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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  November 22, 2015 8:00am-9:01am EST

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s this is al jazeera. hello there. welcome to the al jazeera news hour. our top stories. russia steps up its military campaign in syria in what's being described as the heaviest bombardment since it began. the first ever run-off election. thousands of police are deployed in bangladesh after two opposition leaders had hanged. >> reporter: the fallout from the paris attacks continue to
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affect courts as the davis cup final players are delayed. european football honor the paris victims russia has stepped up its bombing campaign in syria in what activists are calling some of the heaviest air strikes since the conflict began in 2011. based in the caspian sea russian war ships have targeted the eastern region and hitting provens of raqqa, aleppo. in recent strikes they say 18 missile were fired at seven locations across the country. russian air strikes have killed
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1300 people since they began on september 30. tell us more about these areas that russia is targeting with such intensive. >> reporter: basically, activist on the ground say that they were rocked by explosions and blasts. most of these attacks targeted i.s.i.l. at positions. russia has in last few days has managed to keep hundreds of i.s.i.l. fighters. their biggest target for the time being is i.s.i.l.'s installations. activists have been saying that the russians have also intensified attackes and that most of the targets were
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civilians. civilian human rights say dozens of civilians have been killed. most of the casualties are women and children. i spoke with a senior opposition ministry commander who got back from aleppo and he said that the russians are not generally willing to take on i.s.i.l. and that most of the air strike is targeted monthed syrian rebels. despite a massive destruction, the opposition still holds territory. there is some significant development in the last few hours which the syrian government has taken over strategic mountains in lotakia which was taken over by the rebels a few years ago. this will give the government more leverage to take over
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you're not sounding terribly clear. apology for the poor quality of the sound there. obama has been speaking in the summit. >> the principal targets have been the moderate opposition that they felt threatened bashar al-assad, their principal goal appeared to be, if you follow the strikes that they took, to fortify the position of the bashar al-assad regime r that does not add to our efforts against i.s.i.l. in some ways it strengthens it because i.s.i.l. is also fighting many of those groups that the russians were hit itting joining us now from moscow is the defense and military analyst. thanks very much for being with us. first of all, just your response to obama's assertion there, that
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russia's principal goal up until this point has been the removal of assad. >> well, russia has been attacking a lot of the targets that we have been taking out. the targeting information was provided by the official syrian military bashar al-assad friendly people. so of course they were giving us targets that they believe are mostly threatening them. idea logical ly they're all connected to d.a.e.s.h. or i.s.i.s., so we're right now attacking both. we're attacking i.s.i.s. and we're attacking targets in different parts of syria would you say since that russian airliner was broke down, would you say more of the focus now is on i.s.i.l. targets? -- brought down
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>> there has been much more fire power brought into the situation since the tactical russian bombers that are based in latakia. we can't have only one base and we can't draysiccally increase the number of planes operating from there. long range and strategic bombers have been deployed and some of these heavy long-range bombers, b22s have been bombing raqqa province and another province where in regions that are in deep control byisise. they've been dropping a lot of bombs. at the same time there have been attacks in other provinces, mostly among i.s.i.s. targets what efforts, if any, have been made to avoid civilian casualties in all of these
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strikes? >> well, the russian military say that they're doing their best not to hit civilian targets. most likely they are, but when such kind of bombing campaigns, so-called collateral dodge is more or less-- danger is more or less inevitable how much cooperation are we going to see with the france, u.k. with military action in syria. >> it's not clear. you first need a read political decision to do it. there has been reports from the french side that the french aircraft terror is moving to attack position close to the syrian coastline, will be cooperating with the russian. the flotilla there has no
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aircraft carrier, so there's nothing much to cooperate and the syria opposition in i.s.i.l. don't have a fleet. it is lip service up to now thank you for that. >> thank you hundreds of kurdish children in northern iraq have been orphaned by the fight against i.s.i.l. aid agencies say the number of orphans could be in the thousands. imran khan reports. >> reporter: meet three year old and one-year-old siblings. their father was killed by i.s.i.l. fighters last year when the armed group took control of sinjar mountain. their mother saw the fighters kill her husband and with that one gun shot her whole life changed. >> translation: after they killed my husband, i.s.i.l. took and loaded the women and children in trucks and put us in abandoned buildings.
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i.s.i.l. then from time to time came and selected the most beautiful girls and took them away. we remained in those buildings for at least two weeks and it was horrible. my kids were crying and they were so afraid. there was fighting and bombings all around us and then air strikes hit the i.s.i.l. fighters and we escaped. there was no-one to look after us. everybody was desperate to look after themselves. >> reporter: in iraq the definition of an or fan is any child who has lost one or both parents. there are no accurate figures for how many orphans there are, but the effect on the children has been immense t families are struggling to cope with the extra mouths to feet. it's only the tight-knit community spirit that keep these families together. the orphans don't get given the help they need. at least one ngo has said that 712 or fan tis have been separately ridge sistered by them. -- registered by them.
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that's only a tiny number of orphans that are out there. u.n. icef said finding and registering orphans is difficulty >> the primary challenge is the continuation violence across the country that have denied the u.n. and other humanitarian actors access to large portions of, for example, areas. >> reporter: for the kurdish regional government, dealing with the needs of orphans is difficult because they don't have the experience. >> translation: we lack the expertise in workers who can help us. we don't have the capability to deal with children going throb trauma >> reporter: coping with having one or both parents is gone and that meads specialist care is needed which is not available. leaving an entire generation of orphans like these two deal with the trauma themselves the belgian p.m. is due to
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hold a news conference in the coming hours on whether he is extending the state of emergency in brussels. the streets of capital are in lock down on a second day because an imminent attack. people have been told to avoid large gatherings. many are calling for tighter electoral at the time borders maki. it means it is easier for people to move within countries detected. it is making life harder for refugees. >> reporter: everyone has had their say on the significance of paris except the refugees. here they were 70 lined up in the freezing rain on slovenia's border with russia. they all knew about paris and sdpis i.s.i.l. they new full well their journeys were about to become a whole lot harder.
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>> translation: we are with every single people over here. we say we are with you peoples. thank you for helping us. we are against the terrortist and weep hate them >> reporter: with leaders now admitting their old borders leak like an openlied paris. it is claimed that one of the paris attackers could have made the journey here. that means that even if so many of the people here pose no threat, absolutely nothing can be taken for granted any more. >> reporter: all it took was one syrian passport left on the ground in paris, one fingerprint from one of the attackers which apparently proved that he had come through greece and made this crossing and that has changed absolutely everything for every single one of these people because now the authorities aren't only trying to prove whether or not they're legitimate refugees, they're
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also trying to prove whether or not they're part of i.s.i.l. so saturday marked day one of the new security regime. countries like slovenia will have to do a lot more joined up thinking with the european police agency, yet security specialists think criminal gangs will find ways around the borders if there's money in it. >> some of them will find the loopholes in the fence or the smugglers will know how to transport into austria first or italy, but somehow the route will stop slightly and some of the migrants will go through at the time sea to italy or they should use the old way through ukraine and russia. >> reporter: having been fingerprinted already on the border between slovenia and croatia, they disappear into the massive tents here. the army are in charge here and they have increased the numbers
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since paris had. 10 thousand people pass episode through here on thursday. the walls of fortress europe are looking far too easy to reach. lawrence lee on the slovenia austria border much more to come. polls open for long-delayed elections in egypt. >> over night the government keeping tilt controls over the media as journalists fear for their lives. britain's tennis players delayed their travel plans. all of that in sport people have begun voting in argentina's first ever presidential run off.
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the poll is between tmaci and occioli. what has the turn out been like? >> reporter: it is a beautiful day which often helps the term. a steady stream of people coming to this polling station in a fairly wealthy area. the opposition candidate is for voting here. something like 32 million are eligible. voting here is obligatory why has it gone to a run-off? why is it such a close race?
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we have some audio problems with you, but we will persevere. >> reporter: well, this is candidates in that race, a clear majority, so we're left with the parti parties. a very close race because after 12 years of the victory front party kirchner and then his wife in party, people are looking for a change. they have got a fair amount of support, especially in the very popular areas. i think many people here after 12 years are looking for that
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change. very much the polarised situation at the moment with two candidates offering two very different styles of government thank you very much. apologies once again to the viewers for that poor audio. whoever does win this election, they will have major challenges ahead of them, in particular the economy. it is estimated half of the working population earn the minimum wage which is less than $700 a month. national growth is week at half a% last year. argentina still reeling from the meltdown. >> reporter: there are winds of change in argentina on sunday. the first time in 12 years the opposition has real chance of
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winning the presidency. the former president is the current mayor of the area. he promises to open the economy after years of protectionist policy after cristina kirchner. >> translation: argentinians we are ready to live in a marvellous era in our history. the moment has come, it is now. let's go. change. >> reporter: the governor is the hand picked successor. he promises to retain kirchner's popular programs while pushing economic policy in a more orthodox direction. >> translation: if they join
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this cause it will mean great cause. i will reach victory for all argentinians. >> reporter: this country defaulted on the foreign debt. macri has linked with international monetary funds. in october's first round macri was peten by three points. at this time macri has the lead u >> translation: it pass been a campaign full of aggression. macri is hoping to change. no matter who wins argentina will be different after this election. i think we won't see the level of confrontation we have seen in the last decade. >> reporter: the opposition has expressed fear about the possibility of fraud. the director of the elector
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alcommission says that they have taken every measure to prevent anything from going wrong. >> translation: the process is controlled by armed forces, political parties, but us, by justice. it is impossible to break our system. >> reporter: the possibility of change has appealed to many argentini argentinians after 12 years of kirchnerism, but there are still many who are afraid about what that change could bring egyptian president sisi has voted in the latest round of presidentialry elections-- parliamentary elections. only 22% of the voters cast their voters during the first round in october. egypt has not had a functioning parliament since 2012 during the government of the form air president. it dissolved after a court ruled that the elections for the lower chamber were unconstitutional.
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sisi promised a vote would be held within months. disputes over election laws meant that ballot was delayed. this is expected to change the politics. the turn out many show whether or not egyptians have confidence in what sisi describes as a milestone on the military's rode to democracy. a professor in northern and contemporary history of the middle east who joins us now of the great to have you with us. what do you think the low turn out does say to the egyptian president sisi. >> it's a very strong message that there is a huge gap between the political system with sisi himself and the people. as you said yourself, this - the whole elections came after long, i would say, around one year of promising and then that delay itself has its own impact on people. then when the election came, there was a lot of debate about
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responsibility of the parliament, how much this parliament will be strong and then there was a lot of debate about the president wants to have more control of the country. so all of these, you know, issues has, i think, influenceed the decision of people. more important, there is a lack of trust of the political system and there is a series of failures on political and security fronts in the last two years. remember what happened in cairo and all of those failures contributed to the fact that people are no longer interested to be part of the political process which started on june 2013 which is such a change, isn't it, where everyone rose up and became so excited. >> that's true message. if you play with the will of people, that's the reaction you will receive. the will of people pre june 2013 was sincere. they are sincere. they want to see political change and be part of the
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political system. what happened in june 2013 sent a message that our world as a nation is no longer respected so that's the answer we witnessed. we will see that in the round of election now is there any talk of changing the man at the top? >> you know, we have some reports a few days about changing the leadership with president sisi. those reports basically say that citizens will then have the supporter of sisi, of some arab countries supported the political change in 2013. basically they say there is a failure, a personal failure, that sisi himself has now charisma. if they have a new face with some charisma, clean, more
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positive in terms of politics, he can bring egyptians together, that maybe this is a solution. let's not forget, this is an exit strategy to maintain the stattous quo. this is not a major change. they want to maintain the status quo. the old institution should be kept as they were so basically this is not a major shift. it is just exist strategy to i would say absorb the shock which came out of these elections. it is a strategy just to maneuver or to play with the outcome of the election if it happens thanks for that. great to speak to you >> my pleasure. any time israeli security forces have shot dead a palestinian woman in the occupied west bank. it happened at a traffic junction south of nablis. police say she tried to stab an israeli. an israeli civilian has shot
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dead a palestinian man near the far settlement. he reportedly tried to ram his car into israelis. 15 israelis and 90 palestinians have been killed since october. thousands of extra police have been deployed across bangladesh after two leading opposition members were executed for war crimes committed in 1971. was one as secretary general of the country's largest religious party and the other influential within the national party. they were kiktd in 2013. -- convicted in 2013. >> reporter: behind me is the square. it has been over the years the center of process calling for the execution of war criminals. in a little bit there will be another gathering over there. it is going to be a celebration
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rather than a protest. two men were hanged on sunday. the mood across the country is not entirely jublilant. their supporters say that their trial was about these supports have taken in the streets in protests which have resulted in hundreds of people killed and political violence. the government this time has taken fairly extraordinary measures to prevent further violence from taking place. they have deployed tens of thousands of security personnel, police, border guards have been deployed across the country. they've also clamped down on social media activity blocked for a while now. however, despite this, there has been at least one incidence of violence with a journalism, a tv
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van fired at by unknown attackers and one journalism has been wounded as a result. so the possibility of further violence is certainly there why some are questioning whether the trials were politically motivated. >> reporter: the men were executed as war criminals, but they were also opposition leaders. one was a senior member of the bangladesh national party or bnp. a war crimes tribunal found him guilt of genocide, torture in the 1971 war of independence. the other was no.2 in the party. he was convicted of torture and murdered during the same conflict. bangladesh's government says pakistani's people killed three million people in the war helped
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by these two. human rights groups say bringing war criminals to justice is important but these trials were flawed. >> bangladesh has been cutting corners. the evidence is there and many people believe it go through a fair trial and ensure that historically these are recognised as being prosecutions of the highest standard. we're not seeing that from the ict tribunal and these two casesd are added to an litany of others that seem to have procedural problems in the prosecution of the cases >> reporter: the war crimes tribunal was set up in 2009 to investigate and charge those involved in killing civilians. since it began delivering verdicts three years ago, there have been rallies in support and violent protests against the court decisions. 18 people have been convicted. most of them are members of opposition groups. the bnp and jumat opposition
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party say the executions of these two men were politically motivated let's get the weather now. there has been some pretty severe weather i gather in the u.s. >> reporter: it has turned wintery. things have turned really very, very cold. it's this area of cloud here that's working the way to the north-east that has brought us the baitest bash of very heavy snow. in fact we have seen deep snow from dakota to the east. some places reporting up to 40 centimetres of snow from this one storm. this is just about moving. that storm is beginning to move away. it's heading up to the north east to otowa and toronto. it is going to stay particularly over florida for much of the
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day-to-day. for florida, then, of course we're not going to see snow here. we're far too far south. we will see rains. there will be some thunder storms or rather large hailstones. this system does hedge away as we hedge through the next 24 hours. for many of us across north america quite quiet weather wise, it is still quite cold. we have one area snow work towards toronto but work out for the next system, from the pacific, seattle and calgary expecting snow on tuesday thanks for that. do stay with us here on the news hour. still ahead protests to the ballot box pushing for change in hong kong. greece's biggest football darby has been called off because of
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incidents between fans and police.
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hello again. you're watching the al jazeera news hour. a reminder of our top stories. russia has stepped up it's bombing cpap in syria in what is called the heaviest strikes since the conflict began in 2011. most of the province is held by i.s.i.l. people are voting in argentina's first ever presidential run-off between scioli and maci.
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thousands of extra police have been deployed across bangladesh. there are fears at the there could be protests following the execution of two opposition leaders convicted of war crimes. ethiopia's growing economy. it has one of the worst reputations in the world when it comes to media freedoms. >> reporter: this man and his fellow blogger say they live in fear. the terrorism charges against them and seven other bloggers and journalists were dropped after they spent more than a year in jail. he describes what he says was 7 ah days of often violent untags-- 75 days. >> i was bitten on my barefoot. i was forced to do sit-ups.
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i was slapped a lot of times. i sometimes think that i'm - my life going to be between jail and getting released. the only thing that i want from the government is to allow me freely express myself >> reporter: this is the broadcaster organization reporters without borders say that ethiopian government has caused many to close in recent years. the committee for the protection of journalists says ethiopia is the very bad. ethiopia has grown on aaverage by more than 10% over the last decade and foreign investment is flooding in. this is the recently opened railway. it cost around 475 million dollars to build with the hope
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of a chinese loan. it's projects like these that help no highlight the rapid pace of development here in the country. the government categorically denies accusations from its critics both here and abroad that ideas of democratic change and freedom of speech are being size lined for the sake of economic development. the government says it's dermad to beat poverty-- determined to beat poverty. the country remains one of the poorest countries in the world. its military and vast security have managed to protect the country bashar al-assad fighters. it is says the media are free to criticise but there are limits including what it describes as inciting political hatred or riots but it does admit
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mistakes. >> over night, we are a learning country. there might be many, many things because of our immaturity. there might be errors, but we don't have that kind of, you know, approach of procedures of interrogation. that is against our principles. >> reporter: if evidence is presented, would the government allow a transparent thorough investigation into allegations of torture? >> if they come with concrete things, yes. >> reporter: for journalists and bloggers like this man, words and deeds are sometimes very different things tom road is an east africa representative. the p.m. said that he is open
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now to criticism from journalists. do we believe him? >> not exactly. i mean, we have seen many cases and it has been documented cases by human rights watch, for example of journalists being tortured under detention, particularly at the detention center with the release of these bloggers, perhaps the ruling party again securing power in the election, could we be seeing an easing on media restrictions? >> we certainly hope so. i mean, of course, we were delighted to hear about the release of these nine bloggers and journalists as well as another one who was released in july. our hopes are up that, perhaps, now that the elections are over or taking place in may, we might see a changing point in the way the ethiopian government treats
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its critics and its journalists and bloggers the journalists that we've been reading have been forced to flee to kenya. what's the situation like there for them? >> yeah. absolutely. this is something of huge concern for us. i mean, not only is it the fourth most sensitive country, according to on our research, it has the second highest exile journalism rate in the world second only to syria. many of them as you just mentioned end up in kenya. the reasons for this is many, but the main one that most journalists that i spoke to have no faith in the justice system. they know if they get charged by the state, that they will lose the case. this has caused this great flow the journalists to leave the country who would it take for them to feel satisfied that they could return home to ethiopia?
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>> i think a lot of measures of the one thing i'm concerned about is some of the journalists still in jail. there are eight. it's the second highest number in all of africa, which is isn't. this includes other bloggers like another young man. famous journalists who are suffering from a medical condition and needs access to medical treatment at the moment. if the journalists - good the government could find-- if the government could find a way to pardon some of these journey afloats of what we think are trumped up charges, they could return home thanks very much for joining us there. the ten countries of the association of south east asian nations are asian have agreed to
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one community. people within the block will be able to move more freely around. >> reporter: the not owe is forge-- motto is forging ahead together. the hope is the agreement signed this weekend will improve the lives of 620 million who lives in the ten member states >> we now have to ensure the truly single market and production base with freer movement of goods and services, with common standards, far greater connectivity and removal of the barriers that make our borders a hindrance to growth and investment. >> reporter: the block which concluded its annual meeting with this agreement is the third largest in the region after china and japan. the aims of the community agreement known as the aec is to create a single economic market one that is competitive within
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the region and will attract more foreign investment. it plans to phase out tariffs and taxes and make it ease air for professionals to get work in member states. it was always envisaged that greater economic integration would be the ultimate goal. up to 2014 the economic blocks command gdp group grew by 4.6% and foreign investment increased by nearly 16%. much of that success has been down to small and median business enterprises. this man employs 100 people at this tyre factory he set up 20 years ago. 3.5 million dollars is it's annual turn over. he has plans to export more if trade barriers are removed. people have begun to export more
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areas. it has taken 27 years of negotiations to get this far and this is still only the start of economic integration. >> i think asian will continue to move forward slowly and it will be correct to do so because that's the reason why it hasn't faced the kind of problems that the e.u. is facing. i think as governments keep that goal in mind and they keep making it into a real single market, there will be huge gains to be made for the peoples of asian. >> reporter: asian is in no rush. analysts say its steady cautious approach has been a strong point in a world of turbulent global finance people in hong kong have been voting for new local council members. that's the first poll since last year's mass protest which called for greater democracy. a record number of candidates is standing. sarah clerk reports fer hong kong-- from hong kong >> reporter: with hours until the polling booths close
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candidates were still campaigning in a bid to-- campaigning in a secure to get votes. a record number of people are voting in the wake of last year's protests that brought hong kong to a standstill. it's the younger generation turning up in high numbers to vote. >> people are more concerned about the political situation in hong kong. so they're more active in par tar patenting. >> -- participating. >> more people are this time, so it encouraging young people. >> reporter: not only voting younger, but more candidates challenging. donald chow is just 23 years old. dissolutiond he formed the party and his supporters wants change at a local level. >> people want a new choice.
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the choice is for the people, fight for our own benefits >> reporter: this may be a local event dealing with the likes of traffic and the dated complaints of local residents, but the importance of this election should not be underestimated. it has been seen as many as a referendum on hong kong's political future. the executive voted his vote earlier. he knows that this vote could reshape hong kong's political future. >> in a way it would indicate whether or not the umbrella movement does have the support of voters in general and also it can be a test for the degree of a weakening of hong kong people. >> reporter: the party that holds the majority at a time
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when people are divide over political reform this is the city's toughest test yet a court has been sentenced an american journalist to an unspecified prison term. he was convicted last month of espionage. iran has produced no evidence of any wrongdoing and has called the sentence april sham. in australia there has been fighting between anti muslim and anti racist protestors. a far right group called reclaim australia organised a march against muslim immigration. an anti racist group known as no room for racism began their own rally in response. a mud flow thick with mining waste in brazil has now reached the atlantic ocean. it has been flowing downstream. it killed at least 11 people and another 12 are missing.
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gerald tann has the latest >> reporter: the river dosey turned an orange as far as the eye can see. the change in color is caused by mining waste unleashed after two dams collapsed around an iron ore mine. it has travelled more than 500 kilometres through brazil and into the atlantic. >> translation: all we expect now is the death of the river. all of the logistics going on here will not solve our problems of the we need a solution >> reporter: the mine is owned by an australian and brazilian joint venture which has agreed to pay more than a quarter of a billion dollars in compensation. the company insists that the mud is not toxic. those in fishing and farming communities along the river say they are feeling the effects. >> translation: i'm catching just one or two fish a day now. just recently i was catching
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seven. i can't save anything now. you can't throw the water on the cocoa plant. it will die. we don't know what's in the water. there's nothing we can do >> reporter: biology-- biologyists are working on the issue. >> translation: our objective is to reduce the especially environmental damage, to mitigate the best we can. with regards to bois is complained and other legal proceedings, that's for the courts-- who is to blame. >> reporter: the minister says it could take up to 30 years to clean up the basin calling this the company's worst environmental disaster in history. gerald tann do stay with us. still ahead. >> reporter: keep watching and wait and see what all this plastic is going to be turned into golf's former wormed number
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one mcillr, oy looks to end his season on a high. .
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recycled plastic has been given a new lease of life in kenya. it is used to make polls for construction and road signs. how people are turning waste into alternative for traditional building materials >> reporter: it doesn't matter how filthy the job is.
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in kenya it's money. samuel can get 15 cents for every kilogram of plastic he collects. what happens to it after he sells it? >> that i don't know. they make materials, but i don't know what type. >> reporter: take a look at this. the plastic goes in here. it is then melted down and compressed in this machine. dropping it in cold water to cool and here is what you get. planks or poles made out of recycled plastic an alternative to wood and aluminium. >> this is something the world should explore >> reporter: you can use it to make fences, furniture and in construction. manufacturers say they don't rot and unlike wood won't be eaten by termites.
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you have different option. some comes like this. this is another version. they're actually quite heavy but they're more expensive than your regular aluminium ones and that's because production costs is still high. a lot of money goes into electricity to make these. the concept is still new in kenya, but the poles are slowly changing the land landscape. if kenyans stopped and look some would be surprised that more of these poles are being made from recycled plastic. waste that people would ordinarily throw away all the sport now. >> reporter: thank you very much. in the last hour the great britain an davis cup tennis team has delayed its departure for belgium. andy murray and the team are expected to travel on monday. the city is almost 60 km away from brussels which remains on an alert. the federation says it is
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greatly concerned by the terror alert, but that the final will go ahead. security has been stepped up in london as it hosts the world tour finals. djocovic is on course to keep the title. the spaniar was said re set. they're head to head. they have 22 matches a piece. he is on course to win the p on sunday as the undefeated champ. standing in his way is roger federror. he beat stan morinck for the 10th time in his career. that breaks the record held by ivan space lendl. saturday's el classico saw a round up from the paris. the coach says he is struggling
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to explain his team's four nil loss. he is, of course, taking charge of his first course. he was utterly humiliated. it ensured that the spanish capital was left at a six point team. it is a successive log. they are under pressure. as well as the man who hired him. >> translation: he has to take action. he goes or the coach goes because this team is a disaster. >> it is dreadful because the players are laughing at us. they're not laughing at them. they're laughing at us. we sacrificed a lot to come here and the players don't do anything. >> reporter: increased security in madrid and in many places after the wake of paris of the right across the continent those
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come together to remember those. >> reporter: the french national an them sounding out across all english premier league games. a reminder of the impact the paris attacks have had on football. eight days earlier, three blasts took place outside the stade de france stadium where the french national team were taking on germany. never before has the sport been on such high alert. a match between germany and the netherlands was cancelled mid week due to a bomb threat. on saturday there were calls to cancel belgian fixtures. all proceeded bar one, the game between lock and underlak 75 kilometres from brussels deemed high risk. in madrid a thousand people were present for the big-- police
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were present for the match. >> no. we're not afraid at all. we feel it is a safe city. we have no problem with that. >> reporter: there's little doubt the attacks in paris have prompted security arrangements at sporting events worldwide to be reassessed. even more certain is that the football will go on. >> reporter: greek football club have held an emergency meeting to decide whether or not to stay in the country's top league after the team's athens game had to be called off. scuffles broke out. one of players suffered mild burns to his led when hit by a flair. the game was wanted to go ahead
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but it was called off. the club's chairman said he was asking the about board to consider whether the team should continue playing in the league. the entire league could be temporarily suspended. mcilroy has won the season ending world tour championship in dubai. mcilroy managed to real him in by the 15th hole and he had a two shot lead. disaster struck with his key shot, but have a look at this for a recover. a brilliant put allowed him to stay a shot clear going into the final hole. mcilroy lost his number one rank earlier in season, but he mpgd to make up for it here. he negotiated the final holiday with any alarm. he tops the european money list for the third time.
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meanwhile in melbourne 56-year-old peter senior has become the oldest player to win the australian masters to win his third title by two shots on sunday. 20 years since his last sick tree. -- victory. former aussie cricketer shane warne made a brief appearance. he almost killed a photographer. he should probabilistic to cricket. >> reporter: in a game high 27 points. elsewhere a whore show here. 123 points to 86 by the pacers. the team were level at 23 appease in the-- apiece. that's it thanks for that.
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we will be right back.
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>> russia steps up its military campaign in syria in what's described as the heaviest bombardment since the conflict began. >> hello there, welcome to al jazeera from doha. voters in argentina go to the polls in a presidential runoff election. >> thousands of extra police in cities. >> wait until you see what all this is


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