tv News Al Jazeera November 23, 2015 3:00am-3:31am EST
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ciol building a coalition to defeat i.s.i.l. the british p.m. arrives in paris offering support for francois hollande. from al jazeera headquarters in doha. also ahead. the police in belgium arrest 16 people in over night raids across brussels as the hunt continues to hunt for the key suspect in the harris attacks-- paris attacks. the kirchner era ends. mauricio macri wins the presidential run-off. >> reporter: he was able to see
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his father's face and call him father. that was the happiest thing reunited briefly after 65 years of separation. a month on we catch up with korean families divided by war. welcome to program top story. the british p.m. david cameron is in paris to discuss the strategy against i.s.i.l. francois hollande is trying to gather international support for the military group after the attacks. live in paris. andrew, what does francois hollande want to hear from mr cameron today? >> reporter: well, he wants to hear a clear expression of support, not just in terms of security and intelligence sharing, but also on the ground, well, not on the ground, but in the air more importantly, the
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raf being committed to attacks in syria against i.s.i.l. targets. now, this goes back two years when david cameron attempted to get approval from the house of common sense, the british parliament-- commons, the british parliament for bombing of i.s.i.l. in syria. he failed. it was a dramatic political moment for him. a shock, if you will, but now various members of the government in london are pretty convinced that they will get the vote through now. the mood has changed after these appalling paris attacks last friday. so that's what they're going to be talking about along with other issues such as cross-border security in europe, intelligence sharing and how possibly they could get russia on board in a grand coalition. that's the big one. whether or not that will come off. francois hollande has the most extraordinary diplomatic week
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ahead of him, probably the most difficult in his presidency that started in 120 ah 2012 when it comes to the khoregraphy of this. when does it turn into reality? >> reporter: that's the big question. what the areally big aspect of this week of diplomacy will be whether or not putin can be brought to the table in terms of cooperating militarily. the agenda goes like this. tuesday, francois hollande heads for washing tong, meetings with obama and a commitment that the french want from the americans to step up attacks of i.s.i.l. in syria. then he comes back to paris. it is likely he will be meeting the german chancellor merkel.
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he will be wanting advice there, no doubt, about just how things will work in going to the kremlin, which he will be doing on the thursday because merkel has what's described as a special relationship politically with putin dispute all the frosty situation over ewe contain and c-- ukraine and crimea. he is going to the kremlin. it is hoped something of a deal could be reached. russia does want to come on board and be part of a grand coalition. however, the reality on the ground is a bit different in the sense that putin is supporting the president of syria and that is something that really is just not-- does not gel with the overall mood of the west on syria. it's a complex situation and
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putin also likely to want concessions, big ones. he is likely to want the whole embargo on russia which is being mounted for his actions in eastern ukraine and, bead, annexing crimea to be dropped. the big one there is trying to get a deal done and in a way that will mean there will be some coherent strategy for taking on i.s.i.l. with some sort of end game, but many critics feel that that's the big fault line in the whole process that committing to a war with i.s.i.l. is something of an endless conflict that could last generations thanks. from paris to belgium. brussels where the police have arrested 16 people in raids across brussels. the police are still hunting for a suspect, 26-year-old salah abdeslam. he is still on the run. live from the belgium capital.
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they've detained 16 people, but it's not a random 16 people, but relevant to where they think their inquiry is going. they're not charged and we may see in of them being released >> reporter: yes. it's possible. i mean, we have to be cautious about this. they're suspects at this stage. no charges have been laid. nonetheless, the raids that led to them were very coordinated indeed and the product of days of intelligence gathering and police information and police operations. there have been raids previously, there were some firearms recovered, but no explosives have been found in these raids and no firearms were found in the raid's last night too. it caused a corruption in the center square. tourists were left barricaded inside their hotels by soldiers while the search went on. there were five or six districts where operations took place.
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a judge will now today look at the arrest to verify them or order that some of those people be released. for the moment the biggest problem that the authorities have is that they have a threat level at the maximum level four and yet they still have not been able to find salah abdeslam, the prime target. as a result, i think that the grid lock that we have seen in brussels so far today will continue because they can't reduce that threat while their primary target remains on the run -- when you used the word grid lock, we saw the tram behind you. how long do authorities think they can sustain doing what they are doing when it comes to the security situation of the city? >> reporter: it is a real dilemma for the authorities, a very difficult call for the prime minister when he had to decide whether or not to reduce the threat level. essentially what they've done is closed the schools in brussels specifically today and they have
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shut the metro, the underground system. the thinking behind that is to take away potential soft targets, if there were attackers wanting to shoot or explode bombs, take away those soft targets, schools and the underground. the overground, the feeling was that if you flood the city with security as they have, soldiers and extra police, that they could protect those overground roots. that's what they're duing - routes thanks very much. moving on. argentina has elected its first conservative president in more than a decade. mauricio macri received just over half the votes. from buenos aires. >> reporter: the impossible was possible for mauricio macri on sunday night when he became the lechetive president of argentina. -- eau elected. a month ago it was a hard task
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between scioli. he was able to build enough support to build kirchner's hand-picked successor. >> translation: i'm here because you brought me here. so i ask you, therefore, don't abandon me. let us continue together the wonderful stage of argentina begins. it's here. it's now. let's go argentina. let's go argentina. it's here. it's now. >> reporter: his supporters believe him. all of them say they're ready to work for argentina. >> translation: we have the support of the people. we need to start acting and not complain so we can change this country. >> reporter: celebratisel cele continues until late at night. >> reporter: they voted for a change.
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the people are not only celebrating mauricio macri's victory, but the end of an era, after 12 years of kirchnerism. >> reporter: the left wing movement bragged about deep government involvement in the economy-- brought about. many credited with pulling many people out of poverty. amongst kirchner supporters there was sadness and defiance. >> translation: people have no memory. once things are doing okay, they decide to throw everything out of the window. local media is brain washing people. >> reporter: macri beat scioli by only three points. analysts say mauricio macri's biggest challenge is the economy. >> the depletion of the reserves of the bank, micro economic policy, especially over the past two years has been deficient.
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the economy has been stagnant for four years. so there is a change in the micro economic regime coming and it will be pretty difficult to manage this situation without it having an impact on inflation >> reporter: sunday was a historical day in argentina. the first second round in this country's history and the first time in 12 years that the people have demanded change still to come on this program europe's free movement schengen zone is in doubt. we talk to some in brazil who say their livelihoods are in threat because of a toxic mine spill. the only way to get better is to challenge yourself,
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-- welcome back. the main stories. the british prime minister david cameron is in paris to discuss the strategy against i.s.i.l. francois hollande is trying to create more support for a beefed up military coalition to combat the group. 16 people have been arrested in raids in belgium. salah abdeslam is still on the run, the main suspect. argentina has voted in a center right president for the first time in more than a decade. there were happy scenes in buenos aires as mauricio macri celebrated his victim. the attacks in paris have led to calls for tighting policing over european borders. those restrictions contradict
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the idea of free movement as protected by schengen area. that's the orange area here and it has been in place now for 30 years. you can enter this area at any border like spain and travel anywhere in europe across the areas in the zone without having to pass through border controls or having your passport check. the u.k. and ireland are not part of schengen. the area recognises the free movement of people as a fundamental right guaranteed by the e.u., but that could change. lawrence lee has been on the move getting us more from the slovenia/croatia border. >> reporter: fences, the european union has for year campaigned against them. in northern ireland and other areas. inside europe itself security just like everywhere else is
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trumping high moral talk of human rights. greece has a fence, macedonia is making one, hungar has fenced itself off and slovenia is buying the barbed wire. all of this is calling into question was the greatest achievement, border free travel, otherwise known as schengen. schengen turns 30 this year. in 1985 when it was created to for the soviet union was about to collapse, and books were writing, an end of history in which nothing really significant was going to happen and conflicts were a thing of the past. what a long time ago. that now feels. the question really is whether a europe without borders and security checks is really such a good idea in such a violent world. so is schengen the lack of
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border controls which allows for attacks in europe. they say we told you this would happen. >> schengen is not working because it must be like it was once in 25 years ago or something like that when you have to show your passport. it's no need to make such a strong borders, but i think it's important to show on each border your passport and the ordinance of repressment, let's say. >> reporter: they're proposing back to the mini schengen. this would leave the knewer european union countries out. countries like slovenia with its open border with austria, now a main refugee route suddenly under threat. liberal voices here say it would
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be an economic and social disaster for them. >> i am afraid that we are in the state of disintegration and that which will be led by right wing politicians predominantly. so they will impose a europe that will be more hectic. >> reporter: it is not just the end of schengen, but of the e.u., claps of trade movements, unpicking of wounds between countries which two generations ago were at war. that really would be a victory for i.s.i.l. lawrence lee the economic community of west african states is considering border restrictions following friday's attacks in mali. 19 people were killed when gunmen stormed the radisson blu hotel in bamako. the president who chairs the
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group visited the city. the group of al-mourabitoun was not behind the attacks on friday. the affiliate-- al-qaeda affiliate had claimed responsibility >> reporter: it was said that this was the work of al-mourabitoun, but it's an macina liberation front. they're acting that they needed to be liberated. i have no more details now in the malian company are continuing life as normal >> reporter: this is bamako central market, busy as ever. two days of terror attack on a luxury hotel, but most people have moved on. even as the government announces a ten day state of emergency. like most traders at the market, this lady's only concern is that it might affect her income. >> translation: if the state of
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emergency will bring peace sobeit, but i hope it won't stop my customers from coming to the market >> reporter: there hasn't been any extra police presence on the streets or troop deployments. the government hopes the security measure would lead to the arrest of suspects on the run. >> the gunmen knew who they were looking for. people from 20 countries were in the hotel. the gunmen searched for the victims. a man haunt is now on for three. >> reporter: there are concerns that they might strike again. mali has seen such attacks before. the armed group what that has taken responsibility for friday's attack also targeted a pub in bamako back in march. in august another hotel was attacked in another city. in both cases people were killed. the history of state of emergency is raising concerns
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for some. >> translation: if i remember, there were three states of emergency in the past and on each occasion it was the civil population that suffered the most. >> reporter: malians will be watching to see whether this will be another era of peace or period of certainty. for now things are back to normal on the streets of the capital the new u.n. envoy to libya is urging politicians to vote on an agreement. it is in addition to deep division between two parliaments. >> reporter: this is the man tasked to bring warring factions in libya to the table. he has met the two governments house of representatives and the general national congress in tripoli. he is pressing the unity of
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government. >> i do not want to open the agreement as it stands now. it should not be changed if there are things not yet resolved, we can discuss it. we should go for a rapid signature of the agreement now on the basis where it was left off. >> reporter: libya has been struggling with two rival parliaments and no government. the leadership have reservations about the deal. the tripoli national congress has accused the u.n. led peace mission of taking sides. leon has taken a job in the united arab emirites. it agrees to the positive elements of the draft agreement, but has serious concerns about the vision that was set out by leon. it's waiting for an answer from
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the u.n. about the leon scandal and all for an end to all attacks. despite reservations, politicians from both sides are urging their leaders to sign up to the previously negotiated agreement. >> we continue the dialogue to reach the final agreement. it gives real balance between the two parties, the situation on the ground will be more difficult if this agreement is not signed and the same will continue because as issue knows this the powers will be powerful statement will continue. >> reporter: large parts of libya are now run by militias. it has helped groups like i.s.i.l. to take control
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the emergency teams are still searching for survivors after a huge land slide in northern myanmar. 108 people are dead. a hundred others are still missing. many of the victims were workingers who picked through the waste in the hope of finding a piece of jade. it is a month since an elder south korean mother and son said goodbye to their husband and father. the family had been separated since 1950 when the two korea's went to war. there was a brief warming relations between the two governments. >> reporter: theirs was the story that dominated coverage of last month's reunions of families separated by the korean war. the son, an old man was meeting
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a father he had long assumed dead. the emotional power of those moments isn't far away. >> translation: as old as he is, my son hadn't been able to utter the word father once in his life. he was able to see his father's face and call him father. that was the happiest thing. >> translation: justing from what i felt when i met him, deep down there is something shared between father and son. >> reporter: these two had been married for seven months when they parted. she remembers a somewhat hesitant young man. >> translation: at that time he was any new groom. he got better. >> reporter: his remarriage in the north prompted no jealousy. >> translation: there is no such feeling. he was forced to go. that no need to lame. i think it is only natural >> reporter: the joy of these
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reunions are tempered by their brevity. after the previous attempt of the koreans who respond, half of them said they had difficulties returning to normal life. nearly 10% of them said that they wished the reunion had never happened in the first place. returning to normal life after such emotional turbulence can be hard. for this lady it has meant to adjusting to construction work. in the knowledge that he has a father but unable to contact him. of >> translation: when we had to part, i wrote a letter and i gave it to my father. whoever reads it will burst into tears because i wrote the word "university of missouri", in every line. >> reporter: nonetheless he said the reunion was a mirror axle that made him hole -
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miracle that made him whole. the mother is happy simply happy to know that the husband is alive. she won't be aloud to rescind his death certificate, but she no longer has to mourn him which she has every year turning to brazil where toxic mud from the mine spill in the north-west has reached the atlantic ocean. damns burst two weeks ago. >> reporter: this man has been fishing here for more than 18 years but not a more. millions of cubic metres of mud carrying heavy metals and minerals contaminated the river. the mining waste is toxic for humans and deadly for all the fawn i can't. -- fauna. >> translation: i've never seen anything like this. it is sad to see the fish dying and we're not able to save them
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>> reporter: a dam containing the mine exploded in a town more than two weeks ago. 11 people died, 12 disappeared and the waste polluted most of the 800 kilometer long river. environmentalist says it is the worst environment disaster in brazil's history. cleaning it up will be a challenge. >> translation: it is a catastrophe that has been underestimate. the deposits will emerge from the soil, contaminating the river again and again. >> reporter: the mining company a joint venture with australian and brazil companies will pay the government more than 250 million dollars for damages to begin with. the river was the source of water and fish for thousands of people. the army has been deployed to the city and other communities to distribute fresh water.
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the fines will also finance the project arc of noah. fisherman help to collect fishes to save them from deciding. >> reporter: we will work on fresh reproduction until we can release them into the river. we can't say how long it will take for that to happen >> reporter: for now, this man and other fisherman will only collect money for the mining company for helping save the rear-- river she cease. >> translation: all the fish are dead. we can only do fishing. they need to give us assistance. >> reporter: environmentalists say it could take more than 50 years to reverse the damage and they're worried about the effects it will have in the ecosystem now that the contamination has reached the ocean
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a quick reminder for you. checkout our website lots of news and analysis there. our top story on the website very latest out of mali together with background stories. tories. more. [ ♪ ] hello i'm richard gizbert, and this is "listening post". here are some of the stories we are looking at. the attack in paris, a story of
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