tv News Al Jazeera November 23, 2015 1:00pm-2:01pm EST
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president gets to business. >> placing seven year bans from football, as fifa's ethics committee opens formal proceedings. >> trance has launched its first air strikes against i.s.i.l. targets in iraq, from the charles de de gaulle aircraft carrier. he started the week by visiting the bataclan concert hall with david cameron. and he'll meet u.s. president barack obama on tuesday. on wednesday he's due to meet the german chancellor angela merkel.
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and then the russian president, vladimir putin. third day of lock down in brussels. schools and museums are all closed. also the metro. let's hear from andrew simmons in paris. >> the mourning still goes on in various sections of the city of paris and there's an escalation in the military campaign against i.s.i.l. in position and operational, the charles de gaulle aircraft carrier, bombs loaded, taking off. the firs first attacks were in . the 20 aircraft on board this nuclear powered vessel triples the capacity of france to attack i.s.i.l. targets in both iraq and syria. the action coincided with he francois hollande meeting u.k. president david cameron. the two men were at the bataclan
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theater the dismal scene of mass killing at a rock concert, 90 people died. each paid homage by laying a single rose. >> and later this week i will set out in parliament our comprehensive strategy for tackling i.s.i.l. i firmly support the action that president hollande has taken to strike i.s.i.l. in syria and it is my firm conviction that britain should do so too. >> translator: we're convinced we should attack i.s.i.l. in syria. we will choose the sites that will make the most damage to i.s.i.l. in syria. our aircraft carrier has been mandated to strike hard on i.s.i.l. in syria. >> impose more border checks within the eu.francois hollande.
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francois hollande finds his popularity rising. one poll says more than 90% support his actions so far. the hollande-cameron meeting and their simple gesture there, single roses amongst the rest of the flowers, starts a difficult week, in fact diplomatically, could be the hardest of his term. starting the war against syria. but france can't go it alone. on tuesday he will meet with barack obama and talk of russian involvement. the u.s. president and his russian counterpart vladimir putin appeared to have broken some of the ice between them at the g20 meeting in turkey earlier this month. there will be efforts for a grand military coalition, holland intends to travel to
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moscow later in the week. not all are confident about the end game. >> our military chief of staff says that we won't win on the short term, militarily against i.s.i.l. it's about a political and diplomatic solution. >> hollande will also meet germany's chancellor angela merkel. he'll no doubt consult her about germany being on board. syria's president bashar al-assad with his own air strikes is going to want concessions. likely to demand the lifting of sanction he in ukraine and that may bs in eastern one suffering will end. back at the bataclan where the stage doors remain closed where so many young people died ten
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days ago there's still a sense of disbelief. the french defense ministry has confirmed that targets in raqqa, that's the main base for i.s.i.l. in syria, have been h hit. thansd now the start of a colossal week for hollande. aside from the military commitment there is an agreement for more intelligence-sharing. cameron himself saying that there was more information coming from outside the eu than what's shared between eu states. so some progress it would seem there because there's so much embarrassment both in france and belgium about nothing being no nonabout so many ahead of the attacks. >> russia says it hit 472 targets in syria.
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strikes helping the syrian government troops recapture locations in the central problems of of homs. started two months ago. tankers carrying crude oil to factories within i.s.i.l. were among the targets. concerns ever cruise missiles, to close the air space over northern iraq to civilian flights. it will remain closed until wednesday morning. travel almost finally 00 kilometers over iraq and iran. the russian president has been discussing the syrian conflict with iran's supreme leader. the war in syria is dominated the talks. al jazeera's rory challands has more from moscow. >> a jam packed diplomatic day for russian president in tehran. three main items on the schedule. speaking the gas exporters summit. having a meeting with the
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iranian president rouhani and also talking with the supreme leader, of iran, ali khamenei. that meeting went on for longer than we thought it would. the presidential spokesperson dimitri peskof said they talked for an hour and a half, discussing many things, bilaterabilattercommunications,o did broadly agree that a political settlement for syria cannot be imposed for the country from outside. that of course is a direct reference to what these two countries think the west is trying to do, insisting that assad step down. putin said that no one can tell the syrians which form of government and which leader they must choose. of course that tells us what these two agreed on. late doesn't say anything about
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is what they disagreed on and that's what western governments will be looking for here. any sign of discord between tehran and moscow. which have a cozy relationship at the moment. but any sign of any kind of friction, any sign of any disagreements about what the fate is for assad and whether they are still committed, that he is the man for syria's future. >> thousands of police and soldiers still patrolling the streets of brussels on the city's third day in lock down. schools, the metro rail network, shops cinemas and museums remain closed. on the hunt for belgian national, salah abdeslam. suspected of coordinating the attack on paris. paul brennan reports. >> metro system closed for the third day and schools shut across brussels. at the main stations staff try to direct people to alternative routes. the overground transport system is running but the knock on
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effect of the security system has been enormous. >> driving normally, they drive normally but a lot of drivers didn't come to work out of -- because they are scared. >> i go to work, in hospital, but metro, no, no metro. i take tram and tram and tram, so i get later to go in hospital for work. >> lock down around belgium's iconic grand place. armed police and mass security forces block the streets. search and arrest operations mounted in locations across brussels and also some 25 kilometers away. after a week of apparently little progress, police pounced,
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police prosecutors gave the details of the outcome. >> specializing in terrorist cases ordered a total of 19 house searches in the brussels region. until now, no firearms or explosives were found. salah abdeslam is not, not among the persons arrested during these searches. >> police believed that when he escaped after the paris attacks. 26-year-old salah abdeslam may have still been wearing a explosive vest. while he remains on the run, the maximum level alert will remain in effect. one belgian bank has told employees to work from home. intelligence chiefs and the prime minister will meet again later on monday, until then, the city can only watch and wait. paul bre brennan, al jazeera,
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brussels. >> neave barker is there for us. what more do we know? >> that's right, well, the prime minister john michel who is expected to give a news conference any moment now, in which we should have a clear idea whether or not the highest level of security risk or threat level is likely to be sustained for any longer than it already has been in place. this is now third day here in brussels where threat level is been at level number 4. there's a level number 3 nationwide. that basically means that here in the capital, there is a security threat, the security threat rather is viewed as being imminent nationwide, is viewed as being probable. in the last 24 hours we've seen really a flurry of activity from personnel not only in brussels but two other towns cities in the country also. raids here in brussels have focused on the notorious
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mollenbeck district as being the sight of raids over the last ten days. described by if belgian media as an incubator of jihaddism. further raids of town of leige, and in charleois, $25,000 were seized by officials there. we don't believe that any weapons were found but a very busy 24 hours for officials across the country. we also believe that 21 people were taken into custody, and have just learned in the last few minutes, from the belgian proprosecutors that 17 of the 21 have now been released, that three remain in custody for questioning and that at least one of those people arrested has been charged with belonging to a
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banned terrorist organization and of actually taking part in some kind of terrorist activity. we don't know much more about that as it currently stands, more on that of course when we have it. as for brussels, itself, a city on high alert, as we heard there from paul's report, the metro remains closed. schools and universities are closed, too. it's of course as people try to go back to work on a monday morning they find a scene that is very much different to the average working week. there's a very strong police and military presence on the street. it does beg the question how sustainable will this be? how can people continue living their lives as normally as they can? of course that adds a new security risk that the city currently faces. >> the prime minister has said that the brussels alert status
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remains at the highest level. in the meantime, new concerns that raises the ability to find salah abdeslam quickly. >> of course the clear message from the belgian government is that while intelligence suggests that, there remains a thread in brussels and nationwide, while salah abdeslam remains on the run, it is absolutely vital for national security for those levels to remain at the maximum possible in brussels. there has been some new information about abdeslam's arrival here in brussels. some suggestion from people who actually know him, that he may have arrived here, actually bringing weapons with him, possibly a suicide vest, although that has yet to be confirmed. but as i said there is intelligence, there is a real
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concerted effort by the authorities behind the scenes now to really close the net on perhaps one of the most wanted men in europe at the moment. >> neave barker reporting live there from brussels, thank you very much indeed. as the prime minister confirms the highest level of threat is being retaped. two palestinian girls use scissors to attack a palestinian plan they thought was israeli. the deal that might allow hundreds of thousands of displaced t return home. and in sport a group of kenyan runners occupy the national headquarters of athletics accusing the authorities of corruption. amid tales of animosity towards refugees in europe, some places are holding out a hand of
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friendship. al jazeera's lawrence lee has visited two towns on the austria slovenia border. lawrence lee sent this report. >> nowadays in the slovenian town, church bells is the only thing you can hear. the river marks the border between austria and slovenia. 1991 when yugoslavia was falling apart, the town was shelled. church tower was hit, civilians were killed. for a few days it was urban warfare. now, it's on the refugees route. when syrians and iraqis began arriving, people went out of their way to offer food and clothing. desperately for finding somewhere for his wife and kids to hide. he says the town wants to help
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because they know just a little what the syrians have gone through. >> translator: at that time we were experiencing the same destiny as the syrians are right now. we were ak tacked by our own people. >> hidden in the mountains is another expression of solidarity. this group of men come from every possible conflict zone you can imagine. some have been here for many months as their asylum claims are processed. it's set up so the men are in good physical as well as mental condition for a new wife working here and despite the dislocation many refugees must feel it is as pale peaceful as anyone running away from war could hope for. >> you job together, you speak together every time from gambia, syria, somalia, iraq, it's so nice, the place is so nice, you are far from people, not many
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disturbance. nobody'nobody's disturbing you . >> the driving force is wolfgang, aged just 4 he was a refugee himself so he understa understands. >> i remember well as child how people met us refugee people. they did not like us to come. of course at that time, it was different, all germany was bombed out, people had been poor and even this little bit what they had, they should divide if possible. so out of this maybe today i have understanding for the situation of the people here. >> reporter: for all the raw hostility refugees face it is evident there are people that are willing to go out of their way to help. the lesson from these two places seems to be that it's easy to sympathize if it's already happened to you. lawrence lee, al jazeera, on the slovenia, austria border. authorities have shot dead a
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16-year-old palestinian girl, pair thought to have attacked the 70-year-ol 70-year-old palen after mistakenly believing he was a jew. said to have stand an israeli man who died immediately and also injured a woman. 443 is used by both israelis and palestinians as it is very close to the boundary between israel and the occupied west bank. the latest stage of the parliamentary election in egypt has seen another low turnout. cairo and 13 other provinces have been voting to replace the parliament which was dissolved by a court ruling in 2012. government workers were given a half day off to encourage them to vote. but many polling places appear to be deserted.
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planning key changes to foreign policy, including getting tough with the venezuela. mauricio macri beat the chosen successor of cristina kirchner. he said he would improve relations with the united states. >> i'm going to put together the economic team as soon as possible. i'm not going to appoint an economy minister. there will be a minister of finance and there will be six members that will make up an economy cabinet. that way they can all immediately determine what the real economic situation is. >> let's go live to bueno buenos and al jazeera's teresa vo. how are the people reacting? >> macri asked everyone to forget they were once
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confronted. referring to the political situations that have existed in argentina in the last decade. argentina will be changing pace here. human rights groups have expressed worry about what macri's policy is going to be regarding human rights trials about people who have been convictor being investigatefor human rights abuses during the dictatorship. this monday a conservative newspaper had an editorial that was called no revenge in which it accused the deposit of cristina kirchner of revenge for those involved in the dictatorship. mauricio macri said, complete independence to continue with this trial so there is no impunity and this shows a little bit of that an macri is going to face here in argentina. also within his party from the right, within his party are
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going to be asking him to undue the policies that are signature of the government ever cristina kirchner and we're going to see how macri is going to rule, so there is no confrontation. >> okay, let's leave buenos aires and teresa vo, sorry about the breakup on that line. now colombia's farc rebel group has welcomed the government's offer to release 30 prisoners. engaged in talks for three years in cuba's capital of havana. hopeful to conclude in six months. what happened in a new orleans park which injured crane people? hundreds were gathered for a block party and music video, when two groups in the park opened fire on each other.
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pfizer has being agreed to purchase allergan for $160 billion. the merged company will be the world's biggest by sales. the u.s. firm will move its hazardous to ireland to escape high corporate taxes. allen fisher reports. >> reporter: it's the bigs deal of its kind, worth $160 billion. >> we need to say, what lives are we touching to make lives matter. >> allergan is technically buying the bigger company, allowing it to be headquartered in dublin. it is known as an inversion. president obama last promised to close the loophole, he describes it as undemocratic.
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>> keeping most of their business inside the united states but basically renouncing their citizenship and declaring they're based someplace else just to avoid paying their fair share. >> the tax rate for u.s. businesses is 35%, one of the highest in the world. in ireland it will be just 15%. speaking to the wall street journal, they will be based outside the u.s., even though that is where most of their business comes from. >> i have foreign companies that can invest two to $3 billion more in research than we can and fighting with one hand dyed tide behind our back. >> it could generate $2 billion in savings in the first three years. it will create the world's biggest drug company in terms of sales. but the deal still needs approval by regulators in the u.s. and europe before it can
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occur. allen sherman, al jazeera. power lines sabotaged on friday, many essential services are using backup power. over the weekend, rg state of emergency has been declared in the region of crimea. >> translator: of course it's not convenient. we have to light candles but for now we've thought of a way round it. we currently have power here for three hours and then lose it for the following six. so we check what district has power at a given time and visit friends there. >> still up for the nur newshou. authority over the city of ta'izz. and, details over basketball,
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>> reminder of the top stories here on al jazeera. france has launched its first air strikes against i.s.i.l. in iraq. powerful western countries coalition following the paris attacks. bill jan authorities have charged a fourth suspect of terrorism offenses after detaining 16 people during raids on sunday. schools and the city's metro system are due to reopen on wednesday but brussels remains on the highest state of alert. one palestinian teenage girl has been shot dead and another injured after they tried to stab a 70-year-old palestinian man theying mistook for israeli. on the main road to sanaa, under houthi control to aden where the government is paced, the saudi led campaign began in
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march. jerald tan has more. >> the push for ta'izz. it's been a week since progovernment fighters launched the ordinancive for yemen's third largest city. supported by the saudi-led coalition in the air and on the ground, they're trying to recapture control. but groups of fighters loyal to the former president ali abdullah saleh and the houthis are digging their heels in. >> translator: here is a fortification of the houthis. they planted many land mines which have slowed up progress and caused casualties among soldiers. >> translator: we say to the houthis you will leave this place and we will strike you hard and evict you from the city of ta'izz. and we are fully prepared to evict you forcefully or voluntarily this week. >> reporter: the lines of control are fluid, bombed-out
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buildings separate the warring factions. in the midst of the destruction are yemenis. >> i've suffered a lot just to get a gas slender wit cylinder e shelling going on. >> prime minister is visiting the city, his meeting commanders are trying secure the rest of the province which is the main source of yemen's oil output. diplomatic discussions are fruitless. >> the dialogue must be serious and lead to the end of the attacks on our country. and the lifting of the siege and the continuation of the peace process. >> the houthis are angry at the return of the internationally backed president, haider abd rau
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mansour hadi. gerald tan, al jazeera. >> the french police have just said they found a explosive belt without a detonator. french police said it did not have the detonator. in a paris suburb. we'll bring you more information as soon as we get it. a ceasefire agreement has been signed in qatar aimed at ending months of fighting in southern libya, calling for the return of hundreds of thousands of displaced people. omar al saleh was at the time ceremony. >> reporter: hopefully turning a new leaf in southern libya, these people are members of the warring tribes. the powerful tribes have been fighting each other since
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september last year. the deal calls for an immediate ceasefire, ending the armed presence, returning the displaced and opening the main road leading to obadi. >> signing this deal means the start of the constructions and development period and reconciliation. after 14 months of war, i think recall of us are convinced that no one has any interest in war. the implementation is important and we hope neighboring countries will help us. because the spark of war can reach all countries including europe. >> reporter: many here are hailing this deal a success but there are fears of renewed fighting. negotiations were secretly taking place here in doha since april. they were tough and contentious, some tribal leaders blame foreigners for crisis and urge unity. >> the tabu and tuareg lived
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side by side for many years. there are fingers of regional powers and competing political orientations and ideologies. it is not merely a tribal conflict. >> the qatar mediator hopes the signing of this deal will stabilize the rest of the deal. >> we have seen the importance of the stability of this itself is the cornerstone for the stability of entire libya, you know, how the space there and how easy it is going to be to incubate and become a fertile land for different extremist groups and different tribal groups. >> tribal rivalry near border areas have contributed to the fighting. unemployment is high and the area is largely underdeveloped. southern libya has a complex tribal and social mix.
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it's home to african toareg and arabian tribes. some of them extend to neighboring countries. since last year there has been bloody struggle between two competing governments and parliaments. one is based in the capital, tripoli, the other in the eastern city of to tobruk. the u.n. is trying to broker a deal. al jazeera. >> mali president says the messina liberation group is behind the attack. officials say they're now pursuing multiple suspects. ahmed idris reports. >> a handful ever staff returned
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back to the hotel. they weren't allowed back in. he is still shaken after coming face to face with the attackers. >> translator: i hid in the kitchen after the gun fire became intense. two men came in and sprayed the kitchen with bullets. they saw my leg, shot at it, but missed. i heard them speak, it wasn't french, wasn't malian, and wasn't english. >> seeking to carve a country out of this vast land locked inflation might be responsible. a group allied to al qaeda says it carried out the attack and identified the two gunmen. >> evidence of what trpped hered
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here between the groups. west african countries will also be reviewing open border policies which allow the free movement of citizens. instability in mali is largely a consequence of takeover of huge areas by toareg rebels. if the french leave it is uncertain where the mali armed forces will be able to monitor the borders keep the peace and keep the election intact. >> translator: the siege demonstrated the ability of malian special forces but we need more investment in all of this. >> reporter: the hotel attack last friday shows things can go
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awfully wrong even with the best preparations. especially in a region awash with different conflicts. ahmed idris, al jazeera, mali. criticism comes from a special panelists of experts, group accuses the w.h.o. of egregious failure saying it knew the eebl conflict was going out of control months before a public health emergency in august. death toll of the outbreak is noafn to have can killed over 11,000 people. neacts millions of people and not just the drugs that aren't what they seem. the doctors and dentists handing out the so-called medicine can
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often be fake too. kamal hyder reports. >> cracking down on the counterfeiters, officials raid a dentist, the man qualified to being a qualified dentist makes a quick escape, in the back door, leaving his efficient still sitting in the chair. >> we are here and found some of those medicines that are an thetic, can only be university on animals but they cannot be used on human beings. >> is not just doctor causing a problem. behind the scenes. there is a industry making fake medicine and it is now a luke ra tifs trade. the be provincan held has closed over 1,000 laboratories alone.
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>> they have been not the original medicines even and whether they are fake medicines, we are not just seizing them, we are arresting people. >> while these people may have come to the rite place and are confident they are buying the original drugs at a registered pharmacy, they are available to consumers. >> recently my sister was ill and the doctors prescribed her medicine but that didn't work so i brought her back to the hospital. >> accordina business worth oved million, even though most of those are coming from, fake drugs across the country. medical care here is already
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overstretched and with a lack of facilities for an ever growing population, patients at this hospital are just desperate for treatment. unaware that the medicines they need may be fake. >> people only think of one thing how to make the money. they don't think about the patient care. if the patient care had been there, the rules had been properly implementthen this cannot be happening. >> but without proper resources from central government, the crack down on fake medicine by the provincial authorities has only limited chance of success. kamal hyder, al jazeera, peshawar. >> at least 190 people are known to have died in northern myanm myanmar, authorities are searching for over 100 people that are still mittsing. mountain of waste collapsed and
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some who are thought dead are those who pick through waste. over a new constitution some ethnic groups say marginalizes them. and one of the world's northern white rhinos has died. the female was undergoing surgery for infection. she had been at the zoo since 1989. the three last known white rhinos are at a closely guarded reserve in kenya. what iraq has done to save its ain chern ancient heritage g lost forever. and competition coming up in sport. >> jessica baldwin in london, history and legacy of art and empire.
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>> is hello again. ancient pieces of iraq's history have been locked away in secret vaults, because of threat posed by i.s.i.l. fighters. other artifacts are in danger of being lost forever. imtiaz tyab is on hand. >> relics from the world's oldest civilizations are on display in iraq's museum in central baghdad. walls are adorned with stone carvings dating back to syrians
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and babylonians. in the weeks lead ugh up to the 2003 u.s. led invasion, she and her colleagues warned officials that the museum was vulnerable but nobody seemed to listen. >> more than 50,000 pieces were stolen just from this museum and they demand everything, the furniture, everything. >> almost immediately, officials began efforts to get back the relics, along with u.s. support a recovery department was set up. objects were unearthed from private homes recovered in raids and some simply reappeared on the museum shelves. other treasures were seized from international antiquities markets in jordan, lebanon, syria, kuwait, as far away as morning. along with this statue.
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, the 150 kilogram statue, that has now been put back on display. some of the iraq museum's finest antiquities aren't on display at all. they are bricked up in storage rooms far from public view. so off-limits are the vaults and their contents, such as safely guarded secrets we weren't allowed anywhere near them. that's over iraq's readiness to protect its own treasures. the rapid rise of i.s.i.l, have all raised questions about the museum's safety. >> it is my history and i should be proud to put these pieces in that gallery. but it's nod allowed now. >> iraq has 12,000 archaeological sites, many are
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not protected and have been looted for years. so while some of iraq's artifacts remain on display, or are hidden away, much of its ancient heritage continues to be threatened. imtiaz tyab, al jazeera at the iraq museum in baghdad. >> time for the sport, here is robin. >> thank you lauren. search years after fifa's ethics committee launched formal modings against the pair, officials are examining a $2 million payment to blatter, invited to a guilty verdict would end his opportunity to take over fifa. reach a verdict in december both men deny any wrongdoing.
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a group of kenyan athletes have occupied the headquarters of their national athletics federation white protesting against alleged corruption. police were called after athletes entered the building and locked the gates. the group is calling for the removal of kenyan president, one of three officials investigated by the international athletics federation, over a doping coverup. pocketed more than $700,000 from sportswear giant nike. they deny the allegations. >> out of his office, so we want sport and change to happen. with admitefforts. >> professor is running but athletics are, failing to address the issue of doping.
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more than 30 kenyan athletes have been suspended since 2012 after failing tests for doping. accused officials within the kenyan athletics federation of covering up those doping results. this year's iaaf competition, two athletes have tested positive at that event. the international athletics operation iaaf, the chairman of kevin yah's national athletic committee, wada, are considering banning of competition from next year's re oh games. 15th straight win on sunday quealg the best-ever start to an nba season. >> there have been some great
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teams in the history of the nba, l.a. lakers, boston celtics or the golden state warriors could be mentioned in the same breath with those teams. that's sunday's victory over t s their 15th in a row. eventually the reigning nba champions, 118-105 winners. third team in history to achieve the feat. stef curry is in good company, played in the forerunner to the nba the basketball association of america won their first 15 gamings back in season 1948-49. the houston rockets repeated the feat in 1993-94 and now we have the warriors.
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but golden state are the first defending nba champions to go 15 and 0. >> in the game we try play as if 15 meant something to us and try to get it done. it's kind of weird to celebrate on the floor though. >> next up for reinin reining md the golden state, if they win that the warriors will hold the record outright and well on the way of being acclaimed as one of the grade greatest sides, in history, rahul pathak, al jazeera. women cycling team hope to be able to compete on the international stage in the next few years. evergreejennifer glasse reports.
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>> first they have to learn the basics. on this day learning to ride as a team. in a line close enough to each other so the rider behind can take vac of the slipstream. zachia mohammed, saw another girl on a bike and started riding again. even here in a more progressive part of the country there were objections. >> the shame for women who ride bikes, same bad for our society. >> reporter: what do you do about that? >> we talk with mullah and we say that if you know the this is no problem between men and women. if men can ride bike than woman is also, it's no shame.
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>> reporter: she's now team's trainer and mechanic. sisters adella and achela. from the poorest neighborhoods. >> i went to the market to do some shopping. i saw a little girl riding a bicycle and after that i begged my teart to get me one. >> reporter: their father bought one bike then borrowed money to buy a second so both daughters could ride. the bikes cost about $100, a month's salary here but the family thinks it's worth it. the team shares the road with traffic and more traditional forms of transparent. >> when you are turning look both ways. when there are no cars then you can turn. >> reporter: the team won't be able to train outside for much longer. pretty soon it will be too cold and icy, to train on the roads, they are hoping for an indoor
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facility. >> they hope to use the local gym for the competition in march. boy girl man or woman to compete, the team wants to do well to continue to prove that women's sports have a place he here. jennifer glasse, al jazeera, banyam, afghanistan. >> extending to a quarter of the world's population and covering a fifth of the earth's surface, at london a new excision is celebrating its former glories. jessica baldwin went to take a look. >> convene victoria, giving an emblem to a prince. >> he's beautiful and quite sophisticated got all these jewels on but he is in a supplicant position. he is bowing. this is how britain likes to think of its colonial subjects.
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>> reporter: many would argue not much has changed. >> to be honest underneath the surface, there is an assumption of superiority that takes place. an assumption that britain naturally has a place in the world. >> the british empire watt the largest in history, encompassing parts of asia, africa, north america. as a benign for for development or a brutal conquer oaor. the cheetah, shown with a stag. that battle has been redefined. scottish artist andrew gilbert has turned empire on its head.
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he has redefined history. contemporary british artists like hugh locke are reinterpreting images of empire heroes. like edward colston, known to be a huge slave trader. >> it's such a complex messy subject, there's so many different takes, that damned if you do, damned if you don't, might as well put the bloody show on anyway, if you mean. >> the topic is provocative and loaded but looking at it through artists the subject is less controversial and encourages visitors to reconsider what the concept means to them. jessica baldwin, al jazeera, london. >> that's it for me, lauren taylor, but barbara serra will be back, do join her if you can. bye for now.
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>> i've been asked to keep my voice down cause we are so close to the isil position >> who is in charge, and are they going to be held to accout? >> but know we're following the research team into the fire >> they're learning how to practice democracy... >> ...just seen tear gas being thrown... >> ...glad sombody care about us man... >> several human workers were kidnapped... >> this is what's left of the hospital >> is a crime that's under reported... >> what do you think... >> we're making history right now... >> al jazeera america >> welcome to al jazeera america. more reporters, more stories, more perspective. >> from our award-winning news teams across america and beyond. >> we've got global news covered.
2:00 pm
>> french jets target i.s.i.l. targets for the first time in iran. this as 21 are arrested in belgium as a third day of lock down for brussels. hello there i'm barbara serra, you're watching al jazeera live from london. also coming up on the program. the ceasefire deal between two tribes in libya which may allow hundreds of thousands of displaced people to return home. bath for control. yemeni government force he and houthis
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