be attending the ten nation summit. chinese security forces have killed 28 people it described as terrorists. it follows a massive man hunt over two months. the killings took place in the western region home to a vast muslim community. the local government says those killed belongd to the group behind an attack on a coal mine in september. police in east china's province have buffeted the country's largest underground bank scandal. illegal funds of nearly 64 billion dollars were transferred overseas. 100 suspects from eight gangs have been detained since the investigation started last year. tell us more about the underground banking system. what does it do?
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>> reporter: the underground banking system is nothing new in china. what is different now is the amount of money that's now leaving the country illegally. it is capital flight on a massive scale. why do we have an underground banking system? one of the reasons is that china has tight currency controls which means a chinese sit zents p zen can take no more than $50,000 u.s. out of the country each year. these underground operators work this way. they get your money out of the money out of using dummy companies to which they make legal transfers. it is a shady business, a very shady area. so reliable data is hard to come by but here is an indication of just how series things are. in august china's foreign exchange reserves fell by more than 93 billion dollars and in september they fell by another
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43 billion dollars. that's why the government is worried and has these underground bank operatives now in its financial cross hairs. the reason why you're seeing this mass flight of capital is that those with the money and the means to get their money out of china have no confidence in the short-term or even long-term economic outlook of this country. that's why you're seeing so many wealthy chinese buying properties in places like sydney, hong kong, london and new york thank you for that. adrian brown in beijing there. al jazeera learned the australian navy has turned away a boat of asylum seekers. it was within 200 metres of christmas island. it is being escorted back to sea by the navy. the australian government is refusing to comment on the reports. andrew thomas from sydney. >> reporter: we've spoken to a number of people who live on christmas island and saw this boat early morning friday their
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time just off christmas island. a small green and white boat. they weren't able to say how many people were on board, but they said that the boat was intercepted by an australian navy boat a couple of hundred metres from shore and then escorted back out to sea after which they lost sight of it. australia's government won't confirm or deny any of this. their policy is not to comment on operational matters, but if it is the case, the boat of refugees has got one a couple of hundred metres from australian rritory then it is significant because it will be the first time that has happened in well over a year. australia's government made much of the fact that they have stopped the boats of refugees from reaching australia through tough policies to deter refugees from getting on boats and planning to come to australia in the first place. if they arrive and succeed of getting through australia's government says they will be transferred and imprisoned in png or naroow no prospect of being resettled in australia.
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there have been cases where boats have been turned back in international waters, the crew even paid to turn around around take their passengers back to indonesia. it was intercepted from shore well inside the waters. what happens to them on board from here? we will see, but an impraft from australia's government starting next month saudi arabia will try to unite syrian opposition groups. the country will host a december conference aimed at ending syria's nearly five year civil war. let's hope the talks will establish a good transitional government. that will open the way for the drafting of a new constitution and u.n. supervised elections. still to come on the program, france's lower house of government votes to extend the state of emergency. five people killed in two separate attacks in israel and
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the occupied west bank. stay with us. complete. the only way to get better is to challenge yourself, and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible.
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welcome back. tops stories. one week on from the paris attacks that left 129 people dead. the country and the international community is looking for a way forward. the french muslim council is urging followers to send a unified message during unified prayers. they've been asked to condemn all violence and terrorism. police in east china have buffeted the country's largest
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underground banking system. nearly 64 billion dollars was transferred overseas. al jazeera has learned that the australian navy has turned away a boat of asylum seekers that was within 200 metres of the christmas island. in the aftermath of those attacks of paris last week. the upper house of the french parliament is intending to extend the state of emergency. police will be given extra pours to search homes without a warrant. >> reporter: france is a country in crisis on a war footing against i.s.i.l. abroad and at home in an extended state of emergency. the government proposal to give the security services sweeping powers for an additional month adopted almost unanimously, a show of unity in adversity
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across party lines. >> translation: it's not the solution exclusively, but it's one of the solutions which allows our security forces to work in a more efficient manner. >> translation: we could always go further. one could always do more. this law that we're voting on will allow us to go further. >> reporter: so the government has a strong hand. president francois hollande, a man with historically low ratings a year ago, finds that his tough response meets with broad approval. for now. >> so the question will remain in the mind of the opinion public which is why can we find so many weapons in five days and not a single one during the last ten months? these type of questions will come and come again. >> reporter: in the grandeur of the national assembly as france's security forces are empowered in their pursuit of
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suspects, there is reason for disquiet, not only in the threats that may listening anger or the challenge to human rights, but in the pages of history. remember this, the moment a republican u.s. president heard the whispered news about the 911 attacks and this when the minister heard something last week. their politics different, the reaction the same. >> translation: france is at war. the acts committed on friday evening at paris at the stade de france are acts of way war. 129 dead and numerous juried. it is an aggression against this country, against youth and lifestyle. >> reporter: how far is france prepared to go to wage this war. it may be worth remembering what happened the last time a western leader called for a war on terror
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later on friday e.u. justice ministers will hold a special meeting in brussels to come up with a european response to the attacks in paris. nine people were alleged to the links of the attacks. the p.m. vowed to boost of the security budget. paul brennan reports. >> reporter: the belgium p.m. knows university of missouri country has been hit with a core us of criticism since the paris attacks. blame for the perceived weakness of its intelligence apparatus and accused for failure to collaborate on security issues. premier came before the part with a plan. 427 million dollars to improve the intelligence services, clamp down on radical propaganda, better international cooperation and hard line towards i.s.i.l. fighters who return. >> translation: preventing young people from leaving for combat or training zones is not enough. we must also prevent those who
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are not belgian from returning to our territory and for us, the rule must be clear, those geed who come back, they must be in profanes of the >> reporter: the prisms neighborhood where at least two of the paris attackers group up, residents resent their area being branded a breeding ground for violence. the area with disaffected youths have had limited success in past hindered by the sense here the targeted measures unfairly stigma ties the area. >> translation: we support the government measures unreservedly just as long as they don't single out any one community. these need to be forward for the whole country, not for one neighborhood one region or category of person >> reporter: there is a place where targeting just one demographic and one neighborhood was exactly what was needed and exactly what worked. time and time again what we're
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finding here in belgium is a disjointed approach between different areas and different police forces. so we've come here to a place here where the mayor has a different idea to his counterparts elsewhere in prisms. the mayor-- brussels. the mayor was weeks into his new job when he got a visit from belgian intelligence officers. they warned him that his town had a problem with radical elements. instead of leaving it to law enforcements, he set up a comprehensive program of intervention. fore nearly two years now not one local youth has left to join i.s.i.l. >> you have to open your eyes. you have to put out your head out of the sill. i hope-- soil. i hope that the awful things that happened in paris now, that the eyes are open, that they will support these local communities to do their job because radicalism, you win it or lose it on the corners of the
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street. you win it or lose it in these obscure masks. you win it or lose it by gaining the hearts of your men. >> reporter: belgium faces a big challenge which calls into question not just belgian attitudes, but also the country's governance an administrative structure. it is lagging behind it's european neighbors on security issues. now it needs to catch up in light of the attacks, the director of the f.b.i. says people need to be vigilant. a bill was passed to increase security increasing to refugees of the the white house has threatened to veto. the bill will go to the upper house. five people have been killed during the latest violence in israel and the occupied west bank, including a teenager who
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is a u.s. citizen. a palestinian allegedly opened fire from a car near a settlement in the west bank killing the 18-year-old and an israeli. a palestinian bystander was also killed. it's not clear whether he was shot by the gunman or by israeli security forces. in a separate incident in tel aviv two israelis were stabbed to death. a plan man was arrested at the scene. 1 are 5 israelis and 88 palestinians have been killed in similar incidents since the beginning of last month. sieera space leone was declared ebola free over a week ago. some people are struggling to return to life. some orphans are being looked after by relatives who have lost their parents. they're still facing many
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hardships. >> reporter: this girl is nine years old. she has been staying with her foster parents while both her parents died from ebola. >> translation: i want to be a nurse when i grow up. >> reporter: it is estimated there are almost six thousand orphans here due to ebola. the ministry of social welfare gender and children's affairs has worked to encourage relatives to take them in. some financial assistance is provided but it still creates a challenge. >> the situation we're in, is not good. they throw the children out. we keep on monitoring. >> reporter: orphans from across the country are getting a
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second chance. in this welcoming ceremony they're introduced to an sos village. they exist worldwide and are an alternative to or fannages because they provide permanent homes. not only will they live here, there's lots of areas for them to play and a school for them to attend. there's still concern for other orphans. more than half have been placed with relatives. others are in care centers nationwide. some of those caring for orphans lack proper parenting skills. >> there is child abuse in our society. these children in a very difficult situation. the country faces a lot of challenges >> reporter: the ministries trained staff to do outreach with people on the sensitivity of orphans of the counselling has been offered to the orphans
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too. for now these children are in a safe haven with the hopes for a brighter for themselves and the country you can find more on the day's top stories on our website. . >> on "america tonight", who was missed. warning signs in the year of tragedy, and how the threat escaped notice. >> the fight is not fair. they'll always be ahead of us. >> tonight. stress and students - the tragic death. >> when i look at the picture i say can't be. when you looked at the child you saw what you thought was a perfect individual. >> are the top premiseci
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