tv News Al Jazeera December 2, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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atf and fbi, they work as ancillary assets. thank you very much. let's turn things over to john. >> tony, thank you very much. you were looking at a live picture from san bernardino, california. we're expecting a briefing. we begin with breaking news. another mass shooting in the united states. this time in san bernardino, california. 14 people killed, 17 others injured. it happened at a center that treats people with developmental disabilities. up to three gunmen opened fire this morning. one suspect was shot in a gun battle, maybe two, and they're looking for a third in california. >> john, as the sun sets here in san bernardino and the evening
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commute begins, police are urging residents of the north side of the city to shelter in place, police talk for stay indoors. we believe they're looking for one suspect who may have fled on foot following a shoot outwith police. one suspect was -- shootout with police. one suspect was taken down. they are going to be updating us any moment now with a press briefing from the san bernardino police department and the san bernardino county sheriffs department. but we do know 14 are dead, 17 wounded. virtually most of the city of san bernardino is on lockdown right now as we believe police are looking for one suspect who fled on foot >> jennifer, thank you. bill stanley is a private investigator, retired nypd
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officer. what do you make of this? >> it's a tough one. the information is coming in fast and furious. i thought maybe targeted hit, knockout violence, drug related, terrorism. but now we're hearing it may be done of that. so as information comes in, we're going to learn a lot more. >> i'm trying to come up with a scenario but for the life of me, i can't figure out what this would be. three men come in with masks, loaded with weapons, and then drive off after they shoot people at a party. >> well, one person could be a lone gunman. two people makes it a conspiracy. the fact that they had vests and long guns now tells me it was organized, and the way they got in and got out doesn't seem to me that this was just offhand. it was planned. >> again, we're waiting for the san bernardino police department to give us new information about this. so police find the vehicle
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they're looking for. i'm sure now they're canvassing the area door to door. hopefully this ends without any further violence. but the swat team out there is without repreach. >> lisa stark is in washington with more on this. >> as you can imagine, the president was informed, john, earlier today about this shooting. he's been kept abreast as well as the director of homeland security.
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as well as the fbi and atf. the president did have some comments today about the shooting during an interview with cbs news. as you know, mr. obama has been very frustrated with congress's inability to pass gun laws. >> we don't know what if motives of the shooters are. but we do know there are steps we can take to make americans safer and we should come together on a bipartisan basis at every level of government to, you know, make these rare as opposed to normal. we should never think that this is something that just happens in the ordinary course of events because it doesn't happen with the same frequency in other countries. >> and the president of course in the past has said enough is enough. he will no doubt have more to
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say when we know a little bit more about what was the genesis of this event in san bernardino because it does seem to be different than some of the other, too many of the other mass shootings that we have seen. on capitol him tonight there was the annual lighting of the christmas tree and the speaker of the house, paul ryan, took a moment to remark about the shooting in california and to ask for a moment of silence. take a listen. >> i just want to say that we're all thinking about the current and ongoingen tragedy in california today, and i would like to have a brief moment of silence now for those who are affected. [moment of silence] >> please keep the victims and their families in your prayers right now. >> thoughts and prayers, that's
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a lot of what we heard from capitol hill today. we heard from senator chris murphy from connecticut. he's been very active since the sandy hook shooting trying to get gun control laws passed. he said today your thoughts should be steps to stop this carnage. your prayer is for forgiveness. we also heard similar words from nancy pelosi saying gun violence is a crisis of epidemic proportions in our nation. congress has a responsibility to prevent the daily agony of gun violence in communities across america. echoing the president, nancy pelosi said enough is enough. we don't know the motives. we have not heard yet what prompted this shooting.
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that may change, the dialogue on capitol hill, depending on information that comes out. what's sad is that today 1,200 doctors delivered this morning asking congress to lift the prohibition on the centers for disease control which essentially not allowed to study gun violence in this country. doctors are saying this is a health epidemic in this country and the cdc should be allowed to research it as a public health epidemic to try to figure out how to stop it. >> thank you, lisa. as we mentioned, we're awaiting a press briefing in san
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bernardino, california. who you are seeing there is jack de-marcio. he's in philadelphia. jack, as we approach approximate -- approach night fall, it seems to me the most dangerous time for police and a community on the run. >> you're absolutely right. police are in a tactical operation. they have one possibly active shooter still at large. so the city is definitely on pins and needles. >> based on the information we now have, what sort of scenario do you paint of what could have happened there? >> well, it's really hard to say at this point because we're still in a fluid situation. however, when i first heard about this, like everybody else, you hear about a shooting, and the thing that really caught my
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attention is when i heard there were three shooters involved, or one or more shooters. when there's one involved, you think maybe it's an individual who has a gripe, maybe it's a person with a mental issue, maybe it's a workplace violence, domestic violence spilling over into the workplace. but when you have more than one shooter, you begin to think, well, now i got a conspiracy. as we learn more facts about this, we hear these individuals possibly were wearing flak vests. they seemed to come in very quickly and seemed to time their actions to get out of the area before the police arrived between 12 and 14 minutes when they were at the site doing the shootings. then they moved to another location. so there would seem to be some very, very complex operational planning here. when you put the number of shooters involved with the operational planning that
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obviously has taken place, one begins to think that we have more than just a one of incident of a deranged individual or an individual with another issue. this seems to be a very coordinated or possibly terrorist type of attack. we'll find that out soon. >> let me explain to the viewers. these are pictures of what happened just outside of san bernardino this afternoon when police had a shootout with the suspects. then they approached the vehicle, we're assuming two of the suspects were dead inside and they were concerned about explosives inside that vehicle. but somehow, bill stanton, the suspect got away, and then they go door to door to door. so if you're that suspect you're just waiting for darkness to fall to make your move to get away again. is that it?
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>> i think he's panicked. he could be in an empty home. he could be holding someone hostage. as people come home from work it will be interesting to see because they'll not be allowed into their homes. >> the bolo, a dark suv on the highway, they had a plan apparently to get away but didn't get very far. >> no. >> why? does that tell you something about how badly they planned it? >> i think they actually executed it pretty good in getting as far as they actually did. it will be interesting to see once this guy is apprehended how much detail was involved in this. was it last minute? terrorism related? >> we had the incident in colorado, and now here in san bernardino.
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what is homeland security about when they see instances like this, and are they worried that isil is watching every bit of this video and plotting their next attack? >> certainly what happened a few weeks ago in paris has to be on the minds of everyone in the law enforceme enforcement community. the fact that we had an incident in paris with multiple shooters causing horrific damage in city in multiple locations and now another incident of multiple shooters in san bernardino, we don't know what the facts will show but i think certainly we'll be looking for whether this was a copy cat-type of incident, whether it was motivated by radicalize individuals. we don't know that and have to look at all of those things.
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right now we can rule absolutely nothing out in sifting through the evidence. they probably have the two guys that have been brought down because they've been harvesting that forensic evidence from their bodies most likely. >> yeah. >> that's what we need to look at right now and they are looking at. >> do you think they had a plan not just to get away but maybe launch other attacks? >> let's step back a moment. very interesting point. the bad guys, whether this is actual terrorism or w place violence or whatever, they're watching our response both in public and as law enforcement, how quick did they take them down, the casualties, and how good could they do it if they wanted to enact terrorism. that's very important. they're watching and learning from this just as we are. >> what sort of horrible thing do they learn from this? >> how affected we are.
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how easily or hard they got away. mistakes made from the bad guys' point of view. how could they do it better. they're constantly looking at how to maximize casualties and to create terror and that's what's happening now. >> i want to bring jonathan betts in now. mass shootings are all too common in the united states which is far and away the world leader in mass shootings. >> they happen a lot more often than a lot fe people realize. on average america sees a mass shooting more than once every single day. 12,000 people have been killed by guns so far this year in the united states. when you include the rampage this afternoon in california, there have been 355 mass shootings in the u.s. these are shootings where at
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least four people have been shot or killed. since friday alone, the country has seen three mass shootings. there was another just this morning in savannah, georgia where one woman was killed and three others shot. that was hours before what happened in california. the toll in california stands at 14. the president repeatedly says these crimes are happening to often that america is frankly becoming numb to them. >> all right. thank you very much. shortly before the shooting, a group of doctors appeared on capitol hill urging congress to lift a ban on gun violence research. the restriction was first put in place in 1996. it bars the cdc from advocating
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or promoting gun control. the political aspect of this shooting in washington continues. i want to bring in vincent hill who is a former police officer from nashville, tennessee. he's in atlanta tonight. vincent, you've been watching these events this afternoon. give me your reactions. >> john, it's troubling that these guys actually had a plan. i mean, you have three shooters, which is very unheard of. we have had over 160 mass shootings since 2000 and only two of those have had more than two shooters. they had a plan, they were armed to the t, and ready. >> i'm going to interrupt you. we have a press conference coming in right now from the hospital. let's listen in.
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>> the families of the victims have been notified and directed where to go. >> i can't determine where any of the patients came from, whether or not they were law enforcement or not. >> are some of your patients well enough yet to tell what they know to law enforcement? >> well, two of the victims are -- i'm sorry, let me refer to my notes on the conditions. two critical but stable. two in fair. one is still being assessed. >> have any of them been able to speak to law enforcement and share information? >> i'm not aware of whether or not they've spoken with law enforcement. >> male, female? >> no, five adult patients. >> as far as hospitals?
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i would imagine that there are a couple of other hospitals in the area. i can't comment on what other hospitals were involved. >> when the call came in, what was the mood inside the hospital? how were you prepared to handle these events? >> as the only level one trauma center in the inland empire, we're always fully staffed and equipped with ample staff, surgeons and nurses, intensive care teams to handle mass casualty incidents of this nature. we're always prepared to handle the worst of the worst injuries like today just like any other day. [inaudible]. >> i want to say it was over the course of a couple of hours, but
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i can't give a definitive at this answer. >> i do know that additional staff was brought in. i don't know the number or what positions. i don't know. i'm sorry. [inaudible]. >> i have not communicated with any of the medical staff. obviously they've been very busy taking care of these patients. that's what they're dedicated to do to make sure that these patients are able to leave here and return to their families very soon. >> where do we go from here? are you expecting anything else tonight? >> i definitely hope not. as of right now, we're not on alert for any additional patients. we are an active emergency room so we really don't know what to expect, but we're always ready for whatever might come our way.
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[inaudibl [inaudible]. >> i don't know any individual who could not be shaken up by this. we hear of these mass shootings all over the country, and i think you all could agree that this just hit a little too close to home. it is home. we're all shaken and bothered by this. i think we all should just go home tonight with our loved ones and just really -- just understand that this can happen any time and we have to be prepared for it. >> have you spoken to any of the loved ones waiting inside? >> no, i have not. [inaudibl [inaudible]. >> it is possible but i don't know that information.
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[inaudible]. >> we'll continue to do so as we have throughout the day. if there is any new information that we can release, we update that message line, {909}558-7979. it's a prerecorded message updated as necessary. >> when you say -- [inaudible]. >> 18 and older. [inaudible] being that we are a level one trauma center i would imagine and in the several years that we've been here treating patients in the area, i'm sure we have. but in the time that i've been here, this is not something i've had to deal with.
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[inaudibl [inaudible]. >> i don't know whether or not they did. i mean, it's possible. any physician could note any patient walking into our doors at any given time. so in this particular case, i don't know. [inaudible]. >> i do not know that information. [inaudible]. >> i do not know that information. [inaudible]. >> it's brianna. [inaudible]. >> and that's loma linda hospital providing some but very little information about the people brought there. i want to go back to vincent hill, retired officer with the nashville police department and he's a regular with our program. he's in atlanta tonight. give me your reaction to what's happening. tonight we understand two of the suspects are dead and they're looking for a third. in the darkness this makes the
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police work just so much more difficult. right? >> absolutely, john. so much more difficult. you not only have to worry about officer safety but public safety as well. this guy is moving around in the dark so he could possible barricade in a house, possibly take hostages. there's a lot to worry about it. >> i want to talk a little bit more about politics with david schuster. >> for decades, political leaders have usually waited until the incident is over until talking about gun control. not today. today the president said americans should not feel these shootings are normal. and many others spoke out as well. all of the democrats called for change. hillary clinton tweeted i refuse to accept this as normal.
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we must take action to stop gun violence now. mass shootings are becoming almost an everyday occurrence in this country. this sickening senseless gun violence must stop. martin o'mali, enough is enough, time to stand up to the nra. republican candidates for president offered condolences but steered clear of the gun control issue. donald trump tweeted california shooting looks very bad. good luck to our law enforce president and god bless. many members of congress are also reacting. on capitol hill, harry reid issued a written statement saying gun violence has become a cancer on this nation. we're better than this.
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too often we're turning on our televisions to scenes of horror like those we're witnessing today. this madness must stop. and paul ryan asked for a moment of silence during a christmas tree lighting in washington on capitol hill. >> i guess i should not be surprised but in some instances, politicians have been reluctant to actually say anything before we actually know what happened. >> yes. and there are many democrats saying there are so many mass shootings that the old protocol is out the window. >> letting the families grieve seems to go by the wayside. >> there's so many mass shootings, there won't be time to discuss these issues in terms of policy if we always have to wait for the incidents to be
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over because they're coming with such frequency. some debate about that, but clearly it's more to recognize in the past there has been a waiting time before talking about policy whether it's an election year, or what, they decided no let's talk about gun control and the debate now even when people are still being treated in the hospital. >> these pictures were shot reallyer this afternoon. there are unconfirmed reports that two gunmen are dead and a third is on the loose. let's switch to san bernardino and take a look at what we're waiting for which is the press conference which should happen in just a few minutes. we keep getting the two minute warning and then nothing happens. we heard from police in san bernardino earlier this afternoon. of course atf, fbi, state police are involved.
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we'll break in as soon as they begin that press conference. >> jack, i want to bring you back in. so as they continue this search tonight in darkness, the united states government is thinking about what? i mean, this is a horrible shooting, mass shooting. but if it does turn out to be someone with a grievance who broke into that party and started firing on that crowd, how does the government use this information to try to prevent things like this from happening again? >> well, it's difficult. one of the things the federal government is going to do certainly -- again, this is still an ongoing incident -- they're going to try with the help of the san bernardino police, with the fbi, the california state police, all the
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interagencies that's on the scene right now, they're going to be harvesting as much evidence as possible. they need to find out the identities of these individuals, they need to find out how they got their guns, where they got them, was there any planning involved? obviously there was. did anyone else maybe help them in the perpetration of these acts? and what were possibly the motives? were they just criminals. is their motive political? sit a copy cat of what happened in paris? we're not going to know that initially because we're still harvesting that evidence. but what the intelligence community will do, what the law enforcement community will do, is once this incident is over, they will begin connecting the dots and trying to answer all these questions. that will tell us what we need
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to do better next time. the biggest problem is these are very, very hard incidents to prevent. there's no prior warning. especially if the individuals have been under the radar screen. >> i want to go back to that picture in san bernardino. let's listen in just for a second. i believe this is the public information officer for the san bernardino police department. >> jarrod. he is the chief of police. >> they're just listing the names of people getting ready to speak. we'll get back to that in a second. bill stanton, former nypd, is with me in the studio. so they probably know who these people are, are going door to door trying to find them, guy could be hid out, could be holding hostages. it seems to me this is -- really
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could be one of the most dangerous things the police do tonight. >> absolutely. the smartest thing this gentleman could do is give himself up. the fascinating thing about this horrific event is what was it. was it organized? was it gang related? workplace violence? terrorism? you know, this is a new paradigm we have not necessarily seen. but what we do see is in inner cities, mass shootings of this type, are usually gang related where they spray and drive. to go into a place that's such a soft target, handicapped children brings to me my knee jerk reaction is terrorism but as this plays out it's not looking like it. >> that's because it looks more and more like it could have been some sort of disgruntled person. >> three of them.
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>> right. the way they organized it is almost reminiscent of the movie heat. where they walked out and drove away slowly. >> obviously they put some planning into this you say and thought about getting away. yet, this is a government building with lots of cameras. lots of cameras in the city of san bernardino, have to be. they have to know that they're going to be seen even with a mask. they're going to see that car go away and that they're suddenly the most wanted people in the world. >> they can't exactly be brain surgeons for them to do an act like this. you know, their motive to do it, one could understand a motive if it was for money, but why? disgruntled, if that's what it turns out to be, to do it this
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way, maybe they were targeting one or two specific people. if it was terrorism, why didn't they just shoot until they were all dead. >> you ever seen anything like this one? >> this one is unique. >> that makes it -- what makes it unique, three people? >> that there was three people, it was organized this way, how they got away, the fact that they had bullet proof vests and long guns. the long point is these are criminals, murders. they're not law abiding people. >> any update that you have, jennifer? >> no, john, as you mentioned we're awaiting this press briefing. it was supposed to start about 30, 40 minutes ago. we're not sure why there's a delay but we are seeing activity
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at the podium so we're expecting it to happen in a moment. it's a good time to go back to events today at 11:00 a.m. local time in san bernardino when there were first reports of a mass shooting at the inland regional center. it's a social service center that helps people with developmental disabilities. there was a shootout there. we know 17 people were injured at the scene and more than a dozen, 14 people, dead. the focus then began, the manhunt, john, focused in on three suspects that fled in what's been described all day as a black suv. hours later, that manhunt circled around what looked to be like a black suv. there was a shootout with police and the suspects. one suspect, police say, was taken down. police still not confirming whether or not this was related to that earlier mass shooting. a lot offout outlets are
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reporting that two suspects, unconfirmed, are dead. police we do understand are searching for a third suspect. they have been going door to door in a neighborhood about two miles from where the mass shooting has occurred earlier in the day. and the sun has set here which is making the search far more difficult for law enforcement. >> all right. thank you very much. i want to go back to vincent hill. we were just talking with bill about the uniqueness of this. what do you see that's unique about this mass shooting? >> yeah, to caveat that, john, i mean, you have three people going into a building. it's usually one shooter, usually he's caught very quickly. these guys had a plan, a vehicle. although it wasn't a very well thought out plan when you take into the fact that, that vehicle is going to get captured on
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surveillance footage or whatever but at this point we still consider this an active shooter if police are still looking for an active shooter if they're looking for a third suspect, and that suspect is armed. >> how do they react in this situation? >> they want to find this guy any way they can. i'm sure they have canine out. they're of course going door too door very methodical. >> it reminds me of the tsarnaev brothers. >> i believe the press conference is just about -- let's listen in. >> good evening, folks. so this is the second official
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press conference that we'll do on this. i'm not going to go through all of the details we went through in the first press conference. but i will say this: since that time, we are still working on the building here at the inland regional center. as officers were searching the building, we mentioned there were some suspicious devices. one is believed to potentially be an explosive device so they're taking a very cautious and slow approach to processing the building and rendering that safe. on the investigative side, we have followed up on some tips. that took us to a residence in the city of redlands. when officers were setting up on that residence to watch it, there was a vehicle that was seen leaving that was suspected of possibly being involved. there was a pursuit of that vehicle.
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eventually that pursuit came back to san bernardino avenue between mountainview and richardson where there was an officer-involved shooting. multiple officers were involved in the shooting. we have two suspects dead at the scene. one is a male. one is a female. one police officer was wounded. he has injuries not considered to be life threatening. he is at a local hospital and expected to be okay. the suspects that are dead at the scene. one is a male. one is a female. they were dressed in kind of assault-style clothing. i think that's probably the best way to term it. they are both armed with assault rifles. they're both armed with handguns. and there's also kind of some sensitive stuff around the vehicle that they're just not real sure. they're taking a very cautious approach to dealing with the vehicle in case there's more
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explosives there. with that, i'm going to turn it over to the fbi to talk about some parts of the investigation. >> thank you, chief. i'm the assistant director in charge of the fbi here in the los angeles field office. dowdich. first off, we want to extend our true sadness to the families of the victims. there are many, many victims who were involved here. some are obviously deceased. others are wounded and being treated as we speak. this is truly a tragedy in our country. we will continue to apply all the resources necessary to assure are that both us, the sheriff as department, the san bernardino police department, as well as the atf work this
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together to be sure we chase down every lead to solve this case. secondly, we're bringing in fbi resources. we have agents on a house in redlands, california right now. that house as we know -- we do not know the contents of that house but previous active shooter incidents have shown us there are times when devices are left behind. we have no indication to my knowledge that there are any devices but we're certainly going to proceed very cautiously into that house to preserve life and limb of our employees. we're bringing in our response teams to work on the officer-involved shooting scenes as well as the scene here where we have multiple victims as well as the house. we will continue to go down this road. this is a marathon not a sprint. a know one big question is, is this terrorism. i am still not willing to say
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that we know that for sure. we are definitely making some movements that it is a possibility. we are making some adjustments to our investigation. it is a possibility. but we don't know that yet and we're not willing to go down is that road yet. >> david, the relationship between the two dead suspects? >> unknown at this point. >> how old possibly are they? >> don't even know that. >> how about the third suspect? >> there is a third suspect. i don't know the disposition of that suspect. i will say any indications of terrorism or this investigation, we'll go where the evidence t e takes us. it could take us down that road or not. we're just not sure yet and when we are sure, we'll let you know.
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[inaudible]. >> there are a few potential things. i'm not willing to go down that road. this is a very fluid and active investigation. we're still gathering facts. all the heads of agencies here are still gathering facts because this scene is strewn throughout this city and into another city. it's incredibly fluid. we'll get there when we get there. >> any information about the identity of the third suspect, description, anything? >> i should have included that in what i said a moment ago. we had an officer-involved shooting between mountain view and richardson. there were two people in the vehicle. both are deceased. there was a third person that was seen running away. we do not know if they were involved. we have that person detained. i don't have any information on who that person is yet. we don't even know whether or not they were involved. the reason we are asking people to shelter in place in those
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neighborhoods is because there were folks who called in reporting they heard people jumping fences in the neighborhood. we don't know if that was possibly responding officers but we took a cautious approach and asked people to shelter in place and searched. as of a few moments ago, we feel that area is safe and can lift that shelter in place order now. >> motive? >> we do not have a motive. >> approximate age of the suspect? >> i do not know that yet. keep in mind i said there were things -- approaching those suspects. we're just not that far into the investigation yet. >> possibility these suspects might have had suicide vests or something similar? >> i don't know. i have not heard suicide vests,
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no. >> do you believe this whole situation is all clear, people are safe, or there are still more shooters out there. >> we feel confident about the neighborhood where the officer-involved shooting take place, it's secured and nobody outstanding there. earlier in the investigation we said there were potentially three shooters. we're still at a point where we're tracking down that information and are trying to identify if there was a third person involved. [inaudible]. >> there's a report out that at the holiday party, someone left angrily, went out, came back with two people, came back with guns and started shooting. >> i heard they were at a meeting or holiday-type event at the inland regional city. someone did leave, but we have
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no idea if that person came back. >> so that's a possibility? >> somebody did leave. there was a dispute or something when somebody left that party. but we have no idea if those people came back. [inaudible]. >> they were assault-style weapons. [inaudible]. >> that type of weapon, yes. >> are there explosives currently near that black suv? >> there was a report that they potentially threw what was identified as a pipe bomb. i think we've rendered that device safe. we're still working on the vehicle and making sure that is safe. >> can you give us a description of the suspects, appearance, age, anything? >> just the way it was described to me, they came dressed and equipped and i think the people at the scene that are deceased are dressed in black tactical
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gear. >> ethnicity or anything like that? >> i don't know. >> is it your understand -- >> i didn't say we served a search warrant. >> we understand you served a search warrant. so is it your understanding that they were holed up in the general area for some time? >> there was information in the early part of the investigation as we started to develop information there was one particular focus area that we went, there were a couple, but there was one particular focus area that we went to and it was a focus area that led us to a house in redlands that led to the ultimate pursuit that led to the officer-involved shooting. >> is that their house? >> the address is connected to the follow up we have. i don't know who the suspects are or if that's where they live. >> they were carrying assault-style weapons. i don't know the specific caliber or make or model of the guns. [inaudible].
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>> there were .2 people in the suv. both of them are deceased. one male, one female. they were engaged in the gun battle with police officers. we had several officers that shot at them and into the vehicle. i don't know what bullets caused their deaths. >> we have a third person that was seen leaving the area. he is detained. we do not know the extent of his involvement if any. it's possible he was not. [inaudible]. >> the person was detained very close to where the officer-involved shooting was. [inaudible]. >> there was somebody detained. we have not identified them yet. >> does that person have weapons on him, that third suspect that's detained? >> i don't have that information. [inaudible]. >> i don't know. >> what's their nationality.
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>> i don't know. okay. we're going to try to do another press conference around 8:309:00 o'clock. hopefully we'll have more information for you at that time. thank you. >> that's the chief of the san bernardino police department. let's try to break this down now. two suspects dead. one male, one female. found in the black suv. in the shootout with police. one person seen running from the scene has been detained. they don't know whether they're involved. there is some concern that there might be explosives in that vehicle there, the black suv in the center so they're still working on that vehicle. they say that community in redlands, california is safe and secure now. although, bill stanton, there may be someone else, is that what you heard? >> john, every bit of information they've given us, i have five additional questions.
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>> right. >> my head is spinning on this. this is a profile we have not seen. a man and a woman. are they black? are they white? is it disgruntled workplace violence? i don't think so. someone leaves a party, goes home, gets all ramboed up, gets two other people, and they come back to the party and start shooting it up. >> well, we don't know. >> right. >> and there was a dispute. >> that's when -- why see that narrative yet. to your point, is the place safe if there's a potential gunman or woman out there. >> vincent, what struck you about this press conference? >> yeah, to say the area is safe, john, i would have to disagree with that.
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again, if there's a third person that's probably armed, you know, whether it's this guy in custody that they say may or may not be involved, you know, if there's still the possibility of a third shooter, then the area is not safe, period, at all. >> let's talk about this. you first, vincent. terrorism. they didn't say whether it was domestic or foreign terrorism. it could possibly be terrorism. what does that mean? >> yeah, i mean, this -- >> i don't expect an answer. >> you know, it could be an act of domestic terrorism. we have to take domestic terrorism into account. you look at charleston, nine people shot in the church, that's terrorism. you have to take all of it into account whether it's islamic
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terrorism or domestic terrorism. terrorism is terrorism. it takes lives. >> no question. the fbi said it could be terrorism. what did you take away from that? >> i took away from this that they're not giving away all their information. they're holding some cards very close to their vest. for him being on the fence about terrorism makes me lean towards terrorism. they had masks and vests and wanted to get out of there with their lives they were not committed to dying. again, i have a lot more questions than what we're getting from this press conference. >> they locked down the schools and courts today and locked down city government buildings in san bernardino. people have been told to stay
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inside. based on that press conference, is it safe to go outside in san bernardino? >> right now, john, honestly, i wouldn't do it if i was there. it's still too early and there's still too many questions. to his point, there's more questions than answers. so right now if i was in san bernardino, i would be inside closed and locked doors. >> i didn't really get a sense of how safe it was to go outside. did you? >> you hear vincent. he's a learned man in law enforcement. >> i want to just tell pete in our control room if we can get a little of that sound where they talk about terrorism from that press conference. i would like to play it again. i do think that -- again, i understand when law enforcement can't give us information.
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i understand there are reasons why. but there sure are a lot of questions. >> he mentioned paraphernalia around the car. he tells me they're not authorized to give that information. >> he also said when they approached them, there were reasons, there's a live picture at night, i believe that is the scene where the suv was stopped, the pictures that we've been watching in daytime videotape still lit up by all those blue police lights where that suv was riddled with bullets and those two suspects died.
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>> i'm not sure the world is as safe as i felt it was three or four weeks ago. >> it's no more safe or no more dangerous. it's just highlighted. you know, we can argue back and forth or have a debate back and forth. you can go to chicago this week and there are a lot more people shot than here. so it does exist. it makes us more aware. we need to think about if we're
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ever in a situation like this, what would you do to avoid that. >> i'm corrected by the control room. this is a third scene that may be possibly connected to this. >> the fact that a female was involved, what does that say? very unusual, right? >> not necessarily, john. it reminds me of back in 1997, the l.a. shootout at the bank of america. one of the suspects was female. armed to the teeth with body armor. just because it's female doesn't necessarily mean it's that unusual. females will do just as much
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crime as males do in situations like this. >> but it has been a while. >> i understand what vincent is saying but it's not the usual profile. you don't see women in many gun battles. when they do commit crimes as here, when we do the recap on this, what was their skill set? how much training did they have? they didn't think things fully through to change their clothing. the fact that they were still caught in that garb told me they didn't think about how they were going to get away. >> they had assault-style rifles, handguns. they may have had explosives. >> they were dressed the part. >> in some sort of assault-type -- >> now why? why dress -- >> and masks according to witnesses. >> and i would agree why not change your clothes. who drives around in had -- in
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the same clothes they committed this horrific act in. that was not a good move at all. >> right. >> absolutely. >> and they're in a black suv. somebody saw them leave. maybe they didn't turn on the radio to hear that but everybody in southern california was looking for a black suv. >> right. wasn't there a report they found an empty one earlier. >> ask me again? >> didn't they find an empty suv earlier today? >> there was a report they found an suv near a golf course but that was not the same suv apparently. >> right. >> as you listen to us, here's what we can tell you so far. a terrible shooting in san bernardino, california. 14 -- at least 14 dead. 17 wounded. two suspects have been killed by police in a shootout. one of them male, one of them
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>> welcome back everyone i'm john siegenthaler and we continual our coverage of the breaking news that we've been following for the last six or seven hours. the mass shooting in san bernardino. it happened in the inland regional center in san bernardino. two suspects one male one female were killed in a shootout with police. they say both were armed with assault rifles and handguns and
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