tv News Al Jazeera November 20, 2015 3:00am-3:31am EST
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one week on from the paris attack a call for public unity while leaders discuss tighter border controls. coming up also world leaders arrive for the ten nation summit that is being held in malaysia over the weekend. a boat full of asylum seekers is turned away from australia's christmas island. time for a change, new zealand designers are voting on a new design for their national flag.
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one week on from the paris attacks which left 129 people dead. france and the international community are looking for a way forward. the french muslim council is urging mosque preachers to send a message of unity during friday prayers. the country's 2.5 thousand mosques have been asked to condemn all violence and terrorism in the wake of last week's attacks. a draft resolution to ute u.n. in taking attackes against islamic state in iraq and the levant. emergency talks later in brussels and we will have more on that in just a while, but first investigators have confirmed abdel hamid abaaoud was killed in a police operation earlier this week. aborigine drew simmons has more on the man suspected of planning the paris attacks >> reporter: in the aftermath of assault of special forces on this buildings, a positive
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description of the ring leader. the fingerprints of two bodies recovered from the rubble prove it's abdel hamid abaaoud. the other dead suspect was a woman believed to be his cousin. the prosecutor says it isn't clear whether abdel hamid abaaoud blew himself up as the woman did. before she detonated her suicide vest this is a recording of the exchange between the security forces the and the woman. belgian born, the 27-year-old of moroccan descent is seen here perhaps in syria where he spent time fighting for i.s.i.l. >> translation: i would like to say stand up, spring, jump, rush for the victory. >> reporter: according to european security officials quoted in a new york times
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report abdel hamid abaaoud was among a number of european citizens fighting for i.s.i.l. in syria making their way back to the continent to plot attack and recruit fellow fighters. security officers became away of his presence in attests ens in-- athens in last year. he travelled back to syria. >> translation: no information coming from a european country where he could have transited before arriving in france was given to us suggesting that he must have got into europe and then continued to france of the it was only on november 16 after the paris attacks that an intelligence service from a non-european country signalled that it had been aware of his presence in greece of the >> reporter: this doesn't do much to reassure french people. >> people are really scared and we have become suspicious of each other. we're now scared at the slightest sound of ambulance sirens >> translation: nowadays when people see someone with a long beard and shirt, they think it's
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a terrorist. >> reporter: the suspected mastermind of what happened to paris last week may be dead, but so many people here are still in an emotional vacuum of grief and insecurity andrew joins us now live. a lot of pressure on intelligence services to explain how this man was able to get back into france and carry out these attacks. >> reporter: that's absolutely right. in fact, the finch p.m. was saying-- french p.m. was saying on tv that he had no idea how abdel hamid abaaoud came to france and questions being tabled all the time about just why no intelligence were, reliable intelligence, had been given in the run up to these attacks. we've heard that the information on november 16 given to the french that there was a presence
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of abdel hamid abaaoud in greece. we've heard that american intelligence, c.i.a. and f.b.i. reports identified abdel hamid abaaoud as a prime threat, an i.s.i.l. organiser, a prime threat for attacks. we've heard that four out of six attacks that were foiled by french intelligence since the spring of 2015 all identified abdel hamid abaaoud as a prime figure. so why wasn't there more information on the man. he had apparently travelled to syria twice in recent times and a lot of information was circulating in all intelligence agencies about this man. who else did he meet, who else might be in paris? niece are the questions everyone is asking right now. it is really building to be one of the most grim weeks in the history of france and people are still not feeling safe simply because they don't know who is
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around, where i.s.i.l. might be, staging another attack, the nine who were arrested in the st denis area, what were they planning exactly? of course, the very nature of security intelligence work means that sometimes there's misinformation given out or sometimes no information at all, and so that adds to the frustration of all the grief in this city indeed. in the meantime, mosques specifically have been asked to send a message to their followers to condemn violence and terrorism in their friday prayers. i wonder what the feeling is about that. >> reporter: yes. the grands mosque of paris have circulated this message. it isn't the first time. throughout the past week there has been a message of unity put out. there was going to be a demonstration, an anti terror demonstration by muslims in the
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city today, in fact, friday, but that was called off because there was supposed to be no large gatherings. this was called off because the authorities wouldn't let it happen under the emergency state of emergency that was extended by three months. certainly that's going to be rub erred stamped by the senate this friday, but that is the situation. there are 4.8 million muslims in france. there are more than two thousand places of worship and the vast majority of these muslims are feeling so oppressed that such a small minority could cause some devastation and tragedy in this country. there's a real concern about how this is going to play out now, whether or not the polarisation will get more and more, whether the draconian measures are taken in these emergency powers could hit them even harder. it is likely it will take place.
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we are hearing that reports that a man in west france has actually had his mosque searched under the new powers in the emergency - state of emergency administrative search. no judges needed for that. police can go straight in and search. that is what is called an administrative search. there will be many more of those thank you for that andrew simmons in paris. over to brussels now, paul brennan is there for us. we know the e.u. ministers are gathering there and they're going to be talking about tight-- tightening borders to cut down on threats. tell us what to expect with that meeting >> reporter: what we've got this morning to start with in the next hour is an extraordinary meeting. it wasn't scheduled home afavors minimum. it is below the ministers but
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important nonetheless. the type of things that they will talk with are things such as tightening the european borders. they're going to be talking about the standardisation of deactivation of firearms for example, there le different ideas about how firearms are deactivated and the ability of weapons are too available over the sfat. they're going to be talking about a plan for an e.u. passenger name register so that authorities can know better exactly with who is on a train or a plane or any other type of transport and who is moving around this continent. other headline-grabbing measures include terror financing. they're going to try to coordinate the financial intelligence units of the various countries of the european union so that they can hit the fund-raising arm of organizations that are radicalising the european
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youths, but it is important to say that in actual fact there are no new measures being proposed as part of this meeting, not yet anyway. a lot of these measures were agreed back in february of this year at the previous meeting and all they're doing is in the wake of the paris attacks coming here to brussels to reiterate and underline the porins of pushing through the-- importance of pushing through the agreements reached. it is against the backdrop of the paris attacks, i have to say that in relation to brand new proposals we're not expecting anything to come out of that thank you for that. paul brennan updating us from brussels there. jams learned that the-- we have learned a boat within 200 metres of christmas island was turned away by the navy. the australian government is refusing to comment on that. andrew thomas reports from sydney >> reporter: we've spoken to a number of people who live on
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christmas island and saw this boat early morning friday their time just off christmas island, a small green and white body. they weren't able to say how many people were on board, but they said that the boat was intercepted by an australian navy boat just a couple of hundred metres from shore and then escorted back out to see after which they lost sight of it. australia's government won't confirm or deny any of this. their policy is not to comment on operational matters, but if it is the case the boat of refugees has got within just a couple of hundred metres from australian territory then it's significant because it will be the first time that that that has happened in well over the year. australian government has made much of the fact that they have stopped the boats of refugees from reaching australia through tough policies to deter rev secrecy from getting on boats and trying to come to australia in the first place. if they arrive and succeed on getting through, they say they will be transferred to a prison in either png or naru without
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being resettled in australia. there have been cases where boats have been turned back in international waters. the crew even paid to turn around and take their passengers back to indonesia. this boat seems to be intercepted well inside the australian waters. what happens from the retch gees, if that's who they are from here, we will see. this is an embarrassment from the government evidence that they haven't stopped the boats in the way they claimed they have there's an imminent terrorist threat in malaysia's capital just ahead of a regional summit. security has been tightened in the city following the police warning. president obama has arrived for the summit that will be held over the weekend. it will focus on trade appeared security talk, but farmers in rural malaysia are worried on what that deals will mean for them. reporting now from sila in ngal
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>> reporter: in malaysia's lush state, this man and his wife are planting a new crop of organic okra. they know the yields will be good because these seeds come from a previous harvest. every time he grows a strong crop, he saves the seeds to reuse and exchange with other farmers instead of buying them >> after some time of using the commercial seeds, the hybridised, i find that they do not perform well in the organic methods, and then it is very disease-prone. >> reporter: exchanging or selling their own seeds is something farmers have done for centuries, but under the new tranced pacific partnership agreement between malaysia, u.s. and ten other pacific countries they may be banned from doing
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this. >> a neighbour says to another one, i have a good variety this time, an excellent harvest. let me give some to you or maybe they have sold it and exchange it with each other. what is sold in this informal way is much more affordable. >> reporter: malaysia's laws do protect the rights of plant breeders, but they also allow small farmers to trade their own seeds under certain conditions, but this may soon change. farmers are concerned and others say the agreement will ultimately benefit malaysia. it will increase the country's exports and force many industries to meet international standards. >> reporter: some economics say the tppa has more benefits than draw backs. >> it would pull up the malaysian economic system in terms of modernisation, competitiveness, in terms of
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being more transparent. >> reporter: for now this man is waiting to see how this deal will affect him, but he says he will fight any moves to change traditional farming more to come here on al jazeera including, three quarters of the world's computers use it. now celebrating it's 30th year. we take a look at microsoft systems. stay with us.
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top stories. one week on from the paris attacks that left 129 people dead, the country and international community looking for a way forward. french muslim council urge to send a unified message during prayers. they're asking to condemn all violence and terrorism. the australian navy has turned away a boat full of asylum seekers. the boat was within 200 metres of christmas island. it is being escorted back to see by the navy. obama arrives in malaysia's capital for a regional summit. security has been beached up there. the director of the f.b.i. has warned americans to be vigilant but says there's no credible threat to the u cismd on thursday the congress passed a bill that will increase scening
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of refugees. the white house has threatened to veto the allowing of 10,000 refugees into the u.s. >> reporter: the f.b.i. director holding a press conference in washington to say that right now the u.s. has no evidence that there is any specific threat of a paris-style attack in the united states. he understands that there are many who may be fearful in light of the release of what he called propaganda videos by i.s.i.l. important trying the potential for a future threat in the united states of the still the fear that exists in the united states underscored in the house of representatives as a vote being held today to halt refugees to the united states until they can be thoroughly screened calling for an additional layer of screening to take place and for the f.b.i. direct craver to certify that--
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director to certify that there is full vetting of refugees. this has been criticised by obama saying if it makes it through the chrondegrees, he will veto this from becoming law. there is a lot of criticism that is taking place by members of congress who say that this legislation may be potentially racest and also that it may hurt those the u.s. intends to help. >> reporter: it's notice the issue of refugees. it's the issue of letting i.s.i.s. terrorists get into the country to kill us mr speaker. >> mr speaker, this bill is nothing but a pr peace that could have been written that says if you can make people afraid, you can make them do anything >> reporter: while this legislation is not likely to become law, it was supported by 50 members of congress, of the
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president's own democratic party. there is bipartisan consensus for the need for enhanced security, perhaps not just for refugees, but also for the visa waiver program that allows for last year 20 million people to visit the united states from 38 different countries starting next month saudi arabia will try to unite syrian opposition groups. the country will host a conference ending syria's nearly five years war. that would open the way for the drafting of a new constitution and u.n. supervised elections. >> reporter: there are indications that those countries who are inside the even ina-- inside the vienna meeting room, those who are involved or have the capacity of influencing those who are fighting have an interest in seeing a safe is
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vote taking place people killed in israel in west back. a palestinian allegedly opened fire from a car near a settlement in the west bank killing 18-year-old and an israeli. a palestinian fighter was also killed, but it's not clear whether he was shot by the gunman or security forces. chinese security forces have killed 28 people it described as terrorists. it follows a massive man hunt over two months. it took place in the western region, home to a vast muslim community. the local government says those killed belonged to the group behind an attack on the coal mine in september. police in east china have buffeted the country's largest underground banking system. illegal funds of nearly 46 billion dollars was transferred overseas using nonresident
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accounts. people have been arrested. more from beijing >> reporter: this is where the honest folk come to when they want to transfer money here, the local bank. if they want to transfer more than 50,000 u.s. dollars in one year there's a problem because currency controls prevent that, why is why the underground banking network is now flourishing. these operators set up dummy companies or thousands of overseas bank accounts to which they make legal transfers. this is one of the reasons why wealthy chinese are able to buy property in places like sydney, hong kong, london and new york. they are using the underground banking network or middle men. because this is a very shady business, reliable data is hard to come by, but in august china's foreign exchange reserves fell by more than 93 billion u.s. dollars and in
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september they fell by 40 billion more. remember, this was a period when china stock market was falling and its currency was being devalued. it says that wealthy chinese are voting with their feet and leaving their country because they don't believe their money is safe here any more voters in argentina will go to the policies on sunday to choose a new a new pt. ruling party candidates make their last push for votes. microsoft is celebrating 30 years of its windows operating system. -- windows operating system. a look at this. >> reporter: back in 1985 most
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computers ran on what's called a command line operating system. this meant to get them to do anything you had to manually input arcane instructions. it was simple but not at all user friendly. the most popular command line operating system was sm dot which came from microsoft. the reason it was so popular because microsoft had managed to licence it to ibm and dozen of other computer makers followed suit. all that was about to change. >> reporter: if you can't get a computer to do anything but frustrate you, try the computer you already know how to use. >> reporter: appls macintosh was the first computer to use a graphics interface operating system. virtual bullet ons on the screen. >> even though the macos was
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primitive in 1984 and 85 it still just worked more seamlessly. apple, they built the hardware and the software that run on it. it was far more seamless >> reporter: microsoft set to work that emulated features of the apple. windows 1.0 was buggy crude and slow but could run on many existing computers and crucially other people could and did develop programs for it. >> with windows it gave the consumers to choose from different manufacturers of hardware. they could choose from hp or dell. if the only taint was to choose apple then it was hardware and software. >> reporter: microsoft has lost ground to apple in recent years. windows still runs on more than three quarters of the world's
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computers. it made computing accessible to almost everyone on the planet. that dominance appears likely to continue for some time to come south korea has accepted a proposal for talks by north korea. the news agency says the meeting will be held next thursday. media earlier suggested the negotiations will be held in a border country. the two countries agreed to improve ties new zealand is about to become the first country in the world to allow its citizens to vote for a possible change to its flag. they head to the polls on friday in the first of two refer wren dumbs at a cost of $17 million. >> reporter: next year we should change the flag, who thinks? >> reporter: for these primary
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school children on auckland's north shore, the answer is a resounding yes. >> i like black and white because it represents all blacks. >> reporter: consensus for a new flag on a national level is more difficult. >> with new zealand the way it is, there are a whole lot of other things that are more important than changing the flag >> we need to focus on getting something that is instantly recognizable as a new zealand kiwi icon >> we have moved a long way from our british roots and it might be a time for a change, but that's not what we're hearing the public say >> reporter: the country's third flag has been flying for 113 years. >> it really stirs my heart and it's recognizable all around the world and i'm proud to put it on my backpack when i went overseas >> reporter: john keith says one of the biggest reason to
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change it because it is often con fused with the australian one >> it's news's time. we are-- new zealand's time to come out from australia's wing. this is what we are. >> reporter: 12 well-known new zealanders picked four flag designs from over 10,000 submitted. a fifth option dubbed red peek was included after a petition on social media. three of the designs have the iconic silver fern emblem, a popular choice in this classroom where it came out on top after a mock referendum >> i've chosen the silver fern because the black goes with it >> reporter: new zealand is one of the handful of countries with the union jack still on its flag >> reporter: the flag design that has the most votes will go against the current new zealand flag in a second referendum in
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march next year. the country will then know which will represent going forward, the old or the new you can keep up-to-date with all the day's top stories on our website. nona hendryx. >> taking risks, sometimes it's, you know, doing that, i find something that didn't exist for me. or i can create something that nobody else will. >> she's best know for being one third of the famed group labelle. lady marmalade was their biggest hit. but it was just one of many that topped the charts. she grew up in new jersey, influenced by gospel music. sh
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