tv News Al Jazeera November 24, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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salmon. >> he said before he died he wanted to be remembered simply as a fisherman. history will tell a bigger story. alan shove ler, al jazeera, washington. >> what a life and what a man, and that's all of our time. i'm tony harris. thanks for watching. david shuster is back with today's news right now. a russian war plane has not been shot down by a noto country in more than 60 years. today that changed with they attacked a russian fighter jet with air-to-air missiles. it plunged to the ground in flames with one crew member confirmed dead. it ratcheted up the conflict between moscow and the west over syria's civil war, and it may complicate efforts there to battle isil. we start with jamie mcintyre at the pentagon. >> officials here at the pentagon were quick to confirm turkey's action but they were just as quick to add that no u.s. planes were involved and this was a matter to be resolved
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between turkey and russia. it was 9:24 in the morning when a pair of turkish f-16s targeted this russian fighter-bomber with air-to-air missiles sending it streaking to the earth in flames. the two russian pilots ejected, but a commander of turkman fighting in the area claimed his men shot the pilot as they parachuted to the ground. a possible war crime. russia said one of its rescue helicopter came under small arms fire and had to land. a individual grow the free syrian army showed the helicopter destroyed by fighters using a western anti-tank weapon. one russian marine was killed. after two previous russian incursions in the turkish air space, the u.s. deployed a half-dozen f-16s to the airbase to help turkey defend their
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border zone. no u.s. war planes were involved in the downing the russian jet, and while the u.s. says turkey has every right to protect air space, the pentagon said an investigation would determine if the shootdown was justified. >> we're not able to conclude definitively right now as to what exactly where the aircraft was and all the circumstances that played out here. >> reporter: the turkish government released this radar track which traces the path they took over a small sliver of turkey near the syria border, which was a clear violation of turkish sovereignty. they radioed warnings ten times over five minutes. >> this is the turkish air force. you are approaching turkish air space. change your headed south immediately. >> there was no response. the jets then crossed 1.6 miles into turkey flying for 1.1 miles, an intrusion that lasted just 17 seconds.
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it says one russia jet was fired on while it was in turkish air space and crashed on the syrian side of the border. russia countered with its own maps that told a different story insisting there were no radio warnings or attempts to visually contact the russian pilots, that the turkish f-16s fired from syrian air space, which is why the su-24 went down 2.4 miles inside syria. it called the attack a severe violation of international law. as u.s. defense secretary ash carter welcomed his french counterpart to the pentagon, the new tension between russia and a key nato ally seemed to further complicate the french proposal for more cooperation with moscow. the pentagon says with its air campaign gaining traction, here a pinpoint takes a bridge isil was using, it has little interest in joining forces with the russians who one u.s. military spokesperson accused of killing as many of 1,000
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civilians including 100 children by in his words slinging lead around the battlefield. >> this is a sloppy military work. this is the reckless and irresponsible, imprecise and frankly uncaring approach to operations in syria that the russian have taken on. >> the u.s. released more video showing american a-10st and ac-130 gun ships annihilating troops in syria. they called moscow's claim that it also destroyed 500 fuel trucks an order of magnitude exaggeration. russia has promised a response to the shootdown but it won't be military. the u.s. has urged both sides to de-escalate the situation through discussion, diplomacy and deconfliction members. turkey expressed solidarity
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with turkey. after an emergency meeting it is with all 28 member states, the nato secretary-general expressed concerns about russia's military actions so close to nato borders. however, he also called for calm and de-escalation. the downing of a russian jet came as french president francois hollande was in meetings today in washington. the french president urged the united states and russia to cooperate in the battle again isil. that cooperation is complicated given opposite views about syrian president assad. russia is helps him stay in power. the obama administration wants assad out. mcviqueira has more live from washington. mike. >> reporter: good evening, david. as we come on the air, i want to read a readout that the white house has given us. president obama spoke with his turkish counterpart, and here's what the white house has to say. the president expressed u.s. and nato's support for turkey's
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right to defend nir sovereignty. they agreed on the importance of de-escalating the situation in turkey in the wake of shootdown. president obama said it again today, david. there have been successes in his estimation in the fight against isil, two components of the strategy, defeat of isil on the ground and an emphasis on negotiations around the negotiating table between syrian factions and world leaders to try to bring some sort of solution to this. it's always been a tall order, very difficult, and events over the last 24 hours made it even more complicated. with the potential conflict looming between russia and turkey, a nato ally, president obama wants to stop events from getting out of hand. >> my top priority is going to be to ensure that this does not escalate. >> french president francois hollande agrees, and as he sat down in president obama in the latest of his meetings of world powers, he asked for allied units against isil in the wake
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of the paris attacks. >> translator: today we wanted on the occasion of that meeting, first of all, to share our determination, relentless determination to fight terrorism everywhere and anywhere. >> reporter: even as france and the u.s.-led coalition step up the air campaign against isil, like mr. obama, hollande says french combat forces will not going into syria, and both leaders say there is no ultimate military solution there. instead, they stressed the diplomatic push now underway in vienna. they vowed to keach russia out of talks unless russia focuses their air strikes on isil, not other groups opposed to syrian president bashar al assad, groups backed by the u.s. and allies. >> russia is the outlier. we hope that they refocus their attention on what is the most substantial threat. that they serve as a constructive partner. >> reporter: for president obama, his meeting with hollande was meant to send a message of
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unity not just within france but within the united states where ranker over what to do with syrian refugees and whether they should gain entry into the united states has become a major issue. last week at the g-20 mr. obama scolded those who said refugees should be barred from coming to the u.s. >> that's not american. that's not who we are. >> his tone was criticized from both sides of the political divide. monday mr. obama said he understood why some are hesitant on the question of refugees, but didn't back away from his vow to allow them access to the u.s. >> even as we're vigilant, we cannot and we will not succumb to fear. nor can we allow fear to divide us. that's how terrorists win. >> reporter: and david, a lot is made about supposeded shortcommings among european nations and willingness to share intelligence. today president obama publicly pushed those nations to do more in that regard to harmonize their intelligence sharing.
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he singled out sharing passenger airline information among european nations and airlines, something that isn't being done right now. david. >> al jazeera's mike viqueira at the white house. thank you very much. christopher swift is a professor of national security studies at georgetown university. what do you make of the shootdown of the russian war plane today and the show of solidarity from nato in response? >> neither one is much of a surprise, david. the russians have operated close to the turkish border for quite some time. they have warned them on no less than ten occasions the last month, and the russians have flown around with their transponders and radios off not responding to communications from the turkish counterparts. that's not a surprise. the fact nato stands up for turkey is not much of a
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surprise. one of the things that's interesting is how nato responds both to this situation on the syrian/turkish border and the situation it faces with russia in places like the baulancetic states and especially lithuania. >> turkey's decision to shoot down the war plane is certainly not something that most nato members would have welcomed, right? they were freelancing in this particular case? >> turkey was free planing in this particular case? i'm not sure that's an accurate description of the fact i read this week and as the investigation continues i'm sure we will learn more. one thing that needs to be clear, though, is that, you know, an authorized military aircraft crossing into your air space is in most instances an act of war, and the turks do have a right to protect their own territory. >> is it worth it for nato to ratchet up tensions with russia now by essentially using an incursion, if that's what happened in turkey, for nato to then, say, okay, fine for turkey to go ahead and shoot down this plane? >> i'm not sure i agree with the
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premise. i'm not sure nato is ratcheting up tensions. if you like to obama and hollande at the white house today as well as the comments from the nato secretary-general -- >> agree with you. i agree nato is not ratcheted up tensions, but turkey has with the shootdown and that caused tensions ratcheted up when nato comes to turkey's defense. >> that's certainly a potential here, and look, you can see from the nato response the measured nature of the response that no one has an interest in the russians and turks getting into a more complicated conflict over this. we need to keep in mind but for the fact russia crossed into turkish territory, this wouldn't have happened. they've done so several times over the space in the last few months. at some point they would send a message. it's unfortunate they did it in this instance.
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for the better part of two years they're flying around turkey and united states and the united kim dom their trans upon theeders turned off. >> russia sent a message about turkey tonight. they say that they have sent new air defenses in addition to the russian navy sending a cruiser equipped with air defense systems to the syria coastal city. how much does that ratchet up tensions? >> well, it ratchets it up the tensions insofar as is shows the russian government is doubling down on the investment they made in the assad regime. the russian using those particular assets to protect power into turkey is very low. it's a defensive measure, but it underscores that russia will back the assad regime, and turkey, which is very much posed to the assad regime, will continue to oppose russian policy in the region. >> christopher swift, thank you very much. we appreciate you joining us.
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>> good to be with you. amidst the military tensions between nato and russia, an intense diplomatic effort is underway regarding syria. hollande will head to moscow for meetings with russian president vladimir putin. join us now is the man that served over nicolas sarkozy. mr. ambassador, the french and united states both agree that russia should play a more constructive role in trying to defeat isil. isn't the way to do that right now is to back off demands that assad go, given that the russians want him to stay? >> well, yes, it's a matter of priorities for the moment. the main priority, i think, is to strike back at isil and to try to push them back as much as we can and destroy and dismantle them. then the whole issue about the future of bashar and his regime will have to be dealt with
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inside the political negotiations that have been launched in vienna that need to go on. >> but the priority from the french president and the u.s. president today was that assad must go, and as long as there's this conflict between the united states, france, and russia, you will have incidents like this where russian war planes flying perhaps in defense of assad is at perhaps a target for others in the region. >> even if you have disagreements, and there are disagreements, no doubt about it, between russia on one side and france the americans on the other side, it's about being efficient on the military ground and to try to push as much as we can our efforts together in fighting isil. i think this is really what president hollande is looking for. >> mr. ambassador, there's a theory that isil is striking out in places like france and belgium and possibly elsewhere because they're been weakened within syria and iraq. do you accept that, and do you
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think that the ratcheting up of their activities in other regions is a result of perhaps some desperation that they may start to feel in the middle east? >> i don't have the latest assessment on the ground. what you must always keep in mind is that the rhetoric of isil against countries like france and other european countries has always been very strong and critical, and they have time and again that they were going to fight and strike back against france and other countries. furthermore, as you know, a lot of the foreign fighters that have gone to syria and that have been trained in isil camps and isis camps have come from france and belgium and other european countries. this is not a total surprise for all those that have been following very closely. isil moves and isil's rhetoric and isil's narrative for the
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last few months. >> what is the mood in france right now, mr. ambassador? >> i think the mood in france is twofold. there is one of determination that we should push back against the terrorist attacks, and that you can see that in cities like paris and elsewhere. but there's also -- let's be honest, there's concern. there's sometimes even fear about the risk of further attacks. so i think this is where we are at the moment, and many of our european countries. >> ambassador, former french ambassador to the united states, thanks for joining us. >> thank you very much. good night. in jerusalem today u.s. secretary of state john kerry concluded a three-day trip to the region by condemning palestinian attacks on rsl israelis. appears with netanyahu there was no talk of long-term peace. instead they spoke about a short-term solution to end the
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bloodshed. >> this is a difficult time. we all know that. when citizens can be murdered like ezra schwartz, my citizen of massachusetts driving in a car on a mission to learn and to share, and when other citizens can be gunned down and a soldier yesterday in the marketplace in jerusalem. >> the young man kerry referred to was honored at last night's patriots/bills monday night football game in foxborough, massachusetts. >> 18-year-old ezra schwartz a native of massachusetts and a huge patriots fan was gunned down nearly 5500 miles from home while studying abroad. at this time we would like to honor ezra schwartz and the hundreds of victims like him with a moment of silence.
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>> schwartz was volunteering delivering food to israeli soldiers in the west bank when he was murdered. coming up, urging calm. in chicago tonight officials are trying to soothe tensions after the release of a dash cam video showing a police officer killing a black teenager. the officer involved has been indicted for murder. we will show you what the case means for the city and beyond.
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balbo and michigan avenue. a white police officer is behind bars tonight and held for first-degree murder. they say officer jason van dyke shot 17-year-old laquan mcdonald 16 times with, quote, the intenlt to kill. just a short time ago police released dash cam video of the incident that happened over a year ago. we're in chicago where the protests are happening. what's the latest? >> reporter: the city hopes the protests won't be as bad as they fears because they got what they wanted, a first-degree murder charge against the officer. the fact he was charged hours before the video was released, well, that was no accident. officials in chicago released this dash cam video of the fatal shotting of 17-year-old laquan mcdonald in october of last year. al jazeera america is only showing the first few seconds of the deadly altercation in which
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police officers jason van dyke shot mcdonald 16 times. what we are not showing, after the young man falls, is the tooens writing on the ground and puffs of smoke from the debris anned him. tuesday morning a somber-looking van dyke turned him in and is held without bond. prosecutors confirm what's long been rumored about the dash cam video showing the 37-year-old police officer shooting laquan mcdonnell. >> to watch a 17-year-old young man such a violent manner is deeply disturbing and i have absolutely no doubt that this video will tear at the hearts of all chicagoans. >> on one hand the prosecutors said they planned to charge officer van dyke with murder before a judge ordered the release of the video. they say that order sped up the timetable to charge him, but they insist they didn't feel pressure to charge van dyke just because of the video and the protests it might trigger. >> pressure? this is no pressure. i would never be pressured in
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making any kind of decision quickly. >> reporter: even without the video, prosecutors say there was mrentdy of evidence from witnesses on the scene that showed to them that the shooting was not justified. prosecutors also said that van dyke started to shoot just six seconds after getting out of his squad car as mcdonald was walking away. they insist that even though it's been over a year since the shooting, they were digging into this case from the beginning. the attorney for officer van dyke says the video simply won't look the same for people just sitting at home. >> from the comfort of their living room and their sofa, it's not the same standard as the perspective of my client. >> reporter: chicago mayor rahm emanuel says the case is about trust between the public and law enforcement. >> people have a right to be angry. people have a right to protest. people have a right to free speech. they do not have a right to commit criminal acts. >> we also have to get to a
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place as a city where officers that patrol communities in our city see a young man not as a potential problem and a risk but they also see in that young man an individual who is worthy of their protection. >> reporter: for many in chicago's black community, the murder charge is a clear victory. >> so from what i heard in the courtroom and from you heard in the courtroom, that man was charged rit yusly for murder. >> the family got a $5 million settlement from the city before they filed a lawsuit and they put out a short statement today saying -- asking for calm and saying they didn't want to hurt laquan's legacy by any violent protests. david. >> any idea why the video was released today on top of the arrest of officer van dyke? given that the judge had said the city could wait until tomorrow's deadline, why do it tonight? >> reporter: they didn't say, david, specifically. a local media outlet got ahold
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of a version of the tape and released parts of it on air. that forced the city's hand and they got it out there. >> reporting from chicago. thank you, we appreciate it. sheri is the interim president and ceo of the chicago urban league. she joins us from chicago this evening. the naacp has issued a statement calling the attack on laquan mcdonald horrific and that his family and community deserve action. do you agree with that, and what kind of action shoulded community take? >> well, i think let's, first of all, say that we're very gratified to see that in this case for the first time in 35 years the officer has been charged with first dream murder. i think that's just a first step. we have to allow the community to vent it's frustration about the relationship of the african-american community here and the police department here and what needs to happen next. obviously, we're not thinking it should be violent, but there could be concrete things that
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happen. this case took 13 months to bring an indictment. under those circumstances i think it's important to recognize that we feel like the state's attorney, the cook county state's attorney and the police superintendent should be held account aable for the kind of behavior and the process under which this occurred. >> are you saying that those officials were dragging their feet in this investigation? >> yeah. i wouldn't say that they're dragging their feet. i think that they're trying to cover themselves, and i think that even this afternoon when anita alvarez talked about the process that was undertaken to do this, there seemed to be a lot of back and forth between who was at fault for actually taking 13 months to bring this officer to justice. >> do you think that the prosecutor should be fired or that anybody involved in the investigation for taking this long, maybe they should lose their job? >> well, i do think that the state's attorney should resign. we have another case where the superintendent just today
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flip-flopped on his answer about a police officer who was not convicted who was wrongly charged by the state's attorney and who was was not fired from his job. today, the superintendent said he should be fired from his job. this is an ongoing problem. there has to be accountability right away. >> we see protesters in the city of chicago and people gathered, what is your expectation in terms of where this may go tonight and over the next few days? >> i think the people will protest peacefully. there's always a possibility that there can be some violent outbreaks, but i think people will protest peacefully. the big deal is to make sure we ask for something, and perhaps, you know, we know that the chicago police department cannot investigate itself. this cannot be successfully done by local officials, and perhaps the department of justice should be called in for due process and
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procedure. we need to know we get the act rate information out there, not what is given to us by the state's attorney and the chicago police department. >> i know that you had discussions over the past year with mayor rahm emanuel. what has he said about all of this? >> i think he said as he did today that we need to figure out ways to improve our community policing. one of the things that the police department is trying to do is diversify its police force so that they're not these cultural clashes, where we don't have excuses of implicit bias for policemen to shoot first and ask questions later. in this case i think it's really significant that an officer could shoot someone 16 times within six seconds of getting out of a car and not think about it twice and continue to get paid and continue to stay on the police force. that is a cultural bias, and we need to address it. >> is it a cultural bias that rahm eman yell has addressed with you and other leaders in the african-american community?
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>> he has, and also superintendent mccarthy through his listening tour came out and expressed his frustration. he doesn't know what to do. he's not clear how to improve community relations, and that speaks for the fact that there has to be change. >> superintendent mccarthy is in charge of the chicago police department. sheri runner is the interim president and ceo of the chicago urban league. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. tensions are building in minneapolis where last night gunmen shot and wounded five protesters with the group black lives matter. police say three men are now in custody. for more than a week demonstrators have been camped outside a north minneapolis police precinct in protest of a police killing of an african-american man. we have the report. >> reporter: demonstrators say a peaceful protest turned chaotic after several masked men arrived near the police station on monday night. >> take off your mask. no, no, no. >> somebody out of the crowd
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pufrned one of them, and they hit the gate over there. after that one started to reach and back up. >> i'm like, he's got a gun. >> police say the shooting started just 11:00 p.m., leaving five injured. protesters called the shooters white supremacists. >> what happened last night was a planned hate crime and act of terrorism against activists that have occupied the fourth precinct to demand just for jamar clark. >> clark was a 24-year-old black man shot by minneapolis police during a scuffle on november 15th. he died the next day from a gunshot wound to the head. since then protesters have been gathered outside the precinct demanding release of a video of the shooting. so far authorities have refused to release the video, but this new shooting puts additional pressure on city officials. they're investigating monday night's shooting of protesters along with the fbi and justice department. black lives matter says white
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supremacists started to visit the protest site last week, and they point to this video now posted to its facebook page. >> yes, we are locked and loaded. >> it was taken from a live streaming site and appears to show two men making racist slurs and talking about visiting the protests. minneapolis police say they are aware of the tape. >> we will not bow to fear or intimidation. black lives matter exists to fight against this type of violent white supremacy. >> the jamar clark shooting turned up the heat on racial tensions in the twin cities. earlier this month seven families slapped minnesota with a class action lawsuit claiming it lets the twin cities segregate public schools. the president of minneapolis's naacp chapter compares the racial tensions here to those in ferguson, missouri. >> we are taking a call in minnesota the jim crow north. yes, it is ferguson. they just didn't know it until now. >> minneapolis mayor betsy
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hodges condemns the shootings. >> last night's attacks have no place in our city. a new poll suggests that almost half of americans believe racism is a big problem in society today and says one-third of americans say racism is swhat of a problem. only 7% say it's not a problem. that's a change from 2011 in 1995 41% of americans said it was the case. in the wake of paris, the pressure is building on u.s. law enforcement and counterintelligence officials trying to safeguard thanksgiving travel. el.
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i'm david shuster in new york. just ahead. holiday security. nearly 50 million americans will be traveling this thanksgiving weekend. >> go to public events and go to public places and know that our folks are on the job. >> amidst fwroeing threats from isil, can law enforcement keep everybody safe? plus, define gravity. 100 years ago albert einstein turned our understanding of space, time and the cosmos upside-down. the conflict in syria took on a new dimension today when turkey shot down a russian
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fighter jet. turkey says the plane violated the air space and did not respond to several warnings. russia says the jet was flying over syria. one russian pilot was killed and another russian service member died whether a helicopter participating in a rescue effort was shot down. paut tin called the incident a stab in the back. the united nations and nato called for calm amidst efforts to diffuse tensions. tunisia is under a state of emergency after a bomb hit a bus. at least 12 were killed in the blast near the interior ministry in tunis. the president called it a cowardly terrorist attack. tunisia is realing from two attacks on tourist sites earlier this year linked to isil. 50 million americans will travel this holiday weekend. in light of the recent attacks around the world, security is tightened across the united
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states, and there's now a special focus on transportation hubs. al jazeera's lisa stark reports. >> reporter: in the aftermath of paris attacks people are understandably on edge, and president obama aaddressed the fears head-on during a news conference with the french president saying he wanted to speak directly to the american people. >> groups like isil cannot defeat us on the battlefield, so they try to terrorize us at home against soft targets, against civil yians and innocent people. even as we're vigilant, we cannot and we will not succumb to peer. >>. >> reporter: so the president said go about your business, a thought echoed by the head of homeland security. >> my message to the public in this holiday season is we urge you to continue to travel, go to public events, go to public places, and know that our folks are on the job.
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>> reporter: counterterrorism experts say there's no reason to be any more concerned than last thanksgiving. >> you just have actually far more likely to have your purse snatched or your wallet pickpocketed than you are to be targeted by jihadists. >> reporter: from subway platforms in washington, d.c. to the heart of new york city, tactical units are on patrol. two big cities that have beefed up security after isil indicated it is eyeing times square and the nation's capitol. in new york security will be tight for the annual thanksgiving day parade. >> we always police that parade with large numbers of uniformed officers. this year i think you will see even a larger presence. the police presence will hite know the sense of security. it's supposed to be a beautiful weather day, one of the most beautiful days in recent years. we're encouraging people to come on down. >> reporter: just this weekend new york police ran a drill practicing for an active shooter
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in the subway system. an exercise planned before the paris attacks but updated because of them to include an attacker wearing a suicide vest. subways, trains and planes remain top targets. >> quite frankly there are too many targets to protect, too many potential attackers to monitor all the time, and so eventually someone is going to slip through the system and they're going to you can seed in attack. >> stewart and other security experts say even though the u.s. remains an appealing target, it is less vulnerable than yurl which is closer to iraq and syria and has many more residents that embraced isil and it's ideology. david. >> samuel is the director of the center on law and security at new york university and a former director of intelligence analysis with the new york city police department. welcome. when the state department issues a worldwide travel alert,
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generally what has happened to prompt that? >> let's bear in mind something very important, which is it wasn't the case that before they issued the alert that the terror risk was zero and all of a sudden we went to 100. it was something before and it's something now, maybe something incrementally larger than before. if they're putting out an alert like this, it's likely they're working off of current events and also some intelligence. >> there's an argument to be made that the united states is very different from europe, that muslims generally are more sort of integrated in society, they're happier here. it's obviously much more difficult to get into the united states. there's much more counterintelligence efforts here in the united states than in europe. does all that add up to making the united states less of a target? >> yes, and the fact that we aren't a 48-hour drive away from a hot battlefield to a place like syria. cumulatively we're better off here. we pay more attention to integrating the muslim citizens in a thoughtful way and averted
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some of the problems rearing their heads in places like brussels today. >> as far as the police in new york and other major cities, what keeps officers and managers of these departments awake at night? >> here's the thing. a plot like the one we saw in paris is in some sense sophisticated. after all, it required some amount of planning in syria, in belgium, in france. at the same time it was awfully simple to bring off, and those are exactly the kinds of plots that could evade intelligence detection. that's the thing that troubles american officials. >> is there anything to do with the fact that it's easy to get weapons here and much easier than in other places around the world. >> terror threats are the sum attention of the desire to pull off an attack and capacity and the availability of weapons speaks to the capacity point. >> is there anything about american holidays, thanksgiving, the christmas holidays where people are traveling that is of special interest for organizations that would like to cause fear and chaos in the united states? >> i would say so.
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terror organizations aren't just in the violence business. they're in the violence and the marketing business. so they're looking to bring off an attack with maximum propaganda effect. a couple of years ago there was an averting attack on a christmas tree lighting ceremony in portland, oregon. iconic places and iconic times on the calendar are moments to be vigilant. >> is there a particular city or part of the country that might be vulnerable because police departments aren't as ready as new york? >> here's the thing. new york is target number one, and we've always had a sense that we were more exposed here to that kind of threat. for the reasons we talked about earlier, mainly that the bad guys are looking to have maximum impact. if you attack in new york, if you can make it here as the song goes you can make it anywhere. >> in light of what's going on in belgium, is there anything you do differently when you travel? >> no. i kind of mind my business, and i go about my day confident that american officials are on the
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case. having said that, if i had travel plans this thanksgiving to take me to brussels, i might look to change them right now? >> because of the lockdown there? >> because of the lockdown and because of the sense as evidenced by the steps that belgian officials are taking that the threat there is at a different level from anything we're experiencing in this country. >> is there any other place other than belgium you would add to that list? >> i wouldn't take a trip to syria either. >> indeed. i'm confident you're not headed there. thanks for coming in. thank you. >> the paris attacks ignited a new debate over the syrian refugees. many say the screening process needs to be tightened. the white house released a video showing what she must go through through? >> before she can enter the united states, she has to undergo a security screening process more thorough than any
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other. >> homeland security secretary jeh johnson outlines the process from an application to refugees to background checks, interviews and medical examinations. the white house hopes the video will dress some of the public concerns. canada has pledged to take in 25,000 syrian refugees, but the canadian government will not be able to meet its deadline to bring them all in by december 3st. canadian officials say the first 10,000 can come over about the the end of year but the rest by the end of february. donald trump appeared tonight at a packed rally in myrtle beach, south carolina. the campaign said it had to be moved to the convention center because of popular demand. trump's usually bravado about the 2016 campaign was on full display. >> i got a call the other day from one of the biggest reporters, really a good reporter, but big and legit. he said, mr. trump, how does it
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feel? i said how does what feel? he said what you've done nobody has ever done it in politics in the history of politics. what we've created with this movement. i said, i haven't done anything. because unless we win it doesn't mean a damn thing. it's really true. it doesn't mean anything. >> trump also spoke of his controversial plan to build a wall between the united states and mexico. he says mexico will be happy to pay for it. jennifer kerns is a contributor to the blaze and a former republican political strategist joining us from washington. jennifer, let's start there. do you think that mexico will be happy to pay for a wall? >> well, i don't know about that, but i do agree with donald trump and he took the words right out of my mouth, david. that is that the donald trump candidacy is now a movement, and i think that's significant when political consultants look back at this time in history. they will see that over the last
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four or five months this really did become a political movement. >> most movements need a leader that has some credibility, and so i want to ask you, when donald trump says after 9/11 he saw people celebrating by the thousands on television in jersey city, new jersey, did you see those celebrations in new jersey? >> i wasn't in new york, and i don't know what donald trump saw the morning of 9/11. i can tell you what law enforcement officers have told me around the united states, including in denver, colorado, the swing state of colorado of all places. they said that the morning of 9/11 the taxi drivers there at that airport were getting out of their cars honking and celebrating in the streets, and those people are still under surveillance. >> that may be the case, but the question was about new jersey. isn't credibility and precision important not only when you're a presidential candidate but also when you're sitting there in the white house? >> well, it is, david, but here's the thing.
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a lot of things donald trump said including at his launch when he accused mexican illegal immigrants to be rapists and criminals have proven to be what true. i looked at 20 years of fbi crime statistics up until the recent year we're in. look, according to fbi crime statistics, in los angeles alone 95% of the arrest warrants issued are for illegal immigrants, not american citizens? in border states such as california, new mexico, arizona, and texas, the arrest warrants, the people on the fbi's most wanted list, 75% of those are illegal immigrants. >> for all the statistics that donald trump is getting wrong, he's getting a lot of statistics wrong. he claimed that blacked killed 81% of white homicide victims. that was off by nearly 100%. so, again, the issue is donald trump's credibility. it's fine to have certain sents people share, fw if you make
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them into an action plan and getting people to follow you into the white house, don't you have to be precise and credibility with what you talk about? >> yeah. i don't know the statistic on the african-american crime, but in terms of illegal immigration, the numbers did support donald trump. i've wrote many pieces that have gone against tonld truch. i looked at 20 years much campaign finance reports on him as well that were not positive. so i don't have a horse in this race. what i can tell you is he is resonating here, and i think, david, the gop is in for a very big shock because in 67 days they go to iowa and no one thought that donald trump would be sufrjing in the polls like he is. he's achieved very significant numbers. this is why donald trump is not going anywhere. he was the first candidate to post big numbers and get out ahead of the pack, he was the first candidate democrat or republican including hillary clinton to achieve 30% in the polls. he's up 13% among women and up
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12% among people with college degrees. donald trump is on a role and not stopping anytime soon. >> jennifer kerns you had a lot of success in terms of getting republicans elected in blue states. how would donald trump do in a general election if he's the nominee? >> i think it's a tough road if you look at how the polling is matching up head-to-head against hillary clinton. she's going to be a very difficult candidate to beat. she has the clinton machine behind her. if donald trump connects with voters on issues, people care more about issues today than about party politics. >> jennifer is a contributor for the plays. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. up next, the homeless crisis in los angeles. what the city is doing about it, and why the mayor is reluctant to call it an emergency.
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protesters, as you can see, have taken to the streets downtown and essentially in other neighborhoods in the city just hours after police released dash cam video that shows a city police officer shooting a teenager to death last year. 17-year-old laquan mcdonald was shot 16 times. officer jason van dyke was charged with first-degree murder earlier today. we will track it on al jazeera america. los angeles is dealing with a stubborn homeless crisis and there are new figures. the number of chronically homeless people in l.a. jumped 55% in the last two years. it stands at 12,000 people, which is the highest in the nation. jennifer london has more. >> reporter: on the streets of skid row, the homeless tents, tarps, shopping carts tell the story of a city in crisis. >> clothes this one corner, books and papers and stuff in
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the other corner. cosmetics in the other. >> you sleep here in the middle? >> all of these are blankets. >> the homeless numbers jr.ed by 20% since 2014, and the federal government released it's own assessment of the crisis saying l.a. has the highest number of chronically homeless people in the u.s. but the city's mayor did not klee dare a state of emergency despite an earlier announcement he would. the office didn't say why he's not moving forward with a declaration now, but said in a written statement, we are open to anything that will help bring us additional resources to this crisis in our city from state and federal authorities including new legislation or declarations of a state of emergency and are engaged in ongoing discussions to that end. for its part, the city council has agreed to add more beds to its winter shelter program and
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allowing people that life in cars to sleep in designated parking lots. more than 70% are without shelter. >> if you walk down skid row, you wouldn't think you live in america. >> in october city councilmember jose wezar told al jazeera he thinks an emergency declaration is needed to increase funding for permanent, affordable, transitional housing. >> what we have right now is clearly not acceptable. it's something that has been neglected for many decades here in the region. in fact, the problem is only getting worse. our past approaches have failed. >> homeless advocate pete white agrees but isn't convinced an emergency declaration is the answer. >> instead of declaring a state of emergency in the hopes of getting a federal and state contribution, we need to look at the resources that we're already spending, shave shoez resources
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and apply them to things that really work. of course, that's housing, not arresting more people. >> the city spends $100 million a year to combat homelessness with the majority of the money going towards policing the streets. encampments like these must be moved by 6:00 a.m. otherwise they face arrest. how many times have you been arrested for sleeping on the streets? >> probably 13, 14 times. >> over the course of how long? >> over the course of three years. we said we're not going to take our tents down because you want us to. that's why i was constantly getting arrested. >> smith has lived on these streets for nine years, but in the last few years he has seen more homeless, more camps and more arrests. he wants to see more housing. for you what's the solution? how does the city of l.a. get you, jo jo, off the streets? >> build low income housing. that would be -- that's the
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answer. that's always going to be the answer. we need more housing. house keys and not handcuffs. >> while stopping short of declaring a homeless emergency now, the city continues to look at all options as it struggles to find a long-term solution to get people off the streets for good. jennifer london, skid row, los angeles. up next, 100 years since albert einstein came up with his theory of relativity. we'll show you how the scientific breakthrough affects our everyday life today.
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einstein came up with his most famous equation, e equal mc squared in 1905. we have seen it and many know it explains how energy and mass are related and that it led to the development of fuch nuclear power. ten years later he came up with another theory, general relativi relativity. it wove together the earlier ideas with the explanation of gravity isaac newton proposed in 1687 and the impinge was radical. an idea of space and time as two sides of the same coin bending and twisting in a cosmic dance with energy and momentum. these were dense ideas far from newton's world of apples falling off trees, but not so far from the modern world. without general relativity, you couldn't step in your car and punch in an address and have your gps guide you to where you want to be. one of our favorite einstein
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quotes is simple enough. logic gets you from a to b. imagination will take you everywhere. that is our news for this hour. thanks for watching, everybody. i'm david shoes st shuster. "on target" is next. "on target" tonight. turee blows a war plane out of the sky putting it's allies in a tight spit. the 17-second midair drama that caused a modern day cold war controversy. syria's war has just mee tas sized into something bigger, and all the inconsistencies in the west's policies toward the ri
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