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tv   Ali Velshi on Target  Al Jazeera  December 1, 2015 1:00am-1:31am EST

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>> everyone has a story... and the only way to see all of america, is to see the human stories... one at a time. our american story is written everyday. it's not always pretty, but it's real... and we show you like no-one else can. this is our american story. this is america tonight. "on target" tonight. obstacles to peace in the middle east. entrepreneur turned hard line politicians, naftali bennett. the middle east is consumed by violence, with war, devastating cungs lik devastatingcountries line iraq,d syria. low grade violence, tit-for-tat
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attacks in jerusalem, clashes in the west bank that have killed close to 20 israelis and some 100 palestinians and counting. despite two decades of a peace process all we're seeing is more violence, talk of a new israeli military offensive in the west bank. everyone, everyone in the international community knows what a final peace deal is supposed to look like between the israelis and the palestinians. the united states has shepherded negotiations based on a two-state process. israeli withdrawing from arab tear transition that it territories that it seized in 1967. that said, the palestinians have had nothing but limited self rule in part of the west bank and gaza, calling the palestinian authority israel's subcontractor.
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all of this in orange, built settlements housing more than half a million israelis. the stalemate has hardened attitudes in the international community against israel's continuing hold on arab larnd. land, earlier this month, the european union mandated that all goods produced in israeli settlements be marked as such instead of being labeled "made in israel." thing move block eu aid projects in the palestinian territories. israel is looking to move away from its trade with europe. in paris today in the climate conference , israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu sat down. the palestinians say and a growing chorus in the west
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agrees with them that the biggest obstacles to peace remain israeli settlements. june 1967. war breaks out between israel and the neighboring countries of egypt, jordan and syria. when the dust settles, israel has more than tripled the size of the territory it controls and rules over millions of palestinians. today, israel no longer controls the sinai peninsula but other areas it conconcerne conquered 7 remain sticking points. among the final sticking points, israeli settlements. hundreds of thousands of settlers moved into places like the west bank. undermining the state of palestinians settlement on their own. >> the u.s. and the international community refused to recognize those settlements as legitimate but for many in israel, settlements are a right.
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israel's political right wing is against giving up the west bank and golan heights citing their strategic importance as well as historic and religious importance, and settlements that lower their cost of living. since the oslo accords in 1973, the number of israeli settlers that have moved to the west bank, including east jerusalem has more than doubled to 547,000. yet any final peace agreement would almost certainly require israel to remove thousands of israeli settlers from their homes. meanwhile, the descrairl israeli government continues to approve new building in the occupied territories and that makes the prospect of removing settlers even more difficult for an already divided israeli electorate. though it's not impossible. >> it seems to be that right now the two sides are trying to position themselves to have a better starting line in any
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future negotiations. but we must remember: all this is reversible. certainly when it comes to the settlement this is something which is not irreversible. like israel proved in gaza in 1975, all the settlers and military installations in gaza to the last inch. >> shifting demographics could ultimately change the game. in less than five years the number of arabs within israel and palestinian territories is predicted to exceed the number of juice, tha jews. that. i'm joined by naftali bennett, a key member of the coalition government of benjamin netanyahu. bennett's government rejects the establishment of a palestinian state. minister thank you for being
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with us. >> great to be here ali. >> i outlined as much as i can based on the fact what the history is. moving forward with a plan like the one you've laid out, that does not involve at any point a palestinian state, is a stance that's part of the problem. >> well, i vehemently differ. i think we've tried out a palestinian state, just a decade ago as you suggested we did it. we did a trial. we handed over the full gaza strip. we pulled out 8,000 jews from their homes. we pulled out the soldiers and we came back to the 67 lines. days after that, the arabs started shooting missiles at us and since then we've had tens of thousands of missiles from the very gaza strip we handed over. so we tried palestinian state. moreover we gave it to abu maza and we gave it to fatah, but they took over and this precise thing would happen in the
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tbarchg we did it. the -- the west bank if we did it. the notion of taking a state israel as the size of new jersey and cutting off the heart of the state handing it over to arab muslims is crazy. it's not going to happen. and i think that more and more people are realizing, that this is not the right approach and there's growing attraction to my plan, in which the palestinians govern themselves in their own areas, israel annex the other territories. freedom of movement and each can live peacefully next to each other. >> it looks quite appealing but you use this expression the arabs govern themselves, the palestinians govern themselves, areas a and b they don't get to govern them on a coupl
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themselve themselves on particular areas, borders and entry and exit defense. >> we can control the borders as long as we don't have grandchildren from palestinian refugees from 1948 flowing in from syria and jordan. >> why not? grandchildren of jews can go to israel. >> arabs and muslims have 300 times the size of the jewish state. they have 300 times the size. this has been ours since about 3800 years. >> the arabs could say it's theirs too. >> the world could open a small book called the bible, it's clear this israel is the jewish land and archaeology shows that. it's not occupied territories because you cannot -- one cannot occupy his own land but however -- >> you'll find greeks you'll find romans, you'll find turks you'll find everybody.
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>> anybody in greece that speaks ancient greek. >> we don't speak aralaic either. >> the bible was in heeb yo hebrew by the way. there was never a palestinian state, was there, who is the president, what was the anthem, what was the flag? there never existed a notion of a palestinian state, which is fine but israel cannot commit suicide doing it and in fact the arabs would be worse-off if we created another failed arab state. >> you are pointing to a failed arab state, you don't have neighbors that are strong states, you have jordan, jeement a newly strong state. you have -- >> surrounded by strong states as owned to weak states? the weak states that have vacuums in them like iraq, like
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syria, like afghanistan, like libya that is where tromp is flourishing not in a strong state. >> i agree ali and that's it. there is peace in jew jew da in adjudicateea and samaria. i don't want to govern them. >> something just doesn't go over very well right? >> i'm not telling them. they can determine everything. >> except national security? >> no, national security no, for a very simple reason if we hand over national security to them it's going to turn into another syria another iraq and that's a disaster. >> why not another jordan, why not saudi arabia?
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why are you using examples of failed states? >> we tried it, and we had over 1,000 israelis blown up. when we went to arafat, i'm not talking about hamas, we said let's try it again, and hamas took over. so you know you can try once, twice, i'm not going to try third time. my kids, any family lives just five minutes from the green line. i'm not going to put them in harm's way. >> let's say we accept your plan, it's seven point plan quite appealing. >> i keep asking the left side show me a plan. >> that said, there are a lot of israelis who aren't interested in this plan. i would imagine, it's a little like hearing donald trump saying, we're going to build a wall and have the mexicans pay for it. i don't think any of the palestinians said they would pay for wall. >> just like
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we unilaterally paid for -- >> let's pull that map up again. most people looking at this map of this -- the israeli controlled area, the lighter orange would be if israeli controlled areas. area c, areas a and b are in the red. it's swiss cheese. >> it is. >> allow does anybody get a state out of that? >> because in the whole organize area jews and arabs roam around freely, using the same roads and infrastructure. we are stuck one with another, no one's going to leave and just keep in mind in gaza strip there were 8,000 jews, here there's half a million. no one's going. we're here to stay, they're here to stay. we have to find a way to live side by side in peace and the only way for that to happen is for israel to be there. because if we pull out you know who's going to die first? fatah. hamas will come in and kill them
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like they did in gaza. >> why not support a strong government than a weak government in palestine? >> because they have proven incapable of governing. the majority of palestinians voted hamas. there's one 32 seats in their parliament. 76 seats went to hamas. a majority of palestinians they didn't vote for abu mazan, they voted for hamas. the same hamas that's talking about destroying israel. the offer is how about taking the heart of your country your home land the jewish loam land that's been the jewish home land for almost 4,000 years, give it to islamists that will then kill you. that's not a great deal. we're not going to follow that deal. >> let's look at number 2 injure seven point plan. the full naturalization of the 50,000 arabs living in area c, the area we'll slow you. there are disputes in the number, you once said
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70,000, then to 50,000, there's some that say 180,000. some may want to be israeli citizens. when i look at that map, the map that comes to mind, funny you said, this will eliminate the claims of pawrd of apartheid, nobody recognized those countries. >> israel is the opposite because in israel, there are arab members of knesset. show me you one arab country with a jewish member of parliament. >> iran. >> an antiapartheid guy. we are surrounded by the craziest people in the world, we have daesh i.s.i.s, hamas. power of democracy ali i'm so proud to be a tower of democracy next to syria next to iraq, and
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i expect the world to praise israel to back israel for being here -- assemble i really hear your point. >> being this tower of strength -- >> i hear you but in area a and b they won't be citizens. >> they will be citizens of the palestinian authority. >> which doesn't have the right to self-determination, will not be a state right? >> it will not have its own security ability because if it will they will kill us. so that's a tragedy but you know we tried. if they had proven in the gaza strip it was going to be the singapore in the middle east, they blew it and there is a price to pay. we're not going >> translator: commit suicide. i tell you. >> -- this is a perfect place to break. we'll discuss the cycle of violence raging against the israelis and the palestinians
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and how to put a stop to it. >> this is one of the most important sites in the century. >> this linked the mafia and the church. >> why do you think you didn't get the medal of honor? >> i can't allow you not to go into that because that is your job. >> we gonna bring this city back one note at a time. >> proudest moment in my life.
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♪ ♪ >> i'm talking tonight about the obstacles to a final peace agreement between israel and the palestinians and in a moment i'll bring back the leader of the right wing jewish home party, naftali ben it. but first i want to being focus on the tragedy of this area. today the court convicted two israeli teens.
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stefanie dekker has the story. >> an insanity plea at the last hour. the man accused of masterminding the death of a palestinian teenager. the two young men beside him were guilty of murder. >> we're surprised at this last minute insanity plea. the suspect's lawyers have are delayed his final verdict. it is manipulation, he can't get away from this crime which he reenacted for the police. the crime was well planned. >> reporter: this is surveillance footing from the moment of the crime last year, 16-year-old from list neighborhood in occupied east jerusalem. they beat him and burned him alive in a forest. after their arrest they told israeli security services that they did it in retaliation for the murder of three teenage israeli settlers in the occupied warchtion west bank a month bef.
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the murder ignited the palestinian street with violence confrontation he on a daily basis. many believe it is also what sparked israeli's war in gaza last summer. security was tight. it's taken a year and a half for had partial verdict to be reached but questions remain will the main ring leade leader be found guilty and how will the minors be sentenced? palestinians say they have little trust in the israeli justice system. they believe israelis that commit crimes against palestinian citizens are hardly ever brought to justice. whatever decision is reached it could have a direct impact on an already tense situation on the ground. >> joining me now is -- to talk about security and the violence that threatens it in israel and the occupied territories is naftali bennett, the leader of
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the right wing jewish home minister. there are many stories in the middle east about tragic situations, people dying in this violence. one of these things that's interesting is the father said if there was real justice then the measuredders' homes would be demolished which is what happens when palestinian palestinians attack israelis. for those who understand exactly what you talk about, they draw a line to say and then the homes of the families of those convicted get demolished. these rnd things that wi aren't the things that win the hearts and minds of the palestinians. >> this was a heartbreaking crime. when they murder israelis the palestinians get paid salaries by mawbdz. mahmoud abbas.
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we have had two very exceptional events on -- of israelis killing arabs. while we've had hundreds of murders of israelis, and murder events, and then palestinians praise them. right? they celebrate, they celebrated 9/11. >> which -- right. >> it makes it wrong. and that's the whole difference. now if you see arab incitement saying kill the jew kill the jew, the dmol i irk of houses is not a punishment it is a way to deter the next murder. >> you went to law school. >> i'm fortunate to be a lawyer. >> it against the law to destroy the highways of those related to -- >> i'll remind you on our supreme court there is an arab unlike other places so we have a democracy, we have a good leel systelegalsystem that has brouge murderers to justice and i hope
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they get justice. it's not a matter of punishment. it's a matter of saving likes of and if a terror family has supported a terrorist and their house gets dmom ished d demolished -- >> they lose their home. >> they lose their home for supporting murdering people. >> we don't try them for that. we don't know whether this young man went out and decided to get radicalized and commit murder on his own -- >> we're in a desperate situation, three or four arabs going out with knives and trying to murder juice. >> what about -- >> what would you do? >> trying to deescalate tensions right? >> when i see what's happening in europe. what i see is timely europe is waking up to the big radical islam threat and they're realizing what we've been doing in defeating terror, we've
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defeated terror, just ten years ago, people blowing up in tel aviv and haifa and jerusalem. you can't defeat radical islamic terror. >> we'll come back and continue this conversation. next on how israel's economy is being threatened by a shift in world opinion.
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9:30 eastern. >> we're joining how economic prosperity could create a role in the occupied territories is naftali bennett, the leader of the right wifng
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wing jewish home party. one thing you did as economy minister is you tried to pivot israel on its dependency as a dependence as a trading partner. for europe possibly sanctioning israel, and this labeling where it's sed made in the west bank as opposed to made in israel. >> just to give you a number two years ago there was $2.5 billion of vc, venture capital, now we're at 4.2 billion, second only to silicon valley. look what we did with this small piece of land in the midst of the middle east, where we've got i.s.i.s. and hezbollah, we're building an aplaysing economy. >> you were part of that, a tech startup. >> i was, i failed a few years
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until i succeeded, i was lucky. we are expanding to india, to china, the world is open, they want our water production i technologies, israel is a dynamic economy, to help the world. yes we have to diversify. those experts to europe are growing 10% year on year. >> are you worried what's going to happen in europe? >> to a degree yes. we have to be cautious. to now it's been mainly talk but we have to make sure that if someone applies unfair measures against israel then we can diversify. i think no country today can exist without israeli technologies because of the chip in your iphone, in your cell phone, it was developed here. developed in israel. heart stents, water technology. whatever you touch today was developed in some way in some form in israel.
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i don't think it's a very smawt move t very smart way. >> met with russian president vladimir putin , met with benjamin netanyahu. with which israel is formally at war, with the saud regime. israel and syria p that's little odd isn't it? >> you have to follow your values as a jewish democracy, in light of this and i think we're being very smart about this. about diversifying, about building core technology in cybersecurity and r&d and medicine. and we're going to continue doing that. >> naftali bennett good to see you. the news continues here on al jazeera america.
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>> half a million fields will lie fallow. >> if we had another year of this severe drought, i'd say all bets are off. ♪ z >> the united states has run thousands of air strikes in syria and iraq. france and russia are now in the war. nato member turkey is involved up to its eye teeth, but as he saw in the russian jet shootdown, not always with the same priorities as its assumed es


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