tv Weekend News Al Jazeera November 28, 2015 2:00am-2:31am EST
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anti-russia protests in turkey as the war os twine the two leaders escalates over the downed russian jet. ♪ ♪ hello, i am martin dennis, you are with al jazeera live from doha. also to come on the program. the pope in uganda on the second leg of his africa tour. we look at the hot button issues of contraception and homophobia. a gunman kills three people in a shooting at a u.s. abortion clinic. plus lost childhoods.
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we report from guatemala where a young person is sexually abused every hour. ♪ ♪ we start with the grogan monthsly between russia and turkey over the downed russian jet close to the syrian border. now, in this latest escalation, moscow has imposed sanction on his ankara as turkey's president erdogan warns russia not to play with fire. rory challands reports. >> reporter: strategic partners was how he described syria and russia. and the country's foreign ministers were certainly speaking with one voice in moscow on friday. >> translator: isis militants receive weapons and free passage, they don't have to use parachutes, we are talking about militants from several countries. they have receive medical help and weapons from turkey.
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turkey made the step to shoot down the russian jet because it supports and encourages those terrorists. >> reporter: they were meet to go discuss practical steps to pushing forth the vienna process we hope they find a political solution to syria. >> we have agreed that a list of terrorist groups that will be excluded from my political negotiations needs to be drafted. it will then need to go through the u.n. security council. it is absolutely clear that without it, political peace talks between moderate opposition and the syrian government cannot take place. >> reporter: in southern russia there were military honors and a funeral. alexander was the marine killed trying to rescue a russian air crew downed by turkish jets on tuesday. he, and the pilot shot dead parachuting to the ground or viewed as heros in russia. not in turkey, these protesters are calling russia's military murderers.
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putin is depicted as a vampire. president erdogan has accused the russian president of playing with fire by bombing syria's opposition and propping up the syrian government. >> translator: the day this incident happened i requested a meeting from him. i wanted to hold a tariff conversation with him. but he's not returned my calls yet. there is a climate change conference in paris, i believe he will be there we can meet there and discuss these matters with him. >> reporter: for the moment, the kremlin isn't answering. it's ramping up economic pressure on turkey. while formalized sanctions are being drawn up, russian inspectors are finding hygiene and sanitary reasons for rejecting turk i can produce. visa-free travel with turkey will be suspended january 1st. and russia's bombing continues, these are some of the latest deadly strikes in idlib province, a down near the border
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with turkey. rory challands, al jazeera, moscow. >> a russia is used of using airstrikes against isil as cover to attack a range of different rebel groups in northern syria. for instance russian air strikes have displaced many turkmen who are opposed to the syrian regime. more than 1,700 of them have fled to the turkish border. and in another part of a province, opposition fighters are preparing to target a russian air base in response spoon to those attacks video published online shows rebels apparently getting ready to fire at the base. some of the russian air raids have been hitting isil's main strong hold. syrian opposition groups say eight people were killed in rock araqqa including five children. this is video leased by an isil affiliated group which is said to ho the aftermath of the bombings. so who are the turkmen of syria? the turkmen are ethnic turks,
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they have lived across syria, iraq, and iran for hundreds of years, they are mainly concentrate ed in the north in the turkmen mountain area close to the turkish border. now it's thought that there are between half a million and 3.5 million turkmen living in syria. the turkmen were among the first to take up arms against the syrian government. turkey has lent its support to rebels seeking to topple president bashar al-assad. okay, we can talk now to our correspondent hasheem who is just in the area there southern turkey. so the spotlight has fallen on the turkmen of syria, hashem as a consequence of the downing of this russian jet. how can we sigh that they fit in to this mere yak of opposition forces that are working against the government of president am m
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al-assad? >> reporter: martin, the mountains that you might see behind me, i think there is nil mist covering the area, is exactly where there has been some constant shelling on tur turkmen fighterrers over the last few hours, the shelling is artillery shelling from military bases i controlled by the syrian government and where there is a russian presence, the reason they are pounding the mountains you see behind me is because the turkmen have been launching an offensive over the last 48 hours to control some of the strategic peaks. because of the intensifies artillery and the airstrikes, the rebels take over those areas and then they retreat and then they launch an offensive. the fighting has been going on for quite sometime.
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the rebels are launching an offensively in los angeles tack i can't and also in a hleb owe and saying that they will -- they are going to step up their their military campaign until though take that area. the turkmen have been instrumental in the areas behind me particularly, very active in 2011. they control many areas and say they are they are part of the rebellion to get out assad. this is one of -- this is what one of the turkmen had to say. >> we are loyal to the lands, not the tribe. we have been here for 600 years, and we will stay. our dead bodies are there and our living bodies are there too. >> and so hashem, these are
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ethnic turks, what sort of relationship do they enjoy with turkey and the turkish government? >> reporter: turkey says that it has a moral and historical responsibility to provide all sorts of assistance to turkey he ethnic minorities like the turkmen. and the -- this is exactly the line that has been repeatedly highlighted by president erdogan, prime minister and many politicians that turkey is committed to provide assistance to the turkmen. and the reason is that most of the tucks are positioned in areas which are on the border with turkey. and this is turkey's biggest concern when they see the russians mounting, stepping up the campaign, they say that turkey, that russia is attacking the rebels to pave the way or to
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prop up bashar al-assad to are you gain the areas it controls and i think this is one of the reasons why the mounting -- the pressure is mounting. unless you have a general consensus between the key players, russia, turkey, the americans, and the regional players, like iran, saudi arabia thaabout how to move forward whe there is a political solution to the crisis in sear yakker the fate of bashar al-assad, we'll just see more escalation on the ground. and the turkmena long with different factions, like the army of [ inaudible ] are saying that it's a matter of life or death. and they are going to continue the fight until bashar al-assad is kicked out of power. >> okay, hashem, in southern turkey, thank you. now, you may remember the syrian boy whose drowning off the coast of turkey triggered an international outcry. now we learn that his family,
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the family of allen, is to be resettled in canada. at the aunt of the three-year-old boy says the canadian government has approved her application to bring the family in. the original application had been rejected which was the reason behind their attempt to cross from turkey to greece. canada plans to take in 25,000 refugees it says it will take them over a longer period than had originally been planned. more than a million people have gathered in uganda as an open -- at an open-air shrine where pope francis, as you can see is perform is mass, 10s of thousands excellent out overnight a ahead of the air money. earlier the pontiff prayed at the shrine honoring a group of christian converts who had been killed in the 19th century. he arrived in uganda on friday and addressed the president there and m.p.s, he made a
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global on peel to compassion and sol dirty to be shown against refugees. uganda has one of the fast he have growing populations in the world, many want to have smaller families but for catholics it poses a clem actual malcolm webb has this report from central uganda. >> reporter: many of the women here have recently given birth. then they were referred to this family planning clinic. if they follow previous yep vagues on average they'll each have more than six children. rose already has eight. she's come here because she doesn't want anymore. >> translator: my husband does not have a job. i have no way of earning money, we struggle to afford the basic needs of our children. even a place to live. >> reporter: and so i she and hr shuts have agreed she should undergo stair saying at this clinic run by a charity.
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people who come here can get free condoms, pills orin againss the women here are waiting to go in to that room for longer term solutions liar implants or sterilization procedures. about a third of using contraception but the catholic church says all of these methods are wrong. pope francis is seen as progressive on many issues but his position on contraception and that of the catholic church remains controvers controversia. the official teaching is people should only use natural method but failure rights are high. this bishop has been here since the 19 secretary 1970s. and favors natural contra accepts. >> it's much more respectful of, indeed, the life, the gift of life. >> reporter: as always life on the streets of the capital there is a government policy to try to
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slow the booming population. experts a increasing access to family planning is crucial, if they doesn't happen they say future generations will be trapped in positive. >> for the population to be producers, they have to be healthy, they have to be skilled and sufficiently em gate. and if the population grows uncontrollable or in an unplanned direct, then those conditions cannot be melt. >> reporter: rose struggled to afford school fees for all of her children, let alone for anymore. but opt to go sterilization was a tough decision. traditionally, people value big families. and she's one of uganda's 14 million agent catholics, she comes in this church in her village every week, she says her faith means a lot to her but she has had to reject what the priests tell thought her about family planning saying the
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church won't her help woke cohen with her bills or help her feed anymore mouths. >> it's unlikely the pope will address this what appears to be a disconnect between the teachings of the catholic church and the way people are having to live in uganda, cath licks in cn particular. >> reporter: yes, i think you are right it's unlikely he brings it up, as pope's go, pope francis tends to not preach hard messages on divisive issues and here on his african visits he's been talking a lot about reconciliation about how muslims and christians should talk together. he's unlikely to get anything like a clear message that is going to be addressing a controversial issue like this. they have only spoken in the philippines last year he did indicate that his position is the same as the catholic church, it always has been it's against artificial contraception meg you had. >> one of the other issues is
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uganda's anti-moment sexual position. the punitive legislation that's in place in uganda. do you think that the pope is likely to grapple with this issue preaching more tolerance perhaps for the game community? >> reporter: he's likely to talk about tolerance in a general sense, i think it's unlikely he will take this issue head on. the very controversial anti-homosexual law was over turned in constitution the court last year following key threats from donors here to withdraw funding from the government. since then it hasn't been talks about very much here. but there is still a colonial law that stands that says homosexuality is illegal and game rights groups here, they said that they requested the vatican that they could meet with the pope while he's here to talk to him about the persecution, the homophobia that they say they suffer here, we don't foe if they had agreed to that or if that will happen.
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but, again, pope francis is unlikely to say anything that will be divisive about this, het because that anti-homosexual law is pop lay, and lots of religious leaders backed it. the catholic church said it would be wrong to give people the death penalty or harsh penalties for home sexuality but some of the evangelical leaders were behind craft this is bill if the first place and they have a lot of support nurse you began at that do. it's up likely the pope whip say anything that would a vinnie eight large groups of people here, as you say he's likely to encourage in tolerance and recognize sale yags. >> okay, for now, malcolm, thank you very much. malcolm web there covering pope francis' trip to uganda today. we have a lot more to come in the programs including ahead of his appeal for help over forest fires indonesia's president speaks exclusively to al jazeera.
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>> the only live national news show at 11:00 eastern. >> we start with breaking news. >> let's take a closer look. ♪ ♪ you are with al jazeera. and these are the top stories. russia is applying more pressure turkey following the shooting down of its fighters jets on tuesday, more sanctions have been imposed on turkey by moscow and the kremlin has not responded to the turkish request for a meeting. meanwhile, the turkish president erdogan has warned moscow not to play with fire. more than a million people in uganda have gathered at an open air shrine where pope
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francis is delivering mass. earlier, pope francis prayed at the shrine honoring a group of christian converts who were killed in the 19th century. russia is accused of using airstrikes again isil as cover to a take range of different rebel groups in northern sear yakker the attacks are causing thousands of turkmen to flee across the border in to turkey. now, a shooting in a birth control clinch anybody colorado springs has left fleam dead including a police officer, nine other people were wounded in the stands off before the suspect surrendered. the motive for the attack is so far unclear, jim hooley reports. >> reporter: the. >> the person straight in custody the situation has been resolved. there is no continuing peril to the citizens of colorado springs. >> reporter: that marked the end of a five-hour standoff between a gunman and police at a planned parents hood clinic in colorado springs. later, authorities revealed that
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three people had died. >> unfortunately with this tragic situation today, we have to confirm that we have two civilian casualty on his scene. and we have the death of one police officer. >> reporter: that officer has now been identified as 44-year-old garret swayze, a six year veteran of the colorado springs police deem. just before noon friday, police responded to the planned parenthood building after an emergency call that shots were fired inside the clinic. initial calls described a white male having a type of long gun, officials have since determined it was a rife rifle. police is also say the suspect brought several brags with him to the scene, some left outside. others brought n this was a normal business day at the planned parents hood clinic with staff and patients inside. relatives came to the scene to check on family members inside. >> i heard some shots, you know,
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so the people were shooting, for sure. >> reporter: you heard that on the phone? >> you yeah, on the phone because i was talking to my sister over the phone and she couldn't really talk. and i heard that somebody was shooting. >> reporter: after exchanging fire, police say officers were able to convince the gunman to vendor. >> we did get officers inside the building at the planned parents hood and the officers were able to shoot out to suspect and make communication with him. at that point they were able to get him to surrender and he was take then to custody. >> reporter: police say they still don't know why this suspect attacked this planned parenthood certainty. jim hooley, al jazeera, colorado springs. world leaders are starting to garth never paris for thein' climate change conference in the coming hours francois ho lands is due to need heads of
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international ngos who will be involved. it's seen as important for country that his want to highlight how they are suffering from the effects of extreme climate change. according to a study, chile is experiencing the longest and largest drought in its recorded history. it's seen a 30% drop in rain levels during one of the hottest periods in the last 100 years. the report stresses the main causes are not due to natural cycles but rather a man-made climate change. and indonesia will ask the world to restore its forest during the conference in paris. fires have destroyed millions of hectors emitting 1.7 billion-tons of carbon in to the atmosphere making indonesia the world fourth largest greenhouse gas emitting after the u.s., china and brazil. step vaessen sat down exclusively with the president. we'll bring you that interview
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with the indonesian president in just a little bit. whew in the meantime we'll look at some other news. and a food testing laboratory in india has read high levels of led in inning that far collected by nestle. they had over double the amount of standard limit. just days ago the bands instant noodles returned to shelves in india after being banned for excessive levels of led. nestle india has denied any tests of their pasta product. >> translator: samples of macaroni pasta by nestle were collect ed in june and the led levels were found at 5.9 parts per millions against permissible 2.5. they were sent for a double check to the commissioner and we are awaiting instructions. in caught mall a. one case of sexual abuse against a minor is reported every hour. the country also has the second
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highest rate of child murder in the world only el salvador is worse. and the government has taken some steps to protect children. rights groupings say it's not enough. al jazeera's david mercer has more. >> reporter: behind the steel door and razor wire in the center of guatemala city. , a safe house in young victims of violence, all of the girls here have been sexually assaulted. some as young as 12. now some have babies of their own. we can't show their faces, and only with the help of trusted psychologists, are the girls able to talk about their past. >> translator: it's really hard to hear the girls' stories. they arrive here with low self-esteem and behavioral problems. many are depressed and have suicidal thoughts. they have lost their childhood because of this abuse. >> reporter: guatemala is one of the world's most have i vent countries a reality that young
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people cannot escape. every hour a child in guatemala is beaten or rained and each day 15 children disappear. many turn up dead. some horribly disfigured. brutal acts, deeply rooted in the country's history. a 36 year civil war ripped the society apart and left a culture with lens is an every day part of life, now the challenge is to strengthen institutions and reinforce the rule of law. over the past few years the authorities have tried to stop violence against children, while a more focus ahead preach has led for more arrests and prosecutions government advisers insist much more needs to be done. >> translator: as officials we can not tolerate these things. we need to show that we can protect kids and whoever hurts a child will go to jail.
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>> reporter: uncief's child protection specialists believe squad mall uh-huhthat guatemalaa terrible points. but they think they could help with the international community. >> translator: international pressure on could help the government and the people recognize the severity of this violence, every day life here as normalized this. and we need people from the outside to show up that it's not normal. that children are murdered and sexually abused. >> reporter: guatemala's attorney general now wants to create specialized teams with dedicated prosecutors and investigators to fight crimes against children. for the country's most vulnerable, such changes cannot happen soon enough. david mercer, al jazeera, in guatemala city. let's go back to an earlier story that of the paris climate talks which are due to start wayne couple of days or so, al jazeera's step vaessen has had an exclusive interview with the
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indonesian president. >> reporter: fires in large parts of indonesia during this year's dry season. a disaster not only for the environment and the global climate but also to millions of people who had to breathe toxic air for months. after international criticism over the fires, the president has decided to travel to pair toys and for help. >> translator: it was very difficult for us because this year we face el nino, which meant everything is very dry and hot. so the fires travel really fast and if this fire gee fo go in te pourest they can burn 29 meters deep. they had people trying to fight the fires but they couldn't take it out. >> reporter: a lot of the fires were caused by companies by palm oil companies and by paper and
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pulp companies. so what are you going to do about these companies? are you going to do frequent law enforcement, are you going punish them? >> ther >> translator: there are 11 companies being investigated. two are already declared suspects. 286 people are being investigated. 60 are suspects. law process is under way. law enforcement is important. retouring the pete land also. >> reporter: if you go to the provinces it's still, i think a sorry to say it's quite a mess. there is a lot of corruption ad mismanagement in the forest, what are going do about that? >> what we will do is they have one policy. if we get a license to company to [ inaudible ] the forest, it will be clear who is responsible. it should be clear. there should not be any [ inaudible ] >> reporter: but how will you prevent local leaders for example to be corrupt and give license to his companies they are not allowed to give?
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>> translator: we will review all of the old licenses. if companies for licenses in conservation for us, we will take away the licenses. >> reporter: this year's fires have cost indonesia more than 30 bill billion u.s. dollars. the president hopes to convince country to his contribute to indonesia's climate change fund. >> we all have to have the same commitment especially the large industrialized countries who have a huge [ inaudible ] and firemen, also the developing country has to be given money to improve their environment. if nobody cares about this we cannot succeeds. >> reporter: he did not make clear how much money indonesia needs but with another el nino predicted in 2016, many are step skeptical the country will be ready to
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